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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1897, p. 7

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YOUR SBABY'S SKIN NIEEDS NONI BETTER. -4c&FOR - ý DELICATE SKINS Th e Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. Montr cal. DFEREOOr DEAD. Lieiit.-Col, llerchiier. commissioner of thsa Nutb -West Mounted Police, Who is in Otta-wa orn his aninual visit in corinection with the force, bas re- ceived a telegram rtating that Deer- foot, the once Worlh1-,enowned Indian runner, died on ThaTrsdy at Calgary %,in tbf- police barraclka-, where be ivas confiaed for an assaijit on another In- dian ad is ixife. IDeerfoot-w as one of thc instances of civilization haaving a Lad instead of a gcod effecL upon the North-W est Indiamn. In bis sa-age, or serni-savage, tatea ]ieerfoot was classedl as a good Indian. His phevýo- mnenai1 fleetness of focjt cau.sed him -xo Le taken up by some white men as a prof essienal renfler. lThey rought him cast, -vbcrp be easily defeated the crack x'uuners of bis -day. luis contact with civilization proved, bowever, tbat an Indlian does not always benefit lay sncb advantages. WVHERZE IHEU ATISAI 15 UN- KNOWVN. No Matter Hlow Intense the Pain South Amiericain Rhcumatic Cure w iii Re- move. it Qeuickly-A ILady of fiighgate ~ClI51f V-au IvDtd ifer IUer-Permian- ent Cure cf a Case of Years Stand- It bas been declaxed bv scientists that TH1E SUNDAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAROR 21; "Chrstiao ~e t R~tz'~ut.9iCor. 1). e2 4.iI1eu revex. 1 cors. 9. 25. GEINEFUL STATEMENST. The nine verses that uesctudy are gmf ad ceffliille grcauÈ rgq)imeitconct'rn- ing bimscif. Tbey are indeed in f hem- selves an argument, ashicli hegins witb tLe Leginnwing tf the cbapter sud onde witb itLe end et this lesson. Paul bas dispcsed cf th-e question wavicb the Cor- inthian cburcb lput te hlm regardig meats offercd in sacrifice teols i anuneuncosq the widest Christian liLetiy, Lut is williug to aacrifica that liberty absoiutely, aud deny bimselt of every- f bing in wbicbh h detighied, for the' cake cf narroe r consciences than bis own. -But tberc asere men lu the ap- estolic Cburch, asho denied tbat Rani asas an apetie; tbere asere Christians even in Corintb wlîo w culd say that Le asas not nearly se self-sacrificing as Le ceemied t e Lenlu fic act of self- renunciation; nsudc e, egîn.s in tbis cbapter, te declare, Ly a cories cf clo- quent questions, tbat ho is as frme as any apeýstie, and as much an apostle as any, and gives in verses 15-18 tbe truc reason for foregoing bis rigbtul dlaims. Our lesson hogins et verse 19, axbere ho repeats tLe bol - principles cf lier- sonal self-sacrifice fer tLe sake of Christ.lut' ulîl bow to any innocent prejudice te save a seul. By "tbcweak" Pani refera te Cristiana avbo word act whehly froc frem ither tLe trammelscf Jewish ceremonialism eor of Gentil1e -wor- sLip. Part cf every sacrifice effered in the Loathen temples Lecamne the prcpoorty cf the priest ; part mas re- turned te the wcrsbipers te Le eaten ie a feast in Louer cf tLe god. Often tLe priets share feuud its w,,ay te tLe market for sale; sometimes friendly heathens invited Crlst'ans te dine witb them, n serveu îLefood whicb they Lad jttst Le fore offered te s faise 5 geod. Tbere wvas i-bus great danger tbatt idolatry migbt lu severai ways Lenun- couscieusiy ceuntensuced. Paul took a strenýg commen-senso vi?9w cf the mat-L ter. lHe felt ibat an idol sa nothing, and the meat wras neitber btter urio wcrsc for having licou laid ou an idelt sitar. But the very giat of Christian-d ity is seif-denial for the goed of «' tbed bodies, sud seuls cf mnY' ŽSo one is as truc foilower or .jesus taLc doos netf ive a life of seit-restraint.L PRACTICAL NOTES.e Verso 19. 'fbougb I1 Le free frein al mon, yet bave 1 made myseif servant ente ail. -"Froec" moans independents as te means cf iivelibood. Read "slave"- isstead ef "servant." Se Luther cays -A Christian man la the mest froc lord cf all, anti cubject te nette; a Christian man is tLe most duo ifui ser- vant of ail, and subjeet te everycue." - That 1 might gain the more. A~ course wbich noue but a man of avde tials et morality and faitb. lHe Lcld very definite opinions on the cbief articles cf the Cbristian creed. Gooulnes in life is certainly Letter tLan gooduess iu creed, for tbe only value of the lat- ter i's as a means te the attainu' 'nt cf the former. (3) Eut wbile cbarity ie thLe crewnong virtue on whicb the Lenedictions of Coed and men are per- I nily proneuuced, tbere is. ne credit inlxty or vagueness cf thougbi. (4) Vt la easy te bave a correct creed and aLdle; it la Possible, but not caLz.i, te b ave a gcod life witb a Lad creed, 23. This 1 de for the Gospel's cake. Paul was dcad i-o ai other couia tiens. The life that Lie now lived iie lived Ly faitbi in the Son cf Gcd. Beyond the Gospel lho bad ne motives or hopes. ibat I migbt Le a partaker tbereof vi tb yeu. " Tbat Lie migbt Le bimseif a part'tker cf tbe Lenefit Lie preacb- cd:' lie -%as an apostle; we tbi-nk bim ebjef cf apostles; but Le bad te werk eut bis ewn, salvation like any otber peor seul.-"A laker is net fed Ly selling Lread ; a physician is net cur- cd Ly administeriug medicine; a preacb- or is net caved Ly preclaimlng tbe Gos- pol."-Dods. (5) Eacb of as bave a life te lire, a charge te keep, a duty te dis- cbarge, a God te glorif y, a se ul to save; and Paul sces that bie can ho seved simply Ly living for tbe salvation cf otbers. 24. Tlbey avbich rei n a race mun ail, Lut eue receivcth tLe prize. The JstL- mian gamnes 'acre renoaaned througb- eut Europe. Evcry Cerintbian Lad seen tbem. To tbemn Paul naturally turus for a rheterical figure te peint Lis me- rai. Aht the rannors mun; oee nly le rewarded." Paul does net mean tbat salvation goec bh'y competition; Lut Lie means tbat as in a race net ail-w ho run run so as te obtain t îLrirefr hc -go ra, i n o CbrCst an lite, net ail WhLe enter it put ont cufficient strengtb te Lring tbem te a happy is- sue."-Deds. Se mun, tbat ye may oh- tain. If fer the racers tbcre hladt heen o ffered net merely one prise Lut as many prizes as there w-ere racera, stili Se, se rau ibat they w ouid net eh- tain auy prise. (6) Let ne Christian Le a failure. 25. Every man that striveib fer the mastery is temperate in ail things. Bot- ter, "ibat strivetb in the gauies.' The Ictbmian gaines xvere the greatcst cf ail gatberingc known te ancientGreece. Nene, Lut Greeks of pure blcod could centendl in tbem, and tbe bigbest cf al distinctions w ithin the reacb et a Greek ars ictory b i-htem. Eren war wes suspeuded during tbeir celebration. For ten moufLe the contestants were re- st ttd in teir food and trainied ivitb severity. One day's oart'lessness wculd undo the recuit of a week eft careful adheýenceete the' ruenprescribed. Rani imýpiies tbat the first duty cf a Cbris- tan racer is tobc Le-teýmnerate;" te Le detacbed fromi this world; te mies bis decires; te recog:aize that if eue is te succeed lu the race for etereal life ail the spiritual energy at command will Le required. Tbey de it te ebtain a corruptible crowu. We are te remiema- ber, Lotrever, tbat tbough the crown was corruptible, tbaf 15, eue that art uld soon witber-a wreatb of nfine beaves, erpait'was, nevemtheiess. more os- Ieeme fana7c7whc slver or gold. tor if repres-ented munch. No generai fresb frein, couquects asas received witb greater lbonors tiban tLe victer aethe games. -"The wall cf Lis cit 'y ass tbrowu down that, Le migbt pass in as aconqucrer, and Lis statue was set CW i'IIYSICAL ENDUTRANCE. P YSical endurance t' a q ualil y whlich ,r rrrrrrrlllrlerlr varies remar1-ably wýitb differefIt mnd-- viduals. The performance of feats cf great physical strengtb depend-i for the -' most part on the condition te w Lich tbe mne'clps bave been broughul. y pre- viols exercise. The pow er cf endur- ance, on the ciber band, i., largely a question cf inberited constitution. Pe- sons subjcctedte tbe came stramn, sncb e as a long walk, or a longl'est-race, "play eut " at greatly different stages 7,17, r thiougli the course of training and i ran- kV'ege table Preparaflon forAs -'SIGNATURE uer cf living may bave Leen ideutical. Similating iliz -od andlReggil a ln every-day life the samie thing is iîhc tD-als and-DoivelS Of - F observed. Men following tbe sanie oc- cupation, and living in practically the came manner, perform tbe same w ork w itb decidedly differing degrees cf case.î omts-ieinCefu a It Ês a miatter of cemmon ohservation ' rmte iesinCiefl that as a woodsman, a buntsmen, or eanfeLotnsihr anevery-day toiler, le who has thLe 1opîuni2vorpliine nrnri "IS ON THE quality of physical endurance in greet- I~ T A C rC est mneasure iwill excel. The samne 15 truc iu professional if e. Ordinarily it will be fouind that tbe iman who cut- rPcfo ctrips bis fellows bas the' ability te la- Lor long heurs together -without ex- OF eE1ESIfis Most men wbo bave been dis'tinguisb- inJd OT E O ' ed for great pbysical endurance have rr"&Se O T l inbcrited or acquired a state of mind r4r_ ___ w ilon 5 deji ess ue ecree tctr AperfeclRemncdy for Constipa- aletity, namnely. freedoce fruni worry. i!on, Saur Stomnach,Dîarhea j Wor itacts the mind so Ébat its rtes energies,instcad et Leing concenttated, Wrm Cnusnsferi- are divided between two or mnore traits ness andLoss OF SLEEP. cf thougbt. 'fo tbe extent of avoiding Tac Suiile Signature of worry-ucedlcss dw clliug upon mat-________l____ ters that canuot Lýe helped--the poweor cf endurance may Le acquiredEW -~TYORK. 1Catoria is put rp Li oue-sin, bottIn om!y. It Every man's strcngtb bas a iie ~is net Bola buik, Donat alew imyorte te Bell limit, a limit net dctermincd Ly tbatï;e nt ge'z ntepe o rne it cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ote'Iu bscl nuac nyej-est as goed5" and '1will enewer every pur- Le above the average; il may L beeow ps 'E ht~e î ------- it. fle sbýould net go beyond it, what- Tefo ever it is. Before the physical pewers ZXACT COPY OF WRAPPEP ue 7,,.4.y5f are exbaustcd, net aftcrward, be should evr rest and reduperate cach. EacL mndi- "'~ vidual must cf necessity learu bis ou n Thebe est work is pcrbsps accouplisb- ed Ly long entinuod application, but _______________________________________ net le tbe peint cf exhaustion. Exbaustion May etten Le avoided Ly e a t r cbauging ene -teck for anotber; justt as difficult, perbaps, but involviug- an- Mental labor consumes tbe vital pro- perties cf the lood just as mnuscular, labor dees, and hence t is as important te avoid cxhant'tion in mental -as lu pbysical omployncent. aper obei etinmn fins à wonderful as the power cf endurance and Le remembercd Ibat cvery one is fet- tered hy the lsw- wbh mies ail organ- ized beings. Life mOves lu a serte cf circles, and part cf eacb circle mnust li deotd o ecpeaton ew G o devt c tereupeatin.Grea t powere (if endurance ae for the most part the gifts cf a vigereus %neetry, te Le used Everythnlg suit tble for Fall and Winter wear. The largest and ie ree son .and not abus".,d.

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