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RATES 0F PSAE 13y aaiie nd Calfornia L 91ruo and bondondc,ýrry',st Cab!n, aSt-1, 50ce " ;9 retur ii. 105, 5ýý114. 813.3, >152. 2,nd Ca bn, (incind- i1g1, dnc3 5 Steerage Liverpo ýolDlrry, Bel feet, Glasgow,LoniDon-2.0 By %Tumidian or Laurcuria. it Cabin, $52~ ii and 00O; rctorn 9ý105,$,1. 1) By Eunmidian or CatU inin 2'ïd Cabin (n-' CInding London), .3ý4. By Numnidiane .,n '2 1 Exýprcaa tra!nS fromii 'oot on tlle ' riday auringarve et Motreal 6 eeme enin Pasiseng-ers can go on board at once. Fog týic kets andi evcry informasîtion ap-t AlEn LUne A numsfl TAE SIARKSP D ESIO0NS,, COPYRIGHTS &o. Anyoeie senrllng a skzetch and description may quickiy ascertain, free, whether an invention la probably patentable. Communications strictly confirential. Oldest agency for securng patents in America. Wc have a Washington office. 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'N cure ed cl o "a Mrî a t t NVI0e-re 4t8aSd c"'eVlrte VU Fl1YI TEIGUE THE RIJIN OF THE CITY AND ITS ULTiMATE REDEMPTION. fA IVelvot 1Midait Exlucs.enee anti Ne- Oenilahis, ide tote tu ns Of'Jerta- alent-lllClijeitEnehautnst anth ie Dx. Taimege, in bis sermon on Sntiy d.,rew s- artling lesseus f rom tise text; Noisomiais iL, 15, ([han -,e-nt I np Lu tise nigist by tise brook ant ivessed tise wall anti tumnoti back anti entereti by, tise gale oethtie vahley, anti ce metumneti." A deatd ity La more suggestive tisen a living city-past BRnme, tian preeat HRome-ruina ratiser tisais newly f mescet cetsedra. jnButishe beet lime te vssit e ruine is by moonligist. Tise Coliselsosi is far more fcscinaling te tisa treveler after sundees tisan before. Yenu may stand by ticyligist amidth ie monastic ruine et Meirece abhey antisttudy ebeft- eti oriel anti reselted etone aist mullion but tisey thxen' Iheir strongeet witcisery by rnooniigist. Some et yen remember wiat tise enchanter of Scotlaud cait inO tise " Lay efthtie Let Minstrel":. Wonltist tisonrien' tais-Mals-ose amigist, Go visit it hy tise pale monhight. Washsington Irir-ng describes tise An- daînsiean meoniigist upen tise Alhsambra ruine as aroneng te an emcbentmeut. ll'ly text présents yen Jerusahemn in ruina. (Tho tmee-r down. Tise gates den'n. (Tho n'eus don'n. Everything deevu. Ne- benJais on hos-seback by meenligist look ,- img UPon tisa ruine. Whlo ho ites there are some trientseon foot going witb hLm, fer tisey do nef wnt tise many iosres te dictuci tise suspicions efthtie people. Tis"se people do net kno' tise secret ot Nebemiehes hearl, but tisey are gngea sesrt et bedyguard. 1 boas- tise cdiking boots et tise horse on n'iih Noisemiais rides as ho guides il, thie veay anut tito this gete anti out of tisat, evinmtiIhlrougis tisaIgale a-midth ie tebris, et once great Jeruýs- alem. Non' tise horse comas to eiatihaît et tise tumbleti maconry n'heme ho cannol pass. Non' ho chics off aItishe cisarreti timbers. Non' ho comas aleng n'iero lise es-ter untier tise moonlight flashes from lise mentisofethtie bmazen dragon atter n'bich tise gato n'as namei. FBoas-y iseerteti Nehemiais IRýtiing in anti eut, non' by bLs oit hume deselatet, moev by tise tetaceti temple, noi amîi tise scers' ofet Lieciy tisat bat gene den'n undor beaering rain anti conflagration. Tise escorting pis- s-knuss et n'bcî Noise- miah m'on., Is b" geLttirg cs-razyf 1Have hie ewnupersonal sermen'a, attet to lise sorn'eoettise nation, uniselaucot bis intellect f Stili 1tise mitinigbt exploration goos on. Nebemahs n Iorsehac'k rites ibrongis the fish gate by tise te-ofe tise lus-nces b> lise king's pool, by tise tirago e sel, lu andi oui, in anti ont, untîl tise iinigbht ride ia cempleteti anti Neh.enarah i n- untsf reinhie-hersa. 'and ce the aizen and confountiotianti incretinleus iedygutrd declares tise deeti secret of iis heuritnisen ho sets, "Corne non, let ns build JerusalemY. " Wiat, N-Lebruilei, have ton any mon- ey ?" "No.e" "Bave yen cry kingly au- tberity V" " u" "Havie yen eny eoe- quene?" " Ne." '--et tisat nzdtnighit meenligisi ride et Neisemiais resulted in tise gleo-ribii ogettise city of Jerun alei.Tise people knew not buw tise thing ivas te te doue, but sith great enthuisiceni tiey crieti ont, " Lot us rise up 'non'v andi buidth ie city." Semej people laugiset ant i citf could inu t be donc. Some people n'eso infnriateti anti offeretipisysical violence, seying tise tising shonîti net bo donc, But tise wor-' mon n'ont right on, standing on tise n'eu, trcevel in oee bad, swomd in tise otiser, until tise work -%vas gleiously completeti, At tisat very time in Greece Xenopbon nswriting-cahistory, anti Plate wcs mekiug piîisoohy, aud lDe- mostisenes n'as raatling ismietorical tisuntier. But ah etftisem together diti net do su mucis for tise worid as this mitinigisi moonigbt ride of praying, enurageous, homesicka, close-moutheti Neisemiais. MY subject firast impresse8 me n itis tise itica, wiso an intene tbing is churcis atfection. Seize tise britile of that herse anti stop Neisemiais. Wby are yen risk- ing yens- lite iseroLu tise nighît fleur herse sstll stumble ever tiscýse ruins anti faîl on you. Stop tisis useless exposure of your if e. No. INehemiais will net stop. Hlie t lest tells us tise aboie story. Be lets us hue evlie n'as an exile in aber distant lanti, anti ho as a servant, c cupbearer ln the palace of Artexerxos tengrosanus, anti one day, n'btle ho n'as santilng tise cup et wnue te tise king tise king saiti te bîm: "Wbat is tise motter n'itis yen? Yen are nut sick. I know yon must have sume great trouble. Wbat Le tise matter n 11h Yen t" Thon ho toldthte king hn' tisat beleveti Jemnsalem was broken duevu: sosv that, bis father's tomis hati been desecrated boss-tisaI tise temple bcd been di 'honereti anti dfaceti; how thet lihe esaIllan-vre scattereti anti brohken. "Well," cv King Artaxomxes, "wbat do you eet"'well, ~sai t he cap- isearer Nehemliais. "I cvenÉtet go humne 1 n'ant to f i X np tisegrave cf rmy tatiser. b want tau restoeatise beauty of tise temuple. 1 'tvant to rebriltitise masonry of theisctIy sail. Bolides I wnt pase- ports su tisat I shah nul ho hindareti in my Journey. Anti isides tisaI," as you wM ibLd Lu tise cunIext, "I es-nt an crdem ontise man n'iso ieeps your for-. est for Jnsc ce mancistimber as I may neeti fox tise rebuiitiing of tise city." "Hilon i on g shal yoenlie gene?" saiti tise king. Tisearme of absence is cm- rangeti. In bot baste this seomaing cd- venturor ornes to Jernsaler., and in my text wo fi dhlm on borseisook i tise min.ght ritiing aroundth ie ruina. ceeue roghtise spactacles out tis tisaIÉha we discover tise ardent cf- taul-ment (et Nebomicb for sarreti Jer- inuSalem, visicisLual cges bas becu tise type eoftisa chumoi cf Goti, our Jeru- selem, 'sehicis we love jnst ce mucb as Neisomiai luveti bis Jerusalem. lise tact stat yen love tise cisurcis et Goti se mucis thet tisero le ne spot on earth se sacreti, uniess it be your ewn tire- aide. tThe churcis bas been te Yen se mucis comfort anti illumination tisat tisera is noîbing tbat mekes-yen ýse irate as te bave if talireti gainst.If Ibere bave b:een tînes w heu yen bave been carriedi into captivltY by siokuces, Yeu longeti for tise cisurcis our bols- ereaimma C$Idren Cry for as much as Nehemiahis lnge i fer his Jerusalem, and th-e first day yen camie ont you carne 10 the bous-e of the Lord, Wisen thse temple was ln ruins, like Ne- hemiais, Yen wallaed areund and looketi at it, and in tise rnuonlight you stoodt listenu'tg if you could isear thse vo-c of tihe doad oxrganA, th epsalmn of tise, expired Sabbatiss. What Jerusalema waa to Nehsemiah, thse churcis of God is to you. Slceptieýs anti inficlels rnay Sooff at thse churois as an obsolete af- fair, as a relie of the daris ages, as a convention of geody-igoody peopie, u ail the impression they have ever made on your mind against the. churcis of God i.s absolutely notb1ng.' You woldh maire more sacrifices toir it to-day tisais any otiserin.stitution,, and if it were neetiful you weruld die in jas defense. You can take the wesrds of th3e ktngly- peet eas he Said. "If I fýorget tisee, 0, Jerusalern, let my rigist harnd forget her CUUDrnng.' You understand in yenr 0'wf expaerience tise pathoqs, thse homie- s'eokness, tisecourage, tise ioly enthusi-1 ism. of Nehiemiais in issmidinightl monligist ride a.round tise ruinis of iss beloved Jerusaieni. Agai, sMy text impre'sses me witis tise fact thet before xoa~nstruction tisere Must be, exploration -of ruins, Wisy was net NeisemLai asleop under thse covers Wisy was not bis horse stabbed in tise ridnight? Let tise p ice of tise city arrest this midnight rider, eut on sosue miscihief. 'No, Ne- semiah iÀs geing to rebuild tise city, and I ise iýs making tise, preliminiary explora- tien, lIn tisis gate, out tiat getýe, ýast 5cst, nortis and sonts. Ail throughi tise ruins. Tise ruins must be explored befere tise work of reconstruction can begin. Tise reasioostisat so, many pe,-. ple in this day, apparecntly converted, do not stay converted is because tisey did net first explore tise ruina of thse;ir ewn iseart. Tise reason that tisere are Se many professed Christians who in tisis day lie and forge and staa, and commit abominations, and go to tise Penitetîtiery, is because tisey first do not learn tise min eft tieir ovin heurt. Tisey bave nut forund ont tisat "tise heari, is deceitftil ahove ail thbinga, anti1 deceeately wiclaed." They had au idea_ that tisey wvere alme0t right, and they- built religion as a sort uf extctsoC an ornemental cupola. Tisearo v, e L11 a good dccl of modern tieoiogy's that inscead et bunlding on the 4ght f6unda- tion, it builds on tise debris of an un,- regenerateti nature. [bey aatempt t rebuil.d Jerusalem before, in tisemd nigist of conviction, tisey have seen tise giaýStliness of tise ruins. Tisey have socis a pour foudation for iiseir re- ligion tisat tise first nuortiseast stormý ef temPtation bines tisem. dean. I have no faithisni a man's conversion if ise ies not convarted in tise old-fasision-1 cýd way-Jin Bunyen's way, Jýoin W es- ley',s way, Calvin's way, IPanl's1 way, Christ's way, God's way. A tien- t1ist said te me,, "Dues tisat hiurt i" saii 1: "0Of course Lt hurta. ît is in y unr business as tn my plofession. We haveý te surt before we can iselp.1' You will nover untierstandl retietptien until you andorstend rmin. A man tells meabiset so one c1s ai member of thse churcis. la makes ne im-' preËSaion on My mmnd at ail. 1 simply want te knew whether lie was con- vexted in tise old fashioned way, or wisetis eh- was convertod in tise new- fasiioned, way. lIf he was converceti iu tise old-fnshýioned way ho will ,stand,. lIt ho Wras convortet inl tise ew-fashioued. way, the wril fot stand. That is ail there is about it. A ni comaes to me to talataiont religion. Tise fixst question 1 asia hljm is:"D yen feel yourseif to ho a sinner "'"1', -lie - --È, I - E... 'lincti ii , make, me 1001 tisat tIsaI man neauts ea ri"heounI\eis"miais's herse by midnigbt Ibreugis t1ise ruina-ru by tise gae cf bis affectiou, eut hy tise gatior t bs w il anti isoea ha bas got througis n itis abat rmraigist ride ho n ili drop tise reins on tise iorse's necir, antid 'l tae" bts rîgist baudant inite on bis isart anti say, "Goti ha mercibuil tu me a sînuer," anti hetoeoieha bassic- bled hb hr2s, e howiii take bhis beet cria)wI .ef tisestïrmp, anti ho selirneel, cry- lac': "Bave mercy on me. O Goti. ac- cortiing te Thy loving kintiness, ac- cotgunto tise multitude ef 'Iiy ten- Cder 'morcies. Blet oua my tranisgres- siens, for I acknowletige my trans- gressions, anti my aine are ever before Thee." Ah, my trientis, yen sec ahis te net e eempimentary gospel. That is wbat maires seme- people so' mati. Ia cernes te e mais et a million dollars, adimpontent in bais asine, and set e; n-o're a pguper." it cernes te a n'o- man of faîrest chreoi, n'io bas nover repersat, anti scys. "Yo're a sinnor." It cornes te e man prîdiug himseitf on býis intiepentience anti seys, "Yo're bounti hand anti foot by tise devil," it com,c te aur ontire race.,cuti scys te me: "Wisy de yen preaoh that tmutis? Wisy don't yen preads a gespel wrtis ne repontence in it? Wby don't ton tlatter nieu's bearts se tisat yen mae tisem tedl ail rîgiti Why do't yen preecis e humattarian gospel, nîtis ne repentance in ia, saying notiig abent tise min, talking ail tise tinte about tise -Redorptiien " I say, "Get thee beiinti me, Satan," I would ratisi acd luNe souls inte sabety than 20,000 into perdition, lise redemption ef tise gospel le e perfect terce if there Ls ne muin. "Tise wviole neetinet e physicien, but tisey tisat are sick." "li any eue, tisýougis ho be an angel froru seen, prea ,h amy otis- or gospel tba3s Ibis," scys tise apostie, "lot im be accurseti." ([homo musa be tise miduigst -ride ovor tise ruina kie- bore Jerusaiem cen be huit. 'Ihere munst be tise chîciig oethaie oots ha- fore they cen be tise ring etf the tmon'- oic. ,Agaîn. Mlîy subjent gives rue c spo- cîmen e f bnsy aun. arinmpisent sati- noe. If tiseran'as any man in tise, n'erld whe isdati ght tb mope anti te gis-o up everything as l it wee Neabemiais. Yen say, "Be n'as a cup- beaxer in tise palace- bofSinsisan, anti il nec a grand pae"Se it was.'Tise hall efthaat palace necs 200 foot square, anti tiserof overoti over 36 imerble pillars, ecb piller 65 foot iîgi anti tise intense binaetoftiesekdy, andtihie deep green efthtie fomesat ouiage, anti tise esisteetf tise driven enon', ail isnug trembling in tise uphuolstory. But my trieads, yen kuon' very ws-ll tisat fine architecture null net put tiosn isceesickuese. Yet Nehomit i ttinet gis-e np. Thon -n'isn yo e 800 im go- ing ameng tisose desolateti streets, anti by tisese dismantieti toe-rs, anti by tise tom n p grave et bis f atiser, you n'onîdsuppose tiat ho n'onlt bas-e boom tiiiseerteuetiancut iat ho woulti have dismotuntedtifrem bts herse antigona te bis s-cern anti sard: "Woe is moe! My father's grave is ornunp. Tise temple1 is dîshonoroti. Tise nulle are bmoken1 devnu. I have neornoney nitis n'hicbh te rebuilti. I n'iss I bcd nover been hemn. I nisb I1nIera, deeti," Net se scys Neisemiais. Alttough h ha bd a grief se intense that t excitedth ie cemmen- tery et bis king, yet tisaI pennilessecx- esperateti Nehemiais renses hirneoif up te rebili th ie cty. BHe gets hic per- mission ef absence. Be gels bis paece-' ports. Be bastons away f0 Jemusaiem.t By nigbt on bersebacla he rides tismeugis tise ruina. Be overcomes tise mot fo- ocious opposition. Be acreuses tise piety anti patrietisrn of th- peopie anti in l!t-isan -w o months-n'cmely 52 days -Jomusalem was roýbuilt. Tbats wiatl Iý cli busy amd triampisant satiness. Vyiirronue, tise w isole temptation la wîi Jyen svhenilyoun cwe trouble to do, ,uathse oppuîseto ttise isehavior of r """OtiIttt itlI Nermeand that îs tu gise up. Yen u - -, I have lest my child a'nd can nover amleagailn.'" YciX say, "I hase fallen .d into sin, and I nover can start again for a w lite." If Saetan cen make you, formt tiatrooUtien. and make yen keep it, ha bas ruïlned yen, but te areuse you, te r an mate yen, te, prepel yen. The biack- i snsjth doees net thrust tise iron into tiseI forgeslnd thon blesv away wi'thie bel- lems ud themn tning tise hot iren eut '" on1 tise aesvi and beat witis streke etter strLï7oke to muin tise iron, but te propere it for abtter use. Oh, thet tise Lord 1 --' -' GdeeNenasweuid arenso up ail ,ptM m brokeIn ieartetipeple te rebujilti! Whip- 1r kebP petLi, lietrayed, shipwreoked, imprisoned, *~ UCT iPeu! wemt rlglvt on. The Italien martyr , W, Ii3j ha M ciIii Alge rius sits in his dungeon writing na' lotter, and he dates if. "From tise de -r-4 1latrtable orcisard tof tise Leenine prison" h i a Thet is wisat I caîl triRnýpihant sedness. i Thnt le what Ibail trinunpisant sa-egosa." That Le whet icaîl trirampisant saduess.J i flOC on ririday anti on Sab.hatis appearedin ae.sadeL ise ,houise efGed abid said. "Give me î0puiL rhn a cleise. Give me a Sabbati s chool class. pdM phn fI have ne ciild new left me, andi I weuld r'~5i~~I~c like te isave e clas eflittle ciiltiren. _____ Gi-e me a dlase off thée back etreet." Thet, I say, le iseautiful. Thet le tramp.nt satinese. "At 8 o'clock everyj Sajbsati ternoon fer years in e beauti- fuil parler in Philadelphia-a parler pic- L amrd end statuetteti-there were from 'e S 10 te 20 destitute cblidren of tis treet. M e~" Tose, destitute chiltiren received etiogi- O eus instrnction, concluding with cakes I eTr,eJ anisandwiches. Blow do Iknow tisat thiat wes going on fer 16 yeers ? I kriow P it in tbis way : Tisat wee the tiret homoe'l iris Philadelpiiwhere I was clled to iAp""t e'o'. cemnfort a groat serrow. Tisey had a ~ a.l, 'VSto it spllendid boy, and ho isad been drown- ' ?cmCoe, ed. et Long Brancis. Tise fether and moIs&her almost itiolizeti tise boy, anti tise e s n L is a nti arie ofet tiat fetiser and mu li- en n is ey hnrg os-or tise coffin resound îS'ilSi -n y cars to-day. Tisere seemed te h ne, praying, for wh el, knelt " dw ei r aty thse outcry iu tise roem dýrassineïod ot ail tise prayer. But tisel n et tl ii trouble. If yen sisenld go! amyaferneon into Laurel Hi1i ye weld tia monumentwsiti thie ord, ________ "Wle"itsecribed tapon it, anti a,1 evreis et (,fresis flowers arount tse ' EXACTr cOP, OF 1ae.l thfink tisera ssas net an iseti s20 yenrs, winter or summ-,r, wh_________ 1hstere naisý nota-ivreatis et fresis flosvers aretiWalter's naine. But ,tise Chr.ý-stiaan mntber 'e ho sont tsefiowoýrs tisese, having no chld lot t, !-tbati eterazcjoýns mothoreti,10iito 20) _____ et ielest on, s of tihe street, itiat 1e bntfu.Tisit is nisat I caîl busy ant L:trimpisaut radnoss. Hèreilsa amati whe basï letis apreperty. Be <lesnt. de- 'I!r y bis oe lite. Bis comas anti scys: h -"B Lrne , ssinm, for Christian n erk. Ai -y tmncys ,gene. I have nu treasure on crt Is. I n'eut areasures Linsoaven. I1 VI y b pea haveýc ,a vol-e antia hearite serve Goti." Ye (Iay-IVtha thti mans bas failati. Hoen t ha i ne baled-ho bhas trîoanphed. h,; nthi 1 cuba .persuade alltise pepewise have aisy kind of troble noe te gtvo up I I wish they would look e t lise midnigist rider o; tise tex, anu thet tise foorisoof.s of abat beasi ont1î whi'h Noermaisrode migisa cut te,1$ pie-es ail yenr diseuragomour.a and bar iships anti trials. Gis-a up. 1Cv ho je ng te give uip 'î un tse bosoin ef botiL ho,,oanuihave ail hie troubles bUSh- i1ll ' edf ý Gise rap 1 Nover cbcnk et giviug up. r Are yo,,aborne donn wîth peverayeA o u ý1' 1-tt-e ehiid vs ft-und-i holding bex -dead -- - riS! lest!, 1119.!, Il Att a rîciRtgula - ,oritains neither e nor Minera, ly f~or cons lipa- n,'ch,Diarrhoea, 3iots ,Fevrerish- 3OF SLE-LP TWPAPPE'1. FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE I '011 -H 18 OIZ TuE or EVERY B-nOTTLE OF' hs CAr1hPIL ttp *Ilc7e-îizo bettlos oly. I't ;o ae nythïng eoutnthe ylea cm promise that fA "juil ai gerd' andi "sil eniver every pur- p _11U- So tisai yen gelCA----RIA ~~~ if s CILyo ei onc nh t-,anti(y, .twîcc aQul 'e times in Prîce who inspect thàe i~~qoaIedasweiianeet of Rubbers, Trunks, Vali*ses, &c., W I EItBLO>CKi,a oîîvil tanmen boseanisune une coming in tise tlie girl Iookat ujp, n'hila hold- -"I G S ST R ingý ber tiacti metiers hanti anti saiti: "Oh I o eisis abat God bcd matie 1, r Ez VA more ;liLisa fr oor foiksl"iMYs-dear, B '-G E ST V FUiE ý,(oti wihîbe yoi hst5 (lot i nl eyour 5-. , ,, T V A L U~ 'ï-E, s5etr, Goi niilbe yotarborne. ,Are B --<~ " J .L~U . y p orn do n itis tise isreevernts taI ite latisebou e lay non' abat (ircf s-b is o exon tle Uhan fi> àoiï iutaated to eall amid see Ou.r new 100tvïea is mnister asiset him nby ho put e se, rinch came un thehlle graves in _ theý eocmetery-se mueis more came fisen va on tise larger gras-es-anti tisee lti sx- toin saiti: "iyen know tiat, 'et suois TRE SHoB mA.LN Ils aisekiugtiom. t ofh-asen,' anti I think tise Saviourm le pleeiseti nhen IBe____________________________________ sec s mucis es-ite clover gron'ing erund.ti isse litIle graves.> nei until yen bas-e been oast t EBE OVEN BIRD. 1iUt 'seheu tise Minîster presseti tisee lti aoiety-tio not lugive up. rAnm iemu uin iig sý,o fra more sctisfa.ctory ensn'em Idioeme b n bsbouse eue tisaI mn h aycrostig tise eki sexîon saiti: "Sir, bu toeceulti tmuthtnhly uttor tise lamentation whici tise traveller in Senths Amerlea larger graves, il tidn'I knout n'is are of anther-1 notices, is tise e-e bird, as it la calioti, tis Lrds sainte anti whio are net, Once I n'as pure as tiese SZiC('*,but 1Il anti ite nests. It is a bird tisai looks but yen kunon, air, iti l ean titterent toi- vr mc lk orcoms-ab.r n itis tise aimus." Oh, it yen has-e\had F811 ike a enowfltake, front boýas-oute r ui ieorcmo a-hid tise keen, tender, intiescribeble cor- t el'- I except that it bas short, stusiy wings, s-on'tisaI cornes from tisa lose eft a chilti. Felh te bte trmipieti as 1111h la tise antij canne t endure tise long fligis (1o not gis-e uic. Tise olti sexton n'as s-OOt.ý- tisat tise cet-bird ceni. But il le net riglit il is aln'el n'itb tise bimus. Fell te bisscobteti et, spit on antitsd idisî htj oiebe u Oh,I ut nhas-e sînnai, if yen bas-e iseatu tebidisefthtisntdii u sinn"e& grieveusiy.-sinnati until yen Praying, C-Ursing, Wshiiig b e, itsesacl. ([boy are baiit et muti anti býen cst ut y te curc, sn- Sllig M sol t whpýyr wuldfine grasses, geueraily in some isigis, buy, exposoti place. From a distance, the lDealing in ehaine fow a morsel ot nest resembiles e kettie tumneti hottom bred pn'cri, n'ith a isole in tise side of it. Jr' -' ., P Y S I OIA U S F A IL 1 ~ e i i g a t e m n i e T ise Lside et the est is divite t in to ',l" A URE N CAES 0 two epartimente, appareutly tise front giv~ ~.1tialal andtihie living room. Tise tiret Vk TRY RYCK1VAN'S KOOT D t V! 1L.Oeleuti 1 room Lertise door, is eeeupied by tise UR.IHAS A Sýon o cernes soyutody ay-, maie, n'bile tise muer apartmeut con- i YCUR.I ing, "Go anti sOs no more," n'hite, he iteins tise meet. i R' O0F CURES UN- cries ouate peyur assailanta;, "Lot bita iIt is a fearlese lttle bird anti me- >J LEINTHE that jiv itheut sia caI tise tiret stono garde tbe orese*se et man esiti s selit.- i LiALLE INaiL hem." Gis, tisare is ne eason n'iy tle f car that it mey ha ecsily strnck 1-115tORY 0F ANY any eue in afisa ouse isy reeson et dr'wnnnitb c switcis A great many et REED.any trouble or siu abieulti gis-e up!, tbem are te ho, fountinlutise country R'm uEscpigtietattia Are yen a f orcigner ant inL a atrenge arounti Buenos Ayrýee anti aise on tise î-, noeofse api thentractble mmlNeblensiais wasan exile. Are emalislande off aise cecet, Lu thies ae 1 Pta on tohemo r seeratbe antiyenpenuileset Neisomiai nas peor. Are! latitude. ts ympomsar sosevre ndy ou bornesieki NoheiLeiwas home- th causas se great tisat a sick. Are yen isokea isocrîetif Nehein- noriti glatily gis-e anytbing, do lais was broken hearteti. But juit et 0 eHU ERWIK IALS Éo get relief, him ~ie tbt, ritiinjgalong tiesec IHU ER-PRSMRCs Àasar ftnaitiseir wits end rilegeci grave of hs, athr anti by th ise . Agnen"c Cure for tise Bearî le w wat o o wthcass f tisdraonweiiad houhtisa1 fias gateln'tisut apeer. This grisat reredy re- 1, 1 inhoal kintineas we would atisise anti hy tIsekimg'a peuh, ln antieut, lund isreig om fieatdaae ~ -ciefor tiseir patients R> cks- anti eut,, tise rneonlight falhlng on tis 1amidsrsig as fhatdsae .ytt itc CreSubarese kowofbrokein raaonry, n'hihis ron' h long;I is tise surosî anti quickest acting i tnCures-be baveetsr ue nlaor sfbadees, at 'hich lise horce sies, anti1 os-mule for iseert trouble k'nown te d tnn wo hve ethe usd i or t te sme ie tamoonlitgbt kindi-'medicel science, andti iousantis oetlimes i 'oued ,J î~~ng np aIse eatures et this man aIbsts ade ie~L etoe oci. ci>ofe London, Ont., et 440 Park, yen sec net only the mtark or s- ati m- been stayeti by its use. Ilf Ibere le ttîeru lises tirs. Burtiick, wbo is te- minicence, but tise courage anti bep alpitation, shos-Inesetfismeeli, pain guatr crul esoman for baving been tee enthusiasin of a maWho k n l eft ide, smnotiserimg sensatos- I b Kutenay of an Eczoma et firetiaé Jmelinniil areultei. dou'ftidehay, or yen may bho cunteti -, oïîîg.Tise isease bat epreati alilpick yon up toc-day, nuitl etyour si,,mntise long Thetoettisosaes-who bas-e .î rurbody anti nas a constant source of anti out et yonr sormen', antiI put you gone os-ar to tise greal niajority, be- 'r_ ,ii,, su inuci sos thai sbe es-s unablo agatasi tise es-as-mbeart et Christ. "Tise cause tisa besa rematiy in tise norld te- t lî~tmore tan une bours sleep et a etomnal Go i Le ny'refuge, anti ntem day n'as nI promptly useti ShIr' oe bad tbree pisysiciens in attend-, neeth es-etise everlesttng armes" Fer saie by Stota & Jury. [ccdntook many patent medicines, but __________ cri ftbem cureti ber. KDE Rf.OEY RA UIES 'cieter taking eigbt Sotiles et Ryckrnan's KI1YCne CA'SGTA UIES koeienay Crire lier bloond became pure anti Sentis Amine-ta Kitiuoy Cure tise enly A dising bell, consLiing et a tisick, tii, lottie ligtetsin ~'Ec.em ~spertiflo for Kidney Disease-A icii orbe terpitie onberisofy. îs-inga orcutisoîvent-nevar feuls. MedicaL Sei'- ishon cube cut about six foot cnt n'cigis. )[her eruption ~on 'irbd.eb as prosei bayent atoubt tisaI iug atiser more than 10 Ions, n'as me- .\noiber lady, lils. Richaerds, lvn ttisa sehiti pasticles etiicis posse Ibrengi ceti-ly eeseret i'nie 5safer 2010 feet Aik na Ave., Hamilton, bat a soe- the kidnleys ini tise ertiury course of n'bat similar experience. Fer tn'o menthe cîrculaîhon-anti eiichisnlutime, s deep, niai stsrog tiiabere atteoheti te .,be esas uneble te rest nigisi or day with gitanie-s-teee-estattin erder Le test its strenugli. After che tawfol itcbing and pain. Medîcal moentiseybeceme diseaseti ant ill ii ol per, tise bell hbud reatneti tise bof tom ifn'es !a iledt t cure bier, but four baIlles of Keet- form tietnctitons for wniih tbey n'era netic mi tbat tish me rsPcame u nl - nay did, antisise non'* says tis, Eczemaexceeteirequiro a sois-ont te dissolve spîteters, cuties-len tise bell n'as pull- bias entirely diseppeareti anti sie boces ike anti eratuctato ,froin tisesystem lisese cd np il n'as cmusisedtioet li rocog.- aIIOLber porsun. itoreigu substances, andthise greal Sentis nitien et its former shape. Tise 'ates- We coulti muitiply instances like tise Americcu Klduoy Cure.ha pros-an te, pressure n'as r'alculated te isc 353,924 aiss-e ani i yo ar deiros e futie h ie asti anti mosî scieutiflo emety pounuts un cacissite, anti e resniting ,boean i yo ae esrou o fr es-orsnob, an(t tis estimeof isas-pressuraet o-or 1,360 tons on tise cube. indisputeble prefofetKoateney's Kingsisip atse-oic-ibo usa y othu ever disease, cent your naime to tise Ryck- pihi doses have teiheti is tise beet teimon- Anigeiu ohncfescma mon Medicine Ce., Hamilton, Ont. Pisae- athetion eft tia tact tisat a sels-eut ins-outeti, pastes papor labels on loo,oohl Dougical cbart bouk sent frae te eny must hocetimirniclemetiIf lu despair cens in stan heurs. Den'n a chute relia %tidress. 1 1 uisefisis remiedy. a ceaseloas processionet cane, anti each One bottie lests ever e mentis. 1For sale isy Stott & Jury can pinirs up e label as t passes. . -'i -,- + K - . - . 1-1 --A i "lu U gàg> ý.ý6 1 :nanek !ýa et à 1 -r