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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Aug 1897, p. 8

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Insecticides. . Pure and reliable Ifnsect Destroyers at JHJGGINBOTIIAM & SON, Chemists and SDruggists. PURE PARIS GREEN, PURE INSEOT POWDBR, PURE MOTH CAMPIFOR, FLY POISON PADS, STICKY FILY PAPER, (inI!o) *Hygeia Beverages H ires Root Beer, McLaughlin'se Hygeia * Beverages, Lime Fruit Juice, etc. * J. Higginbotham & Son. BOWMANVILLE. We lave It!= That Furn iture, or piece of Furniture you are wantîng this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot aff ord to be See the niewest designs in ahi. kinds of Fui niture. Youi are ahways -welcome. L. 18,11, RI BOMWMANVILLE. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, Beaugall's Block. There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but whcre purchasing a new machine you shouid by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seil. For Tailors' and Dressmakers' use, our Machines have no equai. Irices* reasonable, terms made to suit the purchaser. Eul' guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers shouid eaul and investigate, or sent postal card and agent wiii be around. Best machine oul for sale. Buy no other. Machine parts and repairs suppiied. I have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar. gain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. and best varieties of Turnip Seed. Henry Blliott Jr. HIAMPTON. BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 25, 1897. Condensed frorn The Times. ST£ARVILLE.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark enter- tained a number of friends Wednesday evenling week.... One bundreul and ixty cheese were shipped frein Kendaichee atory at 81,cents Mr. W. Sharp and family, Toronto, visiteS ùis brother Mr. T. J. Sharpe. POPIJLAR HOTEL MÂN.-"I was troubled with pimples on my face and head which caused me much annoyance. After trying many remedies without benefit I was advised to take Ilood's Sarsaparilla. The first bottie helped me and I took four botties. I arn now completely cured." JAMES IIEILLBY, Proprietor Chapman llouse,Sarnla,Ont. NEW PARK.-Mrs. Turner Brisbin# Burnt River, is visiting friends here ... .Mr. Thomas Gardiner whiie threshing at Mr. Thos. Little's bcd one of bis fingers erushied in the machine., .Messrs. Litle and Browsn, are busy.aiVr. Thos. MeCree. Calgary, N W. T., is visiting Mr. D. Fuller. ...Mrs. Jas. Cinnamon, Oshawa, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Brooks. A DOUBLE CuiE.-Mrs Jas.E Elwood, St. Thomas, Ont., says :-"My husband and myseif have taken Doan's Kidney Pills. We used them for kidney and back trouble for which we had spent a great deal of money withou.t getting relief. Doan's Pis cured us both in a reinarkably short trne. I helieve they wili cure es-en after ail other medicines fail. " NE-wvTONVILLE.-Mrs. Stapleton and, famlly visited l riends at Lskard recentiy. ...Mars. Geo Pattersoli Bowmeanviile, visited bier sister airs. Geo. lancook .., Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Williams spont Sunday w%,ektat Mr. Win. Jones sr. M-te. Barkweli, fHope. le visitlng bier danghiter, Mrs. (Dr.) Aldrchb..Mr. Aex. Ovens, Toronto, visieil Mr. Norman Samlis recontly ..Mr. Wim. Pethick visited Mr. Sanuel HTenry, Newcestle. ...Miss Elle Fhogad Mrs. J. J. id wbeol to Port BHope FPe,ey weok...M.Fred. Jacohe, Newcastle, visited is aunt Mrs. Jacobs .. _Miss V/junte Jolies, Bow;mville. and Miss Berthe Jonies, Oronio, are guet tter rndparents, Mr. and Mrs. \V oies... Mr.,fanmes Payne ot Toronto p.olice force, wh hbis lamily visited friends hr ... ýDr. Windell, Rooýliester, and Miss Preston, Toronto, visite I Col. Hughes re- cently. HAYDON. Messrs.* Joseph anS Ruort Burgess, Elles Ashton, Richard MeNelauS Ernest Aunger Went to Maniltoba lest week. .,..Mrs. W. H. Creeper visiteS friands un Toconto. . .Mre. C. J. Muunjoy is visillug lu Port Perry...M. Fra.nk Mooro e sck ..iss Caepolba sut- Siclencly recuvoieS lu o eble to teach sohool this week. Belle, pimples and ernptions,scrofula, sait rheum and al ether manifestations et impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. ENNISKILLEN. Visitors: Mn. and Mrk S. G. Browu anS sun, Stretturd, guests ut Mcs. W. Brown; Miss Hon- ring, Zion -Miss Pore Moyse, Bowmanville, guesis uf ?Ür .VW. Herring; Mi. hES. Pavey, Plîts- h rg, Mr. euS Mrs. S. J. Hall, tuwn, guests uf Dr. Mitchell; Mr. R. FloSy, Torontoi Mr. R. Falls, Toronto. ... air. C. H. Mitchell visiteS lu PtkrhingdeS Vitby.,. .Mrs. Barclay bas ce- turneS trum ea visit tu CSsarea .. . .Master W. Cuwllng, Toronto, e guest ut Mr. Jso. Cuwllng; Mr. I. B. Beircley,.OCrassrea, was guesi ut Mrs. Barclay SatucSay. A SUmmEp 5PctpiC.-Dr. Fowier's Extraet ut Wlld Strawberry cures choiera, choiera merbus, diarrhoea. dysentcry, cramps, colic, summer coin- plaint, canker of flic moufli and al bowei compiaints ot chiîdren or adulte. If is a, soofhing, effectuai and nover falling medicîne,xvhich gives immediate relief and speediLv effeets a cure. HAMPTON. Visitons:airs. J.C. Groat, Tornto, et Mr. F. J. Grut ;Mee-e Beer anSConisb, Orono, et Mc. WOV. BsýeesrsMise Rosie dLene, Toronto, aI h)omle;lNMiss WVarren et Mcs. W. H. Rogers'.... Mc. aciesoti,,Onono, bus becc cngaged asas- sîsteut cheesameaker .... Goverumeut milk in- day Aug. 1BAh. Six tans waca tonuS lu contatu ither kîinmd milk or wtter. The ownors wece allowe o usettiloe t 810 eaeobanS a promise tu senS unily puce milk tbhelatnceofu the seeson « ... Saturday next las heen declared civic bull. day AmonsterpitliscbbaSeV/lo Pak.AEecyhoSy ielcome. Comae along hceugyouc basket and eujoy a delightful after- n unsuting. BuaDouc ;-BLOOD BIrEtts.-Burdeck Bîood Bitters regulates flic stomucli. liver, buwels and blood; curing dyspop- sia, biliousaess, sick headache, rheuma I tiscu, serotula. and romovlng ail impur- ities oetheflc ied, froin a comnmon pimple te flie werst ecrotulous sere. As an invigorafor and toeueB' B. B. is an tunequalled medicine. taken lias done so mach for me as your Pbrenoliiue, and I have much pleasure la recommending it to other sufferers. Yours verv trul.v, A WÎnolla Lady, Saved From a Lite of Torture, NEWCASTLE. Rev. J. B. Clark, Mrs. Clark and Master V/il- ladGuf Mills, Pe _-ev.L. ClarkPari, Ot., Miss May Cark, Guelh, arid Mis. em ye twn, sre visitsg 1Mr. Robt.àClarkadtmiy THE, TRADE WINDS-Blow strong I ~ Ker'iineis iithe market. Ner- vîline is the great noerve-pain ÇUre, Its peuetratîng and pain subduing por i s such that relief is almost, instantan- eous. Try itand be convineed, SHAW5S SCIIOOL HOUSE. Mr. Samuel, §iokard broke bis arm on Wed- nesday.,.. W, George Riokerd euthlisband oune day lest wee1k .... Pr. E. and Mrs. Allia, Los An- eles are Clifornia,vlsiting frionds here. . .. Miss Hamiey, Cleveland, Obio, is visiting et Mc.R. A. Rra5gg's .... srs. W.H. Barrie and 1. Selby, the ladiug ibreshers, report good yiolds of grain. If you are nervous or1 dyspeptie try Carter's Little Nerve Pis. Dyspepsia makes vou nervous, and nervousness maltes you dyspeptie; either one rend- crs youmiserable, and these littie pis cure both. MOUNT VERNON. Mr. and Mns. Heddon and son, Roy, bave ce- turneS from a pleasant visit wltb tbeir two sons anSdeughtrcin-lew, North Dakota. They give, a good report uftheb place as a grain country end of the bospitality of theo pîle. The barvest baS just commenceS there while bere lu Ontario it is ncarly uver...Miss Edna Ross le vlsiting ber uncle, Mr. J.Ross,Osbawa ..Misses Holmes and McPhersQun, are visiting et -Mýr.J.Heatlie's.. .Mr. Murray is gnest et 1Maple Corners... Mr. Bieri Snucb.town, -vas home over Sonday .. .. Mr. W. J. Heatle, visited Toronto recently ..._ Miss MeuS Walters, Taunton, visiteS et bier uncle's Mr. J. Pascue's, recently. Ail causes of weak and lame back, backache, rlieumatismi, will find relief by weariag one of Carter s Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try thein. SOLINA. Miss Eliza Pescoe gave a garden party Wed- nesday afierîsoon in honor of ber trienâ. Miss 1. O. Cowle, Toronto, wbo is viiting be.... Sat- urday nexi, IHempton Olvie holiday, the Loyal Crusaders under command of airs. T' Baker wll pienloe t Willow Point. The parents and friends are cordially inivited . . Messrs. Jas. W. Steimnnand Lewis Pasco left Wednesday for Manitoba. ...Miss Nellie Heys, Toronto, wbu bas been visitilng bere bias ceturned homo ac- companied by Miss Mebel Pascoe .... "Prince" a favorite borseout ar. Thos. Baker ended is career lest week lu bis 3ird yer .... .Mrs. Albert Moore bas gone to Toronto Hospital for treet- ment.... .Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Blair, Taunton, anS Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters, Hampton, visited bere Snnday. My triend, look here ! you know how weak and nervous your wile is, and you know that Carter's iron Pills xiii relieve lier, nom, why not be fair about it and buy lier a box? MYRTLE. A very happy event ocnured et the cesidence ut aMr. and Mrs. Wmi. Huer, aiyrtle, on Augitb in themarriage ut their secon S daxngbter, Belle, lu Mr. E. T. Siemun, B. A.,Matbehmetical Master uf Oshawae Higb Sehool. The ceremouy was } erformed by Tlev.',V.A Bannerunder e beauti- nlly Secujeted evergreen arcb erected on the lawn, Miss Elle Huer, sister ufthte bride, wes bridesmaid,while the groom was assisteS by Mr L. Steveuson, B. A.. ut Perth. A large number oftss were presont, chiefly the immedjete triendsou the bride and ljridegooor. A fter ail baSdjet a very pleasant hour around the testai huer7,the happy couple lefi on th e evening trai for Tocontouen route to the Muiskoke Lakes wbere tbey will tomain e short ii p previonsly tu taking up rcsidelice in Oshew a. You cannot say that, yo i; have tried everything for your rheurnatisîn until you have taken Ayer's Pilîs. Hlundreds have been cured Oftthis cemnplaint by the use of these Pis alone. They were admitted onexhibition at the World's Fair as a. standard cathartie. BROOKLIX. Mir. Frenke Scott is home trou, the 015 Connty anS looks ail the better lorthIe trip... .Mr.Tbos. Wray, eged 87 yeacs,walked easily trom Brook- lin to Wbitby. six miles, lunl'au boute... Mn John Bray is nakiug turtber fimpruvements a- bout bis comtortahle home. If lhe oes not suon cease these improemn, we must arrest bim for hoe mnst not ho ad.-, ed to beave ail isni- bots in the shade ... he Templers' Garli perty et the residence ut Hon. John Dryden, Aug.17 wes a complote suc cees. Atiendence large anS al iborougbly enjoyed tbemsolves. Proeeds $36.36 .... .Mr. Chas. Allemns baS either a strokeofu paralysie or apnplexy. Bis wbole rigbl side îs powerlesessp to the shouldoer, anS the peculiar part i8 that white bis shoulder lelu lils naturel state the arm is poworless. A woman wlîo is weak,nervous and sleepless, and who bas coid hands and feet, canreut feel and act like a weii person. Carter's Iron Pis equalize the circulation,remove sîervousness,and give streng'th and rest. CAMBRAY. Meny.trieudse iaFenelon anS Vietoria oounty ofere pesned to leacu of thie Seeth uos l3ch Aug. utte vife ut Thompeon R.James,in bier tbirty- Sifth yeer, atter e paintul illuess ut six week3. Deceased wes a daughter of air. Jas Moure ut Ops,aeuSwes marrieS l5. She wesaecousist- ont mendfier ut the Methodisi cbnî'ch. Hec dis- position was geniel, and she was belovod by ail whô knew lber. The tunieral tuEiveceide Ceme- tacy wes very lacgely attended, Ilh' huri'il ser. vices beling'conducted by 11ev. J. A. aleKeuizie ut Cembray. The bereeved hushatnd anS four Young ebildren bave the deep sympathy ufthie entire comniunity in thoir afflctio.-Lindsay Watcbmen. The sorruwing husband is a neph- ew ut Mr. John James, Oshawa. Amas ifshuda aslete (Sigaed) JAMES CARROLL., Foreman et Works. Rideau Canal The fao- ius Ion Sold la Bownianx'ille by STOTT & JURY.- The Mason, Oo. AChane teaeei .....BY THE. New Preferential Duties A large consigninent of our Direct Importations are bhere and have corne to hand in the best possible condition. i'hese are opening ont to our entire satisfaction and bec of the new lower tarifi, the new prices of these are equ caw uattIy- Ise quers After Years of Failures With Other 1ledicines. Mrs. G. ll.Parker, of Winona, Ont., was for cigliteen years a complote mar- tyr to neuraigia, that cruel and merci- less tormenter et thousands of old and youpg in Canada, During lier long years of agony she liad tlie service of some of tlie best medicai men, and con- sumed any quantity of patent medicine, but ail failed to drive off the tyrant tliat was making lite a burdea. At last she %was persuaded to test the power and virtue et Paine's Celery Compound, and flie happy resuits that rewarded lier taith are described la the tollowing letter: 111 have been a great sufferer frein neuraigia for nearl1Y cigliteen years; these sufferings ut fîmes were se bad at urnes that words would tail te describe thein. Atter liavinu' tried every known remedy and differ'ent physîccans, and rcceiving ne help, I was pursuaded te tr ur Paine's Ceiery Compound, whchl have been using for flic past six months I amn happy te say that I amn now a different weman and cern- pleteiv cured. I can recommend your Paine's Celerv, Compousnd te ail my trieîîds, for if lias been worth hundreds ef dollars te me." COURTICE. Visitors: Mn. euS Mrs. Gilruy, Mt. Forest, anS Mrs. S. Tuoker, Toronto, et Mc. L. ai. Courcsce's; Mcs. PollenS, Picton, et Rev, Pr. Marvin's, Mrs. Jos, and Miss L. Pentounid, Tyrone, et Mr. J. F'. Brooks'.... .Mr Anson Pickell bas solS bis hDrse anS entire Sriving out-fSt tu Mc. AI. Moore. OTi-ERs FAIL-IT CURES ! DEAR, SiRs -FremIn 'my own experience I can con- fideutially say thaf Dr. Fowier's Ex- tract et Wild Strawberry possesses truc menit. If was the means et saviag my littie girl's litc last summer. She -vas teethiing and took violent diarrhoea. Dir. Fowler's Extract et Wild Strawbcrry cnred lier, and I f cci that I caiînot suy enough ia ifs tavor. MES. WILLIAM ARTHUOR, Teeterville, Ont. MAPLE GROVE. Visitors: Miss Jennie Cbick, Toronto, et aMr. S. C. Rundies; Mr.anS airs. John anS Miss Mev alcGre-oiF Hast \vbilby, et Mr.Thus. Snowdeln's Mr. enâ M'cs. Walter Tyler, Hesple, anS Miss J. C. Heyde, Berlin, et Mc*.%V.Foley's ; asters V/ill Orne anS Fred TufforS et Mr.G eu. Power's ...Mrs. S. Snowdon, sr., bas ld',mtii.. Master Loslie Snowden lias hoon iii, ...PDr. Mar- vin wiil lecture on Atice anSlits evangeiization next Snnday etterîîoon. A HINT FOR Youx MýoTHiER.-The wise mother prepares for the amazirsg number ut sinaller aches and pains tthat cause miscry in every tanîily bv keep- ing a fwentv-five cent bottie etf Trask 's Magnetie intmenf handy for use. It can't bie equalled la its soothing way et curing buras, cuts, car-ache, toothaclie, coras, chlublaias, hives, sore throat and rnany other worrying troubles. If is a vnlucd remedy used ln thousands et homies, because if is se easy te appiv and works ifs cures in such a pleasing and permanent manner. Dont wait tili you need if, but kecp some on lîand for emergencies.-Stotf & Jury. TYRONE. Mc. J. Saunders, ciller, bas typhoiS foyer anS Mr- Jas. Oke bas inflammation ut the brouchial tubes. Mastoc Bert. Creeper is elso alliitg Mr. Venstone lias sont Mc. Fred. Pickinson, miller, trucu Buwmanville so grising will proceed as usuel .. .. Visitors: Mr. Colin Hemiy, Pot't Hope; Mc. inS Mrs. Raid, St. Catherinies; Mr. anS Mis. T. T. Jardine, Oshawa; Mr. anS Mrs. Wesley Pbilp, Pickecing .. -Mc. euS Mrs. F. G Byamh visiteS bis father et Milbrook un Sebbatb... Fniday eveniuc"s League wes well attendeS. The subject, 'ffcaecs Ridley Bav erg il, a ahly dealt'wiih tn an essay h y Miss c ra M.s Brent, e quartette, Suai and solo from. Miss Havergal's socîgs; readlng ut Miss Havergal's 'Hight"bylaliss Mow'rey. 'VowereîîleaseeSto bave the presance uf t MiseE. CamupbellinanS Mc. C. Everetl Brown, Herfipton, un this veîy en- joyebie occasion ....air. Hailiton, eeepr ut Paris, Ont., took alsundre 81mlemsn u Is wheel in Ibis direction une day lest weok... Miss Joseihinie anS Mc. Ticos. Pentounud visiteS Bowmanville triends Sabbath. LooK OUr FOR GREEN FRUI.-The acute crarnps that are se agonizing te the sufferer frein choiera merbus can be insfantly rclieved by an application of Trask's-Magnetic Ointmenf. If pesses- ses wendertui heaiing preperfies, re ruoving storeness and inflammation et every kind. Keep a twenty-five cent bottie handy in the house, it may save you heuis et pain and a heavy dotor's bill. If is nef a new remedy, but a curative lubricant known and valued ail ever the world.-Stott & Jury. Two Perfpect Colors found only in Diamond Dyes. Perfection la celer or shade is sure to captivate the heurts et the ladies, whe are always unerring judgee. The luvely piak produced by flic Dia- meud Dyes is a discovcry that lias gladdencd flic bearf soet thousands. Coi.. Now is the tirne to hook around and see if youri fur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer, the Furrier,. is the man who - ean ido your work properly, cheap and guaranteed. The latest styles in ilats and Gents". always on hand. Furishiiigki Bring your furs early before the rush commences. Practical Furrier. M, MAYEF Cures Constipation, S îLQA N S Sick Ileadache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, ÎNÛ 1 A Clears the'Skin and The Ladies' Favorite Lftatiel O N I Ç aCompexion A Popillar lespeler Lady çXÉi Sheiiays :-I was trouble wtlco stipation for.maîîy years, lu fact it g my only enemy and was very distre.ýti 1 tried a great many pis and patiýi î in~edîcines but received no relief unl1 tried SLOAN S IN DIAN Tomie ; 1 i1ù ed me at once and effceted a cormp1( __ ' I have recommended it to a g -m -M many people and believe in vey , case it has gîven satisfaction. V: Jlery spring I procure it froinMr 1-)Phin, our druggist here, and thinký t an idetel blood purifier and system i t ilespeler, JeAy 5, '7 TRADE MARK. $1, 6 lof $5. AîîlJDIULOS ylOn l~l~ P. 0. IDIAWER t3, HIÂlILTON, CANAD)A. The SLOAN IIEDICINE CO1MPANY of Baffllton, successors to Burtelu Bros. &Co. SenS toý i ',lîttod 7ýook ut, lc ,m without it. C.ali and Paine's Celery CôMeound Con-1 important with the new styles. ü a Oa.205anid Paclragez of immense bulk and packed in a most thorough and s'ys- tematie manner as is the custom of the British exporters, have alreadv beeii opened out, disclosing the marvellous achievements of the leaders in the world's maniufacturing with'both B3ritish and foreign prDiductions represented. Dress Materials, Ribbons, Gloves, &c. from Frai.ce. Lacesand Lace Matertials from Switzerland. Niantles and fine Woolen Manufactures from Germany. Also the choicest productions of Austria, Italy, &c., well represented. But the British Manufacturers as they should take anunudoubted lead and are more than threq- quarters of the entire shipment--Scotch Tweeds, English Worstedg, and Linens lead the world for values. iEspecial interest is attached to this as being the first large lot passed at this port of entry under thp new preferen- tial tariff, it will certainly be very interesting to politicians and others to note tne difference, being positive reductions in prices. In the following liues the -reductions are more decidedly noticeable-Scotch and EnLish Tweeds, Black and Colored Worsted Coatings, Cashmieres and SergesTable in eus, Towels and Toweling, Gloves, Rosiery, Ilibbons, Laces, Lace Curtains, llandkerchiefs (the values in these are a surprise even to ourselves), Velvets apd Velveteens, Wools and Yarns and Shawls, We are extremely busy just 110w getting these goods marked off and ready for your inspection and we féel confi- dent that our customers when they do inspect these new goods at the new prices will be highly pleased. Our future advertisements will give further particulars. -The MSO.Ce wwqwqwwqw. e r

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