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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 7

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Scot's mulson f Cd- t VE ~ RKEB LJV R3 spoil yotir character, and he does khe ne the sermon I arn now preaching. Scot% E ulson o Co- OER N 0 KED LIV RS.next best thing for hlm-be ruffies An',othier practical uAeo of this subject your peace off mind. When hoe gays us, for thse youing. The theory is abroad liver Oil with Hylç,phos- that you ar not a forgiven soul, when Un it theY mutt first so'w their wxlid oats ph-ites brings back th e ruddy REV, DR-. TALMAGE PREACHES ON hie gays you are flot rigbt wîth God whent and afterward Michigan wheat. Let THE HEALTH OF THE BODY. hoesays that you wiii neyer get to hea- nme break thse delusion. -Wjld oats are glow of life to pale cheeks, ven, lie lies. If you are in Christ, you generally sown in thei liver, and they are just as sure of heaven, as if you cari never ho pu.l1edîî up. Tlsey go pro- the lips become red, the ears lor Debi'i'.ï:4atI &rù Uo',tiy Du1>00 ft were thore already., But Satan, ffind- occulpy that organ that there iis no ro flar~Iil Worbiei Condistion 09 the 0>i- ing that hoe cannot koep youont off the for this ilantation off a righteous i ose their,' transparency, the dia Laier - ncegysà'aîîe car2 or il promised land of Canaan, bas doter- cr OP.- be Ursfy Wonminod that tho spies shall not foring Stepbjen A. Douglas gave the name off step is quick and elastie, work " '-1 1' %'l youant yEschol grapes heforehand and "squatter sovreignty' to thoso, who Rev. Dr. Talmago proacbed on Sun that you shall have notbing but brick- 1 wont out west and toc6k possession off is no longer a burden,, exer- day from, the text, Proverbs vii., 23 ly pear and crabappie. You are just lands and hield thema by right of pe-c cis isflo folowd b"Tili a dart striko through bis liver." asouuch a Christian 110W under the cuffation. Lot a fflock off sins settie on isntflo e y ex- Slnsn' aaoiclanùhsilg as wben you were accustomed to 1your liver before you get to 25 yearg it des tis b- ial dscov le y,,re s errlse at 5 o'clock in the mningtuo of age, andi they wii in ail probabiliy haustion; and tdostibe adicvro e'sçvygea ia pray and sing "Hallelulati, 'tis dlonel" keep posslession off it liy an infernal it frnihes he ody e w~ neriy30 _year ah afftiset My f riend, Rey. Dr. Joseph F. Joues squatter sovereig'nty. -'i promise to use scientists off3his a Ho, moe thneffPhiladoîphia, a translated spiri t 1pay at thîe lzank S$~500 six months ffrtm cià u s à furnihes the odyowiwrotes Poboos daentetmor t"&anfdata," gays tse proyMisary note. ;"I ~i th, a needed food and 1000 years before Christ, seemed to Mow ral an a hsooa," ni xxhx"Manh promiise to pay my litfe 3f) years ffrom chage dieaed acton to know bot ,b circulation of t8jj,~ o d~ern the sItue thing-'dt tti a b rv, changs dieasedactin to blood, wisicb Harvey discoyered 161 inay app.ur, to different poup-e HI every infraction Qfthtie iaws off ou ri healthy. Wfith a better cir- years after Christ, for wben Solomon says: Affter the great battle On -,the PhYsical 9en. i., Mincio in 1859 hotu eeu the Frencb and WpWIli a 'man's body nelver coin-i cultio ad iproed i'i-~in Ecclesiastes, describing the humia' the Sardinians on the one sideaund Plete1Y reCover from enrly dissipatioià cultio an iproed u-body, speaks off thse pitcher at the foun the Austrians on the othor, s0 dis- M1 this world? Nover. Hëw about tbe trition, the rest follow. tain, hoe ovidontly means the thre astrous to the latter, the deffe'ted wOrld to Comae? Perbaps God will fix it canisIeaingfro te iear, tat o.army retreaed, foliowed by tise vie- "I) li the resurrection body sr, that canlsleaingfro. te hart' tat e-ýtors. A description off the March off It 1111 not bave tO. go limping tisrougIh /or sale ai5o cents and $.oby aldrugefta. ceive the blood like pitchers. WbenhEl oacb army is given by two correspond- aIl eternity. Bîot get tise liver thor-. £COTT & BOWNE, Blleville, Ont. 5Peaks in EcclesLastes off tise silveî ents off Tise London Times, one0 off-110hOinooghhy damaged, and it will stsy dam-. cordof ife ho vidntl meas tse<traveled xxith the successfuh host tise aged, as long as you are liere. Physicians __________of_______h__evidently_________ otherwsytis the dfotd ieditfleronce call it crrhosis of tisei ver, or infflam- u spinal marrow, about which, in oue in viexys and statemnents offthe sainemaonoftehirrfatydgnr- day, Drs. Mayo and Carpenter and place, scenos and events is remnarkabîe. taioff tias Liaroefbutemndputeail Dalton and Flint and Brown-&equard Thse former ar esaid to ho marcbing "Tileleaogirtstit 01 fgrteand iays through besutiful and luxurianit coiint-'11aurttrkshrghtoie have experimented. And Solomon- re- try durlng the day and at nhght 0en- this e i eme nhed coehntf corded in the Bible thousands of yearl cam"ping where tbey are supplied withsIi buh ersne oehu befoe sienist dicovredittha ~ n aundnce0f isebes prvisonsand or hlis crimes, fastened to a piliar snd bifrstietis spinalcored iretatdinfl aunane a hedaitiesrovhso an eagle feeding on hir, liver. xviich w5.5 EX«r > nol tbin ofwrurabout ntis poee eigranewed again eacb niglit so tisat the .OFhistim th spnalcor reaxrts g.off araur h rCe-igdevouring went on until finally Her- old age, producing the tromors off handi Oxcpt its stimulus and exciteniant. 01n cules slow teegeadrsudPo and head, "or tise silver cord ho' loos- the side off the poor Austriaus it tIs mothas.. And a dissipated early life ed.".ottsrees. nbilttrffte assures a fferocity peckîng eway and Isathetex horevalstis fet tatsaine date, descri biog tise saine places lswiing away et tis liver year in and the extha evels te tsudhat ml rch ver tisesaneroad. the Year out, sud doathis lethe ouly Illr- lie bad studied tisat largest gland off tise writem can scarceîy ind xvords to 5et clsws a 1ktt oe f l buman syster, tise iver, not by the forth the sufferlng, impatiee and dis- iseais or uelincis ite claws. So elso electria ligbt off tise modern dissectinig gust existing aroundi hlm. baws otsers wrote fables abou.t vultiires pleasant to thse fre a noeal ryn pnths liver, but thero are d room, but by the dîrn liglt off a com-t tsnlter-h l ae ail tissdif-~ those home wltis wiom iL 15 110 fable,d BAY URD. ,~ paratively dark age, and yet hed seen ference ? askso the author. Onoe condi- but a terrible eality. SIR,-Ice hihlyreom-4, its important functions in the God- tOI ooily-thie 1rench are victorioni That young man smingcgrte DEAR bilt cstie of tis humenbody th ie Aust' u hv en cdefeated»" and smoking cigars bas no0 ides that ho *mend Djr. Fowler's Extract of Wil body,' Se80,My dear bî otiser, tise road Y3OU are is getting for bimseif smoked liver. 8Strewberry. It cured my baby of 4 selecting and socreting power, i tS traveling is the same you have bOOlS Tiat yomngg in bas no ides that by + diarboeaftersll other means failedl, + so 1iv it greet praise. Et is excel- 4, Curions clis, its elongated brsnchîng traveling a long xvuîle, but the differ- early dissipation hie bas so depletedisO + lent for ail lowel complaints. 4 tube, as divine workrnansbip in central ence In youl, pbhsical conditions makes Lis aergies thst ha wiil go into the MRS.CHAS BOT, Hrlow Ont4, t loob dîfferent, and therefforo, tisetwo battie snly hait armied. Hoe e anotis- 8 ___ , adrgtadb oe n iehp.reports ý ou bîve giv,ýn of yoursoîf aeor yousag man, wo, if hoe put ail his ,+4 atic artery, tisrougis which flowtieawdeydfrnta the reotgnfre gis ts eietofyuh + THE HEAD MASTER qa 4,ydfeeta terprsintmsaais h L n fynh GETLMNIhave foulid great + crimson tides. Oh, tisis vital organ is The London limes fromth tis't'o corrOs- foil teruptations, li tre=ngth of God, saisacinithusoDr.Fowler's+ like tise oye off God in tisat ýit never pondents. Edward pyo somotimes mighit drive them baok, but ho, is ai- eie tivaobei ilcssof4, sep. fer up on the muan.t that it seom- lowiaig thiom to ho reeufomced by the 4> xtact ofi ld St1awberr y csedscon-+ eep d as if the centriputal force off eath whole ammy off midlfe temptatioais, and 8 darroeesudsomercominit. Solomon knaw off it and bad noticed ceuld 110 longer hold him, somnetirnos wbat but lnsnrtai1dfeat cn await 8 ti laaetmet eom ibrviieto rps o temtirougis a pisysical disorder was S frhm + ittotheviisctin rbostmc.e R.B MSEROPrnipl , iatafu ttcssi nddsspt dowu that it soorned as if the 'nether Oh, my young brother, do not make + B.14A.TERON, rinipal wht awul ttacs sn an disipaionworld would clutcis bim. Poor William tise mistake -that ticsoiiinds are makîng 1-1 igh School, Ziver Chai le, N.B. made upon it, until the fiat off Almighty Cowper ivas a most excellent Chris- in openhng tise battie ageinet 5sin too ~ God bids tise body and soul separate, tian and wil h loved in the Christian late, for tisis world tea late, and for tise __._._._._._._.__._._._._._.. and one0 it commends to tise grave, cisurcis as long as il sings bis bymnsl world to corne too late. Whist bringe FORTWFTY-SIEENYEAS. nd heothr i sedsto udgent Abeginng: "lieme is a fountaîn filled that express train froin St. Louis into FOR W -4NT-SEEN YEAR. ad te, tha it end tojudmen. Awitb blood."1 "Oh, for ae doser walk Jersey City thXee bours inte? Tbey javelin off retribution, not glancing off with God," "Whist verous blndrances lost fifteen minutes earhy on tise rente, or rnalisg a sligist wound, but pierc- WO meet," snd "God moves in1 a mys- and thiat affected tison ail tise wy, ingit ron adeto id "tîla drttenions way." Yet washeo s overcome sud they had tol ho switched off isere bymelat.chohy ut islaek pile, tisat it and switclid off there aud et ad ýj% strikes througis iis iver." Galon and was ouly tismougis tise u,atake off tise bore sud detained the, sud tise man Hippocrates ascribo to tise iver the cabd-iv-m, xxho took him to tise wrong who loses tme and strength n ts mosiof iseword's ora deresionplace instead off tise river bank that oarly part off tise journey oflfewl F,ý Z Mstofth wrl'smoalderesinho did not commit suicide. suffer for it ail tise -w-y tisrough- and the word rneianoisoly meens black the, first twonty years off hf o damaging - bile. S~~~~~~piritual condition so mlghtily affect-tefooinfhtyyrs ed bv Lise physical state, wisat a great Mybrethsitseistsr n dHEC OK~SESTF IEND I preacis te you tise gospel off heaitis. portunnty tisis givos to tise Christian ybv beard o th iste fo sp oLneats 7 r, ~In taking a diagnosis of dîsease off tise ih<ician, for hoaenu, bel at tise sainmo aveitra ho toha gstelyor wîilover LAP.iLST SALE IN CANADA. seul yon rnust also take a diagnosis off tiime ctitshus ffts sd n ear on tisat subject, and I charge you, ____________________________disase of th boy. s i torecg-pulse off tise soul, and lho can admnistteinlutise naine off God and Christ and use- d1Z iss01of the boo Aoff tis e Now do both et once, and if medicine is need- fuluess sud eternal desti11y, take btter Y O U uas onewritenbokaofphyseNw ed hoe can give that, and if spiritual care off your heaitis. Wisen soins off Testament wa rte yapyi ia counsel is needed ie can give tbt-sfl you die, if your frieuds Put On your o u ~Luke was a mnedical doctor sud lho dis- earthly andS s divine proscription et tise tom stone, a tmuthful. eprtapb, it will cniinsaine i ime-and calli on not oniy tise ra: Brei ticra off late sUp- courses much off the physical codtosairiddlecary off earth, but the pbarmacy o '1r0 wh o,"e~i iat lob-. A E and hoe tells off the good Samaritan's of heavenl Ah, thet le tise k'md off doc-strsedtmdigt hiofra modication off the wounds by pouring in tor I want ut my bedide-one thiat cen man;" Or it wLIl ho, "Ton cigars a day wEAKi BACK, oulaand wino, and recognizes hunger as o nycutottiergtnnbrofcîosed my eartisîy existence*," o twl LAME BACK, essnrned ern h opl drops, but wiso cen also pray. That is ho, " Tiought t1 could do et 70 wisat I a hnd-anc to herin th gopel g'tise kind off doctor I have isad in My did et 20, and lami here;" or it 'will ho, BACKACH E, test tise 5000 were f ed. He aiso e- house wshen sickness or deatis came, 1 "flore ;s the consequne~ off sitting a '7RAD MARK LU MBAGO OR cords tise sparse diet off -tise prodigal do sot want any off your profigt loiait day wit.h wet ftac", or it iiibe athstedoctors arouind ray loved ns" This is wbere I have stacked my bar- RH EUMATISM, away from borne, sud the cxtiuguished when tise balances off life are trembling. vest off wild oats;" or instead off sord eyesigtgiioff tise beggar by tise wyside, A doctor whe bas gone tisrongb tise tise stonecutter wi1ll chisei for an epit- OoAN'ys KiDNEY PILLS sund lots us know off the iserorrisage off medical coliege, and in dissecting room a pis on tise tombstone two figures--Z WILL CURE VOU. thewounds off tise dying Christsud tise has traversed tise wonders off tise bu- uamoly, a dart and a liver. Do OURHAN5 O FET SELL miaclou pot mrtes rsusitaion nan mechaisin, and foundno od There is s kind ot sickness that 15 no vUR AND OP FEE SWLL? mirculos pst ortm, rsusitaion inany off tiselabyrinthsis aje su ad boantif ul when tCornas from overwork IF S0 YOU HAVE WEAK KIDNBYS. DOAN'S Any esrimate off tise spiritual conditiun caunot doctor me or mine. But, oh, for God, or one's country, or one's tain- PILLS WILL STRENOTIIEN TIIEM. tisat doos not concînde also tise physical tise Cihristian doctors l Wiat s coin- -1y.1 have seen wounrls that were HAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI-. condition is inconiphete. fort tisey have been in many off our glorions. 1 have seen au empty sleeve NARY TROUBLES OP ANY KIND? IF 50, When the doorKeepem off Congress fell househoidsl And they ought to have a tChat was more beautif ni than tise Most DGA15 ILL WIL CRE OU.dcad frons excessive joy isecauso Bum- warm place in our prayers, as xveil as muscular forearni. I havea seen a green n 1goyne had sumendered et Saratoga, sud preise on our tongues. sisado over the oye shot ont lu battie, SOýMEIHING WORTH KNOWING. khilip V. off Spain dropped dead ai the 1 bless Gocl ttant tue namber off Chris- that was maore beautiful tissu auY two IIADCHS, DZINSS FIGTEL news off bis countrys defeat i battie, tian pisysicians s muitiplying sud some eyes e , had passed witbout injury. I N'EAACHS. DZZIESS FRIHTPL sud Cardinal Wolsey faded away lie- of tise students off tise medical colleges have seen an old missîonary worn out DREA.'lS, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWSI-. cause off tise result off Henry Vi', s an- are bore to-day, and I bail you and with tise malaria off African jungles,- NESS, FGGeTEULNESS, COLO CHIlLLS,: athema, it was demonstratedl that tise ordain you to tise tender, beautiful, wiso looked to me more radiant than a NE~0UNU,ýî TC., ARE OFTEN CAUSEO body sud soul are Siamese twins, sud iseavensdescended work off a Christian ruiicund gymuast. 1 have seen a motheIr BY ISÔDERS KONES~when you thrihl tise one witis joy or physicien, sud when you take yonr di- after six weoks' watcsing ovor a famiy EVN F OU lIDEOR DFCT sorrow you tbrihi tise other. We may plomea from tise, medical coilege tolook off children down with scarletf YO .SRFOU ALWAVSR ES EPE THAT as well recognize the tremondous ftact after tise perishable body hoe sure aiso witis a glory a round bier pale -ud __ u VGU 5p1ýUL ALAYSRiEE[IER HT tisat there are two mighty fortresses to get a diplomra ffrom tise skies to lok face that surpassaditishe angelia. It al EOAN'5 PlLLýS CURE ALL KIONEY TROU-. in tise human body, tise heart and tise after tise inperishablo soul. Lot ail depends on bow you got your sickness BLES, AND EVERY DOSE13 ELPS THEE iver;, tise heari, tise fortrees off tise Christian physiciens unite with minis- sud what battie your wounds. CURE.greces; the liver, tise fortress off tise tors off tise gospel ins persuading good If we muet get sidlia-ad -onouot, loet SOGLO AT ALL DRUG STORES. furies. You may have tise head f ihl- people that it ta flot because God is it ho in God'e service, sud in tise effort ____________ c~~~d with ahi intellectunlities, and tise against theni that tisey sometimesfetomktiewrdgd.otitseo- ear with ail musical appreciation, and depressed, but becanse off their diseasod vice off sin. No, no! o ne off tise Most tise moutis witi al cioquence, and body. I suppose David, tise psalnst, patisetic sceuos that lever witness, and tise hand with ail industries, sud was no more pions when ho called on I of ten se rt, is tisat off mon or womofl tise heari wîtis all generosities, and everything human sud engouac, animate converted iu tise f if ties or sixties or s0v- yet '"s dart strike througis, tiseand inanimato, evon from tise suotefiake entios wanting to ho usaf ni, but they se> iver." to hurricane, to praise God than wisen served tise world sud Satan iu tse ear- First, lot Christian people avoid tise be said, "Ont off tise deptise offbell hae erptofteiliehttsybave n mistako that tisey are ahi wrong wlth I cried unto Thee, O Lord;" or that yiolceybftorissrveof i'7,God because tbey suffer f rom depression Jeremiali wes more pions-w ýhennlho wrote Gd ie arfcdnremsls ofspris.Many a consocrated man bas his propbecy tisan xvben hoe wroto bis lungs, heart sud iver on tise wrong ai- sphiîal y.1o- gd -db-s"Lmetaton;"or obwbn ho.saMdbar. Tisey fought on tise wrong sida, Six months, said tise judge. Caues a t, tieeven is not arisored Yerroner, said tise gentielann in the wt efn oigo h aî Queen Victoria bas commnanded Mr. ffrazzled coat; I object to that tisere beuifly nwed witis exqnisite chry-.WQxilrOcsadontopitaub- sentence on constitutionai grounds. satisemums as once, tisat, tiserefore, ise pictore containing portraits off ber- Wisat le tise matter with it, Jim? 'gestion, bad traie, coated zyon are on tise xrongroed. Tise road soif, tise Prince off Wales, tise D'oIe off asked tise judge.nue earlaIcis, lu- w rn o n tts aegt York and Prince Edward. IV le uot It cenes under tise cruel sud unusual somnia, etc. }lood's ris L whether you waik witis tiesetride off knoxxn by xxhat oxtrsordinsry accident lirait, sSe. cure constpationî and a l is an atbJete or corne up on crutches. it cens-e te pes that lnsg-estaisished Ne, I don't se0. resuîts, easily sudthororigisy. 25C. ,&il druggists. Thousands off Chi istians, morbid about traditioins should have been overcome Well, mebbe it aln't i'articulariy cru- Frepared by C, . .Htood & Co., Lowell, 11ý their experiences, and morbid shout Vo surIiss degreo that a Britisspeint- el, but it is ýunusual. You alsays gim- Tise only Fil1e to teke witis Hood's Sarsaparlila their business and rnorbid about tis eor and a truc artist sbould bave beon nie 90 days'beffere. present, anid morbid about tise future, apoe to peint e royal portrait. "A littlee more tisan e year ago, ay isair begen turning gray, and fallîng out, aud aitisougis I tried ever 50iany tisg to prevent e coutinuance of tisese conditions, 1 obtained no satisfaction util I tried Ayer'e Hiair Vigor. After osing one bottte, niy hair was restored to 4F How Old are You? It makes no difference whether you answer or 'not, It is always true that 4 a woman is as old as she looks." Nothing sets, the seal of age upon a woman's beauty so deeply, as gray hair, Thse hair loses its color generally from lac]k of nutrition. If you nouriss thse hair, the original color will corne baek. That is the way that thae normal color of the hair is restored by Ayer's Hair Vi*gor. * Tiis testimonial wlll ho foond lu foulu i Ayer's "Curebook" wîtk a isundred otisers. Free. Address J.C. Ayer Co., I.owell, Mess, l'lie juîdersîgiîed desli-e tb haîîk.the farmers of West L0iîrharn for the liberal Patronage extended to ns during the past season, a]-cotu remind tbem that we are stil] in the market and ,prepared to pay the HIIIEST MAR-M"KEr-T PRL'-ICE VLLKINDS OFC ,I&ED leivert'd at our storehonse cor. 'KIingy and George streetss, or at For Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, )f Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait foc cattle and horses, and Fresh Gnound Grey Plaster in, Barrels which we are prepared to seil OEZEIAIP IE'OZE OASEL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY OLEÂN SOREENED) OÂL LJways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. __MoCLELLAN & G Hampton Geneul:ral Store. New Spring Gcoods at prices that wili astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. Sec our $2.50 Pants to order. We have the larg est and most attractive stock of Jm- ported and Domestie Wooleus ever shown in the County, bought in the best mar-ket for SPOT CASH. WTe carr~y full lines of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-.made Clothin1g. Fine orleî'ed Clothing a, specialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped with Choice Groceries and Provisions ns cheap as thse eheapesi and as good ns the best, We have special values in TEAS. Full lune in Patent Medicines at popular prices. Suiphur in quantities at 3c. per pound. IIAMPTON. WIIAT IS GOINU ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS 0F THE GLOBE. OId andO New World Events of Interest Chrone Icled Brlly-int.rcetIng Happenlnge of Recent Date. In Moexico Iminers geV 50 cents a day. China-Japýan war boomed campiser pnices. Bordeaux exhibites a 115 foot higis bottie, Emperor William empioys Vweivo valets. Prof. Faibe, of Vienna, announces; tisat Vise earts will corne in collisiou wits a cornet on November 13, 1899. It lesesid Visat 200,000 copies of a se- Tise higist spot inbabited. by isumain beings on this globe is Vise Buddisist cloister off Renie, Tisibet. wbere Vwenty- one o eul ve ai au altitude off 16,000 foot. Destitute Englishmen ahroad cen de- maýnd Vo ho sont home. Tisey apply te tbeir consul, wise gives notice ac- ccrdingly Vo captains of slips about Vo sal. ,Tise Empress off Japan and hon ladies have talon te tis teel hre and cycle on a naze of wahks made on piurpose for Vhem in Viese ecluded parts off Vie insperial gardons. Great depressioen existe in tise Lyons eilk trade. At many mills large nnm- l bers off peopale have been discbsarged. amd it le feaTyed Vbat aome fecteries wii ho compeilod te stop altogetsex if tise demand for Frenchscille doos net improve. Tise funeral off e worlingman in Japan coste 83 cents unleessVise ffemiiy wishee Vo have it espeoislly fine, wisen it wil cost as muboi as $1.25. 'Tise pwice off a 1ýoff lu is 20 conte, and Vise rate for cremation is f rom 40 cents te 75 ceuVe. R-efresbments figure up ffrom Il Vo 25 cents. .After a period of somo 1,200 yeers tise fourts grand fire temple is beîng huilt lu Beombay for public, subscrip- tions. Tise sacred fire to ho perpotually burued in 1V muet ho a composite off sixteen different Iinds off fire, wisicis axe Vo ho emalgarnated af ton meuy ceremonies off purification. Paris hes ffound it necessary te put a chseck to tise iapisszard decoration off hon public places. Tise preffeot off tise Seine bas appointed a Vchubcai com- mittee off artiste, architecte, and otiser competent judges, te wisicisahl plans, affecting tise outward appearance off Vise City imuet ho submitted, A remarlabie phenomenon was wit-. nessed in Jeirusalem recently. A swarm off flying ents settled upon tise city, sud filled tise air from sunrise, until 9 o'clocl. Vieltoea Vo Vise Holy Sëpulcisse were obiiged Vo use their bandkercisiefs coastantiy in order Vo keep tise insecte ont off tisein oyee and nostnils. Au expert telus off an instance wisere 4,000 perl shells were talon whicis yieidad lbas than $50 wor-th off pearîs, while in tise sanie oality over tbirty pearis were found in one day, one off which was sold for $10,000. A Queens-. land compeny, on a emaîl ares, got $6.000 worthslof pearle f rom aigist tons off sheila. A suit off armour hais beon discover-. ed in tise old chatean di- la 'Tour de Pinon, wiiris Latisengit Vo be tise one ordered floDr Jeoin off Arc by Charles VIL., duTin.g tise siege off Orleans, and presanted te lier at Bourges. It je said te corresponid exactly Vo Vise descrip-. tions banded down and wae made f«r a womra(n five f cet Vhree incises in heigist. Queen Victonia's newest rnaid off hon-. or, Miss Maj>'ndie, les said te> owe bier entranoe Vo royal faveur to s curions chance. She happoned Vo ho singing in s ohiurcis choir one day when tise Qneen was present at divine service, and ber Majesty wae 50 greatly pleeeed with Vise frosis sweetness off tise giri's face and voice that sise invited bem Vo f111 Vise place coveted hy tise young girls off tise Englisis aristocracy. A IiENEWED ENGAGIlVENT, Hle-Now tisat our engagement is ended, I suppose we sisouid returu eaeh otiser's letters? Sie-I suppose so, sud George, wisile we are about it, w hy noV retnrn oscis otiser's lisses? Engagement rencwed on Vise spot.

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