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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1897, p. 8

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1 Insectiïcides. * Pure and reliable Insect Destroyers at J. HIGGINBOTIIAM & SON, Chemists and * Druggists. *PURE PARIS GREEN, PURE INSEOT POWDER, * PURE MOTH OAMPHOR, * FLY POISON PADS, * STIOKY FLY PAPER, (~~ot) * Hygeia Beverages 1-lires Rbot Beer, MceLaughlin's' llygeia * Beverages, Lime Fruit Juice, etc. * J. Jiigginbotham & Son. ÏBOWMANVILLE. We Îl-veIt!= "You CAN HaveIt That Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are wanting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot afford to be See the newest desius in ail kinds of Fui niture. You are always welcome. BOWMANVILLE. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Bc'uligal's Block. E3OWMP:ýNVILWE, ONT. S E.,R BOUNSALL, manufacturer of an~ dealer in Fine Monumental Work of every de scription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. ~ A l orders promptly filled in a satisfactory manner tiud at reasonable prices. 194tf ~ ~ ~4wu~ IHAMPTON. BOWMÂNVILLE, AUG. 4, 1897. ENNISKILLEN. Visitors: Mr. Wm Ro'gers, Bluevale, Mr. R. A. Lee, Port Hope. guests of Mr. F. Rogers; Mr. CJ' Moase, Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Mitchell, Newton- ville, Rev. Jno. E. and Mrs. Daviq, docanada Iodle, guesis of Dr. Mitchiell; Miss Mabel anti Mr. Albert Elmes, Miss Rus brook, Mr. J. Me Connel, Toronto; AMr. W. Grant, Toronto, at Mr. W. R. Martin's... Sever-al yonng omen are camping at Washbr ... . The following is the resuit of the June promotion examination: En- trance-Willie Gilhert, Sherwood Potier, Es- mond Rail; Jr. to Sr Srd-PeatrlRanitoni, Iarry Virtue; Pt. II to 2nd-Roland Virlue, Edmunci Shortricige, Alhert Oke, Russell Byers. W. W, NOBLE, teacher. UNDOUB3TEDLY THEBE5T.-GENTLEMEN. -1 wish te say that Dr. Fowier's Ex-' tract of Wild Strawberry has proved a wouderful romody lu my famîly. We wouid not be without it 1er twice its price. I say il is THSE lESI (net meroly oue of the best-but the best) mediclue ever brought bel ore the public for summer complaint or diarrhoea, eihor inu children or aduits. JOHNX UNDERHILL ILterTUeCommissionerStrathelair, M au NEWCASTLE. Visitors: Rov. ai Mrs. Mc-Williamns. Hamil- ton, at Rev. R. Taylor's; Mesrs. John Mollon andl Taylor, Hampton, at Mr. T. Molloni's: Mr. Ler, Illinois, UJ. S. A., et Mr. Perrins.... Mvast- er Rsseli Pickard retently gave a pleasant ev- enîna toalarrc .number ofis younse'friends.. _Miss Annie qad Mr. Walter Douglas vlsited in Toronto rcnl.isMinutie Lovekin bas resumnec ber position in the lvethodist choir remplars bellcheir picote at Newcastle on1 ise laite Aug. 3rd... . Miss ]3<nni ee Pacsonis vis- itctisnToronito. . t saddrowningacctdet ne O- cirre -d at 5r L. M. Ma ls mili pond Sunday misonissg wetk. -- v ro yu mesi were bath- __ wenArchie 4Cethh rtsnddenly feui ito - bAc t5 fee.xiLep s'owas rowned, The drown- who bas tise s o~sh f tht toîï.nunh in hec sorroiv.5ev. J . Res. Orono, preachcd iu the Pieshitel, s h.clîtbSnd'sy week.. RevISR. Tay sec ci M'r. W alter Etckard gave ciseir reports of '.âec.,sveri ii itthe Lcagise. -The fore- ing e rowd il out laso wneec.- Ed. C. S. ?hlo li±i > lsrson Visitors: Mr. anti Mca: Dickson, Akron, Ohie, et Mc. N. Giffords; Mca. N. Dickson anti tiught - er Mnnie, Akron, Ohio, et Mr. Jas. Cryder- mens; Mca. Taylor, Tlara, et Mr. E. B. Crytier. man's; Mr. end Mrs. Jos. Ruse, Buffalo, Ný.-Y., et Mr. W. Beer's; Mr. 0C Ruse -Toronto, et Mc. J. Ruses; Mc. B. Fergtison anti Miss A. Crytier- ,juan, Blackslock, ai Mr. M, B. Crytieroen's; Miss Cercle Oke, Toronto, et horne; Miss Mahel Wilcox, Bowsnauviile, ai home; Mc. W. Rogers, Bluevale, Mr. F. Jonesa, Bowmanvllle, et Mr. C. Rogers'; Mc. S. Ruse, Friendslîip, N. Y., et Mc. ,J. Ruse's; Miss L. Reeve is visiting frientis in Hepe; Miss Annie Ashton ta visitong fruends aI Euseld ... Mc. J. T. Williams bas intiamma- tory cheumatism. .. . Mc. O. J. Claiworihy broke bis le g ahove the ankie Wednesday week. A scaffolti gave way throwing lus 14 feted., Sica. T. Burcows bas heen imite iii bot is cecovering .. _Miss Winnie Penoingion f li froos a cherry tree Moutiey weck hreaking ber acot neac the wrist.... .Grainî stansding in the shock is sprouted froos the wct lest week. Quarterly rneetiigSun day mecanîg was well attentici,....Nsw Sah. bath Sehool officeca: Supi.-A. B., Cryderman; Asst. Supi -R. Taylor; Secy-F. J. Groat; Aýst. Secy-F. T. Allin; Treas-C. N. Ruse; Libracian -F. Si. Crytiermen; Asst. Librarian-Mias A. Lord; Orgasists-Misses Elliot, Brown anti Rogers; Teachers-Bible Class, C. Johîns; girls, Miss M. Rogers, Mca. tRev.) E.E. Iloward, Miss' A. Ashiosi, Miss1. Ellis; boys, 0. E. Brown, Miss Arusour, C. IHoin; Prtnsary, Miss Locena Salter and Miss G. M. Brown...Don't Srgei tIsaiF. EXCURSION. Stoney Lake and Burleigh Fallis Xonday> .ugu'st 9th. Under the auspices of Lodge Welling. ton No. 19, Sons of England, Bowman- ville., By Special train to Lakefield, fromn thence by Steamer "Sunbeamn," to Burleigh Falla, veiwing the finest sceriery en route and giving several hours at the Falls, -fer canoeing and flshing. Returnmng arrivlng at Lake- field about 8 p.m. First-class Hotel accommodation at the Falls. Bring your baskets full of lunch and take them home full of flsh. Plenty of flot and Cold Water on the Sunbeam. Ticketsà good to returu next day, Aug. 1Oth, fromn Lakefleld or Peterboro for lhose who wlsh te remain over, being a fine chance to visit one of our best lnland towns, at the following very low rates from the Stations named. Time. Aduit. Chldun. Pickering 6.32 ar. $ 1.5C 75c. WhitbyJ. 6,42 1.45 75 Oshawa J. 6.50 1.45 70 Darlîogton 6 58 1.35 65 Bowmanville 7.04 135 65 Newcastle 7.13 1.30 65 >ewtonville 7.24 1 20 60 Port Ho,. 7.37 1.15 b5 ArriviDg et ILakefield about 9.30 arn, Retnrning froot Lakefield about 8 p. m. F. R. 1)uNHàm, Sec'y. ALWAys FEiEL TirED).-"4 suffored with severe headache and loss of appot- ite and 1 always feit tired. I concluded to trýy Iood's Sarsaparilla and after taking eue bettie my headache disap- peared. I eontinued taking it until now 1 annover troublod with headache and my appotite is g'ood ," LAMEIA Garland, 247 Claremont St., Toronto, Ont. TYHONE. Visîtors: Mr. and Mrs, John -and Miss Dora Perey, Miss Eva and Mr. Joho Hellyar, jr., Bowmassville, Mr. ansd Srs. Ryan, Toronto... Miss Florence Fraser is visiting friends ai Oak- wood, Mariposa. ..Revs. Irwin and Berry attended Tyroos S.S,.last session ....Th-e outlook for harvt.st is a littie more promissng this weck than last. "lMamma, was that a sugar plum you just gave me?" asked litile Mabel. "No, dear, it was one of Dr. Ayer's Pis." "Please, may 1 have another?" "Not iiow, dear; oee'-of those, nîco pis is ail you need at present, beeause every dose is effective." SOLINA. Visito, s: Mr. R. McLaren, Columbus; Mrs.J. Y. Cole, Hampton; Miss Isabella CowltbToronitoý Master Geo. W. S. James, towi. . The hcerry ani bon feed at Divisions was a jubilee success. Spleodid speeches hy prominot members, es- says, recitatins anid ece.llent si.îgiîîs by Gie C lob. About 80 enjoî cd the feed i... Miss Mary Elfordiîs visithî g lier fieds at Islay, Victoria Co .... Badi weather last weck di great dainage; ail cut grains have spr-outed, peas hiave horst opetn the poils and f ail wheat lias sproutedwhr it tooci. ioot crops werc henefitte .... M. L i rejoice over th prospects of a daily mail oni and after Octoher 1. SPEAKS I, tom Ex Pi trEcE.-Mr. J. W.,' Tomlinson, Ainherstbnrg, Ont., speaks fromn experience when hoe says- "I arn weil satisfiod wîth Doan's Kidney Pis. They are uudoubtodiy the best medicine on the market for any ene afflictedl with urinary or kidney troubles, such as pain in the back,tired feeiig,cramps, nurnbncss, etc. Tiîoy cured me ansd romnoved alli my pains and aches." 571 ST. PATRICII STRIEET, OTTAWA, July lllst, 1896. To the Phrenoline -Vedcine Co., Limit- cd, Ottawa.. Ont. GENTLEMEN ,-On the advice of a friend 1 tried a bottie of your' famous rhoumîatic- remody, Phreuoliue, and to my surprise it cured me of rheunsatism, from which I have suffered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsie, from which 1 was suff ering at the trne, s0 that I feol now like a new man. 1 have tried severai remedios for rheu- matismn, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that 1 have tako-n has doue so much for me as y our Phrenoliue, and I have mucli pleasure in rocommending it to other sufferers. Yours very truly, (Signod) JAMES CARROLL,, Fereman of Works, Rideau Canal, Soid ini Bowmauville by STOTT & JURY.', P R OINCIAL EXHIBITI10N, MONTREAL, A ug. 1 9th to 28th, '97. $175000.00111 Prizes groecies. Tryhîb i ues cf delicios ees. Secl' A Grand Show of Live Stock. bIv EEuDsAPINS-To sn Horsts, Catile, Sheep, Swine, Poultry. occasiou fer you te endure t8e suferinoe Special Prîzes for Canadian Cattît. caused by piles, you ca cure yourseri Special Horticultural Display. Agricul- quicklY and withoui Pain by using tural Implemeluts and Dairy Products. Tras' Magnetie istù1eut. h ro- Bandt Coucerts Day and Eveniuig. lieves your iernielâting distresses, heals ai once, taises eut ail soreuess, heals the Balcon race for the Championship of the wold diseased parts anId ln a soothiug maiier Prof. Lco. Steivenss, anti Prof, Charles nakesapran t cure. Yeu eau LsrîgAcuns sav yursifail thse nupleasattieis The greatesl series oS 5-pecial attractions ever and expeuse oh doctorîng by giving titis seen in eaiaa elstîent a triai. ht has cured hundretis A id-sumiii&r Night's Dream. Fairylanil by day cf afflicted people and is certain te re- The nost wonidecful elecical exhibition ever lieve you ef this trouble. Dou't sufer given Is Sotsreai. another day When Trask 's Olîsimeni Clieap) excrsiot 011 alI, Railways. costs euly iw-oniy-tive cents a bottie.- Iin r Stott & Jury. Grouitts open lii lO»pa..llI1MJI O Frize listsanasslalIsif ormtion on aPliiloio S. C. STEVEN SON, Man. and Sec.,- MONTREAL. Hood's Puis net eissily aiîid prosnpti 'y For Infants Pnd Children. on the liver and bowels. Cure sick1 headache. The ac-1 IcouwJny and1 strenrth arecombiuled 01 alrv~ rapper. contains I100 doses anti wil average ýteO last a usonils. TOWN COUNOIL. Regular monthly meeting held on Monday evening lest. Members ail present except Councillor J. Bý Mitchel. Mayor Loscembe presidiug«. Minutes of lest meeting reaci and confirmed. A communication was received. froun Judge Benson, giving expense of heold. lng Court of Appeal fron Court of fRe- vision, Referred te Finance Coin. Fromt W. MoGilI, amking fer remis- sien of Dog Tax, as deg was dend. Also similar enes from T . E. Higginbotham, Joehn Souch, and W. Coleman. Refer red te Chief Jarvis, Chief Jervis, accarding te request of Councîl, et a previens meeting, presen- ted au exteuded report in reference te the werking of the Electric Liglits In town. Aflter some discussion the Report wee referred te the Public IPreperty Cern. Chief Jarvis aise reported, lu refer- cuce te the doge of Messrs T. Hamiu and G. Maynerd, thet both doge were dead, but thal Maynard had another eue. On motion flainlin's Dog Tex wee struck oef. Mr. W. Bagueil, Sept. ef C.emetery, presented report ef interments during thc peet rnenth. Reueived and fyled. Con. Tait, presented report ef Poor Relief for past month, arneunting to $49. Received and adopted. Coun. Percy, presented Report cf Finance Cein. recemrnending peyment of accounts emeuuting le $276.52. Rie- ceived and adepted. An item ef $6 fer painting sigus for Bridge et weel cf the tewu, caused quile a discussion, as noither the Roada 1end Sts. Coin., ner the Pub. Prop. -Cern. would father the acceunt. Ou 1motion thse eneunt was charged te the Roeds and Sts. Corn. An Item fer Photographseof public places in teWn, for adverlising purpeses, was charged te Pub. Prep. Com. The Roade and Sta. Cern. presAnted,- Report lu refereuce t10'surface weter f rom Street accumulating iun Mre. Brock's property, arnd recommending that the street be graded et a ceaI cf $30. Mr. M. Mayer eddreased the Council, eskiing if the road was greded, that Council put a bridge eppesi'te hie hemn. Thse malter was laid en the table until1 a further stage of meeting. Coun, Lyle reported that since the estimeles asked fer, the Fire Inspecter lied been bore, and lhat. the Fire Cern lied gel hlm te withdraw hie request for a Hielter, until next year, se that Ibis wenld make a reductien of $350 lu that Dept. Coun. Percy reported thal the Cern, on the Fermers Appeals had made a proposition te. Mr. Simpson, the Law- yer for the parties eppealing, whicis had net been eccepted, and tisaI il was likely that the matt'er would be lef t wlth-Jedge Bensen te decide. Coun. Perey preseuted an exteid Report frem the Finance Cern. te- gether wilh the Estimetes. Laid on table until e further stage of tise meet. lngZ. Coun. Pattinsen preBented Report lu reference te building Bridge et Quarry. Laid ou table. ,,The Mayor eteled that hoe li e e ceived a communication frem the Sec. el the Rubber Ce. lu reference the payment cf the firal lustalment ef the Bonus, sudaisen reporled. that the Ce, were about reedy te commence reinning. Mr. McKendry, eue of the Ce , ad- dreosed the Couicil lu reference le the malter sud etated'thet they hadti heir machîuery lu, emeuuting in value te more than the Council aked for, and requesled thet the Council appoint e Cern, te examine the machinery, &c., and report te the Cenucil with e view te the firat payment of the Bonus being made as soon as possible. Ou motion of Mr. Ceruieli the Fin- ance Coin. were request, te obtain an expert if they deemed- it necesary and make an investigation at once and re- port the Councl, On motion cf Mr. Pattinscu, accounts for ahovelling anew in front cf privaIs residences, and cliarged te the preper. ly, was transferred front Roade and Streets Cein. le Sundries. The Roado and Streels Cern. were- inslr ucted te have tIhe looae belle and nuls en the bridge, weat cf the lowu, tighteued up ait once. Cousiderable discussion teck place lu meference te the aigus on the Bridge et the westnc ime teun, and Chief Jarvis wae inalmucted te gel the signe there st present, put up in differeut positions and thal a notice he put la the town papers, calliug, the attention ef the public te the facte. Coun. weut fIe oCern. cf the whole Mr, Cornish lu the chair, en the Eaui- mates, which were paseed as follow,, rnaking thie rate for the ensuing year Dog and Ste tute Lebor Tx ..295 00 IIay Scales ........ ........ 80. 00 «4 T, R. Electrie Liglits....... 37.00 Sale cf lands, arreascf Taxes 50.00 Total.,,.,i226800 Balanc-e to bc raieied by Taxation $20,904.49. TheMason (Oo, Oîii Holiday August A9th, Stores Will b. O1osed.à With only 5 davs for business next week we require to make as many sales as if there were six with the last month of summer rushing along. Ail summer goods left, Sel//n q Lower than Ever. Note the following specials for to rush things for the short week. Glothinge Men'sIBicycle pants worth $r.5o for $i. Men's Bicycle suit3 with cap, special value at $5 nOw $4. MnsNavy B]ueSeg ut were $4.5o, now $2.5o. Unlined Serge Coats very fine ail wool dark bine & gewe- -$ý .5now St, Unlined, light weight tweed summer coats and vests worth $4.5o0 for $3,50 Black Lustre coats and vests and coats, single from $1.25. Black Russel Cord Coats onlY 75c; Gents Duster Coats unIY 75c. Black wosted coats and vests, worth 6.5o for $5, and black stripe wor- sted paras worth $2.50 for $2. Boys and Men's Suits at great reducti.ors see our clothing. The wonderfui value in pants to order at $3.9o ; Straw hats at last montheof summer prices, good hats at 25c. Special value in 4 ply linen cufls at zoc pr. pair. Sp(-cial value in white unlaundried shirts very heavy linen fronts only 5oe. A few slightiy soiled white and colored shirts clearing at 35c. IDZRY-5 G-OOJJS..- - - eî The last month of surumer rerninds us that only a short time ïs Ikit to clear out the balance of our sumrner stock. The policy of this store is to carry nothing over from one season to another. We tell youplainly eachi week the special things on which we are making the largest reductions. The foi- lowing are some of the specials for this week, Ladies' White wear: Corset covers were 35, 5oi and $i flOW 25, 40, 75cts Drawers Were 25 and 75 flOW 20 and 5octs. Skirts were 5~o and 75 flOw 4o and 6octs. Gowns vere 50, 75> $le 1-35, flOW 4o, 6o 85, $1. io. Ladies Wash goods: Muslins, Crepons, Organdies etc. ail fast colors ancl bandsome new designs ail this season's goods were 12Î, 15 and 20c a yd. now a niee choice for j oc a yd. A. lot of remnants. Having done a larger trade this season than ever before w e have more remnants than usual and to make themn go quickiy we have rnarked them at about one quarter théir former prices, it will pay to look them over. Also specials ifn gloves, hosiery, toweling, pillow cotton, sheetings etc.- 1 - - EBOOTWS & SZIOZEJfS- Some lines to clear. A nice une Mens Buif Oxfd. good style for $1.25. Boy's tan Oxfd. reg. $1,25 for $1. Woman's tan Oxfd. reg. $ i. o for $1. Women's oxblood in the newest shape for- $i.o5. Wornan's chocolate oxfd. reg. $1,50 for $1.25. C3- Z 0 0OOI EEE,?.I M s Sugars, fruits, canning botties take firstplace just now and we have al in abundance. Pickling vinegars and spices in aIl qualities at special values. Teas, Coffees and can rneats for luniches. TherASI MOUNT VERNON. Visitera: Mc. Bert Sonch hsome focrloolitcyï,; Mrs.Wm.Bratiley and Miss Wlnllfrld,Listowel, at Meple Corners; Mirs. Geo.Acgne bas r-etai-neit froos Torousto-...Miss Langoiali, Elseèneser, guesl at Mr. Eher Milsonis....- Mr. A. Annis andi Miss A. C. Fosier su Aic. Geo. Milsons.. -M's Ethel Trehil.enek, îown.guest ofiMiss. Rihurilne Age. Qoartecly soeeting was svell atten deil htreSusday .......Mr. D. Hieddon, wlfe anti son Rtoy arc vissstsîg on Dakota, Il. S. What causes badl drearis is a question tisai has nover beetn setisfactoriiy answered; bai, iu fine cases ont of ton, trightfui drearns are tise resuit of imper- fout digestion, which e hew doses cf- Sarsaparilia wili effectually remody. Don'i doiay-try il le-day. NEW HAVEN. Recent Visitors: Mc. E. VanCamp, Brantford, ai Mr. J. VanCamp's; Mrs. EdIwin Ilybeil anti Miss Bertha If ayball, Torosnto, aI Mc. Albert Good's; Miss Bîrcise Polla'd uil Miss Eva CousteS ai Mc. T Power's; Miss E. Williamos, town, ai Mc. J. Trull's; Mn s. Bracihuro, Cart- wrighi, anti Mrs. MýcLean, Winnipeg, at Mr. T. Vancamsp's .... Mr. and Mrs. S er are visit- ing friends in Solina..,.'Mrs Levi VanCamp bas been e ite li... .Mr. T.-Ycllowlees, Toronrto. preachet i ere oui Sabbath lest. SA SummER SrEcFc.-Dr.,Fowier's Extraet of Wild Strawberry cures choiera, choiera inorbus, diarrhoea, dysontery, eramps, celle, surtmmr cern- Ilasi canker cf the meuili and sl wel cniplaints cf chîltiren or aduits. Il is a seothiug, effectuai andi never failing medicine, whici gives immnediate relief and speedily effeets a eure. MAPLE GROVE. A dccc bas huen seen isece... Our picisie is postponeti until afier berveal. .... Mc. A. W. Foley bas gosse to Vermsont Slate to manage a lage_ costreet is railcoaciý feucing for Page Fence C... Visitors: Mr. andti ars. Robi. Dale, Miss Sheridan, Miss CorluettiMiss Anîie Crumh, Toroiite Mc. anti Mca. Freâ, Flintiff, 'Taunston; Mc. Will Iten, Hampton, Mrs. William Ever- so, Eheisezer; Mrs. S. jSanders ant iMiss Josie Wilastowu. . -Mc. ansdt Mrs. Jacob Stevess Viied fSientis et Ciesare...-Misses Ethel anti Winnie Axfordl anti Mamie Mun day have been vlsitiog in Toronto. CANCER CAN BE CUREE.-FOr six years I suijfereti from caucer,and got ne relief until I useti Burdock BlocdBitoers. 1 used sevon boilles faithfully. when the cancer gradualiy dried np and finaily dîsappearod. 1 ar nuow entirely wel anti rejoice ltai by using~ B. B. B. 1 have eseapeti death liher frorn thse surgeon's kuife or from lise cancer it. self. Signed, MiSs, ELIZA. TUFrOED, Paris, Oui. ADVERTISEO MOST By its Loving' Friend OBYLON TEA. CLERK'S NOTICE --f- Voter's List, I 897, Mun- icipality of; the Týown- .ship of Darlington), Cou nty of Durhamn. Notice is herehy give, that 1 have trensrnilted or delivered te the perses meotioneci eci five andi six of the PVter' List Act, the cpe required b b, ecin o sso transmittecior delvef d sft isiondepusuant tb saici Act, Of ail pes Ppeer1ng h the last revised AssýessosRntlHo fthe saici Un'~.il "h rentitled to vote in the saic i Muc»aillity t Eleclions for membe7frs t te Lbegiýsielive A,- seroblyecia Mncpal lcions. ad that said liiwslrIposted p ai myoVic, t Bowanvil, entýhe 2st18 day of Jnly, 1897, and rean 'cefor inspection. Electors are ealletiupon to exanmine the saici list, 'and, if eny omissions or a"' ther'error, are foond therein, to take imeda e det- ings to have the said errors correcteci eccording to lau. 32-1,w. Dated this 28th day o ul,1897 OfJIR.89WoINI)TT <lerk of the seid Muiipalily. T OURISI SEASON IN FULL SWING Raîl-Lake-River---Oceait COTJR ICE.To the M uskoka and M idland District Holiday visiiors: Rev. WI. andi Mca. Piekard, Minnesota, et Mr. A J. Courtlce's: Misa K. Grand Trusnlç RaiîwsuY SYstcm Tourist Haiesck, Toronîto, et3Sic. J. Henceek'r; Misses Gertie and Hila Buntile, town, ai Mr. A. E. Resoorts. IZusdIcils; Mc. P. Clemens, Tyrone,wîtls frientis; Miss Hiarris Bloomlild tit iMc. i. Couries; The MUSHOHA EXPRZESIlecvea Toronîto Mc, T. F.W clgbt,Toirossto,at atr,.L.M.Coucîciee's; (UDnsStation> ý11:20 a. un. dAily(excepti uday) Dr. E. W.Tonkisu, dsvardsburg, Mili.,aIt S. for Sîuakoka Whsarf, cosnectiîsg with Muskoka Oshoces; Mr. S. C. Siasols, Davenport, îo~e~ Navigation Cemp1asîY's steamers. (elleti on olci Sieuda liere reeenly;,Mca Jas. The Fast Siasitie Pssllman (vestibuleil) Special. Conctice hlsreturuseil froos vlsirî y trietslas Moocedielci; Mr. H erh. Perkin, ioo stiel , was EASTBOUND.-This magýîiicuitrain Icaves guest or Sirs. Littiejolsus reeccntiy.... Mev. Dr. Toronlo (Uston Stations) 1:05 a. s-u. each Friday; anti Srs.Mssrvin wo' , c tPrince Edwardti nitv arrives Kingston 5:15 . o'. <cssusecing toitS lasi ueek etlilss ather's funecal---- Rev. Dr- isteamer for JoT, <. S ,it a7Ilds oS Marvin gaearpod -is f BLt.sb4s Fom'lcrs- St. Lawrensce), traina arrives In -Moniceei lo:46 lecture nithct 'i oonto cosove-itoin. ' at dccciia. un. sanie day, of geatost", t Esenzersuudayisibt. WESTBOUND -Toioito 6:45 pl. si. Mondaiy, WIlox'G hIEART Acrion,. Wroilg arrlvîusg Clisitoogo 10 a. 'ss. nevi day. action ohftise heari causes nelvORinOs,3 Tlikels -.nin l ifo3rmeflusfcons . T R nergous dyspepsia, shortlteas ofh breails agents. andi otier distressîno.synîptoiws. Mr. *MO IK.~ curuti cf these troubles by talngMi _____ burn's 1Iheart ant i ierve Plu . Mr YelIand savs: "They are aremaîkabie 't5f. medicine, ant i Ihve net been iro âbietid ~ l 1s lu the leasi sin ce teing thîît e7 - alur without it, Cali and

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