TH E SUND)AY SCHOOL. î 1IqTERNATIONAL LEISSON, JULY 11. Ur v vLiuii i1 .etU APORAL -l -- me1, i Jexcited by prejudice observes neith- e 1IQ ets. e! av; n r jusUte. QI) Crowds never L ~~stop ta ea sDn or te judge impartial- >eP r a ka e VOlae,. stte. orth AkPacage a minet' poulait thy ubmitted 11,o-an sae te ictrnof hesctourge Z, a sirppe, stetchd wth crdsor Bec IjU tc pal 1nngs faon a wooden frame, and, ly- coflsCt ctito les a.iing upon ài*fa face,. was beaien with breadth for e M lI rois te a deree that aliways covered t n txdy vvith blood, and often resulted oi n speedy deat.h. AND a t isi- O l.i s Oflo ic teCted 23. IVliny s r e . By Jewih usage bva strcng I omlgurate. Do îlot ceufolind (Aevclaîids Wtvit1 h iea-tîD eels tfllCWýII fl;îùted; bttr ecieO Loai lv,ý Zoehrb n~ cî idi no limit. Into prison. The worst LG O Dg 4 1-i. ~. LQZ I & CO T Q' Q f n acet lethendoau. Te iarettes. N Twer folunventited, pestilential 1 places, where the manacles rusted on E E Y V E E Agns- SN& DALE, Fowmanville. th rsre' ibRETAIL EEYHR.E yhapof e' iuis dwee er lght penetrated. 24. Thie stocrs.A' havy beam. imtite___________________________________ ~u~uiau ~t~t0~~au A PEU ULIAR CASES A THE WORLD'S CURRENCY. lch the f eet %ere astened wide apart unofhewyfaitopeet-TE AN D N_ AT M N ______ _____________ onpn~oiI h aehckis, ail 5ore anmd w ounded, on the diabrebuclrman.Toi. tioigiirie.,lhiiSemas 1nterestine. Ur.dnec lo... . in lis lieuse. IBis farnily, the ETBIHD15 WF4DINE$SDAY, JUýLY 7, 1897. DISTRESSING RESULTS FOLLOWINGi Two vQry interesting questicus have '5.AtPulan ls r uer Jailv ersad ereaapsn te coin-SH 85 _________________________ ACINTIN.been offered by ensetof ur FngIish pelones5were'auaeetInth radva.nce, o$ .50t conemorre, nJ hchar rrev were tettered an the stociks and unahesrps.Tspyble at he dso ecnemlorr;e, nd whih ae rr te t stnand t kr el te t-eý 3.nslied hei the pe. Te weunds vetisngrats uissis ' A Young j»aughter or 1ava liclardy, of touchusti upen excepit rom the dry- anirhitnesi, eLe rer oetthe prisoners had remainsdthus frtar mt, 10 cents per une, nouparie first in mr, EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN Fergas, the Vietnt-Ilas Sufféred the as-dusi standpeint et sta tisticians. praisesl. rh 'te slm eSangd, ctotted bleed w as sled; aw theand ehun oed, cents per lin hsbe. -r-a LiaI#nd tSurgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Mlalou Itense Agimy-Doctors Fald te They are:-How muuach ce;unis 1tharo tmul er toail Jems alis orevid, ey reivslod caeful mini ayatratie,0ctpeln trm .. A eS.Fuls r offieand Resldence. Enniskilien. 74. lieuslBer. fiaicltinisdW.t stemnymia'r t il etin sc.persenr 1>ERESt8~Frumu u a .ergus e ývsi.crputite parts, ony hirta-n og. Prsnesgratetul liauids. Vas baptized. 'This __________________ lMeaURKE imvcgy peR ecord m thus ectionof dilteren a tsof o ýewas the token that lie had taken Christ R SO.ICTOR &-n MOIUS- Nexlyeve; pnýonin his*secion-woldheartd. These -Mers flot generally la as Lis Master, andi henceferti was te apBT1i SLTOTOR ~-m. 05'is jSacquaIttecuwitwih àr. -David !Vie, wr ville. E, uutai r heKngrce.Bank e. arytropular leader ef St. An- Answerin-, the ftimi question tha eaaecis ii ~ ecuis; per-lis îdeimInze os dscpe. mantiof2 shî~l1nes lacet t ta lw'ut ~îs tren'~c!rli chair, lt ergus. Our T5-ý writer states that et the titre, ot r oa.,m tbLe dungoeon sIitlithe 1ail s. lnnal vr etn __________for er called upo.n Mit. AMclardy ut lima valuabb mandium-golti, silver and pa- aLpastles. (2) A preqa nmay be made bntm ibacizted viiA ts e id, thecwhei t omne ln Lper fNiol recentiy andti' . . r t a apalace if Christ tailylnatisd ithitshed, redg Ï0T OUNY-.train him adci is estimnablentifeaa taiS per-there la over i1,0,OOtO n cir- n ition ot the unity et the whole tam- FFICE INTHE WES DURHAMof terri here. (3)> What men are je etflmcrelY. D g sin 0FFIC liN HE WST DUHM~4of teribl suttering was eliciteci, sut- culation, divided. as foliv:Gold, 83,- ne i iue Wihwscn-D g sin 0il New BIock-. here himself or assistanat erinag that hlasbrought a on'e excelm- 775,000,000; cilver. e3,975,000,000; papaer ilprile hnwlee hyae ected wÂtLh the prison. Set meat. Lit-Smedarsttepm f wil b fundfrin8a.m. te 9 p.m. Nigitcel tionally itrong andb!atycid. li'ainaltliy cuuldpal ýf reEsidenee.diiecilyolumposite Drill Shedi. Callir thea vergsetfthe grave. Ile subjeca e4,400,000,009. Cepper coins are net ta- :26. Tiaere nosariagrenu enurffhuake, erally, "set a table." Paul and Slas imitations te obtain a big profit. y telegrapli or îv1aphone will recoive promept of tisasketch, Lena M'cHardy, la tour, hken into consideratien. Tire waa (td's ansn avr te theïr pra er,, Lsd received'ne tfood sina their arrest. See that the trade markmnane terition 11c leen years et age, andi lier parents say1 Th-- comparîson oftihe gold coin ]el d wxas the divine sigmitliat the pris- ie'cd13wtrnfredte Ttt rti e nec e isirli as, netgrown nany snaE lhier inessin affrnt nations is show ,n by a ta- iner,0"ereget-unn)icetifreinonplh.cul ete inte, oy nes hrita.pcag. 0ecupufrae SS i diter saine, peele mra ire nlyoneswli bocsl£d prgas R.* PLA T E Tailor I ea ebteersadalatae ie xvhich pilaces France in thetirst Fonaio s..;saken. (4) Goti knows have a gight te liecliappy. Blieving lu7"ý: illr errbl ruffriigdates trontm i 1 Gentemen's ClothesMade to Order. tmm Ie e was vaccinatýd lu June, 1894, place, the United Kiagdem second and irow te, delilver irs peopýle rrm the pew- Geti. This exýps'essien wouldlie used _______________________ilt i iai cira lias since undergene lias thea Unitedi States third.- In silver coin er ef thaîr eemes. ~the dcrtonle ms wlo lade been said heienhi third, witTed. l Engpat, pr rs _ff__Of__a____ vntect5w0me sipet ~i . Bu MÂCùa\i 13 j.the deejiest synpatliy of ail India helds first place, France second, n'O ld lf aat eiasofliingin ~Christ" onid m Ie f somimpl Ai- ersatJen nmit vi. .Ytciiardy anti land a poor fifth. 'This answers the loseti. As tlie prîlsoners were chain-1 rýc orieg hýYa rn yen wealtla. Write J iNWEDDEPRBIIRN & ('0., Patent Âttor. iris w-ata, the, tollowiag tacts were ;second queseion. ed te rings or staples inte waltliey CRUELTY OUTWITTED). es, Wasmmngton, D. C.. for their $1,00) prize citer 1 NT 'I.elicited; "fîve0 years ago lastI ln twenty yeaas the apecie reserve Mvers set free-s ihn th e tones were .mnd ls ftwe humdxed inventions wan tS.," saîdthelime ther, "Lena Ivas in the blisofutthe ivorîti lias trebleti l'osened.Nwl aorEcetIleMc' e Ba1 vaccnaated by a dloctor in Fergus. 'lia while the paper issus lias ceniy riseem 27. i{espel, oft hepr'oon. wovuld have le aSilev aer Mlise. lalVs kiçk lhy n arim nas very tsors ani swollea ail thirty-tliree par cent. The ratio et pa- kulleti hiniseif. Suicidie was ceusideretiC<s' Ii's RSSDSBRA smuler, andi becamesa bal that it wa3 per mensy in general use ta 1870 vva an ihonorabie etinl the ancient Tircugli the conditions et the mer- OFFICE :-Rear of M\essrs. a mass et sres !rom tire sheulder te 38 per cent, ianti in 1890 79 per cent. vorld. (Ai Lis very city Brutus anti chant-sailor's lite are n'ot yet wliat tliey Au Englilh Offes' Makes a Fi>r Tiousal,,, tir, elbow. la October, 1894 a largo It aise appears chat the amounrt Of9assius kilieti theanselves te aveiti taîl- sielile speeieisaems-Mlle Jeiîrmey Iluiqvllàter. lupapaxda ir ak vrie1 capital employed la bankîng lias al-i- g i tirte hanis et Augustus. (5) sol.btepeen vl r s- LieutnnClnlWtrmltr Iligiubcýtha L Sn'iJrug lio -er bangs. iLs decier who vaccin- most doulileti ines 1870. Thme chiecks Cliristianity lias educatedth ii e rîtitealy these aet neglect, yatler thlan oe ttaheteathCoelritish s mti tary. ated lier, treateti lier ail that suanmer, paid in ige-v York anti London in oe higlier views ofthtre vaiue et human lite. dewnright aggresstvs cruelty. The olti Strl'don Star) calliug very ftrequeutly, but time matit- montli aggregateti ý5,350,000,000. Suppcsing uliat the pxisoners. 13y the days, w-han a captain feu tliat custem Petarsbiurg who bas just arrivet i i Stre (ow sainie. Lie bave lier di ne gootianti she ___ severe Roaman lawv lie weulti be requiretiodn isi nitzievgvnsm asgrowing weakar anti %veaker. f0e receiva the same puniaimeat as iris tiemantiedti tirilie ehliould kneclk hisieendon lias, la inter igas ema EBOWÇMAN VILLE hcie lummp Iraks eout on lier liack I Onue Rnest bian. prisdars if they escapet w hile in bis crew aboent wlth a marline-spike, are anrstSiu rticuasetbsjcr __________________ anoiher tiomior wis ceusulteti, nlio I--iepiug. eiet.t 1is at iialuihappîîy passeti away. Ik is toîdftiet e esSbra cutiit- aie navéy ai ivaso 8.Pallaid.tatis varyI alud batihn hef atatewalo-ti"etai 2S.8etrbug nauline h '~tTIetll. 11r eonstiiuîion, a4peared ta e Daî'Editoîr.-ýPleksefiutiyi your tons, In thsecoufuisioni as evsrywirhere, dayswfan te taleus "ta Lvrlwtai"19eavig Si.Peteralt rg o eeier D1) , IS I1r iY". leacompeteiy mndermineti, anti lier readers,tlmat if writ ton tocenidanýtially, Paul uas calta anti seit-possesseti. DO tis tclippeS sîltiteLiepel rt 9liere a ed on raltear 4 iahr appetite iLad eompleiely taileti. îleI n'ili Mail, in a ceaicd lettemr, lartîcu- ihyseit na liarm, Periraps some ut- a salor Once outwittetilhie otticer 1y 'lib lied.frliti on slangaryf4. ahre iass docir cailed in gavesaines oui- ]ars otmt genuine. lionest,. boume cure,by teracice o, the jailer show et bis pur- an ingefieus manne anti escapetia lm tre ot nseie o rv w ad ppictins atilanceti the îîîcîm naspronul eiredti tapoiýïe.6. Thýi islathe message of the et nearly tour thousauti miles., For lhun- but mippltition n t gie î i eli 1 ad mn ier, alert ay osel te everyr une wlio Larme hlm- lheavy puaisiment. . dreds ot miles'lie jeurneyeti noght anti patientayiug, t in uitgthr ..sait. n 1rmiinou eilt, as every saLuner <lues, by a lite oeThle mate was a rigit i dscininarman, day, wïtL bt it tle siesp, tulILake Bai- patienwanî b netit. Nine arei aahliliatreet uheernoo tioed, m rvoua elitheymenkedash dW e ae ail iera. be wh usedte mak îlehmei was tiow îishave appeareti sinca chat time, h ut I sexaîil twakuass iigltfse n el -hv entriidb h rnnatsae nabwie e saci rok aîtidiapparti t i lei prts I as re anwekprsnesa a vebentrrfsi i tr ie as ecttil bwinli-kl a e i. Crsif ngutis aaash ouva accord, only, lionever, te swtumied caus'e. I wasrebimet anti te excee .l dtiuim.ts str -~ Oc olbonti by noilier. The cwidldly the quacirs until 1 nearly 29. Calleti for a liglit. Light.s wr aueteywut gitrogit eir gy chilti îecama very puny, ant i tile or lest taiiim i manîslel, buimtai loîlîca1enaetieti te oî, th,,condition ofthtle wr oeqbkyntrybtatigiewsl agru odtola -nefootdn'oulti remala on lier stonch. I amn no % well, vigerous anti streng prison anti bring it te ortier. Sprang but a kaet la a roestae clig te than ing thin n la orn places anti ieapedi up A t aigu aihe wouid tairly rave swith and ti ish te maire tîiscertain menus of n. icte th-, cati îvbsrethe prisoneri if tlieyliraititbe boardi et a - bos'a in oties. Ou Jaauary 21 lia reacheti <.'. 11îIÇDNL)L L. 1D. S-1tire pain lu lier arm anti hack, anti cou- cure ktmow te oal ufferers. I1lmave mme were centinmiel. Came trembling. Over- chair" under tliem. Kiakhta, on tie Russe-Chiasse trea- 1 equenciy hiem'treuiles was aggravateà chiug t e ssiid antin ion iev uni whalimet wltbtire cousciusasas that Anther oethiis amiable otticer's tier, wLhere lie tvas laid up tor a week. Graua freRoasOaiooetofaentntauce, Pu tep nSe aaitentai libeing' nini belieiver iii the uîersa1 tiare muit 0esomeihinug supernatural tricks was to stand by tire torecastie Amnt ae tylnkwsra Sra u rgh ieoys a C of ta yatlnac ut lan. Sire and e lim'eoterhoed et unami, I anmdesirons ef ta the exeat, andt hab t h wncconnectet îooer anti adminisier a kick te tire lasi eihltrSrylui a ed CEOPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICEKLI was lowiy but surely inking. Friands hlî h uCotnt oýrgi h ili thme t-we8ei wbaoi he li4d ftter- aman eut. Tisa was te promoe spry-j cd. ILIere wîll bimeLe trrmians et the ativiseti a treatmeat wiih Dr. Wil- lepn u neiasel eah ieirsi. ihougita nieve quîckly ln sucix ex- nase anti inspira respect. The rush for Sîierlau portion etftirs great raiiway VIALIZED AIR. la.'Pn lsat sals eotheaith anti lippiiess, 1 promiise yen citing memenf.s. ,tiratecastie deor ecanblimagineti, te Vladixetock. In anocimer mrnuih le theiliware triati. f o tire surprise etl perfect seciecv. Atidres hsaip:30. Breuglit chant oui.. rom the sacirmmin tliamking bis stars aslire got ie lKo,-vIrýh okh bohparenta anti friands Lena began \VMi. 'Il. ML Limili), Agoiss' 'S-il eP. dungenjt iehl rvstbl.ati lxuarrveiu Konbrshtoks ta mprouce 5v0uatter begiaing ithe Q0. box 59, St. bîemri, 'Que. dirat must I do ta e Le avetif As la Semebodytiy thtto e l at, honever, taat itvsol iciierai N ew Ta lor S opi u, of te pils__fir_______________, thus sien tire saLuer ftesatiseneed. et andti s mistortune teil te the lotiofet don» buarch 23. Th udrssedwo asbencrrîg nhe amucli gseras .\RITIYn- ON GLA Sprayer, se lan ail great anti cudden crises Dîck H.. tee' twe successive merniaga. This jeurney i nuique, inasmnuci as lietailoring bumsiness la Connectien with bave noi 1et 1sf t lier lianirantiam h aieiwa ewite or paint spirta sts ens o> albtt i attwici vs cemnaian i a îetr tuaucaiiiert_ a ba Wzion's Dry Gondes Store for a nummsr ofyeare, lui Ler constitutioenis 'limg soivery olgasiaee rkea outoc t bliani ds treiebr leu lstrmbei s i apralitile eo methcoeseiilrogeu i ietin haoemineneed busines3s for hîmsesîfaihils mucli improvei untier ithe crenathsslaonas ekowprwud leke t-mt-lyinatngD--exe- repideîice, King n.,west,weraheisprepared 1viti Dr,\tllamms, Finir Pis that berlue ant itirbutýe it wnul cisoit brusirlmh avto, ' ek esm'teti Heandusw tirsmeay inst aiticig maet- one aesr.y ta stylese,snd at lowest prices, For hose Wh, paretsa e uoking for a complets lover tlisaurfae eoftheiaglass, O f course clear tliat iuvas tie sali atîci etf bis thsmatter vne. iutdeuly a happy uien affeinrastatchocey tem hle Liit od'~ i,awilh carry a bal linaetf ura.iMr. anti ldrs. Mcllardy îhanik leouiniub aeulifleed olrLhhsu-int n epoa thuh aet i.A i ece qUIuPIsi mati tieneweet patteraS. ilive hlm Fink Pilla for the preseni. Improae d îLe oint i me tue raut4 itet, slwsg i ' i eaint a-epoa tir o icae te h lm. adsrascitIRsinia trno nvicîts tiongseuTtiraiho cundLLtien of their chilitias iliey liaive at gvhala msi itib el vra gas L mu et, sautd. Suas, as ueti ta e tirowedl an turc et orou aa-rthe. astie eiansColnelandthea J. T. T~L i, donslie' more geedt ian thme scores paln-,e sgasms elst vraPaul, tok part ncire cenvarsation " Who ara yer sievin', anywaly? trtierns-fSberan llaiwaers.mutîle Pashonabe Talerft lottîesa et octor's metilcine xhici steve or'iamp n a lantîu.g direction wii wussdoubtieca longer ihaci the 'Tmin lie hurrieci iy mihe mate, îvloj itue ttmmranpsor.Wir ____________ D . Wium'FatPlaaeabei]to, allenthe suruimius solution te 1maw off Imare sentene given, cln.ugi uliat senn-ci tt o l'lioant egr eme mervlu ie mys se Dr.uilterani i nk reare, Tirt su -andt ce dry thorouigàliy ivithout stre-ak- teramiodies its 555OiL5. Bellee. lal an Itiutas sale in ticenigging betere T"elis m cilvlpn u oagsimmense pul tre blotinlui 1t iter. Thed lsit- ing. WLhie pa )ne lbas basa ýprapar- lira word means mcrea ian n mental thia y5s' nas dis overeti, t limenicier'ati rs up eu gricultorral M O:NEY TO LOAiN~. >1 etin this nwciluis ready ce irrite or pre'cess. Ih includes an acc of cime vibi Itî.is asatisfa4 tioIta att Ibat ~at snrirsine ioi o rc gviug proper lies, thus driving fltse )dirsltesmlt sredrorsl aChitsio'ssiede tLh mt, ia papss aeams isxasÎ mi m e system. Thers are numerees paint uporu. Even r ttiu i- cimupleuie . subm inrt-iese lfai t ed- e Cms aif lJurev racs thcir en-epil' mtaslitai urosesa r los cie au siî- punircomo'eurimiitioms5 niicncaQIi5 on ter lie titûthe aswrkiati et tersai, ail sorts et live stock,. -tire public la narmred. Tis germine prepareti gîas surfa&ce rithun,-1ie b u hit.ehibt îvalon Lord themand ti lui ssesses in sbuntant queutities .Aieriesum 01 meney hasbeen placeSdiy Pinkr Pills anaulia ad only la boxes île Iger of tie ra lIrumPnbng. On tis s r ss Crist jshirs;"tiati andmi __________ mam<~~~ 'Il ~face 1aer colora, Iutila îlui nan y , it, mnlaei"ia "cmyansuver usmr motn mnripeiu iaudeby aprivtospsrsoiter nvestin,"at. n apper arcunti -whicb bears 'hL u l tgenri 1e amiï ,e-t 3tliat tireis eeLord,.liu crai bat Le. Icf.Lpaauhcrd ostructonoiseila approxeadlounOSon traIi secumtty lorsa tratOfW]e mark, "r.Williams' Pi]lla o:pigama<1, 'ihe cenfîructien et a raior ray rus r a yar, mva AND ONE H tiF iPER Dr. inirsavei. laken eut of sianti ulace na \.ueet adnii'enci51 r tthr!',4 lManihuriamnl open tap a Sl.5iviotrest s'il' t a-e l~d payable ysu.fer Paie Pel. ansai tcns cocititinotsaivaî'on; torgiven, renas- toeiong-standiuig, ltIr gnen;s Ca- 'coasry sxuisdiugiy rîir la ngoldiasud satisracînry conditins for repsYmentwillW ibe--1lîes ! Piles I ching pfcat aeairlioUc,7lhaa1enmra one a elyat cu eryvaînabimîs ram an agricultural srranged.but Oesway, anti tuatia, c.easy wy, WAhen ,a;l tisa tati k Thee ares frymuw D. B. SIMPSON. VAN ATI)TO BUPGLARY. -o---i-Â itesefer e-"y uante ha.sve.Aîi ci I- i r- A r -v-cenweui. ie e in hr rIkîw hanAniyen sad te e as ou Noadmydeue AYI3PS'So o rgh Ac MEN.-Wishiog iernia-, 4 seaniyar li.-l wjlMs uTr avccmvmate I 'r~ase oI have. Cathartic Puis p \ j-e , in a l,, n se ou rei en nd lur egMpicymelit"e îbTati's net true. -marriat. thecitsa i Seagt Poates:Ail Canudîsmu Egyptiali expedtin wii commence lu Wliat do you mean by that? PuUGArCeTEt-lacnlouske'icgfaorooTasyenar lieCIj , s au n d e engîgum t a-Puet noB a frTal adDa la ule Lsttnt o ein gouv tOifiifree. Salaiy paiS wf ekly. Write Auguust, andtiKhartouln wuvlil e tire oL- Wbat do 1 mean Why, it's oniy _____d_____________ uppose, while I am, sure otferg' us fer paýrtieUlare anti seui'5exlusiveterritory jciepit 87nn.- PE5rHAiî NURSEUX Go.. TorontuOnti. 14-m. Children Cry for Pýtcher's Castoria.loe 3)