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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1897, p. 3

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r M A MHORT CUT TO RELIEFj FR01! THE ITCHING AND BURNIN( 0F ECZEMA. XVh!at iS' FCzena, anviray ? Let I m IxIs basbe afflicted auswýer. "tài; an itchiîîg and burning cf the skin aI1nost beyond endurance. Ii, tlsusands cf littla xesicles filed wi thîaunuIruiant fluid, whii h burst aild flow cver tbc raw surface of the denuded skiu, cat".sigý more torture thau ail othur skit dlisas,,s couîbined. h cenes on almost any part c'f ilie body and is nou respecter of age, as old people Isx lias tender infanîts are thec subjects Wiaabou*t the cure ? Physicians seeir iiin to regar d t as alosost bevond thiel r each. UVhat about Kocteo'tv Cure ? bt' tc e reeiv %sex herex er theî e j', an leterî.siationocf the blcod. InuIlle cais- cf Mr. G. W. Daxvso, Fulton P. t0., Ont., stated uticer oath, it siospl, wci bcd niai xci.. Ha had Ec7ensa 1cr fise years, was t'x'ated biv mux'vsiia in t ana cia and thbe Ut ie d St ,., tgot sc Ladc at last w itih thle frilitfl tc gand huong tilat le ho îug-tlie ho xud go Iaue . Siix botties cf RykcoKoote. autv Cure cired houii. Mlr. XWilliams \iai'ch1ta -, E-1 rn: r, living nl it Cathcrilse Street Norrb, Pain. ilion, osates a sv' iii tateoieno t tat hc kafflered ititenscly xx t b Fczieuuxxhich covered is xvbolc body. -le xxas ;il the Ctv iHospital for six week sand xas ds vlîargcd a t tileencd of Ib ut ii n e al, i n nu r abJe Four bottl ýs cf Koutiu geîuth i Sured is fc.'coia, (lliber proofs ufthte reosarkable cfr'cac- uf I-yckmn'is Koctenax' Cure oax bie badI by ddessogthe P~ !kaniuecille CO., ii.uîsshtoniOnt. Hutudreds oc' people testify a/icr i al1/. The New logredient îîsed injoteuay i' Ciure xxiii rex'lu tiicizenedical scu ience. -îse bottle iasts cs'er a mnoth. iRELIANCE Loan and Savings COInpaY, Of Onitarîo. NCORPORATED UNDER CHAPTER 169,Il- S. O.- iSSi 'BO WMAN VILLE LOCAL BOARY. DIRECTORS: M. A. JAME3,S. q.... ..........PRIUT (Druggtst.) DI. DAVIDçON Eq........ý.Ss.CEgixux (Pria ipîl Public Si-lunch' W. S. MCKOWAN. ESq ... LOC A AGF-N & TRAS~ M SssRs.MACDOUCiALL &JONES. 5SLICOSî Equity Chanmters, Torouto. .tl'tHN GAUD. Esq ............ttAut (Bi3uldu'r andî Cuutruitr.) *l-loAR ts esfor rli 'osi-.' -if mn-fELcous ý tse ttof teSîu Raî.i. îD. D.xs'îsSON, 1NW'ANTE D--To emtiage xxith i gititriiiiiicxer. Ail ýaissiules luni iicbeh d friee. WçVs are tiie oîly CitnatdiiiiNXurs-i-a ' v î--al- it -i cxuaesin tutstar. Lbc,-uI r r i t o pf 0 li ,r t t i m e a s s . L rgns t o -4 e i a - tisailïanfg beeu tested lit cuir rîsi orc bard (iver 70 > srts under clt'auil -rois waut a muûre tlfg forsfvistsr. m"e s -5. & WEa- LNT0,NxrsrvinandaîîFrutfigros, ira 'Toronto THE ES I'~I Cures al Blond 1)eses, fror-,i uuro Piniple to thse worst Sc-uivae. s 50-. AND NERVE PULLS FOR WEAK PEOPLE Having Heart and Nerve Troubles, such as Palpitation, Throbbing or Irregular Beating of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Smiothering Feeling, Loss of Memnory, Dizziness, Feeling of Anxiety, 1or Morbid Mental Condition, etc. '- ir iir- F Pur Bleod, General De- bîlity, after effects of La Grippe, etc., they are most valuable. Tisese Pills do not stiniulate for tlhe moment as brandy ând other powerful stimulants do, but act as a tonic, slowly, yet pernialiently, building up the tissues, restoring regular Heart action, regulating thie digestive orgaus and neutralizing the poisonous acids of the blood. Their direct action on the Nervous Sys- tem gives toue and vigor to every nerve, so that s'rfferers from any Hleart or Nerve Disease are sure to find almost îmmîe- diate benefi t. Each box is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Your money back if you want it. Price 6oc. per box, S TO ORDER. My tkinlf e, said thet pastor, com- pacently, consists, in saving young mien.' Ah I replied thje aiden, with a seul, fui longing, save a nices Ioki ng oe for me. 1 t.9 J 10 s ji a] ii ti l T a J a îf ir Sc t N a- ti a] SÊ rt ti t f( ti tb su th t- it fi C tII nf ob tu îtsernents. The proces is noti -id buit, that in suspicious cases THE DAY THEY CELEBIRATE. th exhumation coufid be possible Aly biens are ail laying for Easter, me wesks. In1 cases of poisoninlg said the fsrmer's svif e who w-as visit- oison weuid he furneit into an imig ber sister, the milliner. Ile pTecipitafe which ceulit be de- go arn I, camne the rea-ponse ia a chuck- le>ng after inferment. le. 1 n Tjlmflffl l1~1 Llfll'~I, n anodyne. "Ckb," Sayg thie nurse,borcfte ileana-e-hchp- .bllUJJJJl1.LUl "h. nuyesar Ildetcyd; 5.' res are the more honored. IBere la- bave no drOea togive you, but insteasu EÏve a perfect Mwoman, ~ efa REV. D11. TALMAGII ON THE PLAGUEof that l'Il reati you a book un athe wiittttf as could ho madesby perfect abesritife fl b: monpfine, aiad on thse God. leeasDeoah it erfuo- 0F INFIELITY.ucrdities of ail reedies." But the manly arn buarlfng a hotit into the y mnacontinuaus ta wibXtuhe la pain, andt hattle. Hore la Miriam, leading the Soine EidesnuaTIi Che ('hrLtsîjatRe- ~nuar.eseays: -1,11 continue te reait Iaralitish Orchestra on thoeBanksa of li-ion la &nijâ)agxniât a filge Miua- youa omse diacourses an anodynes, tube the ReltfSSca. 1lire la- motherly Han- îler-Tlâe Fruils Or te 5plrit-(Gotl's cruelties of anc tnea-, tie indecencies zaIs, with ber oyn icving hand e I erarity. o f anodynes, thbe a, erities cf an- Plenishing the waxudrobe cf ber Éo dynesa. For yuur grcan l'Il give YOu Sanunel,'the prophez. lBere la- Ahial Bas'. lUr. Talmage preachet c'a Suan- a laugli." Bers la the hospitai in a kneeling at the foot cf thie mount-ain day on "The Plngtue cf lafideiity"'tak- patieni.having a gapgreaodd inh arn- unti the four huadreit wrathfui ien, îng fuor bi's. text, Romans, 3'. 4,; '-Lt Klutated. lie says: '(1b, for ether, ai. due sight cf ber beauty and prcwesis, Ss'cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 hoO-e u vr rsiala. 1h, for cbiorofcrpiu." T1he dotors aay: -hait, hat-a hurricane stoppat a the Godbetrkebu evry-)ya r. "Wli.y, they are ail destroyeit; we doa't " igt fa -water lily, a deuitrop itasi- tfhat Îs, if Goit says ocas thing and have aay more ehilorof'rm o ether ; I Ln.gack Niagara. flera is Rut-h put- the wehnle huMna.n"race sthe opposite, bat I have gO o -iething a great deal tingttoahume ail the motteraslag Pau 'uoai aeeptth Duylu vcaciy.ihaer, l'Il reait you a panmphlet aboatmothers-in-isu as sa-a turna-ber [)Utt tIsera are srte ivcirrne uho tyàazatast Jame3s Y. SitaPsoun, thue dis-cov- back on .ber homte aad ber ccuatry, aad bave. daxait arr aga ine AOur teghty frerof chllornfcrm uas an anaestbetic faes ildheastsansd exile andith bav daed rrignthe-Umigty o ait aggaast Doctors Agnew, ad, Baa- fInt sire May be witb Naoit, ber bus- tals-ehocit. ýafiitelity la- acf only a ilton, andt Hesaok, and MMctt, ait Bar- banit's mother, Ruthb, the Qaea of pla'tus ui-la th Mohe cf Pagus. vey. ait Abernethy,-" "but," says tIse the Iarvest fields-, Ruth, tire grand- plgk buet is the Mwbatheus h.ePa un aiman, "I rnuÉst,-haveaorne anastheties." mothor cf David, Bath, (the ittases- dat e ha thom whati-enrelgon ila-,No," says thait, octors, "they are ail tiýrs cf Jescas Christ. Thue story cf sidcs hatth Chistan elgio isa;deatroyeit, but ue -ave aomething 5a heur vir-tues ait ber life-sacrîfices, the huge huder; that the Mcrasi accouais gresu iteal baffer." "Wbuct is that?" most heasatifui pastoral ever writtea. "'Fan." Fan about medlicines, Lietiers is Vasub)ti, itefying the bacchanal ot thre creafcon is an aha-ur-iity large dowa, ait ye patients in Bellevue île.-of as thonsait itrinken lords andt xniugh te thrqu.w ail nations into roi- pital, asatop your groaaing ail ye Esthrer, wiiliag to throw lier if e away icking guffasw; huai Adam, aitd Evel brokemhearteit cf ail the cittes, sui thtIsaho lay dci iver her peuple. Anit laver exiated; thaut tIse ancicat floidto~p your crying; wehave the Catholi- fièeis Dorera-, tire suilight cf eternal, tait ~ ~ ~ ~ . 1 coinik ceime-sbifis~ at last f Here is a dose cf uit, flame gildinsg ber philant-hropie needie < andNoa's tikWcr Ïa mic les; hatcas a streflgtbeaing piaster of sûr- and tire wtaa wiitbperf-ume il a abox 1 huit (here !teveDc was b ial;ta am er s la botile of rihaiitry that madie froar due halls cf Alahastron, "5) he Bible la thý_ tdetad cf cruelty, Of you are ta keep weti a-4haken up anit p'uring the holly clirbâtu on, tIse ieait irder, of pclygamy, cf ail forma- cd take a spoonful cf it after sa- h meal, of Chrit, fthea aoms li.rgering ail down r.lgi.éandi if tibtt douas nut cure yca, bere tire corridor cf the centuries. Bore basu5 ctrme; (hct thie Chrisaitia î s asoutionacf hlasglh,'nim a hiecir la-Lydin4 U&hauronsbtass cf Tyrian a- watman's- tyranut andt maar's stuitifi-, ycumay btah, ait here ta- a tiactare Tiurp,'sinniortalizeit for ber Christan atron; ul'at tixo ullefeom ldt icli cf ieriior. Tiekie t(be skeietcn cf elavior r i'~s l-the widow witlr a- a fablie,,a creltcfy, a hunrhu, 1 death itx-th a reparte 1 Make thre King txwoe mites, more famous l'ban the,,Pis- cg a f Terrers esekle I Fer ail tire agOn- boedyss aitd e Lexoxes cf aMl the ages, bua, a lie; that. the martyrs wie ies of all tire ages, a joke! Mllcswhi,,'eharecousyes la slow cf gaifi ai-d li'i (iiel for ifs iruth were miserabie dupes, tOf people williag xxitflh apiifted handts xiti careful attýendants ait with as- bhail. the Ch-at-ch cf Jesus christ, is pro- toussarci. he-avi te affii.,, that due Gos- pecial honor ait igh favor, isaning son gaettit a- i lfol~ hat xx el iof Jesua- Cisela-a is full cf cÀnoac- on the anrof inspiration, ocas ao la- ui peril gaeýtedas ) lfOd;tto, for thiem, unit yet infidellîl, pro- itha jiy andt pride cf ray hbe [bornas Curlg le, tIse seepice, aaid: -The, poat tairei aw ay, 9glu-mg oub1ing, sa rarely fertutaste as tea-have oe. au Bible s la nobhe bock," ho %vas drepping ab3sdILteiy aeting, excePt fun- 1 elodit Christian Graniioltar, Grandmc- utcmhei(i-t' Ib -xhcn'i'eodcr e tcaay grenier heughi or deptr, or f ber Lcis. 'VIse ha-mena xxrshippcrs iroimer itrctIt Mn-lenBilPBstnlenLh, tor brcadth, or iimcansiL cf to-day tIsa nay heing tIsai everliîved Parerdeiard n fusc lalIBstnmeurra-cs laal Coda-s uni'crse i un carlb,'taccept Jesua- Christ? AMary. -Naver a boy or girl ilaithChristexitul 1ga-fuDntso haproeddChitpror u" hfideaïity ts a, re:iîan f Dc'cl'rsbt pnr~ale dpo Chrithpercr uitwaa p-cIitAhy (bat. great bok,"kacsx ." 15 tha-re a God f Dont kao1w! is firteenbras upent ofathi ore ,exxas 3becMiug very weicaa-mundcit If wa a-bonUdtmeet car-h ethe la thoe, Ieennrsmetcaxcal t.bt h l- -cnodiu te ['ring a bins1f future xvoriiit uill xe recogaire eaoh beusekoeer ut he fiigChrshobrtakcf aThe to the cheek cf eavery patriot, tIsaisother i Don't know 1 A religion cf thevaorge. thyedtmChrisdibrak n "iton't kaouw," for the religioa cf -1thfs sne s cf lan rI u-b.anthe rcfflit for Johýn.- Adams, the, father of Americaul mcx-v.,,""Iknusv la xxboni- 1 bave bh a tue stop sat[ r cap tir oks -"t andapeadenrce, daclareit, "TIse Bible is lhavait." -I kucîs ibat my Rederer tWo B etop yiteirs. Fcrcav-maalcfPtIse 'he hast book ila al the w orld ,",ad.liveth." Iafidciiy propoSsa s'a-csati-fot -%vasirahyisiteos Fo whosetcen uhat ion hartei Aadcw Jakson a , religicni of au fui negatives for fr xsCrs c- atu nts aur religion cf glcriJacpson uxasbee-heur cf tyiarg exeruciation ? For s :uraed mac asitcliag cowarti wher iag rîgh-t hafore uts a wert c f reulnc VmtSlatca.aurkefa-t he aaid, "That sic, -r, la- the rock crn ansi ecsiey, ait highcctnpaionship wcma. a woman wtbo la-r thar days sbichoui'Repiblileresta;" andithtIsIandit _)i'irîus uorsbl: unitstupenteuis hi' atIinjsharam- i is vîecry iis igbiet.aywc crtI nt friand. ilis lasi friand, ns iltu-was' very linieli Wehater ahiicatei thtIs(rune higît aeiugh te reacir te the base cf api te ha. Ilis rmether. A 11 the pathos of bis ii,lcectibaipo,,sr ait res-lgaed rh, 0iîalaya cf uplifteit splendîur c tr aaa eiho npresse iot o esstheîs his Jogic, ait frein. baiag -be greea ivawaiting ail those, who, on w S o f aiP Bîotuyaite. usts ax'a-adcr cf t ha Constaitution aaitthcl (Christiafaitb xiii sonr toîxarita- ý Bib O uantagonize woiman'i delivt ~rcui lsx3e cfiri ag, lurae ino Yartbrrarei cnnotha n mtai Fitbernxcrc, racther than invita I re- yerof is ge Wr a sbecausa cf tIsefalýe charges cf iafidlditit as -tirasFlingu-of pofitieity Iecaos ta idici xxic le sait,, 'M-ity heart s xail tijjjo tiare making s gaiaa-c theit iras xroub. adi a pua i g cfo sures -alid reassures Me that tIse Gs- ible, Prbaps tIse Siauder tIsat bas Iowri.si saxasabatac- ta-l f esîsCi'-ll act ieuiDivinit trade the meut impression aidthbt t ask yca te ma-eno bathe sa-mas cf o ' pe.i o ty.l hrst msturne a t 'rs Ieatssbve net beau inteili- tIse m-riit ait tIse ducaticaîl inat--ofC gent enoatgbi te teay istbattbe Bible tuilorns xsg, anfiteasy uante thitea ncubser's bat, or on myu fabshr's kae, fax-ors polYgaMny. Does tire Gui cf saliprLg anitti sppoi aIth 1 f ira-t earnedtote isp sverses f rom uhef tba Bible upbotd polygaMay, or ditBle? w y ireI;ituuin prauo. acrad-%xîrting, thay bave been my itailY Hou' ny wives ditit Cd înaukc for itgaiasl Goit aidthtie Christian reiliglun, îi-ui, aa- viIlnt onempaiion, undtAdam? Homaite oaa wife. lices netot; d yt plunctesi in beasfof suif stdyandviglat cntepla-s'eue scaîmon acsc icîtl youw han Goit fering ha-manlry ..What are tire names if there ila- naylhsn-g lin y stYle c'a,'tartai theire arriage instituticon 'le eft1iera e hrîsighf ta ha ceamantai, tIse creiit Lx'paat Ias He naýnrecite continue? If Tr stands idl.Cormptarety iarte lasre ta my kiat parants la iastilliag' Ccd haitfavorcit puuuigamu l-l, could hsande lfdou . CompreComparresbairtey aw atoinymuat a caly ovecf irebave createl datm five wivas, or hv oe opr hi ecres in,ýtMy wivosaloretwealovxiofa-,cjusu a";'[haere is Christiaaity, a pray erunber .triptere-;" undit hai lia H e-esiy tus Ha mats one. 'it the ver) band s haait O iuafour al hcw lo uird, tira dipletInautist cf tIsa century, f t-st cof theBible Ccd 1howxsllrHinîcf bitsf-uc s e i vox u tic e puygtftIa rnesids tgil ý -g('-;fuie alat ber cf f bonasatls 'cf ouny ahouait<lcbis puerilitY-w hea ha de- ~"~eucalaiamia leassebis faýt hi- asyxa1u fer tise ci-prea-acit, the huitd, -- clat-d, -"TIse ubole hope ef birman or aed UifYtber,'sud shaih cleave unu ta sc, of'issionfi-th ibc ints -1A-a.u aqi au pepaýsaisaaau-a2.dha- ie."L'bis -îxives, but bis w île. uîhrc tascsfrl"big ~rxxngini-rececftIe ube; ad lx-~muny i' vas titi oct aparelufor o f tireetat ttIse asther cf bat b. la inluentelofithe ible aketsund in lta-e ark? lxxiiandti th le ooian f rebcr-matory iisltnus thatit ls iset firbirtds; e t.to andti tc c aille; îxc or ia sving cf tha lest; tIse' mother book broùtur tr dt-na lanthe affecLicnàan 'tuatIsstIselions;, îwc anit tete15 îruseal-Sabt ueeshi f uncoUnteit tauItituites anit pui t 15 uacan race, if the Gel cf lthe Bitt -g ilos feiite nteerl 'hai faurei a uli.pliity f xve, i, 0propare tIsantfor respectaluiiity anit inteer a--fecir te ho tramplei capOanwould have upareit aplirrality cf wiu'ea-. uacfasst e lr.'!hî suynhrýiani.g fts by battedait dcihissing ccatempt; andt \Nheît Gc(it ir' tlaucchadtha-e buttlas uua iai 'rs.a bat~~~~~~~~ Joat I ahrwshcxikî,rv l aaAs n xf.< -elilera laisTnfLcle,,ity; no prayer on bar init cuIJa ltathestevi. sai besol-a-u-n annac f tIse hvA tsîx 1rae ipa-, nebenedictien un ber istoxi,;botI 't. hata ha annat on as astaf îl afNeuis un te 1sxife,, or Hî aC ans ciiched--w'hat for ? To fight for Pdwhn p elane o tiSas saf ciraxxle, focr Shcmr o s' if e, 1cr Japhet Cbrittanaty. TIsati.lati.e catira busc- aftëz bus liaaurgreix gray, and. ina une viie. lices uhat hock aselbougli naess. lsecOmplote miasica cf lInlital- tana-Mar tamîcu-,ani bs -las elý(( avoeaitpl,gmy? TrILavita-u"'. ity tb figirt Ciristianits'. Vhpeaxae hbadsttei e a ca anp l tire erge18; 18, GCuit ubuttara- B is prohibition cf inet-r bubear collages, ber asyluma, shrlimaasureme P tatevrguhan une xvif e. cfuMarcy, ? f riregrsxe ;aidthtIu our motber Ccd permilt.et pelygarnYl. Ye s; jua- l- nfdlyse orseszrvas nmi xvtth a p=k cf lies un hbite lap w bile as lHo permitsa-to-day mander amattheft mabe a-pof esC et. eut, Crale mi 'asting of tire boutter count-ryand cf ait ara-on aitail kinda- cf crime. lHa ab1se atrcfLIseofnverltiget-i poi' ho atitgcf hicaraces ai panspet-mita- thase tiings as youuwe1l kncxx, intes nftIsolitysan'rdig t- vh, edin o aa aïr ahe an pansbut lie dues net ,sanctica f hein? Be- aigass hifia-<ht sandnyingte- aut retam irien netaly witb thuse cfSyutcau a-la-oPresitenus ef the Ti nitadt tit fao nd fer ing grontino ig s viro atout artnt ber, but cffIshe r-bih-States have permuit ply si avtes sat yetadipg a hosey nehiag Irain aha had i iried syluh infinite hear.- UtaIs, yau rare nul, thu'mafire, le a-in- a-ve yiin g t ey Lal edo hosed heareClot] %ce etriab en -ata muel ddathat tIsay paurenize, t, tirai, hey iaalguîitia aleiasetat . che, s that, se edlld ýeadno tIs it- i graves ia trying teaonake tIse aýnti a-ie teck off lier spetaciles, anà< approvetl h, xxhan, un tIse r-enirary, xvrht btter. eather up ail tIse mer- nupiet frein thlrem ths Miat cf manly they te!nouneit il. Ai cf Gcit'a An- cia rktaIJfieiybserdu, uars, hAlles! tfhat for ferty ait Iifty oient tarai kiew that the Cuit cf tire adî l oehe nteeb 'surs tiey a-bualit bave -aiket unter Bibie--'vas-agaiast poiygamny, tomrhintire satt it ailtge1n thrsi there aLx ntI e biis delesion aunithadit i uiter their focir uaitreit andthilirty yesrs cf thair su finah ahily lafil a latire sahiast swc iliow uhea fbey lay a-tyiag la tire sat'y la Egypt thoera i la-<uaîone case hscf htsihaec hriywhols 3cir t-aur,asasakeit that a-ure w-enta-of pclygamy recorted-only oaa. Ail nigirit wenf up tIsa dat-k lley cf tirecea ramdueditbok ri~lt h et uenitir mght ou th Bblea-bitaleof f uwn, put a jar of jally fer anj invai Fulli 1 ýho tonahatone taiter tIseshatow cf brous iaYecP tOeY'O a-'kppet on"Dnrbr>for paigtea c ,ha oit cAlntry meeting-houa-e, w'hiere egm3ecp.tsewla- ppieonalokn-atattrn bey lae todaywaitnugfora r- ang unie rcrime, were chaqttaet uithi keli. onftrChruonflueprycng se al 3e ýhe siep o-dy witig fr are-as inch; cf thirit-hues. Ada-ml Aioron, narr-y f Crs uo treityiaora-tal aut-t-ction fluai wili neyer cerne. Tis Noahs, Josephs, Joshua, Sainuel, mono- wti5liitaeli s naSa o iaifor Ise- eok,, iaviang ieceivet tirera, aithav-Btyusy D4' ai rshkf pn onotfrteEik ,g teosivedthtie, righty intellects of anuSis. But yoroa sy: "Diiru avisairaeito haifres forne reat fort, ile n ho pasf, mla-a-Inetlue allouait te de- a i tulomn faor pclygellrny ?"ea-fonogrv, hartphe etmfor for hristc, 1A) sive oi ar tgar, aigitier. vsa-er, more ati dth- iy v el fuheilpuistvor - menn onotfo h-bre ,gl tlapenitans int-ellects. Andtsaoouf wuIil? Ba yudil oas cf thoe tcolusino raveCri otst, Whilaude Christ, he le hock frcai ae coaurt-room, xhere satyii à i en t acnlso Christ tecy-r w-odetChitIe is i~adla tr-esole<niatl cftes tat ail the attribtitea-of Cot's'nature lessi oRsgoiu ian cvr 0im oy. Ofin th if froum uueo te-were against . their bhaaior. Davidt lse e lsgorosnîefrvr sîci.ntafout of ira-ir sit nyrae,sufferait for bis crimes in itho caveras f cr Christ stands this tioS l'oint nif 1a Aduilau unit Messita, la tire wiliter- ilise hospital, Or te thse a-yhuiM, saytng, guntin tiogf Cir ailatIse BilstIem ent a f Z fs ith'a Bîtes, m tie d-ic Bibles ag heBioun a er wMas shand atye gave M£4 a cruchi a--uatteiast-hilgteu hitgei e t, a calnm.in tes ere - 1 77-- ýf peuple Mi-taget tni c etercossu- Bileso aroad, Ced abirorreit pcly- î.i alion from- fls la- ok. Wira.b w uit _a_____ Tou t9hink cf s- crusate cf tUa- sort? gami'. ____ ___ an-iti lapposé a ma-n sMllsud resolve that ire tAnoîher faise charge w-indu infidelity Ask your groser for placet voul-d ergaize a-. conspiracy to de- hm-siade againist the Bible ix fiat lb Cause1 itroy ai ti meiticines f ross i allthe la antagonisti o tewoman, duaf if en- sttuer ipylhagan d satfroM alt ditishosýpiatals .inliî.her degradaf ion ait belitf les herur s'O' rapi 3f the eartlu Tibia work i,3 toue. The Missiton. Under thix impresun many f dof deat medicines are taken, aidtftli' 'are women have 1basa ovarcorna cf tta- for sons ir-eau ite tire rihearý or tire laike or thse piae of Infidehiti'.' Ita-de Bible e tirhiePo] Wa.* A patient 'o'kea- up af flJight elnmiclw-oaaan i Coma- itolcths pie,- ncu in a paroxysar' af dÈtrees, ait wants Itare galry, flua Louvre,' tirs Luxam-, For l'able and Dalry, Purest and Bot tecteit Chll.dren Cry foi Pitcher's Casatorla. às «I/ TOBACCQ IS E n c!Dpu undersigned desire to thiuk the tarmers of West Diîrha m rthe liberal patronage extend,5d to us during the past seascn, also to remind tbem that, we are stillinl the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE rered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetsq., or at Port Darlington. We -have alsa on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, anadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bags. Rock Salt ferc n tte and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seil Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENEI> COL L ýys in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MeC'LELLA&N & C ïHla t 7è"n Gener al Store1à Le Spring Goods at prices that will astonish vou Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. Sec oui' $2.50 Pants to order. Wc have the iargest and most attractive stock of Lui- ced and Dornestie Woolens ever shown in the County, (ht in tfle best market for SPOT CASH. We carry fulll hues of Staple Dry Goods, Rcady-rnade Chingo. Fine ordered Clothing a spccialty. Our Grocery Department 11 ec1nipped wilith Choice Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the pest and as goodl as the best. We have speciai values in ýTEAS. lie in Patent Mledicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quan" idîes pers pound, IFra--nk A'm. eouÉle. ýMtPTON.» o0trnelc-oin sig njrWhtt

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