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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1897, p. 2

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w~~iau fitzm NyED,$DAY, ATJG. 18, 1897. Dit. J. C. àE1TCHEL. O/IEME F COLLEGE OF PHYSICIUdN tlT~ndte ecsOntanec, coroner.,se. nfiedeid n c e, E nn sk il1e n. 7L, D BUREKE SI17!rsnN, BL~OCK~, upetaurs, -Kng 'treet, iBow-an.- vIle. Solieltor tor the C)ntari Bank k state leuevg loaued t ai dslo0w5t riâ8 RBT. YOUN~G, V. S. OFYICE IN THE WEST DURHAM NJlews Block. where himnseif or asqies sot wUi be found from Sa.m. te 9 p,m. Night valls t reBidee,.directly opposite Dril Shed. a y telegraph or telephone will receive prrnp' tention 171-yr RPiiÂTE, TaîP r Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. OFFICE --lear Of Messrs. lliggiubotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE D"ENT IST'ER>Y. C. 1-ARNDEN, L. D. S. St'lau cf the Royal Cellege of Dental iSrgeons. Ontario. M OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFIM lO.< VffALIZEI3 AIR. New Tailor Shop Thse userstgned Who lase beau csnrylug on tailoriug business in conneoioni with ai ýon'sDw Goris Store fen a neinierot yeaas ."eemmenced business fer iseaf at lite o Jnce, ing St,wet, wbera lie te prepared t asake gants' sud boys' suite i l th ie latomt e~e.and ai loes retpicas, For thoeWho ulih ÏoorSon suits, lie wmut carry a full lise cf ae@ ia il tise uewest patteras, Gîve lue J. T. A&LLEN,1Tý Fasiionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,00 0. A large enta cf mouay lias beau pl aceS in mer handea by s pivate pereon for invastment, ou Týý:,Ded bans on feri secuir for a terni cf - TEN rOars, FivE ANDs ONE flÂLi PER 7Tintereet wili lie asked paySble yealy. :.&iIttactory conditions for rapaymaent uil ha arrangeS. Dated Oct, lot, 94 Di. B. SIMP'5L>i!. Solicitor. Bowinanvilie. I., 40ý-tf. WNrVANT]ED. M aad "om w '0 e an' work ladtalking rdn will be content wri ten dollars weekly. Ad- rasi,, NEW IDaA 00., BRANTFORD, Ont. nrlvT'S Iamn just 3tatlg thse hast redaddress wMI bring tisegode R rato. P. GIA$Gow, TerontoOnt. HE WANTED TO KNOW. Several Thbîgs About Wheels atka inl nnd *ther Things. Thse suhjoined letter, published by thse Âmerica.n Field, is said te be an order sent hy a Kansas man to a bicycle company: "flear surz,-li live iu mi farm near Haroilton, Kan., am 57 years old sud just a littho sports. My netfew lu lu- diana bot hinseif a new bicycle and scatntie bis oie one by Ifrate, and.ive learzed to ride sun. ita a pile of fun, but mi bicycle jeits censiderable. A faller came aiong yesterday witis a bisicle tisat had hoiiow injun rubber tiras stuffed with inS. lRe let me try hissen, aud mi it runs lino A kushin 1 Ha told me you sel! injun rubber just thea same as hissen. liow mucis wili it ha to f ix mine up like iissen f Mine is ail iron wheeis. Do you punch the bolîcu isole threw the iujun ruisher or will I have te, do it myseif 1 How do you stick tise ands together after you get it donec? If your injun r-ubber is siready isoliow ilil it corne any cisesper empty f I can get ail tisewind out here lu Kansas free. '"Ebeneuier Y. Jonson. "P.S.-How mucis do you charge for the doodad yon stuff, tee wiud jute thse rubher with, sud where do Mou start $1 THE MOSQUITO. There are two naturai enemies cf thse mestluitc, tee dragon fiy sud the spider. Tlie latter, as we know, wages constant war fare upon ail iusect life, and where mosquitoes are piantiful they form tee chiot diet of their hairy toe. Thse dragon f ly la a destroyer of mesquitoes lu at ieast two stages cf lit e. Tise larva dragon f lv feeds upon tee larva mosquito, aud wiseu tuiiy de) veieped thse former dines constautiy upon the matured mosquito. The dra-. gon fly W* asolution cf tise àosquito peat question is net whoiiy satisa s-. tory , for while there is ne serious dîf- ficuity te he encountered lu the cuiti- vation of drsqon files lu large num- bers, yet it te mauifestiY impossible te keep them lu thse dank woods where mosquitees aisouud the hunting greuud cf thse 'darning needie," beiug amoug thse flowers sud dry gardens wisere thse sunssine prevails. For tbis very important reason thse schseme ef hunt- ing en(e kind cf insect ultis enether must ha abandoned as impracticabie. sri-sciticîn s. LovedSecs net say, "This r M E TT1UN1AY CH OL cannet be endureS," but la pertectly resigned to God's wiil. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 22, 8. Cnurity neyer failetis. Ihere is eternity lu love, fer i l sseutiai I -- te the perfect moral lite. "The]Exelencc or CTuetiîs lse." 1 Cen GoS canet endure witisout il, "for' 13, 1-13. Gec(len "lext, it'er. 13: .13. GoS is love,; man canet participate PWA1CTIQAL NOTES. lun eternai 1f e ultiout it, for ail. who'ý are hem cf God love GoS. Eternai en- Versa 1. Thbiugh 1 speak. Evident- durauce wi;tiout love weuld be eternal iy the primitive C.burch placed high deatli. Love is needed in heaven as, valuation ou speech. Tise tongues ofrnuch as iu earth. Prophecies, theyi shal f ail. Prophecy in tise New Tes- men n sd et augets. W/bat tise "gif t tamnent, stands, as ixe have seen, fer « tlonguesý" 'as we de net certaiuly direct revelatien, whatber efthtie tu- kuow. We know severali tisnge that it ture or net. Thse lime wili come wben waeno, ad neofthee is he poerthe Churcb will ne longer be strug- mas etanSeueet isee i tie pmergling lu tise menS of cvii, aud daiiy lu- tu preacàb the Gospel lu fereigul lau- spiration iby tise Spirit et GoS mili ne guages. Tiscre is no intimation in longer be needed. Tongues, ýthey thse Bible tiset that pofwer mas ever shahl cesse. Thie retereunce is to the acquredin miaculus ay. Thegutt et tengues-that marvelous, mir- acquredin miacueusway Tie' cuous mJanifestation, eircady ai- phrasa "of a4ugels" wo,id indicate that lüuedte severail imes in our les- the mysteriolus words vere sometimes sous, sud such "tongues ,_ have nitlin hîoman language. Have not cesseS ýalready in thse Chr' s- tian Churcis. But tise stalemeut cissrity. By a beautitul change ni tise l just as truc if me apply it tei tlir-an- prcs oft tisayears ' charity" has coetsguages et mankind. 'iemajerity ot toi meani love in endeavor rathser tissu the languagelu n Mbch mean have dick tise sentimnent or principie whisiitarta ered, and. ex1orted and loved and wsept tbiaeeendeavor. flere me have tise esir guages are compietely forgetten. Thse rneuning, sud '"clarily" here incluSes majorily et living laxiguages are rap- love te mua ud tb GoS. Sortnding idly dying eut. rTse eue or tue ianý- gutîges, Whvàch bld fair to iast as long brasa. Cipper. A linklinig cymbai. Cyni- as ttimili die w vith lime. Kueowlcdgy, bals mere metai cups struck togetiser it shall vanteis away. Ail earlisly tei give a cianging sona; tiis aSSeS te knowFlcdgc,ý acquired . tragiments and, tise force et martial music, but iacked piJeced logetier, la ot nccessity imper- teet. Thse ignorance ot tise rnst icaru- varmatiolu et toue, sud. became a rcady ed 1man on curtI is immcasurabiy illustrationu et mere ciatter sud noise. greater tuait is kuowledge. Earth's Tffin higisest elequctuce about tise G<>s- languarges aud sciences wilIlie alike use- pelwit»ntlov inthe eat i, eptylesqtsh ie elernal world. Tise Ërfecti petwitsott lve i te iesît l cmtykuculeduge, referred to fin verseli will wurda. be partioipated ln by, ail tise inhais- 2. Prepisecy. Divine inspiration ;soea taastsi etfiseaven. tintes, net always, fereteliig tise fu- 9. W/e istucuin part. iThe knew-q ledhe tisati coûmes trosu observation anS truc. UnderatanS all myster1es. Tise resalsoinîiAiimited by weak cycsansd in- drcep thinga et GoS. Paul of tee ai- tiras minds. W/e proplecy in part. In- Indes tetise redemption ot the race as ,sLr.a-tLoait isel if itiîted by human a diinemystryanS s i masbispowers, as blie quantily et liquid la a, dvin myter, an asit as lislimiteS 'bty thbeacup that hoids it. duty te precls.im this rademlption ise 10. W/heu that misichis L perfect is became a steward efthtie mysteries et ceule. Wheu perfection lias arriveS. GoS. 1. Cor, 4. 1. Ah kuhowledga. W/bat-. That misichis lain part shahllie donc %way. Imperfection shahl cessa. This ever insight.t mie facetesud prinCiples ils, saye Dr. Meyer, as certain us tChat eau be eblaîned by atudy. Ail faits, the "dark cesses mite tise rising ot tise W/hidi betis Jesus anSdiis apostles con- &un." sluutly affirrned te hoetise groateat 5y- 11. Wlieu I was a chilS. Paul tre- 11equently compares Christian Sevelop- uamic terce,.It Paul baS euly a itle mnent te physical maturity, sud the lbe- like even te a grain of mustard secS, ginnings et Christian lite te babyisoed. it mas yet stroung enongis te remove I spako as a uhild. With prattie, Paul mounein. Bu hasuposeshirscî, is h-eacerparing the eartisly lite mils tae eavenly. Those mise uow fer argumets sake, te have ail f ails; stand on tise lieavenly beights. ift iey an a bundant supply. AnS have net cisar- can heur earttily conversation at ahl, ity. Destitutaeofthtie trucat spiritual recegnize it as tise prattie et spiritual Life. But ewau a msan bave these igifla, balles. I underateod as a chilS. Revis- ad version, "I feit'." "Tise retereuce many oft liem, supernaturai, and net here," sayo, Dr. M. R. Vincent, "l-ie - ha liarm>nieus mils God? Yes, Baîasutis ecariler, undeveloepedl exercise et sud. Samuson are axamples. I am nontS- tise childisis uind; a lbinking whicb ist iug. Oua muy accomplisis mondera lun nt yet counected reasouiug." I tisouglil ais a chsl.Tise third stage lun infantile1 tise Gospel, yet iimselt remain untouch- Seveiopment. Final senselesa prattie; c elS by its power. Paul "bhaS'a rigist" second, crude genenal notions; third,1 le, say tisese lb gs fer ho sa himselfcît esecutive reaseuiug. W/leu I be-f posssso ofùheza ive gits.came. '"Now lisat I arn become." I pesserettseetiegiî.put away. I liave put away.i 8. Thougis 1 besteiw ail my gooda CýhildLish thinga. As tise momani te feed tise peor. Thiougis1 give sway leeka the, dolI etflier ,*irlhood i iu haudtuls àmy property, se as teq be tLise trunk, snd bas no trtiser use for- lu tse uodru ens îbreuisî ciar-it excars tIhut of gentle sentimentsse tiS maureClilatan as leeked up in1t itable. Give rny body te h be rnaS. iis memeïry yny an' experieuce, sac- i No art of sacrifice can et itseai re- raS, but ils use outgrelwu; anS se, by deem. character; eue canuet learu an ampier compari-soiu, tisesaint of ts goodees ls peanc. Ilavenetcha- iesveuly regions regards tise expeniî- goodess by ena-ce.Hkle no ba- uces ot bis paI isuman lite.t ily, il profttti me nothing. Actions 12. Thi-reugis a glass. "B1yO means oe liave ne inîninsir, value, tiseir morts a miTrror." Thse ancleuit mîrrer wasi depends upon tiseir motive. Tise me-- e of iisd metal. sud ses impertect in - tive esseutial te goodeesa, l love,.ils reflecting pemere tisaIt il as usualT "'ýove," sys Luther, "dénotes ' net te attaci te il a sponge mwils poiuS-P misaIlise :mandSecs, se mucisasmisat cd Pumice stocie, re-ady t te polishit ible-. a ha tactis." fte ecai peciai ue. Tise grealeal i 4. Having telS us l is e tirst lhreuiwrracteries of lte anent morîdj verses tise absoluee orthlesuesa of cv- ware in Corlulis. Darkly. Dimly, tor a ery virtue if love lie maulingPauni nom thib motalisf imperfect. lu Ibis liete gîvea us a picture of loeail actual me sec ail spiritual tings by meaus ot Ide by tifieoun trailýser examplea, igiat a niirrer, snd- a dim sud cieudy mirrer- of 'wisoh are negativa. Siottarati long. at tisaI. W/e t-y te undorsîsud tiese Coutliues' utsen ltae couducl et otisarg spiritual wmenS by tellomng out ns-g siRliUt be expacted leo quendhis i; - turai lama; tb ideity invisible tisinge dures patiently mist l aking affront, by visible symbole; té measuine eternitye la kind. Net enly endures cvii, [but bY lime; and, as in a mimeor al i dues good. MueS etf Clit's lite mas imges ares ee revised, we doubt- t epeut in mrely bcing kind. EnviathaSe gel nuye ideas of spiri- net. Ie mot grieved becatuse ofthtes -iap- tui isings ut of shape by tise media py'.iot ef t ee. Truc lova rejoices tkibrougis iWîistiey cere.Then face te thi cnttort et otisars. Vacîntetis net face. W/iseut similitude, mitisoul par- itscît. iDoes snet set iueoiently. ie able, Wm ,itiseu aesoetrevalalien or miel pated up. Net itflated. , noeet o reaseuing preceas; diractly; in ' 5. Babas e itIsait ensenily. Miabe- tisa lo-st relutioin te spiritual trutis. o Uave. True poliitaucs l euenetftise Kuow lu put-t. See note on verse 9l. fruits fef isofilss. "Whly dSt tisonset Tison sa1 1 kunow evan as aise I.erm aI naugist thy brethari" Seekelis net kuomu. Tise laise indicates '"mas t lier omu. "lsinet specially caratul for kue'.vn;" anS yet lte rauspareuacy ef f: her ew'n thLiga." Love anS selilhuessetcIr nul tmut i miii haboth objective asuds. at-e incompatible. la net masiiy pre- kuomu ;" aud yet tise trauspuroncy et l voked. "lis 'net htritateSd;" 'la inet subjective. Paul mUll in lise heaveuly maSo saur." Selt-.goernment lilga mot-id recegniiself as ho is nom pesca; lt-titalion may ho comparaS to day by day rece-guized by these efthlie t rie inig and auamciiy milisin tise king- issenly meriS. ifi dom, et ene's Liart. People May read- 13. 'AhS uoi. "But tisus." "New," ily finS excuses tiaI ii puea s 5deas net reter le lime, but le tise logicp for irritable tempers, but ftise lestiofet tis verse. Abidelli. Sec nota Onb mony et Gb-S is titat loe is not pre- "ciarity navet- failis." verse 8. Tise volteS. Ti-ketis net est il. Does net in- essentiai permanence ot faits. boe, vaut mroug, noir inter -ereng, uer in- cbarity is haro assenaSe. Faits sud hope, p duige hu avili suggestions. likse love, are lu tisait- vry nature eter-a 6. Rajoicetis net lu liquity, "In nai. Tise groateateLft tesa a is arîty. taiscisood!' Rejoicethi lutisa t-uts. Loea tultills thebab-W. By faits me t-e- Trulli is liera personificdl, anS ils ides ecive, by boec e expeet, but by love incluSes tubat of ail goodues. me become like eunteý GoS. Faits saves 7. eantisailIliuga A hrae tsatus, hope sustains us. leve maltes ns pen- may ho translateS, 'Sile cevers up av- tact. i erytisiug." Love la lise opposite et cen- tl - ~nounced tiaItheladeroethlie cenqueta- Ayer Sing armny must tail; anS tise King sac- rit icd bis lite lu erder that bis Iroopa 1d migist be viciocs aud bis coentry sv Sarsap rilla.(ecd. Tisemistocies is saiS le hava com- milleS suicida ratiser tissu baS lise Pet-- -sians againat hie omu ipeople. -ý-it +1-rnCheH ouse. BABIES AND HIOT W/EATHER. itj a dittîcull Iiig te leep lise lit- îlýe baby mcli duriig bol meather. Dit- tarent cliidren require Sittareut cana, anS misat mouid ha Seatis le soeais bite te otbars Tis malter etfSt-ass is eue et grealast importance. Tee mauy me-liera dreas tisair litIle oýnceslu sum- mer cxactiy as tbey do lu minter. The hat ofthtie sw cltariug summer Saye ai-most drivas groun people distractad, but very litle effort la put forth le 1lteep tise baby cool lu a proper manuer. lIt Se cries or mimnpet-s he le calieS "cross," or "peaviss." No moudet ie po.or liltle thiug la that, dresseS s ei is lunisaavy moolens. Feu molisers raceguiza the tacltishaI tise ltIle eues asoulS lbc eveuly dols- aS. lit is tolly te dreesslise cisilS uarm- ly in parte anS leave olisars exposeS. A chilS may heaitht ully t-un haretoot duning lise hotteat part ofthlie day. but as moon as tise cisilly wluda coma on, ha, should ha propenly clelised. Very tIm clelising aud as 11111e s See auconsial- ently meuT mii ltasep thse tiny oee om- tÉortable during tisose stutty, sultry htours. MueS et this la, aIse, depend- eut on tise constiîtton efthtie chuSd. A,ý strouig, buxem baby miil tneed sucS constant cane as tise pucy, fragile eue. 'Tise slroug cisilS mould setter if dressed lu flanuels misen the mercury regialers 90, w bile lise otiser mould pro- hably auffer mithont tisem. 0f course, cemmen ceuse, must alwsys ha axer- ciseS, anS s moter >-,ighst tknow hast Sou le treal ber omu cisilS. Mauy usotSera mie do col dart-el nerneve flaunels alteigetser, malte lilîle shirts oethim, white cambnie to sip on nden tbe moolen ones. lit seeme tisaI ne malter Sou fine sud tisin meol- en muleriais art-esy svili irrilate tise tender skie sud maletehie baby ct-es. Then, teo, motis are pt-eue te ovan- burden lise utIle eues mitis clolhing aI ail limes. Thelr ibodies shoulS net ha confineS lu cigisl bauds, except for the tiret feu meelte, sud their clotbing ehouid bc as ligt s possible. Dresses aud ekirîýs ehould navet- ha se long lisat lise litîle eue caunol kickt his lezs 10 bi ishesnl'e content._ TiuyC babies, as mail as eider eues. sioiSle givan plenly et exercise. Some cf lise Sean itIle eues are se geod tisaI oua scurcely aven Seat- a asound tnom them, anS lbey ancelise eues miso are ceglected. Tisey are permitîed tec il or lie in eue position fer heurs aI a lima. Thsis me-nid Se exlremely lire- sema le a gremu persen sud eertainly must bha so ftek tise utIle eue. Take tise hables up occasiouaily -Jet tisa roll areund ou lie fboon sud kickt for s misile sud tisey miii greu up beailisier cisilSreu for il. - Let lisem. bave s mueS fresh air as possible, guardiug theni iýrem tise stroug sunlighst, misich. is very trying ontiseiraeyes. Il is alwys piti- i'a te sea iselpless infants lyinig bliult- iug liseur 11111e yes in toc slnong a ligisI. hade thiser c-ages et- carry isern se lisat tlis smay ha avoided. No day sisouiS pas. unleesslise mealis- er la luclemaut, thet litho eunes sisould Det ha taken out for a feu heurs, ailS- air for a malk or drive, sud thoen cane shoulS Se takan tisaI lisy axe not emiothered by toc mueSh cloîising, about th-ein iseads. Leit tlii- raps ha marna sdligist. 'Another tiil preper teeding. Bs- hies cseould ntac fed aI aillisours snd iLl h ures. Every lune a isaby cries hie is net hungry. Hlave steS Soure aud teeS hlm tisau. Fer very young babies cveny lue heurs is censîdered propen, Give thse babies mater once in s miie, but laI il ha pure. BelleS mva- tan mii"b as beau standing ou ice, but miici ias SaS noe uil , la hast. AnY ceu's milk given babieýs sieuid lie sterilizeS, lu order Ibat ail diseace garrns muy lie killeS. BiaiiTsisoulS net be alloueS toeaet everyiig lise eid- erC cblidren de-, sucélass eete, nuls, pickles, etc. Il is tee irritable for lseit- tender 11111e stomacs. SOAP. Hemw made: Dissolve eigisl posunds of taI-soda, Imo ounces cf borax, eue-hait nâce cf giatiher'calte, lu five gallons cf v-alan; sae Ibat ne lumps rnemain Slice, ter, pounds of any common bar soap, te t-en trosu resin, tiseisetter in thin slices, that il may dissolve qnickly anS naîlt in tise aboya solution; lteep ti- -ing se as te mix thoroughly, sudwmien -te soap is maltaS it is donc; 155e h nrom tise tire iet il stand ouneliour, tisan Tour mb l in paila or butter finkins. Do mol cul intobars le dry, as it CannaI bc dried like othar coape. Il ha hetter e- keap il lu bulk, anS lu s damp place, A common mash boiler or lange Sicli- pan miii So nicaly te malte il iu, as it tees net injure tin. Tie aboya amount esltes about tif ty pounde. Directions ton use: For a tamiiy et six or cigisI persous, put about oee pouud et soap îmb about tisreýe quarte of boiliug maler; misen dissolveS potun nIe tic masliug machine et- tub; add 'nougis mater le cotçer lha clothes. Put n tise wthite cbothes; lat lhcm seak Sea!son miti tise sait sud poppex. Beat tie egg lu a deep, plate sud dip tise fiaS, oue place at a tinta, imb il, sac tisat ove-ny partishacovared milStisah egg; tien roil cdi lce lu tise crumbs sud place ou a plate. Hava eýneugs fat lu tise, rying ketle teo float thie fiish. Wisen it lase b ot tisaIblUne amoke, Tises trom. tise canIne put tuntise tiss sud cook for five minutas. Drain on broîvu paper anS serve venyflot. Tarlar sauce is particulariy good to ertvo mill brosSeS fias.ý A GýooSd Tartan Sauce.-Take one-haîf gi etoreoive os1, tour teaspoonfuls ot vineagar, oeeaven teaspoonful et mus- elgist tespeenzul cf pepper, eue- tard, ono.-half teaspoýontni ot sait, on-e- fourtis teaspoonful of <mien juioe, eue- haifteaspouful ot minoes dapera, oee hait tablespoeufui et minceS cucember Pickles, sud tise yeilk ot eue eýgg. Beat lite egg, sait, pepper anS mustard te- gether until Ibiris anS higlit; tiscu add tise cil, a taw d-reps aItishe time, beat afcor eacisaddition etofcl ntil &al is usIeSd. As tise sauce Ibiecens add a tom drops of vîssae. W/len lise sauca Ta amoots sud tisk, stir in tise minceS plickle sud espars. Apple Sanýe.-l iiI a ,maistene crocS mils sour apples that have b-cen paraS, quarteraS sund cored. Ten ovar tisam a pint of angar dissolveS in a cuptul et mater. Cover tise crock closely and place lu the oven, in tise-eaniy aven- iug, anS lot remain euntil lhe naxt meruing. Tise tiavor sud colon ot tise apples are quite- ditterent te tise stowed. over tise fine. "For Over Fîfty Years.' For aven fit ty yeans MRs. WassLOW'S SOOeRING Svaup Sas beau used by mil-' lions ot moîbars for thaîn oïldren wnile taetising, If Sisturbed et night sud breken et yotor resI by a sick chilS sut- fering anS crying wîth pain ot Cettiug Teeth s end at once aud get a bettîs of " Mrs. Wieslew's Soothing Syrup " ton Childreîî Taetlsîng. Il ulil reliave the poor liutie sufféer imînadiately. Depend upon it,motbers,lhene ilace mistake about ît. lit cures DiarihSa,negulates the -bons- seS anS Buwels, cures WinS Colle, sottent thse Gý-urn, reduceo Inflammation, &ad gives toue sud energy te tise ubole systeus. ',Mrs. Winglew's Soothiug Syrup ',fer ehildren teathing ln pleasant toe tate sud le tise prescription of ose oft1he ldeet and best fernaie physiciaus sud nurses ini tiseUnileS Statas. Pt-cte tenty-Ise cent, a botle. SolS by aldraggiass rougiscut tisa wenid. Be sure snd ssk for " lias. WINSsOW'sS ooT]asmec SvnRue." SUGGLMST10N FROM A TRAVELLER. -RalroaS men are subjecled tO teste for celer bluiducas," saiS s traveller, "but I Sou't suppose tisey arc teste for enuncistion anS pronunciation, as I sisould ssy they ought te ha. I1asoulS say, for instance, tisat a raibroad. man ougisî te be abule te caîllishe names et stations d.istiuctiy sud accurataiy." Psles I1lPiles 1Iltehing Piles. svmrrots-Moisture ; intense itching and stiuging; meet at nigist; wot-se hy seratciig. lIt allowed ,te continue tumnore torni, miicis efien hleed în~ nlcerata,iseaeming ver y soe. SWAvs OSINTMENT stops lise itchhng andS leeS-- ing, heaseulcet-ation, sud luin m6 %ss e nmves tise turners. At drue- 'itor bv mail, for 50 cents. Drk. Swayue & Sou, Pisiladelpisia. Lyman, Sous, Wiselesaie Agents, Mouireai, SUBURBAN ADVANTAGES, Mn. Level-lead-There's oue tisiug I disiike about living lu a eily. We eau neyer cave ceugis te go le Europe. Mra. LevelhbeuS-Weli, are people lu tise country any Setter offf I shouid eay no. They rent lit isouses fer -the sunsmeni anS go louring &rounud lie werîd ou thse proceeds. Iiow Te Cure À Il 8kmi) eeeases. Simpiy apply "Swayue's Oiutmenqt." No intenai medicine required. Cures latter, eczema, lIeS, ahi eruptions ounIlhe face hands, ns@s, ete.. leaviug tise siku dlean, misite and heaithy, lits gneat isealing aud curative pomens are pesses%- aid by ne other remedy. Asi your Snug- gist ton Ssvayue's Olulmeul. Lymnan. Sens sud Ce., wboiesale Agents, Meut- cal. NOT HIS FAMYT. Wife-You tels me tisat me mould go te tise seashere every seasen atter me were married. Husband-And I weuld have kept rny promise aI any cost SaS your tatier known encsugis net to fail. One Honest Man. Dear Editor. Pîcase inifonni your readers,tbat if unitten te cenfidentially, 1 miii mail, lu a seaied letton, parîlcu- hars cf a geuine, isonest, borne cure, hy muleS 1 mas permaneutly nestored te iseailis sud mauiv viger, sItar mauy v'ears et suifferng frorn nenvons dehility, sexnal meakuces, nigil losses sud meak sbrenken parts. I mas noliseS aud swindied hy the quacs untîl I nearly lest faits lu maublud, but tbauk iseaven 1 arn noîv mdl, vigoreus and s-r-eg aieS miss te muSke Ihîs certain means of cure kuemu te ail suiferons. Ilihave ne- thiug toe lianS evanu n roney, but being a tut-m helieven in theniversail brotiseriseod et man, I arn desirous et belpie g tise n ortuste te regain their heath sud happiness, 1 promise yen perfect socrecy. Address mils starnp: XVîî. T. Mutt'pote, Agents' Supplies, P. 0. box 59, SI. Henni, Que. BACU OF ,THE EYE. Beliud tisa cyc w bal jecalleS tise "ratina" la lineS mith blianehiug llod vessais, anS a curiens but erfactly simple experimaunt mill enabie yee te, sec tisea,. Place yourself tu a dat-k room, opipositoe, adaris-colered mail; tian higist a candie, anS, holding il iu your hanS, siseve il ep sud demu ho- fore yeuneyes, &niltlise lima ieekiug, not ut tise caudie, but tise mail bayonS. Aflar a littia, preclica yen miii sac ap- pcear on the mail a great brancbing figuire lu blacýk ou a reddishi surface. W/bal you ara Ieeking aI is tise shadow oft Ibese blocS vessais nI tise baeS et youx omu aye. Porisapa tise rmeel eri- eus part et tise misole Iising la lisat tisa part of tis e yte miicisrecaives tiseim- pression et Iight muet lia heisind thee blood vessais; T.HE CANADIA SAES ESTABLFI _1D 1854 ri per annraitlm ad üne therwi.5l nsalwaye payantbe at th-e Mo 01 r o î ' ets caïes byon Latu; e p-. er fii se. 1 nnprie first tïâserb 'e, ý,and U, mtq per i n cadsubsequenti n- sat2tun, LJ o , incente per laie. M.A. JAM- S, Publishar Sonne dealers try tb palm op tittorootain a big profit. Sec t sat the trac1e ma.rk namne "Tutti Frutti" ie on each ic. pack -ge. Sese coupons for latest hcnk- and prizee. WOMEÇ OF £0-DAY. The countries of the worid where wo- men already have Borne suffrage have an area of ox er eighteen million square miles, and their population is ovex three hundred and fifty million. lIn Great Britain women vote for ail elective offices excepti. membýers of Par- liament. lIn France, the wons»n teachenraelect women members on ail boards of, edu- cation. lIn Stweden, women vote for ail else- tive off icerss, except representativ.; ai- so, indirectly, for members of the Hlous of Lords. In Norway they have seliool suif- frage. lIn Ireiand. the women vote for the harbor boards, poor-law guardiaus, and in Belf ast for municipal officers. lIn Russia women househoiders vote for ail elective officera and on ail local sn&ttera. lIn Finland they vote for ail ejlecjiive officer. lIn Aiistria-Riungary, they 'rote, by proxy, for ail eleotive off bers. lIn Ciroatia and Daixnatia they have the priviiege, of going so in local aleo- tions in perspn. lIn Italy widowos vote for members of Pariamnent. lIn ail the countries of Russian Aêia they can do so wherever a liussian cci- ony setties. The liussians are coloni- ing the whoie of their vaist Aâsian pou.. ssîons, and carrying with them ev- erywhere the "inir" of seif-governing village, wharein women who are heada of househoids are pýeruaitted to vote. Women have municipal suffrage in C~ape Coiony, which rules one million squa re miles. ,municipal wonien suffrage ra~ies ln New Zealand. lIceland, in the North Atianti, the Ilie of Man, betýZleen Engiand and Ire- land, and the Pitcairn Islands, in thea South Pacifie, have full wo»nen suf- f rage. ln the Dominion of Canaua svomen have municipal. suffrage iu every pr.- 'rince and alao in the northwest terri- tories.-lIn Ontario auney voie for ail eiective off icers, except'L'ui the election of memberp of the legialature and Par- liament. lun the U.Ted Staîestwesnty-eight States sud Territories have given wo- men somne form of. stffrg. School suffrage i various degrees las grauted to womeu lu Arizona, OClor- ado, Connecticut, Delaware, liaho, lIn- diana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachu- setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, .New Hamnpseire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dako ta, Texnsi Vermout, and Wisconi- sin. In Arkansas and MlVissouri wonien vote by petition on liquor lioe»a»e in mauy cases. lIn Delaware suffrage is exiaroised by women in several municipalities. ln Kansas they have equal suffrage with men at ail municipal eleotiona. About fifty thousand women votedýh, 1890. lin Montana they vote on ail ié cal taxation. lIn New 'York they cau and do vote at ischool elections. The question cf the oonstitutionality of tise law la stili undecided. They vote aJeo ilu many places ln this State on local impreire- mýents, such as gas and eleptrie street lightiug, pav-ing, sewerage, sud muni- cipal bonds lIn Utah, women voted until disfran- chiaed by the "Edmuýnds iaw," whýen theypromptiy organized te demand its repeai. lIn Peunyivanîa a iaw was passed ln 1889 under whioh women vote on lo- cal improvemeiits, by signing or re- fusing to sign petitions theref or. lIn Wyoming womein have vote on the samne ternis with men sînce 1870. The convention in 1889 to form a State VALUABLE ADVICE. Wite-My Sean, tee declor insista tisaI 1 muet lalta a trip abroad. Heusband-l monderaS misut maede,,îig bill so higis. IJ 4e

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