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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1897, p. 7

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Royal Mail Steaniships. Liverposol,oall- ti-g at Moville, for Londonderry, every Saturday, froia Mon- treal, ealing, at Quebee. MONTREAL. QUEBEC. rNnýmidlan. .th May, Daylight. .Sth May, 2pa. lParbdan.. .15th May, 16 May, e a. ru. eatbgiia~ 2May, li2 May, 2Sp.m. California 29 May, 30 May, 2 P. M. *Lanrentian ýiJuine, 5 June, 2 p. M. Numidian 12 Julie' 13 .lune, 9 a. ru. Parisian 19 June, 20 June, 9 a. ru. Icarthaginian 26 Jue, 1 26 Jue,12p m. Ca.hfornia 3 July, I 4 Jniy , 9 a. su. Laurentiani, lat cabin only, Carthaginlan, Sud cabin Only. *Do not eall at Rimouskti or Moville. ]RATES 0F PASSAGE. By Parisian andi Caifornla-Liverpool and Loader-l Cain, $52.50, ,60, $70, 9M; c o~cn, IO R14,~1?, PIS Sd Cabin, (inelut¶. sngLonon~93625.Stera9e -liverpool,Derry, eiai, Gasgow,Landon--$25.fl. By Nio:ýn idan or Laurentian, Ist Cabin, $4520 andl $60; return $105, $114. $120. 'Id Numnidian or Carthaginian, 2nd Cahin (ini. telui Dg Landon), $34. By NumIdian, steerage, $22.50. Express trains f rom Toronto an the 2'riday Morning arrive ai Montreal 6 saineecvaing. -z'assengers eau go on board at once. For tickets andi every informiation ap- pl Y to .A. JAMES, Allan Lino Agent. Bowmanviile COPYRICHTS d&o. Anyonne sending a sketch andi description may ýuckly ascertain, free, whther an invention la probably patentable. Communications. strletiy earsiential. Oldest agency for securiug patents il) Amenïca. We have a Washington office. P'atents 1-lieu tbrougb Munn & Ca. receive epecjal notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautif iii ilunstrat"d, lsrzest circulation ar ansient tic Journal, weekiy, terxnss$iA a year; el.5 six months. Specimen copies andll.AND .BOOK oj PATENTS sent free. Addreii M1JNN & CO., 3ti iroadwnv,New vYork. EMI SSIOS Varicocele, Syphilis. Weaness i i and Diseased Men Gured. 20,eeaprs in MEcb. 40 ears Experience 25QOOOO0 URED. Thousaintis ai young mon are muade narvou s wrecks, unfi for business, so- cial pleagures or home doutes by evil habits in yotb.biter exceses. -or pri- vaie diseases. W, C. Adrew, af Akron, Osayer- "f , ýnat2fih1syaoranti have seon many reports oi.oeral cures muade by Drs. Kennedy anti Kergan. 1 tiecidedte t treat with thoru. Indiscro. tian wss the cause ai My trouble, 1 nas weak and uer-vous; no ambition, back weak pimples on the face; thin anti haggard; oyès sunken anti cheeka hai- 10w; dreama and drains ai niglit; mem- ary poar; varicacelo andi weak parts; Irritable; sinking splia; specks before the eyes; lack af canfidence; noa energy; ant i nany aiher campiaints. I hati trieti foorteen tiactars, bauglit four lec- trio bouts taak scores af bailles af patent modicines-ali faileti. 1 iriedt he New tiethod Trestment af Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, andti t cureti me. i amn a Man Azain. I have gaineti tweniy-Eiixpaunds antiamn strong mentaily, pbysically anti sexualiy. l is a wonderfui ireatruent." lilooti Disease-withi the worst symp- toms:s Ulcers ln tbe moutil ar on the tangue. biotches. eruptians. baIr fallen oui. boue pains, yes reti. stamnach trou- bles. sore tbroat, etc., posiliveiy curet I farever. Yoa. dare not ruarry until cureti. Cuirea guaranteed or no psy. 1,We cure Syphilis, Nervous eblity, iyVaricocele, Failing irnlsood, Stricture,e ' leet, Unnatus-al Dscharges, W e Parts, Biaddcr anti Kidney Diseases. Consultation Freea. Books Free. If unable tû alau write for Question Bllenk for Home treairnent. Everythiag confidentiai. Noihing sent C. 0. D. îÀO CURE NO PAY Oe R S. KENNEDY & KEftGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, Usadti ia sy tint exoept an argument aus helti in withbhit anti britile il woniti he« sra*ta r-un away; but a "goati stary " neetis brakes as ,veil as bridae; ranti as ton taik about oli)er people, -il is pieer matiness evea ta start il, for sinlo.se gossip is a rarity. 3.Dehalti, eeput bits in lia bar-ses' nutuths. Reviseti Version: «"Now. ,if ave pp-It te horses' ba7idies into heirmoulis we t uira about theîn viote botiy aiea." MosItaoen rush aili ful force ai actis alaong moral palba mu wliicb heur la gues tirst besitnntly ventur- eti. Britiuinglie tangue bnitiies lie bady la a degroe tinttow aio us recogaiso. T lIlieny aoy us. Ta gel the fuil menang, raiiime be orl pic- turc. Lt ila ns if Jsmes saiti, "JIbhi ay tu turaitbo h ody, lie* lite is final la tara n tan tmgue ,the wortis. Contrai your-seît moally nsl you contrai a hoise pibysially. Evekyone bhm abserveti how a. Iatiy atofimuenr.e-cdu a wha na-à lion, baffi been Iurne tram ane, set ai conivictions antiaclivities ta anotilher by li» takiigueofoneana mnt. iAntiau'r indivitinal tangues are as influentiai on oui persanai lives as are he tonguen af 1 e n mtfion on the national - lite. 0f course, lu alltaà James La presenming juat aone aide ai aj t-ruth- Thora [s af ton as ave bave saît in tihe inlrüduetory note, wvicketi- ne-s in silence. Tha egirce ut G-ad is a s;pur toaa man as, w-ail as reins; but tle qpwale-cii agannt whiici lie ap- esIle Ure wJirnis us is iblat ai carelessa tark. 4. Beihaiti aiso lie sips. Thisi figure ta al l tL u trong'er wi.en ave tiink of sailing vesseIs, lheeoniy ikindti t cross tbj ea onl Janies' day. Aitibaugi an- cient shipe wi.eelingenerni esmali lu companisan wi-hI modern ocean steam- ers. yeltitey were lange in bulk, great. TIlbi slàp vehàI ccnvayeti Panila Mal- ta containeti 276 persans. Tien, lao, they aero tiriven ai tierce, or, a- tic Revi-set Versian lias il. "raughi" winds. The forces aio lita- less us as 'roughlv as lie ,wilds s a soagaing vessel. Yat are tmiay lurneti about witb a very ami i m-r Re5y&letiVersioin "rudter." Inutaucentvessai-s'il w-as an oan vvrked by a kn'ti. Wbiitbr- ,oover lhe govyeTnor Ilistethi. Reviseti Versian, "W.hithersevor tie impulse ,oi thie htersmijn wileti." 5. Theo ngua [is a littiemember. Do net confine lums coatrast la lbetrîalînose ai lie langue anti iargeneiss ai lie hody. Rather, eake lie tomgueý forw-bal it stands for, aifcasuai retuark. conver- sation, argument, cursa, hiessiag. Pro- hnbiy fia other par-t ai nny one's activi- lice le ns 11111e Ibouglit about or plan- ned tor as niaI ana says. Boastelli great tbings. Ciaima muci. Beialti, iow gront a malter a 11111e fir-o ki- dieti. Reviset Voir-sion, "Bleholti, bow mach 'wood la kindieti by iow emali &x tirel" anti acçooding ta lie margin il mny rend, "Bebaiti, iow great a for- est is kindiedl" MLIoai bli leulamoat iivmoly anti graphie picture of lie im- portance of 11111e lilaga. 0. The longue is a tire. To war-m anti enligiten or latilestroy. Ai wor-id ai iniquîty. "Abr organisni conlaïning w-itbin ilseif ail evil asjii.-Mri Rl. Vincent. "W completIe reperlary ai ail Wickedne3s,'-ýAlford. lit tietileti lie, avile body. For whan a man las spoken an evil word leia t reatiy ,ta commit a corre«ponding e-cil act. Final w-e ink, tlien ave speak, thon waeact. 'Oflan, toa, a suggestian is matie in con- versation, eepaecîaiiy in stor-y-Iehing, wbich tees not ocansciously togradtei speaker, ibut "dot les," or "sets on tire." hlm Whoahears. Setteli. :"'Sets the whoie wonid on tir-e" The Gr-eekt w-anti aas usetiofat acircuit af tortifica- tians anti ai cir-cies or zones ai landi ami son. Il la set an tire of heul. Thee o-ii word Ia ils nigin in île o-cii henni, andtihle evtii benrt is onlyl e-cii hecause Sntan's sent is liere. '7. Every kintiof aibeats. Reviseti Version (margin), "e-cor-y nature." "The natures ofthe four grat or-dors liere enumerauet Lavýebeeixu brought ndtio oorutlrolî bythlimeknure und gentas oai man"-FVhedo. s tameti anti bath ibeEyn ameti by manikind,. Dr. Marvint Cildren Cry â'ýU Osles geillous Inviention Biy a Ger-nîi Professer-. No mare bannions in pianos. The tlt-tasilaneti meoofaipauntiing masic out ai wires by tie air ai a Won- dertully compflicateti system ai lever-s anti keys wbici ail lie w-or-id Ibougil ta ho lie ultimate perfection for- lie production ai tint sont ai tpne bas hoon branieti as n back number. Dr. Richard Eisoniann, ai Berlin, for- yoars a pupil of Prof, van Helmholtz, bas palenteti a sysleni wbici does away witb lie le-cor-sentir-ely. Bei -ale Ibhis new appliance lie eloctro-p banic piano, Its distinctive pninciple cansisting in lhe tact tint lie vibrations ai tie char-ta are net produceti y hamulers, but by an eleclnic curîreat, anti by means ai microhones acting as inter- ruplors of curnts. Ail the douýante anti compiex mecian- ism ai lhe aid piano Ib doue away aili. The lithoe electnua devîces are ar-nangeti on lire crasspiece oxtendin aor- the strings. Upon Ibis elecînuc magnels are placet sa as la hoc oniy a iair-'a bredttiframeinte strings. Pressing dawn -n i ksendti îlera- truc current itmb le carrespontiiug lecîro-magnel. ,This attracîs lie metallic string below, but lie micro- piano interraptsthue tiurrenl anti tier-ewith lie attraction, Tic string relar-as ta Ils for-mer place, andti Iis conlinueti attraction anti interruption ai tle carr-nt ilacr-rieti ou, lie nuni- ber- ai vibratian hing regulinteti hei pitci ai lie string. Tic higi sountis praduceti by Ibis metollithave a dti'det bar-p loue, anti lie lower- and middtle negielers suggosî lie 'cella or- lie angan. In ienlity, lie installation ai Ibis noir systeni or- ales a new iastrument, sa different ar-e lie qunitios ai fsounti praduceti y hyie new meliotiandte lie i. THE NAVY tiF JAPAN. Tire I'cwes-fsi Ficet to e 191111ilt Dlrr- tihe'texi'ell.vears. The naval programme oi Japan Ia receivedti ley sanie modifications, The tour firsI-cias cruisers-will bhofai9200 tons enci, iustead ai 7,Ei00, as tiret cou- templaleti. Betaveen this proseul lime anti 1906, Japan pur-poses ta have tle iallawing n-ar fleet: Six iranclatis, first-cîas hattio slips, tram 12,510 ta 15,240 tous; anc iran- clati ai seconticlass anti 7,335 lana, six prolecteti cruiserofai9,200 tans oaci, seven seconti-clasa cruisers ai mare lina 4,000 tans, six Ilirti-clasa cruisers ai 3,000 tons, taveive craisers ai lie tourth-clase, anti av-t 1,500 tous, tir-e tar-petia guaboats, ai 1,200 tons, taveive torpedo catcher-e 115 tar-peti aate, anti 25 gunhoals, etc. One ai titi first-cias cruisers aili ha hut lu Japan; ane ir-auclad i s alr-eatiy building un Engianti; one tir-al-clasa cruiser bas heen ortienet in France, anti anather in Germauy. Two secanti-clasa cruisers ar-o building in Amenrica. This programmue las been laid ont witb a vieav taeitle opening ai tie Rus- sian Trans-Siherian Railr-and ant i t the Baussina naval construction ina-u pro- ceeting. iý Plt-Cher'sCstra iKEEP THE SKIN SOFI AND 4WHITE WITH SO4a* B EST INGREDIENTS SMAKE IT GOOD. S BE SURE AND .... GET THE GENURW 'niTe Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. 4 Montreal- THE VALLEY 0F PAIN. HOW -ONE WOMAN MADE RIER 0 ESCAPE. 0 A LIFE 0F TORTURE CHANGED TO; A LIFE 0F COMFORT AND HAPP1- NESS BY KOOTENAY CURE. Of anlIhe intense anti persistent tarins ai painon0e can scarcoly conceive ai anytbing .more ngonizing ihan Neuralgin. Its victim la ane ai those that tiravis forth aur sym- pnthy anti puy as ail efforts ta, effect n cure wiîh the artuîrary remetiies signnlly fail ta do anytbing mare than gi-ce the meresi' tempoary relief. Unhauntiet jay'shourît fil h ihlenris otneurnîgie sufferers aitlrc annauncement tint in Kaotenay the Il 0w ingretient " la effectiog miracles i0 tise way ai bnnîshing the excrucinting agany. which bas rentereti their lives a Corse, perbapa tar yenrs. fi Mrs. William Jutige, ot Crumln, P. O., in the Caursty ai Middtlesex, avent betare C. G. Jarvis, a noir-y public ai Ontario, anti matie a salemn declaratian (safilrmly tilt sbe belle-ce in Koolenay) ta the effeci ihat for many years she avas an intense sufferer tram Neuralgia. She says tatj the pains in ber bond anti neck avere s0 sever-c sheoaugbt she naulti bc e r reasan. i She Ibas taken Rvckman's Kootenay Cure anti willingly testifies it bias been ber salva- tion, anti belle-ces that aithout ît she avaulti no-uv hoin the asylum. This lady bas hadti he deep shatiow af suffering lifteti tram her lite. She bas been transporteti tram the Valley ai Pain1 ta the Hill Top ai Health-and nîl through Kaotenay. Mrs. James Kenny, of 3o York St., Hamil- tan, Ont., anti any others testity under out.il; iow they were releasetitrm soffering thn iugh the agency ai Ryckman's Koieny Co-c. parlicurlars o heecases ilb maileti yoîr by sentiing yaur atidressethlie Rycknan Medicine Ca., Hamifton, Ont. Teremnedy 's nuaL dean, ane baille lnst:f arnnb H-W. SUNDAY %CÏIOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JUNE 6. sin4 cfr theTomagio." .Iatites ;i.1-13. <Golden Text, Pmati a34.13, J3RAGTICAL NOTE4S. Verse 1. My bro tîran. TIe' apostie's stantipainl, says Dur. Wbedon, l in ite Chrictian synagogùe. De not .any masters. Rei'ised Version, "many telaciers." This seenis ta roter ta lie exhortation af James 1. 19, "Be slow ta speak." Il la a reprehension of self- canceiteti anti self-appointodti eaciers of doctrine wio maintain their pensanal inations in isoiblia_ anti in pri'vale, anti tieprecate anti sometimos maliga thase wio cannat cansciontiously agreo witi them. It doe osaat forbiti or check Sabhatb scool instruction or tie ex- pression of Christian exponionce. One of lie parUs of the Jowisi synagogue Iwas iLs tamiiiarily wîti contr-aversy, jwici atten became angry anti lotita publia scandai. We. "We, lie eaci- e rs." Shah receiva lie grenIer con- domitation. Reviseti Version, "lie heavier judg.ntent." iWe shall ho caîl-. edti t îicter accoatu. Inuheir faibles, 1 asi weii as, in liair halier allainnients, lite primitive CIr-istians were evitiently, like CIr-istianas of lie present genera- tlon. i ,1 C. I'n many liings we attend ail. Aý 1 beauliful spirit la siown'by lie use ai, liae pronaun "ae," by whicli James bore, joins huiseif ta lihe persans ho ýr-e- proves. Insteatioft "attend aill," lihe, Reviseti Version, reatis "wo ail st-ulm- hie." We ail have anme fr-ailty; we, ail are ukîwise; ail are apt ta make mis- takes,. even w1hen ave set onir-selves, uil as tacions of oliers. "In manY tiings-' mens nat tint ave attend many people, huit liaI aur weaknesses.'are ai many sorts. If, any man attend not. Re- viseti Version, "If any stuonbleli nat." LIn wowd). 1speciailly in bis avortis as a, lancier anti debater lu tic synagoýgue; butaloianl quiter lite. The sanie is a pe-rfect man., Is able ta connînai every tacuity, tar Jameýss Ibouglit is tintthe. longue is lie bar-test faculty ta con- trai The aviole body. "The body, as; VJie argan aifIlie saul, with ha ssuuep- tdilities ta tomptation. anti ils instru- mients of righiu doing anti wrong do- ing."-WlVeiun. Proably more peoplïb niho protoas -ýta ho religions lave thein pxafausionls belioti anti refuteti by their avordsa lban iniany Oalaiway. This la erapbnticaliy tineo f cautroversy, ai the teliing oa anecdotes, antiai gaýsaip. Piata R. Vinent wauiti translate "by the nea- ture of man." Nearly ail of those beasîs which we now -spe&k of; as dam- estic animais ara savage animais tam- echTh horse, anti dag, anti cal, anti pig, and ox were ariginally as wild -as the zabra, andi wolf, and tiger, andi boar, and buffalo. 8. Thetangue ican fiamnan lame. "Na one af mon." ~But Gad can. Na wiiti beast ever tâameti it.seif, man tam- ed it; na human boing ever tameti him- self. G-ad tamies hdm. An unruiy evil. Unsettieti, restiess evil, incapable af ro- sîraint, fuillaf dentily poisan. The sianti- erer and lhe tempter ta evil poison hurnan lufe. 19. Tberewith bicas we Goti, uven the Fathier. TRoviseti Version, "the Lord atnd Father," a cambinatian of termas useti eisewhere. Therewith curse vie men. fie is including himiselt by cour- tesy among the mon ho repraves. Verb- ai abuse of aur feiiow-men iq practicai cursing. Matie atter lie similitude of G-ad. Thie likeness of God in wbicb man was matis bas nover boen destroyod, thougi it is marret.i. Veoaught ta rev-i erence in aurseives and othors the rem- fiant of-lie, image of the Creator. 10. Ont af the same mouth praceedeth biessing and cursing' "The tangue," says A&esap, "lis at once the haest $und, theworst of tbings." My brelhran, these things ought nat so ta ho. Wa cannat serve Gati anti mamman. 11. S-weet water anti bitter cannaI comae tram tie same spring. 'Not oniy nat in tha East, but bartily in 'ie Weat," says Dean Stianley, l'ean any fauntains and saurces of streams be seon 50clear, sa fuii-graxneven st their birtb, gis those w iiob falitinto the Dardan anti its inkes tiraugboul ils wboie course tram norti ta souti." Tiare are brackisb streams in tie East, as aisowhere, but naone, streamu la at once aweet and braukisi, anti no tangue is at onie pure anti foui, at once kinti anti cruel, lit mnay seein sol but the moral chareaoteir of tie owner ai lie tangua la a)f tie ana sort or, af lie allier. i 12. Can tia fig trea, my brethiren,, bear olive berries? eithar a vine tigsf i No tree can brirjg forthl fruit incon- sistant wiiti its own nature. James mentions the fruit treffl most Ifamiliar in Palestine. Sa can fia fountain bath yield sait -water and fresi. Muci ter- ser i sîhe Reviseti Version, "naith- or can Sait trater yieid s'weet." Read the stan- ai the bitter waters of Marah, Exati. 15. 23. andtihle unwholesome sPring at Jericha, 2 Kings 2 19-21. The Grat Sait Ses was but sixteen miles fram ,lerusnlem. 13. Whn le a wise mail and endueti with knovvladge aniang you. Remember that James starteti ont ta speali of the wa'rk of publie, boaciting. His consider- alla nof ail other uses and abuses of the tangue is incidentai ta tint; andi be haroe sys that if la the Churci wlse lersans are [ound l(hey andi they only Fbouid bha eeected for the office ai teaeher. Lot hlm show out of a gooti conversation. Let hlm pour forth like a fotîntain -"by Uis good life,"' Reviýsot Veision. "ovrain"now linited ta tnlk, originai]y meant the w baie au- tivitY cf lita. lis warks. His acts of piety. ' Wiîh, meekness of w-istiom. "Witb meekicnee," whicb is a pr-opbi attributes of witiara. I"Meekaas," sgays Dr. Hamilton. "las lave at scheol-iove aI the Sav-iouir's schoDol. It is the dis- ciple iearning the defeoits of bis own c.haa-ter and talking hints from. hos- tile ns weil as fnienxfly monitors. It le the disciple praying anti watciing for the impirovemeat 1aoflits talents, the m'ellowing of his lamper, the ameluora- ùl o ai is character. Lt la tie Chris- tien Ienrmnng of Ulm wha ta meek and lowly. anti indlng reslt for bis saul." AN ELECTRIC PIANO. i w gi si or aO ba t' ni TI sh c( he cit CD ha Go $a th Pe rai est pi di Prl do, la, tes r- Iig sin di tu] ML sto ing YOUJNGFOLKS, POLLY. Mise aneyags thoe sunnise Bath overvieweti afar, Nýon in the dawn-encbhanted skies fleheld the marning. star. But Paliy trips at five o'clock Acro;seslte twinkling dew To milk tie co-ws 'INeath appie, baugis, With petais driftng t'brough. Miss Moneybags. the balirooni Adarns w-tiI geins agleani, And sinks ta rest with tadeel bloomi, 0 f c q u e r a d h a r t s t a t ir e a n i. 0'ut wiuaen hlygos abed Anti eatiy aleeps Anti ever keeps The de-wlight iu beýr eyes. Miss Maneybags in satin May dazzle haiftheia svrid, ,Anti oft the giance of Envy wîn, fladiamondeti anti bpearled. But Poliy in a Cottan gaw-n- \Vihat neeti bath seeof art, -When just ta >ie Her lissante giee Bath robbeti me of my UeàÉtt TAKING TIIINGS EASY. The active, restiessa woman wia at- tempts ta crawt itoaber lite i vork anti accomplishments of lwo, tEndi whoý feels tînt lime spemnt la rost is losI, will finti soner or inter tint ber nervas wil gai lie boetter ai ber.,lIn Ibis restiesg- ness anti eoeking atter -uvit does not beiaong 10 ber, the girl ai la-day bas sacniileti ail quietness anti repose. This is a hintirance toanny womnn anti she wiil finti berseli at thirty yenrs ai aga iaokîng much l lterIlian she, ought. She lias beoomda sa acanalomedti t rushing at everything tint aie woars herseli ont, bodiy ant ind, anti na amount ai admonition w-i convince ber tînt sha, caniti do throealimes as, muai by laking Ibings quiet as by rusiing. The as or- ambitions girl attempîs taoo Wucli. She wants ta know as mucl as one friand, ta tiress as well as anoîhor, ta do as murli as lie next one, anti is nover sat- lafieti. This feverisi tiesire ta Rinve, andi te achieve ivill leavo its ugiy lmn- vress. When aIe goes la wark about the anse, sha rushes up anti down stius, slbe buries frain one place to another anti wben seba tiunaly does sit dawn sIc la "taootireti ta rest." It she studios she goes at il with sncb lanrce that ber heati anti oyes aube afterwartis. Wbat- ever &ha tdues bectunes as a mattor af lite anti doati ta ber, anti roquiros twice as miucli stnengîb. fBar menle are ont on in a iiujrry anti ben food la no alnf inasticatoti. Aid Ibis ondaugers perfect health, anti wben the girl linnlly breaks tiown tram the aIrain on ber nerves anti strength, natbing but quieter methotis, plenty of fresi air anti a naur- ishing diet vill henefit ber. lIt certainly la very coamentiable in any girl ta bearn as muci. as sbe can, but il shaulti nat bha llowedti laovertax the nerves. If one tbing is studieti anti tînt well tearned t i, t e nougi2. A girl cannot da everytbing anti ho profîcient in ail. If it is ber gooti fortune, yes, very gooti fortune, la stay aI borna andi iolp about the. vork tiore, let ber do tint woll anti in aL deliherate antiquiet nainnor. Aboyealal things, evory wo- man shouiti know low ta port or-m bousebolti tulles, ta make lita pleasanl for allers, ant t make a port oct home. She, shoulti, tieretore, nat take upon hersait 'unneoe;ssary wark, anti aIe ougit ta avait as muéb as possible ai] rush anti- iurry. Sie shouiti leain ta ha tInt loveliest of al lhi.ngs-a rosI- fui woman. Let ber learn ta îalk quiet- J ly ant i wtbaut exciternent, anti not inanopoliza the ontira conversation. Re- membar a gooti listemuer is interesling, too. Let ber bearn to walk evoniy anti restfully, anti nat rush andti ar. Sha dues wlat was intendeti for ber if sie makes anti keeps býer-self well anti ýstrang. Lot ber rest occnsionally. Dif- tar-ont people rmny finti rost in ditter- ent wnys. Sanietinti il in a Change aif occupation, same, in raading, olihers in sittng dawn in an eaey chair anti cloS- i ing thie yos 'or ton minutes-but rost tie husy ivomnin neetis anti must lake. Lot ber do the work viich belangs 10 ber, ant Iif tint la properiy dane-anti tuit moans wilhout bur-ry anti rush-I sie bas done enougi. TUIE GIRL AT HOME. f Tiore la a longing lu many a country gif-i's benrt for City lite. 'Sh'edream.s of t i -nber quiet country homons tuil of hrigitness anti. eauîy with fia loneli- 5 uts r i t Wii be pleased once !se qQmantity, twice lu qEîaIitgý and thrc tiniIn Frice who inspect tîkc unequaiied assorLment of Sippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &i,., At our Store, aWBEAVER BLOCK,-m lwmaaîl BIQGGEST STORE, BIG-&EST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invated to cali and @e otur Rew 10ovîea TaB SUQE MÂ9I1 _çà Cm-==, îess or aveari-nessfan anyane. True,, tome of lie starles sh Inas heard about .1 lave toaleret ttdea. Possihly sic uns matie n vieil. or1wo ta lie cily anti anly thon seen lie brigit site. TInt craze among avaman and girle ta go out inia the wavfortita aork is.a ve-ry at featOre, ai aur limes. Wben Ibis ho- comea naeessary ut is ail right, but very if ton it 15 nat. Tiere rut plenîy of work to da in the home, anti utmoiuier anti fatber neeti thoîr dagîhter there, aie wiul, if ahi t aiso, romain lu Ion homo. Tiha aoman avîa ecepe intaoior plieras but berawmn isnot lie anceavia wiii make tlie hesî lame uhea aie is nîlleti upon tataose. Thýe prapon caro cf a lame te knoawbedgc avîral -eyery gir sbîsulti ho pranutianti aamaiuing whici overy giri siaiultiknaw. Eve'n if île couintry girl's lýite la de-, void ai exciiemnent anti is uineventul, she las nu avoir-y, n6 tempmations, andi uit haifthe ugly uitle crasses tintthe gi avi avrk-s in a big city msitIear. Sha lives aquieter lite, brea;thesa apur- r nîniospbero, bas plemaîy uofavole-' orne foot anti slaoep anti cauaequently bas boîter 'beaitli. Han houseiolti luties lbava hane tor miud improve- ment andti tatarn same ai lie usetul ir-t. Ifi aie cares, ta slndy sie ray to si because, aie lins inainterruptions. 'le average c«Untry girl las a far aer- xchance ai hecoaning n ienlliy, bappy, usetulvoman than liheaver-age, 'ily girl avlamust Ineesaarn hion v ving- pr-ahably -mua sa minci becnuse tic avuiti not lava eougila onat anti 'enir, hbut beýcause aie avants mare anti ,eter Iliags Ihan ber parents c=à i- or. Tlulre le unuci af tInt amn.gt .lty girus. Fruni Iis lie girl ta tle rnuntry escapes anti is far marc lruly iappy. AN ELABORATE SUICIDE. A tiospalcl tram Chicago,says- 'ontiet by lis wife's extravagance anti >er dfomealia troubles, Prafeesor fillinm F. Milîhan, dancing master, ommitîed suicide untier tragia circuni- tances ear-iy on Tulesday mur-ning un he Clamber ai Commerce building. 'r-ding himseli apon the hrasg guart -iiai lite tbirIeeati fiaor, lie ligi- st building, tramn an inlerior vieu intt, af Chicago sky-scrapers, tle rncing masîer lenneti againat an ir-on iana anti reilecteti a moment. Looking lownu lie vieil halo itblie cour-t hc- ow tram bis iatty positian, lie pro- san deltber-atoly extracleti n Ilir- '-1w-a calibre revolver tram is hp rckel anti placedthle mn}zzio ta bis igît temple. Lenning a lnifloiforaant r-e proiessor pailedth le triggen. anti imuitaneonsiy plungot heatifaremesl &wn tle welila tite court. Af ton urniag hait a dozen somensaits ln itinir lie ifelesa hýoty-struck li te aonc floar tînt upon ils back, býreak- g osery banc ini it. IL 't I I GLADSTONE TO BE KNIGHITED. In addition to the earldom, which. ln accordancai witlh arrangements al- ready mnade, the Queen is tu confer up- jon Mr. Giadstone's youthfui grandson, the reai owner of Hawarden Castle-of whîch his grantiparants are oniy life te-nantrs-it is asserted that Her Ma- jesty wtll further signalise the sixtiath annuversary of her gFuccession ta, the crown by appointing the grand aid mian a Knight of the, Garter. Mr. Giad- stoina has until no<w aefused ail titular honora on the ground that h&.wishes to go dawn ta posterity under hie owý;n Inama, and as a great comnmoner. Baptist Young People's Excursion. One of the picasantest trips of this summoer wilil e that af the Baptist -young people ta their annual conven- tion to be held in Chattanooa ., Tennes- see, in July next. The officiai route for Canadians wil l e the C. P. R. R. t«s Detroit, the Cleveland, Cinc 'innati, Chicago and' St. Louis (Big Four Route) fram Detroit to Cincinnati, and the Louisville and Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railroads froin Cincinînati ta Cliatthiioo.oa. . Returninig. tickets -will be g'ood.to stop over at Nashville Exposition and Mammoth Cave. One fare for round trip fronî i P points i Canada, and speciai brugicars trami Toronto. For fuli iniformtion atidres Fred L. Ratcliffe, Canadian Transport- ation leader, 21 MeMillan street,1 Tor- onto. Ont. C. S. Blackmnan, G. E. A,. Big- Four Route, 447 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. 28-3,V. 'AN BIIPO$RCG GIET. Mrs. Ekrbeak-I woonder what wa'd botter give Cousin Eimiy for a wod- dfii' present e Lt ought ta o besane- thi'ng cheniy that will make a big show. Farmner Hhbrnbeak-Guess we'd better give her a lcat of hay, thon. A WOMAN OF HIGH PRINCIPLE. Woman, saiti aIe, is actuateti by prin- cipie, and flot by the sarditi business instincts that datainate man. Thnt explains, isaid ho, why she will %pendi thirty cents in car tare to savew twa at a bargain sale. The principle af the tbing, you know. D EST FOi an L DEST FOR DIÀ s i ON~UALLC FOR-U -11. , CANADA SAL rAss 770AN, fC nN, ur

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