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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 3

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FOUR GENERATION HAVE USED "B1ABY'Sl ISOAP" AND ITS SALE IS STEADILY INCREASING. Have you tried it? The Albert Toilet Soap Co., Mfrs.] Mvontreal. NERVOUS, DOESPONDENI, WEAK, DISEASED MEN Cures Guaranteedor No PWay YOUŽNQ or MIDDLE-5AGED Mlix -You May have been the victim of Self Abe whenyong. ate I~xcesses cr e&pneLIr Fork. .lion fe.l tc e s metomsene1 over von. lio dread tha future resulî~ lo knwyou are flot a rmail ul 'itII~ a ~ntiy. Why flot he cured in i'hue d ai ikitEe Sad exerieace of otiO r. wr1eek et th'edisea-e8. 0cr 1' LW 11.E '110( L FLELAILS. Lmfssions, Varicoce'ïo fir- Syphilis Cured W. M. MISLLER W . . I À Ble';oreT'reatment After Tretmen' "t ijie ge of 15 1 eommenced 1te rm* ýù~ eat. Later oa as "ONE 0F Tfti. BXS" i contracted a serions blood di, e,'. ïSYILIS. 1 was weak and aerv n,-. l c, udent, pimpies, sunken cieq, b' a aie l 1ers, hair loose, sore ton,-!E an rn'tdrains in urine, varicocele! I wàs a1wreck. 1 was ia the Inst stazus wlien a iriend, recommended Drs. Kennedy & Kerýgan. A dozen other doctors hiad 'ailed in curîng mne. Drs. Renne lY & Kera r ared mne ia a fow weeks hy their -New Method Treatment. I wonid warn si,..lar diseased mca t0 beware of Medical Frand'. They are reliabl h uet deIlif ni ohyscian." ~ W. M. MILLER, CONSULTATION FREZ. 'We treat and cure Varîcoý cele ~yhiIs, Misslons, Ge t, iricture. Nervos "le - biyUnnatural flischarges, IKidney and fllaader ODi s 7 EARS IN MICHIGAN 200,000 CIJRED No40cure, 1140 1 , rte for Qu'des11on Blank for X«orle; Tr1ealýMent. ]Books Frce <onsltalonFree. No 54 heiby 5t. e 1I.iVE BIG HEADS. S{4etcb ungt]irj5h Outela',s Lza;li.h ad Frenceh. A wlolealehatter in Montreal insti- tuted1-1some c ý,omparisons as Vo the size of mien's heads Lu different parts of Can- a da. _ Tho Exencil population of the Prvneof Qiebec shows an average o!f nunjiber six, ranging f rom six and a tbl o sevens and an eighthL, a dozen se.lPn hsper Vthe foiowivng assor - m1et: One batq of six and a half, two 0f six and five-eighiths, three of six and Vhre-qaxtrsthree of! six ani sev- ein-eig1Litis, two Of seven and. une o! seve[n and an eigilti. The Englisil popula.tion in Ontario wore. the follow-. ing sizes in a dozen: One of six and five_-aiglths, Vwo of six and. three-. qatr.tlrrea of six and seven- e,ýiths, thrýee0f nu.mbeil seven, two of 4%aven and an eigJth, and one of seven enad a quarter ý,,Tho Scotch and Irisil wlio liva from King9ton to Cornwxall and aiOng thL ses a lnk o! VileOtta- wa, require on an average as follows uij eacli dozOn: Onie of six and three- #,jr ers, two of six and seven-eighths, jhee o! nuanier seven, hree of sevea and an ei>gth. Vwo of seven and a quarter. and oas of seven and three- ,Lglitils. Thesle last sizes also apply o ,tlE> population of the Maritime Pro- viinces. Bus6iness Men of long standing lave noticed that tilere is a visible de- ereaseite f isze of adult heads throughout he Doiminijon which they ftnd it difficuit to account for. A writer ini an Englisil magazine dlaims, tâLat 10011 o£ lower satue, ossessed of a-ny abiity, are generally gifted with large ileads, as thogil nature had en- ,deavored Vo make amends at the upper paxt of Vthe body for wlat IV denied Vliem fanVtle flg. The hat rade is seriously affected by tle bieycle vogue, for hats witil brime are apt Vo la blown off thiehead. o! Vhe «'sorchersY" The "Varsity cap, so munIr affectad by schoolboys, for their fieid-sports afnd becauee it is more eas- ily stowad away, lias also lessened Vile sale of ia-s. Among Vile new articles in hat-wear noticed bere lately are Vthe Japanese s raw. Thiese are o! super- ior qualîty, but command a price Vueo .bligh an& yet for Vile ganstiral trade. COblldren Cry foffr ileaps, wiici, Vuoo,-were -burned when Vbroughly dry. Some etumpe stiti remain on Vile place, but most o! Vem may be aasily removad wîVh a eam. Now Viat f ield afforde an abundance o! icil pasturage. On eny farm was also a lot dovering soveiral acres which had once, been cleaimed up, but lad been aliowed Vo THE FARMI. MOWING WHEAT STIJBBLEIS Why should we mow Vile wbaat stubbiesi We can keop Vile weeds down andl give Vile ciover a good chance Ve, jgrow. Why let weeds robl and stra.ge and santher a clover crop any more tilan a cra or potato crùpi You can cut tiem off wvithl a six-f oot mowor for 20 Cents an acre, countiug ime o! man and team. Is it not prartical, if wesds dan be kept downu at Viat price? Weeds are rank growers, andl if tbey get starV- ed tiley will just about smotber Vile clu, or out. 1-Iat,: the failures, says a siriter, in seeding, cumes from neg- l th ie cluvor alter it is wesu start- ed. And Vthe nîving o! Vue stubille prevents Vile sveeds from guing Vo sood and stockig Vile gruund for tile f a- te.Our land w ould grow a solid crop o! agwed, etc., if le! t alune. Nuw, soma, years you would bardly finel any ragîveeds in Vile vheat stubble wben we miow. Again, weeds cannot grow witil- ont foeding on plant food in Vils soit AfVer your land bas prodaced a wheat crup, tilare Es usually litVio onougille! V for Vile ciover or Timuthy. If Vie wesds geV bal!f, or more, ie clover is robbed o! food iL needs. Will you let. it be robiled w en you canstop Vile loss for 20 cents an acre, counting yoar tirne at ?3 a day! Ienu easily mue' fifteon aures la a day. 'Ibs foodl whicil Vie weeds aat, that Vile cluver sbouid bave, would be worth many dollars Vo, Yen ultimataly. WbeV business manage- ment noV Vo invest 20 cents an acre Vo geV back several dollars!I But VilLa Es noVVile bai! o! w'hat you May gain, bSorne years it is dry alter bar- vest, and gradualix Vile îÀove r ilums out altilougil a good stand wvîea Vile wbeat 'las dut. WnaV is Vile mat er? WanV o! ivater. But you let the w eeds grow Row muci w ater do tiley usel Wol, crop tbts. would make a on o! weed hay Vo Vile acme would take rom.'tVie soi[ betus veau 300 and 400 tons o! water. Ibisis evapoiïa,î!d !mom the ieaveswbile they are groivin..Just think,300 tons sic oar, 6OUti)pounde p2r acre! Migbt r fot Vie le'over base done houter if Et couid ba;ebah this? Is Et business- lukeIo leVt Le cweeds ste eh îV and, Vile ctu,'er dia or suIfer seiou-dy when you could rnow thle stubhees lui 20 cents an acre, and really I.r almost niAthing by doiîng h oma wet daye Oh, doîtte'ave tilom Vo greir, andl do ail Luis ajiscilief, and thea i:iaiç.E Vbem, andt draw hem off Vile next sprîng. Tbose -weeds drasva off are a loss or? feritity VoeVile field. MV ;7.,sed as soon as hey start, wett aboya Vile clover, Vhs pltant food is ]eftL right tiers, scatter'Td on L113 land, and il bas a douille value. Every wbeat stubhte tilat you eut off, and every clipping of we or dloser tilat flis un Vile surface acts as a muicil. Tila ielps Vile youug clover, sariciles the soil by shadlng it, and checks eva- poration. This vegetable matter scatt- tered over Vile surface, ail around hoc- tw8eeathe plants-tuis swier iV willl get asViley pusil their way, up Vilougil it,-willbhelp wonderfully about carry- iag Vils young clover îilrough a dry ime. And ail tVus cornes in Vo pay VilaV 20 cents over andl over again. But I arn noV done yet. The clipping o! top o! clover bas a endoncy Vo thicken it, and it prevents ita seeding, which injures it for next yoar. IV increases ruot and top growtb. And tilen you have dlean bay tile next year. 'l'iere La nu gruwtb o! weeds that must bco raied up ,and drawn off ianVile spring, or else ba put u n Vileilay. X our fieldL is ail cdean iu Vhe spring. The clippings docay su Vbey wili noV raike up, if Vile rowing La dune on tima, whlo Vile waeds are yuung and tender. Now, friends, I ha- haeve ail hs Vo be true in heoryaad from many yo-axs o! practico. Ve bogan Vile practice because it seerned Vo prom- ise guod results, and we have noV been disappointeel. Tila over tilese Viugs. Ils thora noV a good deal, Vo be gained from 20 cents wortlio! w-ork per acre? 1LATE SU 3IlVIER WORK. The luli1 wiich comas VoVile farmera a! er Vileilay and grain crops have been safely secured affords hum % chance Vo rest up bof ore Vile cura and potato barvest comas on. Tuis is a good time for hlm Vu taks Vile family and go assay for a day or Vwo Vo some) quiet resuri. among Vile trees and by some stream wilere Vile boys dan fîsil. Picnics wilich bring Vile entime aoigh- borhood ogthor, are f ull o! value. This îs a good Vume, also, Vo cali upon old frionds and neiglibors. We May geV maay naw and beipful ideas in this way if we ieop our eye., upen, writes E., L. Vincent. 1But w-ben our littie holiday season H EALTH. glrow to brusil until some of thle sa.p- lings were good sized trees. For Vhe pat wo seasons it bas been my laVa summeir work to cut these small trees. The trunks and larger limbs make good woed. Thle smallew branchas I Piled and burned dlean. It is wonder- fui how quickly sucil, land will corne into fi-ne clover and other s-weet grasses. The're are f ew f arms upon whlc-h there are noV some sucil fields as 1 have been describin-. A f ew weeks' work ivili put tbem into condition to yield very good resuits. Some say the assessor takes no account of land grown up Vo unprofitable brusil. On bis roll an'acre is an acre, and 1 neyer knew the, tax-gatherer to show, any mercy w bon ile ,time of year comas round for collectiag dues Vo Vile towvn. county and stata. We must defend ourselves by putting Vo Vthe best pos- sible use every foot of our land. The margin between success and failure jnst no-e is very dimiy defined at best, and vie cannot afford Vo rmn any 'chances by pour farmiar. Make avery Jacre count. HOGS IN StJMII\IER. The hog may be kept growing and thrifty hrougn AugUSt. as well as May, provided Vthe May conditions are fur- nished, and tuis is possible on most farms. Oaa o!fVile most important o! tilase is pasture. It is possible to grow hogs success!uiiy by soiling, says a writer in National Stockman, but it me- quires more attention and work Vilan most farmers are willing Vo besVowý. A grass rua affords Vile growing pig that axercise su necessary for bis proper de- velopanent, and Vile succulent grasses are ricb in Vile muscle and hone-forrning material. hrass and ceoser are loos- ening Vo Vile systern, and are just suit- ed te bis woents in dry, hot ueather. 1V matters noV bois' veil cared for in uther respects, the pig will never be tilrifty in ii sommer ua.-aas ieLs basplenty o! pure fresh w ater. 'f ns important point is, perhaps, more often neglected than any otber. slop wiil noV answer the pumpose o! drinking waVer entîrely, thougil it le, o! course, a partial suhititute. The man suio bas neyer Lad Vile job o! carrying water in a pail tu a ouncu o! hogs bas nu idea o! the amounat they will drink on a dry, bot day. Thb ma-n h wil vlipen up nogs, or any other animal, in a lot or field quiet destitute of she.de ought Vo receive the attenVion of the bumane f ocety. Sucil protection f rom Vile sun as wire fonce affords is hardly sufticient Shade trees bore and there wilt do fair- ly w ail, but notliing is equal Vo a woud lot. If thle grouiîd is low and damp, e.nd is coverod by a dense undergrowthi tbruugil whLcb Vhse sun nover pentrates so ranucbhVile better, but stadle of some kinid bogs must. have in order Vo hrive and grow. Sorne goud hog growera bo- 1.eve that hog batils are uanecessamy. tKLiors are just as sure that a wallow o! m'ad i., btter than aoue. I know froan loag .xperiance that Vile bog will do olerabij well without any bath er' raîn. provided Le ias damp sartil and dans'- e hade. He wil do still btter if Lu 0ýan have a bath o! dlean water1 aV )v.Lil. But rather than allow hlm access Vo a foui wailow of hickr mud 1 would pref or that ha neyer see water except Vu drink. In tilese tirnes we must look narofuuly Vo tiloseILittie details if we grow hogs at a reason- ablle profit. A IAIPPI GIRL. NîissAmils Kelly fTells eor fer 1IlIis55and rnisequsen si re - A Stlemsit Ihui Sisealsibce l itby Ever3 4Girl la Casa- Miss Arn a Kelly, a xieli-known and mucil estoorned young lady living at Maplewood, N.B., writesf-"I con- sider t my duty Vo let you know w bat your w onderful modicino bas doune for me. lu April, 1896, I began Vo obs flesil and color; my appetite failod and on guing up stairs I w ouid. be su tirod I would have Vo rest. I continusd la VilLa condition for hree montils shefi I was takon suddeniy lîl and noVtaille Vo go about. Our famiiy doctor was cadiod in and lie pronounced my illnos chiorosis, poverty of the blood. At first lis treatment appearod Vo do me good, but unly for a ime, and I thon legan Vo grow xvrse. I continuad akin'g hi.s medicine for tliree montils, wlien I was su disoouraged at noV ie- gaînîag my health that I declined akiag it aaày longer. 1 then risd a llquid medieine advertised Vo cure cases like mine, but did noV obtain Vhe siightost benefit. I had booome terri- bly emaciated and weak. There was a constant terrible ruaring noise ia my ilead; my feet end ankies were 5'wollon and. 1 was as pale Us a curps. One day while in thîs con- dition -y f ather brought home a box o! Dr. Wilhiams,' Pink Pis and asked meP Vo try Vilem. ln less than a waok 1 could. walk quite a distance with- ouat being ired. My appetite re- tuied, Vile rarng ceased, I began to gain flash and color, and VIeforo ITa sdhî dznbxsIwa Wdod"Did yoa catch anytling onl yonr fishine tnp 1' Bilfen-" No. din , ath 1iail"Wadford-" Say, Bilfer, fiat'aVie strangeat fish stony I've iseard 7et.'" CAIRE OF THEiilHAIR. Duigwarm visatiler the hair grows much mure rapidly than la coid wea- ther, antd as each hair bas a lifs o! its owa, reachtng a certain apportion- ed. lengtil, andI fails out Vo give place Va nw uone su Vile new growth aria- ing mtore rapidly pusbes out Vie leid baîrs witb unusual !requeincy, andt ie raatis thact ivien we cornil our hair Vlile ami appears Vo bc quits full, or as sm peuple say, "My bair is coom- ing uaL in bandafui," and tiloy accord- ingly grow very muci l armod. If!, how'ever, on carofuilty xamining the ha-aViat have falien Vbey are found tuo be mostty long unes, Vibre is reatziy nu roa-on for alarm; burt if tiLere a re a number o! silortj hairsansd point iLairs-tliat is Vo say, those wilicil bave o videnLIy noV bean cut aetVhe ip>, thiln ileý matter is sorious. la cases of prolongeî-,ýd iii healti, or alter foyers the haîir olten cornes off elmat on tire- ly, an1i it is Vian desirahIe Vo have it dUut quite shlort ail ovar Vile hed, and m-,ore especiehly on Vhs crowu, and roun-d Vileparting, sviere hiei laoften LeIt unduiy long,. he young liaira sbould also be cere!ully dut, The affect o! thepig il iair silort eppears tVu ils Vi Caiuýe Vile hair baubs Vu axpand. on Vle shiairs antI on nasa-growth Vhe nutrit;inwilici woald otilerwise ils ex- iended la ssa o! lsngtb, and, more- over, hgiVand air reaoil Vie scalp thoub ie short hein mucil more fîely ilaun hrough bair wilic i L ciosýely brusiled down and twisted up. hile acceeýs o! ligilt antI air Vo Vile scalp is m)ost desiragilte, and thare dan ha iiogreater mistake Vth," keeplng Vile Irair atways tigbtly phaited up antipin- ned clos o tue ilead. IV la a very good rplan V o give Vielilair whet la cali- ed ýau air býath mrnming and avoning; týiLiet tasV-usay, tu brushi i ieli hrougai, Lan tLie Viblhe ends- of he long ilair la oaa hand cý-and shiako iLthoroulgiiy, 50 thah Vile air penotrates Vo tue scalp. Thle a LacL is met Ldooli ng and £el- iag. -L itioL'n Vo Vile scalp with Vile f in- ger lis s io desirahele, as iL. in- creaýseus ile circulation in Vile scalp aa4 htilevigor o!fVile bain hulas. '1o srail ia greasa la a mistake as e muteý, as 1îVdoge Vile pures o!fVile skia and r atiLar hindars tnan hioPS Vile growun ut nenw ilair. Wlen Vile hair is very scrufy, lius- evar, Vu use an oinVmnent la otton very dsmheand oaa. wiîci L have fouad mout eff*ýtive la Vhe folfowîng: 10 grains ilycrociltorate o! quinine. 10 grains i esorçin. 4 dracms Lanoline. 2 drachmeLra vaseliine. Mi x Vo an ointmant andI rub it well i ri1,,,(-, 1aet nigilt. lauVile mura- îng Lami-y ils wasued off he scalp witb ile Výý oowing lotion: 1 Vapufa posvdered borax. 1-2 Vaponuoommua sait. 1 juncce Sýpirits ut reamary. Mix ,t eewaa o 2maie, 8Sounces. Wheaa pasonsskia ha thick andI le sq- aip graaay, Vile growti o!fVile ilaîr ina-y ha quiokly strangtiened ily Vile use o! rosemcry andI vinegar. Place a quaitLy o! rosamary tops in a pie- disu, govan witil vinegar, place la Vhe ovan for so tn miauLes, andtheiln alioiv Vile d4eoction Vo cool, and &tmain for use. A JiLie sioutd be rubbsd into Vile scalp daily. TiL is a \very stimulit- îng loionj, but if applied Vo a pareon wîtli a utià kia, or wîîb any tendency Vo îuee t would cause great irri- tation; it bas aVeu a rather dariaýn- ing alfact on Vile hair. i irnconces o! aczeme of Vile scalp, Vile ointat given ailove as muet valu- able. To sýtraagthea Vile growth in Vils case o!f dan bLair Vile foilowing mey ha used: 1 drac,ýim borax. 20 grains saliiylic acid. 4 draciLas tiadlure o! cantharides, 2 l12 ounces bey muni 2 1-1 councea russwater. 5 ouncýes boiling w'atar. hile omax andI acîd shouid ils dis- SOlVed i iDlhe ioiliag -iater, and, cItex it has coulad, the beay rum, cantharides, audro(! .aersbould ha, added. This sbo)uld ha vnL1y rubbed into Vhs scalp nigiLc and imumahag w ithl Vie fingersi. FIGGS IN SICKNESS. hile value o! gg albumen as food la certain dit4,*eased conditions is pointed out by -Dr. C. E. Boyaton. When, foyer la prsýenaad appetite La ail, h6 as, whea w<evant an aseptir article o! diet, VIre whlite o! an egg, raw, serves hatil a ot and madicine. The way Vo give iV is Vo drain of!fVile albumen from au openin.- about Iral£ an iach! in diam"efor, at Vile amail end o!fVile ogg, Vile yoliý remaining inside Vile shahl; add a littîes sit Vo tEls andI direct Vile pa- tient Vu swavlloiv 1V. Ropoat every boum or to la typhoîd favar tViL mode o! feeding imiaterieiiy hilpaus ia carrying out an.L cntuisptirc plan o! retrnent. Furti--laore, Vile albumen Vo a certain Literary Notes. McClur-e's Magazine for Septemnber willi contain a, Vioroughly practîcal and usefu]. article on Lb! hainVile Klondike Golt Fields. IV embodies Vhse persona' observations o! a pioncer wbsi bas laVe- ly coma out, brDnging a fair fortune iith him, a-nd it VaLIs how Vile minera enter and w'ork thiýîr cia-his, how iloy lîve, Irow hoýy govera theouselvos, whah kind o! mon they ara, and how VIey Puas Viainleisuira ime. IV tells also Whais athea besh way Vo Vile Klondike- wilat Vie hast equiipmeâit for Vhs jour- ny and a yearLs resLdence. there, and whist promises o! proapenity Vile couin- try actully ofoers. 'Iâea article will ha f uIly illustra ted f rom racent phoýto- he Atlantic Monthly for September prosonts aaille o! contents whichis e strLking comuinethon o! important llterary, scientifin, andl sociolog-inal dis- cussionThe oponing article is .by- Tilsodore Roosevelt upon Municipal Administration; Vile New York Police Force. Thre mucil akeel question, "Are Vile Rich Growiag Bichon andtheil Poot Pooran! isaenswored in an artile by', Carroll D. Wrighlt, w ho scys Vilet while Vile number o! nicil mon iLa innreasing, Vile relative numilor o! poor mon is do- creasing. Henry Childa- Merwin con- trîbutas a papen on lThe America!lNo- tion o!fIEquality. He, maies a well- dimected offort Vo doemmine Vo wba:ti saVent Vile Amenîcan ideai o! oquality bas heen realzod. Prof. B. L. Gilder- siaeve oatÉribuVos 9a charming papier ontitied, A Soutilemner and tVie Pelo- ponnesian Wam. Prof. Woodrosv Wi- son, o! Princeton University, w rites a lltemry easay o! unusuai intorest andI cherm. Under file iVie, On Being Humen, hoe attemplta Vo define Vile suil- the chai-rn in itérature, ho discasss Vile haman quality in louis, andI shows ilow litereture la distinguisileelf rom more learning. hlre is elso a second insteiment o! bwift's Lettons, edited by George Bimbeni Hill. Bradford Tom- rey wrltes o! a natnralist's studios, and ramblas in Vile deligilt!ui moun- Velu region o! North, Carolina, andl Mabel Loornis Todd tells o!fVile exp ai- eoe o! tbe Auuîricen astronomicai ex- padition Výo Jepan Vo w itness Vile total edlipse o!fVile sun la '96. Fiction is repreaented hy tbe»conclusion o! Fran- ces Courtenay Bayior's Virginian Story Buttenfioid & Co., and there anreVîvo short atonies o! unusual quality. After the, Storm, by Eiîu W. Peattie, andI-A Second Memnriage, by Alice Broswn. A sketch by Guy I1. Scull, entitietI A Man ad Vile Sec, and poerns by Mer Vile Gilbert Diciinson and Lucy S. Conant couaplete Vile issue. FEMININE WHEEL REPAIRS. London lias been invaded by ebad o! won-in bicycle trepairera. Tiloy have a long 15V o! oustomers, eech o! wliom is visited once a weok. Tilese women are familier witli the differeat parts o! a whîeel, hlaviag studied et a bicycle schooil, andl are cumpetent Vo mia.ko al needad repaira. Ia additioni thhy give lassýons ia riding. A SHIREWD LANDLADY. Our landledy likes Voeilave theatrical peuple corne vo stay wihh us. Wily ? Silo&-ys Vile rest of us aare et tilem, so bard thaV we forget Voet. SHIE KNEW. Wilat are pauses? the eacher eskedi Vile first olass in grammer. Tilings VheV grow on caVa andI doga. answared Vh iaatist girl. Difference o! views as Vo' curency, ratios have pro!ited une o!fVils Italienï pniaunars latehy mturned !rom Abys- sinia. Ha was wuunded et Adowa, wilera Menelik'a men pluadere& Vile Italien camp chest. Ilavîag au use for Italien bai notas as monay, andI balievIng tiletVile engraving on Vbem ileelmegi!cai power, Vhey plant- ered Vile prisonen's wounds witil notes Vo Vhs value o! 20,000 lire. Ha was ar- rested on hie ratura Vu IValy, bau a court-martial set hlm free, andI decided Vilet ho ehould retain the DEST FOR TABLE USE BEST FOR D]AIRYUSE1 UNEQUDI.C FRQUALITV CANADA $AL r.4A,SOCIA 7-ION, CLiNTON, ONT AN ELECTRIC MAGNET. A Plessant IGirilan eirlaiy WIoPUZZies the Sàtvaatts. lu Vile ittle Vowa o! Kalis, in NonrVi- erp Franconia, lives Barbera Roescillau, a plain peesant girl, wIro bas nover beau Vwenty milas from home andI who bas pu.zzled Vile Gomma-n savants iloyond measurae. Tlily inow about BarbareaVilougil Dr. Wolfram, wliose lonoe and detailed notas bavaenia-de the scentista gasp. Thea girl bas a reankebia powsm. Withoat reasa or waraing it devalops itsalf. Silo attrectsalal mannor o! Viings as a strong magnct ettracts fil- i'ngs. Kaives, pots, pana andI aven etonos coma ilurling at her, will eveny amal axtile ta hon viciaite, dances and at- Vies about ianVile most exraordinary fasilion. The attacha ,;ease as sucddan- hy as lily corne. Tile first ono occur- matI just 1w-o moatha agu. They ilave appeared et irraguler but froquent interivals aven sinca. BelfonstIra powvor deveiopad îsl! Barbare was in nouisQ ,dishingaisiled from othars o! bsn cia-sa. bile ies bain like flax Vbat aile waars in braits down hem ha-ai. ier eyes are Ilas hem face heavy. She La atrong ad sturrdy andI bas nover bean sick a day la hon ife. Thlre is notiling lileheaigilteat de- gros Vieatnic, about bar, bSenevar boardae otit spiritualismi or tranca, me- diunn. Psychologicai phenomona are hayond hem grasp. 11km samroaadlags bave always ileen primitive, antI hem aducation la vary lirnited.F Wh.en Vile fimt attaci came Barbera waa lanVile kitcheni taliing Vo a fmend andtI itting Vhe whila. Suddonly a klea jumpod from a table and atruck Barbara's cesupanion in Vile face. Botil girls jumpsd up, hilniing that somq5 une iled tilrosvn Vils nife. Ina n !w seconds every matai. objent la Vhs, moone egan Vu chattar, AV fimat Vbay hbegan ilopping about in an un- cn-ny dance. The yousg woman clatchec ach otiler La eror, wilisile ebouseilold hiaga grew noisier andl more active. Kaîvea, spoons, fonis aud amail pans LEAPED, INTO THE AIR as if forced by e sprn. g TUey rav- elletI tosvard.s Barbara. Tiloy assailod iler from alal directions. Tiley ilupped about la a wiVciles' dance et ber feet. Barbara andI ion companion ran shrleiing la Vo tVesatreet. The dis- Vrbance ceased directly. The youn 1g womna-n wes mc rigiltenel. fHor mistreas put Ires, o bed. In Vile mora- mng sils wenV about her wori as usuel andl notiling ileppaned out fiotVie ordi- aary rn oa vents. Day a!Ver day pased and Barbera batI almost forýgottean bar f nigilt. IV was nearly a ivei after Vile f irst et- tank before aile oxpenlencedtVie second oas. She was ligiltiag Vile fine oaa morning, wban a- atone !lew oward hem antI strwak lier on Vhe foroilead. Again Vile kitchen nienilis hagan dancing and flylag. Barbera'ssecreams brought tVie BHuff- inanis Vo lier aide. hhey fouind hem iyinig on Vhs floor in a peroxysum o! frigit. he axhaustion followlag tVil experlence kept iýarbaxa ha bed for Vwo daya. Mr. tioffmann conjid noV oxpiain Vhs demonstration. fia thougtit I pos- sible Vba-VBarbera might hae hamming la order Vo escape wonkiang. Hie taiied Vo Iris brother about iV andtI Viy do- ýided Vo vatch Barbera. Tisademoastration atartleel Mm Rhoffmann as muplh as it d sud Barbar. IV drove han into a painfuji steVe. Dr. Wolfrm, Vils famlly physicien, was oonslts'd. .11e gave it realiy scientifia investigation and atudy. Thlepilysician coald noV suive Vile problsm, non bas any une heen able Vo do su. Dr. WoUhfam fouînd thet wvien Vile girl visitee a-V different houas- os nothing unusual bapponed. Ha sug- geste t fat tVilamight Lhaeccouiated for on tIra hsory tilat the Hofmennn ilouse la iuvested wtil a carrant o! ne- tuaai lectricity, andtIVat Vile animal oîectricity o! tile girl produs aa posi- tive a-ad negative carrent undsx certain a tmospileric conditions. Altogetler aile appears a rnh more ivonderful creature Vian the famous Paledina, wil.oe strange ipowera have defied scientifio investigation for twenty yoars. Mlle, Palad.ina cen oporate hs keysa alnin aanotiler room, but ale firat ges lInto a trace Lan e darkaie4 place, jij

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