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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 4

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Threshers' Supplies. &~ 0 a e Leather Belting, Lace Leather, Beit Rivets, Rubber Packing, Machine Ois. Alabaster Packing Thre shers' Goggles, Threshers' Oi C ans. Spooners Copperine, Babbit Metal, Clout Nails, Threshers' Mits. Large Assortment. BOWMANVILLE. ILReady ivFor SScboolI IOpdllÎngu BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 25. 1897. TIIE BPITiSII ASSOCIATION. Very busy indeed have the members. been kept who are in attendance at the aunual meetinoe of the Briýtish Scientific Association in l£Oronto. Oai Friday at a special convocation of Toronto Uni- versitv the honorary de re of LL. D. was confexred on Lord Keivin Sir John Evans, Lord Lister, Lord Riayleigh, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Premier Hudy aid Prof. Gibba'. Felicitous addresses were slelivered by the distinguislied recip- ients whu were present, by the Govern- or General, Sir Oliver Mowat Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C,, and others. 'the Globe on Saturday contained a fuli length portrait of the last named gentleman, and as lie is so well and favorably known to so ma ny STATESmAN readers, we reproduee from the Globe a sumntary of his address, of special in- terest too because it refers to, one of wliom ail persons ini Ontario have a right to feel prond and to share a pecu- liar pleasure ini eeing hlmi honored ini tompmay wîth sucli distinguished per- sonages. Mr. John Hoskin, Q. C., LL. D., mem-1 ber of the Senate of Toronto Universiky1 and Chairman of the Board of Trustees,j introdnced the namne of Hon. A. S.i Hardy, Premier of Ontario, and in1 doing so said:-Mr. Vice-Chancellor,_ I have the honor to present, for thei purpose of baving conferred upon hlmj the degree of doctor ot laws, the Hon.4 Arthur. S. Hardy, a gentleman distin- guished alike for his success and emiu- ence at the bar and in the politicali arena. At the bar Mr., Hardy bas attaiped envied prominence. In 1876 lie was created one of hier Maejesty's cônnstiI.ý For five ternis in succession, now ex- tending over a period of 22 years, hie lias been elected a bencher of the Law Society, as exidence that lie possesses the esteem and confidence of lis fellow- jiactitioners, and now hie occupies the eposition of her Majesty's Attorney-I General for Ontario. Mr. Hardy lias been no0 less successfuli in the Wi'd of politics. He was elected to -the Legisiature nearly a quarter of a century since. Hie was called to the Cabinet twenty vears ago, and hie now fils the ligh anÏd responsible position of Premier of this great Province. Mr. Hardy lias shown his interest in and good-will towards this [Jniversity' and the advancement of science, asq bave also his colleagues as evîdeneed by the action of the Legislature at its last session by the grant of a sunm of meney for scientifie purposes, by a grant towards the expenses incurred ini connection witli the B'ritish Association now meeting in our midst, and by an addition Ito our endowmient, now 100 vears old, the only increase that has been made thereto during that period. This. University bas niarked its ap- }reciatiln of the services rendeted t<, Whe country by distinguished statesmen, irrespective of party, by conerring Close Prices.1 upon thora tlis lionorary degree, in honoring whom the University lias honored itself, notablY the late Sir John Macdonald, Hon. Edward Blake, Sir Oliver Mowat and Sir William Meredith, and now ini lis turn Mr. Hardy stands in our midst to receive a similiar honor, ail the more to bc ap- preciated by reason off the înterestîng circumstances under which it is Con- ferred, viz., of being associated with the learned and distinguished gentle- men upon wiom this degîe has this day also been conferred. Mr. Vice-Chancellor, I have there- fore mudli pleasure in presenting to you, on behiaîf of the Senate, the Hon. Mr. Hardy, tbat you may confer upon hlîn the degree off doctor of laws. The Vice Chancellor, after confernîng the deo'ree addect :-"And inasmudli as Dr. Ii'oskin blas told of the great re- searches you have made ini the range of political science, I shiaîl ask you, after signing the roll, to give this audience the benefit of a ffew wcrds upon your observations." The Premier was most cordially re- ceived by the people,whose appreciation off his remarks found expression ini frequent, applause. MR. HOÂR'S LETTER. No. 18. The surroundings of Victoria is very rornantic, picturesque in its natunal as- pect, covering a large area of ground, wlth a population of 18,000 to 25,000. Apparently the inhabitants are English. Irish and Scotch.. The old land aristo- cratie element stili booms hiere. There is a large number off Chinese liere,which you will tinS ini every Ciy and town a- long the PacifieCcoast. ýFhe cliente "Is moderato the year' roundl, the. citizens are i4onplaining.off the leat here the last few days 1 think it is nothung coin- pared to Ontario's heat. The reaction of boomning lias been feit bore as in other cities. Tihis citv las the benefit of large shipping faciiies, Esqunnaît military harbor there is supposed to be from 1500 to 2500 8oldierm an(i sailors hove and also iany Gove±isment build- ings in course of ereetion, there are many Uine residences many off whiclà are build on Klnob lul. One building witl land atteched only cost 8500,00o. The prices for &Hl saleable articles a re igler here than in the hast. Thc pro- duction of the Island is in4dequate to the vüIien et hbI at1 r l«fÔr imotation is necessary by railway and sppng for the suppiy off the city 's wants. May off Bowmanville'scitizens who migrâtcd hetre 30 &nd 85 years ago are weif satisfied with t'heir chane off ahode, I nor take the eleetric car for Esquimaît hbarbor, no0 eider harbor can be found in the world. There you can sec sailing shlp ,stcamsliip, battle slip, off Wich niany have left for thc Bpliring Sea, and torp edoes, ahl ready for battie. 1 Came In Company wlth Engineer Mnir who lias full charge of the hmrbour aud drydock,whokindly eseorted me throùtgh tim Qlgo *M M fftlm altin' The erigine is 6W0 horse power and kepi as clean üa a ftew dlock. The drydoci< lent Isil 480 fet, widtli 65 feet depth off water 28 ft. When a battle siip cornes ln for repam i't tkes 44 hours to pump out the contentg. The coai used lii the battleships iý brouglat from WAles on a ocount of its non-ouîsking qualities. I no-w go bto he militar 1naval yard, here a a m ownceorted t roiugh the differ- ent mechanical shops iven alinforina- tion pesta¶nng1its iâerenatbranches 'of. wûrka=Y off tàe gaussfor use, alông t113 fortsam off bic laest dlydraulie patetis. 1 rettgra andgo ,tbroughi the Parla,àenîbMl1eîftg* tIidtwas coin- menccd June lst 1893 and mot Comaplete xet. 'he wst win.g 1§ theoGly pArt bikushed, tat letillzed with tbhe priât- ing Bureau whîeh is in full force. The intenlor marble pillars weigh eaeh four tons and ail wainscotting marble 'vas brougît frone Italy and is off a lovely color. The building whfnfl tshod will be one of the prettiest on the continent and at a price that will astonish a close observer. $900.000 le to pay the bill wnd no boodling. On the-pinnacle off the dome le erccted the statuary off Van Couver the person wio located the island. There me a large muesum. filled 'vit l iknds off beasts, fish, minerai,, Indian relicts and everything to make tle place attractive, Well 110W I do lhlnk SmOa Viet-oria B, C., niust bave heen in theecyes off the late Dominion Goe'eu»t tIse Ly off the Valley, every town would be pleased to have a post ôffice *ith a custom dcpartment at- taeledbuilt ln their midst costing$10000 and satised aIttbat-butbn this beîoved Victoria tIcpost office witb. a custom departrnent, leonly going to çost the nice little sune off$8600,000. This is a nut for Eastern towns to crack. TnoRAs HoAIt. *Victoria B. C., Aug. 4th, 1897. *100i1% Pis are thé, only pille b taRe wlth Hood's Sarsaparilla. Uasy and yot ezcenD.1 k i BOWMANVILLE MARKE, Correiated by J.MeMirtry &eh'i 1'Lo e ~100 lbs ........$260'O WIIAT, Ful,'bush ...o UO $1 White Fifec .... 0O 60 fi Ued fi .... 00Of il Goosa .... 000 B PU ,~bush, No. 1.. O 0 2 ..000) if 3.... 000u iTio rowed 0 21 yAd ghte et .,.....Ok)20) Pn.As, Blackssye. l bush., O 5!- Canadian Beauties., 00 Mumntey o 0O0'O 8=11e, ' 089 i' fBiue, ' 040) Bîm'Tuint, best table, f 1.. O 10 i£er Pd ou... .........ou ý Pf.TI ,bush .........o0 ss Hay per ton .............0 (el WO U LD YOU LKE AB 1CY CLE,-- 0A GOLD WAT 12 SIEARNS' BICYCLES and 27 ARE GIVEN AWj EVERY MONTI FOR Aask your grocdrs for partka or dr7op a post-card to LFfl R IROg., tiMiled, 2.3 &Oii 81, 11Tr& Fuesday to $3 00 0' 85 O 80 0, 75 ' 060 't 000 a 95 GOLDEN WEDDING. MIL. AND Mus. WILLIAM TA??, ENFIELD, CELEBIIATE TTIIIIJUbBILEE. Avery large campany of relatives, friends and neigîbors assembled at tlie Sons of Temperance Hall, Entield,Mon- day, at 4 p. m , to participate inia golden wedding celebration. After greetings the company was called to order by Mr. Richard Pascoe,chairman. and Mr. M. A. James read this address:- 31r. and Mrs. W. Tap: DFAR FRIENDS.-To many of us whe have known yon ever sinca you came t0 Enfiel- now many years ago--this 23rd of August is a grand and joyous occasion, and as to friands of moifre reeant years, une iwbich, wtîlle it brings j-,y and thankfulness to our hearts bears with it une of the most beautiful and touching lassons in the Book0f Life. Yeu, ourrespeeted and venerable friands, have indeed reacehed the Golden Age of inaturîty. Hand in hand have you aseeyj1d to life's altitude ; hand lu hand areý you be!iiug pri- vileged 10 deecend loto the vallay, and ail! the long juurney bas been cleared and Ilghted with the uudying and unshifing lamp of faithfuiluess love and devotion. What a privilege for uis ln this memorable juïbilee year of the long reigu of unr Gracions Sovereigu Quecu Victoria to ha hereto0juin in clabrating the jubilea of your own married lifa, to witness the beautiful1 sight ofbeholing in yon todav, lu soul and in heoart the bride and bridegroom of tbis day bai? a cent- ury ago. Those of us who have know u since you satled down lit this corner ofDa - ton, eau mark the course of yaars, and n0w sec the changes Tima has wrought on your faces; but ha bas beeu lenlent with you, ave n nr for ha has sown fresh fduwers i . ur dcar uld henrts,garlandad your brows wt choicestblos- soms and bas mail owed youraffactions which like good wine bas improved with age. In you Mr.Tapp -e sec the induatrlous caraful workman whu bas aver remained truc to tha lasi and whose work bas neyer beau slighted; and remarkabla though il ha for a man of your craft you havealaways tried lu keap your word with your customers. Mrs. Tanp, you have H&t only eared and provided for liiose of y our own biouse-, boià and hrougbt up to maubood and woman- hood a large family of Sons and daughtar -'who re cali yon blessa," but bave evr een red.often volunteernug, to Nv ,on the, sick, re frthe feebie anS render , i be asmist- ane lu mauy ways as opportm, .. a ffered in the nighborliood. Knowing your worth as eltizeus and true friands, we have giadly gathere5 bere to-day 10 felicitate you on reachmng the fiftialli anni- versary of yonr marriage your golden wadiding -and to wisb you mnany years y et before thaý gold- au lîîk that bas bounuSyou so long togtrl snappad. As a small expression of our astaem anS goodwill we ask you to accept tbis liorsa of gold and teuse itas yourneeds may require. Tbaýityour hark may sali upon a piSen sea and that your Sunset may ha goidenîs tbe unîted sentiment of Our bearts. SignaS ou bebaîf of your nuainrous fiandis. M. A.' JAME JOHN S. A5MîTON, Commîlttea RICHARDj PAsCO JOHN JAMES,CO) Enfiaid, Aug. 23, 1897. Mr. John Ornîiston made the presen- tation. Mr. Tapp made a vcrY fitting response,heartily tlîankîng their friends, present and absent, for their great kindness, the friendly expres;sions ini the address and for the s?1endidt purse. Mr. J. F. Hurîbut, Mn. C. Mackey. and Miss J. Ashton (organist) sang "Don't Forget the Old Folks ;" Rev.S.G.Rork-e made a neat speach ; Misses Gracie and Mamie Ford, great grandchuldren of Mr. Tapp, from Oshawa, sang capitally "Tule Church Across tîueWa. Brief speeches were mnade by Mesrs.W. Werrv, Donald McCullough, W.' Ormis- ton, jr., W. H. Ford, SaXM. Bray' S. Souci, M. A. James and R. Paescoe. Dr. J. C. Mitchell and lady were ~ oetduring the rfternoonan were o hav performea an lmporýtant pairt in the ceremonv, but an urgent caîl to duty took thc Dr. away erY mehto the regret of the copany Mr. and Mrs. W Werry, solina spprtdthe venerable bride and grom. Nearly 200 partook off a nîost excellent weAddng dinner, chicken pies being rnuchini evidence. Enfield popular Brassý Band furnisbed abundance of music a t inter- vals and seronaded the old couple. Tlie purse contained over $40. Mýanyletters were received from nimbers ýof the famlly at a distance, one hein g from Mrs. Tapp'1S brother in Englaitd, Mr. Janies Tap p and two c'hldren,Brighton, .Y.ad Mr .eero.e Ta pp and family, oal n~, and Wrs. Orniston, nee Mary- TPP were the onlv children preBent. Two beautiful weddingr cakes sent by thoir son Walter froin Montreal wère glreatly adinired. 2b~ AT THE H0OJR 0F 2 O'CLOOK, P. M., O23 the foilowing valuahie f arm land and premisas, 28consisting of the nonili halvas of Lots 81 and 32, 0~ 22 lu the 61h Concession of the Township of Danl- Of 40 luglon, cotainlng two hnndred acres, more or () o oo 1a5, 0 5 About 165 acres ara clearad anS the balance is siS ho bc wahi tîmbered wilh hardwood. O 50 "The soil is a dlay loam and is saiS obuchaln a O 45 good state of cultivation. O) 40 The lot is situatad abouts8 miles f nom tiha lowu i O( 40 of Oshawa, anS abouts9 miles from the town of o il. Bowmanvilla, raadity accassabla lu both towns by good roads anS la convenlentiy situated witb 0 0regard te chur chas and schools. O) 40 A neyer faiiing st,ýeam rus tbrougb the fanm tt 9 00j and lu addition the premises ara weli suppliaS witb bard and soft water by wells and cserus. On the premises are saiS to ha arected the fol- lowiug buildings : A lange and commodions Stone Swalli ng bouse t1e Stuneys, witb atone kitcen, frama woodsbad, driving bouse and stable, anS sbone boililg bouse-all attacheS, A second Swalling bouse of frama 11, stor eys lu good condition. A new barnu40x8O ft.,witb Stone celiar and iron Hroof, anS a second smailer barn ou posts. cThare is saiS ho ha a gooS orchard 0f 2 acres wail stockeS wltb excellent fruit tracs, The lot OLD lasaiS ho ha wall feuced. GOL Piowing possession eau be given a? tan banvest tpresant year anS full possession on the lis daofApril next. T TERMS OF SALE.-Ten per cent of the pur- chase monay dowu the balance within 30 Says Zn "r i y frmaolsale,wit'bout lnterest. Thepoet r--x ill e offerad subjeet tu a reervad bld. For fullar terras and particulars sppication may ha nmade ho the Executons, Jamnes Stanley o? tioneer. DaS dthe ittbday of A ugn.st, 1897. Dat D. n. SIMPSON, L. i. W TOLE, Solicitor for Exacutors, L Auctioneer, ]iowmanville. Bowmanvilla. 14 - 3w. AJAX TABLIITS POSITIVLY CUBIE 011% owuu fisea.a-Fsailiig Ram- or7, Impohsnsy. Siespiesesss etc caused JU~ isy Abuse or alLer EXcesses ana Indîs. crations. 2Mey qie a1Ze<nd sssVai restore Laatsaiity inald or Young, and fit a malfor study, business or morrage. presnt Iusouity and Consumition if mont and effectsa CURE wbsre ail othýferui lu usspon having tis enune Aax- Tabiets. Thor~ hae urd thousands and wiiicure you. Ws JiPos.58 itir e 1vwriséeouguaranteta est inr ~0~l casca se or reofusd tIse mso.Pi, WVI'a ver pacs 0 orMx ibusfull treatumnt> for *2.nO By mainîo. a a l~wraeu cseeCor z.n. Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Olseasa. IMPROVE D HOMROPATHY Pe0ol n Ail WaIks of Lit e Cured hy His Reinedies. CURES WBEN OTHERS FAIL. Mr. 0eo. L. Ackernman, carnlage trimmer for Geo. A. 1ud & Go., reslding ai 10 lilce street, Toronto, says: "I1 Was troubled for a year with dyspepsa andlat tlines suferaS extremei. 1 was augo suiferlng tramlilver trouble wbich gave me considerabie uneasiness. Âfter using a &al, Viii each 'If Munyon's 1.Dy 'pa" and Liver Cures 1is nw eelingIfl'17giýt and well once again. 1 have aisuse MU" oim's Cou gh and ColS Cures.fer aur littie Finl wlth splendid resaItg.. have groat aith lInl4unien.It aunuyonla tibeumatie Cure satdeum talla te re. baeve ln aise te ibree heure andi cures lis a few ilsys Pnice 25C. 1Muis's Dyspepsie Cure poslttvely cures ail forme ef indigestion and stomacis troubles. Pries 25c. breaks UP a %'oiS ICla few isaurs. P* e 25e.- q unyag~ CougIs Cure stops% coughs, nigist u-allaiyssoreisan sd speedil' lisais thse lange. Price 125,. NMunyon-s Kiduey Cure,-speedily curas painse In ltse back, loins ir grain$, ant iail forms et kiSney Siseàse. price.25c; Muinion'a Nerve Cure stops nervouisneseaint tell,ld op the yalm., Pnice 25C. .)1Mnsoa's heaa.seCure stops iseadacis a S tbrce minutes. Pries 25e. ?Mlisyrî,s plie Olimeulpiusetiveir cures ai forios of plies. Pries 25C.- EoesBlond Cure eradicales ailtliupurltieS air tise lotod. Price 25Q. munyone 'rs iemaRmdies are a ,on te ail Munyon's Catarrb Itemedles neyer fai. Tise Catarhl Cure-pries 25c.-eradiCalea tise diseuse f ram the systsm, sud tise Cstarrh Taisleta-pLice 25e-leanse sud iseal tisa parts. Munana"'Asthme Remedies relieVe lis Ilrea minutes sund cure pei-manentiy. PrIes U. M.unyo'q vitalizer. a great 101>10and re- stera, cf vital. amenais ta weslc people. $1. sapanate cure for corS Clsas. 4t ail drug. gf sa mastty 2Z cents n viol. . Persnerai lttera to Pr1of. Munvan. 11 Albert atreet. Toronto. Ont., mswered -with f ree 14edi' cul adsiro fer any disesse. The New ýPreshyterian Book of Praise.. 15 110w ready and can be.seen at the BIG 20, a good assortment to select from. We, Have a large, well sehected stock of School Supplies ready for the Sehool Opening. W. T, Allein. 0F VALUABLE FARI IN- DARLINGION. Uodar instructions from the Executors of the wlil of Eliza Mitchell, Seceasad, thene will ha offered for sale by publie auction by the unodr- iamaed auctioneer, at the BENNETT HOUSE.iu the Town o? Bowmianviiie, on Saturday, 4tli September, '1897 Black Silk Skirts are the correct thing this f ail. Priest- have lovely quality of Black Silk, very heavy and tl wear guaranteed at $1.15 and $1.35 per yard. We have just received something nice in the way of Scotch Tweed Suiting and Navy and Black Serges. We wihl make you up an up-to-date Suit cheap. We have a lot of new Tics just in. This is the hast week of August and we still have gooldQ best Is that must go out to mak e room for now Faîl goods. [f you have Eggs bring them to us and get the price going. ,John McMur try bovots and Shoes., llaving secured the* services of W. JENNINGS, am salesman, we have begun selling ont the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room tfor EauÏ Importations. This is a great opportunity to secure goods at your own prices. As the stock inust I tŽ redueed we shall offer at once $3000 worth of theee goods at sacrifice prices.1 Ail outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books must be squared up. SBow-mANviLE. O.DéVS Is frequently short, but the year round the hunters for bar- gains are active. We know 'this from experience. We are glad <. to know too, that our efforts to give, Bargains în Hardware Are appreciated. We want to give the people the best for their mon 1ey and we have been success- ful. Let us do you good also. We carry a fulll une in l-larnes and parts, cahl and examine -same ,prices are right. Dustan BowmÂNVIRLE. before buying as ou~r &Hc Rd. Worth. Opposite Ontario Batik. à Our black Dress Goods are particularly fine. hy's Black Goods from 60e per yard. We West End House, BOWMANVI LLE. New PFal Dress Goods. We have just received into stock a very large ship- ment of New Dress Qoods and we ask every lady who ikes to see, nice things to give us a caîl and look throughý the new goods.

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