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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 2

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WEE$JAX, SEPT 81897. 1 RmsrBS.et, SOLICITOR, &a. MOPIUS I>BLCK, pitirs, Kinx Street. Bowian- MU. Sal4clor forthe Ontari iBank 8 1 1tate O NQUOS loaned aet he iowast rates ROBT. YOUING, V. 9. OFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM O ews Block. where himself or assistant will lie foind froin 8a.ni. to 9 p.m. Nlght cal t resitlance,directlyopposite Drii Shed. Celle Y telegraph or telephone will recaive prompt tentiez 171.yr RU. PTE, Tailor Gentlemen's ClothezmMade ta Orderi J -.ýlB1IMlACOMBE DENTIST. OTFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higgiubotham & Son's JJrug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE DENT I STY. C, J-ARNDEN, L. Oradne ef the Royal Ceilege Surgeons. Ontario. E OPPOSITE EXPRESS VITALIZEI) AIR& D. S. ef Dental OFFICIL , New Tailor Shop The undersiRned wbe hes been carrylng ou tse tuoig businss u -"neiOn wltb ýXesn' Dy eoisStore fes e "onunm"ber of years kas commenced business for himself et lits reàidence, King Sl.,wet. wbera ha is prapared te ipake geais' and boys' suitesi l h e latesi tls.and t lowel prices. For tboee who Ir, k 0 erdar suite, ha wll carry a full lina cf. amples InehIthe nawest patteras. Gitre hlm J. T. A L N Fashionable Tilor MONEY TO LOAN. $100,000. A large sum of monay bas beez piaead lu my h~sr's y aprree poronfor larestment. on ~Wî'brd ban on frm sec"urity for a e irrnof VIv orTENyeasVEsAND ONE H4LF PER ~~~~~b lu neet ilh sked payable yearly, lsfcîoy cndiions fer reayment will be arrlngD. Ê. SIMPSON. Solicitor, Bowmanvt'leo. Datad Oct. lst,94.i 1-tf. FR EAK EYES. A Girl Wh40 lias thse Inige or a DoltIn tise il lîof Eachl ye. Esm, Bye.rs, a fitteon-yeer-ofLd girl, wlhO liveu at Cincinnati, 'bas in the ptupU ofeach ey'e the perfect image o a fnifly dressd dol, This freak of nature lasaaribed. te 'parentaIlu- fluence. Sllortly befere Emma's birth ber méither saw a number ef dellsin thbe wiutlow ot a &hop, and, heing et- tracted by them, she stopped ever>' tiare any errand brolught her that way and spent aine urne loeking at thie play- Th» desl baby images were visible et Emma's birtia and hava rernained siinehanged ever since. Their presonce lu bar eyes seems to hava net the slightest affect upotn ber vision. Rer e.yes axe perticxofarly stroing and have neyer given ber an>' trouble. They have basa exaineud b>'a number et oculis, wbs: have given long scentitie descrip- tions, et tibE5 plaenenon. but make ne effort toeaxplein it. "A, defect in, nature.,"' la tûle hst ex- pl&nation et wbiy ibis girl, when she "~ka et a.n object, bas reflected on the fPlOfhem' eyes net that objeet, but bn mgeof a fui>' ydrssed doli. Ever mncehe was bhem Emma has eiirected nxuch atten.tion. When she wes a baby n2ueuma managers tried. te get ber in thor shows an d scientiste sought te ex- amne her eyes. Of Jte she bas net had au much nattorbety. The deteot ira the eyes is nt a dis- f iguremnrt; indeed, it weuld net ha no- ticed hy the casullObserver, lthougb etarly te bo seen on caraful examina- tien. Emma. la a pr6tty ittlo girl. rathler prontd et the attention aime et- POWEll 0F THE HEIAR.T. *The hunian heurtisl practicaîlly a force Vuntp about six incies la ength and four incises in diameter. It beats seven-~ ty tiiets per minute, 4,200 times par heur, 100,800 tiomee par day, and 36,792,- î000 t1.nes per yaar, and 2,575,440000- Vay two thousaad. tire bundred and fsar- enty-f ire millions tour huadrad and fer-. ty thousasi-tiuein lasevent>' yea.ra, Which la - mealns appointed three score years and ton." At each et thesa beats. it forces 2 1-2 ounces et blood tlrough thre systent, 175 ouncas per minute, 656 1-4 peunds pex heur, or 7.03 tous ?er eay.Ail thre blood ia iha body, which labut tbirty pounds passes threugb tiie heart every thraa minutes. This lit- tie organ pumps over>' day what is equal te, lifting 122 toas oeo£fot high, Or Oe ton 122 f eet igh-tbat is, oe ton t» tise top ot a tonty-yard mill oimney. During the savent>' yaars ot e nan's lits tis marrelous lutile PUntp, witirout a single merent's rest, night or day, disciarges the onormous quan- Uity ofi 178,850 tons et hunian bloed. THE ~PIYIIBIL BODY& ALSO A SUBJECT 0F' GOD'S C ARE, WHOSE TEMPLE IT IS. Wisy Iartisi>' Fiyietans Cauld Nit Cre tise Gant of a Klug - Tise ÂImlgisty la the tRealm afledletna-Fhe Frise boctar IllesseiL On Sunda> Rer. Dr. Talmae's text waa IL. Chronicles zyl., 12. la: "And iAsa, ln thre thiri>' and ais hyaar ot him reiga, was diseaed in bis fet until bis disease waas exceoding great; etnbi diseaso ha sought aut to tho odE u te, the physicians. And Asa slept wltb bis fethers." la my text la King Asa witb tho gout. 11gb living and no exarcise haro riiiated bis blood.ad rny texi presanis hlma with bis inflamed and bandagad fot on an ottoman. Ia dotiencaet GoS whom ise bateS, ho sends for certain conjurors or quacks. Tha>' cerne anS giro himaila sorts of lotions and pana- cees.. The>' bleed him. Tha>' sweet birn. The>' manipulate hlm. Tha>' blister im. Tise>' poultice hlm. The>' scerif>'hlm. The>' drug bim. The>' eut him. Tha>' kill hiar. Ho was only e Younag man, and baS a disease wbich, tisOugh rT> painful, sldom provesi fatal te e Young man, and ha ougimi te have gel wall, but ho f llaile ictirn te eherlataur>' aud e.mpirioism. "And Asa in the thirt>' and nia lb year et bis raign wes diseased la bis fot until his iseese was exceedingl>' greei >Yeti in bis diseaso hia seugist not te the Lord but te the physiciens. AnS Asa siepi w itis bis fatisers," That la, tise docters killeS hlm., 1 In l iis sharp and graphie wl>' the Bible sets forth tho truth thai >'ou have ne0 right te shut God eut trenthtie realm of pharmacy and therapauties. If Asa bad saîd: "O, Lord, 1 arn sick. Blesthe inistrumentalit>' employa5 for my recovey.r"",Now, servant, go and gai thebe hst dotor you cen fin"- ha wiould have recovered. Ia othar words, the world wauts divinel>' direct- ad physiciaus. There are a great mati> sncb. The diplornas they ïeceivedfrom the academies, of medicine wero noih- ing compared wvitb the diplomas tise>' receivad truns the Head Physician ot tbe universe on the day when the>' siarted oui andHo baS said to tharn» "Go beni tbe sick, 'and casi out tha devils ot pain, and open the blind eyas, and unstop the dent cars." God blass the doctors ail the world ovar, anS let ail the hospitals and dispensaries and infirmarios and asylums aud domestie cielas of the eartil respunid, "Amen." Mca of tire medicai profession wo et ton mcctinl the homeofo distress. We shake bande across tue cradie of egoaizcd infancy. We join aach otiser ini an aitempt tu solaco where tise paroxysm of grief dcmauds au anodyna as well as a praper. We büoit- into ecbh otirer's sympatbetic faces tbrougb tise dusk- as thbe night ot deathis i aling la tise sick ruom. We de not hava te limb over an>' brner to-day ln or- dcr te greet each othor, for our pro- fessions are in funlsympathy. Yuu, dou- 1er, are our tirat and lest erill> friand. You stand at tise gaies ut lite whent we enter tisis world and yen stand et tbe galas of dcath when we go out et it. ln the ciosing moments of our earthJyý existence wisea the bsand ofthtie wif e, or mother, or sister, or daughtar, shahl bold our rigbt band, il wiil give strengtlb to >unr dying Mo- ments if woe au feel the tips of 'yuur fingers along tihe pulse ot the lef i wrist. Wa de not meet ioý-da>' as on ther deys, in bouses of disiress, but b>' the pleesant altars of Gýod, and I propose e sermon utfielpfulness and guod cheer. As in tise aursery' childraa sometîmes re-enaci ailtise scenes ofthie sick roem, so to-day youpia>' that you are the patient and thai 1 am the physicien, and take my prescription jusi once. If shah han a fonlce, a se- dative, a dietetie, a disinfectant, e stimulus ad an adyue et the ase tinte. 'Is tiera net balr n l Gilead? le tisare net a physicien tbera'f" Ia tise tirai Place, I think ail the medical profession ishould becoeo Chris- tiens hecause et the debt of gratitude tise>' owe te God for the honor Ha bas put upon tiar celling. No other celing ilaaeh thea wonid, exceptitil h thai eftihe Christian minister, bas received se great an bonor as yeurs. Christ fimseit n as not uni>' preactiar, but pisysîciali, surgeon, aurist, ophihel- molugisi. and untier tics igni>'puwver1 optileand auditor>' nerve ihnlled -ith ligt and sound, and catalepsy arose fron t ls fit. eud the club foot was siraigbtened aud an'-hylosis weut ont ut the stcffoued tendons, euS the fuaning mania-,hera ipa 'id as e chilS, and the sireets of Jerusaboîn ba- cante an extampurized isospital crowd- aS witb convalescent vîctims ot cas- nalit>' end invehidism. Ail agas bave1 woven the garland for tisa Setiers1 brow. Honter said: as you begin te use Ayer's tiraAmreican Revpýutcun ii eijcomed Drs. Mercar anS Warren anS Bush. Wben tise Frenchis art>' was entirel>' demoralizeti et fear et the plegnou., the leaSinlg surgeon ofthtia art>' inocu- lated iiseîf wltis the plegue te show tirssoldi6ns there was nu contagion in it and their courage rosa, end tho>' want un te cent liai. God bas iseaored this profession ail tise wey tisrougb. Oh, tise adrencernont f rom tise de>' wben Hippocrates trîed te aura tise greast Pendces witb iseilehore ad flaseed poultices down te fer later co-nturies wben Haller ennounced tise theor>' et respiration and Harvey the çirculation et tise blood, and Ascoli tise uses et the lympatisetie rassois, and Jenner baliseS 1tise worst discaso ibat ever scourged Europe, anS Sydenham devaluped tise rocuperateve forces oftttire physical or- ganîsm, n inieabark steupped the sinng ague of the woriLi, and Sir Asihe>' Cooper, and Aharnethiy, and Hoseck, and Romeyn, and Grcsconm. and Valentine Ymtt of the genaration jusi past honored GoS and fenghb ack deatir witis tieir keen scalpels. If we who are laymen iu medicine weulLS understand what tisa madical profession hue accemplilaod, for the in- sane, lai uo look inte the dungeens wiscre tise poor creatures used te ha in- careerated. Medmen cisained naked te tise Wall. A kennel ot rottan str aw tisir euh>' sleeping place. Room unentllaed and u.nighted. The werst caemit>' et the race pumiised with tisae ostput- lirmnent. AnS thon corne te looisaitisae inlsane asyJjjs et Utica anS Kirkbride -a faedS anS pictured, libraried, con- rt& Rtiihail tise arts and adora- Mmnts cornete coax recreant reason te assuma hemeribrono. Look et EdwarS Jenner, the great here et mredicineý Four hundred ihousand pLop .oi annuel- 1>' dying la Europe trot smallpeox, Jan- uer find^ ihat b>'tisa inoclat,'iOn et People with vaccine f rom aG.cOw the great scoirgeofe nations ma> 'uha errat- ed. The mninilser ofthtie gospel denOuJic- teSd 'vacinnîlen ; srnll wits cerlicetur- ed Edward Jenner as riding la a great Procession on tise back etfacOWantd grave mon expressad it as their opin- ion that aIl the Sisesof et h brute crea lien woui. d hatransplanted mt) lime irlman famil>', and ihe>' gare in- stances wirere, tisey said, eptue'li' hoTus isad corne out et the forahêa4l-s et in- nocent peinons, anS people bÉLaSbagua tO C116- the ceuS! But Dr. jetner,the haro etf-medicinas, wenî on fighting for vaccination untilIl b as been asti- mateS that oeedoter i50 -,-ars bas 8aved more lires tisan ahi tise batiles et anu>'eecentury destroyati 1 P'assing aj..g the steets et Edin- bIrgh a few weeks atter thleaisetf Sr James Y. Simpson, I saw tqje photo- graph ef tire dctor lu al i be wiudows et the sisopa and stores, and WOill migisi ihat Photograph Ira put ti over>' wii- dow, fr ie hofirsit seS clroterin as an auaestheîic agent. In othor da-ys the>' tried to dull human pain b>' the bhas- hees'h ef the Arabs anS tho mad,,reperoe et the Roman anS tisa Greek. Bn it wa-3 lolti te Dr. James Simpsýc of0in- troduco ch'oroiorm as au auaesthOtie, Alus for the wxrithiug subjeciS et-'ý sur- ger-y lu ther centurreý.s! Biosbc hoGoS for that wet sponge or vial. lu tise ish.ti{ oftthEý oprating sturgeon la the cittii- cal deparimelt ofthtie mediai cilege, or ru the ickroom etftise domastie cir- cie, or on tise battletcold amiS thon-' ands> et amputations. Napoleen atter e u:tatle roda along the lino and saw under a tree, stand- ing lu.tise snowx, Larre>', tise svtigeon, operating upon tise wouudad,ý Napoleon J passeS on anS 24 heurs aftarward came along tha saine place, and hoý saw the 'lame surgeon operating ilutise saie Place, and is habaSnet lofttif Ala for tire battiefields witsouttsooet But 1101vtisa soldier ïboy tk5afew breeths frea tise spougO ant ,egets ail tise pangs etftisaguishot ufractu rad while the !surge0us of lifiLSU1, bespý 1 I1t al are standing around im ho ies>tiser dreamuîngl et home anS mLothoT- anS heven. No more parant,ý5s stand(ingi ai'ounti at.sutfering child. struggling ýto gel nway trear tise sharp instn_1fl2ni, but milS sinarber cstead uet excCa- tien, anS the child wakes up anS says: "Father, wha t'a tise mattot , 'f Whai s thre decior haro teo-day for'", Oh, blesseS hai GoS for James Y. Simpson1 anS lima isaven Sascnded mercias et chieorotorrn. The modical. profession stops ie otho tieurtroOm and af ton coafictitig wll- nlesses haro loftiovryliig lu e fog, b>' cnomicai analyses shows tise guilt Or innocence et the priser. as b>' mnaihematteal demesiratieni, thlus dd- 1119 honoirs te medicajurisprudence. Tis profession bas doue -wonders for1 publie hygiena iD ýý>tfnjjeýy haro stoed hetween ibisnation anS Asietie choera, and tise yellew leerf1 Theo montaMmnts su GraenWOo)d M2( Menai Auburn and Laure!l Bi. tell somotiring of the iistory ofet tose mon who stood face teface with pettilence in southern cilles, unil], staggering in tirir owen sicimness, lime>' tumbled ecreaýs tisa1 corpses oftihese whom tise>' iad cee te sure. Tis profession has beau the4 SUOcesatul eadrecataetfventilation, sew- orage, dreinage anti fumi.gationi, until tiser sontimients weli,, expressed tise Englisir nation at tise telle e. test imed beau proclainedt t keep off e great pestilence. "Cleaji your atreala o r Sealis wil.h ravage, notWithsteun(,ig ail tise prayers ef this nation. Cileen yeul strecis, andI thon eal on God for islp." See what tb" profession bas doue for isuman lengevil>'. Thora wes s -ucisa feerful subîracLion fretijumin lita that thare was a prospect tisaIt with- in e few ceu.tunie-,s ibis wonltl muai hae cumulatad visdom uti tue ages trot AeSCUiapiUs devin te lasist (eaks au-1 tops>'. In une dispensar>' m lu euyear 150,000 pres ýrtptious vÀ r0ueS.Why de 1 show yeu wisat Gld as alloweS ibis profession te deo'f Is ihte stir up yonr vaut>' Oh, neo'Lhe daty bas gene b>' for puoios -dectors., wîtih con- CllIdren Cry fer The Famous lOleveland Has no equal, it is m ade in one of the best equippecd factories in the world under the most thorough in- spection known. Prîcos are stîli $100 alld $75. -- HI. A. Lozîer & Co., Toronlto, Agents: --- MASON & DALE, BOWMANVILLE. spicuous goid-Leaded canes and pow- dered wigs, which vere tiie accompani- ment lu the days wb eu the barber used to carry throuigh thre streets of Lon, don Dr. Brocltelsby's wig, to the admir., ation and awe of the people, saying- "MALke way. Here cornes Dr. Brockel.. sby's wig." No, 1. anneunce these things not only te increase the appreciation tif laymen in regard to the work of physicians, but to stir in tha hearts of the men of the meclical. profession a feeling of gratitude te God that they have bean allowad to put their hand to snob. a magnificent work and that tbey have been called into snob illus- trious company. Hlave you neyer felt a spirit of gratitude for this opportuni- ty f Do you not fee]. thankful now? Theni, I arn afraid, docter, yen are not a Christian, and that the old proverb whicb Christ quoted in His sermon may ba appropriate te, yo'u, 'Thysician, heal tbslf' Anuther reason why I1 thiuk the med- ical profession ouglit to be Christians is because there are s0 many trials and annoyances in that profession that neod positive Christian solaco. I know you have the gratitude of a great mnany guod people, and 1 kuoxw t must be a grand thing to walk intelligentlY tbrough the avenuess of human lite and with anatomie skil poise yourself on tha narves and fibres which cross and recross this wonderful physical system. e3 supposa a skilled eye can ses more beauty cran in malformation than an architeet can point eut in any of his structures, though it be the very triumph ot arch' and plinth and abacus. But how many annoyanees and trials the medical profession have! Dr. Rush used to Say, in his valedie- tory addresses to the s4tudents of the medicai collage: "Young gentlemen, have two poekets, a small and a big Pooket; a smail peeket in which te put your fees, a large pochket in which to put your annoyaneces' In the f irat place, the physician bas no Sabbath. (Busy marchants and l.aw-. yers and mechanies cannot afford to ha sick during the secular week, and se they nurse themsalvas along with lez- enges sud horahound eandy, and thon say: '-I must have a doctor." And 'bat spoils the Sabbath morning chureli service for the physician. Besides that thora are a great maay men who dine but once a week with their familles. During the secular days they take e hasty lunch at the restaurant, and on the Sabbath tbey make up for their s ýix days' abstinence b>' especial gor- mantlizing, which before aight makes their amazed digestive organs cry eut for a doctor. LAndi that spoils tbe aven- ing church service fo-r the physician. Then tliey are annoyed by people coming too laie. Mca wait until the lasi fortress of physical strengtb is taken and death bas dug around it the trenh of the grava, and thon thay run for the doctor. The slight fevar whicb might have beau eured witb a footbath bas hecome virulent typhus,, and the hackiag cougb killing pneu- monia. As thQugh a captain sbould sink bis ship off Amagansett, and then put ashora in a yawl and thon corne te Naw York te a marine office and want to get bis vessel insured. Too late for the shîp. Too late fer the patient. .Agaiu, the medical profession ought to ho Christiaus, because there are pro- fassionai exigancies when the>' need God. Asa's destruction by unb].assed physicians was a warniug.- Thora ara awful crises in every medical practice when a doctor ought te know how to pray. Ail the bosis of ilus will seloa- timas huri themselves on the weak points of the physicial organismt, or with equal ferocity will assauli the en- tire lina of suscaptibility to suffering. l'ho naxi dose of medicine will decîda whather or not the happy home shahi be broken up. Shah I t bha this medicine or that madicina ?'j God help the docter. Between1 the tire drops and the ten drops ma>' be the question of if e or death. Shahl it ba the five or ton dropsi1Be careful bow you lput that knife tbrougli those dalicato portions of the body, for if it swing out of the way the sjxth part of an inch the patient perishes. limier sucb circUMstauces a physician neads not se Much consultation w'itb mon of bis owIl calling as ha needa consultation with ihat God wbu strung the narres and built the celîs aud swuug the crimson tide tbrough the arieries. You wondar why the beart throbs-why it soems to Open-and shut. Thera is no wondar about it. It is God's hand shuttsng, 1)enng, sbutting, opaning, on ever>' haart. When a man comas to doctor the oye, ha ought to ha in comnmunica- tion witb Hlm wbo said to the blind, 'Receive thy sight," Wben a doctor come.s to treat a paralytie arm, he ought to be in communication witbHuIlm Who said, "Stratch forth thy hand, and h. stratcbed it forth."1 Whan a man cornes to doctor a bad case et bemmor- bage, hae neads te ha in communication witb Him who cureci the issue of blood, saying, 'Thy faitb bath saved thea." Anotiier reason why the modical pro- fession ougbt te ho Christians is be- cause there opens befure tbem such a grand field for Christian usefulaess. You se0 Se many people ru pain, lu trouble, in bereavemeut. You ought to ha the voice of heavan to their souls. Old Dr. Gasharie Do Witt, a practition- er of New York told me in bis last days, "I always present the religion uf Christ te my patients, eibher directly or indir- ecil>', and 1 find it la almost always accaptible." Drs. Abercrombie and Brown of Scotland, Drs. Ha>' and Fo- "Oh," se>'tise medical profession, "ibat is your occupation; tisai belougs te tisa clargy, net to us." Mv brother, thare are severo illuesses lu ivhichs you will nel admit ercu tisa clergy, anS ibat patieut's salvation will dopenS upon yonr faitisfuluass. With tise medicine fer tise body' lu one baud anS thre medi- Ciao for tise seul ilu Zbe F ther, ,o, vinai e chance! Tiscre lies a dying Christian on tise pilluw. Yen iseed Éote old uvar hlm tise lauteru of the ro'ý t'! untîi its igits sreams across thre ofîyutthe departing pilgrim. anS you noud to cm>' into tise Sull ean uf Seath, "IHark te the î3eng of heaven's walcome that comes stealiig over the waters." There lies on tise pillew a dyiug sinuer. All the morphine yen brougisi witis yen can- net quiet hlm. Terrer in tise face. Tor- or n lutise eart. Il w he Jerks bimself rip on one elbow anS looks wildly into your face and snys. "'Docter, 1 cae't die. Whaî make.s il se dnrk? Doctor cen yen pray'? BRusseS for yoti enS blesseS for hum if thon yen kneel dowu anS say: "Oh GoS I have, donc tise best 1 ceuld te cure ibis man's body' anS I bava faihed 1 Now I commit te Tisee tris pour, suffereng anS affrigisted seul, Open paradise tu bis departiug spirit." But now I[ must chose, for ibere may ha sufferng mon anS women waiting lu your office, or en tise bot pillow -,on- daing wisy yen Sou'h, come. But betoro yen go, O doctors hear my> prayer for your eternai salvation. Biossed will ho the rcward lu heaven for tise faitul overwurk, or froar bending ovor e pa- liant anS catcbing bis contagions breatis, tise doter comas homo anS ho lies down faint anS sicis. He is f00 weary to feal bis own puisa or teke tise diagnotsis ut bis uwn compleint. He is worn eut. The tact is bis work on aarth la ondeS. Tell thosa people in the office thora tisa> neeait lweii an>' longer; tha doter will nover go tisera egelu. IHo bas writton bis lest suh- scnipiion for the alleriation et hurnan pain. Tise people wihl ruan p bis front stops anS inquiro: "Hlbw la theSuctor te-day?" Alfise sympathies efthlie neigihorbood will ha aroused, and lisera ivili ho man>' prayars tisatieh who bas benu sekind tle s ick me>' ha cern- forted ia bis hast pang. Ilt i&H ovrr now. In two or threea days, bis con- valescent p allants, witi saýIws wrap- peti arouad tiser wilh coma te the wjn- Sew aud look oui et tisa passing hearse and tise poor efthlie city. harafoleit andi baraheaedti wll stand on lime straat cerner saeying - "Oh, isew gond ha wa te us al."But on tise othsaide et tise river o e tissemaetfbis aid Pas- liants, who ara forever curait. wilh cerna oui to welcoeahlm, andthie pisysician et hearen,wxilh hocka as white as anow. according te the apecalyptie. vision, wHil coma oui andi aay, "*Cerna in, corna lu. I was sick anti ye visiteS me Il' lY'or Over Fîfty Years» For orer ffy years Mas. WiNSLow's SooTritNa Svaur has beanunsad b>' mil- lions of molimers fer tiseir ciildren wimila teting. If dîsturbad et nigisl sud breken et your rest by e sick chuS sutf- faring and crying wîth peanet Cutling Teatis senS et once sud get e bolîle et "1Mrs. Winalew'a Sooling Syrup " for Oildren Teelhing. Il will relieve tha poor littho sufferer irmaediaealy. Depane upou it,molhers,lhere is ne mistake about Il. Il cures DiarrioSa,reguhates thse Stom. &eis sud Bowels, curas Wind Collo, softens tisa (lens, reduces Inflammation, and gives uoue snd energy te the whole systent. IlMrs. Winsbow's Sootislng Syrup" for children teetinla jepleasant te 1he leste snd in thea prescription et enae f1h. oldent and boas ftmais physiciens eud nursies lu 1h. United States. Pricetwenty.fivacents a botlei. Soldb>'alSruggluls througisont tise world. Be sure and asis fer Il iRs. Wîîtsaow'S SOOTrrINe SYrat." ÉROPERLY DEFINED. Bronxey-I fear yen have a tasie for matois meking. Mns. Bowers-That is oe eoe a wem- an's ighits. Brontley-Ois. n». Ih l oeeoet er weak nesses. llow To Cure Ail Skin Baseasseg. Simply apply "s wayue 's Oitrnt." No internaYi indicine required. Curas taller, eczerna, itis, ail eruptions on tise faee auds, mose, etc.. leaving the sikx clear, white -and bealtby, ITs great healing anS curative powers ara possess- ed b>'neother rameS>'. Ask your Srug- gist for Swayue's Ointment. Lyma, Sons and Ce., wiolesahe Agents, Mont el. "Mary, go irto flýise siftlng rouai and tllU me hsyxvtise ahermomalor stands."~ "Il stands con thse manlepieco jut agirn ti wall. air 1" Piles 1 Piles 1Iltohing Piles. sYMPToms-Moisture ; intense itcbiiag and stingiug ; most et nigisi; worse f scratcising. if allowed te continue turnors forma, whicis offen bleeti euS ulcerete,becomiug very soeaSwAYNNA OINTMENT stops tise itciing and blead- iag, iseals ulceration, and la most %saramoes tise lumors. Ai drng- gîsîs,_or-by -mai!,-fr 0ce T. 1~ ,Ijlerpannum ln advazec tLeiwis*3 i,50 Sberipîtionssdlways payable a i the elof publication. kdvertisin&c rates nles b1 cu ract, 10 oeuts per lino, una i irst in",#' on, and à cents per line each. laqu a- n 1sertion. Locals, 10 cents per linae. M. ýÊ JAMES, Publisiser Victor aersfe nregt.-ha captur edf Im Bitats tooEmp Iire xtarinar test montai thratnthe rt men;ieiiifor.opyiame the ge QSen ave everie. r aety sens aknd ttr o ppeiain sllgb thWhuANTd; iv nthsastiEPSatisfactin spectusrioag ets. us Band ieigkhG apET- SON to., BrithEmpiTro.nto. rinr ts W fANTrED.-armers' snst olr iote thenem 60have nthwould ean.luduemaet fed a indstt erons of filtir euain to th housdyfor six days aeelatisfabecon.j teuf wifrh teng ollrswekly. o $45essNPro IsN Co., MiedcalTurontor tOt W ANTED.-Solicitrs sfor Canada whm$a enclope nIdiofteCufyem e Royldals u eartlueNoadiestving 0cm.ow Tomes T. H.' LCompan, Toronto, . WJ ANTED.-enTE.Ran lemen win .Levuer loatloalor travelligf0lu toro dcealnew sidsvery and weep our show 'd card taced np otres fnces andade anroghot te copntryaudftoun teay, uie pRoyalenat comsN o sal.$6vernComt. aiind epneaidioneky. cdverepornytik whestkaed. ovr sparty olars wroit.rs WoE LINS MCTCanyLETrono.LnnO. T-EPWANT-ED.b eni MJ-Leu and oaen wb oeaulorkartlingln erds wrtieeug sx ou rs ilforcesxn rdgy aes d ll e nten wthfe1dllrs w65ekly. A a55,ndeW IBsEsaS Go.--ý, RÂNIFOIin Opi. whe strte. Fr ar ju sariiu the TbE PIENTS : A ETlIC Gfo. Lon doakn, yOnt Meurn and e d ddeau wo harth~gldeng lIeSfilNEWfIoo. RCP., LANO I , orott. HIOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE.1 THAT FINE FRAME DWELLING th rseceofKibe deetEasMrs. iiiber, t ath12 adeceof l the eae rewitli. O te rm iaot aeres o fraedstable aw.Oobei the e ulns a rae utgbld codtio There are ahesouondthesprmienalgocaditnd a lare qa ntheof sml is a large lcarn andbealarge fly laid out grounds adjoining the residence.- For particulars apply to the undersîigned. JOHN K, GALBRAITH, 25-Sm Solicit or, Bowmvianivllle AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE A LzlNýOrvo s I>isses-F8iling Item- ory, Impetency, Sieptoemns3setc oensed by Abuse Or Other Excess eu'nà Idi- restore Leti Vitaiity in old or yo«cein.Z* &.k an.*-0% fit saoman for study, business or marriegle. Prevent Insantify and Oonsusnptlon if lise nt ime. Thefr use shows immedlisto imisove. Mentaendieffects s CURtE wbora 811 other faitl 'I. usi upots having the genaine Ajax Tabtel.. They have cnred thousandesud wilt cure you. Wa give e v. itiv# written guarantes to affet a ours 50 0IlTOin each case or refond the money. Price - VI ar Paky;or six pkges (fuit treatmnn for 12. By maln reoitf e. AJA X RuMZ a. For sale lu Bowmauville by e.TOTT & JURY, drnggists. DRESSIIAKERS, Seamnstresses, and families sliould procure the best and simpleat mnethod of cutting, viz; Wor1ll's Flui1 Pgwillw 101 1~1àii It is up to, date and wlll save fully haif your time, and give your work the elegance of Frenchi Style Apply to W. SPAULDING, 278 Euelid Ave., Toron to, Genieral Agent, or to MISS J. MARTIN, Bowv- 's

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