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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1897, p. 1

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lit TERMS .-$1.5O PER ANNum. Aâi /1 tirk OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FRT THE WORLD AFTERWARDS, M. A. JAMES, Editor anui Proprietor. NEW SEPLIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO0, WEDNESDAY, JIJLY 14, 1897. 'VOLUME X-LjIII. TMl- 9- C--uch, Johnston & Cryderman býot only carry the flnest stock of Carpets andt Lace Curtains, but they also show the finest stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Muslns, iPrints, and Fancy Cotton Goods of al- kinds, in West Durham. Also a big assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas,imported direct from the manufacturers iu England. They are also showing a big range of Ladies' Blouses - \ - made by Williams, Gyreen & ~-- \J Rome, wrhose good mitted to'be the b and most stylish in t to-dav. s are ad- ~ I~~.!!k, est fltting o4 he market 5 snnRT WAISZ They have also oeein appointed agents for the P. D. French Corsets, every pair of which is tailor cut, fits to perfection and warranted to be m'alfe of the very best material. Also a big stock of White and Colored Shirts. These are made in thýe newest patterns anci guaranteed to fit perf ectly. We wotld eruaphasize the fact 4hat wç are the largest importers of Dry Goods in West -Durham, that we are strictly cash buyers, and t-ýhatbn-o house in C-a:da sel!,-- as good goods for less money. eaul and N EG LIGLE' CHAPTER IV. I was glad te sec the f rightffully ng looking old sheds of the hofol, roferr te lu the proviens chapter. had ds peared; in their stoad, grass, trocs ai flowers. I amn almost beginning think mvself a long way from houi again whieu Icatùch sighf c f Mr.T.Gýar iner's place. Thore is net se mu change bere but sf111 somo. A ne front cufranco ueatly and artistica. finished and a carpetîter shep builîfsu few years ago. Ilis gai don sfuff is t1 ruest ferxvard cf env I ve secu, but remember ho was alwavs foremost' that parficular. Fýor coolness and 1evv headeduuess he -was eftenr are rue in beyish davs and here I find11hi just as cf yore, onjeying the sheller his "ewn vine and fig troc," as, lit1 bothered by flic pettv worries of m kind as if is possible fer morfal imî be. Tom sf111 stays wifh bis fathoýr a i assists lu their calling cf contractei and buildors. Mr. 0. Stock, saddier, is feund lirf p lace stitching away as if hochîad niov' I ff off sinco last I saw hlm The quaý ity cf iMtr. Stcck's work, is sncb a roquiro nio ro enouî f mineo.IJc remoruber whcn bis farmer customoý used te cerne long distances f0 eb"ta1 bis handiwork aqud fhey tell rue if is f 'I same to-day, The laîgoe west wiudo) cf bis shop prcseîît an attractive aq pearanceýowing f0 tthe fine displuuîv fle floweriîîg planits Mrs. Stock hui plaeed thero.' Everytiîing renne 't] place test ifios te ftho neafncss, and tas cf ifs occupants, To fthc roar cf Mr. Steck's proertyý fthc Thos. Hanceck farm -oeuedani workced by MVr. James Souci. If hiý passcd inte gccd lbands, thoy sav, f Mr. Sencli and -3on Arthunr J. knu what they arc about, and can unake- living if aniylbodf caîu. Sure and bore is Mrs. Haisley', What a shame the way the boys us( te toase ftue poor old dame! Thoý' cari-'ying on was invless anîd perfecf, ridic'ulous, I fear, but if appoars te nýi the old lady ivas pretty toucby. S kopt a lifflo grocerv. Teslsddm -to-t np unte fl-ic tEïusauEsdaiFvue .yeariy, se perbaps thaf accouîîtied f < the extraordinary lack cf lityeralify Mr- H. ruanifested whcn an epporuuitv1 disposing cf ber goeds did off er. I w reruember eue wicked rascal runin cîcaqr te the, East End one night it h ball of -mrrmnino vhronrl he hnrl -nnc- ing dont forgef f0 make, everything beautiful as yen go aleng. Sec how un- daunted I anm, I eau gomuo f urthor se re- trace MY steps, se te speak, and ruake dýoufbiy beautiful my former effort. Am droamiug ahl this or do I soc noanthe bread front windows com- pfeoî flled with ever blooming flowers and ~ th the lcopcndeorway catch a glms fa sweet siniling face fi-anuod lu bewitching lit île curîs fie face cf one 'tbho v tellire lias gone to a better land, aî 1iad 1where tic inhabitants thoreef shah nevor say "I am sick. " She loved flic fiowers which was net unreciprocaf- W0,bhlc Iar standing day dreaming, or -whaý,t yen will, sonîcone cunerges frem sominewbere wiem I cannot mistake as eigMiss Susan Farrell ; spare cfj fiur eas cover anud trim as tic litfl e lieuse, sov wewns and wiere sic rosides.1 Tho d olhese lias been pulleddowîuaud rebilt te a undesf lieighf, cattage roof-: od. Wýithiu ifis avery eîufortableand1 decidcM(,d iruprovoruent. Ah, weli, eld, b1ouase(,, yen have taugit rue nîv lesson.i iHow irlany cf nmv own aury famîftastical bulighave been thus relentlessly to-m down te be replaced by soething more soiid -if less lofty ? I arin nef' in 'tieruood for geing anyi fher jnst now se refuru te m *y fricnd 'si hiome wonidcriîîg as I 1go wbat flic boyse uip in the citv wr'uld say about flic boy1 thtcouldn'f go tclown telccount ry fer1 a.da wieutoi feeling chicken hcarted Fîor I can ssrei cMEditor, I feit a paluful sonisation lunmiîy flroat. If is flie tears we neyeer shed whiclî cause theo scrcset hfeartaclue. M siits liriglîten under flic cordi-i alit cfi\y friond's greotiug and glowf cf cheeul iiconversation, se that lui time wvithent any special qucstioning on my1 p arIt or a'nswý-vering on lis, I glcanî nst cf thLe inifermatioiu 1 bave'licou able te give about f lic places îisitod this aff or- 1,Lofs take a qtroli tas Uav as fthc miii pend" I sayanld Ifrtllwith c-go.On CIurI waýty we cdýl at C recpc's t cr0. Mr. an Mis.Ceoe isfas sriIy n e n e g o i e T i e j b u l î iss t o e rm Mr. Saunel an stoe a ged wh i g bid hav bulîf)pagcdbsnsii preceies, ry g9ds ,ardw aadrn1 linev, ofweeuflicstere allnd nest -iytrone Pe-..Visitedl. UE ORNGE[wA[K# Comnremorating the Battie of the Boyne-Tremendous Crowd in Bowmanville-Quceen Wcaither and Sucessftai Bemonstration. Mendayv, as another memorablo day lu Bewinanville. A lar.-or, more re- spectable, better behaved or better natured crowd has seîdom beeu sceeu bere. Not a disorderly persen or reallv drunk man %vas secu-b.v us durinoe the du y. The fumnt was immense,."Th(, flewer cf Clarkie was here, thec beautY cf Cartwright, the crcam of Man er, the truc, the goed aud the beanfiful of Darlingteon andà the rest cf West Durham Beginning lun eariy morning- they'camne wifh flying banners, gaily bedecked herses, shoxvy ribbens and cheerful music unfil the tewn. was alive wif h music, ruirth and maidens. Neyer saw s0 many young meu escerfing fheir Young ladies, and mandy of fhem wifb two and flirc, as ou Mouday. The youug people were ahl well ani neatly attired and their demeanor was net cf the "speon 'Y" character tee effen lu evidence. The old folk were here toc, many o thcm and noue en-joyed the da.y's delings mere. lu fuet, every bûdv w-as happy and pleased witu the whole affaîr. The members cf Jubileo Lodge fouud. ut impossible te preperl «v reccive their visifing brethren and sisters, se fhick and fast did they çome f rein ah avenues lcading info town, The luotels and boardinglieuses served. a spleuîdid dinner such as Bewruanî lle is uoted for te ail who applied and by 2 p. mi. the procession was wellui order' for the parade. The lodges, were inarsbailed by three monfed borsemeu and niarched. iu the fehlowing order : Robt. Xdair, Master of Jubilceei odge No. 64e, Roibt. cow an, County Master, Chs Reid, Craint1 Dirc ctor, rnouned Marshals. May or Loscombe, Rev. R. A. BiIkçey, J. N. Mc- Kendry in carrnage. Dr. S. C. liller, Rov, D. C. McDowell and John lankin, of IL M. Custorns. J. N. KivelIla charge; of thee crnagi; es of ladies, reprcsenting Grace PDariing i odge No. 2s, Oshawa. Mrs. Re-ben 1Bennetui, Mistress o Jo-g. 1 . OJ. L. No.To. Xew castie, Mugi Grl,son1, Master. i 1- toiaTroc Blues lNo. 5"OhaaWilson Fi b- er,. Master. L. tO J-L. aaa 0 w , o ,l'onL er,,j .J. as to the particular brand to use. 'If you decide on Kincora Ceylon you will make no0 mistake. Ib is the latest and greatest success in the art of Tea Blending, combîning Purity, Strengrth and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lelad Packages of -1 lb and 1 lb each, in black and black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c and 50e per pound. Cail at adget a package and you will be convinced of its superior excellence and delicions fiavor. We are special selling agents for Bowmanville of these fine Teas. Our Grocery and Crockery stock is com'V.te. We ask; you -ofao swibh a trial order. Prodi ce taken. CHINAHALL, ON &G. Bowmanville. The Grocers.1 After on S-ecure your Furniture at M. D. WILLIAMS ' SON'S Your--- I best 'and cheapest place to do so is at tlieir ware- rooms. -, w~ill be pleased with what you buy froni us; our goods and prices suit ail classes. I3ONMANVILLE. Furnifure Dealer and IUdcertaker. lindertaking ai wayvs rciepontajlýpersona1 atetIn dy vr iiËllt. -LAtY-ifTiIlOLOf-outa (' Paý1 a bit weary of M'Y tramp, but teeisý another place 1 saw 1 should like to te;! you about. Which is that?ý Judgýing,, from its appearance 1 would flot knowýý it but amn positive it is oeccupying the ( site of the old post office and tailor sho (p. I kuew a dear old strauge lookiug bild1- ing as cccentric in its uooks andi cre-- ices as the brain of its builder, the hî crazy old schoohuaster Mellis. Can I forget the appearance of the east side J with its large S shaped bars of iron se- curcly fastened there to prevent tice wall giving way? HRave Ifogte the oblique-lined window casings? is it likely-to slip my memory how tha ,it lovely luxuriant Virginia creeper usedý to climb.slowly but surely year afier, year, stretching up and spreadingits protecting green stili higlier and highii- er until the high wall was surrouudedvq and the vcry chimney top envelopcd],:ïnd there if used to look down ou us laugl,,i- ing and noddiug with the slîghtest brcath of winid, saying softly to the bIe- holdee~, Look on mie! sec what can beý achieved bv preserverauce ? Tr , you littie fellows Fown there, to cll*libasý high as ever you eauouf îuyourchb Cure "Cures talk Il nfavor1 et Hood's Sarsaparilla, cine. Its g reat cures recorded in truth±uîi, convncing language of gratef ai men and Women, constitute !ts Most effective «ad- vertising. Many of these cures are"' r veldus. They have won theoniene0 the People; have given Hlood's Sraa rila the largest sales in the wrd u have made necessary for Its manufacture th~e greateàt laboratory on erth. H-otids Barsaparilla is known b-y the dures i t bas made-cures of)sýrofuigý, sait rheum and eczeina, cnrest of rheumafism, neuira gla mnd weak nerveq, cures of dyspepsia, Livejr troubles, catarrh-cures which prova r h be ti at e (a T u B o d uV ~ Ci V JahlceLodg Nt 640L.AW. ioieacibi. a m r sure, confidonfiy comernd this vos- As we be-in the rapid desceuf I \eieran Orangeinenhbrought up the rear, inel.ding sel te yeur clients as there is uiothiug glnefrom t. chadlWoh W Igh, D DnsOrn, R. Morto, ffteb glue fe street t0 ,anstonc's iscThos. whulo bshee n an Orange rtonn 61 ears desirod . The boat lay long and wisb if were winfor. Boys !wbat W. Ovens, J. Hughes, sen., and others: also Bro . j. enougli at the wharf lu Quebec te give wonld I net give f0 be a lifttie ackcr H. Devicr, Blacksioek, ncputy Grand Master, Pro- s«go hnet e h -t n t ýaain cestiug over ifs sow srac? ociai Grand Lodge, Ont icoEast, and Ihos. Pat- nsagoz hnet scfecf n f snow surace teron, District Master, Clarke. environs. 0f course ruany cf ns wcnf "Quick as ligitning" we usod te say! Arriving at flic grounds an address te flic Plains cf Abrahamu and other fa- There is nof as muci danger now cf go- of wecoceuwas read bvMayorLoscombe mous sites We feht well repaid for our igover flic bridge int o tic creeli as a te wici Col. J. Hug;hes happihy re- trouble. If is roporfed fliat thore is be priotection lias blicou bilf np for semne speno.Secisueerud yRv tween twenty and thirty clergymen distance. R. .PaeB . BaktcRv amon 'the four linndred passengers a- We are jusf in time to see the sunftake J .M Phaen, B. A., Bhacksfecr. Revt. adýutasm yofhe tr li bis hast dip for fie day lu th e is o-ePM;oni~o; Mi. .Robt boaunrds, but, aruanyetbcc ravelofun wa-,ters o h l ilpend. Teei I udrsThifisndite onbeacetaincf li ntigespecially grand about if but rene, Past Grand Master. tr nube.Teidciosaehaa the lonmglioomoenlgtarssfc mondons crewd cf people listcncd geod voyage is in store for ns, fiat faes eria gi hecedars which atteutively teflic speeches wiich wesol truaiew anfsie watrsterînfun lue, mca a exceedingly geo ed very sevorely as this is oeeof flic steadi- sktirf flic western shore, orungs t e m est boaf s 1 ever bearded. In haste, sense cf hopefulness and cairu. W, Ever yfhiig passed off ruesf safisfact- Trniy Yours, walk aronnd flic rebuit dam, rny friend orihy and fie ledgos left fer home at a W. _H. ADAMS. tneanwhilc entertaining me witi ac- scasouabie heur. S.S. 'Califemnia," Rimouski. counts cf fliaf anxicus nigit wheu if A concert îvas ield ini the eveniug but ___________________ wenld appear if tic waters wcre neftflic attendance was nof large. 'The stayod fiat Vaustone's miii, Mr.Sarnuel perferînors w ore Harry M. Bennett and iugiam's lieuse, and ne one knows Miss MGaTrno isEf what eIsc, wonhd be carried awa.y i, ts Giever and Mr. H. J. Knight, Bomau- detrctive curreuf. I langhcd again ville. at his arnusing recital cf flic fate cf cor- ORANGE BOUQUETvS. cainchickens who weuf sailiug down, Ne. 141,Brkcton,made a flue appear- lieuse and al. whosc owncr consudered ance un tfe ie oef mardi. lis essas uifeas rav îweuon as Rcv. R. M. Pialcn's oration was the Mr. Vanstene's, Mr. John Hockrin or tfaili ftetwn osee ci au', cf fie ruill owncrs who'sufercda ofteow.1 sozwl. îoss, Messrs. D. Morrison,Ilerbert Fletcher To be continued. and W. Milîs assisfed Orene baud. The bannercf No. 43, Cartwriglit, is THE a reai beauty auîd was well carried. 1H E-.....ngrBre. W. Jacobi represeiited Qucen PH RE N L IN ECity and Jubilco Ledgc No.,44,Toronte. No. 10, Newcastle, witl iMr. Hugli R E MEDI ES Giison,ruaster,turnied ont iii good force 1 Citizens respouuded grandly to tbeth re- >Taking fie lead evei-vwhere. quesf te deceraf e. The fowii iooked ifs ~- We are îvcrkiug dayaiîd nig-bt te best. - - suîîply flue dounand. Bro. Levi Tole cnt a svieh withi the r.- -s Our cerrespondence shows fiat gay adorrneuits thaf liedecked bis man-i liundreds upon hîuidreds cf poor ly breast. suffeîers are beiîg- restored to Leskard Truc Blues braeoly led b , lîealth andt happiness dailv. Mi. Artbutr I)avev preseuted a neat and triai appeaicuice.-s4 Try our-- . Enfietd Baud won sgolden offint0 ;;c their aclectiti oui the g'oii,, Rheumatic Specifie or spleididiy plate. eudbeiuig Kidney and Liver Pîis Nor ut new1Y crpanî/.ed seciety the etoux ule buuund un-der Mu.h. Peu bonos Thev are absohîutlh pure àud lea der, played, spleidliilx-. i ealthful. Cnaranteed te cître The lbase bal ogamo St. Law roces, rlieuinatisme, Sci5tica, Neliralgiti, Toronîto, vs, Bowuuîanvil11h, resultedin iia .-4, Luîîba-o.uîdahiforîîscf id oyvictcrv for flic fornmer, score, 7te 1.t col. Jouhun h nîke.s cio il anîd Li or t-oubles. 1chairunanlie <ot',it ot îîl pai . Eevware of Spu rus imitations. i'-g him.self anid ic rushe bsins S T ,TI-teyv cure Const(ijatinct Siîïc~k olds, Bmr~rî,'oe'IîutAlîTa JURY Iledacle.1IBroxcliit!s,ct,,, Bro. Johnu Davey shu:!] f feel elated ovor the splendid parade 4)No109. They xverc a credit to Orono and Clarke. Ail admnircd fthc plaviug of Newcastle baud; thev arc a credifto Mr. Pickard, leader. Their marching was also good. The Kend ail fife and drum band were easily first lu their liue. Indeed,Kendall covercd themsclves with glory in al respects. Bro. J. H. Dcvitt, of the Provincial Graud Ledge, Ontario East, aud Reeve Anson Taylor of Cartwright rmade a worthy pair. 1 Canada's Own No. 9, Port Pcrry, de- serves great plaise for comiug se far. They made up in qualif y what thcy lack- cd iunuruibers. One very attractive feafure of the parade was W. M. Bro. W. Fishier of No 55, Victoria L. T. B. Oshawa, with his Chinese Parasol. Mr. Angus Staîker ruade a ruodel inarshal. 'We are tcrnpted to say somne ver ' comp imenta ry thiugs,but we craw the Ue at bachelors. Bro. J.L.Hughes rc\ived mauy 111cm- cries among- former rneibers of the craft by his local reminiscnces. lus addrcss was very mucli enjoyed. If was a proud day for Bro. John N. Kiveli who was honored with thc carc of the Lady True Blues from Oshawa. J. N's. well known gallantry scrved hue a good purpose. Mr. aiid Mrs. John Hughes of Cart- wright enjoyed the dayverymruch. Mr. Hughes was once Master of Bowmau- ville L. 0. Lodge and it neyer had a more prosperous existence. Little Miss Annie Coulfer, daughter cf Mr, T. Coulter, preseinted Mr. J. L. Hughes wifh a ver 'v prettxr bouquet cf flowers for which she receivcd a kiss frein Torouto's pepular Sclieci Inspect- or. Cartwrigbt lodg es gav e toue aud di,,iiitv te the parade. No. 133, Jas. i3yers, inaster, for numbers, iveli bui!t mcii, attire andi marchiug vas net sur- jassed. No. 399 are aise wortliy cf special romarki. ETERNAL VIGILANCEIISthie price cf perfect licaîlh. Watch carefuhlly the firstr symptems of impure bloed. Cure boils,.pimples, humncs, and scrofula by takiiig Heod's Sarsaparilia. Drive away the painis and aches ef rheuma- tisîn, malaria -aud -stornachi troubles, stea y your nre adeoroothat tircd feeling by taling the same great unedicinie. TFli 26 Bo ys iii Bu n White from L.L. Ne." 61fl, Ku da, were az very Rn Old <a i - 1-14 V. li V. "'s Holiclay. log Yi ÏV il IL 112 1,

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