In the jOshawa And Linc say Branch es 0f Our Business We have during the past few years imported and sold large nximbers of Cameras and Kodaks -ilus giving pleasure and instruc- I.eamusement to hundreds of people both young and old in these two towns and there 15 no0 reason why the peciple of Bow- mnanville should not takeas mucli pleasure lu this most delightful pastime as the citizens of other places but as an interest must first be awakened We have de- cided that cturing this month we wîll gi-ve a liberal discount from regular city prices on these liues and in addition to this we have muade arrangements with H. Tait & Co. to giYve full instructions in the management of any Camera or Kodak we sell. Mr. Tait las gained sudh a wide reputation for the excellence of his work that we are sure the tpublic w,,l appreciate our efforts in secuî,ýhg lis services and asi we have been supplying our local artists with plotographers supplies for many years we are iu a posi- tion to supply these articles- at« the best andmostreliable quallty. the ost possile prica e ao of work you eau do with one, ofi aur Poeket Rodaks witli even one day's experience. No trouble to show goods or to explain the points of the different instruments we landle and (we handle as complete a une, as eau be found lu Canada. Thi rngit -upticians. tT4o Bafs Fallon Out 0f the price of Bicycles antd we are selling fully guaranteed wheels at ,$45.00 each. These are' not cheap aiffairs made only to seli but they are the same wheels that are "being sold in other places at much higher prices and they have the same, guar-i antee as you get with the best wheel made. Gall an.d see samples. Stot & ury We stili seli Best Baking Powder at 15e a pound Ask your neîghbors about Rt. Others say there is none botter. Why Bot gîve-it a trial? From present appearances we are likely to have twice the Bumber of Bi- cycles in town this year that thero were If yon are interested in this pop-t -mlar and instructive pastime yout are requested to caîl at Stott & f Xury's this week. 13ee advL. at top of this page. BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 28, 1897 Local and Otherwise. Cotton 3e. a spool at Nicholîs'. Lead penis two for lc.-Nîcholls'. Ladies deal 'with Nicholîs and ho happy aIl day long. New Pountain Pen, a real beauty, $1.50 ai STATESMAN Office. Charles H. Smith, marbie dealer, Whitby, has assigned 10 W. F H-atch.' Mr. J. L. Margach and family of Port Hope have enuved to Prof. Squir'sfarm, near Providence. Iu is repored that the waler lu Lake Ontario is three foot higher than it has heen lu three years. An attempi to burîs lhe steamer Gar- don City ai Port Dalhousie was futrat-, ed by a couple of fisherman. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show will appoar un Toronto, Pelerhoro and other Canadian cies and towus lu dune. A fine stock of Ladies Blouses' made hy Williams, Greene & Rome now show- ing ai Couch, J ohuston & Cryderman's. Messrs. Cawker & Tait's delivery waggon has on is uew spring dress. It tak os the shine off anytbing lu lown. The countyovnto f West Dur- hmSunlda y coeto n ssci -nill h held luDsile'euch Bowmauville, May 5. King SI. îand btk St, Meihodist Churches, Cobourg, have decided 10 nulle ai the end of the prosent Confer- once year. On account of the storm on Friday evening the meeting f0 organizo a Camera Club did not take place. Wateh for notice next week. To make sure of gottiug a perfect fil -the latesi style and besl workmanshîp in your SprinÎg Suit beave your orders ai Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. The S. O. E. excursion f0 Niagara Falls, Jubilce Day, June 22, will open the lake excursion 'season. Arrang.e 10 spend the day on tise "G4arden City"'. Many of ouix citizeus have renovated Iboir back yards and wlth bonfires have purified the aimosphore there- abouts. Such action was timely. But the"e are othm?. Auy person wbose subseripioîs 10 THE STAêýTE5,EA1 i 55paid 10 Dec. 81,1897, may sond this paper ta a frieud (new subscriber) in Canada or the U. S. f0 samoe date for only 25c. Auction sale of Mrs. Hunter's hoeuse- hold goods lu Newcastle on Thursday, April 291h, ai 1,30, S. Burden, auction- enr. Also the pnoperly of Mr. F. Wal- don aI 3 30 p. m. Ail attend. Terms: Cash. Messrs. H. Middleton, P. Werry and R.* Philp, the Liconse Commissioners for West Durham, met bore Friday,and reuewed existing licoîssos, but tihe application of Clark Lattimor, Blaek- stock, was not granted. -Very beavy rain with ligbtning and thunder foll Friday niight and more showers Saturday ii-t and Sunday. The lawns and streets have put on a verdure as a resuit that affords pleasure a nd roslfulness 10 the oye. There was qute a stiff frost Sunday nigisi. At beasf 1,300,000 barrots of apples have been shipped ibis year lu excess of any previons season fromn Canadian and United States ports. 'The total figures aggregate fromn 2,780,000 barrels, white thé besl previons yoar was 1891-2, when 1,450,000l barols w7ere shipped. It is numoured tbat we are 10 have a Victoria County Battalion, eomposed of six companios, with Major Sam Hughes lu command. The lwo companies in Durham county, situaied ai Bowman- ville and Lotus will go over f0 lise 401h Baltalioni-headqureaiPtHo. The famne of Morri;' Carniage Works muai ho wide-spread. Thursday last Mn. Morris shipped a two-borse paient modicine wagonî 10 Aclon Vate, Que., and on lthe samne day hoe reeeived an order for anether two-horse wagon for Messrs. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, f.or 'whum biebais huilt several hefore. There is tond'antI numerous complaints agaiust the streels being covered with gravet aI this season of the year, spoil- in lbemn for bots driving andI wheeiing ail summer. Certainly lthe good or comfort of the community was flot cou- sulied. Some are bold enough 10 say tisai nopotismn is more in evidence on tise roads and streets Iban is for the wei- fare of tise towu or 10 the eredit of tise Conucil, Pour of tise large quarto pages of Leisure Hours for April are devoted bo tise Home Dressing Departmeut. illus- trated witb numerous paper patterns of tise tatest Paris designs. Tfiiose bave proved a groat succoss. A few reliable agents lu different sections of tbe country eau find profitabte emplovmnent moved by P. G., A. Mitehel and second: od byP G., R. Allen, was aceorded the speaker for bis admirable address andI the trustees of lise eiurch for the use of the saine ; also f0 the choir for assist- ance iu the musical services. The smali banners of thé iodge andI a nice collec- tion of plants gave tle rostrum a eheery appoarance. (A4ZtMUMd loeadnefs oM in"$epg. The West End Smithy would respect- fully take ibis method of lhanking bis numerous cusiomers for the patronage of the past years and would solicit a continuance of the saine, Ho is pro- pared 10fetels vour mowers and roturu tem l perfect ordor, t1îat willgive you entiro satisfaction. Ho also sisarpens scissors, knives, etc. I will put the prico on jobbing to suit the limes. A trial sOliCited. W. H. WILLIAMS, West End Johbing Smith, Bowmanville. PERSON.4L. We invite ail or readers to contribute to this column arrivai and deparmure of guests, move ments of wellknown people, business men etc. Send a postal card to TUrE STATESMAN, dropai note in onr office ictier box or ring np phone 52. Miss M. Polleit, Oshawa, recently visited in town. Mr. Chas. Doncaster visited friends in Toronto Easter. Mr. and Mrs.Cbas,Gorveittbave corne to town to reside. Mr. W. F. Dais spent Easter ai bis home in Brookltn. Mrs. J. Varcoe, Oshawa, visited friends bers lasi week. Mrs. R. Cawker, Oshawa, recently visitsd re- latives bers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rogers, Hampton, vlsited bers Sunday. Misses Delly and Mahel Wright spent Rasier holidays ai home. Mr. Sulas Reynolds, Seagrave, receently visit- ecd friends ini town. Mr. Wm. Ieard is visitlng bits brother, Mr. J Heard, Fenielon Falls. Prof. John Spuair, M. A., of Toronto Univer sity, was lu towni Saturday. Mr. Thos. Patersons speni Easterbolidays with Hamiltonî and Tuouhufrjeîîds. Mrs. James Truli and Mrs. S. J. Hall, recent- ly visited Mrs. Chapman of Audiey. 11ev. G. andi Mrs. Warren, Laksdield, have been visiting Mrs. Hibheri, King st. E. Messrs. Chas. Bailes sud Walter Fifs,Oshawa, whseied te, ibis towu Saturday evenîng. Mr. Coiflin, Newtonvilie, bas heen visiling ai Samuel Jainieson's.-Milihrook Reporter. Miss Zelia Brimacombe sp eut Raster lu Osha- wa guest of bier ai, Mrs. W. Brimaomrbe. Mr. O. J. Joliliffe, B. A., of Ottawa Coliegiate Inistituts, visited bis tather, 11ev. X.Joihîite, last week. Sergt. Keenian, North West Mountefi Police, Prince Albert, ta visiting is sister, Mrs. J. B. Taylor, Church St. Mrs. Thos. Kirby bas returned frnm George- town: where she spent the winter witb bier daugbter, Mrs. Sara. Hooper. Miss Iren- Jewell, Clarke Union. and Miss B. Doncaster, Starkviiis,ieachers, spent the Eser vacation ai their homes bers. Miss Munday sud sîsier, Bronkbili, Bowman- vlespent Eser in town with. their friend. MsEdthTaylor, Molson street.-Port Hope Guide. Mr. Robert Moment, P. M.,and son, Mr John Moment, B. A., and Mr. J. W. Odeii,B.A., came over from Oroioo Sunday evenlng to hear 11ev, Dr. Hleuderson preach. Mrs. Moyse, sr., atiendsd the funeral of hier cousin Mr. Arthur Armstrong, of Philadeiphia, Pa., whose remains were brougbt to Wbithy for inierment; on Tnssday lasi. Mr. andi Mrs. W. G. Beacock, of Biacksinck, were in town Tusday on their retul nhome from Cameron, wlsere tbey spent several days the guesi of Mr. sud Mrs. Samuel Campbeli.-Lind- say WVardsr. The Cobourg Worid speakiug of the Choral Union coneeri given tbsrslast week says : "The, isi solo iu tbe cantais was admiraby given by Mr. Harry Rnigbt, wbo despite bis indispositioin, ably sustainefi bis part ail ihrougb. " The Star says "The syrnpitbly of the audience was witb Mr. Knîght, 0f owmanville whowas suffering froîn sncb a severe cold ibat coufId net rsach the bigher notes in bis solo, 'The Rungarian Love Song" His opularlty as a vocaiist, was sbown hy the appMase wicb greeied bis en- core." Markets are unchanged. Hair Pins le. a buneh at Nicholîs'. Needies le. a paper ai Nichoils'. 3-string Broom and Dust Pan 15e. at Nicholls'. Montreal rotail grocers have organ- ized a boycott ou departmental stores. The Preshyterian Synod for Toronto and Kingston meets ai Lindsay May il. Don't fail to see the Turner Bros. in their trick bicycle riding boîhafiernoon and evening May 24th in connection with the Firemen 's Demonstration. Local Oddfellows had a social evening lu their lodzeroom Mondav night when parlor games, musie and lig hi refresh- ments were enjoyed by the brethren, No place la Canada where a day can ho more pleasantlY and profitahlv spont th an ai the Agricultural College and Model Farm, Guelph. Excursion June 18. Lodge Darlingtou, S. O. E. intend running an excursion f0 Niagara Falls by steamer Gardon City on the 22nd of dune-Queen's Jubilee Day. Pull -par- ticulars laier on. Miss Mary Maynard, Whiîhy, is im- proving nicely from the severe burning she gol. She sat up a little on Sunday, lier eesiht is growino- stronger, while she is able to move ali er fingers. Mr, J. B. Laing of Toronto who bas had large experionce as an accounitant has been appointed by the Ontario Gov- ernment to the position of Provincial Municipal Auditor ai asalary of $2000. *Mr. F. H. Dobbin, manager of the Pelurboro Review, and well-know-n in Lindsay, has perfected a chain guard for bicycles tiat is claimed to ho the acme of perfection. Ho has applied for a patent. The expoctod death of Mr. Daniel Whitney, of Port Perry, f ormerly of Junction hotel, Wbitby,ocnrred on Fn- day evonîug, and bis romains were brought b 'y train to the residoîsce of bis sis1er, Miss Charlotte Whitney, Port Whitby, on Saturday evening. A special train will run from Niagara Fails to Bowmauville, May 24, ou whieh nearly 200 firemen and their friends witl arrive about 10:30 and will beave in the evening after the concert. The sports will consisi of Hose Root races, Trail races, Foot races, and other gamos. There will also ho competition drill t OUED. OsusssxoN.-At bis uncle's, in Owen Sound April Coili, Wm. IL. Ormaiston, of Raglan, aged e40 years, 6 months. H -ARNiDEN.-At lot 14, con 9, East Whitby 19th April, Analie Irenie, yonngest daughter oi Eli and Alice Harnden, aged 5 years 6 montlis. HALL.-At Port H ope, April 21st, Catherine Mary Smith, widow 0f the late Joseph Brennan. HOI, Esq., aged 77 years. r MOFFÂTT.-In Clarke 1.pril âOth. Ann Laing relict of the laie W M., fltt, aged 77 years and 8 months. PROUT.-In Darlington,on April 293rd,Edmund Prout, Sr., in bis 83rd year. DYEn.At Port Hope, April 2îrd, Eth el May- daughter of Mr. E. V.Dyer, formeriy of Peery- town, aged 18 years. BRows.-In Orono, April 23rd, Elizabeth Cobhtedick, relict of the laite John Brown, agefi 53 years. Rows-In Darlington, April 24th, William Rowe, aged 83 yecars. r APSt~TRONrU.-At Port Hope, April 2lrd, Ellen ICarscafiden, beloved wife of Mr. F. J. Arm- rstrong. ARMSTMONG.-At Port Hope, April 25tb, R. Arthur Armstrong, heloveci son of F. J. Arm- strong, aged 22 years c HiaGs.-At Hoiswortb y, Devon, Eng'land, April 10, Mary, dearly heloved wif e of James Hsggs, Elm Tree Rouse, aged 71 years. rA. E. MfCLAUGHLIN Barrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. Office:- SBleakley Block, King street, 13owmanville. Money to boan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, F RUIT TREES.-Some choice trees on2 irband, all leading varittes. Corne and see them. J. CHAPINJ, Bowmanville. 18--tf. C 0OW FOR SALE.-A good -rade %/Jersey 00w for sale. Apply to JOMN1'EaCY liow manvill.1 8-tf. S ERVANT WANTED.-For o.eneral honsework. Apply to Mas. J. ev.*KYDD, Concession str est, Bowmanvilie. 18-tf. D -O YOU WANT AIHOME.-If you do L.Papply ta T. BINGHAm for a ni ce solifi brick cottage elïeap and on easy terrms. 31-tf. MILK WAGGON.-With haîf springs -barness and top bug5y for sale, allun gond repair. Will ssii cheap. 011E JAMES, Oshawa. 16 if. JI ORSE COVER LOST.-On the Middle Road, nortb of Bowmanville, on Monday,a black and red checked horse blanket. Finder return to C. M. CAWRs. 1i-tf. #STOCK WANTED.-Parties having )caves, lamhs, hogs and other fat stock, >lean stock, milch cows or any other kinfi of farta stock for sale shonld informa W. R. R. CAWKER, box 159, Bowmanville. 10-3m. W ANTED.-Farmers' sons or other Industious persons of fair education to wbom 160 a montb would he an inducement. 1 could also a few ladiles at their own homes. T. H. LThSCOirr, Toronto, Ont. lIT Axm1?r'- INTELLI- LWLJ.LL-' entmen wsth gond education, who want to better Ibeis. posi- tions, and wouid hie content for a year with t$600 andi expenses. Write us with description and occupation, and we wili makre a proposition for now or thefuture. Also needefi reliahie men for Ausîralia. Write to-day for- we are in a burry. THE MANAGER, 49 Riechmond St., W. ,Toronto. >WANTED C ANVASSERS. 1"Qucen Victoria: Her Life and Reîgn" Has capturefi the British Empire. Extraordin- ary testimniffals from the great men ; senfi for eopy free. Mar-quis of Lorne says, "The besi popular Life of the Queen I bave seen. I Her M4ajesty sends a kind letter of appreciation. Sel- ling hy thousands ; gives enlbusîasic satisfac- tion. Cost a mini of moniey, but large circula- tin justifies lowl retail, $3.00, Lots of historie illustrations. Large Book-over ail 2x6ýx10T, !iches. Men and women of standing lu theiom- munhty mnaking $15 toe$-i0 a week. Exclusive territory. Prospectus free to agents. Books on time, TUýE BRiADLEY- (,AEUET8()N Co., Lifi, Tor- onto, Ont. BOWIIANYILLE BICYCLE Qeneral REPAIR SHOP. W. FISHWEIGH, Practital Maclxlnist, Tool Maker, Lock and Gunsmith, Speca1 Macbhinery for bandling Bicycle Re- pairing in ail its branches, and ail Fine Machin. ery. CYCLISTS.-Have ynnr wheeis put in trimn by a thnrnughiy practicai macbinist. Bicycles, Lawn mowers, Sewing machines, Cincks, Typewriters, Rifles, Ctlery, Lncks, Electrie Beils, Dental andi Surgical Instruments, Safe Locks, Iron, Steel andi Brass work of ail kinds. MARKET BUILDING, I3owmanvîlle. ~Fine SPhotographs. ~ EN Y'S * SReputation for making every W ,4 size, style and finish known to Sthe art is already established. 'MWll be at his Gallery, King St., every day. Prices. to suit flJalond Jubilee Ç4ncrt. The annual concert of thse Methodist choir wiIl be given in the Mtqsie Hall, on Tuesday, dune 22-Jubilee Da This en the celebratiiyn of er Majesty'siDiawpond Jubilee and the day having been proclaimed a National holiday, this event will be made worthy of the remarkable occasion. BORN. TILLEY.-At Port Hope, April 24th, the wife of Thos. J. Tiliey, of a son. BEER-Il Los Angeles, Cal., April 6th, the wife of Xorman M. Beer, 0f a son. Dowsos.--In Kirby,April lSth,the wife of Mr. Raipli Dowson, of a son. STEVENS,-In Clarke,1 April i4th, the wif e of Phihip James Stevens, of a son. Stiliborn. BLACKLER.-III Clarke, April 21st, the wsfe of Matthew lackler, of a son. JÂiizs.-At "Long View Farm," near Colum- bus, April 21St, the wife of Mr. John H. James, jr., of a son. RoENiGK.-In Bowmanville, April 16th, the wife eof Mr. Wm. Roenigk, of a daughter. MARRIED., RICE-WILsoN.-At Gait, on April 21st, by 11ev. Wm. Kettlewell, assisted by 11ev. J. G. Scott Guelph, Mr. John Rice, Bowmanville,and Miss kettie Weilson, daugliter of Mr. Cornelius Wilson. BIOWMANVILLE. The Groce~,s. Sprin Nu un nu AtJohn HelIyar' yS. 1 take pleasure in aunouncing f0 my numecrous customers and the public generally that the purchases for Spriug and Summer lave been placed in stock and as a resulu of a very large ineroase of business in fine goods lasi year I lave bonght a larger snpply of vory stylisl high grade Footwear lu Mou s, Ladies' and Children's. We keep also a lower grade so that ail eau be suited. Our objeet is to maintain tise position we lave jusfiy gaincd-ihat of kooplng tle besi goods f0 le ohtained froni lte Ieading Afanufacturers. Our prices will always be fonnd to be as low as they eau consistently be and our aim sIali continue f0 be f0 give our custouners the Tory best possible for ileir mouey. We invite you f0 an inspection of our stock and will witl pleasure slow you wbat we eau do for you. A large assoniment of Trunks, Bags, Valises, etc., always on baud, jBOWMAINVILLE. h N It Is a .... Waste o pared paints. ant Mne to use poor Paint. - -, to expect an inferior paint to its color or hold its goSs. Tiie Prism Brand of pitre Liquid Paint is the resuit of years of païint m rn&iug peri- Cnc' e -t because it is rnixed just right. It holds its color and gloss and does credit to the painter ui à P wherover ît îis us cd, Bc sure and get the Prisn Brand pre- Dry Colors,Oils, Kalsornine and Brushes at BowMANVILLE. Plone 74. FOR Kootenay District, Point-- in S. Columibia, Kalso, Kootenay Crossing, Murphy Creek, Nelson, Pi lot Bay, Robson, Rossland, etc. Tickets now on sale at special low rates. The Grand Trunk Rail- way System via its Chicago linos gives you superior accomm o dation lowest charges and the quickesi trne to the above points. Pull in- formation at G. T. R. Stations, Town Agents, Station Agents, or write to M. C. DICKsoN, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. By its Loving Friend CEYLON TEA. FO Shades, Curtain Poles, Room Moulding, Pictures and Picture Frames, We have the' flnest assortment of these good.s in town, and the cheap est. Our Wall Paper can't be beat for prices and quality'. W, Tu ALLEN, Bi'WMANVILLýE, ]Big 20, ~-35- ~,~r'wt..rr~r.- ~ .,~O-... #~4~ -~ - . ~ ~-~--~s,----~ est es,.,ôe.~ - - - - ~ ~ - - A Good Up=to=date G-1 e'.ry and Provision Store_,,e is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being well tî'eated and get pu-re good goods every tirne you trade there. This is the- way we want you to feel about This Store and we'll merit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us' that is flot en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. We keep fuîll lines of the very best groceries the markets aff o aJ udîd 7é> o-îeselu chea1 or. "We do busi- ness on business principles and the public like oiuir methods. EveryMay is a bargain day at our stere and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produple. We will give you the best prices going.. The Groce». Wall Paper, Window lit