GoId Cure Local and Othorwise.j Fo r Ast hm a. Mr. Goddard Fleming is home. ard's. Hund reds of Cures. A capital sermon by Dr. Talmage ou Seund us your namne on a V'ostal Card an inside page. and we -wilI procure a free sample bottle Mr. Win. Stanley, Pickering, is for -vn visiting relatives hereà. Stott & J u ry, C , ar ekso h nopie Bowmuvile. Sir Charles and Lady Tupper have We re selig BÏkin'Powder at returned to Ottawa fromi England. 15e a pouu ýd have beenJ the means Rev. R. McCullocli, Newburgh, has of saving oui citizens hundr .eds of dol- been iuvited to remain a fourth year. lars as those using it state mcDst positive- Are you a member of West Durham 'y that they have been payinmg fromn 50e Farmers' Institute ? If not, why flot ? to 60e a pound for other maIý-es and flow Ms1sblaA Stirad an theywilluse ouebut tott& Juy's ington, Ont., lias fallen heiress to $118,- Z5kgBargains in hardware sound new in Bowmanville. Aleau getthemat JB. Martyn's. jbWMANVILLE, FEB. 24, 1897 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rosevearr jÏeý Cold Springs, have been'guests of Mrs. Our Cyling Coluinai. S. Clemens. ilave you seen the "Hfistorical Comn- petition" on au inside page, liow to win Opinions are like bicycles, it sometimes a new bicycle ? pays to change them. Does your oves require medical treat- Built specially for high-class trade, and ment ? Calat Rickard's,Jeweller and haviug embodied iu its inantafacture the Optican, lie will tell you.a very finest quality of ma teriail and work- Miss Eva Souci, Mt. Veruon, lias mnship, and liaving speci.-R features been visitiug lier sister, Mrs. Jolin and improvements of gi-eat :importance Gilbert and other relatives liere, we were flot surprised that the "King TeMissEmrohaeprlsd of Sorcers to a lrier and long the residence on Odeil St., formierly jump into popularity, the world over, in we ndocpe y r.Mre 1896; aithougli we were uot; quite pre- ohead. ocpe y r.Mré pared for such a large demaid lu Cana- ha.f daIwliere clieaip wheels, wera apparent- Just arrived at thc West End House- ly 50 mucl inludemnand., Stctt & Jury Bitter oranges for marmalade. Break- have becu appointed agents for these fast bacon very fine and smaoked haas deservedly popular wieels, best quality. "R, J. McCready, critic fqor English Mrs. Amelia Deinili, motlier otf11ev. Cycling, says, We have nev(Eýr ridden a A. B. Demili of Demili College, St.a sweeter running wlieel and i-t is simply Catharines, died ou Friday evening at a marvel of ease lu up-hlui ricling. " Belleville, aged 95 years. Tic leadir" American arid English Do you wa nt a home in town ? The makers are i;r~many differei ways now llolland residence, King St.E., is now imitating and tryinig to get thie resul ts of for sale on verY, vcry reasonable termas.v the patent bearings, oil batis, locked Ask M. A. James for particulars. adjustments, seat pillar, narrow tread, Tweed dress goods wortli 50e for 35e, and other features of the 1894-5-6 "King tweed dress goods worth 85e for 60e, ,f Scorcliers" thus proviug t heir great tweed dress goods worth $1 for 75e, at utility and advantage. Stot;t & Jury, Couche Jobuston & Crydermau's. agents. Before you buy a sewing machine see A New Zealand womnau las singularly what you are gctting in the way of v distiuguished herseif. She is sixty vears wcaring material. Buy the best, cal of age and rides a bicycle. Slielias and sec the maies Rickard lias for sale. recently rid den 100 miles iu a day, and Do your frieuds ealu vou proud be-P altogetier reekons that she bLas covered cause ru do net notice tbem on theG 4,,000 miles since she becamne possessed Street. Caîl on Rickard and find ont ifE of a bicycle. She is the -jnothor Of the fau]t is not lu eyesight, no charge twmenty-one chljdren. for testing. a Tic "King of Scorciers" is again a We notice 1ev. R. A. Burris is a fre- i year or more in advance of the trade. quent contributor to the Christian Mes- i Tic Centaur Co. introdi-iced ligit senger. Iu the issue of Feb. 16 lic las weiglits lun 1891, tlieir L. Roadster, a practical arcticle ou "Thc Source of SE weighing 27 te 28 ibs wlien ail others Strengthi." S raul from 40 to 50 lbs. Iu 1894 tliey rev- Mr. Win. Redmond's sale of Short olutionized bcaring ecnstruction For Horus ou Tuesdav, Mardi 16, at Mili- 1897 they are introducing (amongst Otroaorsnoprtitt otir mPrveent) ue rgiserd trparties to get animais of mcrit. Cata- B audmauci superior tubingr or front and ir . c im~jutlogue on application. fo wheu other mnakers are ndoptin tub- wlîbheld guar meeting of tlie W.C. T.U. ingl. Stott & Jury agents. ilbchlu the primnry ciass room w c of the Metliodist churcli on Tucsdav bt Tie patent bearing's of the famons Mardi 2nd at 3 p. m. Ail 'nesbers are M "King of Scorcliers" wliicl have crcated reqncsted to lie proscrit. 0 such a furo)re ail over the ridiug world, Tlie Allan Line Steamer Mongolian and of whicli ticre ,are now many cu-bogi osgmn foagsfo terfeit ud imitations, have been some-Lirool, laevnigngieto raes f i ndiV wVha't jred, greatly improviug tic ap- Ltb-oangeseachcd Toeronto Matdyni peara 'e and streugtlih. See this whcel 2thoangprey od reordnfor atCandi- ao at stc-t & Jury 's. 0ha rtygoreodfraCni-i au steame r "Ladies auxiliaries" as attacliments Chef Justice Way of Australia, wio pl to cvliug clubs do not fil the anticipa- visited Bowmanville a fewy cars ago n( tiOns of those who liad hoped for good with the members of the Ecumenical re resuýiltsfrom them. Tic Chicago Cycling Council, lias becu appointed a member n, Clb lad a bitter figlit the othe even- of Hier Majesty's Privy Counicil repre- in- and after leugtliy discussions pro senting ail Anstralia. c and con strucli ont ail refercuce to lad- Tic balance of this scasou's stvles in s5 ies from their by-laws and thus crowded Fedora's and Stiff bats-ail reliable R. mnt the girls from thc club house. Tic maes- and a general line of gent's Co prospects jilSt ow arc very briglit for a fnrnishigs will be offcred at a wliole- larg-e crop f ladies' cycling lubs-for sl rc tM ae' ltadgu' tic ,nle,,woau is decidedly independ- fnsale - 't M ae' a n eso ent and seldom stays wbere a lint isfu ..tore, Bowmauville. at is tirown out that ber absence is prefer- Some firms cdaim to lie selinýg at cost tn able to lier presence. ail the year round, others dlaimn to lie g( selling at a fair profit cxcept at certain St Tlie 1897 King of Scorcliers stands s"easons wien tliey wisli to cîcar someie n witiout arival. Stott &Jury agents. hunes'of goods. Coucli, Joinston & Crv- 1 ,Simnplicty, elegance and success arc derman belong to this class, 50 htli &Il emnbodied lu the adjiistable Handie wicn tliey advertisc a clearing sale at wl Bar of tic Iing of Scorehers. Stott & ireduced prices, people kuow wiat to M, Jury are agents. exet and thcy are not disappointcd. sp, Read their ad.tien cail and Sec for yeur- od About "t'hoppy.," self.1 A. good story used te lie told in Man- Tic introduction of the 1ev. J. H. au elhester foot racin)g circles of "Choppy" Barnctt to tic pastorate of Trinity Re Warburton, icnowalrnost world-fameýd churcli will take place on Tucsday even- th( tramner. In tic old da>s lhe stood, at one ing ardi 2nd. -Revs. T. B. Hvdc and in timne, quite at tic top of Iong-distauce tecCnaig of Toronto and resident minis- W jrunners, lias staying powers teing tre- tersar xpected to lic prescut. Chair ve inenidous. Hie was once training for a taken at 8 o'clock. Iu connection witi wý long,-distance race ou a track near Man- tic introduction tlie Ladies' Aid will 1 chiester, and stripping one evening for a serve tea lu tlie scioolroom commencing TO spinI, asked ils tramner how far lie hd at 5 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. Proceeds f bettergo. "Oh," said tic latter. 4"keep for Ladies' Aid funci. Tic -public are cet ou until I.tel You te stop." And invited. M "Cioppvý" started. Afterwatciing hlm Mr. John B. Martyn of Bewmanvjlle. thi for a few miles, thc trainer was asked wio secured tic VanCamp baukzrupntla entit-s "Uc and i iti ",ltcct in ti<t Furnituire lu ail ncwcst designs and (' mnoFc rigid ira;ujo ow, racktcever turn lws prices at L. Morris' St ed (eut FVý, cle rown is rctaineC e or ia ahteCnut i ints 9 nc n nrsomewlsa ie oria ce osilc-A. difcr~; lrt, ln týIese m-ar foris ai!lr and he wili tell yen if spectacles bent uyi?- 1 dne0,a witi, resultinr, ill liclp yen. therefedc o~rnger tos and stays, MeOw is yonr chance te get a ncw Kin whi-s agai int(eiliedl by tic, use ef Cape chcap, Ceucli, Johuston & Cryder- dur tLia rcv or tubing, whici is mucl ii msnare seling )theirs off aI cxactl cosI c Estronge- han D tubingp c.moi -ýTOTT & JURY'Sr lait aga Agents for WestDurhamIaiuic ,e i Mr. Fred. Brimacombe, Torotw home ex er Suuday. , etW Miss Fie Bennett, Oshiawa, has blie visitiug Miss B. Law. Almost cverything lu hardware is nei found at J. B. Martyn's. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriag Licenses, Bewmanville. Mn Ed.Wakcly,Liudsnv,recently visil cd Bowmnnvilie frieuds. Miss L Suvage, Myrtie, is visitIný lier sister, Mrs. W. B. Bickil. Miss Nettie Sierin Napauce, is visil ing lier futher, Mr. fhos. Sherin. Bowmauvîile Curlers wcut te Pet Hope, Friday nd wcrc defeated. Scor 8. Mr Levi Morris, Uudertakcr an, furuiture dealer, receutlv visited Lini sny. -ThGrn Curt-of Itoyi-e lars willibe ield lu St. Thomas uex ycar. Tic Whitby andi Reacli plowine associations have decided te amaige mate. STATESMÂN andi Weekiy Globe, $1.50 West Durham readers caun get ne bette: value. No botter bult or finisheti liuse ib Bowmnanville tian Mr. Horsey's. SalI Foi. 25. Mrs. Rici. bamley is recoeriug fret a severe attaci of inflammation et the boweis. Ex-Presideut C encrai Harrison ,anè wite rejoico ovor tic birti et a dauglitei Feli. 21s1. We are receiviug n great mauy order, fer Tint STATESMAN and The Weekly Globe ut $1 50. Owmmg te tic fire lu tic Parliament buildiuFs, Ottawa, thc session will not begin tili Mardi 25. Lauizon tic Catiolie. candidate wor ah St. Boniface, Saturday, defeating lie Liberul, Bertrand, by 180 votes. Mr. G. F. Humber visited relatives En Peherboro last week anti uttendedtheli Peterbosro Couuty Subbnth Scliooi Con- vention. Mr, Fred Joncss and Mr. T. E. B. Hlenry represented Exceisior Conncil,11 TF. of T., ut tie Grand Council,Osiawa, last week, Persons taking amp struy animais and negiecting te cause the saime te lie ad- verhiseti and appraiseti shah lie hiable to a fine et $20. Mr. Chus. Keili lias licou eiccted Past Grand Master of tic Central Grand Led -e'District of Ontario, Seelei ECigits of tuadaa. 11ev. S. T. Bartiett, Cobourg, lias au article lu last week's Guardian appeal- ne te tic minîsters for groater interest n Junior League work. A f ew very fine Fur Capes, spodialiv' selected this seuson, in. ail tic latest styles, will lie sold at an unusual sacri- fice price, ut M. Muyer's. Oddtfeliews ail ever Canada will regret to heur et tic deathin Toronto et Wmn. Badenach, aged 58, Grand Treasurer for many yeurs, and a noted curler. Have yen seen J. B,. Martyn's bard- ware store since lie gel Mr. 'VanCamp's big,,stock ? He lias n very full store nuw and tie bcst tling is the low prices. Call. Tic King st. andi Division st. Mollie- ist churches, Cobourg, have decitied te tuile. Tic King sh. churcli is te lie sold antheti Division st. churci rebult and enlurged. Wicn our rendors send lu items for publication they sienld romember liaI news is deuhly welcome when il is received eurlinlthe weei-but by ail ion ,,s seud il aleug. Messrs. R. Beith, MP.,Bowmanivili, Gco. Cock-bnrn, Baltimore, John David- n, Asiburu, J. Viprsad, Broo-kliu,aud R. Miller, Brougham are directors cf Pandian Clydesciale Association. If tiere is anYthiug wrong witi your )rgan or piano let me kuow anti I wll ttend te il But dont lot auy oet hose camps aI il-hey do more barmi than ood. I aise bu y anti sou Miuing tecks. J.AMES DEvMAN, Big 20, Bow- .sanville. Tic London Advertiser givos a very teresting article ou tie Cooiory Class 'fhici is lieing conducted lin tadliv by %[iss Auna Fraser, et Bew#manvillo, neaking lu highesl lerms et tie mcli- Is and work eft tus yonng lady. Tic Democrat et Onnwa, la., gives au accounit et n pont social given te ýev. A. G. Wasington and fnmily on soeir arrivai ut Bleucee wliere lie is uow ncharge et a fine congrogation. Mr. Yasingten is lie.youngest sou ef our uucerable townsman, Mr. Stephen ffasliington. The romains et Mr. James Mair et eoronte, were breuglit icre ou Friday lternoon and iulerred lu Bowmnnville tmeterv. Deceuseti wns a brother et drs. Farewell, wio termcnly rosided lu his town. Mr. H. O'lluru, brother-lu w, and Mr. W. J. OHnlra et Toronto, tcopnunie-d fhe romanins. Baocn's BIno SEED-A groceér ef ingsten snvs: 'My bird stopped singing ring moultiug and could net be indue- [te siug ugain cven when over is suit unà i td him witi Brock's Bird -d and Bird Treal wieu lie began rain andi las donc wcll ever since" I grocers and druggists. Nicholson Brock, 81 Coîberne St., Toronto. buraig, scaly skin and scalp humors is in- Et.*cily relieved by a warm bath w ithl CUTI- eur, k 3OÂ0, a single applicato of CrUTK cItk (o ntnt), the grcat skin cuire. and a full1 (os3 'Q4 CUTCrtU" RFllEOZ.-ENT, e ,xatecrt of blood prfe JIau-Iorcures,afl-einail aise fails. 1Issed thro,rho2tthoe rld. PoTTznDflaceAiD Cea,,. Cosr., ~ Boton "ýw 1. cure SaltRaheUm, frue. F~LLIN~ fl IR ,py Fa-. B.aty Beml.hei as Miss Eva Trewiu is vlsitiug frieuds li Toronto. n Lient-Governor Kirkpatrlck is ver, muci botter. ýw Give lieus a chance and tliey will pa: their owu way. 'e Mr. John J oblm, Oshawa,was visitiný old friends here. t- J. B. Martyn advcrtiscs a good lions and lot fer sale. ig ~1Tlire is a decrease of 50,028 herse luOntario lu 8 ycars. t- Wiat fnrm animals give botter returi for food caten thau swine ? rt bon. S. b. Blake, Q. C., lias returue( e te Toronto fromn Bermuda. Farmers star t breediug ieavy Clydes d dale liorses if yen are wise. d- Would you sec a splendid liardwar4 store ? Sec J. B. Martyn's. P- --Mor andi better mili at less cost- tgood motte for 1897 farmers. Mrs. S, Bray, Eufield, was guest c: 19 Mrs. M. A. James iast week. Miss Edua May, St. Thomas, is guesi of Mrs. .1. Smniti, Concession St. ,r Laxa Liver Pis cure constipation rbiieusness and sîci headacie, 25c. n Good drangits, drivers a nd expori 0 chunkv herses are lu geod demaud. Evcrybody siouid atteud tic conceri lu i aid of tic ludian Famine Fuud. 0 Booiu, lu hardware? Yes at J. B, Martyn's. Cali and get bargalus. ,d Mr. John F. Oie, St. Thomnas, is guest rof Mr. R. H. bamley and ether friends. Every number cf cihe Furmners' Advo. Scate se f ar lu 1897 lins been worti 31.00. y' Farmiers improve your stock by sys- tematie feeding, weediug and breeding, ýt Brooklu Hockey Club defeated Bow- ot manville liere on Friday by a score ef 7 te 8. n The Misses Diugmau have gone to 3e Toronto, te attendtic Miliiury open- iugs. n Mr. Robert Beith, M. P., is president e of tic Canudian blackuey Heorse Asso- 1-ciation. Men and beys' overcoats selling off ai reduced prices at Concli, Jolinston &i Cryderman's. Jndgc Finile lias decided tint bar- room windows must not have bliuds of Iany sort on them, Ladies' and Misses' coats selling off ai 0about hait pricc, aIl new goods, ai Coucli, Johuston & Crydermau's, 1 Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Kin-, Mrs. W. B. 1Couci and Miss Tliompson 1went te To- treuto Monday te heur Albiani sing. If tic system is fortîficd liy'Hood's Sarsapurilla, wliicli maies rici, red blood, tiere is littie danger et sickncss. t Mr. H. Anderson and Mrs. W. C. Au- derson, Janetville, were guests at Mr. M. Cryderman's Beecli Ave., over Sun- day. Mr. Thos. boar is off again te Cali- formia via New Orleans and Texas; theuce te Victoria, B. C , and thc goid fields. A. O. U. W. members are requested te attend lodgce Friday nigit te heur tic report of Bro. Saunders, delegate to Grand Lodge. Tic appointmcut of a Proviucial aud- itor of municipal accounts, the Toronto Werld thilis, will effeet a saving et ton times bis saiary. Mr. W. J. Todgham is delegate and Mr. Jas. Gale, aiternate, te represcut Home Circle No. 8, ut Supreme meeting of tic Order of Home Circles ut Brant- ford ou Murch l6ti. A meeting wil libe heid lu tic Leagne room ef tic Methodist churci, on Mon- day evening next ut 9 o'cieck for tic purpose of orgnnizîng a Choral Socicty. Ail musical people are invited. Recent visitors at Mr. (4eo. Jell's,Lib- crty St., norti ; Mr. and Mrs. Brock Pethici,' Newteuviile ; Miss Emma Pethici aud Miss bate Batten and niece, Pearl Gibson, Hampton. We direct attention te thc Grand Trnnk udvertisemcnt lu tuis issue. Tic settiers' trains begin rnnning from Tor- ente Mardi lst, leaving cvcry Tnýesday during Marcihand April. T re is lue- lv te be a big rush te tic West tuis Spring, via G. T. R1.> Large attendance ut tic Metiodist Longue on Mouday evening, subject 'Methodist Missions lu Japun" upon wiici Mrs Isaac Jewell gave a coudons cd and instructive tlu and tiose p ros- ent apprecîated lie description o f tic Mission werkings. bow te secure a popular novel for uething,-Send te John Taylor & Ce, 77 Front St.. East, Toronto, 25 Twin 'Eclipse" Soap wrappers, or 6c, lu stamps wti coupon (oeeof whiic is wrappcd round oaci bar of Twin' Eclip- se" 'soap), and they wili send yon one of the Parfiside novel series. Miss Annie Fraser's classes lu London under thc auspices of the Y. W. C. A, are tins referrcd te in a late number ef tic Advertiser: Tic Sciool cf Cooîerv opened TnesdaY aflernoon lu the "Y"ý ti murne te u lierdawn-mon.I t raetrn Iii ttle emquiies for lie babies, lie iusbauds,aud tender -' k 11111e remembrances for everycue. With lier was fuir Miss Loula G. Muickay, -'owned inl a fresi piui orgautie, with t lace diamante trimmiug anti pale bine niblion girdie anti stock. Tic haudseme ' drawlu,, roems were filleti with man-n an iutcresting personuge, und Mn, tMuci ay xvas busy attend ing toe cver3-i' one, witiî ils geulal munnuer' esccrting tic ladies te tie tea-reemn, whici was tprcsitied ovon by a bovy et malioens fair anti the youung sens cfthie lieuse. Tic Misses Mortimer Clarke were lovcly trIg JtY.n frocks, aise Miss Eimna Artlinrs, Ms tMaggic Goodenliam was in the dailitiest ' t'X jcu .pla eofgowns, witra pini blouse ef penite de SLnX i 73iis"T.,',fldtmr * soie, witi puni rk a.aŽ p1 î iuc. .________ anti strusse but LinIs 3fGr ticý)r tt r.n Miss Brouse, withr n ficwer-liike lodice' in duffodil yeiiow, aund satin shirt, fuirI te loek upen, indced, tieng litbiir weni *was made easy by tic spuemîdidti rnut 1 et mou, wiro ut icust ut an aftair eft t'is kinti une docidediy u'seful. Tuli beaker: vases lielt i hlizmcns oetbte fair;ac Merînet roses tint grace tlheu table. Attractive te a tiegree was tire heu room, where, as usual, tic crewd w us grcatost. Many tiluners mnýt liav.e sufferet inl consequence cf tic excellence I et tie geeti thiugs provitieti, aird thie ll~ lil1( 1i ~1 limit of limeirati approacheti betore anyone tiongit cf leaving, when gond ____ bycs were saiti witi regret tiat oeeof tic jellimest anti mest sncccssfui recep tiens oethle scusoîr was huta aamerrur iiu l îs,i.s)wîshcs yu ai. thie scusou's calendur. A Happy andi Prosperous 1897. Hoe TYRONE. tianks yen ail for the liberal siare Mn. John Nole's teumn took tnightar t since ho sturtcd business in Bo- a suew man wiue gon down Kiug St. manville, anti more purticulanly for Tlrursdny lust, raul a long distance andti tit bcstowed upon hlm this holiday smuslied tliings up geuerallv. Nobrt'ly .urï TXY U ùayd..tîa lie hurt.... .A party ef youug lpeople wencý pieusauriy entertalueti hy Mr. Sanmuel is preparedtot go on giving yot -Hooper and fumily Tliursd v . ... Tic g0etI value fer every five cents Ladies' Aid social Friday night wus Wonth yen purciase il hs store. very successful lu cvcry wuy. As usuai thie indues nobîx' dii thein part il a._ao. Altheughi n many manufactures, viding- anti sorviug refresimemîs.lu pnices are goiug up ho is completing au inhelectual way lie best obtuinabie arrangements by paying cash, by hoeme amatiforeigu talent coutributed o .v Mrs. W. Kennen, Prince Allient, anti whieche lic xiibe enabletit gv 11ev. Mn. Lewis, Oronio, gave brie£ ad- yen even bigger bargains tian ever. dresses, lie latten on "Shadcws." Oaa Do net -,vaste your meuey by Salibati Mrs, Kennen preachoti cumnest 1negieccing te ellau t ti.reliable sermnons, lu the înorniug from Isaial i, 27,18 antiiluthie eveniunz frein louse ucere yen purediase. 12. Cnewdeti cumgrogations attesteti ru tic esteemriin whicli tie g-ccd lady is hrelti. Proceeis cf social anti collectionsR1 - oven $26.... .Master Joen Howardi Sauin- ~ ~ ,, T.1,. - don0 broieis ar-rn Moaural hrr'p k -.uvl. in in l tic sciool busemeul. Dr. Mitch- lad an, Bo1wmani1e n ell wus cailet inlutoetsot hie ractureti Two deers east ef t Sandardl Banik. 11mb .... Visitons: Miss Eva Courtice,____________________ Miss anti Mn. Gay, Courtice: Miss Daw- son, Peterboro; Miss Emmenson, Miss A. E. KtcLAUGHLIN, Lire Peufoui, Mn. John Robinson, Barr;isteî- Soliciaor an'd Conveyancer. On"kýx Bcwmanville; Mrs. anti Miqs Eti' eti' W 't1--kK.'z"'at ovn v'e Campbell, buydon. '1Uey,1t loanaStreaqouiable rates. 45 iyr, LANE. Iii lownsvise.ii'b e""u. ,- - . . . Mr. John Alfroed1-lea,uCsli. SI.- ~ ston e'ay tarIns. sil-tf. EalwaralMorton,u i iutor LANGCMAIO.-Iii 1 -trti o,)Feb. I '<bt" . it Taamr wr n~*o of Mr. J. G. Lanur, ut fa daughtcr. I 'ttV - 'rstsu a Oao sat ti, r 1or'-s. TH MePawmiSON.-At 3e'q East St-ate 1t- â! , town, la., Feb. 2OtiofdiNhtheiaRhea Mr, r -1 etbiseIwoe oiilyaughtiýofý, t.ueiwanis one or two bouuestandin ageti i years and 4 monats. ,,' "e rsuai '. es for thi' section. dan MAIE.-A10 Welesley Ave., Tot '.,ý uut.1100a week otachil , iSaS, James Mair, -,ed 7î -as i ."~ Bowmanville. CoNvAy. ]Zc thte Towucqbip of Clarle E1 ' aged 64,Margaret ýilinaî,oul, halo cdw.î . LI I,,,, .'aL.n r.Siînon Convay. -ý' uiv tn t1,ur sr's'store 'cd HItaS.-At lot i5, cni, Whitby Fe,21., -,î..t t sband'usa,,'-sad opinau Flo rance Elizabeth, second danglater 'of 1 SrAILSMAL )wc anc ntuadrpa Tlros. Harris, aged 19 years, 3 months and 2p Si SMNOffice box, BOWMan-,'tle. -e -~ i ~I-~ BRILLIANT SOCIAL EVENT. Mauy rendors will lie interestet inl lie fclicwing uccount frem ltme Trcto Mail and Empire ef a cilliaut social event ah 'uudcnuid", Toronto, last Satundny eveuing: Througli a dnizzle et sleet anti ramn te a handsonme lieuse glewing with II--lit and i wrmtli and gen ,ial liospitalitv is a very corafortable move, and eue muci apprediated by everY eue on Sturtiuy afternoon wlio accol)tcd the issvitaticu et Mrs. Donald Mackay. Tahanes- phono within Dundoniafl wus ciarmhug, truc Scottisiliespituliîy prex ulleti, armd eoeueavs lu a responsive mouod. Mir.Maci uy matie a pretty pictuno with lier iindiy welconiug 5r mile. Gowned lu black silk, wti cxqnisite peint lace for decoration, sic sLooti ut BOWMANILLE MARKETS, Corrected byJ.3c-ilUrtry eachThursday FLouAp., 100 lbs ý........ $2 301 WHAFail, busia...o oÙ s White Fife ...- O0 o R'led f's ...0 00 's Gooesn 1.... 0 00 BAeaLxIy, ý liuý, Ne.l1 0 O27 ifs 2 .0 2j '3....0u23 Two rowcd 0 21 OATs, white s'............. o 0 yiû E .......0 00 BuOEwpAT 'i............. o (o PEAS, Biacieyc. P bush.. O 51 'f Canadian Beanties.. 54 'Mummey ' 0 45 sSmnli, " 0 89 nBlne, ' 0 00 BUTE. el abe.4 l. Oô 's O;; 1-8 EGGS,~doz.........e TOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- PorAireus. bush.......... o '5 00111Tu tSu franc dwelliug bouse and one- j 1luîce ' (llalû t.Tentas vcry reasocable, POSITIVE PRODFE j Wu, etjvJ. B. Messrs. T. Millinmu & Co., Ton , - "t L B(;,, -part et lots O't... . Gentlemen,-Some two e el. iI-"-.'-, "i olitaineti n box etofyenr es.."' . - 'u N erve Pils to r u r s.pc 9 Mn. E. Scarietr i t','a '-' . " uew uuhesitniaglysa. t u.' .i licou vcry beneficat u se. au obshinate tIis O 453- .;; ~ plaint affching mo utt ' . . Iwas troubleticaO'u symptoms of a- uthsu(4' sucli as siceps ts ïrz. tation, neural,,-,u tclc - sucu a long tt-it l'i Up hope et a c-,, t, îu tude te tuis rom tu'nO o , i carnofet s viril ' ru . eti testimony. There is nii 'esoouili-er autd nerve trouliolaes ï lîtrI- i -1ao anti Nerve Pi iti s u ecu ,i n opinion. My i l.u'rt- remedv witi ganaîtr C'~tu uî n' ' .' f . of lie heart. Jssd. ,D. Rbn Dundas, Oni, ho P, 701 '0 78 ' 0 701 '0 75, 0 25 0 24 ' 023 0' 25 0 5 5 55 ~,VA TED-Iutiiientmen witi Nv goa'd cuiu,taiou to whomý6)ýoe d expecsee for the irst ya wonmd be an inducement. Nvrite wWti f; olipurieularsa Tam MANAdER, 49 Richýunoi t. v. est, 'roroito, Ont. SEED BARLEY AkND PEAS -A quantity of elean seed Bfarley, tirsa-eassmin vey espect acd about 200 bushels of Golden VnPesfor saeaou loi 17, cou. 6. Cartwright. P"e"s FModes aie, os,JI A.N, NeStletou, P. 0. <)USE FOU SALE -Tic lionsiandt 1acre lot ons Kin0 St. E., I3.mwiiiaiville, the poopcrry of the laie Mrs. ilollatsd. The bouse reiu Itist class reltair, good garden. For tcris appiy ou premiros or to M.A. JAMES,flOw. mauvalle. 7-w" TAN TED).--Ycunugwomen ant imen IV r older one if sunîl yoning ini spiris, of cn doubted eharactar,good tailkors,ambitions andi indusas lots eau finud empîcyment lu good cause, wiai ) p'rmouhanud upwards accordittg tas ability. 14Ev. W. S. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Onst. c?- s' , 'a -". t' - I -