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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1897, p. 4

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proaiilg oè o thse ounainsmilinery, boots and shoegoois pages and 3oo illustrations. Several chap- Fine bleached Damask Tabling 66 inch wide, regular price 65c Tues- ~JRubidox, the age of years disappeared hardware, furniture, and evorything ters are devoted to thue reproductive phys- d~ 5 ifiil ~ and boyhood thoughts returned again, else they use (aS manly caim they havejogyfwmeanfastaterywe IJ!JIIIs 5 up the mnountain I must go.Abu a perfect right to do~ and what would and mother should know. Over a nmillion Fine -Half Bleaehed Pamask Tabling 62 inch, wide, regular price 50e Fil liii ~ ~ J midway walking upright was impossible Bowmanvilebe hy a deserted town oe osa OiSo t iweiin Tedy3e VMjLLLDIILII ~ sodroýppd on myhands and knees fear- full of empty shops, houses, churchesi ed n ilb ie wyasltl i fWl ng to look back at the canyon below schools. and even the cemietery would cn saps 100 yae ot fmalngP rds nenToweling sel t e podèer y ar îe10 ahusa th ote umtaoe edo y Wh ep p h uoom fti ary Medical Association, Buffalo, N Y. 15peyad desir was accomplished. ilere I beheld town ? Wht pay the major portion of HnkrhesFnyBres pca tl ai are the patternsofWlNI for miles around the peakes of moun- taxes, wages to clerks, ronts, insurance, llandkerchiefs, Faney Border, Regular price 5e Tnesday 2 for 5c. Papran te pics re tains mantled in snow and look*n h ulyfrsdwls tetlgt Carpot Warp, New Brunswick, white, spocial 87e per buneh of 5 lbs. down on the valleys below 1 saw the police protection, watering cart, charity ;ýi, Carpet Warp, New Brunswick, colored, special $1.12 per buneh of 5 lbs. very low, and the place te NI olden fruit. I descended from this aid to local organizations, churches, Il~Plo otnCrua 2l ie eua 7 o 2e Sbuy is at l ountain to consuit with Age and the sehools, etc.? Whv, the business mon Fgn ir e, advice was nover to take such a trip lrel.Te on ollfoleîtwih- Cotton Cireular 44 inch wide, rogular 18e for 13~e fl rnl , Mk again.thm Tenwtlatedtofvr- DPil Cto Plain 40 inch wide, regular 10e for 8e. 1/ iui I Tfl'N _ Magnolia Aveuve is the centre of at- one who obtains benefit fronu the busi- P' I II gyraI 4 s. .3M* Twill Shooting 2 yards wlde, regular Pnice 18e Tuesday 121c. II~~Uh traction for tourîsts and thousands take ness mon in tuis way? Why, patronize _______ 10 dozen Ladies Plain Cashmere Hose, ail wool, speeial at 25e, Tuesday cangs Teaeu ssvnmiles greatest extent consistent with prudence ý l e ad The very latest desigsin Z longe and very wide, there are three and financial abilty. fTr\~ oen.Cldr en'scibbedashmýcer osparteioreua r ,~Canadian and Ameriean l ins of trees, ono&at each sîde and eue Lot the ladies, who do most of the Reputation for making every fen1et 5,Tedy1~ e ar Goods. Complote combina- in the contre. The shade trees arehousehold purchasing, maie up their ~ size, style and finish known te Ladies' Finle Print Blouses, liglit colors, collar and cuifs attaelied, speelal ~ tins o Wal, Boder nd magnolia, palm, popper and eucalyptus, mnstbelyleoutwn, were the art is already established. s: at 50e eaeh. tiCeinofroml, oer.and ->-5s shaded are the trees that the ray of there are stores and goods kept which Celn, rm5c N,01 the sun cannot impart heat on the cannot ho sur passed lu any town in '>i Will ho at his Gallery, King LaisVetlnseesrgarpce1eT sdy0e i'à turit.Man mllonarenreid ainCaadafofo alrystye udchepusastStleer da. rics e uit Lae Crtins tpe, 2 yrdslog, poia at25 po pir Unfn a nwn~ Du ar .~.the Orange groves along the avenue, isedo odn hi oe oohr tetimos Lace Curtains, taped, 3ý- yards long, 54 inch wide, regular $1.25, Tufes- places for very doubtful bargains, and the' __ s _______ Y. _ ~~ __ .~~~ Gardon vegetables have been in the where they have ne redresa ,when they ~ ida85pepir 'N'lm________N__0____N__y Men's Neck Tics, Faney colors in kuots, regular price 15e Tlsa 1-ý Smarkets for weeis. Flore resides eue find they eare humbugged. Cousider Tedv1e Darlinoton bey whoso aged parents what a large number of our young mon ,, ~Mon's Colored Cambrie Shirts, Collar and Cuifs attaehed, speelal at 50e. GRRAND RUTRU AIKWRA lLW AY livea in-'. e gowmanvi theend Hoengaeseafrom atheidandi womeu loare aearvelngg aggtoadd nliva rgeTR, TIW liiirs a d s1a .11 ý,J,, A dam antineon, Pins a dlehper apaper on Tuesday.ozen BOWMANVILLEIU STATION. occupies one of the largest stores lu os lu the services -of our merchants, HL 't>li Men's Ready made Pants'ail wool tweed, good woight, speelal $1.25. Riverside,known as the "Rackett Store.." while manv of Our townspeople are lhelp lUU LI GOINGl EAST. GOING WE~ST. Any shrewd obseiver requires but a ing te iep up the d epartmental octopus Men's RoaduT-mado BlueSe Suits, sack cot twill liig sedl at Express. 83 Epes .. 3a. M short time te perceivo that Mr. William in the. large eities, insted .ofSerge cea+,$3.n00psr scii. Passenger. . OSpmI Passenger.. 2 25 p.*Epes. m..ýX.1e .. 7- Sandercoci lamaster of thc situation. îng our worthy merchants at home. Of TWest Durham. p pclrneo Mn Tweed Suits at-$.0 Local ......p..I-Express-. 7 40 H le walis up and dewu the store appar- Boy_____As ea rae of Mn's ie25ea .E oens..104 ently inowing the wanits of everyBosRay-adPntlid25oc. bal.customer. Twelve cleris, male and PETER THE PRINCE. Bowmanville, Marcb. $1, 1897. Boys' Ready.made Suits, 2 piece, te fit boys from 7 te 1l years old, li.ght female,attend te the customers and each Plaeacp ytaii o or celer, Halifax Ted worth $.0 speelal $2. 19. one i ~ sadeckignes bthae cer Mr.at la m t prospctsdorherse eliboral patronage lu the past. Se- ,Great value lu Boy's Clothîng, ail sizes. BOW ANVLL. ARIL14 187.~mot suited for the customer and ho take advantage of the rising tide lu the liciting your liberal and valued clsthe number and the clerk, if net market te get ready for the increased patronage now and in the f %31ture Isi engaged, responds at once. Saturdays demand that is sure te corne for the wish esyta nedsatn b.Y.HsnTafr3ë eua rc 0. THE BEPÀRTMENT STORES. la always a big day when extra donrs heavy draft sire. One of the lucky mon t a htIitn trig2ls .HsnTafr3eRglrpieSc are required. Last Saturday lu oeeil this wa.y la Mr. Chester Power,Maple MY waggons as soon as the roada 2 lis. Mixed Tea for 30c, Regular price 50c. The depatment store is te be made departmnent alone-men's and boys' Grove, Darlington, Who has bougit and weatier permit, with the saine 2 lbs. Ceylon, Black, Tea for 40c, Regular prico 50c. ûie subject of legislation. Mn, Middle- furnising-the sales amounted te from Mr. C P. Clarke, proprietor of tie men as Iast year. 1 lb, Guarauteod Pure Coffe. for f5c regalar price 40c. ton, of Hamilton, bas lntroduced a bill 8 - ohstecs aryn ytn.Mao au tdS.Cod n. Ou r goods are second te noue. I lb. Soluble Cocoa for 17e regular pnico 25c. - jute the Ontario Legisiation confening The store is cenducted on tie dopait- "Peter the Prince," ÎNo.7552,Vol. VIII "Pie ihpouetknrgt4Lls lae urnsfr2c on municipalities Of 30,000 inhabitants mental plan and la filled with goods American Stud Book] a very handsome 2cs~gt rdc tknrgt4 b.Ceae urnsfr2e or vor pwerteimpsea socal axfnom one end te the otien. I have dnrk browu Stallion witi white masi from your deors at top peces. Ouar 3 Ibs. California Bine Raisins for 25e. upn toescaryngoumoe anthe gîven but a faint indication of what lu on face, black es oldMy4 82 hrig otnds e~ iwr 4 lis. Evaporated Apricots for 25c. upo sors crrin o moe ha t realithiItiwnhere.ttgreat buiness isHewasbre distinct kinda of business. Tic tax will douty1s ee. AKra uiesiH bred by W. Marshall,Locifergus, and Cutlery are the ý,beet intic 6 lbs. Silver Prunes for 25c. ho lu respect of each additional clasa of loeuibedr t, Scotland, and imported bqminess. A two-thirds vote of the Bidding adieu te Riverside and Mr. lu188."eor te rince's sire was Mre.3 lsParTpicfo12~e municipal council will be necessary to Saudercock wife and family I take the Prince Darnley t818j by Prince of If yen need anythîng befii~te our 3 Ibs. Fancy Mixcd Biscuits for 2,%c. autionize such a by-law. Southeru f'acif!c fer Ontario Cooy Wales, by General, by Sir Walter Scott, mon come round, please caîl at our 1 Lange Round Bottle Extract of Vanilla for 8e. _________This colony derives its naine frenu tic by Old Clyde, by Scotaman. lus dam Ware Houso, No. 32 Ontario St., and " " " " Lomon for 8e. THEPLBISIT BIL. large number who came eut here fnomn was Do or Die, by Peter the Great. OnaHECnaa.I rveleBlIicSui edgre asueIeLtrat.t I shalho pleased te supply any- 1 Bottle of Wells & Richardson's Butter Celer 25e size for 20c. colouy for mauy miles, finding the same tention of ail Clydeadale breeders. thiug in my hune. .2 31b. Bars Laundry boap for 25c. Sir Oliver Mowat la draftiug tic pro epinion-here are tic best orange Prince Darnley, ils sire, is undoubtedlv 200 lbs of good feathers for sale. 8 Large Bars Electrie Soap for 25e. hibition plebiscite bill. It is net yet groves in California. Tic Canadians eue of tic best herses of is age lu Scot- Good 'Young herse, wanted sound 8 Cakes Brown Windsor Toilet for 10e. knowu how thc Goverumeut wlll maie have made weuderful progresa lbre. I land. Mn. Power has recoîved many up tic seven or eight millions of neveu- was pleased te le-aru tint Hüen Majosty, congratulations on ils purchase and ne and quiet. Sugar Cern per tin 5e. ne at present deived fromn liquer, but Quecu Victoria's sîùbjects thongi living eue can fail te, admire- ths noble herse.' Wanted: Raga, Bones,ftm~,týoppot', Tomatees 2 Tins for 124e. it la net improbable that a direct tax of lu a fereign land ai-c net forgetng hon r .AdeBarHlMote, Bras s, etc., 1000 tous in exehange British Columbia Salmon per tin 10e. about $1.50 peor head of tic wiole POPu- Dîamond Jubilce but anc intendiug te forde, eve alMntel lation may be imposed lu tic event Of have a big celebration ou tiat day as wites : "For huma and sores it la reaîîy ooa. llopmegIemanwl da Ra oal Clothespms fr1e. h etmdrg $.0fr$.0 tic enactmneut of prohiition. If it be tiere anc betwecn 8000 and 9000 British fan botter than any remedy I kuow of; yueuwt eIrmlRylCnda rne i otmdrglr$,0fr$.0 necessary te impose suci a tax, Canadi- subjects lu Soutieru California. it *i teuse and maî- Youns truîy, An Extra Quality 4 Strtng Brom, special at 15c, aswl ldyit pay te be freed from Te3 SRO41 plni touserannd yntmae Eddy's Indurated Fibre Pail regular pnie 45e for 35c, ans~THMA will gldlya sOeldozeiTumbles, regWlarrprcen50e or 35e tic effcct5 of thie liquor traffic. Ontario Colouy, Cal., Apnil 2.' la requireil, and when Acouite or Bella- One dozen China Egs gulpa, lîtedge for 25. Recent apple siipmeuts have turned donna migit ho dangerous, a 'Quick- OnnrInnChnanTr nAflrvt'de fr 5c CO..OpERÂTIVE EXPERIMENTS. eut disastrously. cure" plaster gives relief lu flfteen min- IN1 lluMI j< Aotffaypter pcala1e,1e20ad25 eh Wheat has dccined about 20e a Utes." Decerated Toilet sots lu 3 differeut colora, at $1.75, Farmors and gardeners wio desire te bushel already this year. O R ihs rc adfralkid fPoUt exermnti ayon o or f 6 Americau advicessay 1897 will bo a A U fR tests of cropasiould write at once to C. rdbekrorlwpiefregs1AIU II United OoUffies of A aiz giutrlClee alu inApril hast year they sold for Notu bradad -B oobts andflu Ont, for froc sample of seed. A fonm î1e this year fer 9c. N rh brad~i Juat look at tiese Suapa, new geoda bougit diteet freux tic makers n'ew4- of a pli atio wih fll p rti ula s, a d 1 8 A C E S o r 1 0 0 0D u r a m .est siapes, beat fitters and beat w oaning shees iu tic eeitntry. instrons llmtd ubeet rwi e sppîe as oly liite nuber illbe uppiedThese regular prices as stated are net cxaggerated but are abselutely and tic mile is-first comle, firat served. cret ebuh hs od tls hnhl rc eceron Panticular varieties need net be men- ~We are instructed to offer for sale, for cash In the matter of the est ate ocretfebui ieegoaa a inhafpiet la u tioued a ail ticiluda t ho distîbuted I l, a farin luManitoba bein,- S. W ure, Joseph Clemens fate o tte tow,,7 linos and yen are getting the advantago. 1 ____ Sfas at the kindsno bipdistrbuged 1 __ arethse LnlYi ee xcp inilyfenced, 40 acres b*kn land rollig w'th -95 well upon tic trial plots in theEpn-acres meadow in oeonr; haeouse 14X22 a ~ ,n U ~piszsGt 0 esTnOfrfi ttl,*ecp usa mota D~prten. Be ueeru-fet tal00 W n crel. Sfraue mls hafre, îeeleatier, J. D. King & Ce. make, ne botter wearers in the wonld, tien Tim TATESMAN. fronu Bstbe2-feat , ie fo ow,en ,,,,Notice is hereby given pursuant tp chapter 110 mna eatetBesr omnthM.&NW.Railway, sehool on adjoinîno.s.par î __________section, 2 miles fronu post office. Building~s ana a tah eeonjsE4havi am s 33 everyihiug as represented or no sale. TitTe cdear a aintheesat 0eJSEH LaarS at o 1. e .2,Tuadies FiuG eug. TnOfodSies nhb es RoYAL ~ ~ ~ ~~~~W-not a dollar against it. Reason for seîîîi of tDur nhama of ,decanliio, wh o ny egarpie225Tudypeu$0 THE SURGIfowNe0F 81fe. Mi besidbefor o Drbnu erer dcasdwh ied , 1or .31 pair, sizes 21 te 41,.Ladie' Caza Qxford Sios Leather faean nee fonesie.use o eîepr about the 27ih day of Febri~y,,89ne Aauvs ea atrdan RILE, UBE 2t s'aYo eti'_op Apy-i ue to M. A. telvr rred iye RIFESQUBEC25t s astogetin ro. AElyatone qoref odvrore Ubyos lE Maid, on Tîped Fine Goods, reýgular pnico $1.75 Tuesday 75e per pair. wnîtes: "I have usedwiti muci stîccesaJAmEsBowmanville,Oot. intending purchasers or ed mbTE 1thDAY Op parMsAs lte2,Msss±a1897,u' îruSrig elrgua wriwith Ibe cash unlyneed make inquieies.kNo Miss Annie A, Clemens, of Eowmanville, 0ne of 34 piru DK11te2.MsssTa.i.-i xfrdSrighelrgua 'Piuo-aum' on'Qucicro) l smyc,~ ssrsrzrforiorunng,~ time for Inquisitive persous who don t wan t t the administratrices of the eaid estate wheoBau'(o Qic suppu nd eliig rniu g, AMMNd soraly skng, d sclgpbuy a farnu in Manitoba. 14-2w. their names,a ddresses n ecitons and full pnice $1.35 Tuesday 75c. dressing wounds, w hsuprtd rnisth, -Wri arm el sý dst ales with inOu- jgconaiing fl atel 1pair, zellte2Mis'TaDogKd xQdRun Ttlh ,even under tic dressing of Iodofenm; -- RSSOP, gentiaahestus O!f Curu& £~I~UtI~ f*.~~ of their dlaims, sud nature of speurities(Ql any) (olimnt, ndfui dse 0 C CIURA 45L .u m m~u III heldby thenu duly certiied againsi estate of de- geeda, regular prico $1.35 Tuesday 75e. theeffct as emaiabe, il isciare vnet,granîooduf lersa ruetCT.ES U-AD EI DM OST ceased. And that afier the said date the ad- Besides tic above linos we will have some apocial anapa in Boys' and ceasing, and healing granulation sett mnstarieter roed 0detiut1h inU toc, fe ia apIaine By its Lovinff Friend, nt h an fwiht, asseis among the parties entitled thereto, hav- Children's goods. This will ho a grand epportunity of getting finat- Bn e ard o utcediso!wih y easa gooda at bass than it coat te make thom. &Quckur.11 onide is ntseti uDated hs1t day of April, 1897. Shep early-eome ou Tnesday next April 2D, and get Bargains. action as vaînable as its marvellons 1 u E" L A nANNE AOR :M. GAU panro H.pItK.e .. , o ms hîns 5kmte ord. oTEzIDA CLEMEN S, Sigued, GE. . AM, ., I)IR*auo,"fne.U »QYLON1E!.. u adrn1gN,

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