You ear ît in nine out of te-n drug stores. iis the' reluctant tes- imny n>of 40,000 druggists that Scott's Emulsioni the standard of the worlâ. AIud isn't the kind A other try bo range ip (o, ih kin4 for you 10 by Two szs, 50 $;.00. 1. lisPuty è.Is Thou.0sands of Cures. 3.its Ec7onomy, le. a dose. M3 ' 3 3 Regulates the Stomacli, Liver and Bowels, unilocks t he- S ecretions, Purifics the Biood and remioves ai,11 i impurities from a common Pin-r1Ie c 1 wotst Scrofuous Sore, and CONSTIPATION, BEALIACHE, SALI RHEUM, SCROFULA, IIEARTPURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, rHiEUMVATISM. SKIN DISEASES. FOR\\ 1WENT-StEVEN YEARS. 71 o sBETFIN IT r ,.e~ a rtCIA CURES )MûC, CHOLERA, CHOLERA- MORBUS, OýARRHOEA, DYSEwtERy, d ail SUMAME-R COMPLAINTS of Obidron or Aduts, Lc, 3Sc, Eeware et Imitations. THE ZDIETZ ijout as 1near perfction as 5) y -ue ulear w!hîte hglýt and will crba low nar jar out, W han diici cI "ril ut the tiailce12Seeaerly kec: r 1undretI f&ahe-:ati ofycur -et ' horse. Wbeny a rýi -nthîe e-y I y Driving Lamnp tebchn id, yçzc -s ,-3eale-r -tac -- - - - ' Lam, fand, J yen aver lip i ar' cii, aftei igli la11. il will ili retty ti. i 'Tîs maIe I frac-. n ýil eyes ach e, close tcbem for s miute. \hee they banc baibe, mn in utr as h-at as ecalbe blame î ah7hlaiwte-azel in t. Af îer 1~ngb te m in rose mater, and a io elWetin rose nader aver fr fo iseinutes. Whn n dey are otshtsheamore. Wthen the iearyelv a-ci ,dthe pupihs dm11, kil aï,er rr dieu ; rau are bjlious. picci ieerte-Maroa ricb svrup a oe qurtovega', fixa pouatis o? tar, ~ ~ ~ v .av ccas ? vhi ci-maman. s isnceo? bae-cov Ahnd th îe thi n- paret yellW riÎi aIoislemons. Sto mintes.Taýl-e four poundis rip, prfei ormiîes, selecting île ai iranlc 1a û Do at remave ibm Uns. Pour theboý1(iing sy-ra1p v-el' rr;cvrcloseir\. Fliccherries miay Egg Puits-MaIe a riol patt pasie, rail thin anti bale la tari pans. Whuto sit bhot, break an egg la each, season wttb sait, pepper, anti butter, andi bale until the white s set. If île shelas are baketid beore needeti for use ihey May le beateti uîi in thc aven, befare eggs are atideti, anti le as alec as tbougli fresblyIbakati, Srambiet iEggs Wili Tomatoes - Mince a smail onian anti cool for ien minutes in as uitle water as is passible. Atitia plat et cannedt taies, sali, pepper anti a ltte butter, anti cool con minutes longer. Suir in six ligbtly bostoýn eggs, cool ana minute, suir ring eonstautly, anti serve ai once on toast. Egg Sand %viches.-Boii egg-s for ilirea fortîs o? an liant. When coiti, rab île ya.l ta a j asie, ehlop île whiies very fine, add iont-s hlitas mueb mmnccc eu- carnIer pckli anti mix ahl tog-ether witb a mayonr-e cesng Srad betsveen tim, egg-slapeti sîcces af breati; or the' mined piclle may bcs omiti ec an] erîsp letince leaves laid beiween île suices, aller iley bave been thiokly eapreati wiil île prepareti eggs. THE HOME. FAi.TI!GUE IN SEWING. For many of us8tee fatinua or strala r casdby rPwýag is toc great for us ta endure, for continued w ork. W e bave inhcerited so imany ncivous habits cf generations of ancestors ibat there are but few of us uow worl ai ahla i the natural way or by wsing tle cmus- oies inteadeci ta do the wbrk. Ia sewiag we se frequentty get tireti inîlehe k cf tîele ccor the waist and ibis ta berause we use the muscles cf the neck or waisi rather than the cnes iniendedtiet do thie warl. Uf you wiltl but stop anti thiak wben sewing, ycu will fiadti tese muscles are coctracteti as mce as if ihrcy werc the cnes necessary for tle wcrl. Now, contraction is îhe worlang state cf muscles, anti what wo want is te, teacb tbem ashera ta contraci. Wherever the tired feeling cornes, it la because cf unnaturat tension, whîdli a scoca as tbe womn h ecomes sensible of it, oa he spe entireiy by taie- ing twc or tbree mi nutes aoansdthen ta iei go ot these wroagiy sympathetin muscles, andi abus teacli thcm ta mund theiroan husiness, aud ihus scw xvith only the muscles that are neetieti. Lay tiown yaur warl anti let your muscles relax as munch as possible, andi by do- ing -this frequently we can avoiti the uselesa airain andti eaob aur muscles ta behave themseives properiy. Another simple cause of mucli fatigue in sewung us the crampeti, straineti posi- tion af the lungs; ibis oaa le preVenteti ;wiihaut stoppiag in the worl by iaking long, quiet, easy breaths. There must le no exerUlon wilatever ia the chest Imuscles. The luniga musi seem to cx- pand fromn the pressure of the air alone', as iadependentty as a rubler bati1 ex- pantin, andti iis cannai le, donc when aur shoultiers are crampeti or stoaped like tbey no frequenily are. Most o? us seýw or work witl 50 murli baste that wc neyer stop ta coasider nIati is the car- rect way ta work or the proper muscles ta use, but ave go on tramn day ta day making 's0 maay of aur muscles per- f orm the work intendeti for others ibat mucb unnecessary fatiýgue muet le en- dured. A hBASK~ET OF EGGS. Eggs Poachet In liaiil.- Careullly drap fresh eggs inta scaling liaimil, w icbout breaking île yolks. 'When it boits, remrove eggs andi place cach an a small square, oc toast, and dust wîth sali anti pepper. Strain milI ta tre- mave partucles o? white o? egg, pour fi over tle toast anti serw freali and hot. Egg Scallpa-Ta coiti masheci pots- tocs add an equal amount of finely minccc meat or chicken; a tabtesploon- ful of softeneci butter anti anc o? rich cream. 4ine welt butiareti gem pans nuibtis rmixture, anti set in île aven unil heated ibrough and nicety browa- cd. Remnove, break au egg ia oeach, -_saii anti peppeu tbhein, andretura to Pk Ils. The cures are not these f? peeple la fereirga landis, but tram al parts of cuir own country, andthie staterecats macle are easiiy veritueti by everycue in trée vicinity la w hich the cures reperteti, ocrer. Wbea sncb prooýf as ibis is offereti clatît muet cease, ýandti he medicine muai be asaardedth îe palm et superiority aver ail othors. Every mail brings letiers. from grateful people lu ail parts cf Canada, nIe baveat.een cureti iy the tisa of fD. Wûlliars' Pick Pilla, came- times after aeara o? hlneas and afier aibrer meduines lad faileti. anti ht is the words of gratitude spoken ly sufferers thus resceredt te halili bai bas createtithe enermeous demandti is medirine les, The telle-w ig letcer la lui a fair sampi et huaireda con- ctantly beicg ro civeti- The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Dear Sirs,-I havre great pleasure ia bearing testimaay ta the metiteical velue o? Dr. Wiliianks' Pink Pis, as a bhlooti purifier anti lealil restorer. For ton y cars1I asa victim te a complica- tion of troubles, begiacing n<tb qula- sey anti fotlo'eaed by rbeumatisma anti bronchitiis. My physiclsns tolti me the trouble l ad beoome chronir, anti thai eviery witer linoutti cuberbave ta bouse mysel? up argo ta âawrmcr climate. Twc yearis ago 1 nas con- f icedtt my led anti roam tramFebru- DOME$STIC RECIPES. ary ,until MLay uader ibe doitor's care. Asprags Wih rean.-TicîleOne day 'shile readi c f ilie cures Asparagus talutile a.h uethant xrougît hy tle use oiDU. Williahts' aspaagu inbunles.Was itandPick Pulis, 1,deternaincdte ry tbem, cool la boilicg satterd waier for fitteen anti I foui a cure ai lasi in îles minutes. Tako up anti eut offthle ten- splendidl medicice. 1 useti a dazen tierhosiePutibem laa cancpanboxes cfîle pillsanmd 1 have never been der ead. Pu thra n a aucpanbetter in my lite thIen h arnomw~ anti wiih a cap a? creani ta a quart kof 1 lave -nai been troublet iun aay way asparagus. Summer ton minutes. Stir witl my aid complaintesînce I discon- a big cabiespoonful cf butter with a tinuedth îe use of tle Pin-k Plits. As I ieaspoaful of fleur, andi when weil have aiready statet I h as a sutterer ltntietisûr ia îlte asparagus. Add for years, anti during ilsi perlet sait asti pepper t ta issie anti ced tive spet a smali fartuce in tiactor's mcdi- minutes. ciine snd drugs, ony ta fint inlatie endi tiret Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla accomp- Aisparagus Saue- Cnt île tender himeeti wliaiali er meticiunes taileti pari ef îhe asparagus into piees of an ta do. When rny tricade who kaow equal izc, avcidiag tlat w hicl is liard. low otten I was laid acide witl ilines Bail la salieti watcr- tilI tender; drain, arleti ne what cureti me1ham always antitur ou ona nelin ~ lmhappy 1 amy Dr. Williams' PnkPilla. an trnou n npkntea asorb Yours gratetuily tho misture. Put a generous, lump mRs.J. A. McKIM, o? butter ioa sfryigpa- about Cltaraqui. ilire ounces cf butter te a piat a? Mr. anti Mrs. MeKina arc smong île cooketi asparagus-wlien ih is hIt test lnown oanti mosi ucîceemeci reai- tara in île aspara1gus; ceason witb saii dents ai Catarýaqui, Ont. Mr. MeKlm anti pepper, and if 3rou have parcley les leen a travelling saiesman for chop a littie very fine anti mdci li pianos anti cligans la the distericiti n teaspoanful. Stir until île aspnra- wliel lie (reaides for upwards cf gus is very lot anti serve ai once. 1 twcnty-tive years. Minceti Spinach.-iBaii the spinacl la What stronger preef than île above saltd wtertil tenerhavng tiret Iecnle hati for tîle daim ibat Dr. Wil- saltti wiet iiltendr, hvmn liams' Pick Pilla cure wlien aIl o>tet carefnlly iolketi h over. Drain it, chop medicines tait?. If yeu are ailing give fine, anti season well ul csati andti his great medicine a tait triai anti the Vpepper. For eaol quart a? the sel aach resuit wili net disappemni yeu. The pu~-an talesoonulsef uttr atipublic are cautienet againsi numeraus anco? îror i a ryig pn. heapick ceiaredbimtaions. Insist apon ibisof l ooki amroibnpnb-foe h takeing nothtng bat the packages lwbich la row hatiti Sufrit ib enrthîe fuflI catie mark, "Dr. W il- inutes, natite bainw h.p ai reat ie! iams' Pick Pilla for Pale People." itir tea minutes longer. Pile it la ------ a hoi disb anti servie ai once. Dande-. GROWING COLONIES. lion anti beet greens are gooti if cool- in the laîl cme w ay. Non Seuil Waies's population 1ai ,.~ ... ~ycar n-a 97,640, an increase et about 20,000 iu oce yeav due, lionever, ta the e eexces cf irtîs, over deailis. as îlhetjcl- U O~ !fl ory lest more People by emigatioethm thon et Queensland la 264,613. Is esp]'ly rise cfIood's Pilla, for no mcdi. c lie ee r o-tanaul sa eat curative power i HSluRYMPLS 80 S pae. hey re wh'le ediine One applltatten flo Dr. Agn's Oint- mnt wihl give yen comfort. Ippie I eeynight for tîirce ta six niglts anti a cure ce effectet int the mesib stubbata caeýs o? bîcati, bleedlng or itching piles. Dr. Agne-w's Olineni cures eczemna, eh--t aysrep ....ali ail if-bing anti lamina diseases. ebesi aiwas reay, harts lîke magie. 3à. cents. ways efficient, aiwayc st- wFor sale by Stoti & Jury. lstactoci ;i prevent a en,,, or tever, raire ai!liver '1 , An inventer in Madiridi las sacceetiet sickli lciacihe, aaia asialnec 5.Ii aiga auperior quallty Of soap The 011Y Pille tw tle iwîLil oo's ïSarsaparilla.i oui et grasdlioper1S. Prune Souffie-.-StcLw 2adozen and a baif of prunes. Drain tbent, let tbem get entireiy cold, then chepi fine. -Beat ta a stf meringue the whites of secen eggs ancd Leven tablespoonfuls of granu- laieci sugar. Stir iuntth- prunes, pour inco a buitereci pudding dish andi bake haif an hour. Serve -while hot, witb whipped çrearu. lIt Lta a very dalicious dessert, andi one of the feu ways in whicli prunes aire fi to eat. Pieptant an(! Tapioca Pudding-W ash a scant cup of peari tapioca andi soak four bours inaa plat of water, ;vbicb it sbould a1 -sorb. Butter a pudding dish and colier the bottoi w itb ýpieplant cut fine. Strew on this a heapeci cablespoon- fui of sagar, a tablespoonful of cbopped raisins and turn on it one-haîf the tapi- oca. Dot with bits of butter and sprrin- kie with two tablespoonfuls of suigar, then put on more rhubarb, sugar and ra-isins, then tbe rest of the tapioca, with bits cf butter andi two tabiespoon- fuis cf isugar. Bske anc heuxr c-overeci. Uneover and let brroc n and scnd to table bot, in the pudding diali. Serve witb a bard or a iiquid sauce, as 'you prefer. You witL need about iwo cups of the pieplant. Bakeci Macaroni--lýAt this season mac- aroni is very accptahie'as a substi- tute for potatees, whidh are now same- what stale. For a, plain bakeci mac- aroni break ita halfin chi pices enougli ta fi a cup; put it into a 'large' ket- tic of boiling salteci water and cool, twenty minutes, or tili it caa býe readiiy eut witb a fork. Turn it into a strainer and let cold water run througb to rinse it. Put iat a baking dish and cover witb white saÀuce mamdc as fol- taws: Clook a tablespoonful of f leur iat a tablespoonful of butter in a sauce pan, and ssur la gradually one cup of bot milk. Seaqon witb bal!f a teaispoonful a f hilt andi a Utile wbite pepper. Pour over tbe macaroni; cav- er w itb iwo-tbi-rdis o?ýa Cup of cracker crumbs moistened witb butter and bake ten or twetve minlutes. Cherries and Rioe.--4Cook hal£ a pint of rire in oný and a haif pints cf milk, adding an ounce o? butter, tbree tablespoýonfuls of sugar and a strip o? lemon peel. Cbok with a caver on the dish. Se pitted cherries lnaa syrup af stgar and viaier tilt they are donc, adding a few claves andi sticks o? cinnamnon, andi a! uttle temon Juice. Drain the cherries tram, the syrup; boit ht rapidly until it la thick; pile tbe vice in a pyramid in a, dee- disb, dot the surface with the cberries and polur tbe syrup round it. Tbis is nice for dessert. P UT T9 THIETEST. THE MOST CONVINCING AND AI3SC- LUTE PROOF GIVEN. 1'hat Br~. Wl llîams' Ilink PIS Cure 1When Other Medieines Fail-jYVhal fliey Bave Dono fer Otlirrs They WIll Do for Tou. No remely ot maclera urnes bas of- £ereilnrcomtrralnmpoft cf us- w,,ere as chanigeable as a wemaa's ini, turceti about anti matie fer teeopen sc;a, IL w;I s almI-osi 111e a play, but a vevy reatIï,e ý one. Atter cir - ýiicg about a litile as if in seardli ofan ssiiin tilsiresa the Prince aas dccc taate bis eyes nidh hie hacti. Th e, hegave a quick order anti tIc bat murcdela a new direction as reatiity as îlet dainty hait rater ananere the 1dlm w n hler skipper le sahing lier. The cren ofthetic feheat PULLED LI2KE 1'dADMEN. '-lad they been rowing te s:ave a hua- dred lives they oouid have clone no bet- ter. The Prince encourapred themewith voIrce and gesture. Fýaster and faster moved th-, big boat, until, apparentiy, the vessel in disfress was near at hand. Then, with a skill that only sailors can appreciate, she rounded to beside or within easy distance of the imaginary craf Ë te whose, succor shie ha d gne., The Prince seized a cou eoz liglit line which was attached te a coil of rope. Givinig it a» wave about lis head, he gave the line a skilful tbxow with tremendous force. The old sais who stood an the shfle atching and commentinig on the performance with true nauticai free- dom, gave a cheer at this. After puttinig lis crew ibrougli a few more evolutions the Prince headed for the shore. As the how of the boat en- tered the surf the Prince and his crew were over the side like cats, and seizing the craf t pusheýd her throngli the surg- inig waters and broulght lier high and dxy on the sands. It ail came about becs use of the dia- mond jubileýe. One or two of the Prince's particular friends wlio kaew his ability thouglit it would be a great treat te royalty and its guests if the cinematograpli could lie made te show something of the, sort wliicli bas been described. The Prince agreed. and it liappened. And so there will lie a nov- elty indeed this montli for those who witness the exhibition of tlie cinemato- grapli at Buckinghiam. How To Cure Ail 8kIn Beseases. Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No internai medicine required. Cures tetter, eczemaa, itch, ail eruptions on the face hands. nose, etc., leaving the sikn clear, white and healthy, Its great healing and curative powers are possess- ed b ' au other reinedv. Asizyourdrug- gist for Swayne's Oiatment Lyman. Sans and Co., wholesale Agents, Mont- cal ONE OF TOMMY'S GOQD DAYS. Father-WeIl, wbat lias Tommy been doing to-day ? Mother-Hle cnut off a piece of the eàat's hall, broke three wind!ows, biack- ened the cook's eye, and bulIt a býon- fire in the cellar. Father--Is that ail? Tommy must have been a gooýd boy ta day. AN ACCOIMPLIS'HED GIRL. Mrs. Comm&nstalk (sobierly)- ire you sure your fiaucc will make a good hýome body, li ? Do you tbink nbc knows anything about mendiag, for ini- stance ? Cholly Commonstock-About mending mother? Why, that is ner very strongest point. I saw her mend a bust.. eci tire once La jnst fourteen minutes by the watcli. SThe Canada S)ait Association o OCLINTON, ONT. O- O Fine, Coarse or Land Sait. § For Table or Dairy use, TI'! PRINUE A BRAVE MAN ALBERT EDWARD IN THE ROLE 0F A LIFE SAVER. ,ieu w1tu a iýVortihhug Statken CeI-t 'l' a., ta Iery Reaitie play. f bas become a lite caver. A few days ago bc actuai- ly capiaineti the erew cf the famotta Worthing lifeboat, and hetare the cin- ematograpli exeruted corne au uutiufl5 whicb would have tiane credit ta pro- fessionals. More tlan one tliousaad pic- turcs were takean, and almnoat a'h of tlem were excellent. Tliey witi he aliowna nly ta the Royal f amily andi guesis ai Buckingham Palace. Toéilie stranger te Engliali customas andi sentiment it miglt seem an odd tura for royal ecceniricîty ta take, but when one considers thc intense admir- ation anti respect felt by every Bn-ý ton for a lite saviag crew, the reason for thc Prince's action is apparent. H1e lias, ever since île day that, in Comn- pany with bis tather, the Prince Con- sort, hle firsi saw a lit e saviag crew ia action, evinced tle hearticatliiîg for île service. Very mnaay persons lave been inclita cd te ticubi tle bravcry efthîe Prince cf Wales, huit tose wlio best knew hini, wlio have seea hlm under circumastance, wlere, iflie led beca iaclined to show the white feather, ih would have lie-. corne visible, aie thoraughly cagnizant cf the taritîsi undeceail the exter- ior etf a fashionable mac cf île woi'lt iliere beats a beart FULL 0F COURàGE. Tlils tact was exemplitiei ai Worthi- ing, wîca the lifeboat exhibition teck place, The Prince donneti the oiiskins ihai the lite caveuta near, anti, taliag île csaia' lace. irave ithe cecessaxy orders 111e a vcîeran. -Luie crew was summnon,,ti by île signai gan, anti the boat and tils freight nere puabeti down tlie oled way s on whicl tLhey resteti. Wlien (ibe Icatb con its piuige itt thc sur-f ilie Prince stooti as ereci as île masi e)fthîe slip ila euh nater. Ile lieldtihîe teering oar la bishbanti, anti asthe sianch cmafti irusi bernse lie îlehewaitiig avaves ho manipaui,'tsd île oalt se deftly ihat she neyer bait leadway for an instant, andti hat ie a f eat whîcli even the olti timers et tee faitlansccomplishiag. Ia a second, se it scemedt thîe spec- tators, tle big beat was tlirough the surf anti outinmie eopen. 'The Prince was as cool as if lie hati been holding a reception ai Buckinghiam Palace. If le hati been a irainct ifhe caver anti boatman fer years lÏe cautti hardy have slown more sang froid or exhibiteti thai besi t fal kiti whidli arises troam an absolute curety cf Inoietig. nce, t.vr., f rrie tcuoatn.ppare ti heati --~ --s----. cd' E~O~ 0O-A - L- Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEAN SCREE. N aiways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN &. New Spring Goods at prices that wiIl astonish ou for Cheapness and Quality. AI]. Wool Tw~eed Suit to order $8.00, great .1 See our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest anid most attractive stcr+ <if Imn- ported and Domestie Woolens ever showv n uthe <ounty, bought in the best mnarket for SPOT CASil-. We carry full lunes of Sta pie Dry G-oods, Re.ity-nidce Clothinfg. Fine ordered Ciothing a speciaity. Our Grocery DepartmenL. Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions as ehceap as the cheapest and as good as the~ best. We have special values in. TEAS. Full lne in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphurhi quantities at 3c. per pouind. HIAMPTON. QUEEN AND PEOPLE. Of aîl Victonia',s mînistere cIe liketi Disraeli moet anti Gladstone leasi. Dis- ramel made 1er Empres et hdia, anti sIc matie liim Earl et Beaconstielti. He flattereti, Gladstone dictaiei ited.sitid tlat once Victoria objeciti ta cignieg abil. -"But yeu muai, madame," urge th îe Grand Olti Man. -"Muet, sir'? You forget, h am tle Qucen of Englanti." " Yeu are, madame," returneti Glati- atone, "anti h am île people o? Eng- landi. i Shc sigadth îe bil. But that is one ofthîe reasoans, wly shc bas na lave, anti neyer lad ayleve, for thie tare- mcci o? île demacrate la Englanti. One Honest Mqan. Dear' Editar.-Please icfocm yaur reatiers,tlat if writ ton to confientially,L 1 will mail, in a sesieti bIter, particu- 1 lacs of a gecuine, lanest, lame cure, by whiclh Inas permacentiy restoredti t beatl anti mania' viger, after insay Years of suffering [rei nceivous îiebility, sexuai weakness, niglit lasses anti weak sîrunken parts. 1 mas ralibetianti swindleti b ttue quacîs until I1îîearly lest faittb in usankiiet, but ticank hIas c I anc cou- weil, sigaceas anti stî-ng ant iitota mae ibis certain menas of cure knwc o c eail suffecers. ilbas e je ihîng ta sei anti a e Canonaeev, bite being a fîrusr beia-cr je thre uînvc rsa broilecbhoot ofuman, 1 ans desie ans oi lielping tLe unforicenate te regain tisoir lealthl anti lappieiess, I proîseise you perfect secrec '. AdOress svicl starnp Wai. T. MurFOnn, Agents' Supplies, P. 0. box 59, St. ïIccci, Que. GETTING OUF 0F DANGER. Well, well, it is cadt t sec pedestri- anismi waning ioa a baiart. Lst aril Nat mcue; dace tig ativent of wleels andti rolhey cars tIc lu- cran ra" e l twiqea s nimhie se iti2sepd tob0 1 SEEKING AN ALLIANCE. ]Interview Betwenithe likal', Eu VOS' 51E Lord Sclsbuu y. A aespaicil-frona Londonsamys :-One ofthi îeMcci important palitical inci- dents connected ww-hmthîle jubilee con- cerna tle relaions beiwean Great -Britainanmd Ihapan. M111e lattercauna- try, since ber niar witl China, lias ascuime-t al l te, dignrty anti proroga- tives o? a greai power. Now, witl prouel lunriliti, ele confesses that she needs a European mury, preferably Great Bruttaa. Tli-taGo, cramsai bas been repeaietily approacheti turing île paat year aitl a view ta thc conclu- sion o? an Anglo--Japanese aliance. Thre matier 'was diacussed ti aa einterv iew ot île Mikados jubilee Ena oy mitI Lord Salisbury on Meýnday. Fln, Bxitish Premier tioe, coit ayaut alliances prior ta war, bui ha is very fond cf 'uatiersianding,' andti tIre -la gooti reason io hettove tlat leclias arrîveti ai an underciancling nitlJa- pan, whicli wenld be coavracti icto an acinal tietensive anti offte cd'e alliance sbouldt roubhe iake place Letw eenEIlng- landi and Rassis n"lrcb mî hajppan ai any moment. i avas tîereoto in accactisace -n ,il thme fitacas o? thicgs tIret J-s;an mati a brava slow ai île jui1e naal 5rte- vie-v. She mas represent i t by mje a the finesi baitleshl,ps anclot ï tai -iti- heat, anti theofoticers adr-Ilen a? no foreiga saarship walked eut Joans- moud wih a tuner 5wi -r ai lai more gorgeons plumes t isahe utile Japs. Piles ! Piles I!hte ]i P iles. SvePrOceS-MOiStILe r ie t hing ansd schngiiig mrosi at a -c Worse by scratehin- If mlanov ecastnu tuirors forins, nîlcl efb l -d anti uieerate,becoairnig aOrV S r- AvNE'S OI-cvaîsNvstops îte chg nibleeti- ing, bals ulceratian, ant iii ms %saes cernass the tumac-s A't tirug- geste, or ib\,mail, for o5 ent. )r. Sm-aYno&-SonPhilaticipIsiaý. 'Lymian, son s,WleseAgnsMata. Sweetness and Light. Put a pili in thre pulpit if you -want practical preaching 'for the physical man ; thon put the © putl in the pillory if it dees net practise what l© I> reaàches. There's a, whole gospel in Ayer'o Sugar Coated Pills; àa'"gospel of sweetncv.aý and light." People -u-sed. to value their physi, ~ c as they did their religion,-by its bitternes., The more bitter the dose the better the doctor'.1. ) We've got over that, 'We tuke "sugar in ours"~ © gospel or physic-nowv-a-days, It's possible te)cà Splease and to purge at the same time. Ther may bo power in a pleasant. pili. That ist -, ® gospel of 1à 00® Ayer's Cathartic PUIS. 03 @ lf'ore pili particolars iti Ayer's Curebook, ioo pages. @ ESt End; GrainDepo Thea uîdersigned desire to thank the farmers of We. i k<iý;ïi for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past scason, aise ta remind them that we are stillinh the mark et and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKE~T PRI' Hi FOIR ALL KINDSOF RG delivered at our storehouse cor, King and George streets , . at Por Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock. NEW 4-VA ND FR E SH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait i. Bags. Rock S, c ca ti te and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Bai i o'., which we are prepared to ssou l LAPGEST- biA6W; ffl I.APdAUA- 1 the c)-tefi tiiitti vmilbes ar-Eý 1 stefiinc mciiý ýhmi fins :Br. " t!itftýRs' 1 "d fm hhe shoie. and then, as il s4le 1 1 -r -v