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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1897, p. 6

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5~VEDNESDïý, iVIACII 3, 1897. qt. j. EC. MITCH1ELL. L'YEM ER F OLLEGE 0F PHYSICIAIT Lý1 dsullrgeofis, -Ontario, coroner. etc. offle and Residencee Ennlskillef. 74. b BIIKE SIMPSFON, TE~4RRIITRSOLICITOR, 9tca. MO1RPS B> 4O1i pstii' i Ong Street. BOWmiana finle. icilter for the Ontari Bank ItORT. VYUJG, Y. 5. E)FICE IN4 THE WEST DURHAM ONews Bicck, where iitait or assistant ,will be fonnd from Sa.x. te 9 p.m.D Night C8,118 ai re-sidenice.dirfctiy oppoite Onu Shed. (Islsa by telegmapir or telephone will receive promut atinton liyr R.PEÂATE, Tailor Gentlemefl'S lothes Made to Orderi J ,M.BRIMACOM'B DENTISTIî OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higgîn.hotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BoWMALNVILLE DENTI STRY. CJ. HARNDE N, L. D. S. Gradua ti, h ôvoal College Dell Surgeons, Ontaria. * IfF C-E OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITAUIZED AIR, New Tailor Shop The undersbmued who has been carrying on thse tailoring business in conneetion wih Maâo's Dry Goode Store for a numberot years has commeneed business for himself ai bis residence, King St.,west. where ho Is preparOci te roake gents' sud boys' ous îo in&l the late8t - 4-.. .t For .,tt,.,fl ir YOUNG FOLKO TH1E TRAVELLING MONKEY. bly master grîntis an organ And 1 pick up iris mouey; -And irben yen sec me doing it Yen call il very f nnny. But, Ibougir 1 dance and caper, stili I feel at iroarl ferlomu, 1 xtich I utere in moukey-lasd,- The place w-bre 1 was bora!1 They grow bbc greal green cocoanul.s Aronnd the palrn-bree's crown; -I usqed te elîmir sud pick thees off, A nd irear traem-crack !-corno doîru. Tirere ail day long lthe pompIe f igs Are dropping f rom tira bngir; There haaug tire ripe basanas, oh, I wisir I bad some now!1 I'd fesst. and feasb, sud feasÉ, and feasî, And yon sireuld havea share, How pleasant 'Lis lu mnoskey-lasd 1 Oh.,xrould liratI I xre i- rme!1 On some bail Ire rop's iigiesb bongir Se iigir the ciond.s would ssii Just over me, I wisi tiraI I Werc swiuging by my bail!1 I'd swing, sud swing, and swing, sud swing, How sorry that watrld irel But oh! a travelling rnukey's life Is verv mmrd ferrnme. A BUEBLE PARTY. Scie-ntIf j men axe Sow. blowing hob- bie-s, perirapas ol altogether as an amusement, but certain it la bhey gel a great deal of amuasement out of il whiàe arriring at, sicutifije conclus- ions. Somecue iras invesbe-d a double irnirile pipa, by iriicir lwo hules are biowu at oee ime, ose inside tire oblrer. The pipa is a hjtbhe lin tube aireut six or se-von juches long, sligirtly sloping; thire larger end hosnrronnde-d by asosrt et cup, îv-Iicb la ju.st a 11111e shorter than bbe, central opening; tbcy are con- nected by su air passage bir-ough tire PiPestom. Thae lower enud cf tbc pipe- ste-m is about one-baîf luchinl diameler. sud tire surroundiug eup about'oeeijchr. Tire nuer tube la just a 11111e longer tiras tireculer cup, so that xvhen thre buines are blowu toeober, tira muer eue may ire shaken off sud float cear luside tire larger ose, w hicir clh adireres bo tire oulside cop, sud may ire ilowvn stili larger. ILi l a pety siglit, but il takes patience to b-eccesau'-a adepî. But if yen ca't gel these double bob-- bic pipes for yonr party, just gel ccer- mo1n cday cnes. They do sot cost mucir, aud, if breken, n0ose need cry about il. We psy 1 coul easei or 10 cents per doen. t S-,me tui'. hat a. tin horn nesday, suýd tiraI; bere shaîl be ne un- eertainty in the day cf birth, a cbild always bas a naine beginning wvilh the letter of thre day cf thre week on which slip-ewas bhem. Marri;age is a. social and net a relig- ions eeremony iu Burmah. The priest ignores women entirely. The wedding Party assembles a1tirhe bride's home, tire baud plsys, and the guests sit about on thbe f icor, ehatting, smoking, sud est- ing six elmeats, sud after a time it is aunouneed bhirb bbe Iwo youug people 'wbo are mentioned by naine are man and wife. This cemplebes the formal- iy. The wife bas e" 'igirta witb ber husbsnd iu prcperty, sud je, perbaps, bis social superior. During bbe f irsb years cf marriage lie must lire witb bis mnothier-in-lawx, sud belp support ber. Tira wife hclds the purse sud manages ail hcusebold expenditures. A divorce is as easily cbtained lu Bormair as in Japan. Burmese girls rnarry Chinamen, but lu Ibis cas'- Ithey stipulabe that thay shallire treabed as Bai-eese wives, sud net as Cimese. The hblîdren of sncb unions are brouglil op, tire boys as Ohmn- ese, tire girls as Burmiese. SUICIDES IN THE TIIÂMES THEY CHOOSE THE BRIGHT PLACES NOT THE DREARY PLACES. A Riv er palfemiaîîFinds Mis Iaugters 1:44d.-'Wil qoicn iClaniGlrl*s Bety as Tuf il'Own cIild's. The. grent river -wbich mus muddy aud browu bhrough London is responsi- Ibe for no lestlion an average of one huundred sud fifty suicides during a year, bbc majerity being ixornen. 0f thesi' suicides the greatest number oc- cor duriug tire warma weather. it doeosn't folloxv that Ibere are not as rnany atcrnpts at self destraction dur- ing tire inter as in the sommer mouths; but according te no lacs au- Iheriby than the Superinlendenb cf the Thames Police, a body of men w-ho do duty exclusivaly on the river, a person w-ho tbrows hiesseitf into cold water is morel ikely te ery out, sud Ihus unis- bentionally cuntributF3 to bis rescue, tiran hoe would do iflho jumped into the, river ou a warm night. More peo- ple are rescued thereforelin he winter tran iu sommer, Looked aI from Wesîrnînister Bridge, Oid Faîber Thumes does ucb appear to ho tire guilty thing he is, but whon ee stands on cld Wapping Stairs or Cherry Trea FPier, Bermondsey, after night faîl, everytblug is se black aud dark sud dis- mally sulent, sud the water itself seman bo roll along s0 sulnly ou its course teward the, sea, that ycu eau ragard it as capable cof any treacbcry. CIIOOSE TRE BRIGHT PLACES. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTENATIONAL LESSON, MARCH 7. Ac9', M. 26-40. GENERAI S'IATEMENT. The stery o c r-day bas a pereuniai charm. Eaeb Iiny detail bas an at- lracîiveuess cf il.- 0v.r Tire desemî rcad belîveen rw e eronded eapitals; the evangelist led stel> by 1tep by tire Spirit cf God; tire roll o? Ilehrew pro- pbecy ixhicir prcelaimed bbe trutirs cf tire Gospel centuries afber ils author b.ad been laid lu bis grave;,lire royal reasurar cf Ethiopia dm'ving witb gorgeons escrt Ibrougir bbc ailderness; bbc cerernn, etbaptises performed wîtb sncb ftea<inas sud simpliciby- Ibese are parts cf btce4icînrc cf whicb bbe wcrld eau nci'r tire. But lire chie? cirare cf lire stlory cornes frmr ils spiritual ruIr. Haro w e sec Ibat, in eue way or another, intimations corne frees God wii., if foilcu cd, w ili lead arigirt; that a lcftier intellect than yeurs or mina directs tire wills cf men about us; "s good mn's steps are ordcred, cf lire Lord, sud be deligirtetir in bis way.- lHure ira are baugrt liraI thre is ne sncb tbing as chance. That this lowly African iras on Ibis road aI Ibi %heur va as really God's doin.g as liraI Pbillip was Ibere. Il was ne ac- cident wbicb irad brongirt hlm np 10 the feassI aI Jerusalees; it did ne1 "chance" thatw-ebn lha burned le lire stndy cf tire Greek Scriplures il -%vas that passage lu Isaiah wbice osigli- hsrly foretelîs the rneek sufferings cf bbc Savicur !bat cpened beforo mim. GCod's fingers pia,.y ou ail tira irys of borns1f e. Tire suprerne attractive- sescf tbbc cbraeter cf tire Messiair is anoîber bruIr broogiite our notice by Ibis lesson. Wbetbcr w e ead tire words of cor Lord, or tire record of bis passion, or bbc philosophie expoundiug of bis doctrines by Paui, or bbe prcpirecy xvhicb bbe Ethiepian stndied, w c find ourselves lu bbc presence cf tire Ses cf muas, bbc Embodiment of Ismael's spiri- tual ideals, the Incarnation of bbc beau- litudes; and te Ibiq- Holy Oua are drawn ah seuls wiro feel lihe Neigbt of sin. Ve have in Ibis lasses aise an acceunt cf s represestative conviction sud coneux-aies, a pirotograpir cf the stepa by wbieh a sînner is led te Ccd. Conscience bud led bbc eunucb, ibile stili in distant Mierue, te pray le lire unkucîru God; conscience, enliglîbened by thougirt sud reading. guidcd by the T101,4. 04414.44145d,]lt., i 4rt blposvp. the as no great men uow affect. Read Esaias the prophet. Iiaal Among providential arrangements for the spread of the Gospel w heu it came were the universal use of the Greek language brougbit abaut by the conquests of Alexa9,nder; the translation of tbe 11e- brew Scriptures inte Greek, the wide diffusion of H-eb.rew law and doctrine by mearis of the Jewish dispersion. Is- aiah waas regarded as the greatest of prophets, aud il was a natural thing for this stodions and reverent eunuch to select the roll of Issiab as tbe book to read on bis homeward way. 29. The Spiri said. How far tbis Phrase is intercirangee.ble with "the angel of the Lord" (above) we do not know; what we rnay be certain of la that, 2, God's Spirit as realiy directs bis eidren now as ever, This the Bi- ble everywhere plainly declares, and the experience of CQhrist hans in al ages proves. Go flear, aud join thy- self. Approach and slip inte comnpan- ionable relations witb Ibis foreigner. 30. Philip rau. IHo hastened te over- take the Ethiopian party. Heard hi-m. For the ennucb was resding aloud, s customi almnost universal in the Orient. The prophet Esaîas. "The samne Pro- vidence which sent Philip te mccl hlm iu t'bo desezt directed bis reading to the fifty-third chapter cf tbc great evangelical prophet."-Bîshop Hervey. -31. How eau 1, except sorne man sheuld guide me? In antiquity al sacred writiugs were supposed t h.ave an ilune-r reaning net intelligible te tbe lay reader; religions were believed te be beth "exoterie" sud «'esoteric - thut le, to have a superficial meeting for common folir sud a deeper mesning forthe favored few. Be desired Pbhip that be vould corne up sud sit wii.h him. The eunucb regarded Philip as a religions csage. "Desired" sirould be "besonght., Here we have the writ- ten word, s living teacher, sud s most eager pupil. 3. Earnest inquirers ivel- coma help from any quarter. 32. The place cf bbc Seipture whicb ho read vas Ibis. The quotation from Isajah 5e whieh follows is net il that thb, eunnch had read, but vhat was holding bis attention aI this moment, sud il is the ircyncte cf an extended Passage. Led as -.r sbeep te the slaugb- ter. Thot is, wiîhout resistance. 133. The variations lu this verse from our Hebrew text arises from, the fact tiraI Ibey are taken from bbe Septua- gint, Greek Version, wbich varies lu many regards frcm the Hebrew. lu bis humiliation bis judgment was laken away. Our translation from tbe 1He- brew Version is e'by oppression and judgment hoe was taken away," wbicb means ocuhstanîiatly the saine bbing. Who shall declaye bis generatien? h is 15 a dîfferent passage in tbe original. The mneuniug is probabîlv, "Who w ill gixe serieus thbogbt tb Lis life or bis age, seeing thal it is se preniaîurely euit offh" 1Te Sambebrian hated hies, sud scugbt te w"ipe bis rexord fromn bistory, but God, frustiated Ibeir plans. 34. 0f whern speaketh the prophel this 9,Hore is the record cf a question as intelligent sud discerning as any man coold ask about Ibis passage. Ev- ery fact we learu eoneerning this eu- uicb pinces hlm bigb in our estimabe. 35. Bep-an aI the came Scb -iUu.re. s14,udl,Reoinint.h.A.ý 4Il.- '4Tii. qAf One ks-o my teacnp is carriad To tire place tbab's laid opposte yen; My wife peurs tira tes out-we're nîar- ried 1 ? Oh!1 eau i the truc? Biles, an m .-ust ries j4iro 4thoewo e 54 toze.dn~ . om Lii4n ta4 4a Un '-rn 1 irit.441.44 hu '4'P44'-s-t-u--_ bï -.4. -ev tll P__ --ut- ____ -44-_ -4 -- - ". ---r -'--- -~nï~ies~ -, -- -.. 444, -4 ~ 4v4h111OTIW zt114 eo zun~ tr---pr -----------'- A.... -4 large. l L .- .- su.:4.4.,. __ _ __ _ _ G_ _ __ _ __ _ _ n,_ _ __ _ _ J . îii1 ro in wveist __ _ __ _ ___ __ _ __ _ _______________M ___________ v__________ [A--.t-..-.u411u. qt1 11 1 J. 1 . 4 -Jh ung tI ~ ~m '4 r~--~et'pm- -~~fusii Li- eH Ls 1 1---- - a- (1. c .~. J .u rt i,'.a 4, ,,I,4,s, u In,,44 v 44~ UO . .f4r,,,t~fl l, 4,U,4S.4 .hT i . t4014l >0"4i..n 4. '.4.4i 4.444'. a-44 44i 4 ne.-4 44i4ý 4. _,7rIn wvirt SilL 1i ~i u a~ïr ~ ~ =4---'1~et-~ -4-~=4w- ~ ~ ~ 4144- ~ ~ 1S.- ý7ý -71* * 7"~~ ~ 7' 4 ~ -~~. I -'-- --.~. - 41 ~-4 - ~ t rt e e - i j~~Pv t ' _________________________ 7______________________________ ..-. - ' aveu-e- -tynvve- s ~-~'-~--~-"'- ~ F-t- 444 >-4414-41 '.4 - .-. t-.. -r, -.---.--~-.-.--a-4S1-----flfl...- .t04114 11ti512n~1.LflZ %.4..ar 41.- 1.- 1- ,i 1,1.. '4h~nnt.-.z..-. -.~. ~~-.-tdn~t, -b'silbss-.- la-ion- lnn-~t,.- ~i~ire- 5~r~4-'i. ... .- . . .4. . r-4ir# r-~rJui~fi- - 444 504. -4.j-~-4.4..-4-4..-4.4,-4- ~ ----'----- .- - - - - ~- - - +40. i - - - - - <--4--e 44 4414.414.44.4<41 -4t4-44.4..4-4..-4-4..414 4.~4. 4-4.4 44-i~4.4 ~-4-44.4.1 I - --.5~=4 f1Y..TW1II2I T t 44.JL 1140l.441.O olOr-i S~r-44~'. ____________________________________________________________________ 151541t 0113104TLLOL5vIuI mF.V U-1o O.'sei~1n..4~s~ii _____________________ lOt- tm4.4.4.Zt 4.40, - 1s424.'.kr Oeio-14-44,4- ~ 4 -0--$5-4 14t1t~Ztr--.- -1 ..- . . .ceF...... . .. ...5-.5 - ~44.1'1 - - -~--~ r 14P 4.44- t-t41404 4441 4.04.t.i>054. 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A t- .4. t...--4 .4-4 t-if .4 ~-4 -~-.1-I .--i5t-1~At.*44 j ~ i-e-- -"---a~' <At-i. t-.. ______ _________________ i '..t-r-tiuLnTgiii4A P40iCn-'~pW1r', 41u1The ~oacnL ivt-invw'viisy,...i 14{,îte41 ii- li-, 4e-cOi Tri 1 '.'.. C~a-s" v.hore-4 ire -c-coul -- *F-.-~., .~ ~ iPSS OC ENGLISH BREAKFAST 0GOCOA Possesses the foIIowing Distinctîve Merits DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. Orateful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptie., NUTRITIVEQUALITIES UNRIVALED In Quarter-Pound Tins Only, PFoeu fD Y JAM[S [PPS & Co., [19, q'AVE YOU TASTED It is the Most Delicious of all Teas SOLD ONLY IN LE1AD PJIGKEIS BY SoId by CAWKER & TAIT. 41-y. OH! CAN IT BE TRUE? The flowery white wedding is over, And ovex the rush of the train; To turn your sweet eyes to your lover, And kiss hlm a gain!1 There's no oue to bore or to bother. There's no one to eall and to stay; TIhe whoýle pr6tty worid; and eaeh other Are ours from to-day. This quatut littie parlýor, how pleasant Its .flavor of long-a.go life! But the- crown of its life is the present, My darling, my wÎfe 1 The pleasant w ood f ire's glowxing steady, The table is set, and for two; The littie whbite table ail ready, For me and for you. Do you think that 1 ever shall bore you? \Vi1ý you ever be angry with Lme ? Ah! let me sit stili aud adore you While y ou pour out the tea 1 l'Il help you, no boaîsts will I utter, But yen see how domestie 1 arn. 1 eau eut you your thin bread and but- ter And hand you the jam. After tea we wvill stroîl down the mead- 0w Dy moonlight, as truc lovers should; And kîss ïn the corner of shadow You sec b-y the wood. Il'-! -115 --, . 1 1

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