an YL1an4c rCaçv GOw a EIJ3ntrel..- Il 17as a a know*y whyrdyfron wen trearecorlnm- t uend i MONSUREAD GEl TE :C May, Dart T it. oap Co.a, M2rs.ii 1G Man9rearit ~ .l Mil ±eashis.LI 2rMayl2 2, m at3îli. o Manyo2sdcary e Jc atted, 5 orne or).t- taea, clling 20t Qsac a.n. 26 .din..tb ea1,Da ay2 s aîst-..Dt My, 4 JMay, 9 a. in. iit r t ai n oly,2 aat, 22 M a. 2 Do not iai29 ayRmoskiorMay, S. w 11V o atisi a nd Califoe, a -iverool a.nrd .sîlhagintao 20 JuCane, ; 20 Joe, 70,4 i. i L eerra e t oI,, 4 Jnto , a. ni 1 .tniirrentiaultcbi n, iCa bgui, Snd cini on. . ;1 Do norsstPafot ronoon theci Mi tII. tI riarivan dCaMornal sin veoolsu p ass, s10 eau8 go4 on133, ard122. on c. n,'ncn îu ,, anou1-6.l.Seerage tAs rpto.err Pl y urnda rLnetan a 2bn 5 L'Northumb sterland$2. and 'Ifr s rain fon, inoroito ofc Frda hmfariet Moîîteuiasane vatg ot' e e r ctig iveboar ant onc tr 1 36 R.tieS.anÔ.e1887y(nfomatdin p- ýd a t th est t. o A .OS P H L E E S l t Nhý ownhipmberlnd andcoit ofDuha , Darn r heea me , W od e n o abi 4t te 27 afeof the est197,ae ro uie o Dalr/ion in o tf y o D, o- or cmforaTrHE;r12t DAsed.MA , 87, oîtcAie A. herey enorîBwnauitlcaer ne10 th"c aii o 7ofathe aed t Aci thei nme aIl pesoen(] descipian d ulls heainît ise eett e gantctt f JS.H dEE ae ci th-à. A0wiuhip f teDaingdteîtheooadt of urtani faie r dceed, o diri cii or abciî. te 2 the artcfs ebn-ary, 12 rreto i- iii erd tondliverortheeti h aceto r hepa tici or a oe Thi1 121h DofAY 0F AX, 197.7 t N nNIE A. Clemens, onavtleec icitor for dnl criisrtieeîst tt fd ce ed afdtha aler ue aiddae hea tu israrieswtl roEXed daribîe th a-ces aaaog he prtis etitetitheeto ba ju rgrdouytofî.daiac wicitM e p- n IN0 year, à nd aesii snx isever. -unY of tbec mtlinery stores in Lon- dî,n s-erve alcoholie stirnuîla nts to their . ons, and oni the,- bill, they are c1r9e(ia s "trimomings." eU's for its lact urestfne apprcuach from 'John Mark prObabyt transferreil at one TH1E SUNDAY SCIIOOL. thet sea y asteep rock-hexsn flîghttfhe a sli lip in hichs they 2aied te -talrs. al airvvay, srrouiidied y Perga te ene saiing tu Joppa. His de- rtalnS, traceable te-day. Thcy sai- partihng la genemaîly credhie d tu un-- INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 2. cci bCyprus. Looking aermess the ceacedneac iaracter anti ock cf ceur-- froni thas- stairway tise missionaries age. He- afterward isecame thu ao.bje-t could sec ýthe pumplo shadows cf the cf a quarrel and a parîing cf, frienti- I.îî egiis HlUs lirst Misslonlary Jour- doulci sec "the shados-of thse Cyprian ship hotw-ecn 1Pal and Iharnabas. Lait- y ~ "Ai 3 3 GI~îTxMn~hils, One must have gazeti acmees or stili hie again helpet Paul in his mni- 16: 25. - with Pet-nihar interest, for Cyprus ivas isfry, and waas ecognized lay hins as a Verse 1. In the t-hurt-h tbnt w as aI the native home cf Barnahas. This frhend. Antioch. Antiocis, ike Caesarea, w-as a Isl,,ni. hiad a mixed population. Thse_______ docrins c chisthati already hecu gseat capitail. Arotînd i spread the pro- preacheti there. Acts 1il 19, 20, A FETCHING LMX vint-e cf Syria. It w as fannsfor its, 5. Salamis. Theý chef tow-at natise> 1- oeynmdy great population anti its archîtectur- Stercn end oif Cyprus. It is aow< a al pledo, I w te ma-SS tOf xins. ficre have hcu he-%Vso coulA. biame yen? ai pi-ntir. was isestathn p ian unusual number tif Jew-s thefo I w-tnt you to e hmry atife. tif Pauh5 thre missionary jcumneys,andth ier -care -more ihain ione syna9ggue. - 10'y afir tsefeuti Jeusaen, i.~infu-Tiey preacised tise ss rd cf Goti. Thse My famiiy w oul ve lt-orne .ou with onceas Chistan ontr rvalti hatgecti flOws of tbe Rcdccmcr's 1f e, deaih,opnrn. i lane a a hritia ceterrivlei th tiad rasiimecîhon. ia the synagogues 'Phat weuld be aitc. tif Renie, Constantinople anti Alexan- tif tise Jesys. To w-hich, however, de- Wc stould i mkie cîîr lit-es a coutin- stria. It las been in recent tintes pro- vo-at Gnties w-esure te corne. They ual bOncyrnooti. h-ad alýso John to theirmaiil. r- Splendid idea. foundly affected hy evangelical Chris- babhyhe aicledthem net oniy in preach- 1 arn rit-h. tianity, ant isl nosv again a great mis- îng' and an Ihaptizing. but aiteadetite My darlhng. sioaary tenter. Here very carly> the miny tif ttj esnineetisfor Gopelbhatibeenpreached tothe Ge n aiaa~s d n ,,viearseand te hve]1T IN wils whicis the Acts maka os fantiliar hwascrnieIlaadeîat Ihan.,.î -as a " Gentilset-huir-." In each con- 6. WX flan tisy had gene thronlgh. thnee ter of population tise believers in Christ 1ishe. They travelcti appareitiy in a THE RESULT 0F AN~ ATTACK 0F groupedt iemselve together, bounti by direct course tbrouag-i its iidile; the dlistanti3-ew-as abOuit-cne hundred andci LA GRIPPE AND PNEU24ONIA. î deniity oif initemesi and loving fellow- tenmiles. UnIe Paphes,-. Now-calle shmp. Persecution only presseci tisent Baffa, a fow-n on tise western shoJe mure closehy tgether. 1L1ittle by lit- flO-Su-w-bit-b w-cm temples .ledicated. te Vernos. Prayer anti pions, ,t-rClfote' , e iîteCa i'u.,anotmnr tie arganalatiin t-aime; ibut sve are net balf Grek and balf oriental sacre tisere jrn aeh f Mr.ld hms h Lng o te tiik of tiis- ciurch,' w-iich is s intertw-ined w-us anbominahle lit-en- nosv abocti cîgist years olti, as being tionusness; se that Pnphcs had bot-orne e AftolsdHcsi liRcv monow neti as a,î Once one et tise meut -Now la oet Heaithe So definmitcy orgmnized as eur modemn --iu aadoeo te-výcee, churc-es. he ifant omivsPlaces on camps., A certain sorcerer. From tise Sherbrooke Gazelle. gtidet a-ad heiti in centroi by godly, Professers cf miagie worc common te \Visen a man faces wabt medical men speeiahhv îaised îîp for that pur- tise ancient East, anti threiigiout tise antiorities tellhi hm a i ertain deatis, Roman empire. They hati Iiteient anti regains bealtis anti strengib, lie is pt-se, C. ttoa prophets andti iachers. commun siith egar slight-of-haati par-I naturaily gratefui te tise medicine tisat Teacisers crediteti avilis direct inspira- formoers, sontotimes caileti magicians. Las restereti hlm, Sncb a man la Mr. tion hy Lhe Roiy Spirit -ero t-oued exicept perisaps s.Lil1 in tise pcformi-I James Oa-m, tineocf tis e hsi knosvn -isicisists. SeaActs 11. 27, 13. 1; 15 tint-eof similar tÉricks. St-me farmers la tise vhcinty tif Joivihie, 32.Dr.Linsaylia smme upin ev-Ofti hem wsare raa.nk imrostors; Que. AMr. 0w-en tola is s tory cf chat- 82.Dr.Linia'y ias immti p i 5e- ohers dauhtlcss b2lievet i n them- te-ced bonus aîd eaewed strengtis as en stiternents ail tisat-sve knosv cen- 1salves. Scutipa ti knowledge in miany follesis: "On tise l7tis of December, c-ming Chsristi-an prcpists; 1. ]Iowr-ni de'pnstme-ts cf nature w-ea la-at la 1894, I1tins aitat-keti aiti la grippe, w- te-I-e oaseoftheaseanndssental cieenlItisa avorta cnturies before tise devel- A week later th,-e trouble dovelopeti fo iset-isecfthc.,t-od tcn am fcy pment of modern scient-e, te tviich hale pacnumonala il is w orsl form, anti wereragrdd a anessntal lemnt fsucS teinstif knowietigc slow belong. 11I tii net le-ave my bed uni il tise first iaCisurci s eseaing tise Holy Giost.i Cetai.n " experimerfs' an ot-istfry, tif Mart-b, 1895, andti ien I avas su 2ý Tfiey vwere tise.regular preacisers. 3 f. ntaca tt iSmtdm ~ - seak tisat Istas unabie te îvaik alone. 'fessors delight ticir pupiîs, atome pcr- Ailwinter my life hung la tise bal- Tise conmun foi--n cf tisoir uttcrtint-e forme in uNewv Testamntn tintes hy men ance. Summer came,. anti1 I w-ns avas ieasoned. exhortation, but i corne- whIso knew ne more than sosv te pro- istili aveais anti feeble. tisougis ,vith limes hectime ccstasy. 4. Prtipisecy dut-e these wotiderful effects. Thsis fatthlse wart Iveaiher I gainoti a uitile migf ebr.c.sanyhin tiai iesforexplaîns nsany apparentiy preternatur- sirengtst. isati hoasever, but very tiset emification cftie Cisurc s foriseal poster-a. A fal-,c propiset. A phrase I litie posîser in my legs, niIcu the difiatio of he Curch 5. hew-it-h classes ibis man amoyng thisja-ani o prophats weme capetted te iae Christ- Iposters.ý A JeNv. Tise Jevisis matc la like lives. 6. Iaivicul conimeafions l] ag s lias tended tiw-iiiraft andtuf------ aId ne control over tisent-titiontiaereexperintents Md o cntrl verthe; idthee-Whcse anme asas Bar-j-ans. Tisai is, 1 fors, 7. Asaclass ils-y gradually de- 'sorn cf .esus:" Jesus st-s a commnmrr goeoateti anti at asît distippenreti. Bar- nimee ntong lise Je-ws. Tise so-cerer {" n-aua. Tise gr od Cyprian Levite cf asas aise calleti Ely-mas. Sec next Torse. $ - whcrn ic stdjetiin Leson V cf7tse 1li.lch ws nÎtilSthsetiepuly. lTise »i whn w Luid nLesn I o he1-dopt y " aas tsa Rom an proconsul or YI Firsi Qurer anti in Lt-caca Ili of fthe 1 ivil gOverner nf the- iclanti, saii-hst-as < Seeoncl-c-ilet- ', teaciser," 'a po-ai tis tinte onF of m any provinces so phet," "uaiapostle.- Iuic pmo prmmeo- 'oîzt ia ie oit osfi s 'nuas Jessee. Alinost evcmy mention of ignidtu self-govermenot. More tur- \ hîn isccropirnnton-. irnouiusi wasbulent provincecs, Sit-h reîinired tue, him s cmplientry. iinon tat a tiveIrasi-eci hy tise preseate et troopistoere t-ou1ed Nig1er. Or II Blat-k"Plis sumnarne plnceti untier thse direct conîrol of fise biac led to ft--eîsposition tisatiehow-as cupmaer, anti ivero govemneti by pro- __ prelors, commanders cf le'-ions. Taice a Negro, isit-h is QuiLe likely; but Nig- Cyprns was put îînder the mule tif a cm was a ncf utîcommon Romnan name. proproetor, andt stice roatoredtu l "homoe -- Lucijus cf Cyr.-ne. We knost no more raie," under tise supervision cf tise Sen- cf in aon isia s-e o f ireon Hc tel anti a proconsul. Profane w-iterasinuit ride a mile in a bsuggy oîvîag tu oftii antanw, oofSmgn iave dates ofthu-e ne s scsfo-tise pin bey causeti me. My iungs mime 1chanreatiicafurv 'iff nam israicaly i ereni fmom tisai nisia iniemesting testimony 10 Luke's aise imroubieti me anti1Iraisoti a great tif the -ariter cf tise 1cts. Cyene sias on acnmracy in this t-ase. A prudent man. e-ai Of taller. I thoýn consaliti tise fis NnSAfrco csos, soi c tse"A na c f discoarnent." Calieti f c o, u cimIedtr ave have libtis seaction cf t1N orhMAnnen, asscs ti iuesn bOuthetBamnabas-ai Saul. flcarmng ibout their Hovn e 1e ld rme cntidly tisai I Nil- -,ýnan, hihhadbe. bouhtw onderful oaa'hliasgs, lho dusimetiaa per- 'i~Pai medical b'elp. He said tisai upwilS Herodt te trarcis. Theofoster con-alinmterview,., Desirae t lîar -tis-eD'Y 1efi iaa<g sasilastcaie tif collapse, isother cf the monarcis, avio kiflîstisord cf Geti. Asise t hern o dotlitre te audt -ta my rigisi lungasas also affect- Jeis lis Bomiis -ati caire lame- in asat hcy isati proclaimedti fuhis Cd. This-Vais in Jnly 1895. Fe r the Jon ithiBtior ndur-Lors do-afT.elasuisjeets. n-ai ibice mtnths, every day ceemeti forou Lrds dat 'In 8. Elyrns tise somerer (for s0 hs hic btoIrat me neareir nnd neamrle catin. the arl das o IlrodtheGrea, Hr- 1 lyms i anf Iavt5sb chproeci jfe rbreath, aI tintes tis erl dys f erd iscGrat Hm-aime by interpretation.) Elmssan i-i1 cotltdiont w-a.Pk any distant-e oti tis etrarch's fathr,aJesîish pro- !cabic sord hinis igin, and is close- iiiustpngoje pisel nanteti Manaca forelti lisat laie r co-(nned et astisVicin, tise modîemn wihu ipigt lgain il. In tise Turksh nme or atheoogial studet. onth of Novornhyer I begaite taise waectu ha king, anti sias evor afierivarti Withstcüd tisent Argueti ogainat tisent. iia fm'. a hokPe, an t h sinaht isoncrat by hiýint.hi as be'en smresit- 1TePofumaaw-ay. To Pua aside. liscougisdj ntexpebi muAis iencef if froin IF gmessed tisatfthe Manaca bore -1ailtise avomit Christ 1an missionaies tisent. 1-t tnok tisem rmiSer te pionce manti.ied wafitiseir mccl desper-ile opposition a frienat w-ho urged met te doe. I nac-tontiais tfison cf tisai pro- Ifreni modicine men anti sorcerers; anti hl ieve I wstesystiprisati at-ban founti pisel, anti lias been ismugisi up la courtj in Chistician lantssf home is neuisosiility iisecy ware heiping me, for I ibougisi as a mark cf esienta. If lsa stmrang-e teutise Imuths cf tis" Gospel so r-ink anti I avais heyond tisa aid cf medit-inet,but retie-tion tisaitcf laso littho boys w ho bitter as tiasbcoisn hy thse reliiu sl eie iiat iaiyca playi togefiser lanlise palcac of tise"baints anti charlatnnry know-n as scpu- tituedti ser use. Tise roonîl la i they groatost. ant i ai it-ktcotf Horotis one1itualijînt'and rherîspisy. haie ,maie a w-ali ai of ma. I1lhave sistalt grsa-np e h f se udremcf;9. U p tu ibis verse tise greal apostie ndnpi i-n ie y lmai John fiseRapt list anti one te bc a blais beein cnled Saul; front this on hoe nom«ra as feely as t ever titi, anti I Cisristian prop)het. 1, Gcd' gmat-e w-i is caliet P-aui. Tise geaiemal anaiersiat-arn strcng anti vigouous. M-y case t-an cave frointtise vilesi surrouadings I is ai, ike mcst Jeis wliso mingleti ho hrictly sunacti up La aa-esT w-rdu, Sain. At tisis ljme forty-one or foriy- i'aitlS GeiAlec, lie ha tt nainuaes, tOno Dr. Wihlliaims3' Pink Pillelia ,,ve given taie 3ycars cf age. 0f tise fixe "pro- jfo>r use ntcng his otan people,on for m1e an fos leaffl cf life anci I am glati pliats antc teachers" mentioneti in thts luse msmcug is (Joîtile at-quainltncec. tb let everyisody knoa'v'il. t verse ail scro Hebrevs but Lut-lus, o£ Wiset h-r or not flieme as aa3' othcr Dr. William' Pik PuIs ceaisOC-c wstitinIx-ticnaliîy ave are not inform- doa o s nont knov. Filiet i t Stise bilorati, uilti ni>tise arves. anti thus cd, but a' ho his a Gonitilo name. Site- Holy Gisost. Acfig nol by commntien tive disease fronmthtie sysient. la on and. Manaa wr probebly hura of hic casa eacon, bul by sutidea inspi- humtredLs of cases they have caret in Palestine; Harnaisas anti Saùl as cro ration. aftcr alliseý,r medioiýfnca ad failed$ foreiga-isoma 10 O fui.tif li îtilitir anti ahtmis- Ibus estabhsihing flic o1aimtisaI iisy 2. As tise3 miaisicreti. Tise avoa- in clief. '0f dot-oi ant'i f výlany" Tise are a ma.rvei Pntng tise trioumphas of Glraek is tisa sainie as tisai applietitet n a aýi iad anti his, professioni m sdemn ntediciîi science. Tise genuine tise temple service. There rnty becais was ýradmett 11amini-sans-Bar- Pink Pills are sIolti oniy la boxes, intimation tisaitishe Christian worýsiip Jecus, son cf the Savioum; lis t-harceler b-i;,4ng lise fiUIIL fr-ado mark, "Dr. w-ms unrme sleaiy formai tisan usaaiairas tisaitof a son cf tise tevtL. Enerny Wilnt' Pinks PiPlefir PalePep" becwause efthtie grealtidesire for divincf a !I igiteocses. Sema opposera e t P-4seci youiralf front Impositien by guidance. h'astoti. Tis may bave lise GospeeL avure ceact-henticmns; thcy op- 'rfusin an piý'l ftltLteeas nol h'eair ts'ca, as ticlaistess many cf tise Bible posot ri-gh.t-onsnc,,s lisonghisgnorance t1ise registereti ira-ti mark aroundthtie fatt, a ru, an uaconat-jous dicregarti "ioe-ing ilte isbe batd; ba this m-an' Scia. of tise chuintecf tise body becainseocf w-ms ar iscari an opposer cf ail virtîe intense 3arnestness la prayer; b-at. anti geetneas. lw-as hy naccitiont ituahistit- tacts ais -er-ceomîuhai- tisa-tlhela-st fixg-cl is headqiî.îttois ai FORCE 0F HABIT. ciuiy enjoinet anti prautcet in tht- ear- mcniasoPapiüSe. IWilt tison net I gucas tisai new -mo.n must lue an ly Christianî Chsurcis. The Hloly Gistst tcas- fu, pert'erËtheis rigisu ayas cf t]iseatr saidthtie st-ar heartor tu lis. sait. 1Howis-li message camne w-e can Lord? Of soif led purposae heassno andty ealy goosa; perisaps by tise toit-e cf impostor, a jierverter, a mleaticr cf isce ena of tise propiese, pcrhaps by amn.'Tt < nvr eet? Tse RcuieIgs phsat n tise~~~~~~ mmmtfalaienl. nle n- odo h lie T-stam .ent, tie The l__________________ Christiain mîns-icrs Tisey sent thint h have ccninitted te lit.t'Tise blet n away. Tise Spirit andthie Churcis un- andtihis commttai sacre one actbHE CAAD---------------- s iled in tise seatiag. Sce next verse. 13. Pool. anti hia centptny. Bamna- SATud NAAPieras tomn p- 9 b' 4. Reing s-ni forth Sy tise Haly Ghcst. bias vas (pmctaby) tiese -fuor rhup SýCAT' LI ine ro or Land Tius "entshalin e lie um-an ad asî tirs to at-vas r-ccgnizeit as tuiso- IC3rO luCaa tLo ,divine" is tise se-artcetiiue atofy iia mir lu Pu ati h i- »CIinton, Ont.-For Table or Daiy in tis Churci. Salent-je. Tise port tir-ai leader, (6l) 'Tis- orii kng raie, ffi lsCOLE1VL4IV'St, of Antiot-l a out lsixteen tilesasvay siisev-r rnay sear tisecosa.Loocet 1 LT naune "ittier ilss bander, Seleucaus. trom Ppises. Tisoy saieti nortisavesi 1SAL.COIý hia t,-: alegy fortifieti, anti w-astam- te Asie Minot', anti landoti ai Perga. ChldenCry for pitcher's castorîzi ness and tc oïitains neither Opiuuii, I/orphinc nor ylmeral.I O T E I'.ONAtC OTIC. 4uîias &seOP 0F VERY BOTTE0F Ap..îfect Remedy for Constipa lion, Sour Stornach,Diarrhoea, Worrns ,Convutsons,Feversli-I ]Ç?EV Y RK. i astoria la put op lua 00e-sizs bottles oniy. It ùmts lin bu!'k. Don't allow nuyons te oeil -7. anything else an the pesa or promise tliatiti Lý0lCT COPY F WRAPPER. Y, e ai evsr Wr Ibepleaised once in Quakitity, twice îi 0Qntlt aamâd 1thrCe tilineS î it PriCe Who inspeet the unequualied awlortment oi Sti"ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., A our Store, MrBEA1'ER BLOCK,-,i Bowiî:uaaviiî P BIGG-EST STORE> BIGGEST VARIETY, BIQGEST VALUE. Everybady imiavitegt to cail azid see onàr new tootwyea Tau sHo1E mAi ENNI'SCARDEN S"EEDS ARE THE BE- T OURNEW CATALOG(UE 1S, 50W 5 A N»A4 CONTAINS a'tLL Dagcs PJLSIATOO N ~cs0 uENs AI-IS0 FIELUGREIN FOE ED It ia the handsomeat Catalogue published ia Canada. Mailed free te ail intending purchasers on application. Every Famer and Gardener shoulti have a copy before ordering SEEDS for the coming season. la order teinduce hundredscf new costomers to use our seeds we offer RENNIE'S GREAT DOLLAR COLLECTION$1.OO Contains ro full-ized packets cf the lateat and bst varietîes oftIhe follosing . 2 pkts. Beans : a pkl. B-et ; 2 Pkts. Cabbage ; aipt. Carrot ; 2 pkts. Cern , s plt. Celery ; s pkt. Ci esa; i pkl. Cuctîmber;- i pkt. Lettuce ; s pkt. MuaIt Melon'- s pkt. Waier Melon; i pkt. Citron ; s pkt. Uhlilo Muslard; ; pkts. Orion ;sipkt: ?arslcy, i pkt.Éarsn,; 2pkts. Ceas; 2 pkts. Radiah; aipkta. Spinacis; i pkt Toniato ; a pkts. Tornip ; a pkt. Sage; i t. Sommer Savory. The entire collection, amounning at Catalogue rates and Postage te $î.6o, will he sent free by mail to any addrcss tor $.00 address. M0 RENNIETO, 'CAN. BOIFLEI> BACTERIA. cnars 1litlmeo'tib Eaprsiseil:as lii 1hehu' Dire Tise ave-rage laytiea bas long iseen icistainee by a ceomet Sciief ibat tise vas', naijority et bat-tcria are isaimless, ant considtiag tisat lie daiuly consumes raillions of tisent in pa-fia-g, tiriaking and sleýeping ut us eonsoliag te tindthlie moudf confirtnet iy ain etinexiI au- thionriy. ,Anotisor sucintLsi, tonlnibutiuag le an Enguis rovet', tocs scrnethiag f oaard oeie.ving h-aterla cf thseir cvii. name by explmiining huosvministisoN have to do siti sutcchai butteir mniîng Bul- er, tas every coeisnows, is bcd. ma-te frSm -our ct-mntantidtesno etlcep -cl unasstise oreant la soumet luctore ciusniag. Tisis resuit is usnally attain- ed by icitting tise creuatiandtiluiti sou.Ts of i-cc cava acord. But a series if e-cperimntns carrnet on in Scisiessvîg- Holstelin have provedthtifhoeccturing of creani is protsusd iuy tise presonce if certain Sectegia. swihich ecan ho oui- tivateci anti infrodui-et ian suc b a y as t'a t-arse nrîticially tf50 nOtOssary -.elring. A dot-mamoti Witfor ha s ciloieti -ho subjue't aucJ "'so sisillfnlly isiendeti 'ertasin cultureg togetierth tiIw-Sin tise mixtureo assatdIetinLadue proportion f0 .periiizeti trena.foeoff e1 sening, thej butter matie iberofret asw-asofet nt lelicqu1ic t hayon, pure mand of greal cent- noirral value,,, inearnu.cisais it kept adi-h nirausly. Thlie Anicti eeti or posatof etihe bac- tera uced it iis process cen noairbe boughSt put up la houles. A prepon-j ion as attiedtit a smali qsuantity of sisimmeti mils, 'taldis is suisjectad te n neieate conutinuonsiseaf till tise bac- teriai have developet. Tise "feraenta- tiron tarter" js then mitdedte holie ona. Tise pure culture iS only useti ocnsiOtallY, enouâ1is et tise "starter" Seing hef i over every day te isegia eper- ait ins wifs on tis eacx.Tise extcl- ient-e otDanisi bautler is atinlibuti te tise ca-me takea in cisoosingtise "fer- mentation starter. DIFFERENT IN CERTAIN POINTS. Yes, oheervedth ie rmttrneti travel- or; h s-ast tisehavscigista laEnglanti a avante o'1t-st to cec. WVhaisi-et-c they? William E. Gladtosne andtihie Lon-. ton Bridge. I svouitn'l h-ave cave-t so mut-h about the bridge, but h ctinfess h shealti like te sec Gladstone. Gla-dstoe'?e He's tise greatosi ma-a liv- ing! He's n st-iolir, a statesman anti a piaihntisropist. le stands witisouh a poor! Yea; anti ovea LondionBridge can't do tisai, yen kao-w. A PRIEACHER'S STORY.- Lik Otiser Momiais hoe feul Vict-li to Diseas8-Dr. Agnesv's Cateahal Pesa- der %vas tise Agent Wisicis Rester- et i Hm te Phaltis anti 5e Glatis'- Allows Hic Nante te SecCccii in Toit- îng iTisat Otisers May Sc e Retit- cd tee. Bey. Cisas.,E. WhiItccmbh ehcclor et SI. Meithesv's Episcoptil Cisurcia, anti Principal of St l. atiscav's Churcis. Scisool,EHarnilton, avas agreat .sut- ferer. Dm, Ag<nesv's Calerrhise Posir dem ccret Sint, anti Se nosvproclaints eo tise aoridti tisans a sale, simtple anti certain cure it Sas no equa ltI neyer f-ails te relieve cal-antis in ton tin- nites, anti cures perlnnnenly.- For sa.le isy Sictt & Jury.