i g t IN oti AJB Having bought the well assorted stock of Hardware of F. A. Spaff ord of Garden 1Hl1 at a very low rate on the Dollar, we will make great reductions in all lhnes during the next few weeks. These Goods are up-to-date in al respects and our prices will be lower than eve,. If you require anything in the Hardware lUne cal and see us. We solicit your careful inspection. wRd. Worth. NEW THOUGHTS FOR FAlULERS. Many farmners are lookiug about for soimething away from the farmn to en - gage in ruther than continue farming' now that the returns for labor and agri cultural investmnent are flot as profitable as some urnes in the past. Don't be in a hurry, men, to leave the farm even though the prbfits be small. Appear- auces as the farmer sees them may be terribly deceptive. In towns and cities there is a lamentable strainîng after appearances when there are very niarrow family conditions otten. Rave you ever thought how conveni- ently matters shape themselves for the farmer:? lie hitches his own horse to his own cutter the first week lu the New Year and drives to town with a basket eggs and another of butter,.lHe returus with a week's supply of groceries While lie was away the sow and little pigs, the young cattle, colts, sheep and young poultry increased in value. The good housewif e had a hot dinuier ready for hlm prepared from home grown grain, vegetables, fruits and meats. In short the- products of the farm either di- rectly or lu exchange supplies ail need- d food and much of the other ueeded articles. While the family chatted or read the papers about the supper table the live stock was orowing lu size and value and during lMe other 51 weeks of the year tiiere is constant growth a nd mpvement lu field, orchard, garden, salfold and peu and each day of the seven shows some advauces lu value. How very differeut is it wîth the townsman. lie has rent to puy, big taxes, suudry expenses not necessary MR. lIOAR'S LETTER. No. 4. Leavinig Juarez lui OId Mexico after s0 mucli sight-seeiug thut it will neyer be erased frorn my memorv, we crossed the Rio Grande anid vent bacek again to El Paso where 1 took the train goiug thron gh the State of New Mexico and Arizona with their millions of acres of uuoccupied lands owing to so high price for irrigation and reached Yuma. This place is headquarters of Indian tribes, wýith mauy school houses for their edu- cation. The peuetentîary is located here with different branches of mechanical work for the prisoners, 200 being con- fiued there lu this place is also a land mark the dividing liue betweeu the stute of Arizona and California of whieh 150 miles is desert. We pass aloug the, division until we reach Salton liepot. This locality is 263 feet below sea level nearer to the lower regions than I ever travelled before. We passed over miles of ground covered with sait from over- flowing sait wells. From El Paso, 793 miles the train reuches the towu of Redlauds, a city of 5000 inhabitunts and a centre of the orange growing districts. I had the pleasure of a long carrnage drive for many miles through the orange groves witli a gentlemen, a brother of Mr. W. H. Williams. I called on the sons of our esteemed townsmuu Mr John Med- land. James Medlund has char ge of a Drug Store ut a good sulary. William Medlaud is in charge of the WuterWorks Department. 1 visited his ranch coin- Bosed of lemon trees. In his home his eloved wife and daughter seemed to BloWNMAýN VILLE. eepoeNo. 6(; Opposite Ontario 13ank im1' mon"th.eI~V ~b uuîeula uun 111611L t i ~ability as a lawyer as well as asaerenuhleteuta osnadiedobe one of the heaitihiest parts in I Z-IlIt~ man. In the examination of Cecil prpsncas.Dpndip tothrn California. llundreds locate -ie - 0 -** ____ ae a1wy~ her. butlower hodese nrnvd his&~ ~ t ~f~mfrien4s- thereisa mig -tyl -herefor liearth Thelevutionboe____________________________________ than usual just 110w. 1 _____fpriua.Iedteac fhvn are suflicient for the accommodation of We are showing new things in American Prints. -- -- - ~- - ïýîîUI (luai îitUIy C IicUU5CCtor ootining fact i islseed te ability Of the license flor three years. 7tli-That more peopl to meet the demands upon them, effeetuai legisiation be enucted to pre- and they rightfully expect that not veut the use of liquor lu clubs." only a system of revenue shall be estab -_________________ lished that will secure the largest in- corne witli the least burden, b ut that every means will be taken to decrease, T- rather than increase, Our publie ex- glian001; penditures. Z yqAý VA» aib 11ýe(i0VI VU dLII. ai as was UV4IC - WUIa uman or woman lias lost the previous year. The present debt is appetite, lost sleep, and feels that life is $12,966.68 as against $18,035 at the end a burden, that person is lu a serious of 1891, so that the debt lias been re- condition. 1 prescribe Paine's Ceiery duced lu five years by 1506832, besides Compound for rny patients who have paving for ahi repairs and meeting ail these common and dangeroits symptoms obligations Considering the business with invariably satisfactory results It dep ression that bas prevailed during the best possile remedy to keep one'Is is this whole perlod, this ig certainly a strengtli and euergdrngteprg very favorable record. and summer montl5. Füls the bill. It is not only pure, but always fresh and delicious. In Lead Packages. 25c, 40c, Soc, or 6oc perl. FROM ALL LEADING GROOERS. West End FHouse, BOWMANVI LLE. We close at 7 p. m. sharp every evening -except' Saturdays and days before Public Holid.-ys. Oniy One Week More and our March Sale will be a thing, of the past. We have a few of these splendid Ribbed Cashmere ilose lef t at 25e per pair and also a few plain Cashmere at 20c. These are extra value and cannot be replaced when sold out. 'Get a pair before they are all gone. Cottonade, Cotton Shirt- 6