When you buy a Truss Get a good one. THE WETMORE TRUSS. Superior to ail others. You can fit it yourself or -we will do it for yon. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Any one requiring a Truss wrll find it to their advant- age te examine the WETMAORE TRUSS sold by J. Hgginotha &Son. BoWMAN VILLE. Chemists andi Druggists.1 We have Furniture prices that WILL SELL ....... Have just ready fine new goods for tbhe Spring Trade. i Bedroom Suites ........... $10.00 Dining Suites .................. 18-50 Parlor Suites ............~.... 25.00 Couches ......... ............. 5.00 Secretaries .................... 3.25 These are specials, eall and sec thern for yourself, ai- ways a pleasure to show goods. UNDERTAKJNG aIwayï receives our personal attention. 1. D. IWILLIAIS & SON. Is here and llea-dy Mixed Paints are now in order. We have the best lines lunfi cse goods iu the County. No old stock, ail bra.nd new, su that you can depend on getting the -best. Sandersoii, Pearey & Cos celebrated brands are tooc well known here to need recommendation from us. We have theruin al colors. 'I'heîr vulcanized floor paint wil dry in twelve hours. We have Shermian Wiiliams Co's (New York) celebrat- ed line of Housc and Floor Paint. A trial will convincc you of their merits-they are fully guaranteed. Try them. Paint, Kalsomine, Varnish and ail kinds of Brushes. In great variety, -Rakes, Roes, Spades, Forks, Lawr Mowers, Sprayers-all at rock bottom prices. Barb, Chicken, Plain and Fence Wire, in fact, ail kinds of Wire at lowest prices. Caîl and see us at the West End Hardware Store, Quick's Block. Soe agents for the Gurney Foundry Co's celebrat ed Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. BOWMANVILLE. BOWMANVLLLE, AVRIL 14, 1897. (Condensed from the News.J AxcTioc,-Sick: Mcs W Tlicmpson le not lm- pcvu; Mc David Somarville s pbiing sien- t y; Me W Waddellias beau suf ecsug w-tl soce cye. ....Mr R Hilt sud famiiy have cemoved t. Drligton .... Miss Wiueiow visifed Mcs G]L Waddeii .... Miss Jessie Waddahl visifed Miss Aggie Somacyilîe ..Miss Fostar sud Mtss iearice Poster visitad frieeds at Bowmanvillt recenitly. ... Mc C L Waddalt lias beau cenovat- ing the scholeliese. KFieNxsAL.-Mýr. Joe Thorne ts sick ..,. Mrs. J. Mtthaws visterd fieude te Fort Hope... .Miss May Mattliews te vietting ai Mr..utherford's Stackville . .. Miss Msggsa, Bryscu sud Mr. Wsc Savou-y, Staukvtla, are macied .... Miss R. J Armstrcngis home Sore Petadlioro... Mc. aud Mrs. Walier Little. wliohava _beau visitiies s NIIEI filliun. CH'l Ri oui Occ hicldio pugs. CaME NON essLtse tasnfO g.J .Sir',Etzbtvilbv rt e s your blood impure and poisoned ? -waserece t utoS Misse mea0. B oe Iie iceTopc eastneutos lths mnvitte5ieed,viehom ..MisFoeceTopo i iig se it us i f you have eutos lths Jen cli ..Mr. Rldi.erit i lite.eBelstle.a _ Mr. Hanb. Alexander s recovar- pmls. oeezea atremo bacc tccentty,. _MaIesets. Josapli Fox sud Jolnie g from t tbis lespnpesrs cea atremo lin have býea usoy sgar ...u~ . .Messie. ~j. S. D.sud Mss Ida C. Souci visiied ar Mr. erysupelas. With such troubles the e:'u.Jeweelles, Ien caille, recentty. ENTRxaIE'ns.-Mc. Cao. White asidMISSss blood is fast carrying poison and disease Anc McQuillan wece marcsad Tuesday wee to every part of your systens. 11mevB-.-Mc. Jolie Wistar, Oeiawa,. called on and wll settiedown onthe farre nonili easi cf To be dlean, sound, vigorous and frocieh liera recesty.... Mr. anC Mr$. Scott. Laskacd, owned by M. Cao. White .... Mr. G C elh yums s'PiesCl Tfwnvei seted I cr. Tisos. Rendesn.... Ailitu aud Wm. South, bave gouse fo lic lNorth- elh o utuePiesClr Ns ew Çvi[le, smc cWcdeonls to e s t Tac rifory-..Mr. Thos. Gceenwocd,tcf Compound. Its vitalszsîîg and liealth- sgeceisrh',buirust lisebeau ttled n fuit.. The Cîî.lMi. tst iebola ir ia .vn.rpries show at once upon the Jamnes il'Cormacli homesteaC racenriy lper-ai asence of thirteen yeaas. IHa waesacom in- ood i SUeule sahat cbasad lv Mr. S.,lM. BillnseandC tenauted by pasued liy his brother-iii-taw, Mc mWalkey. ,i siieule sahat jo4nRlübn6m as brnedrecetly.Netuiville.. - Mi.eRd. Bradley, sth Lina, lu producer and ciea.nser. ole bia ssusîdncny.vietin 'g hec sster, -Mme. Cao. Taylor. -...Mc. sud N itr.nriesraaiso Mre. Cao. Pcrtea, Velvenion, visited lies-fathenNritr. evnsaraaiiso S. S;.lSc5._ jS. j. CowaelaiaovedtoNaTw- Mr. Job Grecs d ainl.'pis can possibly remove the danec lie ..M. fe-.Rncs îrioad îeas e n. -that iurk un your system at thistie Mr. .. arrs sraind bs ak'ere-For pure, ced biood, rosy cheeks anid ceny.,..Muter B. Staileioss lioke lite arn e- ecentiy.. . Messrs. J. Carke aned Allie lwcs smode!t Apply a littie 'Qilkcure' to a pimple,' good digestion you need Paine's Celery farmuesme-v go t Agcmia... Mr. l'IreCOor any blemish of the skin, andj cover Compound that has done such à mighty CogWle. with j2hi paper, aMd1t.wildisapp an ad -wouder.ftrlwork in the past. C._ýîDg wih tin ape, ad i wil dsapear Bewai-e of the stibstitutes that are in twentyfour hours, leavitsg the kin frequentlv offered for Pauses Celery LreuAeui M M. scd fsuA. J. tailes recn-i nacecial aund healthy, as it desttoî s the Compound-those -worthless imitations Iviird in Pot Hope -- 5y'. sedlieJ -W - mal, Dt 'Iaisuptoin se bone Sunday n cci .. gerces which enter the fikiel and cause that are p)ushed on the uasuspXecting for tisa cuse Mm Tuct ccic )-s..ý Oia y..Me idi a pimples, bouls, etc., especiaily if one is the sake of the large profits tley brn was in 1 rTeukerse Ie bau ...Mrnls eorvrirn rn o rthe retailer. Insist upon h av In 1g MeKuilih a tue ostheLakw iiaýUnee'elî, o vnr dowu ro o "rcpaine's," the kind that makes you bsig ..o while,,tv wokintiee woods nI'ili! 1o2 ALbmto el c.woklt. weIL Q Eusï lu Lui. NE IN WoK wili uoi ufcgk. skin disease. namaeiy Psoriasis, and! obstiniate niceration of the leg, due te varicositas; and also in supurative, dermatitis. 1 have fonaid it to be of mnarked service, and consider tt a very good preparation.» OONO.-Mr. ira TravPlle, Darlingt0n, vistted bis brother .... Mr. Fransk Andrfls ias goe to the city .. . .Mr. and Mrs. Reysriids, Port Hope, visited Mr. Win. Thompson, Sr.Miss Minute A Jeffery wliolias been visîting Mrý. jams mcli Ie ards lias retureed to Torto....Rev. H. T. Ti Lewis was lu peterlioro last -,veek writing 0ou ter his second year's exam ...Mr. Thos. Souci is lec building a stable and woodshed.... .Mr. Hugli Smouupplied for Rev. Mr. Lewis at Leskard cend Kirby Su.day... .l.John Crveti ex- Ca pected home from Califorisia shortly .... Mr, Li Bruce Bell wliolias been "'sodgeriflg" with Ct Company Infantcy Sciool, Toronto, is bomne.... Mr. Henry Gilison,,,Toronto, a1 former resident, Pr Visited relatives liea..Dr. M. Staîker, Walk- arton, a former Orone boy, le now fliling the tlie Beeve's cbair for tlie second terraliavinig been elected liy.acclamation.. .MîrC. G. Arrm strcng lias liecu sndisposed .... Tlie Smnith lIes- bitt road dispute lias fitsally been setIeil, Mr.re Smith adceptiug ilie awacd of tlie arlitratcrs, Sw lv wliicli tle toweshlp coicil ivili pay $195.-lis Tliis witli fliccosts will be about $300. p There is no0 one article in the line of ex medieines that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strength- is ening plaster, sueh as Carter's Smart BI Weed and Beiladonfla Bachache Plaster. ti( V.9 E( NEWTONVILLE. Y( EpliiamCoevey, accused of killing George bl Frost, lis farm liand, in Blenhlm Towislip,un- tii a iew years ago a resident of Clarke, was a blacksmith by trade and at eue timae hsd a siop at NewtonvIILe but for thse lasi f ew yesrs of bis rasidee ce lu tis townsliip worked a farmn near tliat village PUTNAII'SCORN EXTRACTOR -Cures in i twenty-four hours. This is the testi- el mnony of tons of thousands who have mi used"it. "utnam's acts speedily, with- eO b( out Pain, and removes corns 1in twenty - M four hours. n( NEWCASTLE. aý Spring work lias bague. Coueicil meeting April 12. Y, Seeker fishing s booming. Mr. Breen lias infIammation. capt. Gilison is donc asseesing. Mr. J. Uglow is conva1esciiig, Dr. W. Brent, congratulations. fe A canninig factcry Os talkad of. t VI Mr. Barfeti solii thie Cleveland.M Mc. D. G allirait h 1osta good eûlt. VI A Toronto sione-hooker arrive d. c We bave two bicycle acadamies.E J. Steen, York, was liere recently. Pl Lau Curtis will work wltli J. Hall. C ai Welcome home, Miss A. E ldridga. c Honse cleaing sud carpet liaating. ai St. George's clireb is to be renewad. V( Douglas Bros. liave a dune Jersey cew. Orono Leagne came net Monday niglit. el Mr. R. Fairbaicu, Montreal, callad bliea, H. Ellioti slippad hoge Monday waaek. f Miss Colaman's Orone concert Aprit 23. S Mc. Browuhill works for Mr. W. Pearce. 1? Mr. Taylor's lecture waislEmtmy attenided. J. F'oster sbipprcl hogs f rom liera last weak. A Truc Blue Lodge te tatked of About 30 bicycles in tlie village Metliodist S. S. atiandance 125. h Mrs Arnot le liome from Uxbridgc U W. Mason and wïf e vtsitcd Orone. J The niortli road a iilieb gravelled. t, Banker Craig rides a new whcel. S The baud will resume open-aire.0 Vacant liouses arc not sîumarous.E Mr. Curtis is improviug hie lieuse.S Streets are cbg mucb improved.e Principal Davidscu rides a bicycle. 1 A. Simmons and wife visited Orono.n Miss Cliappla le borna from Uxbrtdged Gee Cowlleg lias rateroafi to Toronto .W. Wamsley will werk for Jas. Seott Dcc. Parfait visitad Toronto rccecntly. Mr. Uglow's elicp cauglit lire recantly. 1 > Mc. S. Wilmot's carrdage liorse te dea d. - F. Branton oecupies Mrs. Boweu'e lieuse. - Mc. B. Ellback, Klingston, visitai lare. t G. B. Lodgc. Port Hope, was lier-, lately. Mr. N. McBride,V Winnipeg, lias gene home. W. Ileathcote, Toronto, ws blie rrcenfly. W J Fenton, Port Ferry, was litre recently 3ý Miss M. Davidson, Gocdwood, is visiting liera. 1E V Dyer, Port Hope, lias bacc liera rcenfly McrDavidison,teacier,blas 40 colonies cfblies rMiss C .Asiton visited ai Mr Jolie Uglcw's 5Ssuday SKincoptoseope lu tlie Musie Hall lasi niglit (Tuasday) ;. Prcscor t population cf Newcastle. 100 lu 1871 t iv as 1109. Mr andC Mrs T Ellison are ont afier rlieic ce cent iliuss Mc N A Pickard speet Snnday witli Mr Nor ma iiiRicliard Mc W Pickard sliippad rwc cacioads cf apples Bto Montreal laet weck W . Lake lad at tlie gue dpub shoot witliFrank Bennett a good second. 4 cv. Ccc. B. McLeofi preache 1d sn Preeliyter- i an cburcli, Orono, Friday. Tocronto arcliitects arc drafting plans for Mc. D. Calbraith's fine new cesidence. Misses Mina Scott and Gertie Stelin were geests ai Mr Jolin Middleton's rcnntly vMisses Maild Clemence sud Florence Taylor rilSitcd at Mr W R Jewell's Sunday EFditor Biggiegs, Mayor cf Sanît St marie, ) isitad lits son-lu law,Mr L B Davidson,rccesstly Mcs Henry Powers aud Misses Ethet aud 'e Mary Powars, Kir-by, were recenvstesa Mc JolinsRiekard's n iios Tlie Royal Templars bave organizef a literaty contesi Tlie ladies againsi tise gentlemen. tice 3,ladies are lad by Miss Mini a Warren and Mr E C Hillam will commnand the msle.forces.... More coniesu'plate purchasing bicycles.... Messrs E C Beman, D Lovekin sud Jas Rickard have an- gaged beys from Dr Barnarde's home R Critical Condition - 0f Thllllds ot Caf dnaiils. 111NNISKILLEN. sacs King, Toronto, is vssssn ler broilier, "5C Rorke.... Dr J HEtit looked aftec r uiclielles practice two days lasi week ..At- cd fie Jîll social Good Fsiday, April 16. Col- tinfor the Iudia Famisne Fuid. Must not be confounded with common athartic or purgative pis. Carter's ittle Liver Pis are entirely unlike semn in every respect. One trial xviii fove their superiority. COURTICE. Mc. H. A. Osborne cf "Lakeviaw Facm" lias S ceefly isstroduced the new popular liceed cf M1 vine, h aving liduglit a pair Duroc Jerseys fer SI -eeding purposes. Tliey are a very liandsome sic sud wtll ne Ccubt bclicard frcm at the Fait S& eliuistion. Mr Han Perkin, seoorefield, visited lis sont &rs Litilejobns ....miss RUla Tliomas, Pýeterboco, gfuet cfrsers W E Courtice .. .miss Annie Bair was home over Sueday . . . . Ms A J Cour- ee lias ceturned frcmvisitig friands at White- jae.,.. Rov R Taylor, NIewcastle, will preacli ductîcual sermons at Rienezer Sueday.' When you are weak, tired and lifeless ýou need to enrich and purify your )lood with a1ood's Sarsaparilla. E HAMPTON. miss Ethel sud air Walter Cryderman are vis- ingtheir sister Mcc il J H-oidge, Suilce... ts Leva Salebury lias refucsîed lieue to seiteli [t1 ... miss Jennie Ward te visiting relatives te icligans.. . .Mr sud mrs Allie arc under medical ,ara ... .miss Emma Reeves lias retricd home, het sister Lizzic lsavissg almost recovecefi.... 'lie GednCnerai Store whose advt ap - carste'u STATESMaAN is doing a splendid prie rae Tliose clieap suits ara great val- a e. F o e eps a dlicice stock adsudlys s0 s to seli as lois as aey departmnent store. V llood's Pis are the only pis to tak-e with llood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and 1 yet efficient. s SOLINA. Loyal Crusadece clcsed a livelv literary cois test Saturday aiC then enjoycd themeelves at a sffy poli.. _The~y furnisis a prýo gram at the Di- vison Fciday niglit AUi embers attend.... Mies Munie W ecry lias reiureed f rom lIon s- ville ... Recent vi8itors* Mrs WV H Paarce,New- casîte; Mies Ida Moore,1Ûaydon ; Mr Jos Garfat, Woodstock ; Mies Julis sud Mr Cee Gibscu, Enfeld; Mr A A Bowerînan, woolan marchant, Poct Ferry, snd son Waltce ;Mc sud tirs Cao Gray, Newcastle ; Mr Tlios Williams, sr, Cies- ara; Mr Jolie sud Mise Clscs B Littejosses, Ceutice... Reeve'Pascoe sud wif c visiiefi Mr and Mrs Edwacd Fasece, Whlitliy West, wlio arc ery ili The well known strengthening prop- rties of IRoN~, combined with other tonies and a most perfect nervine, are fund in Carter's Iron Pilîs, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. TYHONE. air A R Clemeses raceived a kick from a hsorse e was clipping Friday tasi that rendcred hlm mucouecicus for ai tusse. Dr mtels titdhed cep tha wond sud lie ie now Coing nicely.. . .er Jamas Biugiam le suffering frein a savate at- tack cf peunonia . . ..Two lseavy loeses were ststained liy'ut. Peter Wecry last wai-k, the osne beissg s fat ereer value over $51,asdflic other his ise chestisut driver._r asid uts T Bissglam, Bowmasivilte, vlited tis lrorlier on Sailiati .. . miss S Cota, Bowmasîvitte, wae ce- centty guesi cf Miss EBm Wcrry .pecialEast- er services next Salitatli... Secisg ici 'lowly progreesisg.. mies B Sicottselaiome frei To- -ro.... An aged resientairs Curtis, et, widow of fie laie TiseCurtis, passed tb test cii Mon- iay lest aSter lieing an issvalid Socoriaiy years. Thie funeratle sat Bethesda camaiary thseaSter- ioon. Serv ice ar tise bose cf nt. Jasina Bran- ton at 1.30,. ..The junior div isions ci onr Fublie Silicol was closef ot a fen- Cays owiisg o tise prevatenca cf imempe, tic icaciser, missPotier, cieisîg amoîîg tie suiferers. THE, PEopLE ,ARE CONVINCED Wlsea the.y read the testimoniials of cure by flood's Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest men and women, and are plain, traightforward statements of faci, The people have confidence in HIood's Sarsaparilla becanse-they know it actualiy and perrnanently cures, even when other medicities fail. MAPLE GROVE. Mir Fred IHyiand, cf Wbulbby, bougif soe ie herses heinlast week....Mc Ceo Cubait toit a vatuahie cow froremilk fever Mc Cao Power alec Icet a fine renewed e-on..Mrs Gac Trimbie itlwitli broncîttis ..Mr JamnesAbralimMaisi relia,catled on fieues liera recently euroule. foc Halifax .... Au excellent progcam was gis en ai tic teague Tlsursday evcsîing-topse '"The min- isîcy cf Song"..Rev R Taylor, Nesvcaste,will preaci an educatidnal sermon liera naxi 551 bath. ... On Mossday Mi, Samuel Forsythe was mving seC tippe fom is laC anCras drag- gad somedist-ance loti wheele tan over is cieet breakug sevecal cils snd iniîjnsg Isirefatatly DcBill attendedhlim but ce Satinrysce iugý at 6oc'clcck ha diad Deseased lias beau a resident barealieuts for 25 yeacs. lie wss member of tic Salvation Army sud was bucied ner the army tiag et île camatecy Hampton Monday afernoce He leaves a wif e anC an ardcpîed.dugliter whsc have flic sympatiy cf fthe ane.messy-s M udM Sanme n ow- don celabrafed fie 401h asîuiversacy cf their wadding Monday week Tise famsly gatliered home ite aveniig snd preseelttem ecd wsth an easy chair ....Mr and Mcs W J Wood bava returnied fcom LakeSicoe aSter 3 menithe' absence DOAN's,! DoAN's M DoAN's!!! Daon's Kidney Pis cure backache,weak back, rheumatism, diabetes, Bright 's desease, dizziness, sleeplessness, and ail kidney, bladder and uninary diwcuities. Price "Oecper box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Soid by aildî-uggists or sent by mail on re- ceîpt of prsce by T. Milburn & Co., Tor- onto. CARTWRIGHIT. Sole agent'for Bowmanville, JOHN' HELLYJ tss-Jn.îY i~ .1 MASTER BARGAINS. W TE BAVE RECEl VED immense quantites'of new and fashio'able goods Vsîitable for Easter trade, if you do not cali before cali on Saturday and ue the new sofî and stiff bats, the new men's and boy's clothing, the new dress naterials, prînts, blouses, the new gent's ties, collars and the new boots and aoes. See this list of genuine record breaktrtg bargains, these prices tor next )turday and until soid, 4en's blk. Venetian worsted (Joats and vests, Cutaway or Sack styles c $7.50 for 6o Uen's pure wool Worsted suit (Grey or Claret> choice new shades, pr. Suit $iir Men's Scotch and Canadian Tweed Suits, Cutaway style, $5.0,7.50 and $9, *oy's Suits, we neyer before had so many and neyer before such fine values, two piece suits from $1-253 1-50, 1-75, i.9o and 2.6o. Blouse Suits, 22 to 26, just in, from $1.25 to 2.25. See them. Xe think our stock is undoubtedly so much larger and our prices well known. to be so favorable tlîat no intending purchaser can afford to buy before seeing it. CENT'$FXNSIG ýEW Hats, New 1-ats, for Easter, don'ît ail to see our hats, nothing extreme ibout the îîew styles. rjdv riew, neat and nobby. The new ties are wonderful jalue, the new Spring Suitings are up to date. In this department we are showing one of the BEST HIGH3 GRADE LADIES' AND GENT'S BICYCLES ever produced. The Stormer is a trong, handsome wheel. Our price $65, fully guaranteed. Second hand Vheels in good order from $25 up. See our Bicycles. BOOTS & 8I1OE.ms Perhaps a few prices in this departmnent would interest you. A few pairs of the Garden Hill Plow Boots, worth $1,35 for $i.oo. A few pairs of Boy's Kip Granger, worth 1.25 for 9oc. Ladie's dong. Button t, vecy neat style worth 1'.25 for 90c. Ladies' Giove Grain But or Bal, very durable 1.25 for I.0o. Misses' do do 1.20 for 90c. Misses' Dong Butt or Ox tip 1.25 for 74c. Men's Box caîf Bal. Goodyear welt stitch,' 3k. or Ox Biood, $5 .00 for $4.50 Men's Ox Blood peb Bals, sewed soles do 3.00 for 2.50 Men's Bic. Bal Back 1,7 5 for 1.40 Men's do or Ox Blood do 2.25 for 1-85 Boy's Fine Buif Bals Fair stitch, point toe 1.5o for i.oo A New lot of Trunks and Valises, very choice and great value. IDFYGOD Specials in New Dress Goods, very choice effects, 35c, 40c1, 5 5, 5011. Black Henrietta, 48 inch wide, bright satin finish, worth 7511. for 501. Thirty Fancy Black Dress lengths, special prices. See our handsome new d'Isigns in Fancy colored Dress Goods. Circular piliow cotton, 42 in. for 15c. a yard, worth 20c. Plaini do 40 1 OC. do, 15c. Ladies' Spring Capes at very special prices. Union and Wool Catpets from 25c. to $1.25, fine pattern. Our Spring's importations of Gioves and bois ery are to hand, extra large choice and extra fine values. In full blast. Bnîng in your But 1ter, Eggs, &c. You can get the be) sOSI sible, exchange frons us. rascibility to the wearîng of unconsfor/able .ekovs. -New Goods. New