*1~ DIRIICTORS:- M.ý A. J AMES, Esq.,-----------...PaESaIDEN, (Edcitor antiLropretor CAsÂAI)S' ISu IA-su.1 H..IH. J U1Y, Esq--------- ý V1CE-PRHsuus.ar, (Druggist.> P. DAVIDSON ESq. ..........Ssrsxv <PIlnr pa1 inbtie Schoech) NV SMcKO'uAN,Esq...LocAu Aorr'ur&TnFst M1 iie3a.MA,-CDOUGALL & JONES. SOauCIrons& - (Equity Chambers, Toronto.) J(?OilNGÂUD, Esq............... AmiUÂTRa, (Builder unqContractes.) BoÂiuAm'elsfor tie',nsdeltratiee of Loannu 'a tn el bette Seetat-y. l. 1). DÂVro.Sqr, y-wliou allfutriaatr nnuyble obtk.ii- Éx W NTED-To en-age w-hI us as Saleaman, New teesn raI polirg, ,,wstyle cf plaie bock, more attraeWu-e sud yel 51gter tian ev-or. Al simples furiiet fres. WaF are lie, oly Catri an Nurserv paylng sau- esay anti expensos from tîne tari, 'Liberal cern- tission te part lime mon. Largelii cf Spetlil- mi, ýail living ireen testdet ai castrial orcbard Ovsr7W1 acres ander clilysilc If yen waut -aretblurg for wlîter, w,'lte os. STONE & 'uVL- TNursryveil anti Fruit grcwers,Tarouuo JMPARTS r Beauiy t théIi-Ta-ati, Fragrance to thse Breati, And tbatt sosy. haaltbfnl cler to thea-gums. 0-*-e-1-iproaounoedby exp art cbem's The Perfeed Tooth Powder. 9.'W ý& fl EXTr. c or 4O'YEARS 0f 5UCCES 4T 15 A SURE CURE COLIC . CRAMPS,.7 Kd r. s RI-P-A.N-S -'The modern stand- Lu ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the wcommon every-day ills of humanity. z OR CHMhIREN, ~bsIl y ne iadrug tas e- Marinless. An effectuai purgative. re lacing h g reat adviintfge, castor 30, senraanti a l iru. u, gruga. Cure' Worms, YFever, Fits. Colic. Cold, ,IhngPt. FEESAMPLE te Eny sddress. ji.Dr. 11ev, ard Mnadfofné Co,.. Irocyelkl. Onit MOTIERS REJOICE. T- HEY SEE TREIR LITTLE ONES ItIAýDE STRONG AND WELL BY' !,OOTENAY WHICH CONTAINS THE NEW INGREDIENT. i ck child al)vays appeals to ont- love 'l nvipathy. It conîmands the tenderest .c.ir'." [d saîcbfulness of lits mother, wbo 'I~ gladly sacrifice anything to have lîi-r da . îg îvell. To others wbo have childven suiffering fia ;ny disease brought about by thin, w -rV or impture blood, Kidney Trotible ~ o ~igScarlet Fever, Rheurnatisin, Ec- 1or anv other skin rash, or any condi- o f t , bich the cbild is puny, wveal, and Oc oeýe,atiîd doesnfot tbrive well, oie wouil tfly reconmend the ruse of RycIzman'!s ncav Cui re, not because Ive s',av h for these conditions, 'but becau.,î s1îr glad/y s/e te inder oct/i bow iý d ijeir darlings when everytbjng OIS( Cueof the.e mothers was 'Mrs. Cao a, wo lives at 139 Stinson St., FHaýn1iji 'xOnt. She says Ibat lier datightii -t ias rue years cf age, bas awy bcdelicate, and has had Eczeîu iac l1r Since giviuiglier Ko-tjteniav Cure tic Ecaruaias gone, and bier geiir,î : i greatly improx cd. r her, Mrs. Isabella Suillivan, of 6. U it Street South of the sanie cjty 1). , ý.ul boy aged five, wbo was attarueca 4 wirir Rbeuatism and pains in is bail ane I, /~irvs so bad tbat bie could netL sta rid oi mit r of bed witbout assistance. I)espte < ia .liled nmedical attendlaiice lie ýgrev verý ,,,.,,. anid t limeswîould faint. kooteaa bui ýIddened tbe heart of Mels. Stillivai; -~ atoring ber boy, s0 tinat now she saiv, ~ a.1play biard ail day, and is as bealîlu as onîe fuld wisb for, Itaeslil-e îbese are îîell svorth itira ,tisicosleiatîio f Ibose lbaving sial, Tadeailed sworn statemient., of îihe 'cases, together with bundreds of s~ ens st free, by addressïingtbe Ryck. mou Medicine Cc., Hamilton, Ont. Nla Nen1Ingredient works well. c1 otle iasts over % mnanth. TH E RELIANCE IdullandldSayillgs Goffpany,1 Of Ontario. hCGRPORATED UNDER CHAPTER M6, R. S. 0., 1887 BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. ring. Tire foot, luflameti ai bleeding, guve yorau,-sid thee-Clonel. lue tours~ geL asantal. Tie base sisouldtr, stariet, neHa batnover been rccamti A 'PUZZLE. - g iwlg tbrough Lia atters, geLs a in that 'uay liofowe, Iis life y-as se- robe. Tisa stemacis, knawing itseif ifroat ia r b trugpit Dolor-Dour't yau fiat your glases with hugor, gais a full platter srrok- for a poitively Christian career, Oh, enale you taj sea everything cieanly I lgwitis meut. The- fatiser cannot ot cliaral of Ged, quit your sarcasuLy-here Pitieni-A1il bai eue thiug, doctar. fo lookîung ai Lise ratusuda tventuser -. 1m ilal Q uit ensjrny. quit o niwa ata Tours ruaning tcwn îleo face until 1tuile taille anti try ftsgiveness. Got HIon- youi auve the aluIte sent inu>sa Lbey coneta-t a stale-tic nigit t.ew. yous Mtier, tries iL al Lie ime. A monstrous a bli. .i 1 1ChildrenuCry fot Pitoheris Castoria. jut ite the morning. NwekOn 'rn's sibs. may boiike a continent, but lliviim APEEBTIONth earm that day, for %wvben a bad Ged's fegvnsi iereAini I eent, and cornes bck again, and aii oenbondn Ltn --pr ,mising te do better. God kuowis boit , aides, GOD COMFOITS HIS PEOPLE AS A chat is enoug'h fori' ne, day. "And they The -Bible ofto11 talka about Gcd's kyÀorHER HER CHILUREN. bean te ha merry" Piotuare-Predigal band. Cd's baud 19 a motlier's hand. -~ son returnet from thle wilderness. So WTat it touches it heals., If t samites A rotlers sniilcti ~ ,,srnetill Gcd, our MoLies', teaches us everY- yen t does not burt as if Lt were an- orho'sFaInUss, sît ruetîî t tbing bp ictures. The s ciialotober hand. *Oh, yen puer wanldoring Mither' LIe rotulsA ]Iothoî",s ývtyaheep. Jesus is the bridegroo.m. The seul in sin, it is net a baiiiff's hand 'fflh MlleTrtlibgýsA Mbthr'sWaYuselesa mia a harren figp treo. The that seizes yen te-day. it, is neta or aluiig a nCIild tn, sleelp. Gospel is a great supper., Satan a bard band. Itit Lanet an unsypvpatbe- ,Rev Dr Ta"bnae inï;hsý srmosewer of tares. Truth, a mustard seeti tic biand. ltit lanet a colai baud. It lRev Dr Tarng lu hisseron,'flat wnhich w-e coulai net have under- is not an enemy'a baud. No, it is a choe a apoc efth Diinechracorsteod in tbe abstract atatemont, Geoi, gentle hanta leving band, a sympa- vihiah is seidem ceasiderod. Te an un- Our Mother, presents tu us in this tlhPiticaud, a scf t baud, a mether'S nauaily large audience he disceursoti on Jible-album of piaturýes, God engraved. liard. Geti ns "The Mother cf Ail," the toxtIslanet the divine matornity ev-or thus 1 wanMt te say, f inaily, that Goti bas bengfrrnIsini G,13 "s nexvomteaebing us? a rnetiser's way cf puttinýg a child te bein frm Isaih 6, 1; "s oe wom remark again, that Goti lias a sleep. Ycu knw thèe is ne cradie- bus mrotber cerferteth, s-o viil1 cern- rnther's fav-ritism. A father sOrne- seing like a mether's. After the ex- fort yeu.- times sbh-ovs a sert cf favoritism. Meoreci(itemeoit cf the evening t La almost The Bible is a warrn letter' cf affec- s a bey trong, well, cf higis ferehoati impessiWie te geL the child. te sleep. and quick intellect, The father sirys, If the recking-chair stops, a moment, tion froru a parent tu a child, and yet "1 will take tbat bey into my firrn yet;" theseoyds are witi Oepeju; but the there are mny who see cbîefly the or, III will give bim the very best Pes- raetbher's patience -and the mother's sev-rer passages.1 As there may hoesibie educatien.," Thore are instances, soothiu ane -ops on until, after y-bore, fer the culture of the eue bey, awbule, the angel cf alumber puis bis fifty or sixty nights oeigeutle dtin ail the others have been roblied. A wing oe-r the piliew. \Vell, my dear eue sumimer, tbat çWill net cause as sad fav-oritism; but that la net the lirethers and abtera in Christ, the mucli rernarl as eue hail-stcrmn or baîf morbers favorrie. I ilnl tell yen bier time will coeewheu, we will ho nant- an heur, there are those ,vhbo are more favorite. That la a child vibe at twc 1Lu.g te bie put te sleep. The day cf our struc by hesepassges f th Bibe yars cf aga bird a fai. fie lias nover life will lie done, anti the shadon s of 6that anneunce cpesindgnaüûtion cfbGe got oe-r jr. Tbo scariet foyer muffleti the night of death xiii ho gathering thatannunc th inigntio ofGodbis hearing. Ho La nec wliat hoe once around us. Thon we want Godta t ibmn by those nie aneunc fiLs af- was. That chilti bas causedthte mother. soothe us, to bush us ta sloep. Lot the factice. Thatre may corne te a bouse- more auxieus uî,gbts than ail the other music at eur goireg net lie the durge of children., If lie coughiý in the niglit, alie thse organ, or the knell cf the, churcli beid tweuîy or f ifty letters of affectien aprings out cf a sonda sleep anti gees toy-or, or the druinming cof a "dead duriang tbe yenr, anti they will net te hLm. The lest tbiug abe deýes -t-len rnarch,,"'but lot iL ie Lie bush cf a make as mueb excitemenb in that borne gcing eut of tbhelieuse La te givo a motber's lullaliy. Oh! the cratilo of the as oee heriff's yrit; anti se ibero are charge La regard te hlm. The first grave will lie acf t witb, the pillow cf tbing ou ceming Lu is te ask in regard ail thbe promises. WbVen ye are heing people n'bo are more attentive te thoso te him. Wliy, thé, ciuidren cf the, recked into tint last lumber, I1viant passages wnhidi annerince the judg- family ail kuow thtie io L the faverite, this te be the cradAlo-song: "As oe mqnts cof Goti, tban te 'those wiciau a- anti say, IIMother, you let hirn do just wvi o a mothor comforteth, se y-ilI as lie pIeuses, anti yen give himl a corfort v-eu." neunce fils mercy anti Hs« fuvor. God groin many thiugs wbicb you do net Asieep in Jeas!i Far from tbee las a Lien, John sirys in the Book cf givo us. Ifeielayour favorite." The Tby kindreti and their graves rnay ho; Revelation. Goti ls a _Broaker, Micabi mether smiles; aie kns iLt Lse. Sc flul thine is,,5ftili a hlesseti sleep, annonce, inbis rophcy.Goa s alie 0eugbt te be; for if there la anycue l'romn -bl.cb none'ev-or wake te weeP. aunence inbisprehoc. Gti s ain the xvrld that neetia aympathy more A Scotcbman was dying. fis daugli- Rock. Goti is a King, But hear aise ibmn anoiher, t La an 'invalid chilti, ter Nellie sac by tise .ledside. it xxtis that Goatist Love. A futher' antibifs wary on the first mile cf lf's jour- Stinday' evening, andtihie bell cf the ohilti'lire n ulkieg out Lu the fieldison ney; carrying au aching heati, a weak aburchi yas ringing, calling the people a srnrer' da, ati her cenesup ide, an irritateti lung. Se the mother te churcli. The goed eltima-n, in lits " sunier's ay, aisth ae flsh oghte rnake hLm a favorite, Geti, Our uy roern, theougbht that lie n-as con a thunder sterrn, anti there i fahMther, bas favorites. Il Wlim theotý1.111 ucueh sleue ob cf liugltnung tht starties the chulti, anti Lord loveili lie chastenetb.' This La, then.lwa nt heurcli, sh ustoho the Iather e;ays, "My Ildoar, thut La 0'ne wbom Fia dspocially loves fie river; anti as the evening bell saîruck cbastenethi Goti love us ail; but L' Gct's oy." Thore cornes a peal cf îhere eue weak ant i ack, anti acreuP. iu bis tiyiang dreurnlhe thought t thunder, andtie"father anys, "My at 'udtiat ufrg nifit wsthe cull teo hure. fie.sai.'iark tier, hatis odav-aea. Bu th Tat Latbedeue ube lisndsesinti chibltsen, the bles are rtnging; vie sbal dear tht i Gods vie..- Bt te oret spterpetualyolitsherat aoviie h laie; vie muai make the mare stop cleutis go off the sky, anti the storinmoer feti. Wy oLthnoe reuglois butout quick!" fie ivoroti, anti thon i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~er geatlgltfotstshueu ou MotrGoWti, hor Lt.li noversaiti, "Pull ithe buffalo robe up eloser, is gneandligt food th heven ourMoterGod hers t. f nvermy lass! Lt la colti crogssng tihe river; and f,-OOtts- the lantiseupe, andtihie stirs a weary limb Lu tiselied, but Our but we y-ill seon lie the re, Nellie, vin father forgeirs te say, 'Ihat la Got's Mother, Goaknen-s t. Tliere 15 no wh enle hrl enihosnldat sie"suci a watelier usGod. Tise beat nurseAl onbthr"Adlesaidad may lie overlioruelytge , ntaf i sd, "Juat tisere ncow." No wender hoe , byfatiue, nd a mileti. The gooti olt mia hati get te The iaxt cf the mrnriug bonda -tvith a-sleep in the chair, but Goti, our dhurci. Net the olti country cburcb, great geulloneas anti love 0v-or allieh Mother, afier ling up a year cf nights bttetml ntosis utars are prostrate La sin anti trouble. It witli a suffering chuld, nover alumbers bth rive. fli-t c eorahlytiti ot or aleepa. omasio. t elb ush that olîtimia ta aloop! As oe ligitsnp itl corupssin. t mita Whoa I aee Goti especially liusY Inn-whem i s mether ccrnforitlih, sc Goti nit ictendesness. It lireailies upen us troubling anti tryiag a Christian, I confoteilibim" tire býush of an eterual lullaby, for it kucw that eut of tint Chrisiun's char-_________ ancunces that Goatii, eus mtier. acter there La te corne somo ospeci9-l "As coewbom bis metherý corforreth, gooti. Aftes an bila the miacle ef SKELETONS AS BURGLAR ALARMS affliction n iii fail off, anti bis seul[viil s0 v. il 1 comfcrt ou.-ire greeteti by tbe oeehundreti ant i Srnagle ejja R Bssun miser 1oelor 1 remark in the firsi place, that Goti fosty-feur lIbousanti, anti the tieusauids 7iokh, oPsotert lis 11rolberty. bas ainstrua-scf thousantis, as mare tiacouqueror. bas a moter's sOfniicity, o Oh, my frienda, Goti, cur mother, La A viriter ia a Rassia perietical sup- tien. A fathler tees net knew hew te just as kint inL our afflictions as our plies soe interestiug tietails regard- toai a chitlihe A.B.C.Mon are not prcsprit"s. Goti nover touches us but Lng the mode cf Ide of an eccentrie lkilful in the primary tiepurcmenc; but fer car goot. If a fieldi cla anti cul- turet is abtter off than a liarren field, member of the rnedical profession, a mohes lias se much patience chat anti if a atone tint lias liecome a whese appearauce %vas weli knowu iu she wiil tell a chilti for.cie huntiretc statue La bettes off thar tise marbie the atreets of St. Petersburg soete buf urne te differeuce betwe ea F' anti G, Lu the quarry, tien tthaisai that Goa a citry ainco Il.avun" la Lie course anti hetw-eeu I anti J. Tîcugli y- e ~cistens rnay lie bis favorite. Oli, the eu rockiug of the seul is not theo rockLng cf a semewbat lengtieneti caseer 'suc- toit. a tiig a thousandtimres, anti ye of an outiquake; but the rockung of ceetied in amaseing a consitierable for- tic net untersiant it, eus beaveuly God's cradie. "As eue n-hem bis Lune,. the physician La question, wliose MoLlier goos on, lino, upon lino, precept mtier corforteth, se viil] I cornfort n,,i sntgvn eie nrtrn upea precept, bore a'ittie andt clre a ycu." I bave been t oit that the Pearl n. n us ntien, tecituieti cth rein un au oyter la merely Lie resait cf, a Irom rcieLaote opusii little. Goai'ha been teaciing seintecf Ivounut, or a sieknesa inflicteti upon it, mainuter of lis dirys uv-Lu dignity in us tbirty years, anti some1 'of us sixty anti I do pet kuon- but that rie hirght- the enjoyment of loisuro. thippn est gera of beaven -tv-itlle fount to years, co n- ord of oee syliable, and have been the weuntis of erti kindieti ei, ioy-ever. tht bis bruir, se long -tva do nemi ac-uvil; yet-faitis, faitb, 'lau-o tie jeweled brigituess of eternai accustomedti t active exorcise. pre veti Wbýen vie cerne te chat word 'uve gicry. a nabie te vithsiandth ie euerv-ating ef- sturnble, ne lhait, ivo lose our place, ive I remark that Gotalias a motber's foots cf idieÙess. Xhiie the stimulus proneunce t wrong. .StiI, Got's puLl- capucity fo'r mteuding ta litte harts. affortieti by bis tily ministrutions te The fatieriLa abeoketi ai tise broken once ius net exisausteti. Goti, eus boue cf the chutd, or ut tise siakuess bis sick anti suffering toivuspeopie con- Metlier, pts us ina the achool cf pros- Liai sets the crutleono fire niti foyer, tinueti in oporation is faculties re- pority, andttisalattersarue ln sunaine, bat t takes Lie mother te sympathize muineti uncloutiet, but ne sconer nus anti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~' w- anm pl ien.Gt uscaviti ail tihe.lttie aliments anti litle andwe annt sellthei. oa utsusbraises cf Lie chilti. If the cîuîti have tua viitlidrawn Lien ut once symptorna in tiesa seool cf aiversity, 'anti the lei- a splinteir in is bauti, iL wnuns the of mental dterioratien bogue to show tera are bluck, anti ne cunnet apeli mlies te tuke iL eut, anti net the Lbetaseives. Bourg tiestituto of family thent. If Goti n re mesely a king, le father, The fatIers ays: "'Oh, tint is tics, hoe liv-det cely alone, save for notbiug," huit Lihe mother knows il La y-olt punisb us; if tiTa y-oe simpiy a somVeîhing, andt ta a littie burt Somle- au natiquatot crono, n lie wus nornîn- father, fiey-ouiti whip us; but GoatiLmes is very groin. icoviitis Goa, eus ally ils cook, aitheugli upparentiy alie La a motier, anti sevie are borne wicb Mouhes; ail eus anruoyauces are irn- huti but uitile y-bereapoa te exorcise pestant enougi te look anti sympathLze le l anti beipetililie n-nythsougb. yici. Nothing witli Get is ffrnothing be caiuary talents. In addition te av- Goan ises te set forcis the faci Liai Tbere are ne cyphers in God's arith- arice, Lie chef forai cf derangornent in the judginent tien goot i xviii h metic. Andi if vin y-oe only geeti eneugi witli v-icis Lie oit gentleman -tvas af- divitati fronith -e- wicked. fiow bu it cf aiglit, ne coulai see as mach tissougli flicteti yas dreati of rebibery. Former- a miercecope as tireugli a- toiescope. ly conspicucus for bis gayemiy, lie no-t tic-no? By a pioture by a pasalleaiTiose tigs tliat may lie impalpable heaume morose and suspicionsaotei flahing scene., A griu of hardy moen, anti infinitesimal tei us, may ho pro- liait degreo, fearing ta louve bis trou- laug-beurdeti, geureti fer standing te neunceti anti infini te Goul. sure for a marnent, anti anahie oi- Iremmsk fusIlier tint Got. asa mc- er ta tise wats ina yaies; sleevea roulet ilP. ilerIs patience for Lie errung. If co SLEEP OR. TO EAT. Long car, sangilt; boat buttera-t as tees viroag firsi ils associates ta life tieugh zli Lt bu-eau a playmate cf the ciai hlim off; if lie goes ouna inte wvrong Accrtiug ta Lie anùuent dame liew-uit atorm, A full net, thamping about y-ay, bis buisiness pantner casta bim assurodly have pat an ont te bis mua- viitis the flis, ivilci bave just discovar- off; if lie gees on, lisu besi frientiscausi ery liy hanging if lie ceulti only bave et thiais aptivity, the y-orthless mess- bita off-bis father custs him off. :But prevaied on imself te go te the ex- bunkers anti usafui f loanters ail in tise af cor ail it bers bave cat hLm 0o.ff, pense of a rope. The moins Ibis ageti saine ne&. Tise flaliermaput bis haut wiere tees hi ogelWhoe belds ne monemanua atioptedti t prciect bis lie- diwa mit tiese quirrning fins, akes grutige, and forgivea Lie lasi time as 1evet goiti from hibyes -vas truiy ra- out tise mosa-buaka-rs andt liows theni well a$ Lie firstq ? Wbc ata by tie maniable. fiuving been ntdilcul al- unie tirey-aies, andti ule-ra the gooda musderer's coiuasel hilrugli the long tendant Le the principal juil liaeauo- fis lace Lie pail. Sa arys Christ, it trial 45 Who, turnes the longeai ai Lie trivedtot procure Lie akoietons cof a shahli e at tis eno thLe y-ont. The wiudoy- of a cuipriacoUl? Who, y-hon number cf muiefaciera wbe bat beau bat fie will cat uwiy andthis gooti allcitions thLak ii of amia, keeps on exocutet, anti thase lie dispeseti areunti fie y-iil keep. Anotiser picture, Goad" inuig y-al cfhimu'? t La bis mohes, bis promises Lu a 'uv-y thar anquestien- our Mober, waniedt t set forth tlie Got bsle i er gray baisa, if sho ho aly was caiculatedto tearike terrer un- dttyof neLighborly love, and ti b doua stilil ailva, anti blpasa ber grave if aie te tie heurt cf Lhe boite-st. cf lurg-i East End Grain Depot The undersigned desire to thank the farmiers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extendod to us during the past season, aise te remind them taeae siii h market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALI KINUS BF COARSE GRAIN&SE S delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hand a'large stock. NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Salt for cattle and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seil Ail kinds ef Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOREENED) CO.&L always in stock, We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MeCLELLAN R& CO 1 Ifand ME Wili be Pleased once lai Quauitity, twice iii qualidy anad three thaïes in Price who laispeet -the unequailed assortmeaat .1 ool0s antd' Nkoes, SIlippers, Rubbers, Trunks, aiss1 &. At ouïr store, W9BEAVE R BLOCK,-ff BowmasauawiIIa BIOGESI STORE, BJ&&EST VARJETY, BJGGTEST VALUE, Ev.rybody invatted te eallanïd see ouïr aew tootirea D~. JDVI TER &&ROH MA CIIOOSING A BRIDE. About is season cf the year Lier- are matrimonial festivities jisa-i prin- cipal ion-ns iiroagieut ilie lant. cf the Czar, anti pnstaers for 11f e ara- chinsea liy a carious mtet.. Siome person cf importance la the district anneunces liai tie annualfoie viilha hlait uthis lieuse. TiLier ai Lhe appoîniati Lime, liasten tise Young mou cf t" isctunisy site; týhities coma ne bas eageniy, bui viti tacoroua instiness, the malioens of tha place. Tisere are tances anti sangs, gamea anti feastiag, but aill eel's bui tise prelude te the greut ev-ont, 'uv-bon chiance La maldthLe isani-malid cf love. Ai tie arrivai cf ithe preper boas Lie bostess givos a signal, ant i wiLldravs inte an apartment, accompaniet by ail flua girls. Theia-lsses arek runget upea long heoees wbere Liey pose, 'uvici punaugit in thaLrsamiling affabLlity ta suggesc tai Liir trys cf coquetry are ut un ont. The bostess la supplieti 'uvti long sirips of hrouticloth, ant i vtli tbis aie straigiinay muffien oaci anti every -muLten. iie Ltwists Lt deftiy oves anti about the bout until buis anti featuroýs are hýopeiosiy veLlet; ase y-jut Lt about the rock Lie ahoaldes,,Lie 'uvanaL anti on until Lie spriglitly anti lissome f ig- erre Las morget la tise rude eumiunes cf a papeose. This La the proparatien. The action folevis, 'v-anen e by o, Lu au ortiestetermineti by lot, the Young mou cf the purty entes tie recta. EachinL turu approachas the veilet rowuvof love- liness anti examines it. Eyes anti ours use usoiesa; toucb Ls everything. The puzziod suites seeika te pouetrate tbe baffiing foltia anti incite the peracunhity of bis itol. Wion ut irai ise bas matde is eoaoice be La priviiegedtio 0mov e the sn-utiting ciothes anti leboiti the itou- Lity cf bis prise. Thon ia the consuunmaion-tlie nucn- ont of raptuse 'os despair when seul aurswers seul Lu the love ligit- of thea eyea, or n-hon tlsappeintmnt speaks- la Lie siifleti sigli, or sho'ws in tis auv-rit oye. IL la Lie law cf custemtata iis twain samraliaee emaanti yife. If the customt La lirofen, a iaavy forfait must lie pait liy tise un'viing perse-a. This matrimonial lottery is sait ta a-- suit in us many happy marriages as thosa- instances y-bore prctraciet ixmrt- ýsips are consiteret nocassary te con- ga-niality in ibis ceuiraci for lîfe. SAFE TIMfE TO HETURN'. Bey snap (Pautiag). 1 auw a police- ma runniug ia fen minutes ugo, anti h jinet hlm, w-lien, on buiing bita, ha- su-it there y-as a f igit. Birtivistie itesestetly), Weli, y-ru iL, muais of a sdrap? Devi'-sap (tisguatetly). Scapl J tita't sae amy figsm. After the polceman anti I bat sunauleng toge-Lier for about ton minutes for ah y-e y-ose wortis, lie slow- et to'un, anti uit Ltougbi t e iee-r iry tisat ime, andti ttlho thougit w'u--I bce sufe if wc envet bacS. ilow To CJure All SkUn feseuses, Sirnpiv apply "Swayne's Oiniîna." No internai uniediaine requiseti Cures telles,ecaserna, ital, ahi emuptileou liat face liants, nose, etc.. heavirg Lie sikn clous, %white anti leaiti *y, Ils greut ieabung anti curative powess are pesseas- et by neothes remety. As! yourdrag- guet for Sn'%ayne's Oivtment. Lymnan. Sens anti Ce., 'uholesuale Agents, Ment- real. F"What i nutritions foot, Ijacle (Aiea?'? "It la foodt tut la se cheap. anti plain tht xwany people use asliam- et teaaii, ]vm 1 per Package Standard of the World KINNEY BROS. 1NEW YORK