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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1897, p. 7

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THE RELUANCE lon and Sayings Comnpanly, 0f Ontario. NCOP~8TEOUNDER cHAPTER 189, R. S. 0., 1887 BO%;I4ANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIRECTORS: M. A. J_ MES, Esq., ............ PEFasmasi, EdAto-w7 erd PrOprietO'rCA2NAIDLAN STATESMÂN. J1 . IE - JURlY, Esq..._:....VICE-PREFSIDENT, (Druggist.) IL. D. r> -iIDSON Esq. .... ..... SECRETARY Prie ipal Publie Scheol.) W.S.NIE CIONVAN, Esq...LocÂALAGENT &TFERA.s -ýi MDOUGALL &JONES. SOLCIToUS Equity Chambers, Toronto.) .311 4 U, s.......... ...VALT7ATOP, (BidiadContracter.) BOAu. -zaunets for the censideration of Leans ut thre c- -l of the Seretary, R. D. DAYJD)soN, Esq., ifr-ýa eheo allinformialen imay bu obt 'lu- edl MIGIENWANTED--To engage with tLuEs a Salesman. N1-ew suasonjusýteeIlng, uaw styE(1) pate 00k, ore attractivued u U -lter hun ever. Ail samplus furnished free. Me are tk ,oulv CanaianNrsery paying sal- ary anC -cpenses fronithe start. Libuýral cern- iiiissioii tcpart timu rou. Largu list of Speial. ties, al l rving beeu testeu tour trial orbhard tivur T)mers undur cultivallon. If yen ant sure ttzsuiug for winter, write us. Sro a&WELL mIrN ~rservnnen aud Fruit growers,Toronte Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually, wiîhout weakening the ::;=.- .~ the sccrctions -,ai the sane trne Correct- 7 ingý Acidity of the * euses.,,Dyspapsia, Headaches, Diziness, Heartburn, Constipa- yr tien, Drynesa eo' the Skis, Dropsy, Dim.' ness of Vision, Jaus- dico, Sait Bileuns, Erspls, Serofula, Flteisg of the -.. eart, Nervousness a tgeral Debilty; a1 these and rnany other soillar comnplaints yield t, the happy influence oJ f BURDOCK BLQOD R'FRPA'N-S -The modern stand- [~ard Farnily Medi-, cine: Cures t'ne' commnon every-day - lls of humanity. MAR er is fighting and we are digging and thuir son David, wbo afteoewards bc- THlE HOME IRELIGION mother is praying." " Ah!1" said came My father, imploring God's par- sore nnoe. ' priying and idigging and don and mercy. Bufore a great while 1 fighting xviii bring us eut of our na- the whole farniiy wuru saved, and REV. DR. TALMAGE DISCOURSES ON ltiosal troubles." We rnay pray in the David wunt and teld the stery te a THESUBECTmrnrning, "Give us tbis day our daily yeung woman to whom he was affianc- THE SUJECT.bread," and sit down lu idlunuss and ed, whe, as a resuit of the story, bu- --starve te deatb; but prayer and bard came a Christian, and from ber own Wliat IEigliteousites' la Ib floc Uetli4ld work will give a b'Mivelibood te any lip-my rnetheo's-IL have ruceivud the o (l ie Ftîîîlyly i Itna riible! family. Family religion pays for both incident. Ttaisng? Tlie Grueat P,'eaclker Daw aeorlds. Let us bave an altar in eacb The stery of that cosverted bouse-1 Les.soTR tram osil s4àyieu oe of Our bouseholds. You May net bold ranl through ail the neigbborbeed, Re.D.Tamg ra> i the ol-bu able te formulate a prayer. Thun from family te farnily, until the wbole Rev. D. Talage peachi th.teru are Philip flenry's prayers, and region was wheulud with religions loisg discourse on "Religîon at thuru are McDuff's prayers, and tbere awakening, and at the next commun- Hlome," the tuxt selucLed being Joshua, are Pbilip Doddridge's prayers, and ion in the village church at Somurville, 24.15: "As for rue and rny bouse wu there are the lEpiscopal Church pray- ovur two hundrud seuls stood up te ers, and theru sare scores of books with profuse the faîtb of the Gospel. My will serve the Lord." supplications just suited te the dornes- methur, carrying the memory of this Absurd, Joshua!1 You will have ne tic circle. scelnu from uarly wornanbood into far- tirne for farnily religion; you are a "Oh!" says somu man, " I don't fuel, ther life, la af ter years was resolvud military character, and your tirnu will cempetent te lead my bousebold in upes the salvation of ber children, and prayer." WellI do net know that it for rnany years every wuek, she met bu taken up w ith aff airs connectedwsitb isn our duty te lead. 1 tbink, perbaps, tbruu other Christian mothurs te pray the army; you are a statesman, aud it *is semetirnes btter for thu mother for the salvation of thuir families. 1L your tirnu wili bu taken up witb pub- of thu housuhold te Joad. Shu knows tbink that ail the members of thosu lieaffir; yu ae hfp'Wlshngtnbtter the wants of the household. Shu familles weru savud-. myseif, the licaffirs yo ar the \aehngts, au read the seriptures witb a more yeungest and the last. the Wellington, the McMabon of the tender enunciatios. She ksowýi more 'There were twelve of us children. 1 Israelitîsh host, you w 111 have a gruat of God. I1xiii put it plainly, and trace the wboe l he of murcy baek to many questions te attlu, von xill bave say sbe prays btter. Oh! thesu that bour when my Christian grand- ns irn' fr eliion Bu Jshu, wtbmothurs ducidu almeet evrytbing. mether sat in ber rorn implerisg the no ime fo reigin. ut osha, ith A yeung man recuivud a furlougb te blessing of God upon býer hblîdrun. the samle veice with which bu cerna- returu froml the army te bis father's Ninle of ber descendants became rnded the, sun and meonste hait, and bouse. Afterward he took the fnrlough pruachers of the Gospel. Mauy of ber stac ars o liht o th paadeback te the officer, saying, -I descendants are in beaven, rnany of sta~ rrn e lihton hepardewouîld like te postpose rny vjsit for two tbora tillinl the Christian confliet. Did gronnd of thu- heavuns, says, "As for xveks." At the und efthte two wueeks it pay for ber te spend tbe whole evun- mu and my heuse wuexill serve the bu came and got the furlougb. He iug in prayer for ber bousubold? Asic Lord," was asked why buo waited. "Well," ber buforu the throne of God, surrousd- Befoe w adot te reoluion f tirny inther I vvould bu a Christian in ef the Cbristian Cburch to-day, Irnake eld soldier, wu want te bu crtain it the army, and I xvas resolved set te this record of ancestral piety. Oh! is a xise resolation. If religion is go berne until I coald auswer ber firsÈ tberu, is a beaaty, and a tunderness, geing toi put my piano eut ef tune and question." Oh, the almeet omnipotent and a sublirnity in family religion., Power of the mother!1 But if both tbe There are two arrns te tbrs sabjeet. cleg the fuet of my bilîdren racing fathur and the mother bu right, thun The ose arm puts its hand os ahl tbrough the bail, and seur the bread, tbe cbildren are airneet sure te cerne parents. If cays te tbem: "DÈbn7t and put crape os the door bell, T do back te the rigbt road. It may bu inturtere with your cbildren's welfare, until the duath of onue o the parents. don't interfere wvith their eternal bap- net want it in my bouse. I once5 gave How offun if is tb.at w-e buar corne pinuss, don't yo.u, by as4yting you do, six dollars te heur Je'nny Lind xarble. onu say, '-Oh!1 bu was a sild young put eut your foot and put thern into I bavu, neyer given a cent te huar any- mas, but since bis fatber's duatb bu fruis. Start them under the sheitur, onu groan. Will this religion speken bas bes diffurent !" The tact is tbat the insurancu, the evurlasting help of the fatber's coffin, or the rnotbur's cet- Christian paruntage. Catuchisme xiii et ia' my text do anything for theucis- fin, s often the altar of repentance for net cave tbem, thougb catecbisrns are ing-hall, for the nursery, for the parler, the cbild, Oh! that was a stupendons geed. The rod will net cave thern, for the sleeping apurtrnunt day, the day et father's hurl i If ougb the rod may bu necessary. Les-- It is a great dual casier te invite a vas set the ofticiating clergyman wlho sons ef vîrtue will set cave to' made the chie! impression, ner thu thougbi they are very important. Bu- disagree-able guest than te get rîd ot sympathizing Iseurners; if was the eoming a tbreugh and fbrough, up and brm. If yeu' do nef want religion yen father asluep iu the casicet. The bande down, eut and eut Christian youruult hud btter sot ask if te cerne, for af- tbat bad toiied for that heusebhold s0 wiil make tbern Christians. turceringit ay taya guatnvblu.long, folded. Theu brais coolud off af- The ether arrn of this subjeet pute its tercomngit aysta agret vhie.tel, twenty or forty years et anxiuty baud upon thosu xvho hud a Pions Isaac, Watt s went te visit Sir Thomas about bow te. put that farniiy luright bringing up, but who bave as yet dis- and Lady Abnuy ut their place in position. The lips closed atter ge appointud the expuctations excited in Theobald, and was te stay a weuk, and Marly years ot good advicu. There regard te tbem. I said that cbildren are more f uars talling in mother's broughf up in Christian bousebolds, stayed tbirfy-tive weeks; and if relig- grave than in fafber's grave; but over tb.ough tbuy migbt make a wide curvu, ion once gets into your beusuhold the tbe fatber's tornb I tbink theru le a were vury apt te cornu back te the prebability is it will sfay thure torever. kind of awve. It la at that marbie pli- straigbt path. Have yen nof bes Now the question I want te discusJar many a young mas bas bues ru- curving eut long eneugb? andisleif net 15: Watwil eliio d fr hevointionized. rnesf timu for yeu te bu curvingi? is oldwlQuest gion d for Vte , yungMas, wt he "lu d .Oh,"l yo'u suy, f bey were tee rigid." bouehod? uosionthefirt. hatwith dissipation! hOW> long is if ciscu Well nunv, my brother, I tbink yen, did lb cdo for your father's bouse, if yen yen bave besen ut te yenr fafber's bave a prutty goodl character considur- were brougbti up in a Christian berne? grave? Will yeunsot go this week? ing whtut you Say your parents were. Thexvblu eus ba vaisbd, utPerhaps the sterme of the iast few Do, net boast too lnuch, about the style Thewhoe, cen ha vaishd, utdays rnay have bouti the huadetone un- ln whieh youir parents brought yen up. if cornes buck to-day. The heur for tii it Jeans far ovur. Yen bad btter Mig.t it net bel possible tbat yen wonld morning prayers came. Yen were in- 9gOouf and sue whetbur the iutterîng bu an exception te the gesural raie vitued in. Somexvbat fidgety, yen sat bas bes detaced. Yen bad btter go laid clown, and thut you rnrgbt spend eut and sue wWufhur the gatuet the yewr eternity in a diff erent woold frorn and listenud. Xonr fathearno 1 lot is closed. Yen bud btter goand that in vvhicb yeur parents are spund- pretuuîtions te rretoricai reading, and seif yen cannof find a sermon is the ing f'hirs h bu juef went tbreugh tbe chapter la sprisgîng grass. O, yeung- mas!1 go I fuel asxious about yen, yen fuel a listraiglifforuard wuy. Then ont tbis week and sue yeur fatber's auxieus about yourself. Oh!1 cros plangrave. Religion did se mach for our over into the right ýpatb. If your par-- yen ail knelt. . It was about the carne Christian ancustry, are wu nef readly ente prayed for yen twice a day, eacb prayer merning by merning and sight tbis onerning te bu willing te receive et theru fxvic a day for twenty yearc, by night, for 'bu bad the carne aine te it mbýt our own beusehoid? If we do thut xxeuid maku 29,000 prayers for you. asi padonfor ud b ba tb canerecuive if lut if corne tbrou.gb the front Think of them 1 askparon orandho ud he amedoor, do sot lut us crnaggiu it is. There By the memo.ry Of the cradie in blussings fer which te bu grutetul day are a great many familles who wunf whicb yonr cbildhood was rocked, with uter day and yeur atter yuur. The te bu religions, but they do sot want by the crib lan vbich your ews childrun prayer was longer than yen wouid like anybody outside te know if. They lumber niglit by siglitudur Ged's te hve ad t, fr te gmeut bail wouid bu mortifiud te death if you pretecting care, by the two graves in te aveha if fe te gmecuugbt fhem ut family prayers. Tbey xvhich sieep those two old huarts thaf was waiting, or the skates wure lying wonld sot sing in the worship for tear boat witb love ce long for your welf are, under thu shed, o£ the scboolbooics their seighbors would bear tburn. They and by the two graves in wbich yen. seeded ose or two moeulookîng ut the do sut bave prayers wbun they bave the foot that long ugo cuased to meve, husen. oar paens, oruwatcornpasy 1 1105 the living fathur and mother, viii lessnsý our paretssomehat Tbey do sot know much about thu find your hast repose, I urge yen te rhernafie usdstittQedwifb age found nebilify ef the western frapper. A tra- the diecharguetfyeur, dnty. it dit ficuit te r1se frorn thuir kneeling voler goisg ulong xvas overtaken by The chair ut wbicb tbey icueit is gene nigbf and a sterm, and bu estured a thuBibe ot t wichthy rad uscabin. There veru firearms bnng np A MINER-'S HEROJO ACT. talBi lest o prces.the ared bs areund the cabis. He vwas ulurmud. Hu A despatch'f rom Rossiund, B.C., suyc: perhape blnt peete aet ad a large ameunai etmonuy xitb are gene, the ehidres scattered north, hlm. but bu did sot dure te venture -Biy as acf of heroism Jim 11emsw'ertb easf, seuth and west, but tbat wbeie ouf 1sf e the night la tbe ctorrn. Ne suved the lives et two minera xvrking scele flshe upo yOu inmorYto-did net like the looks ot the bousebeldinteYugAerc hde-ot ceus flshesupe you meory o- Affur a white the fatber, tbe Western i h on mrcnbnrdte day. Wus that merning and evunisg frapper came lan, gun on bis shoulder, shaft OsSunsday, They bud filied the exercice in your father's bouse debas- and whun the traveler iooked ut hlm ires bueket with ore and it ,wus wîth- ing ou elevafing is it set urnong the bo was stili more affrighfud. Attur a, i twenty feef o! the surface with mest sacred rerniniscencesl Yen xwhite the famiy xvere whispering te--,__ < - -- ,- CGRt per Package Standard of the World KINNEr'YBRS NEW YORK 21ýIIan ...,,idGra l., p 0 The uiidersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberai patronage extended to us during the past season, also ta remind tbern that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the HJGHEST MARKET PRICE 100R ALI KINOS OF F-S,~ I E,. delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss,, or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattie and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels whiclî we are prepared to, sell If OIR OÊA-S:EL Alkinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCREENEI> OÂL always in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McCLELLAN& O 'Ulii be pleased once îLi Quantity, twice ini quaâly and three tîmes in Frice Who înspect tie unequalled assortmeut of SliDpers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises. &c.. IL ]SE _-E

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