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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 1

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TERMS :-$1.50 PEn AINum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD ÂFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Peoprietor. Nrw SERiES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO, WEDNEý1,'SDAY, SEP.TEMBER. 8, 1897. VOLUME XLIII. No. 37. ~~wr. ENGLISR LETTER. ~ houses which are now seen on every VEY EIBL IOU . --hand. The height of the sea- À E.RLIBE O I. SeSCI'lY ISLES 40 YEARS AGO AND iNOW. son for flowers is over by the mniddle of We take more than ordinary pleasure No.4 March after wbîch these bot houses are in asking our readers to note carefully 14.'R 'TATSMAý-iWil no tr toplanted full of tomatoes which mature what Messrs. Couch, Jolinston & Cry- ofA STthesMhaN.- eil ntry tio in June and July and are sent te the derman have to say on the first page of ~ flfii ry romse o gveyou a further English markets where they inake a this paper. While they advertise freelv 'h T i i R 1W descimpti o hages in h io-oood price as bigli as ight perce a and are firm beliovors in printors' ink, I1,~u~ 11(1TT flVI'flflfl sse (ingth lstfrty.yeundforbing realized for the earliest. set they have not built up thoir business I.. II u mgii~am i uru ui~uu noe ~rememiber this is the e of Walter o1hse houses are ail covered wîth glass by sensational advortising. The, believe uiuoeuao~iueooen.uoeuBeant "rmoelof the Lionsse "-but and range from 60 te 800 foot in length in letting the public know thronogh the ~VL C __ <jchiflceuinlgmsei teStMarins 2y8feet in:wicth, and ae heated by local papers what they have and what natveisan, utw1hat applies te it six steam pipes passing tbrough the tbey are doing. but. they aieawy eqal truth, 1 am oround the ontire length, the bolier at careful te see that they' have ail and told tGalltiL üters 1 eferedto ne nd r i th sie. omefarersmore than ail than tlhey advertise aud mai (ý)iiietîos wththe main land have as many as three or four ef these tbat they do ah aud more than ail which from P( t Scilly bing ch iehuses wbich they have buiit at thoir they dla imite do for thoeir patrons. by steown cost thougli they arepouiy yearly-For some yoars past they have been T hr~.bPTi5 ayoie eneson the lad hah t cu.' he leargest importers of high-casdry T ' 30 tot ii;'ts n ea ehbriphiaugr80teexpenditure ivihon I teli yent the esti- financial standing of th'e firm enables tri)p(rý :, tey re aled avng hemated cost of a bot bouse equipped is thema te bny ail kinds of goods wbether trîpersas heyarecaled avlg teoee pound- sterling per foot. Some foreign or domestic at the verv closet ~ rveeeof stayîugover Sunday and single farmers employ as many as fine prices. Tbey are now busily eugaged ~ eurigon Mouday at the siugle fare or ten mon during the whole year te in oponiug ont their new imiportations ~Y'ofseo shillings ad six pence. In attend te the fiowers and toînatees, net and wben complote our readers will be nd exten iveryoth a lozeflpassellgers was con- including the arry of *wornenand pesd ~tersokti ws!i aot w200 perskos each sumer te tic the fiowers in bunchles. I will sas' particulari lun dress geods, ladies' A nd OSt eaal bt waeeer non o o e more at prosent but allow your read- mantles, e otbs, carpots, curtains and Sfor)y. Thon fifty~ persons could scarcely ors te judge if 1 have net made geod mou 's and boys' overcoats. le find a(uoimodatioii, flow their is found that h cags lu Scilly equalled those Odrdcobn a lasbe a ~~~~~~~~~o litie difflcnlty te accoinodate the of Darlingtou iin the last 40 years. Odrdcohn a lasbe D ea.lers lu above referred tee, lhuhF«. LI pcat i hendfryrshy * iny hoornfss on Sea, omeforL.oELfi, g hvedo nda r sth iland oas theyg Entertalumeut fr oisiters inntose past 189..est 'ordered clothiug trade lu West R 1 ý',tejtaimcit fr viitos i thse astDurham. Thoeowlso fail te got suiteci dm swu dî t e hoa very primitive char- elsewlîere eau alway depend upon R I II G A SaRYG O Dain public b piat o-uses;Bte iap onflnsg:ttinig satisfaction by ieaxing their pr h itl co o ai n ivev orders at Messrs. Couch, Johnston d, tonghinsuficentand riva .,Cryvderman's, as ever garment turned much aftut ofdtheir'establis ment is net Orly IN WEST DURHAM. for ' a remnuerative business te wl cnt but is maen pbihem, 0any of the inhabitants. expert and skiliful workinen'. IEN we make this statement we mean exactly what we say, lu , Mart ins, when I left, the bouses Te lohv nsokafn ag ~Vtatfin te fnet soc ofDrss oosthe 4i~ were tha.tchiroofed, with few exceptions, And Family Grief 'chat can of staple goods such as linens, fiannels, W ne thtoc f is' oats, inthe finest s tock ofCa resG d Cur tains tere is fliot a thatch roofed bouse tickings, shirtings, cottonades and finest tock o LadieWCoatsthe insstc ofCre ad utislis ie, u goodl stone stables with be Avoided. flanuelettes, al cf wbich are sold at the tp and the choicest stock of general Dry Goods carried by any flouse inlftanterefbveakntepceeyIostriscnitetwh INi, ndw aejutoee ottecntnsooc.r~o f the(bachroercd uts (crows) of business safety. Bovmavl,an ehv utoee ou th cotnsosors f formrer da\ s in %vitich few native cattie-- We migbt also sa.y thiat the Lenefit of cass o Ne Foeig au Doestic Goods, such as Dress Goo Is and~ y wereý cofined duriug the wettest uights thîcir long experience and undonbtod Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Coats, Silks ai-d Velvets, Cloths and Wor- o winluhdowellng ouesa cPal ne's Celery Compound Bngkowdecftery gostaei I ..widepndwndwbstken the place its branches is always placed a t the dis- nnlte and Linens of ail kinds. Carpets direct ~ A of thf oalenartimight. The haro Health, Joy and Hpies posai of their customers. AIl goods are from JohlaneCrs lay& n f aia.Ençgland. s-,, sof den imes a eowcarpeted rrsoid fer iust exaetly wbit tihev really of Jh rsse oi,4 fH lfx, ýad nabitons as Ii -UIIplaces are, uothing being rnîsrepresented for -~ - - Q D~R~D CL TJ-IING m ade or cfbtkitceus ba long hethe sake of making a sale. AI] v-Oitors sadd lo o h ktheshs ogte Bowmanville Fair next w sl hould OROE ED LOTH NG.since bee(n a tbing of the past,, the Ïýou are willing te confess, po suif- mnako it a peint te cail and inspect the Isaseilywith us, we guarantee that every garmient shall be, not 5 painteci eloth takiug its place; the open erer, tOut yoaen ,, périvdiýdsla fspebadelgn oods ~, grate cf the kitchen is obsolete and hv eî itrvds ipa fsrb an elesss oac nt onlya pefec fitbut o b as ell rimmcd nd a wel mae asany ~ ragesor slabs- are usod in their stead; appoiuted with past efforts, and that in now showing- yMsr oci eM 'nl apefet itbu t b a wlltrmmd ndaswel ad a a J..fe p ar ierflos oc ctd haf yeur estimation yeur future scems dark ston & Crydvrniaî. City Clothing and-. at mucli lower pie. epn asare now covered with car-an g1oîn. ust WonDeROtIv av ht- a v i)eSis p ets the nst modern fashien and the Yen and your friends alene are te 1ms oetvsa htIhv re As to values ail we ask is that you comipare our goods and prices N ' frniur of the rocîn has kept pacebiame if disoase is tightening its chains vour valuable medicine B B. .foth wit thseof ny lose n Cnaa ad e sah e atifle wth hewiîth1tlý advauce of the rest. The var around yen, makiug voiu a sure captive disease calied prairie itchi, and bave wit thse f ay Husein anaa ad w shll e stisiedwit th li."Ions l-er aving machines, are fast for the dark and dreae gae found this remcdy te Le, the wonder of resit.~ bcomn~ emmn l te iies seing Yenkoe awif orhnsandin e~ r-the age. I toek oeuh tbr(ee bottles and, Cou hJohnson & Cry err a ma c s wsbngimacheies &cInui-ianxioukety, a fle- o uând iug osor yente my great satisfci u~coiînpieýtely 4e. ~~j h son & r d rm n ! cal i ot feeykn r ewt eru ysadams rkacured, I ca .n hgby e ou 1t hou ur r ýre Th be, icycle is qite the0( eart? hy cause ýyeur chiidreu'sveices ail wbesuiferifrom an qs n disease o * k owid he u býiquitous Y ank e and ga m e )te o disirga rde'i(d and cast lla t P ortaýge, O t paient imoi, 1man,ba madebisf aside-,? Tbey- certaiuly cannet eujoy MARKE~T JOTTINGS. Set% deut1b- erectinkg bis windmills 'for life wben they sec a father or inether 'Mttheuîpn of water te the bot lieuses in the agonies of suffering and deep in Cmedeaariiget mnd Î11 ---r_11- for tl'e supit,,plying of steam and watering mental despair. the 1)1aI o a change thene by cbang- Wheat stihi sbovs s upward tenîdency. TO c sty le of dress is net permittod te ina- and betteriug yonr- physical ceudi- Canadiaiî bacon is in good deînaud lu p ag b)eindal.nd the ladies cf St.Martins tion. lu other words, yen can hoc ured Engiand Ilwilh vinl appearance lu churclh ou and made well again by the use cf Cattie shipments bave-bocn harger te, ee--ylon T ea. * a Sundav th-those cf auv country Paiue's Ceher-Y Compound." date tbui ast year. vilageof 'anda.The sou' wester, Your efforts, Up to tOe present, te FaIl ti'ddo givos promise cf a big lutes asfP ce Teas one sometimes hesitates once t 1he uiniversal woar lu rcugh and throw off thoeucnircling and doadly inecase ever hast year . In thes days o Pacwe weat her by the mon is now1 about bonds of disoase have been vain and Quebec Pr-ovince as a wbole will only Ksno tera Oeyln you wll maenofmistake. it s f J docade and if used on boar-d a boat futile. Your doctor's wehi meaning average baif a liuy crcp. cressingý- from isiand te islaud their l5wr Osnt enprdcivenfcoo- There is a fuir-lygeod demand for the la e n retet uccess fr te nar tTakBendItino-aIwy ý ine cioth cap carried inntheiuoe reuitsdaîd von aeawastig mone es i te rtopockeenin, t te wear on goinpg ashore, for on medicines that eau nover meet your basadpie r im Purit St nd rea esuthadcevr utu&&_r IfbI iIr ~ wo el o enwlkigtbe streots cs A petato famine is predîcted cwing to combinng Puit, Sr gth nd lavr. Putup n r- ll.wiha pou' westor on, net a St. Martin the r-ct. Doîî't wcrry--îîet se. Led acags f - b ndi b acin black and boy ue(,,auy young Scillian. But we 9Boiug assured of uebe dhealth and hife cannotiuve ackaatiofgb.aWhat lbfareby the use of Paino's Celery Compound, Shpesd iteodrpng$te5 black and green mixed aud sold at 25c, 40c aud 50c per Tech'!stad afs loyt!xpct Compare notes with yeni are sinning against heavon and a head on cattie oxported uow. Tha ihat yerend Theesbroln\,oafvdurino' f alse te your family and friends if Yo'u Pears, pinms and tematees are being pound. rote reey sowntoailsof woe wTh be brewad urna'refuse te make trial of the great agency sbipped ,tc Euglatid lu cohd sterage. rout frelyshousodail t he tefai îthh e brew n hay that bas saveci thousands ln the past. Incomprebleusible to the cognescenti who cal onl bas dlisappoamed entirely aîîd foever, Paine's Coiory Compouiid is tho the market fer cheese continues strong. and tbeW white loaf usnrps its place-a grandost disoaso banisher that medical Experts cf cattie and sbeep to Britain Yu n g &C o Mn S ~fort-ir tablgo e place of a native science ever devised, and bas the indor- last wveek 47,16 and 45à7 head respective- offle ai1ad hehnsw ein manv satien Of our hest doctors, lawvers, Iv andge a acageau yo wll e onvncd o is speiorficases, 4s iu Canada, ne lonut prepares public Mou, merchants and others. Its- Confidence Oas been estabiisbed in ifr tbker hersoîfbu imports it cnrîng powers are wonderful, promptCada'fureadbtrtieae an e acaeadyu ilb ovicdo a spro rn tih iklngofa Shep r two t TY NE.seve utmilli n dllars r ti c are OurGrcey udCrokey tok s om"ôe. We Wedo otdam helag- aresliedte uris te ab en-anadi this forv.r r,,.nend C es. bLul"qc vvali ui-V vv Utise afte heetnibmchi ialked cf ' fJeast o cf OT SEWO EN H LR ~~ h' MM ~~reason and flow of soul" The absence of ire TOEWOSEDTELR evI cl Irwihu ex-M fourilis of Powmanville Quartette was scareely EST NUMBES,0F Il ~II Uperceptable in tlie clicice vocal selecttoni by i i e Cetinweut awav agh is msetta James, iuxhhe l c-oper n Il H E .UuM of miss Riendren cf Peterisoro. and miss Tllley as wil beplase wîh easd ithourgods udace npanist ItevW 1-1Adamis, Orono, more than surprised at the Most lrtifigng d dsfigring cf iuîcbîng, lait issue as closely as lits lsm!îied trne îiermittedn whatyoubuy romus vWe nvit bunirg scly sin:d sclp umor isin-showinguls the respective mmiii o' tuee motli-L and v~~~alues shown. Weivt u BayknantiSaphsosil erlanti ant ou'- belcved CanaZlin a most happy-.M our goodsprcs1hi1o1ae--tvsiedoi uaA .P, a Sinigle application cf CUTTICURA ',amptonmetaissed some well pmîerved miS Sf( sui al cases toe o chl whthr o c iruttgeua skvn ureaafullbdose lastly iev J J Rae, Bowmansvilo (sorry lie iS suitallclases stre o cllwheheryou -fgretes ofblod Dt àTyrone boy toc) gave ass add -cil ous mak- wis t by r ot yuri ù'fi r ad humor cures, wheu ail else fails, ing a succescf liS e, withoct a doutdeserved a ishto uy r otyouaa doser heaisîg Ont imparfial opîiion of thse welcme.Grocrs'ue blla latter gentleman's remais may be vico d in elcome. Grocers' due oig b"Tho has iVI. D WILLA1VIS SON.wkne ticash tiCUl'__or__the lInLo1gJ cf veyûancieqst criilss'Tcaou.has INatio-1 naAstlem and isenet 'ction oy tise pas- tor broug-lt a vemy pîcasant gathesisug to a close BOWMANVILLE. Furnture Dealer and Undertaker. S. W. Mason &.Son. %. te Proceedi aboutSic;ý' net Ask ;ur grocers for particulars 18 told glýougt the world. POI'TtnlDriuiic;,irx.. Undertaldng always rewo ves prompt unï personal attention d i st door East of Standard Bank, jbow CO? ll f ost. _CowhduxSaltiiheum," free. Nomway Pn'qe Syrup eu res couglis. or drop a post-card te or niglat. manville. FAJPI$$OHAIR Norway Piiaa Eyiipces the ngsil: LEVERIHR08, 1IMIIOC, 23 Saaht S8Lo10310

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