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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1897, p. 7

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WXE BELIEVE there is no better 'soap made than our 3aby'igsvi care and skill in making and the best materials are the reason. 'HE PROOF - Its immense sales. he Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs. Montreal. ing at -Moville, for Londonderry, e i eery Saturday, froriN on - treasi. calling at Quabee. - - - MONTIEAL. QUEBJIC. i~haidmo. .ihMay, Dayligbt. .th May, 2p.m. Parsin. .stMay, 16 May, 9 a. m. C "i celg1,ia11 22 1M ay, ' 22-May, 2Sp. m. Cýllria 29 ý'MaY, 3 0 May, 2 P. M. ViLtoStla 5 oue " 5 Junel. P. M. xmuidîaa !2 Juss. " 13Jloie,9 a. m. Larsiasn 19 Jue, 20 Jue, 9 e. ml motiia, il Jue, " 26 Jua, 2p iia. GOîflmforui -'a Jily. 4 July, 9 a. n. Lercialt cabte only, Carthaginiian, 2nd ýa1à4oaijy. 1Do iiet cai ai Rimouski or Movil le. RATE S 0F PASS-AGfl.X By- aaiinmod Califonnia-.Liverpool anti Leoidodry-lst able, $5.50, '50, .$70, -80 ýeluran 0,$14 13 12 2d Cablu, (inelud- ag~ondu)56.5.Steerage--Liverpool,Derry, By Numiidisu ior Laurentian, lot Cabin, $m).50 By Nnmu;idian on Cathaginian, 2nd Gable (la- lad bnone4 1" ' umtiaa aeea ',-22-50. s-oa ls trains f rom Toronto ou tise Fnidfay stenning anrivea mt Montneai 6 samne evauing. 5aemgrsca g ozoonndt oce. eots and every siormation Sp-. M. A. JAMIES, "iaLUne A eut, Bownssnvllie 50 VEARS' EXPSRIENCE. ilu' TRADE MARKS%, b ESICN8, ttentab)le. 'Comamuncations .trictly *Odest agsacy for ueoeuaiag patenta -we hav-e a Washington office. aken tbreugis Munu & Co. recosre e,, lus tue NTIOAMERICAN, llnstrated, largesi circulation ot lquournai, weekly,terss$LOO seau; Snlý pecimen copies and IANa PÂTENTS'sntfre-e. Addreme MUNN & CO., 1Brkoudwa7, New York. -ID > ýENNEOY &KERGAN 1peciaiISts in tOe T reatment ef ervous, Blood, Sexual an11 Private iseases - IINPi MINuYere nnen m tllilod irddorin;n el mbit; t- ggarti lng 0,..k ak;eboas pan.: r s aules sors thnoat; varcce- -~~~~ i-cucofidnce imo- Ri AG Tiiis important stal) i, IAG ife sheuld aever b- li a ntil Yen uaepositii-ely oi-adil i plv Isuweaened or dtlseas(e us ssbr "ikefat~,ts .r en'! -cocels pDiermeinrriait, -0cr LN-ew Metiîod crs thexu P, 4 untr l y. 9 Zre, Man rdcosît'i mt mnce. as ueO eau r eï e tregtil. vitail enargy anti destres. I OU Wisli m bs ioradviee may be woriis a fortunei u:t' ouLI î'i Drained ~Ae ~ Koih~ ?oatn~it tinad New Mthoti wa5sdlscovarod bY <s everal i cars cge. itboide oup anti sirectecs,, the' nervoos syste-m; restore le t v iCit - ethasxalorg7be;-sto s ai raine acd leý -ae;tvigoratts d retorls tnmac-ý, hcd n oi-ar faits lu ecring the reoulAs cf ,eIf %buse, Later Excesea. Blood Dis- ' -cases, outise offets outaMiaspOflI Lilo. SCURES GUARANTJEED oR NO PAY "'htw îlreat and Cure! r v stervus De b i ty Stri otu re, e mpetency, ijanatur ai q fsta rea. Books iluastrateti) ci Wrtfor Questionl Bi1an k for,' e>almn t. Erytistg Con- j t iPltaou-copes. nitgea /NtUM ood tbaitlihe lads mothier constituted 111111 st important feature of tbe imper- 111111ial court at Tokio. 1 w aposing tbat 111111the reigg boUses cf Europe were to sart dereing officiai smourning for every deatb fliat tocS plaee in thse pa- Court mourning may lie descried as year round and abandon every formi of thse nightmare of European coart life, festivities. For witb so manyliundred as well as tliat portion of thea officiai deputy wives, the maoity of wliom word ad o soiey wichare moébave chldren, eih=ren Wbo bav e werl andof sciay wiich re mre aims to considEýraon as tbe legif i-- or less intimaiely connected 'ith the mae offspring of the Emperor, tbat is court. No entertainm.ent cani ever be toasay, as orincas and prncesses of tisa orgaaîzed, no festivity pianned wihl blood, tisera is ne-essarjiy soe deatis oui the eierlasting dread of snn ua ionl fuava an royl dathtakng lac to render1 of bis Japanesa Xfjesty. Moreover, aecessary a posiponement or an aban I cow is it possubie te expect sucb courts doaiment of the entire affair. Annoy- as tbcse of Vieuna, of St. Petersburg, and of St. James to treat on a foot- ing for the mn, it lesui more so for ing of equality a court. one of tbe prin- tlie wosnen, since tliey neyer lenow un- ripai diguitarie-, of wsîjihbeass thse pe- tii tise very iasa minute wliether tliay culiar titie off'Gentlemnan of thse Ia- can wear coloras, or wisether tisey are çerial Cl amber of MikCals.5' It le Do overy 'Long ago É bai an announce- condemned to garmaents of sable bue, ment bearinir tbe signature of thie For even whe tise. relationship of tise Grand Marshall of thislparial Hous- dead prince or princeffs of tise blood l.ojd, appeared in tisa, portion of tlie is s remte s toreider nneeýssry okio 'Officiai Gazette," wbich is de-- 15~~~~~~~~ Ormoeateedruneesyvoted to court news sud wicli was to thie postpenement of social and official tbe effecitishat Count Coto Sojiro liad fuacetions and entertaluments, court been permmitted to resiga bis seat in mourniag ila nevertiselees de rigueur, tise Cabinet as M-fiaister of Agriculture, and liad been "promoted" te tise dig- for a period ranging ail ftle way fromn iyo Gnlma fte'Ipra ten days to ilirse mouise, during wih Cliamber of Musk ais" this being urne a'very wemaa witli pretentions to ehe correct iniespretation ot tlie social standing is expected to array G p.swrs Jk u m Giko." iserseif la bdack and to relegate lier At tbe prôesai re there les nocourt diamonds, lier ruhies, lier sapphires and la Europe wbere tise mies for mouru- lier emeralds, as well as lier turquoises, ing are so onercua as ihat cf Russia, f0 ler S mou t wear laand wben aitiser an Empaexr or Em- tlircaset, ad o noling i press tisere dies ail Muscovite officiais tise shape of jewairy but pearis, whicli and dignitaries aboya a certain rank are ftle symbol of tears, while tlie men are compeiled not only fe, array tliam- are expecfed fo add a mourniug band selves andt ieir familles in liabiliments to hei lii, o rstrct iseseles e c woe, but also to clad fliair servants to teirbat toresric thmsevesto n deep rnourning, to b&t e riseir car- biack fies for day wear, and if entiiled riages uphoistered lu black, and te have f0 wear a uaiform te adora flie aleeve tise coafs cf arms, crests and mono- thereof witli an arm biand of crape. g ramas remeved irom tise panels of their equipages, wie ue of the salons of Royal personages and court officiais are !,lie residence must be draped completa- great sticklers about sccl matters as ly in black clotli, with thle furnituire up-- t lisse, mond white any lady wlio van- hlostered la busacS. Moreover, uil tise gold and silver embroiderias on tise1 fures during a period of court moura- uniform of tisa officers and offiéils has ing te attend a drawlsag roomn or court to lie carefully covered with cra4pe. funiction la colored attire exposas lier- This is a terrible expense, sinca tise- self te a very uugradious reception on sliglitast drop of ramn or snew lias fie1 tisepar ohili roal ersnags p eaffect of takiag tise dye oui of tlie thepat o th roal ersnags pes-crape sud damaging thse embroidery lie- ant, tisera lave aven been numerous oc- yond repair. Msýny of these uniformes casions where women have actually cost as mueS as $800, sud erdinanily been prevented hy the officiais of tlie tise psy attached te ilis offices of those eatitied te wear tlim is noV 50 big as Lord Chamberlain's departinent frein to admit of ibeir spoiling msny of sunob enfering thse presance of royalty ai ail, uniforms. la consequence of thieir hslug dreased fijtil s few yemrs ago il was tise otlierwise tlian lunflie prascribed blscS rnie mt tise courts of Europe that ne mourning shouid be donned by royalty, toilais, or sliould be officially decraed for wesr Jnst aitthe preseni moment al the ai court, save la tise cases of tise courts oh Europe are la mourning for deailis of fuli-fledged princes and pria-,1 tis deth oftis Dohes o Aencncesses cf the blood. Itf cEd not matier1 tho datýýs-ofth DuhesofAeenqQl,- if --sovereiga -or- royal persenaga l- ad- in the great fire at Paris, and cf lier some morganatic relation, either lu unaca, tise old D>uc d'Aumale, ait the shape cf s wifa or s clild, or some Zuaco, hile place la Siciiy. True, tise dear and intimais friand of marely_ la ony a orinili. nochie or plebeian rank, wliose depari- mourning solfe for tngt But uire for anotter world consituted noili- royal relations nowadays are so ex- ing less than a hereaveni and ir- teasive that, witli onaeVling sud an- repasrable les-s. Tliey wera not suppos- ethr, wo-hirs h te yar ay ieed te assume mourning lu snob in- othe, to-tird of he earina bestances as ihese, ne matier liew liemri- ssid to lie speut in court mourning. broken tlieY migisi ha. Under tise circuanstanees tise reigning .lI conclusion, wa may state fIat iliere l - - ,, ,,one r)oinL Çof =&-,,.v ietween th 1 a iisc R - 1za.t, r-1I ' 1I-- mN t % 1IIN j00jfl q LR&AI jýda0 II6 q3a L>g> l. auctant to saddle tlielvas wiili addî- tionai burdeas la hs respect, moud iV le Vo flue considraticu in part fliat mauetlia ascribed tiseir failure, wiih oae notable exception, te decrea court mourning for the Emprees Moilier of Japan, a negiaci which lias given no end cf offense toe leiViado. Tisera was but oe sovareign lu Europe wlio weut te tise lengili cf puttiag lis court lie omeuruing durîng tlie space oh a fortaigisi, fer tis great- lady of tise Orient, sud fliat was King Leopold of Balginrn, whio was prompted ilereto bv cout '-s of tie orient andti otse efthtu civilized occident la counection with tisa deatis oh royal personagea. It la tise sort oh grirn comiedy wliicli pro- vides thai a royal persouage sall ha regarded as suivie nitil tise olisaquies areacstuaily celebnrated. As far ase Europe is concernad it le an etiquette ,liicli lieicags te a hygona age, aad wbici s sould find no place la our pres- ent sniiglifened ara, siace it savors of sortliing akin Vternockery, and can net but hae mosi paiahu to tisose near and dear relatives w-li have besn-baresved. Tnjntbefora ilie funaral thse royal corp.d isoldsa sosrt oh laes eor recep- ion, w-len al!tise great dîgnitarian of the realm snd mambens ohfilie court klltor ofJustBe ' M IS THE WAY A YOUNG LADY 0F NEW BRUNSWICK VIEWS LT. Seffei.ed Fomu Ieadaeites, Pain lu the side and Heaurt Palplînîse. - She Thius Similai, sefférers Sheeld Kîîow ilg ous ie Found a Cure, Froir, tha Frederlicton Gleaner. Mina AI rns Millar, of L ,prSets ainpten, N. B., lisa daugister cf Mr. Ezra Milar, a -<uaatisy aud anflubential fariner, sud tiseYouug lady li a genarai fa-vorite namcng a wide tircle cf ac-' qua1ntmni e, w b' bave isad occasion fo tougrafulat e b' r up--n ber complefe 1 restorafion to iealtis after asevere I and tryl îg iliriess. b,, n a cerras- pondent cf tise Gieaner calied upon bier, sud raquested tisat tise facis niîgbît bu ,given for publication, tise young lady , sugisi not at ail anxieus for pbity, thuevsrtiseless gave bar consent in tisaliope tisai ber experi- en-e- mnigisiprove- t eneficiil te soeaof tise ma-ny Young girls whose condition ofh eaithi.%l very similar te wlat hars was previuse te lier cure. Miss Mil- lar stated tisai whlen lier illness began lier mother wa s uabla te, look ah- fer tise affairs of tisa lioutshold sud the duiis largaly davolved upon lier. Sisefait liersaîf grewing weaansd easily tired, but faît tisa se muet Seapà up. Silie says: "Ncptwitli- snding Mny efforts I foatnd ny- self growihg worse and worse. My appetife hailed, my complexion lie-- came sallaï- ad my eyes suajkan la MY isead. 1. was treubled witis dizzi- nase, sorinesoh breatis sud palpita- tion cf tiselieart until at times 1 fait as tîcugli 1 would suffocate.- I was aimnai consfanfly troubled witis a pain iu tiese ide, sud sevare isamdaclies. Wlien Iweat np stairs 1 was cbligad te rest. Lifae iad become almuest a burdenansd at last I was fcrced fo give up sud keep my bed. Mly frienda fear- ed 1 was going ie consomption anti ona remedy aItar another was tried with uo beneficiai resuits until 1 wae induced te giva Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla a trial. In lesa tisa tIras weeks f was able te leave my ised sud go about ftie lieuse, sud Vhs use of the PinS Pilla, a fae weeks longer coin- plataly restored may healili and strengili sud drove away ail symptcms and pains wîich lad made my life 50o miserable. r feel tisat iu hringing this matter before îthe public I arn but do- ing simple juistice f0 suferiag luman- ity, snd 1I hope tîmot these afflicted as r was will give Dr. Williams' Pink Pille a fair, trial. I anigit also add Viat ofiser miemlers of cur family have used PinS Pilla wif h equally good results' What Dr. Willims' Pi Pilla have doue forxl Miss Miliar, tise-y -miiido for tisousands cf otiser Young girls througlout tisa ceuntry whose condi- tien le insilar. Tihey restüeatiseglow -o-- lisalth --to -pale ud sa1Iü*wcIsela, correct eunctional derangements, and creaie a feeling of uew life and energy. Tha genuine Pink Pille ara soid enly in boxes, tise wxapper around wliieh bears ti full trada mark. "Dr. EWii- isons' Pink Pilla for Pale, Peeple." Re- fuse ail pinS colored imitations anti other niedicinas e-aid to he "juet as good.", BmhARAq'n eTnoR!rc gîieu tilieRepu> eil Me Lcaiof a Peiasiyily Bis, 'S 'siocclti ecller. Mr. Baruafo made lis firsi moey by tradiag lan rniug claime, laviag fora-- ad a part Jxiipwt h lis brotliarwliile thay Mare ýst !il performiag ou tisa stage. Then lieweat lie odiarnenta, and lu butS uines sholw-ad remarkabieeskili and judgmen. flils raputafion grew until ha was tise acSnuxsiodged dismond king oh Seuth Africa. Faceirniles oh a ciscS for £5,000,600 signed by bis name are baagia he sasaloonesud ,bankseo motvessmvicl muf h decried s o ~ad, owng low and klaelng til id at fthe curie stores, au economic cliaracier, rather Vlan by and 01ay land Of tise cadaver. I Mr. Barnato was edncatted in a Jew- remsons oh sympatisy and sorrow, For w-a a ceremoiuy tisai was net aîvent lie ia largeiy interasfed i ts fr. umtted in the case oh poor Orown lis irasesscool down le inte Whuteclapi, oh te inhpathetweeu prince Rudolipisof Austria,, althougis ai district snd hiesisoolmasatr is Anfwerp sud Yokohsama, wliicli las re-. a(od o« the loft aide of lis liaad by isiuin hr oldba esd caauly been i aaugurstad sud whiicî is thoewso tool part in the terrible tra-intuiowe lehdbncns- iseavily subventionied by tlie Japsuese fd tX ren, noeaitaied Vhe use ered anu uncommoniy brigît boy, lits Govrumatwiili li ledong ie î. isi e ndait si on tise pari oh the isacliar gave hlm a blessing, a loi oh mosi mte promoe hVis rde ghsu-phsoasadembalmer& te conceal gooti advice and a penny. fie was tissa mos toproote th trdeandi com- from V-le pulbiloe t racea of heisel- 15 years old. ,After lie returued 'te merce between lis Si<gdomanad the .iries whIci lie lad austainied. Tise re- London, sndisaif Vise world was going land ohfVise Rising Sun, wlere lie lopes C=Otnce dohes reigniag familles to crazy over lis apeculations, le took a Vo find a aaw andi profitqhIle market omit tisis species of pot-mertein recep- Suif holiday ou one occasion, sud visit- for Belgian manufactiures. fl.ou is hacause is aisance iavariabiy ed île old sciscel. Witisout disciosiag gives rase toesamuet sxtraordiuary bis ideufiiy lie remarked Vo the olti But tise otiser courts oh Europýe, al- rumeurs and reports,' the laie King master: f lougli officialy appnised by fise Jap- John oh Saxony and Ozar Alexander "Do yon remeinhar givn a penny asa envoya cr the demîies cf their 1. oh Russas bsving iseen asssarted te te a bey uamaed Barnay LIsc 20 years Dowager Emprese, hailed to Lake any have survived tiseir officiai obiesquies ago V' action mu tisa matter, tliereby once more for maay years owdug te flair not hav- "I have gi vsu mauy a boy a penny," remiudiug th isa kaido tisatinuspita of iag isin lusamie, w-as tise oid gentlemau's reply, "sud I bis lis-ming iran.eformad hie titis frein At certain courts, notably aV that oh, may have given one te Barney Isaas." tise oriental styla oh "Tenno," Vo tisa France lu hs days oh the Bourbon "Weil, yeni di.d give lim a penny, snd Enropmon diguity of "Emiperor," and kings, dinar wae laid for Vise illue- isere la tise inters3st," respoaded the dia- ofh laviaig organized lits goverament trions dead avsry nlghi, sud annouuced mond king, ha nding lis teaciser a< BanS anti s portioa ofhils court on an al-i-nlutisa cusomary inanner by tise grand oh Englaud nota for £500. "If you ever togefler Europeams basis, le le net yet master ohftisa ceremoules to tlie corpse w5ilt anythitng yen cone to me. I amn regarded as foramng part and pareel as t lay lu state, sud la VIe foliowmng Barney Issace, but Visay cal me Bara- oh tise concert oif Olti Werld royalty, words, "Sir6,theli dinnar le serveti ac- ato uew." te wliich arven tisa young King oh cording to your Majfflty's ordars." Tise Servis, great-grautison tof a maQre office-r standing on, dniy besîde the hier MVR. GHAMBERLAIN'S PLAN. swinelierd, belage, ad fisat lielias respondad, "R1ie Majesty lias beuga f ailed as yei to hlud admission to part cosy laadt inVleaysdde- 1 of tise Almanach de Gotla-iisat pari sires te'reomain uadisiurbed," w-lera- colal iiRpeeuaînli IlleIHausse cf b vhisbi i~ resiriotedti t, tise so-called upen tise master ohfVise cerarnonies bacS- Loruds. soveraigu lieuses, and nef sIeonsehOfetioui w-if b ilirealow obsisances Vo tise A daspaicis hfrom Lonidon' eys .-T)s5 Clhitendea, siace aven tise Sultan oh de-ad anti ordered tise maal Vo bh ake a Val)ni,ý as htM. hme Turkay figures tiserele. As far as tise aw-ay. This confinad e'very day untilDalCrocaayshaM.Cimb- courts oh Europe are coocsrnied, Em- the final obsequies. Mubcli the same la la, fiading iliat bis plan for colonial perer Muten Rite continuas to be lass- grewsome pantomime was auacted ai represantaition in tise flouse oh Cea- eti witi tisa King oh Siamn, tisa Shahof heflie e ohftise deatli ai Formosa oh tisenmena le out.ofhtie question, wants Persia andthie Negro petentates oh Af- Japansa Imperiai Prince aud FieldiCnts utaiadSniArc rida, sud us lile- attention is paiti iy Marshal Kitashlirskswa. Japanese anaAetla, ndSuh frc tlie rsigning housesach Europe and liy court et iquaf te requires fiat neo ffi- asoli te have a reprase1tative lunftle tlieir ofiials te tisa soiemn notîfica- clal informatiion ohftise deatis oh s mam- filuse- of Lords, aud for flue reassn tie:n tisai"lier Majffsty, tise Empreais ber of tise raigning hamily sialilis wisied Sir Donald Smits, tise Cana- De-wager of Japa,Sas breatheti lier mades ur.tii affar tisa celabration Oh ce r- dîlunfilgis Coami.ssiouer, raisedti tes last, ah ter being duly atiministeret witb tain mortuary ceramoules ln bis or 1er 1 the Roly Sacramaut of hetîsSiinte c'en palace. Tise deati prince was peePraga. faits," ase xould be concedt thie therefora broughf ail tisa way baek Mr. Chsaberlain isops s iat whlin tise equally exetic aunounameut tisai tise£romn Formosa te iokio as a lise min. Preiers retur1a isome aîad sonsuif King of Dahoemey, oh Leango or OhfTise ganeral order anuouucing bis de- tiseir Geveramants Vhey w iii arrange sone otiser Ufrican race liati beau crs- parture te tise troopa bore wisat pur- fer tise nomination of hsa represeni- mnatati. port edt te le is signature. Tisa insu- tt Urs M. Chamberlain aise boires Besidep ibesa, iliene axe otisa consiti- ef-Ivar tisaI couvayeti bis corps to evartuially te, costitute tise Colonial erations whi doubtlesa prompt fie Japan fie-w noe emhlema of mourning Agentis-GuraI, lieto a sort of ad- courts oh Europe te rtegiect tisose offi- mtis mastiseati. Me-aIs ssire servet in luvsory, council, meeting regularly ai cial coutasies te tise Mikado lu the tiseraisin where tise deati prince lay, the(II Colnial Office, sud giving tise Col- abape of mourning tisai ara nowadsys anti milltary aud naval reports ware entai Saccretary tise lenafit ohftisair eccorertitiven in tise casa ohftise deatise matie te bis deaf agýr svery morning cirsl oh tise morganatie connections of roy- anti axening just aseiflie w'srealatIve. lunaddition rie tisehart, isowaxer, tisa alty. Tise Emiparer oh Japan, alilicugis On reacbing port lie w as tilsembarkedti te ziiiejuce ,eid did net ru as lia expeçte to lie treatet ou tise sains witb naval ant imliitary lionors, ant i smootbly as Mr. Chimisaerlain wo footing as lis brotler sovareiguis lu arrayet inluthe unifora oh a Fielti Miar- hava hlkeI s mjority of htiePre- Europe, continues to maintain an aýs- sisal, w-ms seateti in a saloon carniae ir xpaau surprise aftishe dusa- tablisisment cf severai isundreti deputy o n tise ar-ilroati, bis staff takinug tfi'r tor,,,"Vasy-goiiqUgmtisods ohftise lin- wises, w-lics offspring are regartied as places arounti lim, Arriving ai 'iokio, peri a utiseritiesý, sud tise rempara- legitimate as if f bey liat licoutise issue hes xas convsyed, net te a isearse, but tive irudifierence oi tise Colonial Sac- ofhbis really vsry cleyer but untortun- f0 a state coachs, s6ated in wliicis, and retar1,y tosearst1sfie new- probleas ately cliless Liarirsa Tisus bis soun, surrouriedti y s cavalry accort, lie was1 creat)eti iy fise Lnited States, whose tisa yocng Cro-ec Prince, wisoïsa re- I traw n to bis palare. Only on tisa fol-1 instant action regardlng Haiaiansd ported in tise calile dîýspatches anud la lowing day did tise goverrnent issue Samoae as expaandiag tie- powser su- tise Amriesu anti Furoîsean press to tise public anti officiai annucn-ment oh troduceti a tofaly ne-w elemant laVe bave dieti rcantly, but vhcse demiise, bis deathl. Australian polilîcs. for soe oriental rmason or otiser, bas--__% ----- nef been offiriaily announceti itiser te 1-10W RO I tise lViado-s ernlîassies abroati,-mir yet "reyo e ady1 feor tise bl weatier, ipl-Ya,"d -adeatis s-t- to thea horeigu missions accortiedt teisî Mrs. Noblis ?" "No; I bave't bld theaisiaîlelatefc. owu court, -<as ft- son oh fie oh tbesa eirm, arc i .,,Aig-,Y-llo veàovy wd i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I PrTotsDietonCeerl NOT1N ON HEC ~'~7 0F EVIERY BOTTE0F Aperfct Rem-dy for Constipa- -fiSor Stomach,Diarrhoea, uz-ss and Loss 0F SLEEP Tac Sintule Signature cf NEXV Y'RK. , atoria ls puft up in one-si!, bottios enily. X l ot sold in bulk, DPz't allow sinyone te seoU you anything else en the ples, or promise tiat A la"jata god nd wlla e V ry pux Pose." Air &e thzt you get A--TO -I, T~he fae- FXACT COPY OF WRAPPE R. 1 em l i e and 0«E WiII he pIeased onc et Quamtity, twice ini QuaIily and three tinies lai Price Who iaispect the nequalled assortMent of 1H *iN Coinul k, oetes, gli»nnçàpq.Ruhhp-vrq Triinb'q- Vql1kp.q ÊÇ2- 'At our Store, M~- IMEAVER BLt)CK,-m BOWenaaili a BIG&EST STORE, BI&QEST VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to cati and see our&IeW Iootlrîeui ID - ID AN7VIS. THE SEIOE MIÂ4 BOAT BUILT LIKE A FISH. ER MAJESTY'S EYESIGHT. Nao an sd Deep sud Turtle-Bacoed suid The Story or liei, Blilldiess omeiaIiy Nalaeless, I>ibaed. A craf t bult very much upon the The London correspondent of thse Unes of a mapikerel, was h'auled ouit of New York Suti is hedging on his re- m shed of the Mkrgan Iron Works at peated cabled statemeoits duirng jubi- the foot of Eiast NInth street, New lee week, Vlia~t ler Mfajesty Quken Vio- York, on ThuSsday afternoon and tak- tora. was tota.lly blind. Bie ceabled en toward the East Rlver preparatory the Suns on Thursday as follows :-"The to launching. The designer of the boat accouînts cabled ba*l to London at Vise is Capt. Car. Flindt. Hie would tell tlm.e of thse Sun's original announce- inotbing about her, but it le und.erstood ment wrongly qu»ted. the Sun's de- thatlie boIievesi she is going to eclipse spatdli. This misqniotation enabled every marnne speedj record and tliat hie certa4in off iceas of the Queen's hous- desiigned lier to do that. Fifty to 1;;Yd to make a denlal wlien applied te sixty miles an hour is said to, be the in the following statement: 'We axe speed wliculi ae is expected to maIe. glad te bo able to state on excellent She is apparently not nearly se wide autliority that certain rumours, to wlicl pulinity was givein iast week as stie in deep. S4se la 67 feet long, over inrefereuce t(o lier Majesty's eyesightl aIl and lier water lino length i wll ai>- aregrosly exaggerated. It là a fset parently be about hler fuli length. Der f4ù,]. for soute years lier eyesight han dispiacement will bo amail, for ase ap- been affected, owing to changes ie- pears to, be not mûre than f ive feet dental to, ber advanced a ge, but, al- tisick , t the widest. and six feet deep thoîeuçlin the nature o~f things this in4 tise middeo of the keel. She la out condition may be, slowly progreesive, away forward one-third of lier leagtli, tli110zootrtlhin the statement that aud lier ke.el also siapea up af t a foot it i, apii lecosnlng worse. ,Thse or more. irpiyHr moullded body does iiot deterira tof lier vision causes the reach, af t of tlie stera post, but tIare Queen soute incoavenience, but not to, le an overiangi of six feet or more af t toetn fitreigwt r of tisis, like tise main part of a fisli's tb0 xteat mof ltefe, rofwtlier or-n taji, and thse rudder post corntes down d],ory orSdse of life or ofprultiagu tlirostglitliis maiking tlie rudder f ormâet rmdsciriglermliaju thie likeness of the lower part of a fjsli'san oeru dti. taiL. The rmidder posetand tlie screw shaf t, af i of thse screw, joi la a bear-t LIGHTNING DISASTERS. ing. in lmst thie wisole of the moulded1 forn of theÀ boni seems desi'.ned to go TVoiteuag tIris Stu-uei and KIilitc under water, and lier sliarp nose will! probably project above le cama w ssi1- so. er not more tlian a foot. A correspondent eritng f rom St. From.lier nose afit her dok le a, tur- Felicien, one of the new parialies norti- fie bek, almust as sharp le section as ws fLleS.JhQetlso thie body of tlie boat, aud just beyond ws fLI t on u. eî'o tho end of tlie cutaway part, where a disastrous tliunder and rainstorna dorsal fin Nwould be on a sb, is a pilot wbicli occurred fliere, on Monday, tlie 1touai wlicli resembles iu side s'ctiOn day after tise fatal disaster by liglit- just sucl a, fin. From there- the tur- tie. back Elopes aft and ends af nothýing aing to thse curci at Jonquieres, in at tlie boat's tait. Thie vssel's huil is the saine Iooality, in whicli a youag planked witli wood and par ily coppered1 boy was killed. Ia thée storni next day Up by thse water linae. The turtie back t w oung girls were s'truck by iight- and thâe pilot bouse area of light vwOod,. o and are canlvas covered. Tise whiole1 ning and killed at Normandin. At St. veseJ. seems designed to, go as muicis: Felicien lightniag struck tle steeple under water as ovar if, and pilot liouae1 of tise pariali clurcli, wlieh was wreck- and turtie, bacis close up tigistly and are 1ed, and carried some distance away provided with buIseyes and otisar buýildings were overturned, and some small Windows. front the buildinag. A number of otlier The, screw le, said to contain the sec- 40 liouses snd haras Were unroofed5, 1 re fCp.Fid' ips <a 2V and ofherýwise injurad, tlie damage to ad wiih caar<as, on iisnrsday, and ail buildings being estimated at $40,000. that could be told about it by ifs sp- -Cropa were also baýdly dnmaged, and pearance was tisai it bas two blades, a fe-i cattie and.herses khlled- sud, theise are set at a very acute angle t&> tbîe une of fthe scree -Rer isorse ' pou er, tbe cliaracter of lier engibes A OIJNG CTIZEN. and bolers, or -whetlier slie la te be' Teacher, severely-You ware late thLe drivea by -ateasm,-gasoline,--a Keeiy iO-merning,--Willle. --- tr, r unenssine are ail ntehl Li- ttle, Western Boy-Yes'm, bnt it Ithough workmeu aaid she, was ews't rny fault. 1 stopped te help Ipropeilled by a gasoline engine. 1lyncl a mn -7 Fr -r ýh. Ézire tisË 1 '66rTàers &riez S'afzýh Afriem and r--l 1 1 ýL 1 ý ým ý

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