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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 5

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A- Test $5.00 IN~ 1PRIZES. .A good chance for Boys and Girls thatb can read. The habit of reacing aloud to others should be practised to a greater extent by boys and girls, as it flot only gives them a more cor- rect pronunciation and a better idea regarding the formation of words and sentences, but it strengthens the lungs and give confidence and case to those who practice it, We desire to know the relative «value of the advertising mediums 'we use and will giee a handsome Camera to the boy who reads this entire columu ktiste largeist nunîber of persons before Oct. lst. We will give another Camera to the girl who reads it to the largest number of persons during the same time, Each competitor must bring a list of the signature of those to whom +th..cy have read the clumn. 1 e further particulars send 3c stamp or cail at store. Stott & J u ry. ABOUT YOUR RAZOR Perliaps it was good some years ago, but late- ly you lind it not se keen in the edge; and Son have trouble in keeping it shartp. If se, Sou will be glad te know that we have soine extra value te offer Son. Every Razor is absolutely guaranteed and money refunded if yen want it. The price used toelie $1.75, now we sell theus at $1.25, 'with, the guarantee. Cheaper ones at 50e to $1. Shaving Brushes 5c te $1. Cups 15e te 75c. We would iku you to examine tbese gods. STOTT & JUR Y. 'N. 1.-We are abili silling Baking Powder st 15e a Pound. LAY IN YOU FALL 8TOOK 07 PLi! PÂPER 'Oc A DOL-EN. We havea tremendoua stock of Tanghefoot ;Bticky Fly' Paper andl it will pay youteecr Sour Sumâe r Supply siow 117weareeln the regular large %ize t 10e a dozen sheeto. ZTOTT & JURPY. ~Poison Pads-Pure Impeorted Insect Powder, WholesAle or Retail. PUBLIC NOTICE. It wili soon be time for the Toronto Exhibition and a number of persons fromn this county will go to the city and puy se calied Opticians fromn $1 to 85 fût Speetacles that we selI regu. larly ut 5ýc -a pair. There are tinies when we tire of warning the public .against these imposters and then some victims ctome to us aguin and explain how these oi)y tongued tramnp pedlar!rý have induced theni to buy worthless goods at big price-s und we feel likeý met ]PoM. e*;oIigg the tricks of these fakirs, who tramnp the country in the smuuaeq tine and then rush to the zhy to catch the crowde at Exhibition 'à-e. This wveFý a customer told us of another tËrIk theze mien are working. They offer a pair Of these 5oC Specta- cles for $5 andi then i order to prove how honest and upright they are they oflcr to aecept $2.00 down and leuve the balance ütiil they corne around again, which of coturse they neyer do;ý as th-ey have à1readyr baS four tueës as ymuch m theif goodc are worth. An- other man huas been cffering these same goods at $i a pair and his plan is to go to a bouse and say that he bs found a -pair of gold glasses and is ha-md up, arid as he has no use for chm he ciffers to tulte $r foir Giasses f at he dlaitce to be worth $5. ýL here is only one proper way to pochas. 'Q1aq5es, as the eye is too seit've an organ to he trified with aBd @yiýry person xequiring glasses should corisuit a duly qualifieS Opti- cÉan wko, Yita . reputation behind bum. If you care to Bail ut our store we wii be glaS to test yonr eye3 free of charge anS if you ntquire Glasses we Mjwl seli theni to you ut their actual ~~value, which runs from i oc to $r.5o feor Steel Prames, und froni $.3 up for îolid Gold. We hare spent hundreds of dollars in attending the best Opticai Colleges in America and iu purcbasing the most -approved scientific instruments for testinrg the sight and examining the eyes, anS we absoluteiy guarantee every pair of Gtasses we fit. We think we can give you botter -service and better value than you can e~t in Toronto or elsewbere, as we gîve you, tree of ail charge, the ser- vices of the only Post Graduate Op- tician in the County and we buy oui goods in large quantities direct f rom the manufacttiners and we are satisfied with reasonable profits. Stot &Jury* GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BowmANviLLE STATioN. GOuIN EAST. GOING sWES.sr Express ....81 ,m "xrs.. 5 28a. m *Express..10 18 a . iLcal. 8 Passenger .. 3 29 p.m.1 Passenger.. 2 05 p. m Local ...642 pa.. Express.., 5 22" 'Ex p e....1085 j * Daily. BOWMANVllLE. AUG. 25, 1897, Local and Otherwise. Barguinsat Nicholl's every day. Bread is higher because wheat is. Methodist S. S. excursion to Grimsby to day. Rogers 1847 Knives,Porks and Spoons ut Rickard's. Mr. Cole advertises a choice farmn to rent in Clarke. lligh, towu and city Public Sehools open next wcek. Merchants arc receiviug stacks of new goods for Fali trude. Whitby Junetion ilotel is to be solS Satunday by auction. Heavy rains again last wcek very much retarded harvest, G. T. R.,fare to Montreal to-day $6.05 -good to neturn Aug. 30. The John Woodruff farm 2ud con. Pickering sold for $2.075. Mr.PFrank Dehart solS frst 1897 wheat lu Whitby at 65e per bush. Honey crop worst for 17 years, says R. P. Hioterman, Brantford. 5e buys a tooth -brush at Nicholl's. Efforts are beiug made te wind up the Massachusetts Benefit Association. Blouses of ail kinds selling off at haîf price at Couch,Jobnston & Cryderman's. St. John S. S., Port Hope, picknicked ut Giffond's Grove, Newtonville, WeS- nesday last. Riekard, Jeweller, Bowmanville, has sole coutrol of New Williams Sewîng Machines in West Durham, Oven 100 American tourîsts passeS Port Darlino'ton on the R. & O. Str. 'Corsican'" Ïfhursday eveuîng. It will puy you to eall and sec our new and uobby designs lu Suites of ail kinds. L. Morris, furuiture dealer. Clarke Pull Pair, Orono, ih oItMou- day anS Tnesduy Sept. 20 and 21, open to the Province. R. Moment, Sec'y. .Riekard, Jeweller, Bowmanville, works. He dont ask you for big profits anS sit dowu and do nothing himself, A splendid 240 acre farm lui Clarke hs advertised to rent. Sec advt. of H. H. Buruham,Esq , lu this paper. This is a grand chance for au up-to-date furmer. Rev. R. Douglas Praser, M. A., who has been enjeing a month's vacation will oceupyhs own pulpit Sabbath next. Mr. A. J. Ceurtice, Ebenezer, beats the hog record so far haviug received $51.75 for 5 Yorkshire white hogs exact- 1y5 months old. Next ? If you want to be lu style just cal ut M. Mayer's and suit yourself with a Pedonu or dhrlsty stiff hat. Pull hune of gents' furnishings as usual. Among those tieketed from Oshawa to Manitoba last week were Hughi Clarke, Geo. Powcns. H. Alehin, John Mason, Chus. Adair, E. Guy, Fred. Rae, J. Armstrong. Buy a Wutch befone you go to Toron- te Pair, you will have somthiug in yorpoeket whcn you come back, llekard , Jeweller, has a coiupletc stock, Bowmans hIe District Financial meet- in was lielS at Hampton, yesterday. Pcv. J. P. Wilson, Oshawa, chuirman, and Pcv. R. Taylor, Newcastle, Finan- cial Secretary. Mn. E. L. Portt has sent fromn Mon- trcal a ver%- hearty acknowledgment of the citiz«ns' address anS benutiful meerschaum pipe transmitted to him ne- eently aE; tokens of respect. A light coloreS ehestnut mare with white strip 'in face anS small want on right shoulder under breast colai, new top buggy mude by, Tinncy, Cavunville, anS black mounted harness wene stolen from Millbrook Aug. il. Watchies havegone up lu pice-Yes, that is reallv se, but ut T. N_. Rickard's, Bowmanville, you eau buy themi as low in prie and as good lu quality as ever you diS . Yen say-"'How is that ?" I1 wilI tell you why. T. N. Riekard bu5s for cash and hie has laid lu a stock when prices are Sown jiust s0 that hie mîght be lu a position te sdil to you (at this very fimie wheu yen are lookîng for *values) ut pices within the neach of auy of von. Yes, any of you, for by suviug yenà five cýent picces any one may posses a wateh. Ris pnices arc fromn 20 to 25 per cent. less thani City pnices. Ladies Bead This. Thomas Peate,Syer and lothes dlean- ci, has purchased a machine for steum- ing and leanin.- fcathe~r beds anS pii- .lews. Ifa bcd as becu iii use for 20 years, after this process no eue will know themi fremn new, Parties lu tewu,, on country that have no way te send themn droppià carS lu post anS I ivill fetch them if it is ten miles. Price s1prbei5 per pillow. Peathers ylb sn1 be Much matter crowded out. Peterboro 's tax rate is 17 mills. Se buys a nail brush at Nichol1's. 2 dippers for 7c at Nicholl's Saturday. Rýoyal Templars' annual concert on Fair nig'ht, Friday Sept. 17th. You will find the best assortment in Hats and Shirts at M. Mayer's. Master Normant ereeper feil from a wagon and broke his collar bone. Allan and Dominion Line ocean tickets for sale at STATESMAN ofice. The earnings of G. T. R. for the week ending August 7th show an increase of $1 2,934. THEs STATESMAN is one of the best papers lu which to advertise farms for sale or to rent. A lot of Summer Dress Goods selliug off at about haîf-price at Couch, Johns- ton & Cryderman 's. Read the Mason Co's new advt. this week it is of especial intercît to politi- cans and in fact to everybody. Chestnut Villa the well known resi- dence of Mr. Rd, Peate looks very charming with its new coat of paint. Flour lias adIvanced to $2.50 to $275 for Manitoba wheat. Manitoba wheat is selliug at $1la bushel at Ontario points. Further imîportan>t reductions are made in Summer o.oods by Messrs. Coucli, Johnston & Nryderman. Read their advt. The Mitchell Farm advertîsed for sale this week 1% one of the best in West Durham. Bradley 's sehool house stands on a corner of it. Don't fail to cali and secure some of the bargains now going at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. The officiai who lives and thrives on the taxes of his neighbors and purchases his household necessities elsewhere ought to bce bounced without notice. McClellan & Co. will seli coal during August at $5.75 spot cash, delivered; or $525 at the harbor. Now is the tîme to place your orders. The base bal game on Thursday be- tweeu Bowmanville and the McLaugh- lin Carniage team, Oshawa, was won by the former in a score of 15 to 13. We do upholstering of ail kinds, parlor suites, chairs and lounges recov- ered, mattresse8 restuffed, chairs re- caned and re-perforuted. Give us a trial when having anythiug done in this line. L. Morris. Messrs. Russel and Jdgar Smnale, Frank Blackburn, Lewis Pýaseoe and Geo. W. Allun left mîst Wednesduy on the ilarvesters' excursion to Manitoba. Silver Silks -worth 35e. now selîing off ut 20e. ut Coucli, Johnston & Cryder- man's. The eurl y closing movement having proveS so satisfactory duing the sum- mner mouths, the mnerehauts of the town have agreed to continue te close their respective places. of business at 6:ao p.m. Every bicycle novie; whether young or old,' will find it a genuine benefit to make a careful study of the fucts con- tained in'<Practieal Rints for the Bicycle Novice" in the September number of Demorest 's Magazine. Rev. R. P. Bowles, M. A., B. D.,, pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist ehurch, Toronto, preached two very able and forceful sermons lu the Meth- odist church here Sunday. Pcv. J. J. Rae preached in the Metropolitan. The Army is muking big prepura- tions for their aîînual llanvest Festival Saturday, Sunday uand Moudav next. Y e bespeak for themn a weîl-deserved ~and suecessful time. Don't forget the sale anS supper Mouday' night ut 8. We have to thank the National Sani- tarium Association for an invitation to be present at the formaI opening of the Sunitarium on Lake ,Muskoku near Gravenhurst on Aug. 9-1. Sir Donald Smith, K.C.M.,., is president and Sir. W., R. Meredith, Kt., Vice Presîdent. Along the north shore of Lake Ontarrio erops are like those of old times. Bar- 1ey already threshed has gone 45 and 50 busper acre. Oats arc more remarkable John Osborne, Port Darlington, Wm Northeote, Port Oshawa,and Geo .Town his neighbor, have fields that muy yield 100 bushels per acre. *Epworth Leagne meeting on Monday niglit at the Methodist churck -was a suceess, the room beiug crowded, and the programi excellent. It consisteS as follows: papers on Miss Parkinsou's ~em s hy Misses Joness, MeLean, Me- ananS Miss Bimacombe; solo "RHis Love eau neyer Pail,'"-Miss Biekle; duet, "Beautiful Island of Somewhere, by Miss Ethel Trebilcock and I«iss Powell. Entertuinmeut of Junior LÉague uext wcek. Ail weleôme. BORN. GsEaER.-Iu Osbawa,Aug.litb,tbc avîfe of Mr. A. O. Qeiger, olgauist, of a daugbter. TsoRcNio.-In Clarke, Aug. âtis, the wife of Mr. Albert Thorreton, of a deugliter. LuXTON.-In Clarke, July 16, the wife of Mr. R. Luxton, of a Saughter. Sold by A. N'cltoLLs, Bowmanv-Ile HOBBS Hears Good News From the Crowds of Peo- ple who obtained a F ree SaMple of His Pis at STOTT & JURY'S DRUG STORE. Ail Report a Change for the Better and will Persevere. Our fcllow townsmen, Stott & Jury, the dnuggists. diS not expeet 80 soon te gît favorable reports from applicants who pnocuned from them free samples of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pilîs. The test maSe se fan by the users of the free samples, show that these re- markuble puis produce favorable resuits wîth a Scgnec of quickness heretofore uukuown lu the treatm eut of Kîdney, BlaSSen unS BlooS diseuses, and allieS aliments, Those who have useS themn have been encourageS to pensevere with the treat-. ment. knowiug that they coulS not ex- peet the five Says trcatment coutumneS lu the ,,ample box, notwithstanding the remankabhle results obtaîned s0 far: woulil effeet a complete cure. Kidney Siseissi is c0f ixuperceptible and insidious gnowth;ît :itakes moutis toe Selop even the symrptomns. Reason anS expenience suggest thut it takes more than a few days to cure. Portunatcly, Dr. Hobbs Spanagus KiSney Pills begin the good work of cure with the first dose. The results are evident from the bcginning. The delightful effeets of these Pilîs induce the patient te continue their use until cureS. They are easy te take, easy te buy, easy te, get, anS bountiful ln good vesults. DR. loBBs SPARAGUS KIDXE-Y PîIL$, F'OR SALE liS Stott & Jury,,1rl~~ BOW.iMAYVILLE, 0Ev. PEItSONAL. We invite ail Our readers te contrilinte te Iiés colnmn arrivai anS Separtare ot guesta, move- ments of wellknowss eopile, beineas mesn e»c sand a postal carS te TiRE 5TATMN, ârop a note litsur office letter box or ring up phosne â2 Miss Mabel Ramley is home fron% Toronto, Miss Nettie Sherin, Xapance, la vtssting at home. Miss Herulbrook Wes beome from ToroBto over Sundey. inH Be~.n:nett, Toronto, is vËsiing friends Miss Welsb reccntly visited Mrs. A. M. Gilpin, Whitby. Mrs. MetlanS, Port Rope,is isilisig MrsJobn Mediand. Miss Tisompmon la spessdiug ber liolidsys lin Toronto' Miss Emmerson bas beeu vîsitîug frieds lu Peterboro. Miss Lîezte PeaLte, Rocuestea, Y. Y., visiteS et home lest week. Mr. Joseph llrittaiu, Toronto, bas fý(ei visit- ing relatives here. The Misses Coruisb, iegare, Faits, are guesis et Mns. John Rice. Miss5 Emmna Clemisers, Lindsay, is guest of mrs. Thos. Col.will. Mrs. J. Crago anS Miss Rnby rccently visiteS Mrs. M. fli, Whiitby. Pr. anS Mrs-Garrett ef Yonkers,New Vork,are visit!ing -frieuda lu lewis. Mr. lF. Williams, Mitchiell, visiied bis uele, Dr. %. E. Tilley, rccesstly. Miss Gýeorgine Bre-kenshir.e, Port liope, visit- cd Clarke frienda receutly. Rev. W. R. Young, Port Hope, iss esti,ssIg anS rccreatinz et Stoney Lake. Mrs. M. E. Morrow, Weslingtou, P. C., te guest iai Mr. Th'os. Sherin 'S. Miss Elle Stewart, Orangevitile s been gucît of lier asut, Srs. S. W. Meson.' Mr. anti Mrs. Win. Brittain, Toronto, have becu guests of Mrs. Chas. Young. Mrs. Howard Feh, Oshawa, is visitîssg her father, Mr. Puncan AlcCounaclite. Miss Kathleen Edsall is borne from New York wberc she bas iseesi visittsîg ayear. Mrs. W. J-COle.MiSs Anuie,and Master Frank, Osbawa, arc gueste at Sur. Jas. McLean's. Miss Powell etf Wlitby la visitiog Miss Brima- combe et Victoria cottage Port Bowmnanville. Mrs. Wm. RHaubiy -and daughter, Carnie, Woodstock, are visstissg ber fatiser, Mr. S. var- ee. Mr. John S. Bond, Toronto, la aeeking relief from tise etes of business in a visit witlî friends here. Mr.J.H-.Cr-ydersuanar was lu Hanilîton Toesday eteudlng utise funeral et the laie Surs. Tises. Mr" Fransk Burton, Torouto. receutly visiteS i, cou-isin, Sur. WV. L. Law, 'Garden Hsll, farm" aIse iss E. A. Law, town M.eSMns. Eari, Rochester, N. Y. have been guesta et Mr. W. G. GIever ai 'Ssmûr Rcst," Port BowmanviUei. 1 11e"srg, J.,E. Hill. tBelleville,, anuS ES. Hugkes, Newte Lnville, wheeled through tewn lest week anS were guests oet Mr.. .worde4. Mr- J.- E. Belîman et Toreuto, la ru8ticatiuig et hIome for a fc'W Says before returning to tise city to Itele up the ;studliesaet tlhe College et, Tise lion, ESwarS Blake, M. P., Mr. S. v. B ilk, ev. Principal Cavan esnd tIse Bishop et Hluron,ii e passeugers ou tise Allen Line steamý 911sp1 -Ninsikaau which arriveS Saturday et Que bece trous Liverpool. A Good Up=to=date Grocerlwy and Provision Store-..e is the kind you can place confidence in-feel like you are being -well treated and get pure good goods every time you trade there. -This is the way we want you to feel about This Store and we'll merit your good opinion of us every time. If you should buy anything from us that is flot en- tirely satisfactory-speak right out, and we'll make it right. We keep fulli unes of the very best groceries the markets afford and none seli cheaper. We do busi- ness on business principles and the public li ke our methods. Every*day is a bargain day at our store and we live in a business rush. Farmers, corne and see us and bring your produce. We will give you the best prices going. eawkr & ait Bo WMANVILLE. The Grocers. Sole agent for BowmanviIle, JOHN HELLYAR Miss Jean Adams, Toronto, is home. Mise Mabel Couch la visitiug lu Toronto. Miss Jessie Knight la home from Toronto. The Misses Pingman are attcnSiug the millin- eny openings in Toronto. Miss Jessie Keachie et Toronto, Is visitiug lier, cousin, Miss Jeatn ToS. Misses Içinver, Oshiawa, wcre gu ests et their aunt. Mrs. J. ReiS lest week. Mrs. Wm. Ste eey, Haydon. spent Sunday witls bier sister Mrs. W. R. Bauhury. Master Harold Gilbert, Kingston, is vi siting bis grandiather, Sur. Jas. Morris. Mrs.,Peru entertaiued a number et cyclista l'rom Oshawa one eveniug lest week. Rey. R. P. Bowles and Rev. H. T. Fergoson were guesta of Sur. Johu Fleming ou Sonday. ,Miss Mabel Tbompson, Oshiawa, euS Miss Fie. Mansseil, Toronto, have becu visiting frieuda lui town. 11ev. R. A. Burnias will preacliSîsnday meru- lng on 5'SpirItual Culture" aud lu the cvenissg ou 'Secret et Power." Miss Allie Welsb left ou Satiirday liy way et Btuffalo, wbere she will take lu the G. A. R., for a fcw Says,before returnîng tu lier home su Bright- on, N. Y. Bey, R. Deuglaqs Fraser, M. A., who is attend- »u the British Association meetings lu Torouto lias been a guest et several efthtie intercsting funettons tendered the visitors. Mr J. F. Boriiss anS wife, Topeka, Kausas, will sIsendSaSnday witb bis neplhew. Bey. R. A. Bnirriss of this town.' Mr. Burrisa iats been et- tcudis g the G, A, R convention iBuffalo, this weck and Will alse V1tit tht Toronto Exhibition. "The Neat"l Port flowmauiille,containa avery merry bevy, those camping being Misses Gertie Young, (chaperon'), Florence Tillcy, Mosetia and Sophia James. Ethel Morris ead Mabel Tait. For real soliS fu cmmend os te tisis musical party. Dr. Staeyv, Mr. C. T. Cootes, Toronto, Mur. Gýilmoorý,soni of Wardeu Giksiour,Central Pison Toronto, Mn. A. A dis, Whitby, Miss Swales, Kingston, Miss Stuart, Hemilton,-Miss Kate Hamilton, Brooklyn, anSdSMr. R. BroaStoot,New York,, are vîsîtîug et Mr. J. K. Gaîbsails. Camp Cisatter, Port Bewmauvilie, bsaslied severai additiossin the persons et Misses Rate Browu, Gait, Sera anS Minnic Biekeli of Tor- outo Mrs. J. B. Bickell,eud grandsen Carl. Mr. anS iirs.ÏT. A rowu anS Miss Helen and Baby lerown aise spent SnssSay et Mr., H. C. Tait's. Cernp Ornuzabe la broken np mnch tu the re- gret et the yoong peopsle et Port Bowmauville. The occupants were M ers. Arthur KethJack SucClellani, Arthur Rusband anS Gordon Brucc et Toroutoanti Master Allen Keitis et Bowman- ville. They aililecmuch missed euSdaili ai- ways li e wlcomc elclbes on our'heacb. Pr. T. Linuington Ash, J. P.. et Penroses, Holswertliy, Devon, Esigland, who lies been gueat of Dr. Johin HosMunQ. C., ef "The Dale,"l Torouto, dSong bis atteufflance et tlie meetin1g ef tIhe British Association, bas beesa a guest et ail the social fonctions. garSen parties, Siniser partiesete., where lic has made th e ecqaintance eta ofu e the dîstiiiguiAlsed sceutists anti dineS wit te President efthtie Association. Dr.Ros- kmn gave a inner iu lis houer et "The Pale" one evcsîiug lest week whe-s a number of leeS- iug scienstiste frons ebroad andS orne istingulsh- aS Teroutoulens were presessi. Exhiîitil Timo The Country is being fiooded wîth ahl sorts of tales te get ahl the Mouey possible from our people whcn ut- rending the Pair. Kcep your mney in your pocket wvhile there, necitiier allew pick- pockets nor Toronto to become rich- er for what you leave belîind you. For T. N. Rickard selis Watches, Clocks, Jcwculery, Rings, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Spectacles and al geods kept lu a iveli stecked Jewel- lery House for fromn 20 to 25 per cent. lcss than city prices. le has beeni with you for five years and y ou know that he always tells you what you are buying anîd that bis guarantee is worth money to you. Show yeur wisdonî by buying at houle wherc you can make the most money. Grocers' Duc Buis takeni as Cash. Your Eycsiglît testedl pcrfectly and Puce. Spectacles not put up lu price on that account. T. N. RICRA RD, Watcbmaker, Jeweller anS Optician, Bowmanville. A. B. 1NeLAUGHLIN, Barrister, Solicitor and Convayancer. Offie:- Bleakley Block, King street, Bowmanville. Moncy te boan at reasonable rates. 48-lyr, IXTOICE CULTURE-Miss Gloyer is 'V prepared te give lessons in Voice Culture te a limites rumber of pupils, et lber home, King Stree~t, East. 30- tf F" ARM TO RENT.-93 acres of lot 10, -Vcon. 6, Darlington, known as the "Gibbard Farm," adjoining village of Tyrone. Apply te, JoiN~ HoDasoN, Tyrone. 32-8w> F ARM ýTO RENT-.larnden estate- 10ars, more or less, south part of lot 20 lu Broken Front Concession of Darliogton-te be rented for a termi of 4 or 5 years. First-claqss farm, good buildings and fences, good locality Apply teD. B. SimpsoN,Brrister, Bowmanvlle 32 tf. T1fEJEER ASTRAY.-Strayved front .Llot 26, Cou 84 Darlington, between July 10 and lith a yearliug red beifer. Information leadiugtohler recoveryw1Ilbe tliankfully re- ccii cd by L. J. REATTOIRE, Enfield. 35 - tf. IITOLSTFJNS FOR SALE-A Thoro.. ..L.L brcd Holstein beifer caîf for sale et a bar- gain if taken et once. D. J. GrnsoN, Bowman- ville, Box 38. STRAYED.-Came on Lot 3, Con. 6, K]Darlington, about 3 uly 23rd a yearling steer. Owner enu bave Saine by proving property and payiug e-xpenses. JosiN CONGUON, TyYone. 33-3w. 1?ARM TO RENT-1l 7 acre8, being FLlots 19and 20, cou. 6, Clafke, on wbicb are good brick bouse and farn buildings, yung orcbard, well watered and fenced. Goodclay loam in good state of culti-atlon. For furtber partîculars apply to T. J. T. CoLE,Tyrone. 34-tf TTIELP WA NTED.-Reliable men in LLA-every lcality, local ýor travelling, te in- troduce a uew dlscovery and keep our show cards tacked up on trees fenees and bridges tiarongliont thje country and town ; steady cm- pleymet ; commission or salarr. $65 per menth aildexpeuses and money deposlted lu auy bank when starteà. For particulars write T1HE WORLD MEDIrCÂA ELECTRicCoC., London, Ont. 35 - 6 m. ASITON'S CORNERS FOR SÂLE.- Store, lieuse and lana for sale or rent,Ceu. 5, north ea quarter of Loti19, Darlinpctoo, twe and one-haîf acres. Frame house, three bcd- roins, dining reem, kiteben, sommer kitchen, aise a store and office, two bed-roo'ns upstairs, and a large store room, stable for three or four herses an(, a large driving shed wlth hay loft above, will hold from 14 te 20 tons of bay ; a large roomy cellar with cisteru b ard water pupwed and eaished. Possession No -vem- ber 1,17.oiîe ruîmie from Hampton, P.0. daily mail.Five lile' from Bowmanville. Godt place_ for pediar. Apply ou tbe premises orebsofc for f.rtbcr particulars. B. Asa- TON, Hampton, P.O. 5 tf. 1897 LABO R DAY1 189Y IVollday., Sopt. 6th. RETURN ý'-- TICKETS WILL BE I8SUED AT SINGLE F7IRST ULAss PARE Good going Sept.4th,'5th and 6th, valid to re- turn until Sept. 7th, 1897 10 R L81111f10 1 I IHRI Tickets and ail information fromf G. T. R, agents. M C. DICKSON, Diat. Pass. Agent, Toronto. c,

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