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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1897, p. 5

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A Word About i rurses By Those Wh c Know, Ti'h Euniversal opinion of tioe who have tried the Suith Silver Truss is tliaý there is no truss on -th< market equal to it. It is EMS), It is L~1 It is GLsaranteed. Otherý imitate but none eqlLal t. 'Sttt &J Jury, îgents for Bowmanville. N. B.-Pzrivee room for fitting. We have neve:: tint with a case that we cannot hollId atisfactorily; and mafly cases have beri perfectly cured by thîs modern in,-,enton, Cali and see it. BOWMHAIV.LE, MARl. 17, 1897, Owir (ycling Collamn. The Cyci e aid Motor World says in reference t<D thi new tubing used in the Centaur (Kil. O.S.) wheols (the kind Stott & Jury seit.) 'fI is flot too mucli to sav that on acc-_ounî of this innovation the Centaur ni-achnle (K. O. S.) is entitled to be consicierel the machine of the show especiallyvwhe1 we rcffect that the mach- ine s oncsftt&mosttheaneU4inally per- fect cycles 'buRit.", The New Jersey courts in a test case declared that bicycle riders lim~e the saine rigbts on the streets and boulivards as any common vehliclo, R. J. McCredy (critic for "English Cyclist) in speaking of the King of Scorchors, (the wheel Stott & jury seli) says:-We h ave neyer ridden a sweeter running wheol, and it is simply a marvel of easo in uphbill riding. Those who are waiting for Japanese wheels ma-y be intercstod in kn owing that the output of the largost factory l Tokis, Japan amounts to about 100 wheels a? year. .Stott & Jury are showing one of the most handsonie Bicycles we have ever seen. See it in their window. A London authoritv states that Bir- mningham and Coventry alone, givo em- ployment to, Z33,000 peple in their Cycle indfustries.. If you wanit a first class second baud 'whecl eall at Stott & Jury's. Watdh au.y haîf dozen cyclists as they pass, and yo-u will see that five of thema do flot know how to pedal properly. If they hadl but a slight knowlodgo of the proper method of foot motion, with the same expencliture of power, they could accomplish f ar greator resuits, From AthZetic News-III saw a prac- tical test of the new tubing which has just been intxoduced by the Centaur Co. as against thle saine gauge of D tubing. A length of each was placed lu turn on a cou ple of blocks, about 18 inchos apart and M r. Ma-ude, who weighs about 15 rtone, jumpied on the middle of each. The D tube -was bont down to the floor, ,whereas the lnted piece was not doflect- ed haîf an irich fromn the straight lino. " "«I have not 1.3een altogether in favor of high gears, but the way Mr. C. W. Brown rode a @entaur (K. O. S.) weigh- ping 25lbs, 'with 61 cranks and "oarod to .94, has almost convorted nme 7rom the moderate gear to wbîch, I had pinned my faith. fle mounted hbis with little or no effort, thougli hampored by the heavy roads and cross winds." This is- one of the w1ieels sold by Stott & Jury. The art of pedalling is to push the pedal more than haîf the circle, taking careto 11f t the foot immediatelyit bas done its effective work, so as not to burden the rising pe-dal. This necossitates the dropping of tho heel at the top of the stroke which. bel ps the crank over the dead contre, pusbing right down'to th e j bottom oi'l thc stroke, and bringing the foot back -with a clawing motion to got a rider, who lias been c ontent with a piston-like up and down pedal motion, 'wiIl try this slowly at first, lie will bo surprised after % littie practice, to flud (\ 3that the madhin$, does not roqulire near f ly so much pushing as it used tio, espec- laIlv in bill climbing will he diut2over its Local and Otherwise. Sec the C. P. R. moemont ut Pick- ard's. Fmesli Muple Syrnp just arrived ut boul Bros'. Whitby will hold a Famine Fund concert similar te ours. Bargains lu hardware sound now lu Bowmuanville. Ah eau getthem ut JB. Martyn's. Meu's bats lu the very latest English styles just epened eut ut Coucli, Joins- ton & Cryderman's., Dees your eves requiro medical troat- ment ? Calut Rickard's Jcweller and Optican, lie will tell yen.> Mrs, Hughi Watt, agod 95 years, a resideut in Hamilton township ever 70 yeurs, died March il ut Coldsprings. Mr. Chas. Kelly of Motreal, our fav- orite songster, bas been appointed choirmastem of Knox cbuch,Guelph, salary $400. There seems te be much sickness ameng mon just now. One benefit society lu tewu bad nine members on its sick fund last week, A few very fine Fur Capes, specially selected this seasen, lu aIl the lutest styles, wihl be sohd at anu uusual sacri- fice price, ut M. Mayem's. De yen want a honeie n town ? The Holiand resideuce, King St.E., is new for sale ou vcry, very reasonable termos. Ask M. A. James for particulars. The zeal of mauy professed Chrîstians wus se inflnitismnally smull Sunday merning that it could net be seen with the most poworful microscope. Couch, Jehuston & Crydemman are showing a big»stok of Carpets from the choapoît Unon up te the best Bmussels made and ne botter value anywheme. Rev. J. W. Pue, of Toronto junctien, will address tbe Local Union on the "'Truths that triumph te day," on Mon- day cveninoe Mardi 29th. The public arc inviteV' te be present. Trinity church ut 8 p. m. Before yen buy a sewing machine se wbat yenune gotting lu tic wuy of wcaring materiai. Buy the best, euhl and sec the makes Richard bas for sale. SDo your friends euh yenu prend be- cause yru do net notice tbemn on the strocti Caîl on Richard and flnd eut.if the fauntis net lu eyesigbt, ne charge fer tostin g. Chas. boual, Bowmauville, Car penter and Contracter. Pepuiing neatly and p romptly donc. Orders ef t ut beai Bros. cash grocers, will ecoîve prompt attention. il-tf. Mms. Henry Ward Beecher's burial took place te Greeuwood cemotemy Mamch 11. Shewas laid beside bier bus- baud. Pcv. Dr- Lyman Abbott offici- ated. The Amnerican ugricultural press bas sustaiucd a groat loss lu the deati of Mm. Luther Tueker, senior editor and prpitor of the Country Gentleman of Abn, N. Y. A good ftting and well-made Suit will cest ne more than a, poorly made anc. Louve yonr orders ut Conch, Johuston & Cryderman's and yen eau depeud upon boeing suited. 1 The balance of this season's stylos lu Fedora's and Stiff bats-ahi reliablo makes- and a general lineo0f geut's furnshings will ho offered ut a whole- sale pricc a.t M. Mayer's bat and gent's furnshing store, Bowmanville. beadquartcms for the Grand Lodge officers of the Aucient Order of United Workmen have heen arrauged for lu Cenfedemation Lif e Building, Toronto, und tic. suite of ooms for tic Grand Recorder's offices wilh be ready by May lst. Tic Lindsay Watchmun made a peculiar mistako hast week in its report of a farmers' institute meeting. Mr. W. Pennie delivered an uddress: "'Give the Beys a Chance", but the Watchmun got it,* Give the bogs a Chance ! Duing the freshet ast week Mr, John McKay's dam ut Caledenian Milîs was uptured and muci peami burley and other stock was damaged lu tic miii by watcr. The base line bridge seuthwest af the mill was disiodged and partiully driven down stream. Vanstono's dam had a sovemo test but emained intact. Grand Master F. W. Unitt bas asked for 5000 new members lu the A. O. U. W. lu 1897, and tic way tic Yvouug men are joiuiug shuco, Grand Lodge decided on a gruded ussessment, that number wilh ho oxceoded. There are many yonng mon lu and amound Bowmanville wio should insure their lives for $1000 ()n $2000 lu this Order. A. O. U. W. Lodges lu this part of tic Durham District wîll bave te hustle or tioy will ho lowemed lu tic scale of mombership. Havelack lodge bas lu- creased frem 58 te 120 members since Grand Ledgo meeting. Tuesday nigit 31 now members woro initiuted wbose average ugo was under 80 years. Wiuýdow shados and curtain polos ut ahi prices at L. Morris'. Soiid gahd weddiug rng, quality guaranteed, at Rickard's. Fumniture lu ail newost designs and lowest pices ut L. Morris' Dees yaur bead ache ? Consuît Rich- ard und ho will teli - yo if i spectacles will help yen. garden and flowers. It lbas long beon an acknowledgod authority on gardon- ing subjects, and eue, of its strsrngost cdaims, as agadun journal, is its thoneugh reliability. The low price ut wbich i!t is published, 5J cents a year lu eonnection with its sterling value, shouhd makze it a wehcome visiter lu the home of every eue who bias a gardon or raises a window plant. Vick Pub. Co., Rochester, N. Y. 1 Terriflcalhy high wvas the wind Friday last. The Corbett-Fitzsimmons slugging nielee is due to-day. Almost everything lu hardware is now found at J. B. Martyn's. M. A. James, Issuer of Marriage Licouses, Bowmanville. WOvould you sec a splendid hardware store ? Sec J. B. Martyîî's. Wo publish Nos. 2 and 8 of Mr. Hoar's interesting letters this week. Miss Emma Souch recently visited Mrs. W. J. Anderson, Toronto. The railways have abolished cheap Saturday or market day tickets. BooiLblu hardware? Yes at J. B. Martyn's. Caîl and get bargains. Mr. Arthur Hardy and Miss Ada Hardy visited Lindsay friends receutly. STATESMAN and Weekly Globe, $1.50. West Durham readers ca n got no botter value. We are roceiving a great many orders for Tua, STATESMAN and The Weokly Globe at $1.50. A postinastor iu Quebec issued post office orders in his own favor for $2,100, but hoe was caught. Pev, . D. Fraser is anuouuced to lecture at Brooklin to-îîight at Brookîju to-night on John Knox. The Lindsay Warder delinquents are being suod for arroars of subseriptions. The plan is favorably rcported. A fine stock of new aud elogant Capes just roceived direct fromt Germany at Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman's. East-End Hardware store is going to lead lu best lUnes of shoîf and heavv hardware ut iowest prices. J.B.Martyni. Persons. taking up stray animais and neglectiug to cause the samne to bo ad- vertised and appraisecl shah be hable to a fine of, $20. Burketou people recently prcsontod Pcv, J. Creighton., B. D., with a ýpurse of mýoney lu recognition of bis pastoral services there. An immense stock of new Dress Goods in ail the latest niaterials and shades just oponed eut ut Couch, John- ston & Crydemman's. Whitby Chrouicie will lu future charge for allInotices of entertalumeuts aud report ouly sncb, ones as admit its reporters froc. Correct. Is the credit of this towu retting protty bad. or why would the ire Ce. rather take $75 now than a guarantee of $100 from the Counil ? Have you seen J. B, Martyn's Hard- ware store since hoe got Mr. VauCamp's big stock? He, bas a very full store now and the best thing is the low prices. Cail. John C. Ruse bas been appointed Chief of Police in Cobouroe salary $400 and $50 for a suit. Clief %t'nkireud $700 on condition that hoe live lu the cen- tre of town. At a speial meeting of the Town Council,%March 8, a guarantoe of $100 Rvas given to the Fire Ces, if îîeeded lu in carrying eut the program for a tour- namont bore May 24. The S. S. Vancouver bringing the Engiish mails was five days late last trip, se that the Old Country mails duo bore Monday came Friday. Rougb weather on the Atlantic was the cause. Messrs. Percy, Cornîshi and MeMur- try were appointed by the Town Coun- cil to interview the Otarlo Govermmnt rospocting changes lu the Municipal Act and also to report on the Curfew .Bell potition. Court Pride of Ontario No. 6000 bad a geod your lu 1896 and they dîd a good work. For relief of sick brothers thoy paid $689.87, relief of widows and erp- hans $20, and otherwise $268.69. They have te their crodit uow $1710.28. If there is anytbiug wrong with your organ or piano lot me kuow and I will attend te ht But dont lot any of those tramps ut it-tbey do more harm than good. I aise buy and soul Mining Stock-s. JAMES DEývmAx, Big 20, Bow- manville. Couch, Johusten & Cryderman arc showing the bigest stock and the best value lu Lace Zlurtains ever shown luý town., The News contained a temperance concoction last week that "chioroforin- ed " the council report, above it into a bad mix and "pied" the form into the bargain. The lies of "Teropeance" ne doubt bof uddled the staff se that thoy woro unsteady. "Money and Risk s" the insuranco journal of Toronto, January number, contains a long account of the operations of the Canada Lif e Assurance Company. This is the jubilee yeur and a succinct bistory of the 50 years is given. Among the ropresentatives the famillur face of Mm. Geo. H. Buxton holds a promineut place. Mr. A. H. Christian, foreman on Heu. John Dryden's farm, was married te Miss B ailey of Owen Sound ou Wed- Royal Mail Steamship Panisian sails fromn Portland on Apnil 8th and frmm Hlifux on Ap il 101hý This favorite sipi bas excellent accommodation far al'classes ut follewing rates for thîs trip: lst Cabin: Single $5250, $60 and 370); Returu $100, $110 and $180. 2nd Cabin: Single 886.25; Returu $69.00. Stceago: $25 50. Intending passengers te and from Europe sbould apply te M. A.' JAIRS, Bowmanville, for funther particulars. t!. Agency for the CmtîsTiAN GIJÂRDIAN ut Tna STA'%TESMAN office. Miss Flamenco Pringle bas been visit- ing relatives in Pickering recently. Pontypool Oddfeliows held a social for Indian F amine sufferors and got $35. Mr. S. Salis, district manager of the Canada Life, bas been lu tewu a few days. Auy newspaper, magazine or book published may be ordered from M. A. Jamnes. The dwelliug of Pobert Jamioson, east of Pontypooh,was burned March 4th -loss $1500. Pev. A. J. H. Striko, Murray, bas beeninvitedtoe main a4tlî year ut a larger salary. MNrs. David Roberts, Cobourg, attend- ed the funeral of hiem brother-lu law,Mr. Joseph Clemens. The Sunday Sehool article on an inside page is a capital exposition of next Sunday's bisson. Miss Berthe Cowan, Burketon, was re- cently presonted with a chair for ber voluutary service as organist. Councillor Mr. John B. Mitchel was lu Washington, D. C., ut the inaugural ceremonies et Mayor McKinley. No man, womau or youth should fail te read Dm. '1almage's sermon lu the paper on "Epocbs of Mau's Lif e." Country schoohs will rocoive ne grants until June, the municipal grant haviug been discontinued by the act of 1896. Miss Minnie Allen entortained a number of lber friends at bier home on Elgin St. ,Monday evening, Marcb lSth. Mr. Chas. Hutchinson,Supeinteudent and Director of the I. B. and O . PR ., Irondale,spent Snnday ut home "Threl- kald. " Hockey match Tbursday nio.ht, Port Hope vs. Bowmanville, thÏs w111 be the flnai gaine here this season. Admission 15c. Ticket bolders 10c. The bill befome the Ler-ishature te a- mend the mariago act, enabliug cither of the parties te muke the affidavits te- quired should become law. Business letters with Tuar STATIESMAN office sent through the genemal post office must be paid ut the 3-cent rate. It is only news for publication that comes for eue cent. The Firemen are prepa ring for a big day Menday May 24th. Already word bas been received from Merrittou,Orîhlia and etiers of their intention of being presenit that day. The Quarterly Communion" lu con- noctien wlth St. Paul's Church wus held on Sunday last. Twenty-two new members were udmitteçi, feurteen of tiese being from the Base Lino appoint- ment. Pev. J, P. Wilson, ef:ýOshawa,proach-- ed oducational sommons lu the Metho- dist chunch Suuday. Beth discussions were highly appneciated. Mrs. Wilson accompunied hlm and received cordial greotiugs. Mr. Frank B. Lyle of the Standard Bank, Chatham, Ont., writes us that tha ity wunts the Bicycle Meet for 1897 Juhy 1, 2 and 3, and they will make it eue of the greatest tbat the C. W. A., bas o'ver had. We hope that Chatham mauy got it. Pe.R. Douglas Fraser delivered bis lecture on "John Knox" ut Orono on Tueiday hast and is te givo it ut Colum- bus and ut Bnoeklin this week, The lecture is ou the monthly top*e1fr March lu the Presbvtemiun Young Peoples' Societies. Mr.James Gourd bas returued te Tom- ante te accept the situation lu which hoe bas been working an trial for a moutb, havingo'iven evemy satisfaction te bis City emplioyer. In addition te the gen- ena 1 business as watch-maker hoe intonds auriga knewledge of engmaving whiwihl bho f greut service te bhim. "The Institute" is the name of a menthly mageazine issued in the inter- ests of Stnatluoy Coleglute Institute. Mr. H. C. Bittain hus sent us a copy. This is a very nicely printed and fairly well edited publication, but sncb p m- ductions usually die in youth. The" can't compote with the local papor. 'e An amusing incident was witnessed Friday merning. Old Sol and Balmy Breezes wero deing thein level best te'take awaý the uittle skit of snow thut f el the previeus evoning and tic bnoth- en-in-law of the Chairman of Reads and Streets was on the back streots trying te bout the ufonesuid froc ageneles ut the ýjob. Mns William Huneueeo Nellie Cryder- man, uged 36 youms, daughter of the late Daniel Crydemman of Hampton, was found deud lu their home noar Oshawa Station Satumday merniîîg. An inquest was held and a post mertem. Verdict- death caused by excessive use of opium and expasure. A dunken bawlbe- tween one McGruil1 and Haro took place lu the bouse the day befone. A gentleman who recontly returned fmom Posshand says there une hundmeds of thousauds of dollars beinoe-made eut thene by minîng shamks. 'îhe money Rva~ n.......00" 034 BUCKWEAT '............O O0t'0O25 PEAs, Blackeye, e bush.. O 51 '0 O55 nCanadian Beauties.. 54 0 55 nMumîney " 0O45 no0446 Sinali, n 0389 040 Blujt 40 t0 45 BUTR est tabile, e lb.. O0h11'0O18 luedo..........0 10il 0 11ý POÂOs. bs.......O 0 00il 001 IIay per ton .........O 00, ýif 9 Qo A Xight with Seotland. A pleasant social evoning was spent with the members of Clyde Camp, No. 42, Sons of Scotland, Wednesday. Mor- risou's Orchestra furnished several fine selections; Master James Wight gave a reading entitled"Popping the Question" Master James Kilman recited splendidly "Comarade J oe, " and Miss CarrieWight's zreading "Mary Qucen of Scots" was exceedingly well giVen ; Pcv. R. D. Fraser, M. A., reaci the "Curler's Rc- verie" and Mr. Chas. Keith a humorous sermon on "Sing a Song of Sixpence," Mr. Geo. W. Grant of Camp Bruce, Toronto, delighted ail in the renderiug of the goad old Scotch songs-"Scots Wha liae," "McCallister's Bonnet," "Loch Lomond," and several others. Ho was encored on each appearance and kindly responded. Mr. Grant pos- sesses a splendid voice and appearod to Lbc quite at home lu the rendering of the Scottish melodies. The other sin- ors were Mrs. W. Kilman who gavýe "flazel-dene," Mr. Norman Murdochi and Mr. Malcolm ïGalbraith. Mr. C. Ward's violin solo was much apprecîated and indicated that ho thoroughly undor- stands the art. Rev. R., A. Burriss, B. A.,was present and extended greetings. Capt. James Wight, who made a model chairman, also read an interesting let- ter in native tongue which was much enjoyed. Altogether the outertainument was quito successful and was much ap- preciated by those present, and the hall was packed. DISTRICT NOTES. Oshawa council granted $50 to the India Relief Fund. Peterboro council granted $500 to the Horticultural society. b Jury Assize Court opens at Cobourg Monday, March 22nd. Belleville School Board wants $13600 for running expenses. Mrs. Edward Phillips, Cobourg, dicd March 8, agod 66 years. Death bas removed the familiar fig- ure of James Goode, Cobourg, aged 68r yoars. Evangelist Johnston is, conducting- revival services in Methodist churches, Cobourg. Lindsay town councillors will pass a by-Iaw providing that they and the mayor be paid for their services. Population of Canada, as estimated by the Department of Agriculture for tho past fiscal year is 5,125,4-36. Oshawa council hsuve engaged a towu constable at a salary of 8400 peor year, 1with $85 for uniform. Heois 6 foot, 6 in. in height and weighs 240 lbs. Mr. Coxworth, Whîtby, fell 44 foot from a windmill tG the ground and was unhurt. Af ter falling 23ft. ho struck the roof of a barn and broke a rafter 3 Lby 5 which f el to the floor. Thos. Brady grocor, Poterboro, ap- peared before Judge Woeller March 5ti, on a charge of defrauding bis creditors by selling his goods, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $250 and to undergo two monîhs' imprisoumont, and in default of fine four months m ore. Some of the important ovents in* Europe this year are the Brussels Ex- position, Queen's Jubilce, and the In- ternational Exhibition lu Stockholm, Swedeu. These will draw many tour- ists from North Amorica and therefore inquiries for ocean rates should be made early to M. A. JAMzS, steamship ticket agent, Bowmanville. BORN. IIOÂA.-In Bowmanville, Marcb, Stb, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Arthur l{oar-« son. GiFFoRit-In East Whltby, March îtb, tbe wi fe of Hiram Gifford, of a son, Pizsn-nDarlington,March lObli, flicwife of Mr. Dean Pickeil, 0f a son. STEicKt.Â,Nis-In East Whltby, Marcb 3rd, fle ic wlfAi r. James D. Sticklend, of a son. KFLLbW.-In Oshawa, Marceh i9ti, flic wi f of Mr. John Kellow, of a son. GommE-lu Newcastle, Mardi Sti, tbc wife of Mr. Chas Gomme, of a son. COULSON.-In Newcastle, Mardi fth, the wlf e of Mr. Josephi Coulmon, of a ton. MOFFATT.-lu Darlington, Merci 2nd, the wife of Mr. DaviS Moffatt, of a daugiter, MARRIED. THoRtI.i-WITHERÂGE. -In Soutb Darlingt on, Marcbh ilth, at the residence of tic bride', fatier, Mr. John Witbcragc, Miss Nettie Wiîli- erage, anS Mr. Wm. J. Thorne, of Oshawa. tHIJGO-WDDIFIELD.-In Slloam, Mardi loth, by Rcv. R-. 1. Allen, Columbus, Ida Wl SdifielS, and Richard S. Hugo, of Columbhus. GÂGE-Avzav.-At tie parsonage, Black- stock, Marci jrd, by Rcv. N. D. Drew, Mr.Chas. Monroe Gage, of Oshawa, and Miss Elizabeth Gillard Avcry, of Ilaydon. DIED. L IOWDEN.-In Port Ho pe, Marcb 12, Elanor. heloved wif e 0f Major Richard Howden, eged 56 ycars. Fe i luthc township of Manvers Mai-eh ith Sophiia FIeel dest daughter of Mr. h-enry Feeý age? 2 yers. CowÂAN.-In Cartwright, con 7, on Mercb 7th, Robert Cowan, aged 51 y ears, _BUENHAMd.-At the Geocrai Hospital, Toronto, During the Year 1 i17 F'or full particular' s6e advertisements, or pr LEVER BROS., LTD., 23 SconT ST., TORONTO VIcÛ-t orita T. N. RICKARD wîshes ytt 1M A Happy and Prosperous 1897. Qý thanks you ail for the liberal )tm of patronage you have given since lie started business in Bo*>. manville, and more particuIarly,&t# that bestowed upon him this hopi4y season. That it may continue, ho is prepared to go on giving yx good value for every five eents Worth you purehase in his store. Although in many manufactume prices are going up he is completIng arrangements by paying cash, 'by whieh lie will be enabled to gîve you even bigger bargains than evsy, Do not waste your money ly neglecting to cali at thib rellabb House before you purchase. T. N. RICHeARD% Watchmaker, Jeweller and Op- tician, Bowmanville, Ont Two doors east of Standard Banh. A. E. 1MeLAIR*HLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Conveynr.Of- Bleakley Block, King streBowmnanvlfle. Money t o an at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, -iTAIR WORK.-Ladies wishingbi .Lwork donc call ai MRs.DicEiNsoN',R s.West, Bowmaiville. T'%O YOU WANT A HOME.-If you do _"apply to T. BINGHAM for a nice solî'd brick cottage ciniap and on easy terms. 31-tf. W AGON FOR SALE.-Light fazm two-horse wagon, multable for hanlinig Milk ; also met long-tug team harness for sale oé exehangefor fakim prdut. J.W. FOTHMulm- HÂM CeesmaerCortieOnt. 12-w" W ANTED.-Farmers' sons or othoer industicus persons Of fair education *0 whomn $75 a month is an inducemciit. I conit Ls egge a few ladies nt their homes. T. ]l. LscvToronto, Ont. QTOCK WANTED .-Parties 'havinr. "Jcalves, lambs, bogs and other fat stock lean stock, mdlh cows or any other kindt farm stock for sale should inform W. . R. CAWKER, box~ 189, Bowmanville. 10--3m. W ANTED.-Young womnen and men or older ones if stili youlig in sprits, ce ondoubted character,good taikersambiticus an[ industrions cen fSud emaployment in gond cause., withf$80per month and upwards according ability. REV. T. S. LINSCOrr, Toronto, Ont. TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE..- .LTha tfine framne dwefling hoose and on,@- haif acre of land on which are good stablesmal and large fruitsformuerly occopied by Mr .Tbo& Barrett, on Onitarlo St.* Termas very reassonable AplyaI one toJ.B . MARTYN, Bo wmanvllE. CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE.-That c3-storey brick store and dwelling on Cor. R,_ing aod Silver streets, Bownianville, opposite te st Office, will be sold exceedingly ehea for cash or on very easy termas of paymnen$. Apl to Mas. Muii, Churcli street, Bowman- vaille.1-3ww JRUIT-Parties desiring fruit trocs .12for Spring planting can be snppiied et New- castle Nursery at the foilowing rates :Aipple trees $5 and upwards per 100; Plum trees .110.0b and upwards per 100l; Pear and Cherry trees 10e ech and opwards. Strawberry pansSoce r 100 or $3 per 100J N.S.SaEnv,NeWcas"ýtlc. il-4w' ~ARM TO SELL OR RENT.-Being F950 acres, psrt of Lot 15, Con. 1, Clarke, on whIch are ondframedwe-lling,"and neessary outbuidings,2 -1l,. 80 aple tr:ees in fu11 bear- in.Will be sl I a vcry ow dguc itsml paymnent down ; if ictt flwjll be rentcd for a term of vears. Apjix to -.L. IHuGGÀRiD,WhiI, by, or tnAs.Wior barrister, Newcastle. 10-1w* T'ARM F OR SALE.-One of the best 12Farms in the Township of Clarke, being the. sootn haîf of lot 23, in. toc Sth concesgsion of Clarke, on which, are gond buildin es. Wea watered and ferceç , frst-(elass st&te of cultiva,. tion,,ready for crops ;a;-.res faîl wheat, 7 acreg ryc; good orchard, aiea '.mall frnit. It is well located, only it. miles from Orono. Rare oppor- tnnity to porc'hase a gond faim. ?cssession AprilR Ks,'97. ýApp)ly to owner, on premises, Aom Y RJREorto i. MOME.NT, Orono. 1il 9w UTANTED.-Old establishcd whole- y YVaehousc wants one or two honesi andin dustrlous representatives for 1h.s section. Ca IN N

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