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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1897, p. 8

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When you buy a'ITruss luii Io! mo~i. MU WETMORE TRUSS., Superior to ail others. Yon ean fit i1t your self or -we will do it for you,. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Any oneO requLiring a Truss will find it to their advant- age te examine the WETMGRE TRUSS sold by i. Higginbotham & Sor.du BOWMANVILLE. Chemists and Drur,ýgjsts. We Ha e, - Th avoe It!l at Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are se low you cannot afford to be without it. Cali an'd are always ýwelcÎloe. Y 's,î BOWMANVILLE. Undertaker and Furniture Deaier, BoungaI1's' Block.1 See BOWMAN'VILLE, APRIL 28, 1897. ENFIELD. Miss B. Glbert is visitiig aý Miss S» E wio.o' teIcber, p uimt rý, . in OShawa.. . .'rsCasa .OIU i5i steË Lat hýome siding in Mr. J. MeV sdilwho bas beaun re- intc ow onf 5 T-p r, 'snsbas rnTàbVd McGulloch s,' - Sid'c w1ee . .. . Mr. Donadld Quarterly , b", horýefer $110 retently .... be heid 'aesuf ictiklu cireuit will: gav, - -.Snnsta lo.%o a. m..,.The baud a,1ýel n nu ar co ncert fSaturday 5eniflg to .,tnathat they are sti alive and 1imp-roVing; Iamong the secti, jus'were overtdr,%s, mnarches and quicksceps., Mrs. Wm. Br-wn has riotucoed home frein Toronto... f. A. Lee, -Port Hope, called on nid friends &rsr ceti.. . Miss Wei,Tyr*oie, Wa5~usi n McaW. N.? Wottos, over Sa'bbath, nr.is ,'rank Trebilcoedk was gnest lest week, ofhsfenýjd Mr. A. N. Mitchell..Mr. W. W. Noble, tenelser, spent Easter at bis homne lu Tor- Ot . Rev. R M. Phalen conducied prepars. tory,, .nsdsac .ramenitaiser'vice Gond Friday and E-s' &r Sunday. Severai additions te the Ghtich i;-Mr. John Stainton has been elscted Sehool ti Àstee to 1111 balance of termi made vacant by ze deatis of Mr. J no. Sylvester. NEW HAVEN. Mrs. H. Bartîcit and Mr. Lei Bactîct, Gisa- rea, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allun, town, visited at Mr. W, Wood's.. . .Miss Mabel Witberage bas gone 10 Scarboco te speud the sommer.... Mr. Walter Fnley bas been ill. .. .Mrs. S. Werry.i issdisposed. ... Mr. W. G. Goodeof GoeibMs. J. G. Vancour, Toronto, Mr. sud Mrs. J, H. Dey- man, Chicago, Ill., who were cailed home by the death of their father, Mc. W. Goode, have returned to their homnes.. .. Base Linie Sunday Scisool trili hold their annivrsary on Sunday1 May Ind. .., Good attendaneat tbe G. E. lasî Suuday eveiiiug, meeting was led by Misses Maud Lucas sud Eva Fnley. HAMPTON. Visitocs: Miss Bibel Stevenson, Osha-wa, ai Mr. E. Trenouth's ; Mr. B. Ferguson, Miss A. Cryderman Blackstock, ai Mc. M. B. Gryder. man's; Miss Id& Trewin, Bo-smanville. at Mr. J. Salter's.. .. Miss Lanra Salier ba s retnrned from Greenbak .. . . Mrs. )V. Ailisi is stili conhue 10o bier room .. . .Spring seediug la almost aisa stand- siîll wing to the heavy rains .. Over 100 niew books are heiug edded to the Snnday Scbool libracy., . Tbe good value being given ai the People's General store is drawiug a large volume of trade. P. A. Gole is svide awake to the inter- ests ni his customers. Sc bis Spring annonce- ment iin ibis paper. NEWCASTLE. Mr. G. lieman, Toronto, is visiiing bis faiher, jr E. G. Beman .... Mr. N. T. Selby, or esser- getie Nurseri man, is sending ont a1h i gsbipment nf fruit trees ibis spring-Judielous advertising pays.... Miss Julia Whsite bas retuned irom Peterboco Hoapitalimucb improved in healtb... The familiar feomof Mr. Frank Waldon is ain visible bere.. . ,.Mrs. (Rev.) Leslie. Gobles, Oni., 55 visiting bier miother, Mcs. Hunier ..Miss Gertie Fearce bas retncned from. a pleasant vist in Darlington ..Mr. J G. Vanstone, Bowmau- ville, was ta iowui last week.., House cleaning is the order ni thse day witlî prudent honsekeep- ers... The Temprance Baud is getting int gond shape sud Newcastie people may expeci some good musin ibis sommer. Messrs. GCharles Warren sud Ernest Rincb have jolned .. . .The Fielding Tariff Bill ss favorably commeuied onnin Newcastle . .. Mr. sud Mcs. W. iH. Greener, speut Suuday at Mr. John Douglas'.... .Mr.W. T. Lockhart was iu Toronto ou Monda y.... Thse Epwncib League ni the Methodist ecbnrcb dccit ed as offilcers Monday nigbt:-Houi. President- Rev. R. Taylor ; Pr-esideui-Miss B. Orchard; lst Vice P>resideub-M, J. Rotebinson; 2nd Vice 4eaoiiu Vo mau Va euoo mis exisis as bule g round h mwo web 10 feuce eai presesit and ai- 80 that they be allowed 10 place a fence semss said road aiiowance tili Fali. Laid over tlti next meeting sud gcasïted s0 f ar as placing s tence across the coad is concerned ini the mnesu une. Tbe Assessor was present aud handed lu is assesament roil wbich was examined sud accepi- ed. Gieck was inistrncted to give notice ni tise meeting nf the Cour't ni Revision for Saturday May 29tb, et 1 o'clock ai the Towu Hall, Ramp-^ ton* ht wss ordered ibaitishe land be purchased frmi Mr. Pye in wideu tise cnadway adioiniug is place su the village ni Ennsskillen ai suaie n $10.oO sud that the Clerk prepare aded for saine. Moved by Mr. lBrown, secoudeà y Mc. Foster ihat road Beat No. 31 be doue away ,witb sud that W. W. rawiord, W. L. Law, Wiiiam Me- Reynolds Mark Mundsy,and 60 acres beiougiug 10 Fred iemence bie added to Mr. Alexander Lawrie's Beai No. 2o. Garr-ed. Moved by Mr. Foster, seccssded by Mr. Cour. tie Cthat the Reeve, Mr. Giemeus sud thse mover be a committes 10 examine grve plis iu tbe4th cou, loti with, powerto purcisase i sisatc Garried. Moved by Mc. Brown, seconded by Mr. lem- eus that the By-i5w appointinig Township offi- cers be amended by subsitutisîg Albert Gonds iu place ni William Gonds, decsased, Dr. Levi Potier iu place nf John Sylvester, deceased, snd William Tordiff, sr., omitted by mistake, Pais- masters, aud tisai the Clerk notify tbem nf their appolineut. A By-law wss pissed coud cmissg tise houndaries nf Sebool Sections. On motion the Reeve was instcucted to grant orders on the Treasurer for tbe f ollowing sums ; Fred. Conclces, sbeep damages, $1600; W. J. Roy, postage as assessor $100 ; John Curtis, sh'p damages S3.33 ; B. F. Richards, 6 road acrapers $4050 ; George A. Stephens, ou lumber contraci .114.14. Indigents: Tisonas Ward, Janet Wil- soni, Hîberi keen,asudMcs Hoidge $500 each; Jaes Gamphsll 40 Mrs. S.tapl es and Mrs. Lane0 $3.00 eacis; Thos. Wilcox sud Mrs. Camp- bell $2.00 sacb; Jonathan Couch, temnpocary, U4 On motion the Council adjourned 10o Saierday, May 2tb, et usuai bouc. OSHAWA. Mr. W. E. ]Zyer recently visiteti friends at Flesherton ...Miss F. Me- L&rry, London, lmas been giiest of Mns. W. E. OBnien. .-.*.Miss Rose Patte bas been visiting fiends in London ... DABLJ'm A GTON COUNCIL. Re~ d \ ALL, Rampton, April 24, 1897. ut, ,,illntbÊeeting; membeirsallpresent ;miii- cË ~4Lit meeting were read sud coufirsued. Vofl1muilCatiofls were presented from : Allan ind J. W.Truii asking the counicil to order L.M. Coutine, Richard Mitchell sud William Aliman to moi c their fences off road allowanee. Laid en tietable. James Pair, Esq.,asskiiiga refuod of Statuts labor tax ou S, E. haif lot iti in the 9th con. accompauied with ceretificate of the paîbroaster that the work had been doue. Laid d'ver to hsext meeting. Guarantee lusauranaee Go. 'Filed. J. H. Morrow, Agt. Ag. Implemenis. zPsc'd and filed. D. B. Simapson, Esq., re Lai! ýmer case. Referred to3 committce prevtouasiy appoiuted., Mr. Brown presenied a report from the special cominittce te wbichwras referred thse complaint of Mr. Ellboti respeciu injnry tobis pcoperty by overilow of water on lot 19 nuithe 6tis con; the bridge ni thse eheese iuetory which bas been eonisidered un sale for some lime ; the complatott against Mrs. Rersiace for cottino shade treces; and the application of John ltobbins to lease road ailowance : Recomending in ist case that the damage te thc road bie repaired and ditchies changed as to prevent injory in future; is 2nd casa. tiat steps had beesi taken tb repair,,and stceiigtlwn tihe said bridge* 3rd, t t h _oin- inittes had seeniMrs. Rersiake wvith regard te cniting shade trees and that she had promised te replace the saine tbis sesson ; regarding Mr. Robbins' application 10 lease roa aliowance sud respecting wlsicb a petition signed îy, John Brut and 14 otisers presenbcd this day opposing the said application, tise committce think it, in- advisabie te grant the application of Mr. Riob- bins. Report received and adopted. A petition was preseuted froin Thomas Peiecs and seven others in refes-encee 1 movinig tise feuces off the 4ib con. line coud allowance. ce- C Latest novelties received this week.-Fruit Forks, Tomato Server: Cofiee Spoons, &c. Ladies' Blouse Setes, a great variety. Lâdies' L-i.tler Belts from 40 to $î. Wio4eh e the latest stnd hes deigus always, in stock. Special at $5.oo, watratted. Ouîr suce ss in fitting Spectacles is malting Our Optical Depat~ sthe palate t~oaT.1 native fragrance presi la thé Isestin la!t the Oae, Trus Blond Purfie. b&crg fresh and pure. It's floep icre iverlits; easy tQ 1fl Hod3sPUS talus. eêey teoopera e. 25. ýerved in lead packages. Sh-hn1omardmeousd ~ 4Q, ac, o 6o per u ywxewe I1 off. Hle-1 was, but R. WINDATT, T. C. IJF.WE.LY & SIVERWARE. c PEINI N'l QCI oui Acc Speci'als that Corne ini Kour Wants For- Sprin' The next two weeks will be a busy tilïe on the fartn and in every ',qme and we have mnany things a necessiîy for the fitting up of your homes an ,,"I for your planting and dnring seed tîme and house cleanîng will do our",Néry best endeavor to make it interesting for you to do your shopping with us. Sev.. eral speciais during this week to satisfy your immediate wants and ai Specîal Prices. Every mother wants ber boy dressed properly and there's Boy's no mother who wants to pay more than necessary. A choîce line of Sailor Blouse Siîts, £iZds 2,2 10.20 fi-uni $1.25. alobiing.<Boy's 2 piece Suits,very large asssortment, extra value frorn $1.25 Boy's ý piece, very large stock, excellent value, from 8J.40. Men'ls Black Suits, nice stwoothe finish (a job liioe> nOw for $4,00. 'Ihe following quotations wili give you an idea of the values you may secure from our immense range of new Lace Curtains. 24ý yd. taped Curtains for Soc a pr. 24 yd. taped Curtains <heavier net) 6oc. 3 yd taped Curtaiis,, ext. special, $ i. 3+ý yd. " Very fine, $1.25. 0-.S>'T We are showing a magnificent range of Union, Sup-_ ýand Al Wool, CGarpets from the Guelph Factory; no better vahie anywhere. :BOOTS 4&ZS:EicOZuS. Men's Lacrosse Boots 70C. Boy's Lacrosse Boots 5 Oc- Mcn's Dong. Bals $1.25. Meu's OX Blood Bais $2.25.. Men's Box Caif, extensive sole, $2.5o. mens BJcst Cagî extension sole, scotch w*it, in bluick and.ax blood $45 Woman's Dong. Butt., fair stitch, extension sole. paten~t tip, point, $2.7.ï Carrott, Mangel, Pape and ahl kinds of Garden Seeds corne in the lisi for this week. Ail fresh, new seeds, and our prices lower than the mai ority o our competitors. o A choice Bottie of Pickles for roc. And end line of choice Cal Peaches, 2 lb. tin reg, 25C for 10c. Crosse k Blackwell Pickles, large boule 27i A line of Paterson's Biscuit 3 lbs. for r8c. Our ace Japan Teas, equal tq any 25c ine you can bring along. We carry a fulll Une of Teas and Cofféee, and our values are second to none and much better values than you get gonr' ally. Appleton Indian and Ceylon pkg. Teas at 40c 5o0 and 6oc.

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