ca~'rrtsr alonica wos eue, betona au asser'blyv THE SUN AY SCIOOL o the people. (5) Persacution ta aven, uureasening and unroasenableiluLItS INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 18. dealingas with the Gospel. 6. F'ound thîem not. Prnbabiy thoyý "Pai ut Tesolea aiud iterea.- Aeta 17, had ratired te soe other bouse foir 1 12. <oldeil Texi, Acis Il: IL aafety. Json. The,aa s ne neason te PRACTICAL NOIES. suppose, that tiis thenJasoinetof a 16. 21, a 'kinebip etfoul. Certain bretbl- Verse 1. W/heu they. Paaul, Silos, and reau.iMembens of thîe young Christian Timothiy; Lukao havlug been left at Cburch, aind cenventoed as te ruit et (, Philippi. Passod throuigh. Witheut Paul's labors., Unto the, umis. Greeok stepïn teplnt hurhe , proal olituxa7,ch "net the, saie tibia, as at s'tPPýngto lan cUrcesproabl bili.ppi, an instanîceofetLukes adr bcaUse tbey found ne Jewish pýopula- acy. Sie "Cntical and Homiletîcal tien sud ne synagogues. Amphipolis. NotaeS." Turnad the wmonld apsideý AtePity thinty-threel es west of Phil- clown. Tbis derlarsiion thouws tihe ra- ipp, ameo sureudedby he ive Ipidity wmîth which i.the Gospelirmas LPp, amos erronde b th rierspreading and the, deep tmprossi-oni Sinymu4on, 'vuhence lis name, which mada, by Paul's labors. 6. W/binth means, "surroandiug ta city." Apol- world ta w rong ride up uis greeat,,,, lonia. A sinalcity, soutbwest et Arnteed ista e be uied uiqide dcan. phiplis.Thesaloica.A, ity am- 7-9. Contrarv bu the decreesosfetCa,- phiols.Thesaonca. Aiciy nrn isar. T-hattbet fthe emperrat RHome.1 , ed aPteor a olsWùew ofet exaksder thse Anothoer king. A inauttest perversion Great, slnd stili axisting as the secoud et Paul',S teasring, whicit was loyal te, in imnplortance iu Enropean Turkey, i tbe Stata, iaven wben the governmentý mas net frîendly toeba urch. Troui- Tniorwn as Salonica, lb mas tise met- bled tiba people and tise rulerýs.1 lita ropolia et Maecdonia and noru i 1petopbe feared a turnuit. and the iens Grebeca, and senco au appropniate place mio ar a t tha change et disloy- £rom wrhich te, exteud theo GospeliIn alty. Takan securiiy. Exacting a1 pledge that tbe peaca should net 1ho Europe. A synagogue. The meeting broe n and that then" should be et the Jeu-s ton w vorshLp otf ened a foot- ne fuxthercas for the riotous bold for preachiug Christ, as !Ë breaight demonsti stieus. (Let tbom go. The ri-. togeha et oly te raigiesly md-erns ef Tba'-sîleup a, tbeugh smma togahernotonl th reigitisy mnd-contrelied biy i-ipublic oentiment. wr ed et thoE Jemisbi people svho were tam- for monoe just thon Ibose oft ihlîîpî. ith the Old Testsment, but aIse 10. Sent awaoy. They could doc)ne, the thoughtf ai Gentiles mite were lu- more gQodidnla, oiiy wh-eU tey mena quinng tte bld ,nd ead tene-under bonds, sud their pneseo"onuan quirng fter Gd nd ead tcre-gergd.the Cbisiiaus et theo plce, nouaýce tidolatry. Thus te rnany thte niglit. A jeunaey etof tsmliaa synagogun beesme tha vestibule et the nigbt, cneissing ne bass than ibren-ý Chunci. s and iný an anknowvu regio 1 B ' a A1iaal andilretired plic , i bore Z,] a- 2. Asa bis mannorivas. Accordting te ish hate would mnot iooi,'itindut lita1- hsm ,',lv-,,r, mn-neh- the-1-,fi-,,i ,-ff,,. ,of 1 auote. t ,I-i e,,nw,,f îi,,,Uv off lc,-m thesynagogueuegave ortunontyh forbtih« Throaghte meek ho w orTed -at bsGhe'uda uinepeaeb L ST.-iD-U brade ef. entma ing. 2 Theas. B3. . acquaintance mibb ,Serntura, te recoîve' ThimaèSabbabh days. Ibis, showsa thi - T7 Lai no pitetdiscoeurag emews' Teep us frein baaning tastimaouy tet number et bis diiseursas lu the syna- Havieur, - -gogue, net the longt. ot bis- abay, whîcoh IL 3Mpre noble. Liberally, "-4f, hih- ~ ~" ~ w as centinued among ta BGacntilea ton an bitb,',haro reterrng buth aton meea o mouta. easned itbgenenoas, loyral citanacter, Received bt so wes rmotsPas,, mit ord, Rareby, iadeed, dcl lPaul tind ,,them, Raid discussions, mt angu- bis countrynsan w iling toenei vo monts pro and con, l ins sou-evices, even te itean, the aruthit w blt h 15. ~as mas aiiowsed iby bite Jembsh custom, itu proanhed. Searchad, bb criptures,-. Th"aIis nilliugnýeýssmas net lite the crodq ýi - - te inagogue, mbere te worsitip 1555 iity et Lystra, Acta 14., ilnur tbe :in- C. HARNDEN, L. D. S- lmss formai bhaoi in tae tom- pulsiveneset Galata, Gai. 4. 14, but Graua t Ia RyalColageet anti pie. Out et the Suriptures. Show- an intelligent, tboughtful iennm G urg o te RylCleoenstantliaiîg tisepropitecues etfte Old Testament fellon ed by close investïigation. '8. jite Surgens, Otario Gospel melcuanes the muai seanc1iting, CE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFItICE. il accemapiis'hed under bbc Gospel. 1. W/e stady, provided it 'ho i5 a caudid spinït, V1TALIZ AIR. 1shouId use itaerd et God as our mes- 9. W/e sb-ould seaT God's w erd 1as ih VI~AIZEDAIRpen in Christian w artona, 2. Thliýe Old test et ail tnixti. 10. May thesa ud o ut wmethies tind many f oibow cýrs lu lTesta-nent is as ful ef Christ as titi,_the Bieans eftot-day 1 fl p Ne.12. lisexefere manyl ot thorabliv N ew Tailor Shopl 3. Opoening anid alieging. Presenîing old. Net ail, yet MWany; for moat iare The undarsigned who bas beau carryiug ,ou!tha, tnutb. anti suppîring lb by proot. ceonvino-ed wmue give the Gospel a tain, the talloring business lu cenneetion with TýaJ;Christ àkirsut ieccla have auffened. vinvesaion. fi-enonabe omen. o- Maso's Dry t4oods Store for s numbarof years .1bvidVeso,"rew naethu- bas comuuanced business for hîmseaf atchisteHevilsed Version, 1'thüt ih bebooved tae able estate." These wena momen et rasîdence, King St.,west, whera eeitpreparati ChTiit te sultan." Thea doctrine et a bbc, higiter ordens mite attended th'e styles, sud at ioweiàt prices. For those who1 uféigàeslhwa rpgn t t try, as ini verse 4. Net satom. Se>te wlsh te ordar eits, ha will carry a full lina of the, Jeiwtish ânisnd, thueugi clearly pmre- Churcit in Berona, etfmiicit mesiod amples inall the uewest patterns. Ulve him sentati in- ail thbe sanriticial systea. liTe te Tnow more thitan a ntainet inl J. . A-Ln l*T, Paul pwohabiy gavebthe lineofe argument titis biet inentiulnw mas male tsp otfu J. T. -A-LLEI1Nwn n te Eýisidtelligont people, Rible anidents, 1both Fasihionable Tailo, nttssbjn ioubuteEitdJewman sd CGranitýs,, fet bttetr laasi lu ___________________ theiaHý-brewg. Jaesa. . slaChisit. soctaty. ' AIl Javs beliaved ad loolketi for tae________ MONEY TO I1OAN. cesmin-g ofthte Christ or Xiassiait, as thesir nationali islaivrer. Paul stowed USE FOR SCRAPS 0F TuN. $100,000. t'bat hualad came in tae person et Je- aus etftNezaxeratb. 3. Let us kep Christ Employed Lurgely ie -stop Riat Hala iii A large eum o0! monay bas beau placed lunxMy avex n l tae oragro-und. et our thougitb îCaîies aail ractartes. banda by a primate persan for iavesîment, on and teaanhing. approved loaus on farm seonrity for a terrm of 4. Soma eofthtem. îVainly tha, prose- A two-itonse ioaý tin clippirua a FISE Or TEN year8, rivE AND oN AFPt lybes toi LJaiWib im tvs efxobu amolug te hing transferrati recenbly te the rear VENT interest wili beha aked payable yeaaly. iteatlien, not titp Jews by bb!rth, as it basement of a prominant hebel in -a Satiafactori' conditions for roauymeut wjll ba . evdeît ram thie episties that te1 srranged. .h. B. SIMPSON. Thlessalonuan ch4ifccit iws pirinhipally et ange cîty. lbt ati coafrein a eau Solicitor, Bowunanvîlla. Gentilles. 'Believati. Ancapted Jesu(s fatory, sudte narrom, curliing strips Datad Oct. let, 94, 40-tf. as bia Christ, aindiaMmbrsned hlma as hati becoute se tmisbed sud iubertmin- thea Savions ceýnsor'itid 'witit Paul, et as cto foina nnglomienabe mass Her Majesty' Diamond JubHIe and Siilas. Forffleik thea synuagogue for i-tmsmvt ihbt raebdt fl'ARRIES "lQueen -Victoria, fier Life lot mthl thoase ise sharedt ieir viema. ficulty by two sturtiy telloma mitbl su,;ad Reign" hueo every bomne, Pansons wbO 4. Chitians lu faibli miii seek Chnis- stable tenta. A bystautier mite-%mas nevar toit Soukslttkaedors fast. Profanate asfo elwshtpduou Gek.orou nuht iqiewa mosi eloqueni ef Lord huffarins achievemneats tsn o elîsbi.Dvu rea uiu nubt nur ia s No book se ighlypraised. Weiieedimore oan Geubtiles m!b ihad neneuunced tdolabry, ml oe a o uhtuký l vassere, Easy tiJ mate $15-00 to $30-00 a week. sud maaWoaiprse leh ad a-Il ttlhdfrae uti Boots on time, Pr*ospeetut frce teo orvassers. net rocolved ciroutecisieon as proselytes answerad by au attache et the bouse: A triai wili coat nothîeg, sud luîMay iil your te Jutdaýisin Suci wmeaotten calleci by "W/ use it ton rats; 1l mean thte 1)i,-g empty pooket. TUE BRxALY- GARREn5ON CO.,Iîa e" poeyaso h at, ha Lt'd. Toronto, Ont. ils t tp r ofte u gata," thatgray tellxv.s w itia w isteralTe hbuai nomen, Titre)ugisout te Romanworld rabta sbîggen, boîtier sua nieprtia -N ~~~~Mauy nomoen, aspaoeially chose et bbc any etisen rat. ia 'ausths sa'Irkt raps,1ta-l vv A N TE 1) hiis-r nrainkâois scioty, abtantidd bbhetens on Ipeusi.oana tne aibiing on cbas1 Men and w'oneniwbo eau work i-d taikig vueshîp eof the synagogue, Sitting in ing ot dogs. 1asadftrtsi usla and i-rtiïg six heurs dally, for sixdoys aeek, latbiced gailenias apant froan ihe mon. esiu.evats van oerreicma"S -, and wil Se coitent a ith ten dollars,,n ca-IV. Ad- ieso.Ee we nre' dres, 'EwmI'rs" t'., BqAN'FORri,,'<IIIL.. - Marlyef thlesabe-conta preselytes an res ba ve nidus o et it'ests, tbeî ar ________________________ by thain zeaul sud soclipositîen excrcis- îvitb us again in augaîentad for-ewtit- AG N S Tm: Uinip -,)etigneat influence. Sema et oftepliaene 9,5 ti'on tise. Tbey w- tunnel, Ii(v'T iuiîy tikuou eurcqeg tt-c lisinners te Paul's beach- tbnogbalmosi an tta- tfor n ie- flUi~5XI lSieeetfor îaîuy i ng, sud ectgorly accepted tte Suen il i e, It is tiîeir boring oil- Xorie andeetaddîes nlbring! ihe '-Ildei,, 5 lT e das, lTae evised Version ity tii-ut luis given osu omut 'oul infruuos.oe.15 . aÂsowTerîîî,On. muts, "-itih believed n6t," for prn- itithertýo.No mater hou e cloe 'ir Elitiîe,'Quei ~ ly ah tl oJewns wnana enomois 1-ttae tlein passage ways tise routes nana AGEN\TS. ce-a"i ý,w'ready. Effi 'I-G e.Mvdnri nu- Pae îprümp1y eopenai.. Fît. uý-- IL holes chIdrîy-te 0full Par'pltusade es iir, Version, " jealeusy "ai. the rapid pro-niitt roten gles- s eonsd'red of the Queianid iitreIapîlsîd u grass of the Gospel amoeg thei ntel- good sebunît untit w e fouad tit t,n itl' oeiy Canadien boc îcteped liy Iuer YMo, -tu - igeut clisseýs et ncrsiiping Gentiles, utarvelous lotienc e, tley reîîîoved thý Salas enorons c - s aiiiking ih but- Len vd tellows of the basai' sert. Devis- glass pie'e bî piec. But w e tUhi,ý toma ontt 'Alrt-Lid' îîto male ihirt ed Versio, "viletalion setfte ra- noeve gui îbam nuit -W ithi.bim iî dollars wcekly f e io - uîul ii dloSt', ilebl"tiedladsitblavgbud lnuecntutaoretaobi Partirohats fî-e. TUE BRALuEYanGARssrSO e. bl -teid dsilessvgabnd ap tnw osr oto Lt'd, Torooto, Ont,. oetan orientai tîty ite ery scum et ccuernag aIl 1Idocesnitene tte b"asïbs a te population, aimai s neady for s nnot. litely te enter our celiars.* [bey con t ACTI\ R MEN-.--Wishing parras issaulbi'n-thbbc ouse of Js.Tn sAt mhosede ttroudb it, 'They -su't cbe lt Ament aud paying emipicyment eaui seeur bouse Paul and lis cônmpanious w-aeesund titey co n't carry it amay as,,a the saine by engagior wih os to sali cr ar rdy eatertaiaed during toeir stav. To bring do bruken boules, for -Wan 3Mn. Rab speuilties anti Seed Poitees AIl Conadiau tireur eut. Te drAg eut Paul sud bis taTas belti ot a singleestnip et bit grume.o utittree. Saiary paid weaekiy. Write oprosfrtil hc ashl i efnsi l nejrh1, us for patîculans itaseýure exoîsivetrritory emainfotr1, icmaiedtîhoitsutilneiabe pri PFLAX tiNURsS EG., Toronto, Ont. 14-4m. lu the free Greek cibles, etfmitic T lies- et a netiug wmeîgbing mn o ts Children Cry for Pitchers éastorýa. They reallycot a> more. Vise pur- ,chasers figure that way and invest $75 or$ 100 ii a wheel which runs easy for years and then seils for a good price second-haicl. Agents,--MASON & DALE, Bow-manville. melmen cyclista mnuet ha on their guard ,gainst the pains and penalties which iineitabiy folliom the naglect ot cer- ain raies, regtlations, and precautions arn going te lay before rny neadars. The trouble ith most lady cyclista ia that they becoma se excessiveiy hot, especialiy in the ragien of the face, aftar about an hiour's oxonieon. 0f course, new ridera suttar the Most in this direction, because they hava net yet leartit te rogulate thoir spoed, sud beeause thoey kucome anxieus and norveus when traff Lc has te be met and caneful us required. It is therefore necessary te cuitivate as mach equnraîty and cool ner-ve as pos- sible. The applicaticyn et a cooiing sedative lotion te the face betore stant- .ng eut for a spin is, howevan, semae- titues a boom and a blessing, and I kn'ow et at ioast twe cycling friands wbeo alWays carry a tiny bottinet face lotion, made up frein enaet my pre- scriptiýons, iu their cycle satcheis, and find it et aimoast inestimable benefit. ',My face used te beceme the celer ef a 'boiled lebster' af tan haîf an-hour's cycling,-' and enaetfthesa girls ne-. centiy, "and now, ihauka te your lo- tion, I Teep as cool as a cucumber."~ My mnethod fer keaping the skin cool la vory simple, but te obtain satuafan- tory results, it must- ha followed in every detali. Firat, then, rab weli inte the aTmn a thorougbly good emol- lient (crearn-a geod cold crearn, obtain- ed frein a neliabla dnuggist, will ana- ,,ve the pttrpose. Celd creama is, hem- aven, sometimas adulterated, se -I giva a re dýpe for those wbo prefer te hava spermaceti, quarter ounce; white vase- line, two ounces; ou etf sweet alrnonds, oe ounte. Break the wax and sper- macoiti into ismail pinces, and place [oior ji. Malt in a býain -marie, anîl po(ur in an ouncýýofe rose-mater tabii as beau warmed, adding aise rirýeaor four drops et otto et roses; 'then mix the mitele moul togetiten by ias et an ogg-beatar antil it ha- ce>mes tiik, dhite, a-nd orearny. Ailom it te cool, anti taep mal -covened in a jar or pet. A littie oethiis creain abeuld ho tak- en on the fiagers, sud tbureaghly mal raitbediet te fae antil it la nom- pletely abserbeti by the stin. Thon lave tisa face again sud agaiin nith hyutamilît, on, if ibis is -net easiy oh- tainabba, n itb ivater aottcnad mtest- me-ai. To do this, plate in a basin et mater, saveral htours t atone i mill ha raquined for masting purposes, abot aîf au ounce ot ostineal. Suni 1t mc ater up once or tmice, sud it m,%ill ho ready fer use. Dry mith a sott tomai, su ad then genbiy rab oven the atmn a simple, ýsedative svash, composad oft oxide et' zinc, tme drachins; pure glynei ine, four dranitma; rose-mater, imo ounces. Ailom tiiste dry, sud îiben dust over ltgittiy wibh a littia faca owf der. Carry a amail bottle efthiis FotuLon mith yoa if yen are geing for a long country ride. lb mili ha found vary cooling sud nreahing miten yen stop ai a ivayaliae inn for a mat sund "bruisitup. - TO CURE ECZJIMA. Mix ecqual parts oit boracin acîd sud antefeitnnm into a fine pumdar. Usa atudis of fine scap sud mater on a pnul- t ica and tison marm mater to dlean off bita scabs, an.d svanen h ava raached tisa cleanu aTm duistitlb ibi the powder, Covar it mith a layer uf lin-b or cotton batttng sud bandage. Il tae anzema ta u-n the itaad, eut te hair close, proceati as aboyeansd oyen mii ctton l1mb sud at cap. Once in tmauty-four itiurs the soes musttbha tborougbly -mashet i-n mairm mater in wlicisarea a tamdrops et narbolie seul, bison trashl dressing put on. Anoser namady washibas proeatisat- isfan-tony is Fomiur's solution. If kepbt eut et the reacitet sunal ctildrentaud bakencmitit cane lb la net hurbful. Taka thlrea drops bethre easci meah for tmo days, te next two days méeasse the dosa e t our drops, tise nexitmo te tive drap3. Neyer take more tfhanfive drops at a dose, anud remombar that titis is for aduits, net cisldnen. taeliai'. -. I tuaOn1t - aes sare ar i -. tu 0tsi tis. imitron ttan Lte - %duhose casket et charrue is yct urlifed !i-Y time. hý-latiful v ,nein 'v-ilbu glad te ho ceeiaded titat faliiag or fading bain - aunknomu to mito use Ayer's -arVgr - W/E~DNES~A, .ULY 14, 1897, GREAT INGENUITY. Maile sa'uatelt Out ao' Rubbh'fotr 55 z A nmeobanin who construcbed a match for the Tsar et Hussia frein apparently hopelasa nubbisb proved bimself a mas- tar et bis art, and fairly mon tae ne- w ard he received. fils naine n a Jules Curzon, and lhe mas a Pole nito had macle bis home lu Chicago. Soe yeana ago be received a geld mnedal for bis inventions. The tsar, hearng et bis manvallous inventive gaulus, debermined te put hlm te bita test, and accordingly f on- warded te hlmn a box oontalniag a tom coppar nails, soea oodc cippinga, a place of bnoTen glass, an old cracked cbina cup, ema miro, and a few crib- bage-board pega. The, box ivas accoin- paniad by an extraondînany request tbat Curzon should trautatorru tnosa unpromisinig articles inte a timepieca. it mas a challeuge, sud eue that tam w aicbmakena îvould have carad te taTa up. -But ut mould hava takou a harder task than this te dauut Jules Curzon. fie sot te morT on the uuproinising ma- tari ais, aud eut et thoin taahiened a watcb that mas quickly daspatcbed te the tsar. Just oight heurs atter ha began bis wvork et transformation the match started ou its journey te Ilussia, mhera it annived sateiy, te the great deliglit et the tsar,.It mois a Most uniquea timapiace, its casa beiug macle et china, sud its works coinposad et the matenial that bad accompanied the old cup. Yat it Tapi good timo, and had te ha mound up ouly once in tbree or'four daya.- Se plaasad mas the tsar that ha sent for Curzon, aud conforred upon hlm severai distinctions, beside grantiug hlm a pension. Baptist Young Paopdls Excursion. Oue et the pleasantest trips >of Ibis, sumnnr iii c hotat et the Baptist young peuple te thî'ir tîîuîual conven2 bleu to e hleld in Cha tanooga, Tenues- sce. lu Juiy next. 'Tie officiai route for Canadians miii ha the C. P. R. R. te Detroit, the Clevelund, Cincinnati, Chicage aud St. Louais (Big Four Route) frein Detroit te Cincinnati, and te Lotuisville 'and Nashcville, Chatanooga aud St. Louis Raiiroads frein Cincinnati te Chattanooga. Returning. tickets stop over ai Nahville Exposition aad Maimmothi Cave One tare ton round trip freon ail poiuts lu Canada, and speciai through cars frein Toronto. For full informatou address Fred L. Raicliffe, Canadian Transport- atien leader, 21 MoMlian street, Tor- ente, Ont; C. S. Blacismàn, G. E. A.. Big Four Route, 447 EllicobI Square Buffalo, N. Y. 23-3w HOME LU'E. Mr. Widle-W/ali, my dear, yeu've made se muni fusa 'hocause I dont speud My avaningsa at home, liTa a good hauaband and failier, that 1 have ne- siguad frein thoeclub. Dosthat suit Mrs. Widde-It's juat splendid. Nom hurry tbrough tiluner and get drassad, an m we augo te Mira Higbiup'a bail; and to-morrom uight w'il go te Mira, Tiptop'spaty; aud the noxt night, you know, Mira. ,Wayup bas a musicale; sud w-e inustn't forget the Globtrotter's ne- neption te nigbt aftea. "D'or Over Fifty Years." For over fit ty years Muta. WiNsaow's SooTmNos SYaUr Ila" beau used by mil- lions of mothere for their chilereu whjle teethiug. If diEturbed' at nhight and brokan et your refit by a eick ehild suf- fering and crying wîth pain of Cutting Taeth eeud at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winiow'e Soothiug Syrup " for Children Taething. It will relieve the poor littie sufferer ummediateiy. Depana upon it,mothers,thera le neouisiake about Mt. lb cures Dianrhoea,ragnlaree the Stotui- ach and Bowelm, cures Wind Colin, softtns the <lurne, reduce Inflamniatîeîu, and giveB touesud enengy to the wbole 8y8tena, 1Mire. Winsiow'e Saothuing Synup" for eilidran ieaîhiug ie plaasaînt te bbe baste and is the prescription et oaa of the oldeet, and hast femala physicisn sud tiaae la the United Stateîà,Piinatwaaty fise cents a b tile. Sold by ail drugg lis î hrougb.b ou th, world., Be aune and esT tir " MRS, WNWmosS OOTnx.eSYRi . CONT2AGION IN BOOKS? -F. N. Richardson, consulting chomîsi et the corporation et Bradford, Fng- lana, itas reconbly been oxsrning the beaves et a Bible that bas beau ta use lu tisa courtý-bouse for sixty years and bas beon Tissed by at leasi. fe-rty thou- sand people. Hfitound various micro- erganisma on te lbaves, sud mbile none et teammas particuiarly daugorous, they migiti have commuuicatod skin dis- osses. Aïdr. Richtarnay s1s ibai.if uoue diseaso can ho iransmitbed lýy ' Tissing te book,'" there ta nereasson mhy more serious aliments mighit net likemise ha scatterod, sud ha recommanda abolish- ing the practice. H EA LT H. TRUE W/ORTHI. Hoýïlding oer ysocioty graes,L Culture andi teaxnirig, faine and p1er:' W/bat are they worth in h e'a last hourI 1Q ts Hoetliving and trite e ndeavc C), Id HîLnda that uplift one's f eîiow mon, ~ e ~ aK g Lov e to bled that naught can soven ;- Pe P c age Ih ose are top great te need praisa TOlLET IIINTS FORt CYCLISTS.C i a e t s Tho,-ra is ne rose wîtbout its thorn , and evon tha meat deiightf ul of ne- ecreations bas its drawbacks. A spint on one'a favorite "wbeei" tbnougb SumnnY lanes and pleasant higb roads D ERB m aTes the biood course vigoreusly t through the veai and sanda the glow ef ^vltality and heaith tbrough the AND framae, but, alas 1 la too oftten preduc- tive of umbecoming flushes, harsb, dry,a k ds5 c . or chacked aTmn and unsigbtiy tan and L ailtheeperapa l th4 ULU lG OLD Per Package t frai an l s.,pehp, h a-ffecýtion whicb has now coma te ha knewn as "thae bicycle face-a bard, uid-çarettLLJLes. atiaxioms, a'd most "distrestul" ex- pression of coatnneciifya-t E AL'~ fecting nervDus ridera, wbicb in tima j TA L VER WH RE bacornes chronic.1Î THE CANAO!AN ST'ATESM'tAP. ESTABLI1~EDI15t~ ~'ptl iwaya payable aut ie bfipe A 9171 ,laîn Advertlisîni;ret , ;1 e' Oy oin maot, 10 ceut. per J'iri, nontarLîe tàýil arfl uni, indà cents, pi~ er eacli ,ubs,,3 uc Lt i- eertion. LorLeý, 1W cents pet fine. M.AJMJIubitr SomeWdealar, trn imitatins W 0patent-? re tht rte 1t' ciybrngyo wlh Tutt\~ i Fut ti"., ihei$.0 rz fo packag. edSaveenî wai. 'Who eu lei. Theword's"huan Osc simprer lit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hn edrgthpatee.t atgen-? tl Mn a een swallowing ail so1ts. [tif ~ ýý s rage icto e Parte4yvnt Asor i' patseetenAxs , witho1,t0xprieri- J jencin any li-efeot ntins a f ewda agTh enhocInasT, iedteCh O ityPy The ho' s "suern f rindig estod anbast n lenan trda cin col-h lctamion cfhardw t-ar n rio-a-brn in mifeHesitalnthe pt city, wharagn oeratin as peen saormea. Jl ros 01stoah 'aertesmvod 20 mtall 11ob ject ,sea a lot cf breTon g11,lass. Tiltis eingth actual lavce:uLi ewdy aOne fex-bled knmplife be nnedt h- thatflince ws s long. r nigsto an ýa two-bladd knîed , four cesl neinfe ade, tre and onea-frth i ics ongc.He-a ae oteGX mnean if e btlada tha ucy he en jetwo kif e bladeof toen gass. This One ktoure blada, nifee mclit lone- harp inedon. Ownty-ixshged nis, ue inch long. One hknfsae nai. nclslý!g Two rea large sew TOnea onces of fine glass Mrhal o Piot Grod, Me, pilvad tooc muifond hi.Itwldntcrebk a.nd set ail taixthprnhyrdwre wbinh, shar tointo i soactinoraeiin Twhain'-sistmacle ha bacoe hrdn-h tleonfg. .rvnganehiitoni S is encstt at andtma, and ata mor ote malineiti ne ar. ibire hald e ms aa Thbsectasogtheaccumupationtofad mdlv dAbigplcesfron sraingof in tyh Msrsand mkino troubleM. rvàto paien n s tema pr ardwafEroe wasc ao k in to na turaaîhnin-od. lIns tigaion's recniy nad ecb octohr Hass i nd èwitzouiad apeathe conirin thisc rîeuaten f t te ga exhsbio i a unu s uy ood ondut or tieltri-h cty warshs cpard wttthers,-whiiaita grjeats heht and plack of spraading bran ces onablesitte conduetfa iigt-e deThewaor, that a peplar-tree aye serve te pinrsoteawbuildngEacoreing tton Dotres, tlmaebotrss foig hudb iowedterew ,as ear the gnfrnd ais rpsible;in fsheld ben. Isovd flotm gthanighexsovnd feet fem thadnar estche wall. No' mtli' objct a lite buing seuld be h dne ardtnorn ders rows shuld petate pamotresou. stepito rotlta ouidifortwe ords ani gxdmeueroas neurte by thedri- tihrpsi t e g'apb at riH. h on estod ivby, No-meariar obete oesthas tond Goaneralheas n ble teBri- Ask yeur grocer fer DRE. J. C. Hil¶EOtELL, li BYB)fP'O0F (îOLLFŽw OF' FpyK'i!'~AP atInd Surgeon, Ontapri, oronat'. etc, Office and Itasidancoe, ile. t &-PIoTR'-t ,LCî . Mu 1,t. vile. cor for tha i Ocari '3ank ROBT, T OIING, V. S. 0FFICE lIN THE W/EST DURHAM 0 ews Block, wbera hinmeelf or assistant vil! be found frein 8a.m. te il p.în. Night oails t resideuee,direcîiy opposite Drill Shed. Calia Ytaiegrapli or telaphone 'wilI raceive prompt tention 171-yr I"' P.LAATE, Taibor Gentlemen's Olothes Made to Order. OFFICE :-Ilear of Messrs. lliggiibotham & Son's Dru.g Store, (down stairs), i MIS ILUbLýYUI, lU&KLnýg LJIP, lIrSL 011Pr 01 ý &MQeLle. _Lt, IS -IDI 2ýý tpf)w , 011 uwevl ýIl Lojeln, wjro Elle MaBellne a'nd RL In aý 1 1