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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Sep 1897, p. 3

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( ) __________________er if be a siudden or long standing' ]ENGLISH1 LETTER. ____________________ Local and Otherwise. attack If you bya twentv-five centS .IIM'N ImiIIIIUIIIIlIuIuEIIIlhuuIIIIIuuIIIIIfhIIlI Mr. Hi. C. Purdy, Dundonald, has ytill S, arge wto remtt &Jm sold hi's crop of apples for $1,250. twigs arDike.s S"thtt & av Juy onSILeISE TE BE IX ET'e Globe saYs there is no f oundation mean auto d-te The first indic ttons of the changes donwil m inAlgma words of Mr. Nelson Green, Gaft, ont., made by tune in the past 10 vears were denwil ru inAlgma.in speaking of lis rescue from kde hown ivhen leavin- flie Penzance, there is no What 1-Iood's Sarsaparilla has done and7 urinarv difficulty by the, usro Cornwall, station of GÎ. W. R. and find- for others it wjll also do for you. Hood's Doan's Kile il,À .rGreen said 1 îsg two steamsîips doing daily service better soap macle Sarsar a 'illa cures ail blood diseases. that hie onilv tried thorn out of curiosit ,, j to and fror tho lile', whe oe the mail than our PotDalhousie bas voted by 115 to 11 but it was a ak experiment, 1?r doicO sow OOrd\ hia so ber Sboe Co., and celebrated the event his case Hfe is now a cured man, feel- îyore. The passage across -36 utile s- ~by s ~ ~ii by a big bonfire. n Y stroug, well and in good spirits. Ia meta i g.t somer old s aolndt aci u w li Ail disordoîs caused by a disorderod To atternipt tOf repy to the absurd iquaintanrco of bygonie dav s. On enter- Litte Liver Pis. Fo pain, griping or honor of pi omînent Liberals in the Torytecabeurdlvuig atosbohndiiutnqmd aIans the sing n the de booe nyear empt S o -iscomfort attending their use. Try papers would fill columns. There is0 boshippof à ft of isie ty rsàiii ago flthem. one effective reply, however, that covers of from 49 tL 600 tons eacb, now I arn 1~~~ ~Butter has advanced 14 to 2 cents a the whole ground-no member of par- to M re'lene byo0sn esl __pound and the demand is active. Sep -liament, either at Toronto or Ottawa, the only evidence'of shipping in the careandskil ~tembor pork lias advanced $1. 30 per bar- lias yet accused and proven the charge R oadstead was one little yacht and one c.eads lli, rel and cheese bas gone up with a leap. against any Liberal member of the Britishcrse thaooilntur m kn adIf you're troubled witb piles it need Caienrla n hreo orpveying steamer in the Pool. When I oulycos yo twety-ivetion or political jobbery been brought lf t home the ring of the malletts of the m a k i n g a n d onlyred co s yo t et ie cen ts to b e h o mte to eith er G ov ern m en t n ow m sipnr s f w i b t e e w r h e the best materfals cue.rs' gei Ouitment power at Ottawa or Toronto. Many emîpyings over 100 mone could bhe soothingly that your torture is allayed statements have been made in the Tory heard at the entrance of the port ; now are LA'.. rason.at once and in the end ahl traces of.the nesaesnu omme i ihrfot a souud breaks the solitude, except T T disease removed, Dou't suifer any house ever dared on the floor of Parlia- the cry of a sea gull passing to and fro. THE PROOF - longer; use this world-renowuod rem- meut to chargea Liberal memnhor with AIl the( shipvards are shut up and the edy-Stott & Jury. poIitical wrong-doing. The Toromto workmueu dmspersed te ail quarters of immese ale, Ctiznswhe yo bae ajobcf rld, possibly themost enterprising the earth. The stillness cf the scene Its nd ideg cicultedmcrnng oural utside caused me te expect the natural printing to do, don't givo it to a city il, the Dominion, lias latelv stated that lack cf activity on shore,but the illusion The Albert Toilet Soal, Co., Mfr-s. office, because, forsooth, you imagine ne momber cf the late Conservative was soon dispýelled when oni rounding Suporte hometin int erwh ns eer- Government should be a leader iu cmi- the pier head a crowd cf people dressed Montreal. Supr h oepitr h see-ing électiou campaigns What does iholiday attire pressed forward te Sec Iastingly supporting your town and this imply ? Why. that their past polit- who had corne ou the steamboat or te hepngeey teridstylui. ical record will net stand the test. Wh welcomne expetdfinsThsste a Aer's Hair Vîgor tones up the weak were they hurled freim power in June, scene dail ected fr1ends. This psotle hair-roots, stirnulates the vessels and 186 ?Because the electors lad lest 'err tLoc busy tows3 hi ftinie ul tisseswiehsupDyth harwih n. cnfi enc inthem afeisix o'clock, bock across the bondh trition, strengthens the hair itself, and FADs IN MEDIINE.-Tlere are fads lu and se-e the fiotilla cf yachts and other adds the cil whicb keeps the sh 'afts scft, medicine as lu every thing ebse and a small boats at anchor, I counted 69 and ~ ~lustrons, and silky. The mcst popular "uew thing" gonerally sells for a short learnied to whom tley belong. As there and valuable toilet preparation lu the tinie because it is uew. But in inedicine are no darriagos in the town these are N EVOUS DEPOUET, worîd. as lu uothing else, the people demaud the craft in wbidh thoso who can afford ~NA, IEAE MNToronto Telegram: This talk about and will be satisfied only with positive, if take pleasure. Our Youngumen now Cures Guaranteed or No Palv Algom'a te run is prcbably a summ e Sarsaparilla las stood its grcund suc- cur young Scillonians running the dream. South Ontario mnay be the cessfubly and its sales have nover waver- saine ideas must oach eue hav e bis YOUG o MIDLEAQEJ iE Yu ~scoe c a ew f M.Drdens mstaesed but have remained steadby at thetop pleasure yacht, great or smalb, te koep may, h aie been the victim of Seif Abue butete mfan fwo unDde itakes emv demonstrates,beyond any doubt, the lu pace witb the demauds cf the tintos. wheni -, oung. Later Excesses or etposuire u h a h ndrae ormv t. b1ý,iod diea'es may have comploteil the the romnains cf bis strengtl fromt that trinsic virtues of this medicine. 'The I was told befere leaving thnt I must ovron.Yo re the fumtur su mal' constituoncy on pobling day is ln pos new tbings have cornte and gene but expect temeet great chang-es. î did 50 yokn. on oureâdothmetre reuls session cf no sinecure. IIood's Sarsapar[Ila rests upon soiid epc;bt u hne sIbv sexnaliýy, W,ýhy nlot ho cured in 1 îre i A CORN PHOTOGRAPHRD uv X RIAY,- fndiocfaoutmotndtsmet I ,iiould have deemed impossible. othe kdepce. ofr he O shows a small liard kernel, covered lis power te cure, aud its salos continue te T ho changes lu Darlingomi sinco 1 first l'i iÂTMENT WILL CURE ïOU XA11 laer of hard skin. Tins tiriv cern lreinthaysbetooor.'came te it are tnnny and vari(-'d as we AL LElAL.,causes keen pain. Ieoymens cf Friday Globe contaiued the followiug ail ko but tire changes in Scillv Emnissions, VarIcocelia and F eztracting it witlieut pain, lu a day. is interesthîg item. The y oung lady is a Isles drn the samne period are far Pntnam's Painless Cori Extractor.Sure? graddaughter of Mr. S. Wasîing ton cf gr-e;ie(r and more varied than tley are. __ Syphilis Cured Yes. Paiffless? Yes. Cheap? Yes mn "rilon Ms dt ahntnM Tenmru isi, bays ad MTLC deed trv-it. L. A., daughter cf Rev. W. C. WXasli- lastiug rock are tle saine, tbey remain WM. MILLER W. M Duri- seven mnouths prior to July 3t ingio, gAc inesmo Ont., bof t "Soleie d"th saeaieses 1.897, 1,778,800 Ilis. butter wvere oxpented oonoyesterday for fan off lapamit te ane.Jhead I ok r u C ot Britain against 691.800 lbs the corne- laben as a missionary, umîder lie nus- ;saine, t-liey are lu the samne pince, but te spondngmonthsa yearage Canadian ncs ef W.M. S.of the Methodist dturcI mue they are not the saine They were ___butter is findingfavcnrintîeOldCountr. oeeyear she wiil reside lu Tokie aIl rockýs te me lu beybood and nothiug ,~ ut bo nahty ustho igh u ndm will be employed iii teachiug soi-e more, il'ow they. are te me alivewt 'IL h oidnmdGetBma im ocf tIe higlher clelu a 1co for girls reminiscences cf the past and evidence ed 193,393,40J Ibs se tbene is roem for ndyugladies, and ai the saine -tine of the Might ' Power tIat created î.bem, s- more 0f ours if the proper quality is as- nwIlpre the study cf tle Japanese everyeue'proclaimin-g isoîf the work of tuidrasuae Miss )aâsîiugton, is ei- an Almîghtv Ilaud. 1Here you sec the HA îYARD'8 YELLOW OiL.-The great o9l ce y itrigfs, culture and muasses of granite rising perpendicularly uêfore Treaiment ALter Treatmen pain cure. lJsed externally cures rheu- disposition for_ the important work. Skie eut of the ocean's besoms lu vast col- "At the age of 15 1 commnce to ruinmatistu, swel ug i-piains, bruisses, stiff ýraduated with hi-'h lîondrs at Aima umus looking lu the distance like the myhealth. Later on as "ONE OFTH; ýollg8.Toas aig>tevld-turt ndbtem t fggat )~YS" I contraeted a serion_ blood (lî',- ness, pain and soreuess cf everý de- tory.,e Sthmas tkiu îl aedc trots. andr btthemesss cfo giatch -SYPHILIS. 1 was weak qmd neî e sription. Internallv used it 'cures toa.geitse thom h îe Normalcses Thrte aesiemiah - Sepondelât, p impies, sunken e.ýee, h ie croup, cdssoetctlarnssSchiool lu Toronto witl henors, takino. other ilu evorv kind. of position ns if pains. ulcers, hair loou, sors tong e a, shandociis uny et . îlc te valedictorv ihere also. She spetit l oehri ilainc rvtto mout d nuie variuoele! - iv aiia rnhtsqî ,ec nc two vears lu Toronto teachiug Otluadeverv other law cf attraction. a rejwsi h jtstaizes when ' 25c«, ail druggists.c _-frtianiih.,lng oks esatrd friend zecommended ]Drs.. KenneIi Aga Keran.A dzenothr dnne ha ai-~ mo g le ehi0t5 t te fir rcmthe Morvon lieuse and thou n uthe samneAgi thlnebocsirsctrd ega.Aoeotrdoctorsadl ,1 Aa th e limone s nota dhepfarrmeu buildi';,- undor ue .aneotand a oer lI osand side ;f5 10lsl in urngme.Dr. ee& r- 3 a oyeti is ap noaeaten n ew namne, Havorgai Hall, a collego for liOdOs cfi fronii lOve tous to a" buîdred qird m ina fw eek byther 1;2 tba isiioe aprciaed hanthex-yennig Odies, boing exceedingby suc tons e'ýit as if.tle Almig.hty lad dise-ased men to beware of Meiai Fr,'jd iibil et. musical instruments, and as cossful ln ber work and gnoatlv beélovcd( joined tite granite la onormous plates Th.are reliabie honpat and t usual the Dominion Organ & Piano Co by lier pupils. Site aise speuf oee -ar and liurle tlem to the ennil smashingJ pysiciens." W. M. MILLlIm. ef BPowýmauville. Ouit., are occupyîing teacliing lu the touc are isthe plte nl pioces in ti fali, as ift CONSULTATION FREE. thoîr beautifcil pavillon airaini and are eitono Strathro, accompalites bier as thev hadýr been dishos cf crockery or re trait nd cue Vý making am-go elegant dispiayo a felhow worker They are unden on- glass,, the, pieces scattring lu ahl direc- c ele, Fs-phiis, Ken1!ss1un theib piamno,- anmd orgns, wbich have a itUnaituer Dier gea, - ollwd euainfrechec gagement to reusain Oive years, healtî tiens by the force. Thle fanlastic aud itiyudney iýrinshiý roll-ierpiainfreclec permittiug. They bave île best wislies groles jiue forms met witî are beyond rajildey and Biadcer »I o.~ f toue, toueh aud finish. Messrs- for tieir welfare. and success fremn a mv descriptive powers, I can cnh sa IlVERSINMIHIAN~ Alexander and McConnell cf lie firm haro-e circle et friernds, botî wilh.in and tleey ýare majestic, sublime, -wondertul. YEARS IN MICHIGAh were proseni aI the pavillon and re- wihu h.ehds cuc.n etrtig le'i lee o 200,000 CUREO porled trade active Ilirougieut thie wmliurieMelods ouc.fu and verylie lse' o no of al e o No cure, wo ipay. wrIte fie whole vear, the experts being largelv ETERNAL VIGILANCE,-!s the cfmdfwaelttokî cioswo Que~~~~~~tlon~~~ý .ln1o oe l ecs tay~oveg~erî perfect Iealtli XVatch carefuill th rst pla.ý ed uipon the green jusi' 'torîv years Trreatment. ImoOu8 'ree syptm -fipr lo. uebis onsultaiefu ]Free. PROci' PROM THIE PEiocLn.-Mn. Geo. syp' u cff impur blo.Crwoisho' T e e ard stes are lu im pipes, humors auJ scorfula liv takuinog al, u îreaetiywi a Buskin, missienary for tle International wHod' s Sarsapaîlla. Drive awy h them? I must not grow sentimenîtal, DRS.ENNDY KEGAN Mission lu Algoina aud North-West, -adahsc wyt but torget Iliose days of childlocd. Ho writes -'I wisî te sav ihal Dr. pains an ce frimoumntisin, umalania This is tledomn ës fth No. 148 Sheiby St- oirsEîaio idSrwer and stomach troubles, siead y ycr douatencftecar Fowlr'sExtactof ildStrwberynervos aud overcome thai iiredf feelino bore and ever ylhing lu the fielcis' is DETROIT, MI blas been to me a wonderful, soothing, bv takmug tle samne greai miediciun' wcanimsg-o us duhbest aspects. Grain is speedy and effecinal ru1medy, h lias Hood's Pilis are tle best family cathartic scrc, t rwhinî.Tefwrco ____________________been my companion for several years and hiver tonic. Genlle,reliable and sure is le ecr, e onme, and the obtainîng of S duning tle labors and oxpesuros cf'rmy i is the oîmhî', farma iuiduslry et the po- inîss.onary wcrk inAlgoma. Welil 1 Metlodist Magainîe and Review for ple, auJd is harvesi commences at -~fr o'ld nmmd yeung te have it lu store August. Thiis number lias a special Chnisîmas ammd continues tli May, atter againsi tle limie et nood, whicl se ofien scientific flavor in larmony wiih île widiý l'e fields look desolate; se I was il cornes without warning. GE, c. BUSKîs, meeting- of 1t1e British Association, too laie te;- sc is beauîy. l'ie bulbs : eMissiouary, Toronto, Ont. whichlis 10 take place lu Canada dur- are uwbeimmg planted for the noxt gý "Gatnon" c Otawn riingot le ng Ibis mentI. The Oirst article is one crop, ceuiistimg of narcissus, daffodil, -, __reason wliy tle Patrons accomplished On " Glaciers, ti Formation aud hules, aneýmones, annus, jouquilîs aud ri s v l So lilîle in Parliamenit says : Patron Phenoînena ". An article with four il- gladiole., w hieh crop of fiowers, wlien SÏ members had lad uo training for public lbustrations descrihes the now horseless growni , ar sent te al ithe chiot centres BO~T . B. B. hife; tley knew nexl 10 noi hing cîl carniage, and tle Editor pays a tribale efthîe Un-itreJ Kiugou:Enug rules cf debate or cf the subjecîs amp fer to île discoverer of ciloraform. Tihe Glasgowý, C'ardiff, Manchester, Liver- A/ 1. its Purity. discussion aud were clany about gettiug White Fields cf Franco, by liev.. T. J pool, Brihanad London, oacI e.l' t huad fCrs pt pa vno hs ois u Parr, B. A , is conc'u led, wiih ten ad getiimg- i s share, and tous cf the bullis 3It Eonm.ladsas the abolition cf (4cvernmeDt Hcue ditional engrnvings A review cf the are al-n oxported auuualiy, many et * ~ * whicl wero peculiarly Ibmï own. TIen Epsvonth Leagîte Convention, wiîî por- Ib fiing their w-ay te île gardons Reguate th Stmnah, ive an Boe1~tiey were unfontunate lu tle siant iu traits of les ding officers, 1 Ie Federa-. and. sit1iing roemsq cf K lUiidSae ho makos a similar incision in the hack "pain at once anti neeti nover again fear nsm sen as it lA s completed. i is te bce is(i m so. aud applies lime flap lIns procurod to thîe resuht cf being chilled or soaked i manageti and rau exclusively by Chin- t-ho open space lu the breast. The fhap [tîrougi We lave îundreds cf testi- issi Off iliS. OnG ->f l,,ie fanaiiy cf tbhe "figbting cnt in the back ta raiseti, except at tle mouils from people who lave used ià - " '"'-' Bîa"e ugusta% county, Va., buàs a] smahi endi, which reaches te tle inser- with glonleus success, but your ewu died ai, 'Lerý homesteati mi Long Glatie lieon cf lie latissirnua dorai, aud it la: cure wilh ho the mosi conviucing vi ait tu, mgoý (>t 80. Ho was Alexander R. then applied to tle open apace in front, 1-ec o a aeo t ot.e tw'iaIipg il a 11111e te bring i arouni doc you imi laeofrso,, 1 Bl, nef thoý f i-ve broýthers whc to- ln front over the voud ai ter ltai net a new uintried remedy, remomnber, -, gtmrldante oslmifui Ibhe edgos are sutureti, aud île etigesý lu u ehtseiaJc wndwio . -n.~~rt Capt. u.iin's coympany of lie Fiftt cf tie wound lu tle hack are pahteti famne. You'l lie deligliteti wih the ~ ~.1iii iginia Rlogi e t, Sitoný,ell 1Brigade, logetimohr aud aise sutured, ns eau ho quick, way lu whidh Trashîs Maguetie j -, , imdw ere uery mil killed inl baitie doue owing te île- eiasticity cf tle (lýinment removes ahI the pain and ý Â1 or dled e' wou7cnds. A. Rý. Bil llad been -okin, a couple c liberatîngj incisionis cures everv iraýco eto rlieumatisn,wlietl-l n AJLAS'ALPf L'iONVTli marly ,;ixýty years an elder lu tlhe being matie if noecessnry. Praytnaf 'lsrcm. DAege table Pr ep aration for A - silatingtheoodatdRegtula-j Protes'DigestionCheerlul- ness adRsWnaneit1u ]N3TNARCOTIC. Cpe feci Remedy 'orCostipa- tio. Sur torach,Diarrhoea, Wortns Convuisîons,feverish- uiess and Loss oË SLEEP. Tac sunile Signature ef NE y (11)A VTD i L XACT COPYGF WRAPPER. 'SIE - THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE lB ON THE WRAPPER 0F EVEItY BOTTLB 0F Castorla le put up in eue-size botties only. fl is mmci sold in bulk. Den't allow anyias te oeil ?ou aything eise on the plea or promise that fi me just as geed", and ,wiii aniwir every par- pose." Se tuat yen gel t ASTORIÂ uimile ýevsry wrsyper. BOWMA:NV/ILLW, ONT. E. R ONAL manufacturer of and dealer in Fine !Monumental Work of every de- * scription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. Ail orders prompt]-l v filied in a satisfactory Smanner ii id at reasonable prices.19t 8-oot'ms nd4Sho,es. QuieRSl iuetlle 4 0 Having secured the services of W. JENNINGS, as alesman, we have begun selling out the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes to make room for Faîl importations. This ies a gî'eat opportunity to secure 1roods at your own prices. As the stock mnust be reduced we shall offer at once $3000 worth of these goods at acrifice prices. Ahi ontstanding- accounts must be settied in full by Aug. l5th or costs will he incurred, as the present books must be squared. up. jDEVIsr BOWMAN-VILLE. COMINO G Now is the, time to look around and see if your fur 'arment is in proper orderand style. If flot, M. Mayer, the Furrier, is the man who can do pour work properly, cheap and guaranteed. The iatest styles in ilats and Gents' Furnishings ilways on hand. l3ring your furs early before the rush commences. Practical Furrier. Il ............ 1, -,94, -,M4, -IW W, , ,W, lu, 1.1, -, -1. -- ýI- -1- -1ý'..ý.. ... BEAvER BLOCK, 1

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