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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1897, p. 8

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to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so'low you cannot afford to be without it. See the newest designs in ail kinds of Fui niture. are always welcome. BOWMANVILLE. You Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Bounsvill's Block. Sewîog jlacblines, There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where purchasing a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seill For Tailors' and Dressmaters' use, our Machines have no equal. Prices reasonable, terms made to suit the purchaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers should eall and investigate, or sent postal card and agent will be around, Best machine oil for sale. Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs supplied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar. gain. New supplies of Boots and Shees,, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green, and best varieties of Turnip Secd. Henry Blliott, Jr.ý HIAMPTOIS. Look Herel1 Beore buying or puttîng np any "Penice" sec the Gem Wirc Penice, the clseapcst ad mostdnrablefcuce ou the ril .Farmers a ecasily buil i i. ,farnîiers sheuld sec tise ,l ence at Tci os. Pascoe's near Eidad ADVERTISED MOST By ýits Loving Friend CEY7L1N TEA. or R. H. Callacobt's, 5th Cenlei. z a f l-Brought -o n by-_N ervo us an d Mental Troubles. Paine's Celery Compound The Great Tower of Safety. iNervous diseases when aggrvatcd by mental isturbances preduce émore iusanity lu the hot weabher than at any other season et the year. Nervous headache, nervous dyspcp- sia, slecplessness, and chronic constipa- tion induce depression of spirits, ex- treme weakn,.ss, morbid fears, despon- dency and languor; fromn these drcad insauity cornes slowly and surelv. Neryous suferers have a dread et hot weather. Finding bhemselves deeper in the pib et miscry than they werc su the spring and eariy summer blsey are la utter despair. Thousands whese cases have net been met by reatinent they are now under are loudly calling fer help. There is hope and rescue for yen, reader, if yent are one oftbhe sutterers. Yen are lu need et Paine's- Celery Cons- peuud,that great builder et the nervous systeus. Its vibalizing action com- mences wlbh bbc first hotie yen use. Yen soon begin bo realize bîsat yen are daily drinking5 leaith. Tise volume et blooýd immediately increases lanbthe arteries, and the body is. fuily ted and nourished. Yonr appetibe becomes kecîsn ndnaburai, te tireS nerves andi braiîî are stressgtheaued, and yen teel impulses et health that cheer bbc seul. Tise power etf aine's Celery Coin- pound ever sierveus suinser disenses is adînittefi hy bons oetbtosnands wbo have nsed 'tisemnrvelleds niedi.cise. This resnkable resnedy wiil msst nssurediy nîcet yenur case andS gis e ven a new lit e; it kill la 'y tise teundatioss fer future ]snppincss and leng y cars. Weak wretcbcd,' nsd infirinirendor, w-c ceunisel y on te malte use efthIis liteý rustorin atuonce. anuS etjo,- bbe true blcssi.ags et huait.ý LieO --185-,Johtf-uarVetil, XT1 -. [dJohn Renwick, T. Stanton, Sol. Fligî 1881 John 'Carveth, G. M. Lon, John Renwick, Jas. Stark, Win. Milfl- gan. 1885-CG. M. Long, Jas. Stark, T. Stanton, Wm. Milligan, C.J. Thornton. 1886 Same as in 1885 except that Ezra Hall took the place of Wm. Mliii- gan. 1887--G. M. Long, Jas. Stark, C. J. Thornton, E. Hall, John Jackson, 1888-G. M. Long, T. W.Underwood, C. J. Thornton, E. Hall, John Jackson, 1889-G. M. Long, Jas. Stark, C. J. Thornton, W. W. Dickey, W. H. IReid. 1890-G. M. Long, C. J. Thoruton, John Jackson, John Davey, W. H.Heid. 1891-T. W. Underwood, C. J.Thorn- ton, John Jackson, John Davey, W. H. Reid. 1892 _T. W. Underwood, John Jack son, W. H. Heid, John Davey, Wm. Armstrong. 1893-Saine as in 1892, 1894-Same as in 1892 except that G. W.Jones took the place of John Davey. 1895-T. W. IJnderwo od, John Jack- son, James Brown, G. W. Jones, F. B. Lovekin. 1896 John Jackson, Jas. Brown, G. W. Joncs, 1. B. Lovekin, Wm. Thomp- son. 1897-F. B. Lovekin, Jas. Brown, G. W.' Joncs, Wm. Thoninson, J. F. Mc- Millan, The Clerks wvere as foliows with their termn of service :-S. Wilmnot Jan. 1850 to Jan.. 1854. John Fairbairu upto Sept., 1856. W: S.Chrlstoe up b Jan.' 20, 1862. S. Wilmnot to Jan. 20, 1868.* W. L. Broad np to the time of his decease Dec., 1888. Robt. Ruox up Ëo March 3,.1897 and Johin IiîcIkby fromn that date. Fron J an., 1850, to Jly 18, 187M, the Township ef Clarke w as divided into wards from each ef w hich one conncillor )vas eiected, who at thecir first ilieetiug elected tîteir Ileeve and IDeputy Iteeve. Since thiat date thie Reeve and I)eputies hav e beesi elected as suich by flhc gener- ai voetce ofthe Municipality. The Tow nship w vas divided into 6 polii il- subd ivisions, July 18, 1870 jute 7 on MNay 8, 1879, and lie 9con April 6, £ie Town H-al vas hut hi (raino in 1S.'-l' or a f e-%vycars after that tihe Council mneet ings w ere lield at Kendall, Ne nIlle and Orono and have since Visitors: Miss Annie Stoulionse, Bluffalo, al, Mr. W. Alun's; Mrs. Hopkins ai-d famtly, Btuff alo, at Mr. G. Parisli's; Mr. and Mrs. E. IHoward aud cbild, Brampton, at Ilie Parsoniage,-Mr. anS Mrs. iH. J. Ilofge, Sutton, are u lte ut a Mr. M. B. Crydermauis.- -Rev. E. H.Ioward preacliedithe first of a sertes of serinons ou "Paradise" on Sunday eveniug. Always avoid harsh purgative pilis. They first mnake you sick and then leave you consipated. Carbcr's Little Liver Pis regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pili. ENFIELD. Mrs. R. Reynolds is visiting frieufin l Toron- to and Miss L. Hurlbut at lfiusaie.--Messrs. W. J., G. and Artliur Ormiston, Alex. MeCCII loch, Fred. Bray and Master C. McCulloch vis- ited flie Moflel FarmGe recently. Sons of Temperance ofcr ls ure:W . Miss E. Wottou; W. A.-Miss J. Aslet'on; Ù. S.-' F. Hurîbut; A. R. S. Miss N, Alexander; F. S.- L. Pascoe; Treas.-Miss F. Resyiolds; Cbap Mrs. J. F. Hurîbut; Cou.-F. Rteynolds; A. Cuý. M'ýiss E. Tordiff; 0. S-b. Torftf; I. S.-J. Huibuf; Organis-E. Paseoe; P. W. P.-Miss E. Wigg. More cases of sick headache, bilions- ness, constipation, can becnred in less ime, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter 's Little Liver Pilîs, than by any other means. TYRONE. Mrs. F. Goyues, Oshaswa, is visitiîsg lier sister. Miss M. WýeliMr. Chas. Weli in l a very 10w eonditiou of healb-Mrs. J. Awde, jr., and cliildreu, Toronto, suent s, plessaut week ujîli frieufis bere-Mr. aud Mrs. B. F. Gardiner, Oslîaw a, are guesis at itrookside-Tlie Junior pastor sermoîs Sabliatli moriui on"Tlie Voyage of Life" met wittlian appreciative lietriîig- Mr. Joln Hooper aud Sanglier, Mlai posa, bave beeu visitiug lits lroîliers liere--Re. Jas. Berry gave a tliouglitfui diseourse tnnIlie interest ofMisnsSbab eventeg-Tyrone Lcague s tb be represented ai tlie great convention, Toronto. Do not sufer from sick headache a moment longer. It is net necessarv, Carter's Little Liver PulIs will cure you. 'Dose, one little piil. Smail price. Smali dose, Smnai pil. NE IAVE-N. nt Osisa3irsMr. Luire llttery ta visttîîg fîrteids in iiLnoi Mr.Jolîn Metcalf suid Mrs. Eiastus BncI have boec's 10 Mooru ýiicid 10 sec tiei nother whio was knockcd dowiî by a teai of riiso.,way liorses suI bdiy tijured. SIiglît isops of lier i rus cry Miss Bella Lawrio l,i't a scho bo1sini eii s a week, 1't Mr. R1 li t cil., a leceli. A b(ut!i 1iyi',rsansn t a -1s aro(,d lime spent- Viii, lUis. Seat aîîd Miss Maggte S, n art , Eilkiiîai r. 31k Sr. nid Mn. W3 etc", Hlimtoýn; Mus. Vice anS soli, ,S"]; 1;,'it mi. S. Wry' Mtss Juliia Bactiel, t area ai Mi. W.Wo' Thec Misses BorIOlsca r.Vnap MisEl~urgess l l i n tîiig lier lisjter Mrs. Albiert Maiîîuiiug, ( un1Ire, COURTICE. Mr, S. S. Brooks is home from En Inrg fine-Mr. W.Sqeliagi, R. Morrow recentiy-Mr. J. îM. Mr. W. Man cock passed allil the <carn1, sent up for Entrance Mr. anýd Mrs tice visited lits brother Mr. W. 1.00i ering-New Officers of Mt. Crw W P-F. Gay; W A-E.Courtiee; arfis; Treas-A. J. Gay; IRS8-l'. Gý -W.E.Salter; Cliap-J.Morrowýý; C4Jo A Con-S. Bolson ; E S-M. Wairt, Hancoek, P W P-L. Hogrt - evening July 4tb. Mr. Geo. Armol Ebenezer churchl ost a aleeve hoiMe, ver elasu. It is valued ver y mueli aý and if anyone have picked it u p would lie greatly obliged if the flnder turn il. A Con PHOTOGP HE-ID 1Bi Shows a small hard kernia1, c layers of hard skir, This1 causes keen pain. The cý means of extracting lb, wibh)OI a day, is Putuam's Painlesi; bractor. Sure? Yes. Painle Cheap? Yes, indeed! Try il The following taken from in eftDn isiteresi Providene readersiý: 1Befr, Strike and bis estimable wtfe lo eft v new field of iabor the Sa tai desirisig lu more pnbliclyre rel inwsioay ork,. 'iii taries iuflc townsbiP toms,eeYde1 soeially on June 15tls. The At Roml ed with devotionsIexereises oiow prograni cousisting of readïing, miýusi ing and a very helipfui ddes 1b on 'Discouragemenits iilu mîsionia wbicli was well reneived. Mdrs. Sri prcsented witliaisaddress by thi tlie Auxilisry ,o wiieh she Lbld thos-i lier laitlfilnes idslfsciicei lier life during Ilie t liahebas li lias been an inspration b înanmy. NV she ta notL going out il Ile eojuiity a mccl lier ofi. She r csîîonde0d is y iceasantit aisier. Mr.Ssrke ias or ustoo and Mrs Stiice w dsr 10 blii ourtliiitis torllus biiju. Liu tliuser*vec auîlbetweeti 70, au;d 100 )Li cd tle afttrnooni's good tig.TI was conciucted iîy siîiging tiie do Mrs. Strike îîronouuned ithe lendit parted wual piceud wittiste atruc A IlNi oisYousi Mors'i Wise niother prepares for the nunîber etfurnal ler ache's aûdj 1 cause miscs'y in every av l ing a twenlty five cent bottiê' Magncetic O5intment hianldY e4 carit be qale in itsi', hi cora.s. hliîs hvs oe veluLed rmd nsd nthoi homes, bcns bis 50co air! rksits crsin sc and permanent ýmanerDu for rnegais c- Cali and

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