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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1897, p. 2

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8fkHa ach nd relèMve ah thé troubles Inoi- 4er~ é bltos tate of the systeai, such ras Dl2-fnss Nausea trowsiness, flistress after oéig eain rIxe' Sti"e. &C. Whiie th îr most jémarI-ÎIa5bté oucér a béen sbown In curing Réridaché, yfet CARCERS ýITTri LtaEa Pis air* equall>r rattible in ,onstipatmon, currng end praventingrl anno.1ingcornpIaint, while they aise c'-rrect a1 ulsorderti cf trio stcmach, gdmralei thé'i fir andi regulatte thé bowels. Even i they enly, coreti Acte tb~ wouid ho0 alni9ei pricéles to those wkxo sulier frein tis dis, eirsing complafati butt fortrinntely their goodIness doris net ecd hèem, a itose who once try thein tail tint theso 11,010 pittri vaitiablé tn Se Mai7 waYS tisat tié xi neh wtlinz ta do wtthout thoa. liiair&1sti isead lhe Canadian Statesman WFB UaDJVA, APRIL 28, 1817. N'OITLS A i COMMENTS. An Aust-nalasiau Fe(leral Couvant-ion. la wblc.h Tasimania, as weaves cNaew Sentt Wales, Victoria, Sont-h Austral- la, anti West Austratia, ix ropnesented, ia beca. for corne t-Cao in session at Adabaido Tht, main linos et a confeti- es-af ion bave licou formnulatati, anti conr- aitrees have beon appeint-edtut proîrare line final draft ot a F-derai Constitu- tion fer snbmission îe the semea-I cl entas. Tiis is t-lacn-est- opproncli set nante te a union of Australasia, but t-ha ant inla iexr ceoirns stili dietant, for aitite-r Queensiond sacs Nets Zeatanti itas ýt aiten part- in t-ha convention, anti lb le by nue mons cestalanf bat-Victor- ia anti West 'Australia t-lîl rotify thc sceeho -posed. lùpit-o a compa-ra tiely saccut-pas-lodtihIe teuidency ta Australieaxas tomxa antisubdivision ath-- os- tien consolidation. 'As Sr Jlu Vogel peint-ad out la the las luse ot fin Nitieteatl Centurý, -bore are flacuesnats of peopbo liaing V ic n " sr- itable that te uinduiy -lumiiate bher lu thei intexrt cfthe Ottoman -taiii ho a crime againast civiiizatiion. Fer %vh-,it- eve,r the faults,'cf tlae Grpelks mcat' -anti they are net few-tlaey have on a moagreP territery andi with a limait- ed- revenue, estabtlishod a civilized aad Christian etate, as ral as italy. have organizeti a fair ariuy, anti reat- ed ai floet fir wjioh thgt tof Turkey is a.dmitted te i 'a match. ihey have, teo, trieti to %extent anti edvance citi- zeniship, andti t promote culture, andi hav e as respecots orecti beon seo tolor- ant that tIrir hQuetsuflman ubjects have e dvised the JN'fslems cf Crete te sulimit te G-rock rtîle,lin he certainty that justice %vouldi ha donce thena. They have doue aI l his untior foreigu rul- ors, litweon w):m nd t their subjects- there w as nerixnug sympathy, and te furth.er eoatablirsh!'their daim, te re- speot, have aheav-n ,a readiness te as- sume grave persanal aud national risks in ?ordler to \soet free theose cf their cava rare and creed nader Ottoman ruie. The, Turkisla empiire. on the ether hanti. resta esn the Ottomnmsasra ase andi the Ottomansa~re a Mongol tribo frem the Far East, v enetrateti Eu - rope only for p -rp.Esc plunder a>,,W The Name and Reputa- tion Imply Mucli. Paine's Celeî'y Cornpouind Establishes Safetv. Heaith and Strengtl. Never Ailcuv any Dealer to Persuade You to Take SoIrLethiîtg Fise. "Paino's Y' Gicrious talismianic ntme that speaks a w calîli cf hope and heaith te the thousautis cf disease-bnî'deneti men aîîd aomen! "Paine's ' Marvellous healer that cures when ail other medicines fail! "Fainies 1" Thtou bright loadatar cf lthe despondent that bringesv a -%vorîti cf jey andti ew life after the doctors have declai'ed the case te lie incurale I, icar is the tiue te use Pairie Celetv Corapoutatiif .,ou wouid lic ell, lia ppy caro taken there wilU ai-eays romain n, percentage of risk againar t ib ich threca o neprotection, anti a'i-ich mcmua;t accopinas they accept tho certanaty of dleatla. Ab-oluLe sedur- ity ta unattainaalo. the chane e f acci- dent musat alwnys to takon, aud 'ix heu catastropIhe oeurs, ail that romains la te coniier that seaiethitua beoenti bu- man provention lana happonoi, like an oartlaquake or tornade. 'flare shouiti ho rynpthy vith the suffering anti resiguaýtÎon te God's avili, ne.. impatient angor agninst Ircaven's Ia m-. Suh- roisahuni is an essontiaï clement cf kîtrengala, and ishemlti t- show n in thought cý vi e si~n action. STRONGER THAN LT LOOKED. Thre prili of al MustnssiPla.feè' fi Naf la tire ThIrkdesof le. Wilkins cosnpiaiued of uct feelin&g ver'y-ave1. Mis lanilady asked for the sysnptemne. "Oh." sha retuirnii, "put on a mua- tard pinstar, anti yau»sll bhalal right ta1 tic anorniug." Re- toIr her advice. 111e -ta ont into a nea-r-by drug store antiasked for a n-IMtraard past er. For,,,.le b-,-;t-1;- TIllE RICHEST OUF r2i-ROITER'J Th,-, ov r ; p. ' Telegraph Transrers Made fer large or sma]1 sinms on ail pari; of Canada. Mlais is especially ad anbageous te persoas living in Manleba or the Northwest, itmakes the fends available at once ai the phqee of payment. Oliberarticulars cail at the bank. Ei. L. PORTT, UEO, MeGILL, Accountant. Manager. THE cOOK'S ;BEST FRIFND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. For Coughs,SpDO Colds, IBron- clutÎs, Sore P i throat, etc. U I KERRY, WATSON & CO.. TUME DIE TZ à g,&DRIVING LAMP à la about as near perfection as 50 years o f Larnp MNazng oalia aain tfIlt Sburns ker seecan ad gives a powcr'ful cearwhite ïght, and i wll ncitherbiv n or jar out. Who-i out driving with t it the darkness can:I, keeps about two hundred feet ahead'cf your smartest here Wh 'yo want the very Lest fDrivin g La.p to -bc had, ask your sdealer for t'ic Dnetz * We is se a l Catalogue of this Lamp. and, if you ever prowi ardund Safter night-falf. if w;il intere..t you. 'Tis .mi led free. R. Z. DME2Z CO., Ç6o I4aight St., NewYork. Entablfshed in 5840. Price So cents per Box, or 6 for $2.,5o. At Iiruggists, or MailFd on Receipt of Pîko byv T. MILBURN & CO, Toronto. simply permissive, anti bot-New vSceula Wales anti NeawZestant declineti te taie ativantage, cf il. We sitoultinnte, in&eati, týhat flac laie Admirai Tyi-eu succoetie in lîsi>ing ing t-ha Au'-tnalaoiaýn colonies te favor a unite oticnt ribution t-o ltae ceaiof tiiar cemmen tefanre, anti, aitbcugb l - e a-, ere sharp diffen- onces cf opinion, ast- t hou tIre atm shoutti le falfilioti, a scheme ,,ras ove ut- ualiy lût uponata a contes-oýnce ax-icla, oa hoing rofes-'--'t th Ie colonies-, 'ias approeot. This as-maugomot, boaever, tras tane n sense a contedaraticu, but meroly a coalition cf intiepentieut St-aies for a cingl arpu-ie. Ifi was, about four years ago that Smr fl'ot-sy Pariai,f tic xafetean stat-esman cf Noix Soth-lWaies, revived t-ho ques- tion of fetiation, anti atvorateti uwith aura energy a uni-on sÊiuar te tuai exearplifieti in the ]Dominion of Can- adla t-lai lais vie-as at-oe accepleti by maay rof thecier anr ~d thlacpweret Fedemral oavenitiefn la t-horestolPro- cisely warat indo. f efetemat orgauic ta -av-Till ho Pposeti ie caunet tell unlil t-ho reporta cf t-ho varions rom- m itcea have beoi r eatianti adoptd, andtihie final draft cf t-la instrument hlas been pabiiee. We know front fhe experienre et cen Plailadephma Con- vention that t-be p-Ian ullimaieiy saur- tioneti niay differ in mauy vitl par- f icuilatra fs-cm t-be s-eaolutious passeti ai any eariliem stage of flac cession. S511h il te iat-aresting t-c nete aviat t-be e- solutions ara. Tlrey hegii,wae obsenxc, udîli a ps-ecatuýticn in favowr 'f St-ate -rgigs by provlding t-bai t-ha poxa re, priv'itegesý, anti territo-ycf t-Ie ccv- oral coloniies. sall Uromain intact. This, igemerai affirtunton, bhoweve-r, is pro- setty qiralifieti hy a declarat-on that thea exdLt.ive o eocfimpesilng anti ocfllectinrg customis anti excise dettes, t-o- gether 'iîf h t-ha oxclus-e cent-roi cf miltamy andi naval -affaire, shall ha veat-etinla't-ha FedealabPanliament, wthicla la te consitt-of ka Sonate anti Hoîase5 cf Raeesntetives. ; The Aus- traliasian executive is t-o conaisi cf a Governer-General appeinteti '&y t-le Qaîeen, but as te ubhar ho la te gev- ena tinclugla Minîsters responsibic t-o fh liee os f Repnese'utatives, as lut t-ho case cf t lis country.,ave have net yet leasnet, - ihere is t-o le, aise, a Feti- es-ai Suprena Cous-t, avlaicb, besites baviag crcguizauce of tfades-nb ant inl- teratate busine-ss anti questions invelv- ing tire cenetiaction cf t-be Constitu- t-ita, ist-o ses-vo as a laigla court of ap- peat fs-t-enthe' t--loaiob courts in ail mat-tera. W-e remank, fiunlby, t-hai t-rada luntercourse bet-aeen the noverai colonies is te ho, absolutely fs-ee. The la-st-n'amati ptrovision ceois t-o lie au indispýensaýbe condition cf auy federma- tie n st-hy cf t-he naina, yet if is cer- tain te moot w'itla violent opposition frein Victoria, 'îvhosB revenue t-o n con- sîdemalPeextent dcpentis on dtinies leïvieti on inap)os-re freihem sistes-ccl- Hew ar s-publie opinion is nraking ih- soif fait as a rea-traisain-g force la t-ho t-reiatniut cf GnýBerce by t-ho poaxens il la difficUit We say, butthce is little dousa htbailuEnigloutianti France, aI icast, lt-s inafluýenc'e uýpon t-Ie action cf t-ho goeeurments le very st-reng. Iu ilLaglaudth fe public naint i lase f illeti avili bqoof t-ho Turks t-bat any ac- t-itou t-aiea a inthei bohlaif sacras posi- tiveiy shaermoul,; andti hougladatmiration of flac Graciatony net be st-rong, t-be fact is s-eceuize t -at ley as-e a boe- fui people, antit-huittlaccas-es- cf GIroace las na osa lac lbee ico ecnet- ft-rlay cl-imyte -dimration. -LAln there is ne hope cf nny change for the botter in Enst;ern Europe until ha dis- appears, anti with the great peavers bol- stering up the sultan anti burying their Jeai'us.ies te mhintain tha eintogrity cf is demnains, thora \eesacia cant chance cf that. True, thue house cof th1iqan la avromnet, the emipire ite decayîng,- the trenurry ta ernpty, àandtihtrprovinces are osa the liorge of anarrlay, but the sultan la soec, 'anti se long as lha is, andi it sney e for tuwent;y year.s, thera is, inehope -pf huprevenuont. Iu snob a situation it'je littie avontae that jni- lic opinion in Western Europe fayo t-ho Greoeks. - U la evitient fliat a confliol is- ir- Iproaclink i Septh Africa, anti that t-haro is ;ne incere dosire on the pr of Ueitho f the parties te il r ave ilt. Thc investigation of tIhe share taL- on 'by the South Africa C-onpany in t he raid xupon the TranvanI proeets, biut t-bore is ne indication that the Britila goerument istonds, vllitever the et coeuate abate any of ils c2ntms or riglats oer the' Boom repubilo. IndeetiAir. Chnmlacr:nin bas aliantieotihts earliir attitude cf Pr1Esident Kragor's proteol- or as against t'ise company, andi o'i seoewdtermineti te acontuate tIre cf- fonnes of the Transyal ,anti the flagr- ancy cof ils breanches cf thea London con- vention ef 1884. R1e b,1as ropLietite P1ro- ident Kruger's biÂ-l cf tdamages fer t-ho Jamieson raid hy demanding that ï),, kooep witlain the iimita cf that cenv ti- tien, ant in uthe exatuination cf ait-' cesses beoe the oommrittee of inqu;iny into South African affairs, has sbeu suc-b a hestite spirit toavarti the B3oer geverumetit as te Iteava ultie deubtj1 that ho is bount upeýn ooeroion. Nor ou bis ide le Presitient Kruwger, whe la for ail practicai putrpoes tÉie Boer state, any more cenciiatory, shewing net oniy ne disposition te rermove thse grievanoas of a'i-ich thre British complain, but tie- fiantiy increasing thaebastions impoeot up.n the UiVâîhudera, or foreigu-boru, re- itients cf thie repubZul. The Engiish prose is supprosacti for nny ad-verse citicis9m cf thre govermmnt, freeooto f speech andi of m 1.s l denioti, andthIe sup- ra eocurt cf the state mas beonmate superventte ic ogiiatrelest hy its decistona it shecuiti fus-thiew British lu- tercelts in fthe repubite. That Lnch cf tiia iotites the spirit, if net thbe lettes-, cf thre London con- ventiýon, as it ticc amay recul roputbliran- isim la apparent, anti us disc.iesuxe dur- ing the pregreof thie South African- tuquiry lins se pîaceti President Kruger in buh 'ircng in Britishr opinion thaf opposition te thse application cf ceercive mensures, if tetermineti upen, La likoly- to e s alnl., Thui thre -Boer prerident oxpeots sucb an outcoofue ta ovideuced by lis negotiati-on cf a close alliance aift te Orange Erco State, the riglat te maIre a treaty aýývitavrch fermas the singe exceptioen t-o that reserveti by EnglantinlutflacLondon convention te vetc treatios htu cen thbe Transvaal aud ah,' forcigu states-anti by 4laja rosubp- tien cof dipleniafic relations uit-,h Gea- nanny. Tiiel atter' hlas prompt respenti- eti by th'c present deSpateja cf 3,000 soi)- diers te Lllnmüraïnt, aviihconfirma p inion tiat Benlisa may ho, a farter lu asay costeat tLaitm ray oen"-, a faci clearly reegnizeti by tthe [Britisha wam office in thae ii'itary preparations near, making. Was- materiaicf every de- scription is heiug hurrriedUy laendt for, thbu Cape, thre treeps; andem endors for SeutL Af s-iOnareheg ppitwtl r-amnpaigu olotling, anti a sumbes- cf corps, believe otitele destineti for ser- vic in tee came quarter, bave been nt -aud -oy -tne -adition o~a o -icu U the varions districts cou'ti ho increaseti te 12,000, but ftat w oul,'tbi ho. eescau to face the Transaal Boecrsalaone, anti if -ear cura begmns, rn-e Dutch i w 11 h uniteti.t IL is singular hou mucla more th-Ie imagination is affocteti by the lüss cf a tioz2n or a buadrot i lves ita agroat catastroýphe than by tIre graduai deathi. during along p-rot f tint sanie nuin- ber of pensou-t-. Ia tbeilatter case the Seuse of lofs is bass, the ppinces cf the deati beinpg quî9ikly filloti by the con- sîtantreronduction icf taci-ty. Eut axlY should tlac pain anti sufferiug anti death têf a Iundrectiindividuais, oven if eps-cati ever mintnhssor yenrs, anti v.itir the, reneaxai cf sucloety assuroit, in4irc.ss us less thauti Iteconoeýntratthiou of ail thI13 grief anti baýs in a cingle expe-rience ? The savr-ending death oughf Oiy to incneatso the feeling cf diýsme1Y anti -or-on. Thereason may ie foutai, ave botloeve, in t-he suddeniioss wati agnitutie f the boss, anti the utter blank bleft beljut. T-ho mndlvi- tuait dires Lan hli ed, afluer an illnos axhichi propanes ýthe mitait'for the sheck of lis departure. Ho, is only a unit- in amai aggrogatiun cf popuÉation, ant ielac bves a succossos- te f111 hie place anti duttes. In a great cntas- troplean ahuntired.ivlimas entisutidenly, lile- the suuffitng eut cf a candie, T-hoe La neouaniug or peparatiou te miti- [gafe the rslacck cf thoin exit, or to, di- ]Uuusb flac sense cf biank w hici il leaves bhehinti. Lü t tii cose axhici, Mc>re thas anaythiag eaise, appaîts t-he imungilmatiota. Wa bLave grcvn usýe t t thi'nkiung cf the tie-centseocf the imdlvi- tuai a- a neceasary part of the pro- g-realssanti greu'ti cf hu=m nSociety. But sutiden destruction, cf a great sau m- ber cf livos sooni te Ibrenten an arreat of fllati grcu-tl, te introtiace an clamnent of iwoceence ant i icelnlîletenos aiet the plan cf the univorse. It la the abrupt anti apparenuly purposotes breakiag of the coutisauity cf thîs plan, aith saoîthring te Lake ils place, that shcis the, minti.- Il is perlaupa only naturel that, wilt-l our lianitetvicai etft-ha divine purposea, the feeling produceti by catastrophes involvlng Unusual bs cf life shoulti ha thai cf linliatiesce anti annoyance. So for as thiis ikspatience la the product cf symkathy axih sufferilg, ar a shar- ing cf the horror f li by roelions and survimors, if is porbapa te o e midone.' But lhr're ila oWriy Lte) c-h reasea te believe thai lin sany cases it is n kinti of bysteriahersa cf solfialbniesa, thal la, of lies-rom af the thougiat that ue muglit ber învoimet inla asinrilar catastrophe. Syatahy La a part of tir aungination' icutiexcit-eti Dua u- oaan'bebaîf, inventa berrs - ihich curdie the blooi. IL avoul ho aises- la such cases te culti- vafe esigunatibe than teo gime ai ay te mesonutmcut, te sit doun quietiy cuti -ki Oursr'ýlmoa as hethr axe 'are hou- oafly aympatiîîetic omrcaly fearful cuti rseontful lest a, like fate sbtnuld befal US. Deatia cornes cînce te &l aiea, wbon anti heav is hayonti our cent-roi, andtfhe mcxi uselesa cfual thinga is te 'Sbriak iacessaýnt-îy abo()ut it. Wo ad- raire the coumage cf the suffemers ta a catastrophe, a-ad 'ihy canot 'ixe have lke courage lain iaginaf ion i?\Ve knotav that Ced s-igus andthiat eus- avealinea slebis sirmgli. Tiare is ne use iiigs-euing impa- tient- anti reseufful ex-or accident-s, aýndti, teId seon'flys-avenlsa apainful oc f imai staimina. Se long' as peup-qle move about in the womld, acci- de-ntsaili ncomm. )Wthlaevery possible r4juvn o flac--Xsn ss- It ase mixeti and cenfiused wiýth a dreani in wJaic-h he hati seen a miner standing eorr im. M ith a piok and foult that a great blaoo v sbeingdug thriugh lais ribs. Wilkinls snotted, turn2et ovcr and %vritheUd witla a grimace. Theu ho PIuldIMthe clothes fair froîm i hl, sat up andi saiti: "Ugh2' At 7 o'clook ha avas in the, drug store again. Rea was bending over to keop lais clothing, fiomtoiaclaing him. Th,ü nighit cierk was stil inaclaarge, anti lac grinnoti broadly., niLt e sec the place," ho suggested even bof ore Wilkins spoke. r1rlare us a brillian parallelograni, fo4ur by scvea inches, just under the, tlaird button of Wilkin's vest, andi as the, cool air totached it Wilkins w suc- ad.i r1 "Yoe'lIl hava te ho vory careful or Ycas'il hava a. bati blist.er tbere/ said tlaa clerk., "Bilis-tar 1 Say, I caa, stand it; tell natlae trýith-how, deep is that holo 1" "Noseuse. Go oba. andi got a big scf t liien hantikerchief andtiIl fix yeni Wilins paid 85 cents for the kand- kexrolief and 25 conts fer a cool, muffsy pise whinla the clerk anenroti on one sida ofit "N~ fyota let yofrr fianunel next tathat yeiu nay pull thea lide off wita i'ixarnerd the clerk in parting. And Wi'lkins walks down tasse meru- ings to kaep the eQboaxs of street car passeýngers oïart of lis ribe. "'Feelsaias if I wns ail boarideti up on enla aide," ho confides te his friends, Incidently ha îsays that a niustard, plastar isn't such a ('ýheap roniedy ah on aIl. NO RIS$ING LIKEL-Y. Mr. Grubbs (10 p.m t-Ilalnte, te go toi sleep, kaeax ing that ý strango young man is downinta hepai 1er axith our dnughter. Mrs. Grubbs--Don't yiiiworry. We, hati culons to-night, you anow. A RECORD ]IREAKER. He-ihey have a sa.) ing now ifla t ail the wcrid's awlaeel. SIre-Te ho su-re it is. Atnd. it's a >, or- chrer toc, whiriug at ibe rate cf n re than 1,000 miles an heur. A Difficuit Problem Satisfactorily Solved. In the past the ladies luw~e hati theusands cf dollars worth of -aluahie goeds rvtined througlh the use c; inferior and adulterated ddý es pi epared 1cri home dveing. The greatest loss that w-e eau point te is la the coloriug eofunixeti gootis-fabrics composed cf cottoit and avool, cetton and silk,and silk and avool. The manufacturiers cf Diarnonti Dyes put tip special dlyes for the cciering cf ail mixeti goods, giving colora tîjat are fast te soap andi sunlig-ht. Diamnonti Dves for mibced goods are the onlv reliable dves in the worid, andi are ahl guaraateet t do perfect atork. Everv druggist and denIer oF auy standing in "Canada enu sapply 'ion witi T)îamond Dyes for inixedgot. Do net accept imitations or substitutes- compFel -yonr denier te give voet the "Diamoud." JUST LIRE TE EXRTE. Visiter-Aintise you are stud3 ing as- troiiorny at school. Do yen like it? Little Girl-h, t' a au fully interest- ing. The waeatiaer on the moon ta just like it la Ihere. Visitor, inpreduliously.--Does your astronomy Say that? Lýittia Girl-Why, yes. It ays if thora avare people on the moon they'd roaat oea day anti freeze the next. Asic your grocer for For Table and Dairy, Purest and Beet complote ih. Evory kintd cf 4embs - 4 ery, iuclutiiug Pension, Intima, Jop a- ose, Turkiala, etc., is donc home, , an Il waa stonisheti te' sec soeabeaut ttil sampies cf the "uantioly," or spidr'-t avel, matie by the Guarmani 'ixomen ci f Paraguay, anti arely seau in Furt peo. This lace is matie cf the' fibre cf tlai alce, anti is se fine thal îÈi ixma de insietie c auts, ailh the doon ai uit se t-bat net the least breatlaof -ta- id rau t-caca if. 1 ae st-ut more surpris- cd avaen Mme. St. George assured inie that the sompiýe before me amas net r-al- ily Pnraguayau, but copieti by 3, rprt cipal assistant. This lady bas o. on equaliy surressful cepyiut- oltid o liau, Irsh, Emassels, Heni7en, etc.-iu, fuel, every kinti cf laceocf ail ceuLr-'- s, COSTLY TABLE SERVICE. For the banquet that- teck place ti- mediately afier flae coronatica cf t-be Czar and Czaina ne bass than 82C,000, pesunds weight cf the finest crvsta, goit ant ilver plate axasuseti, 60,00a1 peetuts cf this iteng composeti cfte pmecioKis snetads. The most fameous service of plate are t-ho Oloff anti1 i ho London service, flac lest- inclurting among othen thinga copies otf fur cqrtestriau statues on [the Anichiff Bridge in Sf. Petersburag, four others repmoaenfiug hunztag acoues, antioe, St.George andtihIe dragon, Amcng these crystals are soute aionderful vanses uith hanches of grapes eutinl relief. The Oloff service consista of 16 vises, riclaly decoraf et, anti 96 large silven conter pieces for t-be table cf ouquisîta. wonkmauship. A thirti service, kucavu ns the Parisian golden service, bought lu 1867. consista of tuareens, dishes -andi conter pieces. gracodthefacoccasion 'i1h flacir psqE-scr- anti Lady 'Rautoipb Churchill, Lady Cavendisha anti other 'ixell-kaoWpnom- oncf London seciety u'ore asolthe tavncera. As if -e-as giron in the iu-ter- est cf n building funti fer a heaieo- paîblo hespit-el, anti every oee ad tot subsribe a guinen, sncb littie attrac- tive accessonies as floax ors anti favs- ares-e net ailoveti, but flac ladies briglal enetit-he scene hy wearing me otigwns. The skirfa arocf cardinal clofla, thec bodies cf mcd chiffon andtiulale, anti tbey are ail matie exaolly alike, -with a baud et bs-cavafur ni the botuose, cf tlic suirfanti coeon the avaist in the fern cf a round botes-c bnck anti front. TIroir foqaes wcs-o in tmor shaties, cf mcd velvet- witl f ur tails anti mcd c- ps-oye for finming. Tweive Intieha lu this bniglat costume anti as many gen- tlemen lunffail eveniag dreas muet bave matie a very charming piciare. A SUBTLE THIEF.' Kidney Troubles Steal on oee1si cusly-A Sliglat Coiti - Thon Ceng -ýs- tien-Thon Inflammation- Thon the Deadiy Malady Eriglr' s Diseaste- Seuth Ainemican Kitiney C lisut-a Kidney Specific-It Relieve§ in Six Heours anti Curep-Neven Fails. Mr. James Moflnine, cf Jamestio-xn, Ont.,sanys: -I helieve Sent-b Amenicau Kidney Cure saveti my life. 1 x'as se severely afflicteti that my frientis hati te attend me daily te taie t-he urine from me." LI t 1I j( t i I-a [& Mr. A,. Williamson, Customs Officer. Rinces-dine, Ont., 'iriles: "I cau h-gb- iy mecomenutis specific as t-ho gnon- est cf boona f0 suffening hbaniteî'ý0m ail affections cf the biatider anti t-- F'or sale hy St-oit & Jury. LAND )HF STlLL LIVES. Ta tis yens- maitieiaspeechf lsiutly akedth Ie presideat cf tla& Man Extean- minai ors. 1 shoulti say- net, matian. I've 't-e1 mas-riat fer thme e ama. 110w To Cure 111 Skiti Ieseaes, Simply appiy "Swayîîe's Ointm-uet." No internai inediclue nequirei. Curas telles-,ecezema, icla, ail erupliis on ýtIra face liants, nose, etc., beaving the siki ecns, wihite anti benlt-y, lt-s great healiag anti curative powers arepossems ed by ne othes- remedy A _ yrr m-1 gisi for Savayne's Ointiaent. 1vianj Sous anti Co , -wholet-aie Agent.s, o- real, One reason why Scott's Ernulsion cures weak throats, weak iungs, makes rich± blood, and streng-thens ptuy and delicate children is be- cause ail its parts are rnixed in so scientific a manner tliat the feeblest digestion cvul deal with it. This experi- ence has oniy corne by dom g. one thing for nearly 25 years. . This means, purest iri- g-edents, most evenly and dclicately rnixed, besî ad.-ptt,ý1 for those wbose strength !li S Éliied or whose digestIC-îî w ou-ld repei an uinevtIl pr - .-F 1 atIt.

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