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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1897, p. 5

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_________________ _________________ The Royal Oaks played basebail at PERSONAL. Oshawa w ith the Marines and were om- A Good Up=to=date Grocery' beaten by a score of 14 to 13 in favor of Mr. Arthur MeDougail, Toronto, is hom the latter. Miss Alice Welsh is home from Brighton, N. - . * Bank, management to reinstate Mr. F. oaditere. LFortt to this brauch. He was recent- Mr. Clark -Morrison, Toronto, spent the 12th in Iv removed to Montreal branch. town. ic cl n eneda veig as henw oe a-e Nrhcte rator, slstn.a is the kind you can place confidence in--feel liko offiiers of Court Pride of Ontario No. Miss M1,amie TodToronto, is guest at Mr.Tlios. yuae big wl rae n e uego 6000, A. O. F. were installecl to office by Tod's. goods every time you trade there. This is the somie people (in fact most people) judge of the quality Bro. Wmn. Painton, P. C. R. At the Miss Edua Moore, Brooklij, is guest al Lornewa wew nyo tofeabu close of the meeting Bro. L. Jollow, C. Villa. a we anyo t flabu R. elect, invited all the members to Mr. Miss A. L. Armour is visiting friends in by the price asked. That this is a mistake can easily Clarke's resturant and treated them to Cavan. Soei iooi oeo hi t r be demonstrated by calling at our store. good time. weete i a ol Miss Minnie Car is home from Chicage for the adw'lm n orgo pno fu vr i Rev. H. A. Strike, wife and child, ar- vacation. adw'l ei orgo pno fu vr ie rived last week to their new home audE Miss Addie E. Pascoe,Solina,was guest of Miss If you should buy anything from us that- is flot en- lI ~ ua ~charge at Demorestville, and were Misst.bEGoards alevlli hm o tirely satisfactory-speak ih out, and we'll make w, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~welcomed by a large number of mem- tehldy.Cnigoseitei W %-i te holdays.i ght. bers of tlie M ethodist churcli of the M. H ry Wlirs somegenunne bargains and it will payMir.osie ,Wilelasbeen kt il he th vilag adadoiinappînme tlih ai homeM. We keep full limes of the very best groceries the bountifully, music and speeches whiled James, Oshiawa. m rsafr n oes epr ed ui waya peaantevnin.-ictn olldiiys at home. To t, sedn ness on business principles and the public like our those looking for W heels that will T'imes. e.HA.adMs tkeDmrsvlewr ehd.E ry-dyi ab gin a tou soe Whitby A. O. U. W. wiîî mun an ex- Rev. H. A. ndr. Srkeotileem tos vr2a sabrandya u tr h urio br teamer Garden City to St. Mr. Paul Bilkay, of the Toronto Star, wa and we live in a business rush. nbounded satisfaction to cati and er'nb give U Catharines on Monday, July 26. Boat homte for the l2th. gl.eaves Newcastle at 6.80 a. in. Mr. Tiios. Paterson lias gone to Muskoka for Farmers, corne and see lis and bring your produce. et our rices and Bowmanville at 7 a. m. Tickets bis sommer outing. NwYr iybsbe We will give you the best prices going. gfrom above ports 90ec; children under'visitîing lii mother. TTTT'I~~~TT 12 yeams 40c. Take your lunch and en- M.Wiogb oeTrno a envs ____________________________________ V_________a__ plereopastsai ndhouadsobserv- Mtn. W.tG.1Gvo erbretund rma 1a B W ANIL. h roe Rneh omig fthe iibatfl lca îî vsiciDrharWls,Roabta, b Y to % C W i o f t h e W e l l an na l an d w l l el a - M i s G , t c o n g s v i i n g e i s t r M THEed los tothecit pak.W. N. Ti]ley-, Toronito. TIEZ d clse t the ity ar.Ms. MW. 1E. Welsh and child of Banlin are IT NEvEu DîsAPPOINTS.-Theme is no gnesis ai Mr. E. Welsb's. IPCYMwTY occasion for you to endnre the sufering Mis mene Jewell and Miss Louise Hansen are T im e 'ln d caused by piles, yTou can cure yourself vnî,ting friands in Toronto. quickly and without pain by using Miss Maggie Yellowlees, Toronto, sstaît s L~J IN PO DE 1~ t e-Mr. W, E. Polard's, Salem.0 Some IPeople have become lieves your tormenting distresses, heals Vallean, Minneapolis, Minf.5brstaMr so e(,u-some topayng romat once. takes ont al soreness, heala the Miss Annie Roblin. New York City, s ,,.est of 40c a b.forBakngdiseased parts and in a soothing mnanner har sisier, Mr. W. P. Prower. 40c. ;-,u60c. lb.for Bkingmakes a permanent cure. You can Mr. John Stace attenidad the funea of i Powder that they are slow in save yourself ail the unpleasantness mothar at luevaLe last week. mosil t tpethr understaudiug how we cari sup- and expense of doctoring by givingS this Mrs. Blackett, Vancouver, B. C.,isvisitimg lier Ipsil oso ihr isgaa-ointment a trial. It has cured hundmeds daugliter, Mns. T. E. B. Henry.. Since it is m sil to ev-ade ply an article which is ura-MISS Raid and neice, Miss Ethel Reid, bave iPosil teed strictly pure at so low a ~of afficted people and is certain tb me- g-one to England to visit friaiîds. fytm ti etrt oto .- tedsrcl uea olwalieve you of thîs trouble. Dont sufer M .S Hîitno ntnoBni-tn price as 15c. a pound. another day when Trask's Ointment visited ai Mr. C. Osborna's recantly. ttwntd Q Ls l n costs only twenty-five cents a bottie. Rav. Norman Jobuston of Akron, Ohio, is vis-lelti et n epte Our customers tell us we make Ca uSoe ha tNcol'js iting bis fathar, Mr. Jas. Jobuston. vs out by the use of good sereenS the Best Baking Powder on the the thing for the hot weather. iting bs daudoete MÏ19W. B.Tapaon M\arket and we ask ail who desire Carnpes!!! get your Tea Spoons for Mn. at( Mrs. Thos. Savaga, Myrtie, visitad something better than they have loc. per doz., Table Spoons 6 for 10ç. at fnt'ii danghtar, Mrs. B. Blekia, Clarke. PoQr 5,Vo( Qns,but have screens been buyîng to give our prt Nicholis'. IMns H. Waatharston, Guelph, visited baie ii-an. brand atrial.See those Belt Pins at Nîchoils'. Mi.W ..0, iatb, m d Misses Kathleen sitd flubyprpry . WECHEFULYPTUNCampers !! ! you eau get ail kinds of Meaili are, visitinjg relatives ai Trenton, fitted and. you wil mot have ~ ~ WE CHEERFULY RETURNCooking Utensils cheap at Nichoils'. Miss Rjichrson sud MnS. Parcival of New fus T utL your money if you are flot perfectiy Fiat Bottom Tea Ketties, regu nk Citykare guasts of Mns. Win. Trewin. thcar .a.isfied anrem ber we guarantee prc 2e.fr5.eahtsmgua Captalin M Simpson and wif e of Toronto ara h le. Wecryàfl sat 2c.fo 1c.eah hi wekatguests or bis danglitar, Mrs. R. I. Henry. asrmn from those cheap ingre~ients being Ils. we tMn. Jolin C(arscaddan, Toronto Jnro, ~~re or O ur p o w d er to b e ab solu te y free B na as 5 , 0e 5e 2 eh o d ze , visit h)ig a i MnI . F . C . s adden's, M a Ln io ,is a . a n d t ie n d o w s e rals o ah s e used as extensiveiy by some man- and Tomnatoos 3 Ibs. for 25e. Oranges bohM sit hona an Mss LGoule Hginr- 1 boa a H, TLtba r iiiga r.H odas o-in Soreen Wire. cheap atTEE ITAIAN FRUIT STORE. ont0. ufcurr.Bowmauviiie. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Kalh are visiting ibheirli daughter, Mrs. Calalian, ai Newark, in New STO TAA D J RY.Make home attractive by buying wal Jersey. 8TO T ND dU Y.paper from J. C. Weeks. 'See advt, Mns, Win. Jackson, Oshawa, and sou) Mn. Il. Jackso,_______ ____ rcenDustansat&MHoarB A stock of Dress Goods which is ad- JcsnOiîawr aeiussa n .B mitted on ail hands to be the fiuest ever Mr\l/. Bia fVctra B .,vst i 4 ___________________________________________________seon lu town uow showing at Couch, cousin, Mrs. John Hambly, last weck ou lis way BWAVLE Johuston & Cyderman's. to Englanid. BWAVLE hn 4 Orde yor Bnde Twiîe romthe Messrs. Edwin Rarris, Rockwood, and W. Orde you Biner winefromtheKrouk, Wellington, wera guasîs at Mapfle Cor- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Leather Beits at Riekard's for 8e. Farmors' Binder Twiue Co., Brantford. nersîlast we,'k. Prettiest designs of wail paper in town Peter Mu ~eh, Bowmauville, agent Mrs. R. Dumas and Master Leon and Mrs. N.S. \ BOWMAN VILLE STATION. at J. C. Weeks', Ontario St,.ortiis >i Vermoavngoto isiIrlatveSi He won't use it, because its "shine!» Iasts GoîzG EÂST.OG WENST. You wili flnd the best assortment in Ladies' and ',%isses Spring Capes and M.W .F aby ftaFclyo o o Express ...8 a.m. 'ExpreSB4.. 5 23a.mItsadSisatMMaes Coats-a fine assortmeut anîd cvery one umbia Uunsi r y, New York, is guest of Mn ,T.,og n sen o lmpl *Expess... 0 la. . Loal. 18 Will -yen paint this --season? - J. - nw t ouh-Jo ton & Cyder- G.Bragg, B. A Local ..... 642 p.m. 'Expres.. . 5 22 ls e ks guarantces satistacilon. 1 S 14ý1rterRe ,L . Alextn ur antn Epres.. 05Mm. David Browne, Colector of Guýi- We are seiing a bcdroomn suite. at sMliddlevlV-ie,0Ont., lait waak, Daly tmsatLidsydîd n unayof$1.O.M. D. Wiihims & Son, Rev. Joli Culark will visit Bowmanville witb wax pore-fiLler, and polish 4 hcar falur, agd 6 ycr.J ubilce Souvenir at Rickard's. bisbroher11e. W. J. Clarki:, wbo ihto lecture lur alragd6 erii St. P, li-eh urcli ou the 20tb. up a previous polis. Can auy of our eaders -~Ivenus the Machine Oil at Rickard's for 5e. per Mes;. iL t.'co urtice sud Thos. Smithî area t n~Ùr ~~t~t~w rosent address of John 'Vokes Whîo bottie. tendiugc t1uisetrational Convention of Ep- th Lit2 - m oroto tis wek.Paid by the week rived some years ago at Lindsay ? Silver Poiish at Rickard's-none to wovntl egv uTroioii ek beatit l th word. ev. J. I. Bannait atiandad a meeting of tbe BOWMANVILLE, JULY 14, 1897 TeSuhWr udysehool en- ba fi h ol. Bible Society in connection with the Cougrcga. .xedofb tepar _______________________ ___joyed their annual pienie at Port Bow-. If yon want to he in style juit cali at tionalchuneh at Nilagana lasi week.1 il M.iliu os, Fridaysafternoon. i M. Mayars,.aEdiek and family of Dundas are enjoyinr j ~he'd shine the actual annul ecurionof A O.u. . IFedora or Christy stiff hiat. Fulli une of t1 oli breezes of Lake Ontario ai Pont I Local and Otherw se will go this year to St. Catharines by gents' furnishingi as usual. cottage TvnviviM. ul' nw. leather, bard and the steamer Gardon City on Monday, Miss E. RuthanfordOiono, Miss Rogers, Eninis- Mr. R. Worth retunued Thunsday frein an ex- Wateing Pots eheap at Nichols. Juhy 26th. Be sure and take it . killer, Miss Mary E. Colville, Clarke, aud Ains. tensive pleasune trip to Detroit and tîrougli the smooth suracd, -t i. J. I. Bell, Marshalltowu, la., bave beau -uests culies of Western Ontario. He was accoipani -Wi. Blouse Sets at Riekard's for 8e. M. A. James issuer of Marriage i. ai Uncle Tom's Cabin ti Port Bowmanvlfa. cd by Mns. Worth. ___________ tiie. ha tý3iiwMr, C. R. lVlcClloch of Hamnlthon, I s electeWW I fGrocers' Due Bis taken as cash at eneshsbo oisdta h e Presiderit of tbe Business Collage 1 e WAIEEs' o gu mnarmîage act bas come into force, and p etDetf nveton rece,îtly leld ini that city. ThrJI<[s oneVL Rikmdi ereafter prospective brides are not me- The ullîy VOSlIS tefr aot o etWetDraoby.oret Sterling Silver Novelties in abundance quîred to appear when the icense is th(,ci faeroat-obn Im et Dunbm b ,if Rickamd's. issued. Miss Amielia May Washington, daughten of -1 c ~ ~ i oi Hammoks i allstyls an Colrs a theWol[118 d Rev. A.G.Wasbiugîton, youngest soni of pur veau Th brn o M. oh Mrrsoerable citizens, Stephsen \Vashington, Fsq.,las In Dustan & Iloar's. Bookhin, weme îtruck by lightning ou gîaduated lu musia fio TbSCoîoeIoq elagent.for BowvmanviIIe, JUHN HELLYAq. gaton as hntncli Ior fBceCoge Window Sercens and Sereen Doors Sunday and destroyed. About 50 tous gBro as hiugt, ows ast o luo oi ____________________________________ .complte lu ahi sizes at Dustan & Hars. of hay, 200 bushîcîs of peas, four pigi The scientifle prepamation cf dyestuifs Mn. J. Keachsia of Toronto, bas complated a -VARM TO RENT.1 ArsbenARIG LCES ,- . Our Diniug 1noom Suites wilI surprise and some agricuitumal implements were and piitting them up in proper shape designs forat'grand piano to ha praî3enteil Citi .- atso os 2ad13c8,r bîg JARAEIsuro argLCENSES. . A yo.L. Morris: also burned. Losabout $2500 ;parthy for fanîiy dyeiîig las been.broug t zuens .of Q .ebc ,ioighi Rini. SI Wilinid arts yof Lgos land 13,çOn5, inivo gtuod i, ncJ-iCentreIsar 0 arigeLcss andDomnio Lio oeaninsured. to perfection py Wells & Ricardion Luriers . e ptasuber.ohn ae not nearuidin, ood ellanîd tansîltwnedm0, asiec: ete tet surpniandd tisaiiJohniD's facile pencil slsould bave bidns w ei n uun tamo a ______________________ tickets for sale at STATEsmAN office. Adjt, Maitby, su command of the S.A. Co., who are propriotors of te cele- beau seiectcIc for suaI an atistil uudertaking. an. For particulansapplyto la R. FA-LLis, 127 baracs t arie udetok o arv raedDiinndDys.Spruce St., Toronto. 29 - 3w. O YOU WANT A HOME.-If you do The atehumn dis o th Meho barach utBarieundetoo tocary batedDianon Dyi. pply te T. BINGHAI, fon a nice solid brickg dst chnrch, Mms. M. Cryderman,leaderalgse olo tv rmbslvn These popular dyci have banished Loscownlv,.-In Bowmanville, July lii'i, the A C N S LEctaecepaio aytru picniicked at Port Bowmanvilie, Juiy 7,rooi to the ground but tripped and from the homes of Canada madder, wlfe of Mn. !Fred G. Loscombe, of a sois. A CN S L Swhieu the young folks enjoyed a very tarm andfel upon Ùi njuring hisÎ fustie, hogwood, cochineal and ail other WITHrIsaanxý.-Iu BOWMau)Ville, July lihl, tbe - CEAN TRAVEL.-Al eading a adsetting fime to the hall, doing atqae dyestnffs. The work of wif e of Mn. Richard Witlseridge, of a son. 0. American aud Canadian Steasbip uines picjasant tîmie. $800 worth antiquatedh 0ie bi f a Desirable Farm in thec Township ana repnesenied by M. A. JAmEs, BowmanvIlle. Wedo upholstering of ahl kindi, ado of damage. Td he lire brig9- home dyeing is now donc quiekly and Dveiî.At Enfiald, the wif e of Jobu Dyer of a I___________________ paloer suites, chairs and lounges recov. etnusid h e. successfully by Diaroond Dyes ; the lagliten. of Darlmngton. SEVN WA ED-odger eped, mattressos restuffed, chairs e- Bey W. J. Clark of Firît Preibyter- proces is one that wvould astonish our OIED. iJdnsdb iteo oa fsl o- a ERVANT WANTED, Good age ppi cane0d and're-performted. Give us a incucLuow ecuel t rn aet.WÀ&i)E.-Iii liarmony, July 6tb, Chas. Wade, talnied isa certain Indenure of Mortgage which toMus. W. C. RING, Bowmanville P. 0. or pan- trial wheon having anything donc iu Paul's churcii next Tuesday evening, To-day millions ail over the worhd aged 78 years. will hae produced at time, tbere whll bce sold by sonally al surmmer house, Port Bowmaiiv;lle. this lino. L. Morris, 12th inît , under the auspices of the use the sientifie Diamond Dves in the GAmSB.iv.ln Ops, July 4thi, Tyler H. Gamshsy, public auction ai the Bennettiflouse in the town 29-tf. W4;_fld4-h1-public1_ aki __to 1 "Daug-hters of the Church," subjeet rfee +etoai. thrs1i1modfornsîrly of Clarke, aoed 71years. of Bowmanville, altihe boirof iwelve oclc vzNTgreatest ofbloodpurifiers ad humor cures H1lAT FNEFRAME DWELLING ton, t o srvceonlo F. A. l-ladd.y, N. G. ; C. A. Cawker, V. T. N. Rickard's Stock of Silverplate F rPieLsT nr omecLha sue on King streai East, Bowmanville, tonsir îlye "rub. o I.the rmi 75e. G.;- J. A. Hellyar, Roc. Sec.; 0. Smith, ih one of the fluest we over see. With FrPieLss ntyFr t. ha rasidance of tbe deceassd Mns. Hibisant, wlih sin salasthor-ibrefIl".erk me75eBoaravu P. S. ; M. Mayer, Treas,; T. C. Jewell, a stock of Watcbes, Cloeks, Jewehhmy A]]l bot tacrso an 'hsewlib. On thse srem- moîsalcts ai. S-MEd Berk îshi, Jra,ilaI t~~uuress sesare lso aframe siahle and woodshed, ail Grove. 2-w R. S. N. G. ; W. M. J onesi, L. S. N. G.; and Silverpiate as weil as Rings and Adrss' .U.STELVLE.I1IJUIUi bu ldlngs aieiiigond.condition. Tisera are 2-w F. F. Morris, R. S. V. G.; E. Osborne, Spectacles sncb as we sec in this store. MAAGRsuanCtEAR iof ni ris a lage rchiad u lrge, L. S. V. G.; W. F. Dale, Warden; F. Bowmanville people would be very la suld il sshut the o d.tt oPmslfuiss ageiw sdUeui Kydd, Cou - W Walker I G - J.unuwisc to tbink of dealing lu Toronto, C15 sColde, Sore Ths'oat, Astlinia, DyGÇic Coup.case lePropes.Boston. oz f ully laid ont grounds adjoining the residence. ,Johnson. O0 i;H sci.S . mr spcalya bepiesaesovr rnhtind b ail Lnà rnlPetoralo 16dre e ig icned anuBau. f Fr pntiolaNsapl GAtieLBdRAîneITH 8. Bragg, Chap.,; F . 110mB, rganist. reasoziable ~~ga~sP~rl RED ROUGU HANS JHNtGLRAT,.aaie~ - - - - ý-1

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