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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1897, p. 2

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The most ENCLAND9 UNITED STATES, Uniformily use the TWO OïfýIT EA-ý!N 9 Proven by actual tests and long experince to generate less fi i tioD, more easily ad- justed, to be truer and rema n so years longer than any other. TEhis is why the honest high-grades run easy for years after the would be's have lost tlîeir usefulness, and thbis is how the CeeLELtD Ea.sily won the- oastîng and Hill-Climbingr Canadian Championships. ModelS2 23 H-. Pý. L0ZIER & CO. T _Agents,--MASON & DALE, B W EIDNESIAY, JUNE 2, 1897. Dit. J. C. MITCIELL, »FER OF CILLZGE 0OF PHYSIJIAN M r.ons, Ontari Barnkr t DIURI TE BWtETDR A r>, e en I.tfron .. $ tuIC9TO.. ghM~t 911 &I :,iu dCKuptly oppoîs i rile. 'afi- phle POIIO or lUhne ul rcive lau EAT lES, TV .i , OFFICE I-RTeàroWMEST DrHA Il sideccdotay &pponDiis Due gs S.tPore, , Tailor BoWMANVILLE DENT-i"ISTRY. C., HABNDEN, L. D. S. Grildua ,of jthoRoyal3ConiageortDental Bg«Oong, On&ho. oe PPM6TE EBXPRES WPM VTALIZED IM. New TailorZ Shop' Theuedersd.gnetd w7ho hasbeen osrryîug ou ~ling business lu couneciltIS wltb a Dry Geodg Store for a nunbef yeors cmrnccdbuInesBfor hbuselt at it in teet, where ire la prep.rttd s.ke oge nsd boys' buite lu ah it e laie6t ia»etltiwe4t Prie«. For those who t oredr suite, lie wlll carry a fuit lins Of azUles Sjailitire aeweet patterus. ulive hlm J. T.-ALL-4EN Fashionable Tailot, MONFSY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large suem of mnoney iras ben Pl aced ln my bmeAs by a private pereeti for uvestttelti, on annw~oved ans en faim esecuriy for a tortu et vivn or TEN SYearB, yivE ANDOE eHÂLF FR CENT intrei wili Le aslted Payable yeariy. e3agB<&ciry conditions foirepalflmet Ilt lil Le D, B. SIMPSON. Solicior, Bowmanvillt. Datted Oct, lot. 94. 40-tf. wANTED.-Farmers' Sous or otfier WindustriOs pereece ef faiedecatîo to whemn $60 a motili -qocid Le an inducemt'Ot. 1 could aise en age a few ladiles ai ilteir owc homnes. T.H. .SOTfTorenito, Oi. A CTIVE MEN.-Wisbing perma- uleutmciand paylug employmenteasccore tire same by enigae.1lt with us to Se11 0cr hardy Speciaites antd eeî Potatoes: Al Cangdl.ii grWn Iutttfret'. Sîler-y pehId wvckly. WrIte uts or tCitect eeexelusivtiflittiy PLIIAM'tthSEtî Cey., Toronto, Ont 14-lin. Wo ean tuInIr roter oui ' - te s yiriug vou etb , à iCR &tX..Ptent Ânes' acr, tsbiio, .d.fr et 15 pIeoir THE HOME ITEMS FOR SMALL PURSES. Tirere are f ew famiies, except amoflg the very wealthy, who do net know somnetbing about mairing garments 0v- er. The fashiens change se often, it la aimest impossible te wenr out a go0d dresa before ît fa ont of date and f ew of us can affermi te cast a garmnlt aside wbien a little worir in renovating and remeodeling Lt would maire it look- lire uew. Tire fashion of wearing walsts of a different celer and materi- ai frein that used lu thei shirt la a meat economica1 one and gives us a chance to use tu-e old dresses, or even tbree ite maire a very pmetty costume. Or two u?&tierlais may Lýe comnbined kymi- ing s'eeves, collar and cuffa of one, and the sirirt and waist of anethier. One of tire tryiug thinga a careful woman bas ta underge is tire ac umtu .a- tien of shirts whose bindiega ebecolfle1 soilemi an d frayed. Tire old ' binding may Le- repnced'by a new eue, tUe suiri cniefuiy brusiem and pressed ready for anothier periomi of service. Butý thýere cernes n fume wh.eu the slkirt is tee short and perhaps tee badly seiied te Le pre- sentable. Rip it apart carefnUly, taire eut tire stiffening and wasbfit. If it i8 faded, or if for any reason yen vish te change the coier, dye it somte darir- er shade witb a reliable dye. Any wooilen goods will taike a pretty biac.k, anda bnack sir sirt neyer cornes am5ss in any woman's wardrobe. WLe.n rinsed and irung on tire uine until almost dry, press it on tira- wrenýg aide u.util quite smooth and free from wriuiries, and put a new canvas facing around the Lot- tom. Piece out tUe geoda te ninire it tire proper ieugtb, cever the piecing witb n Lias band of silîir, braid, passe- menterie, or otber materiai used for trimmning, ana yen wil L e surprised ta see wvbat a neat and stylisir.garment Yeu wvil have. Wiren only a. little goed material re- mains 'u a dress, it can ofteu Lei used te amvantage in malring, a dresa for a chlid. Tirerle are tire dainty gimape, ces- tuimes with ithesksur and silevelese wa,istË of one material and tUe gimpe of another. Yoire and aleeves of a con- trasting inateriai nipake tUe dress look Letter titan if only ce mmd cf! goeda is usemi. A grear deal mayLe done te maire the dresses wirmcb are ouigrowu large enouigb. If a waist Le tee short, a, belt may Le made, and sewed te-tUet iower edge with tire epper edge cf tUe sirirt gnthered te Lt. Tire aleeves miay be pieced down or new cuffsa tdmemi. Dress shirts are lengt;benemi by letting ont thce ns or puttiug na bras baud aroumm tire bottein. 1Reefers are more popular tban ever fUis spring, and very pretty ones mnay be made cf jacirets of your owa or eveu tUbe Lest parts of a gentlemean's olmi cents. lDye tUe gooda bine, Lrown or biacIr, if tire gooda is a mixture. Ligirt celored clotU mcan Le made -la lovely shade of remi, and there are very few Little girls whe de net admire a red jacket, triimmem with Lraid. Use large Luttons on tire fron-t, wiricb you may be aLle te fiami in Yomu buttan, Lag, or ou soute woru ont garment, and f in- 11hi tire necir witir a large sailor coilar. One of tUhe essentinîls in tis wori wicb tUe amateur dreasmairer sometimes for- gýet, is te neatly and carefuily press al lie seanis wben finished. Geod press- ing givea an air ef finish te a gar- ment tUai netiring eise will. SUGGESTIONS TO IIOUSEKEEPERS. If yen -want your gingerbread to Le tender, moi.,t, delicieus, mix it ,of t. Toc mucib fleur maires it "bready." . Don't tnrn cald water inte your granite or agate ware, ar the blue por- celain tint is white-lined, when yen 1peur something hot ont cf il. Tire Sudmien le-w ering cf tire temperature lai apt te crackr it, or at least te checir 1lte giaze- Au exohange says buffale bugs may Lebc exterminated Ly tire use cf laven- der, musir or camphlor. or anytbing u-itU a, decided odor, andi that gumn campitor put round tUe edges cf tire carpet will drive ýtbein au-ny. Tis xvouid be very nice if il were only true, but it isn't. Thre buffalo metb Las aitogether tee stroug a constitu- ,tion. Our advice is te put ne faitir in cmobut use pienty cf boiling dert ake ,to rmove a ov.But there are womein whw'eiIi do what they ougbt flot to do, and womn wyho are ',ometimes compeiled to assume tasks beyond their rîLrength. Thus to know how te manage in the oa,3iest way is an advantage. A piece of heavy inch plank is pur, under the steve between the legs, and under the plank put two pieces of brooin.stit.k, one at eaoh end. te serve as rollers. With a bar raise the %tove sufficiently to taire ont the legs. The' stove w ili then rest on the plank. 'ien put a third piece of broonibandie under the planir at the end and pusb the board along until one rouler is lef t bebind. Put this in front again, and continue tili yen have the 5itove where you -ish it. This meth- od will save seme back-breaking lift-. ing. STOCK FOR SOUP. Ilf a _shn of beef Nvell cracked. One rnuekie of veai aise cracked. Four quarts of cold water. An onion, a crrot, a turnLp and a salki of celery eut ioto dice. A sinail buncli of parsley. Put the meat in the water ,ît Uhe side of the steve. It should not begin to simmer lu ]ess thanan heur. When it bias been on the stove two hours, put in tbrn vegetables.COaok ail to- gother for three or four heurs, until the ment is in sbreds. Set the potas- ide, and let the liquor get cold or the scup ment. Tare tbis eut and sea- son the soup wlth sait and pepper. BisopB. W. ArnetU SWAYS AUDIENCES WITH 1115 MAS- - - ___ TERLY ELOQUENCE. SHiE CINZOI' DE AROUSED. il. Wrtee a Retter of More Th"PUili 1 n- ý11Effort'i te AkYvkeia CovInapton lVoîmm'i I E teresit .f'rn naat .Fit. At lWilberforce, Ohio, three miles Genuine catalepsy is one of the rarest north of Xenia and near Dnyton andi disorders known te medical science, Springfield, is located Wilberforce d c inestasbnarud 011. ~ P~4 i ~%J. Unversityand Payne Theologic:1 an muc neetbsbe Semînaryby the discovery of a case of true cata- ý w a v 1E.These ts isiuin o erielpYi Covington,Ky. The victim is -have edupated many ministers and Mr.. Henry Laufermnan, of 80 West wutr itl atabesoonulteachers.I Second street, Cevington. and she bas wutr wth talesoonaiof turpen- ln this somewbat noted educational beeu in a catalevtic stute since last tine to a pailful. centre, resides Bishop Benjamin W. Snýnday morning. Thle beautiful designs of printed cot- Arnett, D. D., a divine wbo le tOf - Mrs. Laufermzan la 33 yc'srs of sgt' tons are apt te, be ruined in tUe %wi,.sh especrial prominence becau.se of bis and the wife of anv express driver. Sun- tub unieýsa care is taken wibh tbem. thriiling eloqu.enoe with which he lias Iday morjiing she complained of feel- Senir iawnr, and organdies in water swagyed anany audiences.I inig tire d and determined te lie in bed in whiob you have dissolved borax at Among the bigli officiais of the longer than usuai. She wvas fast asleep terate ofa teaspoonful tp gallon of churcli, fan mr distinguislied at neon, and her busband's efforts te wter aet amsaaowetonmnuesmore19 awaken ber were ineffectual. No aiarm tere be soak tent miuts, pourboii li e. was fait, however, until in the after- W'ater on them and aliow tbem te coolo, when more vigorous attempts te -rine i tepd wter Satensmayarouse lier failed te bave the rine i teid atr. atens aysligbtest affect. Then Dr. Kelly was be cleaned by placirig them in-a lathersum ed of tepid water in wich a cup of sait Thmoe yLie en ht h oa bas e aerputce m tRb nrinhse in was in a true cataieptie condition. The satwater, put tna hcea lthougb -stac pupils of ber eyes were distended te atier, mo natheawrnaiad resan unusual degree. ler skin was as whul dam on he wong ide.white as niabaster and sof t and wax- .4 like te the' toucli. Experiments show- ed that abe vas totaily unconscions. DOMESTIC RIECIPES. Sie dîspiayed ne sîgn of pain when Ginger Cookies-Two cupav brow n ber hands and feet were prýcired witb a needie. Front that timte until the augar; tWO cups syrup; tbree eggs; present there bias been absolnteiy ne Leva tablespeonfula vinegar; one ta- hange iber condition. Uer breath- bepoflsoda; one tablespoonful ohB îg is regular, pulse norrmai, and, vhie blneponu repete fforts have shown that sti- Inga e r Ii pae s ery lae baeli. , Before being eiected Bishop lie was amujants xnhe administered, the GfenîfteaneciFavited, use to eigs. leadng minister in his cburch and aiso strengeat Medicine is wboliy without -Ofle egg; one cup sugar; tbL)ree grat- a very prominent Republîcan. H fet ed sour appies; grated rind and juice rpresented bia country in the Ohio of one lemon. Bell until it b Lecomes" Legslature for several years. ADFIIL JDRAIG thicir, stirring constantîy. Let cool be- bHvint given this sketch of thre fore Ppreading on tbee . hop, t a follewing testimonial f romn Lemon Pie.-Moisten a beaiîng ta- bu wiil be found very interesting iMoveda llgChnîiey.'%ear1y0Ose Thsoaean<l bleseenul if orntaror a it a it-reading and fuliy explains itself.Fe. blsponuiofcontact wt! ali-Te Wbomt may concern:> There are lu o ways o f moving a tie cold water, liýen add a clip of bell- "In April, 1894, whîle on My way ing water; !stir.over lie fi,-e tli it home frein Philadeiphia I caugbit a ehmmney. One way, and that usuaiiy boil andcookthe ornsareverY severe coid, whicb soon developed followed, la le tear it, doun carefuliy os andcooknle;cenastacb, say twe into rireuamatisin, It was impoýssibe and rebaiid it in tire desired place. This or treeminues;add tespoonful of, for mne te rest by day or sleep by nigli.uiie nytrebii m en butter and a cup of sugar; taire off About the firat of June I waa compel tizsoyth brcan mesa the fire and when slightiy cvooled add ed to take te mýy Led, where I rema*a great deal of labor. Tire other metbod an egg wel beaten. and the tjuice andi ed for s-metime. YVLen 1 was able of moving aî chimney le to handie il grated rînd of one lemon. Bae ith te get u4P, I could enly get about by mucir as a bouse would be handled and a- crust. This maire one sinail pie. tbc u9je of crutchet,.temvitbdyadwtbutarg RbuarbMoi.-Tak on qurtof lTe faîl came on aud the rheuma- it down by putting it on skids. red ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~b rhbr.wp t n ctit hr ir rews worse, lasting ail through This latter methoci was foilowed Ly a lenghs.Plae i ina sev, -p nýputthe wf nter of '94 and '95. I suffered as3 firma of contractera tof Bridgeliampton, onth id, anPlaeit ' thew-pan.putIneyer suffered before. I thouglit N.Y., in moving a chimney forthMa on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - tU iadlt h hbr ooi that thre spring would bring me relief, hanset Impa-oveieutniCompany at Ma- [tili quite a pnip, Meit baîf an ounce but it did net, consequently 1 was hanset, N.Y. The ciiney is 8j5 feet Of gelatine in hot water. Wbenc1 dis3- forced to cahcel a number 0f engage- higir and 7 feet square at tbe base. t ý9ove, utit it tre-qurtsofmesits te speak. -,veiglbs nearly one bundred tons, and a ouned pufitwitb tbree-urer f "'One, day in June, 1895, my wife yet. it was nived a distance of 950 feet ba.pound oitefo auar te lte riu- said, 'Biahop, I red se munirabout over rougir roade and up and dow n bar, ndho fr aqurtr ifan Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, Suppose 3oU steep grades %virout injury or acci- hour. Add a few dropa of essne of trY tirem and see if they will not help dent. But six men were required te lemon and stir it in well. Pour the yenf" -dotre?,, nebrs ttce:t mixture into n wetted nmoid. Next "I said, 'No,. there is ne use of get- dathwindiasfnsed heaneedaed po- day ip te mid i botwatr, turn ting tirem for we have trie.cin.most r. Tir e suds were weii greased on thre ont on a glass dish, and pouir a nîce every-hmng t.at bas beau recommend- bottoma, and 'the rate Of progreas ýwas cust4rd round. edtot us, andl none of tire remedies 1se fast that but nine days eiapsed from, ,Rhnharb aid Ginger Pudding- su«gese seem te help My case. Ithe time ur -wvs begun until the Grease a pudding basin or plain moid, "She said no more, but wemt to Iciimney was securely located on ils jnew' and fine it wtb suices of bread. Stew Xenîa, Ohio. andl bouglit a box of the foundation. Pills. 'On lier retluru elie gave me a - soa rhubarb, wili sugar te taste, dO«se at rxoon and anotdaer at night. WJLLING TO MARRY RER. and a teaspeenful of pou vderedl ginger. Sire was only cadled one tinte te attend ilyemarme sdtU bau SWbile stili het, pour the stewed fruit tente du.irig that night. ilynmr esdthbau On t th bradFor montira previons sire had betu tiful girl. speaking with ail tbe tim- onteth beacover 'with., a hiee cailec titree te four times during thre idity of a retiring nature. of read, eut teo the size cuf the, nljglit. The next day I looktirtrea f wiil gladly, said .tUe handsome topof Ue asi Plce sacerordosýe of the pilla, and the second nighit young man, if I haven't another en- ad plessit tetp fte pudding, I was net diturbeti.Xy if, fo thegagement on that date. andprea hwitbh a heavy weigdit.fittie nmrthntnmnis, 5.lawsbrpstrad a Wben cold turn eut and serve wçith al1a sgood night'barieep busyanana litieplan ustrd Leonrid, ýob te- I avent eta nigb't's sleep since fn,, lneun inr ped 9inali, may Le substitutedfo ir Int te naont oftr buaWIIPNL ginger if îiired, tiera. 1 carry a box tif Dr, Williant lm iLHfL îiuiu1) IIIÔ JellY Orange(:-Cut an oraange in Pink tPui t oce weue Re balves, remove the pnlp and juice with- go. in- Sew1eeXI Out Marring tire peel, and fileaob "l -I cireerfnlly bear testinaiony, and even te the edge witb ornge liiope tient ethers mnny find relief as 1 Thre proprietors of Di.amond Dyes are aiejeliy did. 1 bave reooimmended D.Wl U nypol nîewrdta ar made titb gelatine and the orange lians, Pinkr Pilla te sevea-al Depr. W s tecialypespfer o ing odtosand ail juice. Fit the halves togth-er and Youre for God and Man, mpeiled gors. n otosad i serve an orange to ectprsn.Titis &snjmin . Arnt't. is adalty essrt fr gest. Dr. Williams' Pinkr Pilla cure by t is Slow ndnîtted by ail the beat col goîng te thre root ofth ene or cbemists that a dyt'. prepared special- 110 T MVEA TOE. Th»eY renew and build up thre blood, lY for ai l gOOI 9008vill 11t01, or E No wman basanybusiessto u- ad strengthen tire nerves, tins driv- ton or î,Àxed goods succý,ssfuily. No wman basanybusiesste nug disease freintire system. Avýoid When Dinmond Dye Pinkr, Purple, _______________________ imitations by insisting tIent every bol Orange, Garnot, Na',y, Yellow, Bine, Yen u a-cbase *is inclosed ina n uapper beanng tire full trade mark. Dr.,i- Sarîct, Turkev iRed, Gýrecui, Cardinal, liams' Pinkr PilLs for Pale People.Wl Brown and Biacir for cotton or mixedj ____________ goods are usel, satisfaction is niways I guamauteed. IRE QUEEN 0F, GREECE. Beware of the dves that pretond te it la said by a lady 'wW 1o ncentiy vis-. celer ail wooI o.oods andm cotten witht -i tad Greece nnd irad thie henor cf meet- the saine p&liage of dve. îng tUe royai famtly, that perfect bar- Tevrdc fmlinonbicui- says n n an Qeten red tbed tnndthereut Le, "Diamoumi Dyes are first and chlidrýe. The Qween laý stilI a very Prcftv j eaniful *wlomnn, and tire only lady pr e Admirai in the world. Sd]ee holds tris AN OPE[NING FOR ESCAPE. rankinluthe Russian army, an hoeaorary Jobnny itasn't spiit a sticir of kind- jnppintment conferred on lier Ly tire ling for a weeir. late Tsar, because ber father iteid tire What's thte matter? SheS iStranir cf Iligir Admirai, and for the rea- Ris fatirer very foolisbiy rend aloud Sh's~ut poi aroîn~" son thnt site, is aý very capable yachts- an article pretesting against tire want-t -1herc's ne prettîruesý_ iler-mamnu. TiteKing pas a very remark- on destruction of forest timber. cxeton tle tbcory of p able memory, anu interesting persan- :atapdt.Hie goe about the streets cf XtcS Witheut aîîy attendants, and and hiis feats of strengtb,shown curebilouaese cost~,al.n~ oîten in the causetichvryaea rTaean and alr );v ~continuouns subjeot ef conveprsation Purest and l3est frTbl adDalryt nem at lvo trubts. - mOng the P'eople. NO adulteration. Never çakes, i THE CANAJIAN STATESMAN ESTM3LI-3IED 1959 s~,10 per lino, nonimrie drgit inew m*. arid ô ~re bpe~r lne each suib2egeene ila- @effl*n. Locals, 10 cents per lune. M. A. JAMES. PublIshei BICYCLESAD W~C~E5FOR Duning the Year i 89v. 1Por fou particulars see advertiements, or apply tu LEVER BROS, LTDO 23 SCOTT ST. TORONTO Strong 1rQint ABOUT 5 ~B 1. Its rurity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Eeonoxuy. le. a dose. 1 333 3 Regulates the Stom-ach, Liver and Bowc14, unlacksthe Secretions, PurifiestheBlaodand rnbves A the impulties, from a commoa Pimple tothe worst Scrofulous Sore, andi DYSPEPSIA, EILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, IIEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROF'UIA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHHUMATISM, SKIN DISSASES. EARTH B 1EST FORTIFICATION. Military engineers are practically agreed that no material for fortifica- tion is superior to earth. When clay not obtainable, as on the seashorc, sand is collected into bags and tbeste are laid in regular heaps aýlong t1i line of the proposed fortifiainl sucb a fortification the ball]frmtil eneiny's guns sinli witbout doing dam- age, and sheila explode harmlessly. "D'or Over Fifty Years." For over fifty yearS MRS. WINSLOW'.4 SooTHINo SmRur las been used by mil. lions of motheis for their ohludren whifi, teething. If diaturbed et niglit and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fsring and crying wîtli pain of Ootting Teeth Bend et once and get a bottle of "Mrm. Winfilow's Soothing Syrup" for Chiidren Teethirg. It wil relieve tho poor littie suffererimiediately. Dapenti uponit,mothere,there la no xnistake about lt. It cures D'arnhoea,regtilare8 the Stom. ach and Buweis, curok! Wind Colie, Bof tena the G'unis, reduces Inflai matýion., and giveB toue and enorizy to the whokile et(em. "Mre. Winiosow's Soothing Syrýup" for cbldreri teethirg is pleawant to the taate a-nd, je the prescription oiýone of the o1(et ond huýt feecile physicians and nurzes in the utite' States§. Pricetwenty.five conte a bottle. So]d by ail druggiste thbroughot the worid. Be Bure snd ask for 1 1MR$. WINsLow' S ooTmneo SYPRUl,"

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