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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1897, p. 4

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i Factory Milk Cans. ALL SIZES ý.à And use nothing but the verybest materialsheavy strong and durable, and, ROCK BOTTOM Prices, make them the best value in the market. ONLY 7c PER FOOT. lit Orders for Tinsmithing and General Repairing promptly attended to. Beail are thepatterns of Wall Paper, and the prices are Svery low, and the place to ~buy isat SThe very latest desigus in Canadiali and American SGoo* Complete combina- tion of Wall, Borderan SCeiling, from 5ce. an 1P()WMAýNVILLE JIJNE 2, 1897. A real Eng'lishi welcorne is extended to tie Visîting mnsters and la ' neiî to the Methodist conference wliceh opens in BoP-wanville to- morrow. The hospit- ality of our humes and flie frtedoma of our beautiful town is theirs. Wo are rud of our churches, f1gliand Public gSehools, Organ & Piano Factory and Pety, residences, well-kept streets, awnel»s, etc. We hope their bnifsjourn will be a pleasant mnemory for many years. ______ EAHLY SHLOPPING. We cannot too strongly uro'e upon the good peopie of Bownîanvi'lle and vicinity the necessity of doing ail shop- ping sufflcientlv early to permit the clerks tÔ leave the shops at 0830 p. i. during' dune, July and Au'ut. It will be showing a great kinaneSss to al those einployed iu doors during these hot months to so manage business with the stores as not to detain the employees or an one else after the time stated. AIl tfÎe leading merchants have sîgned an agreement to close their places of business at 6.30 p. m. and aow ail de- pends on the good-will of the buying public. Prove to them that you wish thein ail to get the fuil advantage of the arrangement by shopping' early. HOW TO FACE FAILURE. That ail who comp)ete for this world's prîzes do not win is certain from the start. In maay lotteries there are more blanks tian prizes but la the battie of life it is fortunatel v otherwise. But what l5 to be done if we have faled ? Shall we become possimistic and con- clude that we shahl continue unfortun- ate--? Not s'o. Take a caref u[ inventory of our belongings and resolvc to try again and again if need be. The fan- mer cannot hike the manufacturer, lock his gates and say "This farm is closed until there is a pnopsect of profitable pro- duction." Nohne must flot stand idlv bvand see crops of weeds grow in luÏ- unions profusion, for sncb the soul wil produce if it is not used to a betten pur- pose. If he plow.not, non plant, neither eultivate. one need nof 0'uess whatfltie liarvest will ho. Then te taxes must be paid, familles fed and clothed. Whaf mnust the farmer do under unprofitabie aperations? If the selling' prico is re- duced below the cost of profitable pro duction. hcouast contrîve some means to reduce thie cosf and the expenses must be curtailed. AlneadY this may have been donc away down below the uncomfortable limit ; then examine the fixed expenses sncb as taxes, insurance,, etc., and sec if something cannùot be saved b y e-ad justment or ia some way. Never despair unden the most discour- aging circumstances. A flrm determin ation, a strong arm and will, a deligent hand and thoughtfnl head acting ia uni- son will aine trnes in ten ensure im- provement la one's circumstances. In dustry. economy, patience and wisdom 'where health and strength are enjoyed wih conqur the worst cases of faiture, THEY STILL LEAD). Wc sec by tIc Moose Jaw Times that thle descendants of West Dumbamites are actnated by the samne noble and. philanthropie impulses thaf lave clar- accerized their forefathers: "One of tIe most practicail and unique mission- amy meetings ever Ield la Moose .iaw was that given il tIc Metîodist clurcli on Tîumsday Apnil29f b. Since Augusf last the chi'hàren of flic infant class in the Sabbath Selool lave been collectiag la mite boxes for the purpose of educat- ing aboy la apan. The pnogram was prepared by the children of the class under flhc leadership of tîcir feacher,' Mrs. J. Bellamy. The selections of music and recifations were ail of a missionary chanacter and werce well rendcned f0 a cnowded congregafion, The church was bcantifully dccoratcd ia Jaanese style, wlfh the following mottofo a background :-"We will do all we can f0 windapan for J esus. " The result of flic collections la the thirty- four boxes was the landsome sum of $83.00 This work lad ifs oioin la the intenest taken bv' ierbie Belt'ay. At thc close of the meeting if was movcd hy Reo.ie John ston, seconded by Gordie. lBole >tfiat Herbie be appoint cd p resident of thc band. On tIc motion being put it canicd nnanimonsîvy. President ilerbie Belamy is a grindson of Mn James Cryderman, Hlampton. LA&BOR AND CAPITAL. A sound business principle is that the man wfb fIe saiary sbould lave no advantage over fthe mnan who pays the salary. Our outiav if business is f0 go on must be regulafed by our income, or revende. \Ve must place our expenses on a level wif h tihe pnice wc obtain. Thius requires a litte com4ideration and if mavy be ratlien more far-reacbing than af first iiîoemg-ht appears. Wen must thnougîs effort auîd org'anization. adjust f0 suitftfl i fes ail salaries of public officiais as w'eil ai fte salaries of cm- pîc.yces and servants, se thaf our taxes will come within tbe imit o'f actual ne- cessity. Why slould nîl salaries be kept up f0 thc 11gb watcr mark of pros- perous times whcn mendiants, frades- mca, farmers and others employing la bon anc compclied f0 submitfoftheplain- est fonm 0f existence f0 make ends ? Professional mca, sncb as preachers, teachers and doctors, as well as ondin- amy individunîls 'ivo arc earning their living by thec sweat of thcir brow,should wlliingly accept lower fees or remuner- ation la fimes like now prevail than la prosperons fimes. Why not ? Capital is nof earr.,.ng nearly as mucb as foi-tii erly ; commercial -operafions do nof) yield fhe large profits fhcy formerly did aad owing f0te lis reduction of profits la ail branches of frade tIc purchasinx, po wer of a dollar las grcafly increascd, lence witb p oper cane and ecoaomy a man on a saay can do as weil on a lowen salary now as le once conld on a much higler one. IJNPROFITABLE TENTURES. lan West Durham as elscwhere flere is f0 bc fouad in cvcry commnnitv an oc- casional farmer wloý in spite of tIc busi- 1ness depression, is making good hcad- way, waose acres seem to increase lu number at lis will. Thle number un- fortunately Is f00 small. A.gain, there arc othens who arc la debf but are pay- ing off liff le by littie cach vear till by- and-by fthe motgage is lif ted or flhc notes rcfired. Othens again only man- age f0 kecp even and tbink tbemselvcs quit e forfunate, while less fonitunate oneos wîo have becu too sanguine for the future, are suddenly caugît la thc great molsfrom of depression and arc swallowed up and lost la fIe lashing waves, But sudh varied expeniences arc not exceptional, it has alwaysbecn s0. ThIe business wonld las been sub, jeef f0 sncb upleavaîs inits past history. Mca bave la ail ages been suddcnly at- wakened f0 find their business ventures unprofitable. Mca have laundhed ouf la some questionable enferprise, and ai- most bel ore their friends or even tlcm- selves could nealize it.fhcy werc million- aines, while their more conservafive neighors ave plodded along la some nel knw athbharely eking ont an existence. Cters have been pr osper- ous for a scason. and this saine prosper- ltv las causcd f hem to oven reacb tbem- selves f0 over-estimate tîcir ability, to their financial sorrow. In the cofimer- cial -worlds wc are fold 95 to 98 Der cent fail while amoag farmers actual failure is exceptional, unless oecasionally by unavoidable occurrences, la tIc face then of sudh failures as meef ns from any cause, let us aîl make the vcry best use of our privileges and couragously face cvcry obstacle and if misfotune and failure slould come we shahl have thc satisfaction of kaowiug that we strove to menit success. THE PARIS FIRE. A YOUNSG CÂNA-DIAN LADY's viviD DESCRIPTION. Passengers who crossed the Atlantic to Europe on the Allaxi Line sfeamaship ~Sardinzan ln July, 1895, will remember the vivaclous and winsome young daughfen of Col. J. S. iHamilton of Langley Park, Brantford, Ont., who. accompanied by bier mot hem, was on bier way to France f0 finish bier educa-, fion b1y a two-years' residence witb Panisians, affer having distinguished herself at the Collegiate Instifuf c la ber native cify. Consie Hlamilton and Sophie James of Bowmanvilie, earlv in thc voyage, became companions and a fniendship was formied. that will un- doubtedly ripen as the years go by. Miss Hlamilton is sf111 in Paris, France, and descnibes luna letter f0 hiem parents wbat a narrow escape sIc had from the terrible holocaust of May 4 by' which over 200 persons lost their lives and as many otîens were more or lcss injured. Mrs Hlamilton very thoughtfully sent the followiag panticulars from 1ler daughten's letten f0 Miss Sophie who witl other friends bere are glad f0 bean of Miss Consie's safetv, as tIc finst thought that flashed across Soýhie's mnd- on meadiag the article describing the fine was 'Il wondcr if Consie Hlamil- ton was there and if she is among the victims?" and the names publlshed wene eagerly scanned. f0 sec if lers was men- tioned Miss Hamilton Writes: "Jl sup pose yon have seen about the awful fine here vesterdav. We cauinot -bc too thanktnl as if kas the mcnest chance fIat Janet, little Dasîa "eques de Ber- wick and I weme not t-njjý Madame Jacques de Berwick who wn;s omie of the vendeuses lad arranged witb us the ev- ening befome to go f0 the bazaar about haîf past three and fake Dasha, but a litfIe whilc afterwards .wc lad a note frntm Mrs. Schuylcn asking us to go to hier place for tea f0 meet some frieads and we luckily decided to go tîcre in- stead, but you man imagine our feelings when we leard last evcaing of the fire, We immediately ran f0 Madame Jacques'as we knew that Monsieur and Madame and pemhaps the old Baron and Baronne werit f0 bc thene. Wben we neaeled tîcin bouse the door was wîde open, A crowd of Servants were la the entrance; people lad come to enquire and there scctnod te bie a crowd on fthe staincase. However, the servants said none were scveroiy wounded, Janet and I rushed qnickly upsf airs and there, lu flic Baroncss' d rawino' room, wc found tîem ail; Madame .Iacques wiî h licr check fied up and hem arm and back hurt and Monsieur Jacques on tIe sofa, is face, head and hands covered with cotton wool and poultices. Fortunate- iy the old Baronne was mather 111, so that neif ber sIc non the Baron lad gone. When I saw these two kind friends and whaf an escape Janet anti I had had I could not say a word and had aillI could do to kcep from weep- in.Poor Monsieur and Madamne cati- nott fonget the mcmory of that awful lu;it is stili with them. Monsieur' was lnckily nean Madame when the fime- bursf ont and ran wifb iwful rapîdity along the draperiers, for the bazaam was arrangcd as an old Foc streef, fthe sceneny hein,, made ofÊ paste- board toile circe, and, the buildinigs of pine, varnislied H1e and Manamel)ë caughf bld of ait old fricnd of fleins, fhe Marquise Maison, the lady Madamiie Jacques was heling and rushed witlî lier f0 the sin'alien door wlierc the crush' was not so great. but evenyone pushed forward anîd before they reached thc door were tbnown down twice. "How we lad the force to get np again 1 don't know, sàid M,ýonsieur." Just be- fore tbey readhcd the door, they were separafed fromt. their old .friend (wbo escaped wif b several bnrns) and emerg- Qd into the air and as they tbought, in- oo safety. Imagine their horror when ta looking up thcy found fheinselve!3 in a yard clo0scd ilu'on every side by lugje buildings. "Let ns lie dowa on the( grass and bide our faces, said M-adamte to Monsieur," and they were just going f0 do so wbea thcy saw fIat the ecm- ployes of a prnting office in Ore of the buildings, ha secured, laddems aaid wenc putting them dowa into flic yard, Monsieur anîd Madame botî verv mucî bumat, scrambled up thc ladders wý%hlch were s0 short thaftley ciimbed up to the top rung and were then pullcd in by tIc pninfers. Botl of them bunst in- f0 fears and kissed thein rougb preserv- crs. Madame's bat and collet wcrc buiraf off lier and poor Monsieur bas very litf.lc bain lef t. the pain la thc back of bÏis hcad is awful and lie, catncot put lis bead on a piliow, but has to sit stmaighf up aIl thc urne. H1e says lie neyer was se happy in lis Ille as when lie and Madame stood fogetler la tIc printing office, as two minutes longer in flic building botlî would lave heen burat f0 deafli. I went f0 sec how tbey were this morning, and saw Madame, wbo cannot s]eep or keep, quiet for the awful shnîcks anc sfîll sonndîng iii ber 'rt" tic 'j Wlotrk. . 0 0. If you wanftIch very highest of high grade work lunfthc photo graphiQ hune you wiIl give us a leall Noue better. Few:as good., Cal. R. . ENRY, Opposite Benneftf House, Blowmaýnv[ie. THE OURFEW BELL. MýR.EDT'o,-l{ere are some thoughts which cropped up lu my mind as I read the article lu your paper on "Curfew Beils". Are nof the W. C. T. U. over- dolag' what they suppose is a good workF? Do they 'realize what they are doiag by taking the mnanao'emcnt of children ouf of parents' hanias, and do they understand whiaf they are tryirig to en fonce is being severely criticisedIby maysensible people la our town? We tbey to enforce the laws now la existence, surely theY must cover the ground necessary to tiie welfare of the boys and girls.. In iwhat way is sending chldrea homne by 9 o'clock going to do them good if they have sômething to do which is more pleasant than looking ont for the ruIes of the W. C. T. U. ? Do chiîdren go f0 bed at 9 o'clock ? No, two out of onÏe hundned, then the other ninety-eiht if they have no lawn must Sit on the steps and wipe thieir eyes be- cause the W. C. T. U. miles lu the formn of the policeman, just around the cor- ner. Were the ladies of the W. C. T.U. to look around themn thev'would see that not the boys under'14 years but boys fnom four to twentv-foun needed the looking after. ThenÏ, agala, how would the ladies like to hear this: " People la glass houses shouldn'f throw Stones. "for if they can spend so much time iu looking affer oflier people's eilîdren, what are theirs doing the while ? But,, perhaps theirs anc ail goody-goody littie boys who neyer go ont after tea, and would not thinik of, staying out to a friend's af fer half past eight,,if if were a mileorfromn home. Dear Editor, It am only t boy, but I think that lots of boys arc more capable of taking care of thiemsclves than lots of women of our town. This may seemi presumptioii to the ladies, but if they had considered they wonid have seen that it would be impossible, yes, I say impossible tog et any satisfaction out of the "Curfew Bell" for-can you impose any fine-if so,who does it corne out of ? Will the parent thank you or punish the boyv? I would not thinik two pins of a ma ho ,punished a son of his o comn- lng hm at 9:15 p. m. If this comes into fore how many policemen would if take f0 keep the boys home on the aight of open air concerts, hockey matches, etc. ? Then again, Mr.Editor, 1 suppose the boys eau bc out affer 12 o'clock p. m. and nothing saîd-would it not b e well for the W. C. T. U. to try at home this new mule and for fear their lit fie dears get bad influences la- stilled into them. wonld if flot be well to keep>them ln f111 after 9 a. m. Hop ing the ladies of the W. C. T. U. will flot feel hurt at anythin.gentfils, I re- main, SCIIOOL BOY. Bowmanville, May th, 1897. Aman may say or thinli w at lhpë ae but just tfe f same, pêrsonai appearancE cuts a big fig*re m s scce&ï. -- A weli-dressed, neat, cleani3 lookng anwitb tihe fresi, coruitenance of hqe'qfh will, other things being equal, outstrip thcenman who isn'it wboieseoxe-1ook. ing. Many men imagine that bard work- -- lting" they call it-counts foi every- thing. In the long rua the easy-going man who takes time to, think of his bealh and his esoaapearance oufstrips the reel- _ess negleefful "lînstier." Many amen are heid back ia the stnuggle of life by thei personal appearance. Through negleet of the digestion their blood gets fuli of im. purifies and humons whilh show themiseiveK on the face and body la fhe shape of skin; affections, blotches, euptions, eczema andi scrofula. Dm. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery drives ail imparifies from the hiood and cures ail forms of skia affections. It la the greaf blood purifier, liver invigoratar and fiesh ulder. If corrects ail disorders of the digestion. Thonsands have testified to ifs aserits. Drnggists selliti. Wm. Smothers, Esq., of Miliston, Jackson, Co., Wis, writes: -, Iwîshtf0say thaf Dr. Pierce'e! Goden Medicai Discovery ia the best medicine for the grip that 1 have ever tried."1 «'HeIaltl is the best endowment"I and a heaith-preserver fhe lest investment. Dr. Pierce's Comunon Sense Medical Advlser teaclea womien how ta take cars of the heaith ofteverymeberf the family. It saves docto'sills. If contains îo pages, aven 300 illustrations. Severai chapters are devoted to the reproductive physioiogy of wonen and diseases that unfif yoinng wo- men for' wifehood and young wvives f0- matherlood. For pape-covered copv, seau 31 one-cent stamps, ta coven the cost oi mai'- îag aad customîs onty, ta the Worid's Dis- pensary Medicai Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Forn fine clth btndiag, send 5o stamps. MORIGAGE SALE OF R 9u i oIb fa M11 10 01 !MOM 8~r Under and by virtue of thse Power of sale con- tained la a certain Indent une of Mortgage whlch will le produced at the timne of sale thene wil le affered fGr sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the SIMPSON HOLJSI, ith ie TOWN OF LIND- SAY, 0tm Satllrday, 19t11 Day of JIIIIO,897 At thse iour of 2 O'CLOOK P. M., the follôwlng lands and premîises. vir :-The EAST HA LF of LOT aumben TEN la thse TWELF TH CONCESSION of thse TOWNSHIIP of MAN.VERS containing 10 acres more oriless. SOIL, sandy loam la good state of enîtivation' ,50 acres cleared, 50 acres timbered with edan tamarac, hemlock and ash. Thse said lands are WELL FEN CED and WATEI1El Y a GOOD WELL and a NAThII- AL SPRINII. There are on the said lands a. SMALL OIICHARDa log DWELLING IIOUSE ISX20 feet, with FRAME KITOJZEN 12x2ofeet, a GOOD FRAME BARN 30x60 feef on posts with STABnLES beneath for horsesanad cattie. Distance f rom Frankln 5 miles. from Lindsay 9 miles, from Poatypool 9l miles. There wlll le a reserved bid. The venders slli flot le bond t) rodace anlyabstraets or tftle detds or copise oÎ desaonrabstracts net in tbetr possession. TERMS: One-tenth of the purcisase money CASH at the time of Sale and the balance la ONE MONTH tbereaffer wlthout lnterest. For futher panticulars apply to, MINTYRE & STEWART, Vendon's Solictors. Dated tbe Pltb day of May, A, D. 1897. 23-8w. Th Oc. I Wýat nd Hou.se, 80 MAN VILLE Our Stores Close at 6.30 P. m., promptly. Of Cotton llosiery enables us te off er special prices and give extra values -while this lot lasts. Now is your op- portunity-See these Snaps- 25 doz. Hcavy Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, Stainless'in8, 9 and 9 j, cheap at 15e per pair, oui- price 10oc pc pair. 25 doz. Ladies' Seamless Feet and Stainless JIllack CotLton Hose, sizes 81, 9 and 9h., eap at 12-1 per pair, our price 10e a pair. 25 doz. Boy's Ileavy Ribbed Stockings, Seamless Feet an dl Stainless IBlack, sizes from 4ý. to 9"- worth 12ýe to 25c per pair, our price from 8c to 15e for large sizes., A This is an exceptional chance te get Hosiery -very cheap and just at the time thcy are wanted. In ether lines of Hosiery our stock is very coinpléte, special value in Ladies' Fine German ilose from 15e Up. Boy's elothinmg, We seli Boys Clothing very cheap. Two piece Suits for small boys at $1.10,$1.5 and $1.65 Suits pleated front and plain back. At $1.90 and 2.00 niee Tweed Pleated Coats, back and front. For larzer Boys' wc have them at $2.85 and the bemt -wearing tweed you can get for $3.90. W~e aise have a lot cf odd Pants very cheap. Men's Suits and odd Pants and Vcsts at very smal prices. Something lice in Black Worsted Pants just in. A nice Une of Mdns Back Venctian Coats and Vc-sts, cheap. We carry a great range of Ladies' Oxford Shoes priices varying from 75e tco $2.25. Our Ladies' fine shojes are ex- eeptionaliy fiee and Stylish and they are a perfect lit We bave theni in the neýw Coin Toc, a Medium Tee and the Stylish.Pointed Toc, ail made by the J. D. King Co., a guarainteecof gooct worknîanship, wc aise gi-ve our ownï gna'.nite.We have a lot cf Ladies' Tan Oxford Shoes tliat we are cletring iiço at greatiy reduced prices Theý very fincst goods at the price cf common goeds. We have them ail on a counteî- and thcy must go at a price-Sce them before sizes get soid out. Ail sizes in stock at presr cnt from 2 te 7. If you want to see the best snaps ever offered in Bowmanville. See these. Shoc Polish cf ail kinds in stock, Tan, Ox-Blood, Chocolate and Black. Polish that preserves the leather as weli as brightens the boots. Gâroceries. Our Mammoth White Ensilage Corn is an Extra fine ýsample and if you want good resuits from planting Oorn,it will. pay you to get your secd from us.r4) Our reputation for kecping good goods in our Grocery Dcpartment is well known and we cannot afford te sdil anything but the bcst and yeu will find our price 1s right. Highest price for ail kinds ef farm preduce, grain, etc. &41b.W.ae ait t Ni. AILnIL IL-NIw -lu&.,LUI. BOWl'3' MIrb E30WMA 1E. R. BOUNSAI dealer in Fine Mont seription, and ail ki] Ail orders prompi~ manner anîd at rease * ~ait ~.ui& ~ .NVILWE, ONT. LL, manufacturer cf and ý umiental Work cf every de- nds cf Cemetery Work. îtiy fille d in a satisfactory onable prices.nif ÏNew Wall Papern Latest Spring Patterns just arri-ved, a large variety E te echoose from, Iovely designs and prices right. Painting, graining, kalsomining, paper hanging, . e tc., as usual. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Orders may be dropped lu the letter box in door - E of shop, Market Square, or lef t at residence. E JNO. 'C. WEEKS, Bo wmAN VILLE. OJntario Street. The Xfk> el7ieim,ý'IMIý'IM'Ilimiý, ý -e.%e.t e.ly-- ,lu, Wý ý, - - -, .

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