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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1897, p. 1

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~'4) TERMS :-81.50 PFR ANxum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TFIE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, Nw eEiRIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 31, 1897. VOL-UME XLIII. No. 14. are no w showi.ng the contents of Scores of Cases and Bales of .. rng Ancý Sumer Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Prints, Muslils, Parasols,Umbrellas, Linens,. Aizrt Sateens, Cretonnes, Cloths, and Boys' and Youth's Ready Made Suits. A fine assortment of New and Stylish Ladies' Capes in 'Velvet andî Cloh-every one new. rX e biggest stock o Lace Curtains fever sliown by us, comprising' 50 patterns from 30e up to $7.00 per pair. ~'ne stock of ail kinds of Carpets, iaeluding Bales of New Tapestry and ,russels just reeeived from John Crossley and Sons, of Halifax, England. .i30 WMAN VILLE. Kincora Gouc ýl, fluio GrUsa HAYDON. NEW HAVE-N. An entertalumient and lecture -w'll be iios;MisAm rsrnTr given here about Easter time if ar- o stoar. WMiss AiaAr Mrong, Tor- rangements eau be completed. WatchonoatM.WJeuns; r.Jod for particulars. . .. Mr. John Sylvester Westcott, Toronto, at Mr. S. Wood's; and is ldet so ar boh qute llMrs. J. T. Mollen, Hlampton, at Mr. T. andbiseldst on re othquie iiBlyth's; Mr. W. H, Pearce and dauglit- inflammation of lungs. er, Newcastle, at Mr. Ira F. Pearee's.. That tired feelin- is due to impover- . .Mrs. J. Butterworth and Mr. Johu ished blood. Euricèh the blood with Metealf recently visited relatives at Hood's Sarsaparilla and be stroug and Enniskilleu. . . ,Mr. Walter Oke is ili.. vigorons. ____ _. . Mr. Joseph VanCamp having pur- ENNISKLLEN.chased Mr. Luke Buttery's farm bas ENNSKLLN.let the bouse to Mr. H. Power ..Mr. - Sulas Werry. Solina, basmoxzp juintohe Mr. T. N. Davey, Pickering, is gnest of Dr. Mitchell .... The Jili social bas been postpoued for two weeks as there is s0 mucb sicknebss jst now and be- cause tbe poor dears are afraid they will not be able tocequal the Jacks witb- out longer time preparation .... Mariy villagers are sick . ,... Mr. W. Montgom- ery had a successful sale i esterday hav- ing leased bis farm n o shares. Mr. A. Arnot was ou tbe Grand Jury ut Co- bourg. Hood's Pilîs are the best family cath- artie and liver medicine. Gentle, reli- able, sure. COUIITICE. Mr. L. T. Courtice, Town, speut Sun- day at home .... Mrs. J. and Miss C. Litejolins visited Mrs. W. N. Pascoe, Zion, this week. ..... Mrs. Anett is visit- ing ber parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bear .M vr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks en- tertained a numnber of their friends very bospitably Thursday eveniug it being the anniversary of thleir wedding. Tbe re-modelling of their bouse bas made it one of the most spacious and commod- ions in tbe x icinity. If tbere ever was a specifie for any onel complaint tben Carter's Little Liver P ,i ar a speeific for sick headache, and qvery woman should know this. Onl yone pili a dose. Try tbem. ENFIELD. Visitors:-Miss E. l-ezzlewood, Tor- onto, al Mr. S. Bray's, Broeside; Miss E. Galla gher, Osbawa,at Mr. J. E. Dyer's; Miýss De Long, Brooklil, at Mr. J. Or- miston's. . .. Miss M. Wotteu bas returu- cd borne from Colum bus ... . Mr. H1. Bradley has -one to Toronto to study law. . .. .Mr. W Griffun represented tbe Chosen Friends of Enfielfi at the Grand Council at Hamilton. . .. Mr. B. Powell is somewbat indisposed with lumbago ...Mr. and Mrs . J. Ormiston entertain- cd our choir and others recently and a ver « enjoyable evenîng wvas speut. ... .Mr. G. Ormiston lost a valuable cow last week Alvays avoid barsh purgative pîîîs. Tbe'y iirst make you siek and then leave you constipated Carter's Little Liver Pilîs re,-ulate the jbowels and make you well. Dose, one putl. TYRONE. Miss Jennie McLaughlin bas been home iii from Osbawa'.be Junior ee~ 1 ne a ,,. ,.afternoon.' An excellent missionary In these days of Package Teas one sornetimies hesitates programn was giî en by them ln the ato the particulai' brand to use. If you decide evonbhar fteSenior Leagnue. as Miss -K. M. Werry deserves credît Kincora Ceyion you -wiil make no0 mistake. It is for lu ll ianri which eve h the iatest and greatest su'ccess in the art of Tea Biending, smalostacqiYte rndss... combining Purity, Strength and Fiavor. Put up in or- Mutton became the proud father of a iginl Lad Pckaes o ~ b ard ilb echin backandbaby boy on Suuday. . .. Mr. J. Awde iginl Lad Pckaes o 1 b ard 1lb echin backand ý,,been iii .Miss S. Farrel bas black and green mixed and soid at 25c, 40c, and 50c per returned trom a visit to Western Ontar pound. Çali at îo .... vry ornarntai banging lamp the Ladies' Aid are determiued to let ibtheir iight 50 sine.,...Mr.W. J.Bo addressed the senior classes of the du aSabbath Sebool ou The Incarnation. Y o u n g C o., ion. idss B. ntoghm is visiger is idea Mssma B nghtfnl cnsidg er China Hall, B o'wranville, sister Mrs. J. Sylvester, Ensiln and get a package and you will be convinced of its superior excellence and delicious fiavor. We are special selling agents for Bowmanviiie of these fine Teas. Our Grocery and Crockery stock is com- .te. We ask ou-o f avor us with a trial order. Prodi e taken, CINIA HALL, ' Bowmanville. YOUNG & col, The Grocers. 0 0 is YVoney mrÂde. And vý-hen intendi ng to buly rn the way of Furniture -whethar littie or much, you can save money by deaiing -with u:s. Ierove this for yourself by seeing our goods and getting our prices. We have a big vazietày in'ail kinds of Furniture to select from and' are ali%'vays pleasect to show our goods. Do not think of, buyin- elsewhere before you have seen our goods. Sec our limLes of FANCY FURNITURIE suitabie for'Gifts. BQIW--.NVILLE. Undertaker and Etirniture Dealer, Bengll's Bleek. Love 's the natural héritage of mnany an at- tractive yonng woman, noix doomed to, love- less spiuster- h o od by iii- Shealth. No wo- man should exa- ter upon the du. ties of wifehood who is flot fitted by good healtb for that position and for the responsibili- ties of motberhood. If a womnan suffers from weakuess and disease of the organis that make wifehood and motherhood pos- -3ible, h should remedy tbese conditin before assuming the responsibilities of wife. Otherwise, she stànds little chance of proving a happy and capable wif e, and maotherhood will always menace bier with the terrors of death. A sure sud quick cure for ail weak- uess and disease that unfits a womnan for Mattimony and maternitv is found ini Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly and ouly on the organs i-nvolvcd]. It makes tliem stroug and hcaltluy. it dires ail weakness, and diseuse. It pre- pares for wifebood aud nxotherliood., Traken during the expectant period iti makes hab.y's coming easy and eginîpara- tively paiuless. It insures thue heal.h of the child. 'rhousands 'of wonuen haveý testiied to its meniti. Drcnggists se4l it. "I have found great velieî since takluig yox'r F'avçrîe Vrescription, -' writes urs. Henry, Barlow, of Lonsdale, Providence Co . a. i.1 wSAs all broken down £rom nervous prostr, n. Since taiiig your imedine J bave hiad mo,'r e lief thati from ail the doctors' ,nedicines-.vbic cost me more than 1 could affot-d. ý It us hard woflc to work wheu poisoned from negiected com5tipation. Dr. Piercels Plea$aiit PeIletn cure constipation. boslu h zak chr owned by Mr. sW. Goode. For depression of spirits, nervousness and general weakness, Mýijler's Comn- pound Iron Pis are a sure cure. 50 doses, 25 cents. HAMPTON. Mrs. T. Elliottran a piece of fisb boue into ber tbumb Monday. Dr. Tilley re- moved tbe boue to the great relief of the patient .... Miss Emma Reeve, Hope, is bere waiting ou ber sister wbo bas a severe attack of Erysipelas .... The Woman's Missionary 'Society înteud holding a social soon. . .. Mr E. Stevens and family are moving west of Enuis- killen..-.. Mr. aud Mrs. C. Williams, Enniskillen, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Salter 's .... Tbe Spriug announcement of tbe pusbing, energetie, wide-awake Hampton General Store will bc found of special interest to ail readers. Look for it lu this paper. More cases of sick beadacbe bilions- ness, constipation, eau bcecured in less time, with less mediclue, and for less money, bvb using Carter's Little Liver Pilîs, thýan by auy otber means. SOLINA. Visitors; Mr. Edward Pascoe, West Whitbv; Mrs. Hurîbut, Enfield; Mr. R. Lnke, Kedron; Mr. C. Wilbur, Victoria Hlarbor..Mr. M. W. Pascoe is home from Triuity Medical Colle.e, Toronto, for vacation..Mr. A. L. Pascoe spent last week in tbe city ....- Mr. P. Trebil- cock of Bowmauville took charge of the afternoo,,n service at Eldad Snnday lu the revîiew of the Quarterly Sabbath Sehool lessons and made tbe meeting very pi-ofitable. A vote of tbauks was tendered hlm for bis efficient services.. . . Offiers of Solina Division No. 40, S. of T. for next quarter: W. P-W. Chas. Werry; W. A.--Miss L. Montgomery; R. S. J.- A. Werry, A. Pi S.-Miss Rose A,,itou; Treas.-E. G. Pascoe;, F. S.EwnReynolds; Chap-Mrs. Ed- win P4i.oIds; A. Con--Miss Mabel Pascýý,,'e; co.-L. Gilbert; I. Sent.-Mrs. G. Reid: O. Sent-F. Shortridge; Or- ganist -Mrs. Reidi; P. W. P.-T. Short- ridge. Mr. G'. R. Blount, Metbodist minister, Dresdon, Ont., sa s: "After a prolong- cd attack of la grippe, I was very nervous and weak, and tronbled witb severe pains. 1 took one box of Miller's Compound Iron Pis and amn perfectly well now.". NEWCASTLE. Miss Annie Eldridge bas returued from a pleasant visit witb frien ds in Chicalo, 111". Miss Mabel Riekard visited at Mr. *W. ,lewell's Sunday.... Mr. Hel-dges, Pickering, visited lu towu, recenly. . ... Mr. W. Delong bas pur- cbasedl the home of Mr. Henry Yairow and will move into town . ... Mr. Herb. Henuings is operator at the Electrie Ligbt works, and not Mr. W. Brauton as reported .... ,Miss Mabel Atkînson, Coîboruýie, visited ber sister Mrs. W. H. Pearce receutly. ... Mr. John Pool was awarded the contract for the uewr Pub lic andti High Sebools at $5,945 .. .. The debate ln tbe Royal Templars Thurs- day night resulted in a victorv for the affirmative side composed of Miss AI- meda Couch and Messrs. Aif. Stevens, Normnan and Albert Pickard. The judges were Messrs. John Douglass, Will;iam Piekard and Bey. R. Taylor.. It sexpeced that there will bc an eocutý.ionaryrMedal coutest bere soon.. .Mr Jas. . ikard, Mr. W. Clemence and Mr. and Mrs. John Clemeuce were lu Hamilton Snnda'y atteuding the fun- eral of Mr. William Clemence . . .. ey. R. 'aylor couducted the quarterly re- view in the Methodist Suuday Sehool Sunday. The Revd. S. Riopel, M. D., County Jacques-Cartier, wrîtes: "I have bad considerable experience with Dr. levers' 'Quiekeure' and bave always fouud it surprisiugly effective, auswering fully, wben directions were observed. tbe several claims of its author. It relieves pain lu an incredibly sbort time," __Fori:Rbeumdiisïnm TIin-the -Back, Sides or Cbest, spread "Quiekeure" on lineni or cotton, as for Burns, and cover wih oto bttn, or even paper,over wbich put a bandage to keep ail lu place and proteet the clothing. Many physi- cans will not prescribe or allow use of ordiuary plasters, as so many of tbem coutain Belladonna, and Acouite, and sometimes these drugs max' be absorbed by the system and cause serions disturb- ances. Plasters made of "Quiekzeure" biave been recommended, as being en tirelyi free from anytbing which could' possibly injure ever a cbild, and no plaster removes pain so quickly. ILu severe cases, doctors tell you to ap h ot applications also, ox er the "Qiekeure" plaster, covering the back, cetand neck well; flannel cloths oruo thot water will not injure "Quikeue,"but aid its effect. EN -- EThe trade ini WALL PAPEIR with us has E started early. News of the size of the stock, E and especially the beauty of designs, has gone abroad, ahead of anything in the past E in this direction; prices are likewise alto- S gether in favor of the shopper. Will be ~z pieased to show them whether you buy or S not. We also have a nice assortment of j E Curtain Poles and Window Shades at 40c. ES and 50c. Bo- --wLE m & a a N 0 zýýAt John Hellyar yS. I take pleasure la anuouucing to my nuinerous customers and the public generally that the purebases for Spriug and Summer have been placed in stock and as a resuit of a very large inerease of business in fine goods iast year I have bought a larger supply of very stylish high grade Footxvear in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. We keep also a lower grade so that ail- eau be suited. Our objeet is to maintain the position we have justly gained-that of keeping the best goods to be obtained from the leading Manufacturers. Our prices wili always be found to be as low as they eau consistently be and our aim shahl conti nue to be to give our customers the very best possible for their money. 1We invite you to an inspection of our stock and iii with pleasure show you what xve eau do for you. A large assortment of Trunks, Bags, Valises, etc., aiways on hand, o hrn BoWMANVILLE. wThe 111gbTar 'Iï 06 Tha smepeople want tbuild about the Uie States wud flot bc near ly' sostu a barrier as can be made by a few yards of our famous Barb Wire'Fencing. E When you want hard- ware for any purpose remember we are head- E quarters for Builders' ES and General Hardware, E Prepared Paints, Kalso- mine, Paint and Kalso. Brushes, Garden Tools, etc., etc. Ds tan&Iar S BOWMANviLLE. Hampton Geineral Store. New Spring Goods at prices that wiii astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. - Ail Wooi Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largcst and most attractive stock of lm- ported and Domestic Wooiens ever shown in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASil. We carry funil unes of Stapie Dry Goods, Ready-made Ciothing. Fine ordered Clothing a speciaity. Our- Grocery Departmepnt Is well eqnipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the cheapest and as good as the best. We have special values in TEAS, Full line in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantities at 3c. per pound. HAlMTON. 1 ew b&-%ring p ,Footwear ,Voney Saved

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