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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1897, p. 6

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Btick ieadaceh and ralev cith tobicsîncl- e te a bi lions staîs cf o is e. auch ias iza'.ineas. Nauvea. I rou -i 3.. Pistressa attr .ie.Pain it the sMule , r ~ Vil hirrs rmrableS u ces las be u acrn Beadacite, et CersI r s a P;ec artsc(qualW y aiiaabrin leC-12tîal oce, uricg and preîventi9 g iis aîctzceilaint, wiie tbsy ase e. vrtIil d-tret cfteesu)ionîsei. stimul ite CIre liter and regitiats tire bocale, Even il tiiey ci'iy rare i AcBO thay w fid c ccial 'tPt iieffl e tlez who sufer frai-i Mi l s>ngeeîPlOilt, but fortinatlv tib-hi-gooitîcuOa bet nu 1 borte, anid 11,05 Wh, once lry Iliu,1will 1Itali treats littie P>iî s aluable ien13uint waythalit Os tse bart, of go nmauy lves tiat liela whort we mati-e etc reat boast. 0ur pilla cure Il wliils oller.ele> not. CAaTlra'a I iTr, I evait rluts are ver, ssal and ser easy te tae. Onu or teepilla teakq a dose. Tr-cy are strlctlY vegertable and do at gripe or purge, but by tlieir gentle action s l aealWho use thete. Ile'rials nt 25 cent; ofor $1. Solul evserywbere, or sent by MaiL ONTARIO BAN eontinsîesto e a Genetli Banltîng Business Bowasanville Agency. DE POSITS Re1voîlle-iiioteian k 1Itoartm-er t and ou iianlintre..aliu e tourrent rates No n0tcetll vitietaw i neesary &Il deposie es"acie on dimadi E XCIl A N4E B tughti nu1ol id cd )raî talsutecl non ttiiçl.C Unitedl States and anadla,alao blod, Ftlverýand IJatec ~ate treebacelcubîand eold. COLLECTIONS Prirnpîîy mise at iieren ýt cales cocu iii pîtt ë! Gregt Hrim aln. lie uniteel ttes ad l OIsl-Css iflnada. TeI~i'pIîTransfers Made for large or sieîl -misouriail par.t of Canad. Thins esopecialiy îidvauitageoriA te eroelivÎoin it, anileba or the Northiwest, itmnakee tire Éunds ascii able at once aitiseý place cf payrotenu. Othrparticulars oeil et tbe banli. E.L. FOI T T, 121O. M C ILL , Accountent. tager. THE CGüOI(S BEST FRIEND LAFIGEST SAL.E IN CANADA. ~sin lenanville Liv Sit e7& Jisy. 0I:I IINIAL CURE - Ahi p AND BUNTOI PLASTE BM, Nine cases ot cf ten .wbere Mitebelî'e Cure-Al CORN AND D'UNION FLASTER la applicd, the pan lbaves at once. This pIes- ter is juai as good for Caleoused Foot and for al ares on lie feet anaRs' causeul by ehaflng. If iA pains yen after wes.ingawhlle, romes e, andin a day or two apply a freslipieco. For Cora and 13 nins and Soft Co rna, cover the Corn or Banion ail over with a plastersand a eure cure w il l e etteted. lirsona eho unr tglt boots and shoeato matietheir foet looh sualI aboulA alwaVa ise Mtcthelîscure-Al CORN AND U NION PLASTERS. Tliey are as tb n as a shoot cf paper, andl do neot take up so mucc rocie, and are net CJ lunisy as athe old fl t cern Pnul bunion piý-- tors. OIne trial etlniake a cripple Asnee forjoy. Ask for Mtobeil's Cure-AIl Corn lanmi gunion Plister. Mani'd by thc NOVELTY PLASTER WoReS,Lowell, MaSS.. GE. bfitchell, Founder and Sole Proprieter, Solul by Drnggists andl dealers lu mdi- cirte everywhlere. 12 qhle-iIn--eaeh-b - Send 9,5c. te Nevelty Pries e. por ox.Plate orks, Lew- cil, Mass., for sampici* LYMAN B5110. CO., tOf twe kînuls of B TORONTO. Piasersancdtwo)iid- Sole Aents for the of eiegant Court PVIý G i v The only food Cie theat wiil build B aby tup a weakconCs-: titution gradu e* C I 71Ce aiy bu t urelyi tin et;Î A8 *a simple, aneniîccd highiy* *nutritive preparation for infants,: delicate ctildren and invalids 4 *KEISRY WATSON & C O., poacOe O2NE FAILING AT LAST. Slyty imay ho a model Citizen, but thcy sey ho bhas hie failings. To lie sure he bias. It was bis fira that !ailed Iast weeh. T'he Canadian Statesman WýEDNESf)AY, FEB. 24, 1897. A OTES A Ni-D COJIMENTS. -Semi-o chanice eemerhs cfPrince Bis- marck, probahly thet reflection of a pessiug f rami-t cf mind, bave appeateti in a Deesden paper, whicb give the idea that the macf itrou bas lest întetest iu life ced G-tsaramoig the eisOf thb, peet an aged statesman without a mission, or a snrviving pleasuro. The Prince ils respertedti t have saiti thet ho is not iii, but tiretiu Ile ls bonely, anti fluds ne relief la crewtis, or balm inl solittude. Hie wife representlng te hlma e woilti o! compaàiýougçhip anti mutuel meinories, bas paset on hefore., The zest ho once hue-,w ia agriculture ced foresfry bas failleti is I lis sons are ha fie-thtblk cf thoir vocations cs ho wec cf their cge. "-Even pelitics,' scys the Prince, "are heginning te bore me,"~ cnd fis may ho accepteti as a elimax te ft'ýý case cf Germany's firet sttes- man, ifs once, firma anti vigorous guide on tbn dfficuli oadti iperlalicu., If fiee Dresdens neep bcd taikedti t Prince Bismarck tfho next day ho migiet have pieihed nip amoire obeeri ul mes- cae-. The olti Chanceller bas toc manch optimisu lei bis nature, te fled feuit witb thh rgul lawsof grewing old. lu le juiet as natoiral te bo-como old as fio h otu, anti thore are compensiatioas lin lufe t every Stage of the jcurney. Bîsmarcit bas roalizeti evcry aim of bis carlior menhocti. Germcuy le on the pedesÉal ho dreamit of whon a youug diplomatist. SIc, bas couquereti ber imosi dangoýros s nemiceanti teses streng thet th-y tiare nef attarchlber. If preonal fame wae cee of bis ardent iambiltions hi> bas w on h i la li mecs- )utc. Th-,re are twe mon in -Europe of Itehighes4 f3ypP cf hreatness, ,tu ho ài one cf themn. Th-- othor possesses a idUffret f emPoramont, le net bis rival cead bas net b>,en ln bis way., Bis- march bas aIl thaf wecitb cen yield; hie came 15e boueod word tbrough- eut civilization; h-,3 le venerafeti hy an ,empirTe ced the wbele German race. Wien ho b is ready te excbatm fbaf al tha gif s of gonlus, power andth ie amn- pleet successe bcd but te aunciti cge cf efftt*, weariueas and tastoeeses, thon average ieum'aeify mcy ho excuseul fer moments of tiepressi.on and for quoting anow-svitbeuf heiievieg ih- tient cil is sonbid and fury, signifyirng 1 notîîing., 'Affer Neighing tbe setter if seems probable tit Prince Bsmack salul olicer moto or tes ebas himîfnendoti, or tant ho just grumibleti c ittie lu a familier svay, not enppeeîng that bis wortie woulti b-t fleeheti croundtihbb worlti by a ttie-hsy spirit as te speeti, but a moelamacholy Jacques as te seoti. Ne ene -w-Ut e-set 'got edepressin,,g tbougbf from Giatiston-", theugie bis 88 yeercs ho roundedt te100. If le nef in hie composition, bis face le forever tutu-- edt te higiet, n complainiug humer te hlm is sisuply ittogicai. IRis fisc lei filleul with evocaticus that notilg coult inlunes is to quWption. Porleps Bismarckt tihkeo! Victoria, a greet soverefigu et 76, et o! John Sherman, about te tekc charge of affaire o! state cf 74. HL' may regret thafhle snet iilding the scepËer o!an eomineef Min-- ister cf 81, bItn if bis peet bas turneti te aaie ubiesciti cge fieepresoat euiti console hlm but lit fie. Thero le au enti te cil fbiugs, anti philosophy tee-choc its grateful accoptenco 'wite-- ont tiiefruef or repinieg., Prince Bismarckt shuuldti ne ojudgoti ires f hie tientful naif ticheti carcs tee- ocean. Ilis reel views o! lfe eau' ho getheredti tebettes ativeutage lse- whero. A liff le anecdote dccc hlm jus-- fiee as bis best. Once, whebautiot an album wîth. a roqueft for a seat i-- ment, le ree inla fho, latest inscription flore: '«I bave iived long anti bave learneti to forgivo sud." Biesarch wriote below: "I bave liveti long cuti have learnedt te ie hbas beeu fer- givon me." TIhere muet ho a gentie sense of moral beauty ila a mcasali coulti pen thai sentecce, anedisudc-a eue couiti nef fait te f lad cose ennyi aspect inle 1foeugemisiorfuno anti poaury w-eatidedt te îti ge anti ec- Nb discourn.gemout serves fo chete the f irst for Arctic exploration, fait- utc, only lecding te a change o! metie' otisad ativancco hi a uew route. Dr. ociailnttt oci.1n- --c iii, auLvn.p _j ,jjýjq qi 1- LueLs c! teir rce lhis aimhtet traite the icy circle amon tfhe ouofi polo before egain frying te sakthe fe "futeet nortb," anti voyages o! ex- ploration lnanctatotie wate-rs are aise teo ho undottaketa hi'Dr. Ftcdeiich A. Coolkcuti Borchevinit. But Lieutenant Pccrry Outliued et ae rocent meeting o! ftbe Ansorican (leegraphicel Society, a pien o! approaculte the nortb pote, quito certain fo irisuro fieecentinu- aceoo!fIe Nwork le Ibat direction. Tlho resuits ebîoady eccomplisheti by flose explorera, anti the methede oî livin!g anti wcrking dot iseti ant iÏp- sueti by f bas, bave- lit fle donbt that f ho pote oen ho teachoul, anti gisefie weight o! authoriti' te any seh.'me of etisanco f loy imaysuggest. eefeu- ure cf Nansn's ship, to dri!fi. cos tle pote froro the nerf heast, wbîile nef absolute preef offtle usetosenese o! fut- tho-r off orts item fie Asia aide, lentis probebiliti te ILieutennt Peary's thoori' fitat fiee Greenlanti route beoit fulfits thoe conditions cf cpptoach, fur- ni.siîg et once c hase o! supply anti of affecit. The probabhify wili ho le- ecrea-ýsoicol th fe explorations uow ho- ing matie hi Mg. Jackson, in Frauz Jo- sef landi alec fai, foîr tho renute through Be!! iu's Bey, Sinifli Sounanat aloag fîboý lower jaw, higli cheAl hboues, pro- jectiag ocre, anti stcoQping siejaniters. Mr. Flynt reporta tha e h agfounet ihes ne more uqticeble iun teccris-- brai clees titan ameug tsttiat3 pepple. Neýthoiec s ho founti criminels se) ad- dictedt t aftooin.g as lias boon altegoti; on ftho centrary; if l cnsidereti iy meef oi the a rsistahe te have merle ce fiee body', seetrgtg'haf these ucaturct-- ly aid dot action. If le aaotbiotparetioxicet aneounco-- ment fIef fiee genorel hecî b cifiee criminel le gooti. [Uh fbtwonty-fivie yeats cf cge ho le asl beatty anti vig-- oreus as the las-eage porsen. AI- f longh ho cemea, elmitet atways, item the, sioms, ho gets, someheis, cabtter cenWitulic tica itheeaverage, anti, if he ou eotitale cre fof i, sught live te a ge-atietti ge. ýTùen le nearsbis thirtieti e yar, howover, bis !strengtb bogies te fait -hlm. lWby ? ~eause iey that f ime he hale servicti a i lusheof terme la prison; ih le thel prison exist-- once ftatidrage istioîwn. Thero te, lu MIr. FIlynf's oplaiou, rnomore con- clusive prcef f lat it le the prison anti nef liLs business anti sotie o! 1if e unef With a final hase of opetatiens anti supplies estehîlebeion ce eeextremo, nortiecrn cocet, anti nvit ahundeut stores cacheti deug the route te fie teat, an exploring perfy coulti worh la comparative cemfort anti scfety, anti itemnftho neareet hnown tend base te polo, the main ebjeci te ho geineti. The tisetance frein the peint rencheti by Lochwcod anti Braluard le 1882 ftefthe poloecuti refurn isleIcss than thatfein Wbalýe sounti te Intiopentience bey ati returu, wbich Peary twice covetet inl safety; anti be fhinhe c smeall part y coultinl a favorable soason cuti frosn a hmaset oetnear that peint, maho a suc-eseful tiasie for the polo. The ad- sauce paxty shoulti, ho scys, have fie assistance of af numbet of Eskimos, Whlem h-, bas learet te vainc highly, auti choultihobo iatiod by fie leader cf the enfte expedif ion, a position upon wich ho bas insiseotinle is owa Suc- ceseful journoyin:ge. Auotber primo requisite l ie t aticg of a 5ufficieut sucs of scssy fo assuÉae ftho eenfsCs o! the worh for a tiecade, if necossary, so f bat thore shah hoc nu risit o! its abandoumient justf uben is #bject migiet ho attaîneti. a sus ublie uculti ne doubt ho fortiecoming w-etc Lieuteon- cnt Peary biniseit te heedth ie enter- prise. No one is botter equippot f or iËfiean hoe, anti no oee bas matie a MoDre cre! ul stuiy cf ftho conditions essen- fiel te succees, or ceulti - se fully coin- ianuth fe co--cîtraflon o!fiehe natives. Criminolcgy le a science sybicie for ob- vie-es reesous bas bithorto beon hasoti on fiee sLutiy ofcimnes vile fbey are Ùutiergoiug imprisonseut. Mr. Josiah Flynt, on the other hanti, bas fot seme '.ies years untiertahen te stutinluEngtacd andtife LUnitedi States ctimias sndb tramps . hule fîoy ar0 ouf o! prison, thet is to scy, lu their normai etef e. Ris observations have cti hlm. te conclusions relgardiîg ftle phycicai, luteliectsaal, amat moral char- acter o! the criminel class very dufier- ont fresn.fiee opinions commonly enter- taiueti. These surprisicg conclusions ivilI heo funti set forth ienfiee Febru- ary number o!fithe Forum.i Is fiee professionai criminel physicatly degenerate? O! course, if bas heen im- possible for Mr. Flynt, us a foloe fraveller w-hetramps anti oaiy e cas- ual observer lu the open, te couducf sncb investigations ns bave hecu prose- cuteti y hyfescientific elutients o! prie- oers. Ho. bas Lad ne opporauuity o! moasurlag shahls, et inepectiug teetb, or o!f esfing fthe pulse un dot excite- sont. If le certain, ieow-ever, hotoles us, that fiee picturestirawn hy fie criminelogisle are s ery tiuiferent froin the real criminels is ho ceh ue-es uow. Very soldes bas ho cacounteredth e tetroafiug foreheai. and fiee depraedt expression of the eyesatdi meut 1, -thici arc popnlcrly consideredti ypical et ig- mata of tie crisinel'e fce. The ma- jerity o!f these wlih ebos Mr. Flynt le acqua-lateti, particuteriy f bose antier thlrfy years o! ugo, couiti, ho scys, if well dresseti, pass muet et in cimoet cny dlace o! Society. Affer tbirty years of cge, indeoti, anti cometimes earliet, fhey acquire a pecul 1cr teck; but unsâteati e! calbing ilua criminellobok, Mt. Flynt %weulti te,9cribe, if ns Ibtef a cilg resitient ila cpeuifon- tiery. Prison life, if prolougeti, wiiî [gis-o tie meet moral mon prisoi foc- bures; and ti f s neossionderi tient mon is-ho malte a business of crime, anti are se af ton ln prison, eventuaily aicqutito thesn. Anti as te fle othet ciiegetiah- nurmalif les, snoce sabsence e! hait on 1 iee face, remat'kable oyesligief, unusual . lngtb cof certain fingers, lasonsihility INDIGESTION. The "Dietetie and Hygienie Gazette" says there is ne more fruitful cause of indigestion than indolence,. It is a rare experience to meet a person suf- fering from dyspepsia who earns bis bread by the sweat of his brow. A_ vast majority of ail the cases of indigestion mot with is due te a wu'nt of strength of the organe of dige2stion from Laek of exercise and not from. any speciai dis- ce of the stomach. Active exorcise of the entire system je imperatively de- manded for the continued healthy per- formance of the diges-tive funetion tith complote nenrishmeut cf the body. Whie food le essentiel for th-, ncurish- mont o! the organisim, without exercise its purpose quickiy fails cf eccompiish- ment. CHEAP BAIU3ERS IN INDIA. There are no native barber shops lu India The barber.is a jieripatetic le- dividual who cellse ach mornicg ai, the residences of his cusccomeos. 11e uses no brush to lathÉor the face, and often dis- peuses -wvth soap. After wietting the face, ho fînïshes the shaving in a feu minutes, and thon polishes the skin with the paimscf bis hands. A single shave is w orth about oee cent. though th-- charge is usualiy mado by the' month., j ,1 the Greenland ocast te fiee irchipeli- maltes the criminel dise-tsed, tban that go stretching cwey toe ie urfbwar;., whicb le f ornisiec-d by tramps. These discoeoreti. by Peary, wiil thoas romain, meu lieai- cmosit eetirely lunfthe open i-e Iar as preseut knowledge goos, t he air, anti as c genoral rube, suffer more mctst pracfDcablceue. Even that %vili b ardsbipe then do-t a criminel; yet ho feasible onl1y lu certain faverabin they are about the healthiet people seasens; and inutfli rpossibility Of in the world. kaowiug we such semsons may occ-ur, -an expioring -Pnrty- -ti, t- tl rm~oit ît obuoise ventage cf t hein, have to ho oun thei thaf the criminel je aheormeil meutally grcwnd -wifb ifs oqufpment and tisp- as well as physiceliy. The assertion plies, tready to ativanco, promptly wîhen le not coufirmeti by Ar. Flynt's, ex- oppoirtunity offers. For titis t ho Green-.ernc.Ldt! ilowrlaigd lendi route possees the advanLage o e i e no ! the of iet -ereoin lge h being accessibla far to the notaitfroin ob n ftefrtsotomg b flic sec, by wbich supplies -can ho served inl the criineil; Mr. Flynt de- breught by ship, anti thence cenvoyeti dates that out of prison cnd lu fiee by sledgo te the utinosi extremity cf open, fiee wil le euenecf the eriminal's fiee mainland, a part being storeti cf e trmsgest peants. ýMost criminels, et v 1 leasf while tbey are younng, have eil varions points on the norî,liw(otern muhtsaiyansadr;col mtirienon is rture. ryii.h ethoy but ho breughfte ouse 'if lu 'hon-- drivn o itsretrn.est intiustry, fhoy imigiet hecomoe the most sucoeef ni peeple iltheo Worlti. Tf i- nin. ilyLv timbrOoo bat the ucre f hese f bree chapters ail thet brav e invention devisedti efore deatie dariteneti if forever, we have seme- tieing tote aiteholti o!fcutiprize." The Illuetrate I London New-a le ne les om-- sondatcry, scying, if 'ls a maguifI-- dent pioce cf werh, cuti wiliunques-- tlcnahty tale mra] as cneee! Steven-- son'e mnst important iitorcry achieve-- meute.", The story witl rue fbrougb six or cevon numbers cf McClure's. la isi practicathy complete, sncb as enfline f rlite closing chaptere ieaving heen lefi hy the author as te lnppiy a very satisfaitdon' couclusion. I caiised bhi't.ntpiub user, ,h isprevents Ages- Liou cid permait> toond ttorennt and putrifYin l liesoniacl. Thon follew dizziness, headacbe, isonmina, uinuiu ,ad il siot relieveul, bilions leve ,,,r biouoisom,!iag. tlood's plis stimîtiate the stousacli, roise thnebiser, enture ccle, dizzinosa, con- sLipation. etcý. 25 contîs. Srmi lb y nîl duiggsts. The cl Pislate taie cYîtia ticotis Sarsaparilla. cri.inal les, more or tees, an epileptit. Mr. Flynt reporte t-hat be bas nover met an apileptic criminal-on the road.;" and ho, cannot recel1 beaving beardithe subject discussed by trampe or crÎm- inals le sueli a way as te, lead himî ýte heliove the diserdor et aIl commoit amcng thons.Jt ls, howover. a, favor- ite t rick among tremps te' feigà epil- epsy. Uf criminels lu prisons are as claveras trampe et t lu, r. Flynu eaui well believo thet thet; might doceivea scientif le observer. iAgein, amoug 7b rampe and criminels under twenty-five ycars of cge, -Aïr. Flynt bas nover know n a cingle cleer case if îneauity. The few exemples of montai derangemont that ho bas on- counfered citer that period, bave beeun manrih have undergofle long sentences lu prison. There seomisf0 o ene more cogaint evidonce attaluableocf a crim- iso' biltty te eeontian thse feet that the uiýtute ho ie coudnced that, crie efios uet ay, ho gives if Up. Aftor a time, lSag or short, accurding te his success, bs geuerally comes, ive are told, te fhe conclusion that crime le net remunrci a, nd ho draps if, becotntng whaf Mr. Flynt calîs, a dlis- couraged criminel. If appears thatfie receoýn why a criminel le afraid te go beyond the fiteen yo-arlilmit te, after afier that time ho e i ikely te get what le calied. the "sbivers."' The victim cf this species cf palsy le posse- sed by such a terrer cf capture that oach member cf hie lbody ileilea. con- stant trosor. Wîth respect to the classification o! criminais, Mr. FIynt bas found that thosa wbo commit cri-mes against pro- porty are grectiy lenfthe mejority. The native inteligence cf those mn c om- rares favorahly witie that of fthe ave- aga persen; Mr. lbynt bas boon unable te diecovor in them any mental defects unt il fhey bave bee:n a long timo ln rison N-eariy all cf fhem enu reead and write very w cil iudeed; thoro are maey who bave recd fer more then the ordimaary busiess man. Coecerning the nalionalitie-s of criminels, -ItIr. Flynt propounds enother pardex. A greal deel bas beo>n -eritten about Europe dumping ifs criminel population on American soul; Most of the- offenders wieem ho bac neicoutered la the open bave been natives,. He fer as his experiecc goos, the aer-age age o! criminels le hotu eau twenfy five and fhirty yonrs. The sex le predomininanitly masculine; for evcry fecmae criminel Mr. Flynt bas found twonty ma-les; the proportion ia the Unitecd States lseoven ighor. If is not te bo inferrcd tbat thee women e! the same original religioas enviroameîtt are less arbiftious than fiee mon; but, te satisfy thoir craving for high living, thas' take te the streot instead cf f0 crtime. The final conclusion te wbicb Mr. Flynt's studios bave brought hlm, le tbat the criminel le physicably, mon- tally, and morelly reeponsible. The feot 1that the so-calied diseouraged criminel is a preduet cf puelehnaent or expiatory discipline, is pronounced a leseon la peinelogy. If a man dccc wrong know- ingly anad wilfully, ha muet ho ftaught by disciPlinea that societýg yll net toi- erate 5uch conduet. The discouraged criminall iseunewho lbac heen tieus la- structed. Affer ho bas sunli or risen te thee statue o! a, trarep' the same pria- ciple should ho .ipplied te hlma agein; ho should ho mcdoe adiscourageti vaga- boand. Sncb, ilu Mr. Flyuf's opinion, is 1the trecfment which seiety chould birnaite beur ou the deliberate las- brocher. Literary Notes. Hrper' s "Wekly fr February 20thi tsiti Zoain an important analytical sud efatistical inquîry into fiee re- suit eofiehe preeldoutici eloction, illusý trefed witit maps ced diagreme, h.bi Thtomas Campbell Copelauti. Thoro wiit ho au article mon fhîoproposeti Zoolegi- ca Gront Broux Park, New Yorh. Thet double page picture of fiee Num- ber will ho in a drasving, by W. i McVickar, o!fithe Bratiley-Martin iancy- tiress ball. The Nuraher o! Harper's Bazar te ho piiuishod Lis Fehrucry tiebti wii in- clutie a paper hy Laurence Eut ton, en-! fit led 'fierceeLites lethe Dramafic Chaie, niifh portraits cifAIrs. Keeley, wîo pleyed lunINew York, at fiee Parh theatre, ie 1885; cf AIrs. fa-eder, wbo as Littfie Clerc Si eber, carried vaef au- diences by et ors wlhee George I[1. -w" King cf England; anti of Lord Henglî- feu lunftho lest year oc! b lle. Frank R. Sitociten will contribute to lIarpers Round Table, for Fehruery 1ha story ouf iflot The Ringgolti Archers; Franhlin Matîhews an article, Torpedoe; ow f bey are Mcdoecuti Wbýat f bey Do; W. J. Heuderson, oe cf hlie Old Scilor yarus, The Accommo- dting Island; cuti Mary B. Slcigiet, Hcow Dorotfly 1Founti ler Valeetine. Ine iesamo Num=ber there wull bholu staimeuts cftfie serial storios: A Loy- al Traiter, hy, James Bagnes, ced The Mititleton Bowî, by Ellen Douglas De- baud; aise a number o! shorter sîcries, andtihie usuel doparîmonts cf Inter- séciolcstic Sponrt, Photograpey, Sfcmps, Questions for Young 3Mon, oic. Richard -Hartiing Davis tecils fiee ici- lowing cuecdtife in fiee Match Scrih- flore:-I once bearti an Americen tour- 1sf Say te c Britishe workrnan outsitie o! St. Jame,:s's Palace on e Les-ce day, "Anti I suppose yen pay taxes te sulp porttfis b" The worhmau eciid, -Yes, if ceefs me about sixponce a yoar. Is- n't if w orte fie money "~? Andtihfe Americen, hocoming suddenly cenecieus e! fiee faict thaf hoe bcd- beon standing for two bouts w-atcbing tee show o! royalt y, anti that il. hati fot cost bis. cii-on sixpene, w-ne beneet eiaQuge fQ The M4atch Century le te ho an "lun- auguration Number," devoteti especial- ly to articles o! lifin l the Whit e leuse aed cf the capital illustrateti wif b a great number e! interesting pictures, inclutiing two portraits cf Major Mc- Kinley antioncaocf Presideet Clevelanti, et hic des,-all f rom. photographe tek- on especiclly for The Century. A largo edîf ion will ho printeti. The inferestin The Ceuturys seoials, Campaignîng wif b Grant, cnd Rugi Wynne, Froc Quaker, lese ogroaf f bat hoti e eJanu- cry anti Februcry numbers went ouf o! priat almst imsetiiately upen issue. Harper's 1Magazine for Fehruery le c msonument of ftho policy o! exeited .iournalismin vhliicie bescharcferizeti if le fb-e pest, anti wbicb le more cuti more hecoming fiee policy o! Americen magaziues evorywbero. Articles on lit- erary sc-rh !iterary crificlesm, or advsance'i licughinleart anti beifers, thiegi by no en eetirely absent are 3unhortiuatoul te reporte and dis- cassions cf fthe vital intoresta cf moti- cru Ille . Richard Hartiing Davis veuf ai fie svy te Moscow fo report fie% corojsafion oifite Czar acuthfecCzar- tee. Charles F. Lummis presents fie firet of a soties cf articles on fie .Mexico of te-day, lu prepariug wieicb hoe spoat tiee mnies ileontithoelRo Grande, anti Peultney Bigelew bas, brýought bck item Cape Tow-n, c series cf articles on White M-lau's Africa, the proseat numbor of whicb, illustrateti by Frederie l-eemingtoe nti dW. IH. Draite, fimphotographe f chou by ftbe auther, discusses fiee career cf Presi- dent Steye o!f the Orange Froc Staf e. Ex-Pre-îdenut Harrison bas written cf A Day Wi h fiee Presitient cf Hie Deek, for fiee Match Ladies' Homo Journal. The article le seiti te o e icgularly le- teresfiug lite e tail wtt b bici i descrihes the wearisosne routine cffite Presideut. Ifte sscîid that General Har- rison, lenfiels article, bas delivereti him- self w iîh greaf directcess anti vigor, relative te fiee annoyances that are vis- if cd upon a Chie! Execufive hy persist- ent off ice-seehers, ant ie suggests a unique plan, by whicb ftho Presieita's burtieus in f bat direction ceulti ho grecfly ligieoed, anti hoeealed f0 de- voe more attenticn te more import- ant setters. A feaf une o!fiehe article thaf wiil have c fimely intercefte those ambitilons te serve fiee country under lthe incutmlng Administrat ion, des- crihes very fuily bow fiee Presitieut mahes appoinfmeuts te office. A Day Wi h fiee Presitient cf hie Desh, is un- ique ln being fiee first tise that fie deiby Ill e of fiee Presitient has boca tiescriheti iy eue who bas flbeti tht exaiteti office. Articles upon fiee se- ciel cuti tosestic lle of fiee Prositien hy Geueral Harrison will follow le suc- cessive issues cff the Journial.Ladies Home Journal, PhiJadoiphia. The exclusiv,ýe rigie f o!serial publi- cation la America of thte lest cf Robert Louis Sieveusoe's maaster-piocos un te- mauîic fiction-St. Ives; The Ativen. turcs o! c Frence Prisoner lu Engîac -w as purchastieiesortly citer Steven- son's docte, of bis execuf or, hy Mc- Ciure's Magazine; cuthUe firet met ail- that the cciv peor bas renticretiid i culable service fo hnmaeity by- hie dis- coery anti application o! the anîis-epfic monde o ni uicting surgicai epetetions anti treeting wouuds of ail kintis, anti that the resuli 'of the Listertrtmn bas heen an eî.ormouse diminuion iiin the formerly imesitable beosso'!lUe or 11mb. Sir joseph, wi-o is ienis 7Oth yosr, ivas hotu et Ltpton, inEseat nbtained bis cari, edu-ation et ci Quaeker schýool in Tettoe he,icff o",r- isard gradnating, uocrl3y-' tyy itgo cf the Loutioa tnciversity. ,{ c r- eteti e baronet le 18a83, anc utilet ec ho ives pres*deut cf the Britis Asoi- atlen, cuti cisc smcceoded Lord KeIý vîn a s prasidont cf fie Roy ai Societi'. Tb', recommeutiaticu e! Sir Joseph Lstrfor- c peerago mscfhave beon a gonûiine plessure te cte Marquis eSf buy ns all teworlti itows thaf fiee Primený- Mielsi et loves obomistri'at cieiu experimeci anti research fe bo 1c ohan ho dees pehitice. 110w To Cure Ail Sin la Deseases:. Simupisappîxl w-u u sOlftcf h.oilîternalinsedicline requlîci Ctte toiler,cozemna, itebi, dll orupt ittui euo Ib1 face baculs, nose, etc .. eau-i't!se ikc lent, owhite eandi lealtbs1-,ifgea lîealing ctaund iecor r soss- e d bYne otser remedy se or .g gisf for SanosOin.fceutLv1,\ u StaisantiCo whoiesale AetMn Keep up hope. There are thousands of cases where re- covery from Consumption has been complete. Plenty of fresh air and a well-nour- ished body wilI chs the progress of the dîseaý Nu-. t ritious foods are w.ell,,iln' their way, but the best food of al is Cod-liver Oil. When partiy digested, as in Scott's E mulsion, it does flot dis- turb the stomach and th4,t bodysecur es the whole bene->(ý fit of the amount taken. Wt you want to read more about ît let us send you a book, SCOTT & BOWI.E. Belleville, Ont. 5D71 0HOWA RD'Sy C 'L'E ait dîsease8 cf the Bicod an - erv , flse. J natism and ail Pain. Female Itgulator, od aI'ker. Large ox . -.;Full saple b0x, ýlc. Pl tond. Dr il)Warlimedîins Cec liroc villen. A HERO 0F MAGDALA. A Chat With a Veteran Who Warn In the Memos'able i3attie. British valor la the theme of macy a tbriiling tory acd stirricg song. Mr. (;eo. Kingsto,, ý,f ij5 john strcet norlb, ih oic f Himilîoii1, jbcdest veteran8. Â man of martial Îbe,,- jing, mnficlphysique and godiai porson- ality, hth plendid rcprceneattîe of the best ciass cf British soidier. To,ý our ireporter Mr, Kingston rcadiiy gave an interview, \Vith ait the pride cf a citizen cf liait errpli-e on bicli the son nover sets, Mr. Kingston said: I i as Devonshire mac, born near the banks cf the, Teign. 1 entered the British arnmy at zrg, and serx'ed fourteen years in India. W/ns throcghýl die Abyssinian campaign, and fougbit ot thle 7toi miiig and capture cf Magdala, King Tbe- dore's stronghoid. Here the king acd bue- dreds ef hia army feul. INapior, the 'Horo ui 'tlagdala,' was created Lord Ntpier cf Mang.. dala for his splendid services. Ater this I reý turned to Oid Engiand, remaining about five jeaî-s, when 1 was again sent te the sunny ,,outb. until my 21 years' service ivas nearly up, flhat la the place to get kidney and 'liver troubles, and 1 was no exception. I wpas sont as an invalid te the Netly Hospital for invalid soldiers, and fer mîntuh s a aufféring inmate, finally being uisebargerit as a hopelessly incurable invalid. Tw ycars after 1 sadeul fcr Canada, acd have, sufféred more or leas ever since from a consta-nt misery that kidncy trouble nais Piercing pains in the hack, heidacîtes at urinary dhfllcuitios cerc seiont-aEsent, se that wh 'n 1 noticefi Doanna KidncyilFuIadvertîse- mont 1 got a box fron:ým1 înierman', drng stor'.ý Relief came frocs the firsý " lces and bofore 1 haul taken two bo ei hie bcd left niy bath and I foîthi ie a nos ' coqsider Doans Kidney Pils naoîdr cico, the more so heceuse my comptaintwui net yield te the ski!] of the bei physicians lun 000 of tho greatest hospitais it Queoc Viecrii's dominions." Coctinuing, 'Mr. Kingston scid:" cao seý 1commend them as a quick cure for kidiney troubles without hesitation. Hoîv could I deb othorwise -when they have givea mie back Ktis hcalth and i vgor of long ago?" FOR SALE BY STOTT & JURY Ie of meîe simpla ?roteet y co.r WIdea; te -tny brlng yenwaIU tWrite ONWEDIBRN & 00., PatenT t AiSes soya, Waglugton, D. 0., for their $1.500 prige offa . el ltOf two hun&sed Inventiona wantea, SIR JOSEPH LISTER. -V. r -V-l 1 1-L Tise First tiemlser of' the MedîcalPre- ., oi Etevated te tise Peerage, On New Year'e day if _i1ý Queee1v ies- toria's custom te bonor a few ofit ber dîstîngusheul subjects wîtie fitios o! greater or lees sigeificance. The ief for fis year ives shorter f banu suac, but it cenfaineti one nase known ati henoredtihie w V-ld oer. Sir Joseph. Lister was hi' fýe royal mandate ele- veted toteeepeetago, fiee firt f sember of fiee sedicai profession te ho se hon- oreti, anti ne one wie hnows fiee de- votion wich ho bas tiieplayeti te sti-- ece alb fierougie bis life, anti the pritie wieich ho teck, andti aies, in 'is wotk, wili ce-unt fiee bonor tee greaf for one wbo bas clweys belti hie profession' oin sucb higie esteos. Wherevor fiee pro- greso! seticai science andtifho, tri- usphs cf medical researcli are rcg nizethfie nase of Sir Jesepie Lister bas long been belt inl houer, anti ifte cet tee sncb te say that the patent o! peerage beefewoti upon fiee presideet o! the Royal Society wili ho itestas if sacre, by sen o! science lince ry quarter o!fiehe worlti. Sir Jeseph i Lst-- or, la eue of thiase few son who miigiel. dlaim to e ho ot merely pioceers las the

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