-. i v.5 ~.n 5h55v~ ~ -5 wiuiS4 ~d#atus ~y~vL4.h,~ ~ - '~.is s - .5~- rv i SU We [lave It 1= You C AN Have It!l That Furniture, or piece of Furniture you are -wanting this Spring to place in your home, we have in great variety and our prices are so low you cannot afford to be without it. Cali- and See the newest designs in ail kinds of Fuiniture. Youi are always welcome. La Kl18,b BOWMANVILLE. Undertaker and Furnilure Dealer, Botmgall's Block. -aie of General Dry Goods, Clothing,- Tweeds, etc., at Bowmanville == === Raving purchased the above mentioned stock at a low rate on the dollar, we propose conducting a sacrifice sale that will long be remembered for the wonderful cnt În prices of ail uines of goods. A eaul is solicited and you will find our store fairly bristling with bargains. We ai e also adciing a $5000 stock of General Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes bought at a low rate on the dollar, which consists of ail first-class goods which must be cleared out. This is no adverising hoax but a genuine sacrifice sale. The whole of, the $1-5000 worth of goods mast !be disposed of quickly. A caîl will convince you that we stand prepared to carry out our assertions. .Bargains from start to finish wi1ll be the principal features of this clearing out sale. TF.Ruttan à& Co.u BOWMANVILb'E. Successors to ELLISON & Co. SIXTH LINIC.-Meusrs. Rich. Brown sud Joe Simpsonuanc in Manitoba.... Miss Evie ickahy iu home irons Bowmpuvllle...M. Edmunfi Cobbledick bas necoveref frnm liiiaccident.... Samnuel Dcxieuls luerai was largely aitendef. Mn. Dewell was lu bis 89th year .... Miss M.Cow- an, Cowauvilc,was the gueit cf bbc Misses Mon- gan. .... Miss Emma Rail, Orono, speut Suuday iveik bie..Repent visitoîs : Mn. sud Mns. S. Dewelli, Betbany, at iNir.Johui Dewell's ; Mr.and Mrs. Ghlis, Toonîto, at Mn. RonIt. Moron's ; Mn. sud Mns. Robt. MeGaitb sud Mn. Robi. sud Miss Jernhe Morion, Bethany, andi Mn. Robi. MorIon sud Miss Emma Wilson, Garden 1Hi11, at Mi. R. Mortou's, un. Kianv. ýM. A. A Poweis 111 ... Mr.Tyer- man bas gone 10 Manitoba.. Mns. Hunier, sou Ross, Ranrowsmhith,and Mn',. Mabee, Cambnay, who vsited Mr. Alf. Clsapman have neinroîfi home.... Mr. A. -Marshall, Allasîdale, sud Miss Gardncr,Omemee, receniiy visited ai Mn. S. M. Bllingis..... Mn. Jas. Haltti ad daugbber, Mis Casse, sud Mns. A. J. Leigh visitef ai Mr.Jobn Marîbaihus, Enterpnrise..Mn. sund Mrs. Jolin Winter, llarmoîiy, i sutef Mn. Tios. Powerî,rî- cently .... Cîsthe' beautiful lawn nf Mn. J. L. Vowcts, a inerny century eoînpanv ejoyed cro- quet sud othen ont-four games Tuesday week, tablu es eeplacco sud ail uat down to asplcudid ipreafi. CLARKE UTlaOa.-Misu Aloab Walsh, Orono, sud Miss Winuifred Jiwill, Batavia, N. Y.,vhs- ibid ai Mn. CSnuchus.. . .Mr.Geo.Beer was pack- hng appes bine. George is a bustier... Mn. R. Davis an fi Cempanywient ibimble berr yiiig wlth great succesu .... Mn. W. L. Cobblediek bou-ht four catile for ftieniug from Mn. A. Siapfes, Leskardi ... Mn. S. D. Soucb, Misa Idfa Soucb aud Miss A. E. Parker weiîi bo Grimsby... Mn. G. Smitb soifi bis fat caille to Jobn Fostei rdoven ...The scbonîbonse bas bien ueatiy paintef sud kaisomin efi hy Mn. 1-. A. Garwoofi .... Miss Thompson ,Keudahi vishtefi ai Mr.Jas.Tamblyîs's ...Farmens are ditîing ibein stock for Oroîso Fair. ...Mns. Rugh McIntosh vhited ber fougb- tir, Mns. John Berry, Bowmassvili. KENDÈLL. _Miss Lils Brauton, Solina, viutefi ber .îuit, lin. Amosî M'M'ul .. MnJa.Me- Miliaus vsited Mn. Thos. Bakerî, C. C., at Solina, receeutly .. .. Mn.sud Mis. MeMullen visitedibeir uncie, Mn. Lai VanCamp, New Havin ..J. N. Powers and George Stewart aie prepanring thein teami for the drawiug enuiest at OopFai.... The Kiekapon Medicine Ce., have, hei iing putertainmntuin thessç,village..... Faii, vu I was verv much afflicted with rheu- matism and kept my bed for nearly six weeks. I tnied neaýrly evory medicine recommended to me, but without relief, until your advertisement that you gave away sample boxes of Dr. Hobbs Spar- agus Kidney Pis was brouglit to my notice. I gel a sampie box and it helped me. Since that lime I have taken four full boxes, and am entirely cured. I cannot say 100 much iu roc- ommendaliors of your pills as a sures remedv for rheumatic troubles. F. W DUNIIAM, 1905, Fifth St., Bay City, Mich. H[OBES REM EDY CO.. PUOPaaETOIRS, CHICAGO. Dr. Robb 'lPills For Sala iu BOWMAN VILLE, ONT., by STOLL & JURY. MOUNT VERNON. Visitons: Mrn.difMn. Cbas. Paucoe sud daughtcn Hlazch, Mn. G. S. Murray, gocîts ai Maple Corners. bave nîtornnî home ; Mn. sud Mrs. Herbent Nonnis, Bunkiion, gulu- ai Mn. Boison's,; Miss Myna Reatlie suif Miss Alima Short, Foie.1 lîavevisief frieufs at Linîdsay, Litle Buridansd Oakviite. .Concert ai Mt. Vernon libbe near future. Finît clasi tlenti Item althe vocalilts sud instrumeubalisis ibis sif e of Toonuto. Waicb for posters andfiplun grais. The confidence of the people in Ilood's Sarsaparilia is due te its unequalled re- cord ef wonderful cures. MAPLE GROVE. Mua8. P. Tyler neceniily visitefi tsr.iecc (Mrs. Couîsaul et ai.) at Brockport, N.Y ..Miss Velma Tyler staris ion Bnockporî sud New York city this iweek.... -Mn sud Mrs. E. Gole, Geneva, wene guefss0f Mr. S. Cole neceîîiy... Mn. Fnef Foiey snd hiiifieudu Mn. S. Roidge, Toronto, sud Foîlmasten rydîrmauî, townl, visitîfi We only mention a few lineý,, wO take these from our Linon ept. TOWEL1NG-3 extra Specials for Fair iDays at 5e 8> k, lOc ayd. TABLE LINEN-onje piece only of reg. 25c. goods at 1,5c a yd. Aise 1 piece Extra Fine Table Linon woith !Sa to go at 50e a yd. A big pile of reg. 25c Linon ToWels will ho sold at 1.5c, Ladies' Feit Hats, the very latest style, at 85e, $1.00 and $1.50. We have laid out for Special Inducements on our Fair Dayvs. 10 enlyu Boy's Overeeats with Capes, worth $4.00 for 2or 10 enly, Boy's 2 piece Suits, ail wool, some of them worth1 frcumi?2.5CO te $5.00 for $2.00. 5 only, Men's Serge SuitSu were 15.00, for only $2.75. 10 only, very heavy Frieze Ulslers, Claret, Black and Brewn, were up te $10 fer $5. 5 only, Black Worsted Suits, Saek and Cuîaway Coats and Stripe Pants, worth $10 for $7.50. GENT'S FURNISHINGS-Men's ail weel Sex, specials at 10e, 17c, 20c, and 25c. Men's and Boy's Peak Caps> largest assorîmnent ln town; speelal at 20c, 25e, 30c, 35e and 50c. MVIen's Artie Underwear, fleece lined 3 speelals at 50c, 75c, and 90c. Men's Black Cashmere Sox, seaniless, vory special, (imperted) at 25c, and 35e. Fair Days will ho a geod time le look at our New Imperted Suitings. Perfect fit guaranleed. 33BOOTS & SIEOIES_ Our Boot and Shoe man claims some very great baîgains in. fine goods te clean eut some few pairs left, in different inakes, aise Men's fine Lace Boots, fair stitch, medium toe, reg. $I.5o, Fair Days $i.îa. dg French Caif lace on cengness, a few pairs left reg. $3 75 "$2'5 Men's Dong. Bals, [air stitch, only a few pains left, reg. $2.00 Fair Days 81.50 Aise several special lines idi Ladies' Misses' & Childrep's for which we have ne room te give more quetations. ý,,0 Caîl anîd look through our establishment ius r yeu buy ôr net, leave your wraps etc. and we will take care of tîhi.sa, Thi~À MA- 2L>-7 Mcs taiielk Il U.Ï]- vi~ri iV"h i s0 ntn .s--,~. r - p~ lis bas gouuilà 0 otolit O> OC 511nausîessan at - tend tueMedical college anioiber tînm . .Tbe Misses Undirwood have returuet(1fi fro-a ia ...Miss Emma Lause, Peterboro, vIsif tai Mn. D. Comsiock's ... --Mns. Johsn MeCausîni , vistîf ber sisien, lins. Wisn. J. Cooper, Mb hue,ýý..Mrs. S. BrysoniIafian aitacknIftianaivusis laîely. .îs asistant pastor Ion the Mûthoit cburcb bine is talkeof u....1ev. M. J. Wilso)is peachied a sermon on a rident Snnday baving nefenence te the fieath of tise lsîte MsIn. Wnî. Jackson. Oao.-O.--Mr. Bruie Bell, Dunîfonfi is bine.... Miss Jîsînie MeCullougbha sviîhtiug lu Toron.. .Mn. Henry Boivo bas rentefi Mn. R. Montou's faim ... Mns. R. Router, Oubawa. vliied bier son Barry, hesre ... .Hcnlîei11ana Master Clanke, Bowi auvilleuspînt Suisday week luiii.. W. Thsompson, Toonuto, vi sîtefi seiatives bine.... Mns. Rawkey, Albany, N. Y., visitîf Mns. A. Tooje. . ... fr. David W alsh unît- occupiet laie Mn., Brown's nîsifience, ricindy pn'rcased.... Mn. sud Mns. Jackson sud Mn. sud Mrs.Tu-avelle sud Mns. Caîtken visitefi Oshawa, Sussfay week .... Mr. John Carvîib wîll slsortly take up bis nesideoce ho Onmo.... Miss Litîhan 1-all,Osbiawa, sud Miss lIenaBiiliîîigs, Brantfor~d, aiteudefi the lawn paty ai Mn. A. A. Gamsgby'i ...- Mn. Ccc. Ben, boyer for Siegel, Cooper & Cous., large store Chicago, lu bie.... Mn. andi Mus. John A. GairdUin visted tîsein fiaogbten, Mrýs.Cai-pentein, Stoney Creek.... Mn.iRob. Coopjer, Tuionto, nais home recîutiy. Ile soon> goîs to s positions lu a Feneral store ai Port Elginî... Mn. Albert Odel su vîsitiug ai Mn. If. I-. Ofuit's. Her bealthisl rnhi roved... Messrs. J. J. Moment, BA., an eJ.hWprevefiB. A., are bome Item ibein trip. rThey stnef ai Cxsnar-es sud passelifinoog bbce follewing. lakes ;-Seugog, Sturge on, Pigeon, Behoru, Di' ,Loveuhîk, 'Stoney sud Gedan, makig a round t p of about 200 miles ..Tuck- er 's grîstilii as ebangefi bauds, Mn. A. W. Canveihbebing th,, prebasîn .... T. W. Undîr- wood, ex-_ ardinba purchasef IhiS. B. Doýb- sufnu fu iii U 'rt'...Li ia dsh eueliiy îold bis orehard for ,,50. This is eertainly in advance of Kion cyke.. . Lawn social under the auspices of W. C. 'T U., at Mr. A. A. Ganîîby's wss a soccess. Tes was servefi on the lawn. A progrsm was presented ; Mr. B. Moment, and Rev. Mesrs. McKeen and Adams, gave interst- iug speeches Mr. 0. A. Gamishy sang I'Tbey are the Frierds forme," and Miss Llzzie ]Broafi sang in good form. Mrs. Iiowe. Miss Drew and Miss Mabel Dsvey gave appropriste resdings. Mrs. A. A. Gsmsby fililed the chair elBiciently... Mr. Allan Gain, Toronto, visited bere iaieiy... Mr. Gien Henry, Ohawa, vissted bere with Sales". WIth Hood's Sarsapa rilia, «ISales Taik," andT 1 show that thl. med- cm. lbai enjoyed publie confidenceand patronage to a greater extent than accord- ed any other proprietary medicine. This la simply because It passasses greater merit and produces greater cures. than any ather. It in not what wa say, but what Hood's Sarsapailila does, that telle the story. .Ali advertisemants of Hood's Barsaparilla, like Hqgod's Sarsapanilla It- self, are honest. We have neyer daceived the public, snd tht. wlth It. superlative ruedicinal menit, ls why the people have mbiing confidence ln lt, aud bu- e Âimost ta tihe exclusion of ail ouhers. Try IL. ]Preparad only by C. I. lood & Co., Loweil, Maso. ah oniy pis ta, take Heod's Pis arils uood'a Sansaparilla. simili - Iefe; 41f Wr&PPiQr' S. Broo ks' Mon1day, a 1 'edi ynn, frnm dilmnpsy sund beart dhseaue. Rlis funai Tuesfayý was langely aiteidefi. H1arsh purgative renîedies are fast giving way to the gentie action and mild effect of Carter's Littlo Liver Pis. If you trv lhem lhey weu.ud certainly please yqu. HAMPTON. Hilda, yenngest daughter ni Mn. JohnCak, f iii from a beiuch breaking lier snm, Meufay... Mn. Fred T. sud Miii Idfa Allun visiiedfi Iiends ner Kinsale reccsty... Mn. J. Tbompson, jr., visitedf fiendu iii Pont Ropei..Visitons :-Mrs. (Dr.) Geason sud tue Misses Cryfîrmnan, Bow- mnanville, aiMn. C. N. Euî's.... . sud miss Bien, Onono, ai un. W. Bien's..... isses Buis suif Salisbury eniertainef Suuday friendfrItm Tonuo.su jr. F. A. Cote, mniant, bas ne- turnesî froîn the West much imaprovef inlu ealth. ReafiMn.EBuis' Engtishltter onan hnshdî page of ibis papen. SOLINA. Mn. andi Mr. Stephen Hoganrth anc iakiuîg s p lissant trip 10 Scarbonough,Tornto andi Mark- bam viiting andi taking ta the exhbton. ..Miss Miebaît, Ra mony, necotiy visiiefi ber cousin, Miss -Inez Law, Gandin RHilFsnma..Mn. sud Mis. W. Law,Mr. andi Mn. JosephbMeLean,Mrs. J. B.itchell, Bowmanvillc, Mis..W.Micbàei sud famiiy,'Rarnmony, Mn. sud Mns. Rall sud soli sud Mns Coemai., Iown, werie cent gueutu at Mn. W. L. Law's.-Monday afiennoon Mn. W. L. Laiw asd f amily, Gardeîn Bhll Fanm, Mr. sud Mns. W. Law sud Miss Law, M.aufdMns, ville',Mrs. O.R. Hall and son, Maple Grove, Mn. G en. Burton and Miss Adams,Toronto,pienlcked at Wiiiow Park, Lake Hampton, where a very enjoyable tinie wss spent bostiug, angling andi varions otber amusements. Recent Visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron; MIr. C eo. Hogarth, Owen Sound , Mp Geo Awde jr , of Drayton;'Miss Nora snà Mr. W. Chas. ýýerry are at Toronto Fair; Mr. A. S. MecGIbbons visited here afier 15 y ears' abseisce ...The Mitchell farm wass ni sold on Satur day .Mr. Albert Washington Is shippinng fruit 10 Eastern markets.... Sons and Loyal Crusaders attend church Sundsy, Sept. 19tb, wlîen 11ev. E. E. Howard wlll preachb..Mrs. Moore is expeet- id home f romn Torcnto Hospital ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Reidi visitefi friends is Cari- wright reeeutly. COURTICE. The miss mcGowan, Oakvilic, are visittng Ili eir sister mns. G co. iorrow ...mr. and mrs. W. D. Brooks andf daugliter, Mns. (Dr.) de montîngîn, New Orleans, are guests of air. J. T. Brooks.. Receeît visitons at the parsonage: mrs. Parlis- ment and sou Howard Eari, Consecon; mis Stone and mi sliaee, Woodville; mr. A. H. Marvin1, Aiiisonviile. EEBNEZER. Foi*rije weeks thse nembers of thse "Corai lass" of E beriezer, have been in a flotter of exeitement over their Victorian Jubilee picolec helîl Monday ifiernioon sunaî;x W. E. lGourties beautiful grove at which parents andi a company of frienfis beartily enjoyefi thenîscîves. The grove presented a most cieerful and artistie apperne flags, haiiers, streamers and otne were plaeed in conspicunous places and added much to tbe appearauce of the grounis. From 1:30 to 3:30, the little folk enjoyed them- selves with ail sorts of games, after whicb upon appnînting miss C. B. Ilittle(ohns to the chair they renderefi a vcry intreting prognamn; and nnw foliowed the novel evetît of the day. By pictîtres, costume, &c., onue hafi beeu remindefi of OlId En-o.Pnd andf the Jubiiee, but when he saw the WàRl laden tables the effect was com- piete. A negular English tea and servednpl Eiîglishi styS e, juoket aud eut arnîsodi. saffron cake sud nobbies blanc mange andi jam, loaf cake andf many otiier things besides ; fis appie pie andi Devonshire cream. misses Eva Coonttee, eay Gourtice, Bonuie ilicîsards sud Ethel Gay, wîtls tise conventionsal apron sud capsofamillar iii thse nid coontr.y, vcrv seceptabhy fillel the position of waiting malis. Pleassntiy difi the bonis passunouil tfie geiitle'iight of tise silver mono suggested the time for departnre, when al hade ooe anoîher gond bye sud left for home filledi thmnemories of a verfipleasant af 1er- uoni. Great eredut ih due mis mîly A.Courtice the presideul of theC on-al clais, for the planning a: ,d successiul terminatin of tise affair. I - _______________________ _____________________ NEWCASTLE. [Fnrom our owiî Corresnoodeut.] Mrnsd t.Is. J.H.Tuer andi faînily, Str-aiflrd, visisiug ai berfatiser's, Mn. Thos. Douglas .... Meibodisi Chohr lîisa vainabie addition, Miss Mary Alun.... Mn. Jas. Seottis giving op faim ,ng sud wil nemove ho Toronto- Misses Bîntie aud Ethel Rhskarf snd Leais Rutetîluson vit- if Wetcome andf Port Rope frieufis neccntly.... Misses Maitbiew sud Fred Ganvin, Hamitouavîs- fiedfrIieufis bine reccnbiy on tiseir way home f nom abhcycle tour fnom Hamilton 10 Moutreai -.Mn. C. W. Bannctt preacei dai Kîndal Sun- day .M. Stanley L glow visiiefi Bopefi fndqf rîccntly .... - Srs. Cooper bas uicety nîcovenîfi Irom berriceut sîvere ilînesu...Mn. sud Mns. W. C. Alîho who havi becu vishthug Clarkeirne latveu bave sîturusef home to Gtence.... Mn. Wilt Law hs attending Pont Hope Modil Sehool.. . .Large quantitici of ouest are ubippîfi weekly to Torontoby boat.. . .Miss Eldridze, Toonuto, wbîî visitefi ber cousin Miss Neilie Eldidige bas retunief home .lu I Royal Templars- conites Boys vs Girlî,the latter wons by a lange iuajority s0 the boys provide a triai n exi Thursfay uigbt .. ..Mns. Manning, Bowuîasvilli, nîccuîly visit- ed bier daugbten,Mrs.Jobu Ottonî.. . .Miss Brown Dîsenonto, i viitiug Rît-. R. Taylour .. Mns. S. Bragg, Providence, visitef ierhînmoiber Mns. Abbe y, Sufay.... Mn. Fred. Argal, sawa, spîni Sonfiay ai home....Miss Rate Mars Ton- oubo, hi vhstiug Miss 1Lize Siggcnî.... Miss Adam, Oshawa, was rient gue$t of M. W. Ohapîlo. .. .Mhsses Gîninude earce and Jessie Atkîuson are vsii in lu onuo...MiusMary Alun wasîorganisi Sunday lu the absence cf Miss Rnh... - ,iss Fauîny Elîcuor wss home Sunday sud visitîfi Toronto Monday with ber brother..Misses MSOs and Laura'Riekanfi, JS as, spent Sunday with Miss I-na liikard.... M . r. nA î . .1- in v - y ÎÈ....rn VitUflMiIO visitefi inNewtonville,Sunday .... Miss Dora Gih- son,Port Newcastle, visitedi Miss Ettie Law,Sun- day... ,Mr.and Mrs.T.Ellison are boib indisposefi ..Royal Tempiars are invited to moin Newton- ville counceil at a pcle Sept. loth . .Mn. A Ferguson visitefi loronto lait week. ....,Rev. R. Taylor preacbed an unique snd popular ser- mon Sunday night te young women : 1'Can a mali forget han adornmenis"? Jer. 2: 32.. Mr.. I-farry.Pearce hi viîlting lu Toronto. NEwCASLE-MiSS Mulligan visited ai Mr. W. l. Rled's .. . . Ms. (11ev.) G.B.MeLeod,bas a new bicycle .... Miss Maloney, Ta)ronto, h liere... Mns. Campbell, Uxbridge, visibefi Mrs.D.Arnott reeentiy... Mn. Drumnmond andi Miss Aggie Delmore visîbefi frieîîds inthie weîl lately.... Mr. Johîn Riekard i reeoverhng nieely. Mrs. Thos. Dougls isiied bier sister, Mns. Strowger, Toronto.. , .r.F. lliary ihoiidayin)g ai Aunra.... .Dr. Ernest Ailin, Les -4ngeles. Cal., Is hoie.... .Rev.F.E.Farueomub sud wifc Sharon are visiting bis mnother .... Miss Annie clneeper, lIsydon, spent vacation at bier sunobs, Mns. John Douglas.... The new sehool hi about complebed .... Mr. Johnî Don glas, sou Walter bas -vone te Toronto in a wholesa e tes bouse .... MrAd's. SUigi=i reeoveriog niceîy.... Mn. J.M.Cobble. di kiha some ribi freutoînfi by slipping on the eurbing of s cistern ..The lire englue Isunuder. geiug repains.. . . Mn, As Otton hs vislting lu Toronto .. .. Mr. W. T.Loekhsrt and whfe were lu Toronto,. .. -St. Georges clîsrch may be renov- atefi goon.... .Mr. W. A.Guncsnnon is hn tnaining for thei C. W. A.rosdrse .... Mrs.Burebard sud Miss Lindîcîl, have retuniiefi to New York.. Mns. G. Holmes, Graveuburit, lu at iber father's, Mr. E. Simmous ... . Mn. Thos. Mollon sund wife visitefi thehr sou at Manilîs. reeentiy...- Miss Carnie Grese recently visiedfi nds i holbitby Mns. Parker, 3rd uine, bas gone to Toronto 10 lve wlth bier daughter . .. . Ms. Wmn. Taylo Toronto, an oldresident,ls vlsitsng Mrs.Orebsrd ..Mr. W, F. Tamblyn, B. A., aîîd sister,Whit- by, were recent o.nests-at tîtein grsudmoiber's, Mns. Thos. Tamblyn...Mr. John Hsnli'înew ne- sideuce isa neat two storey structure but of brick,... .Epwortb League picusekefi ai the lake Ib was a very plissant sifain whbh boabine and games. .... St. George's S. S. wili bc beld insuthe aftennoon durnigwhnter .... Presbyterlan picole ai the lake, was langely aiianded sud tliey bsd asjolly time.... Mn. Jas.E.W.Philp, G.T.R. agent i back from is holifisys ln Toronto sud Buffa- le .... John 11111 baa ssilht stroke of paralysis the other evening ... .Miss EdithSlcotebau gene to 1vlsgersvile,Miss Isabella Wilson tu Cornwal Miss I~gues Rowland te Deseronto, sud Mr.R.S. Rowland te Fenelen Falls, te resume charge of thicehools ..W. Gonesnueu's new Columbia bicycle wss punctored inh twenty-two places whle wsbing for the boat at tihi wharf eue eve- uing. If you had taken two of Carters Litie Liver Pis before rctiring you would not have had that coated tongue or bW1 baste in the mouth this morning. Reep a vial with you for occasional usO, ENNISKILLEN. School report for August: 12 toach!ïngdays; days sehool kofl opeu,12; aggregate attendance 414, averg tede3 ~e once il, late twc ;sadinig,names oi two first in each class in order of menit V. Kate Virtuc, Lyla Gil. bert, Sr. IV. Btte Stewart. Wjillie Thompson Jr IV. Florence Virtiie, Addie Pye, Sr III. DaXsy Thompson, 1arry V!i-je. Jr. 111. Fiorence ýP ye John Hail ,r1.Ef 'BsVida Hoski, Jr Il. Efi. Shortridg, Ab k, Pt.fl.sr. Ma ggw Bell, Muriel Siain ton, Pt. IL. jî*. Walter (; 1, , man, Merwin Mounitjoy, Pt. I. sr. Louis ByersH Walter Oke, Jr. I. Edua Edgerton. Parents ar, respectfully soliiited to examine the mon lil[y reports sent home for their inspection and silz nature, see that pupils do notnegleet their somie woriz, and do ail they can to promote regulari y and punctuality in attendauce, W. W. Non j, teacher. [From our new cnorresqpondt)(,] We are pieased to sec our doctori home Daalu, Ie rep)orts amosi enjoyable week spe qnt lthti Lower Province. 'Às epref h h 'jwa taken for the Lieutenant-toenrc ubca Lord Mount Royal's reeception and i s 00w uT- ing fromn weariness of the arm-bntL a week of passive motion (and massag.e) will m ake hlým himself again. We wish lm 1manyý" anothe' pleasant holiday.... Visitors:. . .O. Treli.. eoek, Bowmanville, ' Rev. J. L. Alexauder, Middleville, Dr. Douglas MclîeLrniBi, Dr. W. E. Struthers.1-Iuntsvi11le,îý.Dr. Mthl' Mrs. Virtue, Montreal, at Mlr. -J. G io's Ms itowe, Bluevale, at Mr. J. 'Vtsftoe'sU'Mr.lme Montgomery andi son Frank of uCl4ao revia. iting frienfis, Mr. Mongoinery h lokgw,-Ai after along absence. . Miss Rreai Mi s City. .... Mr. F". W. i sh Tnqnevtiig1 "fair"..Mis Lbottle Rogers is visitl-ng linl1 1Hope wbere Miss MIncie hs i attcing e4 Sehool.... Mn. F W. Lee's watchdfog iiJeff" tg growing bo quite s respectable iize ... Weama eliîghted to ascerisin that bbc syndicale bha compietefi s very suecessful banvesit.... .Mn.C(, Mite b alwon apopular irst in a ile(, biece race ai Hampton on Chylie holiday. Go (ji t ian Lsrge numbar fnom bere liafi te psy thaecx iapnyai Tyrene ou Labor Day ocve in i1 gence lu ehieken pie.... .Dr. Ellhotbh111S benA i Ing Dr. Mitebell'i nracthce dnrlne the lattr' abs.ence... .Mr. Relit. Stîphens imîgh'bc luen- berefi smeng the fooliîh virgins srihu it uia view witb tle laml isiilightishiextinci. PRFK[P18 RHU WRRNINIÙÔ [OR Let thy faith bo fixdl. in the Wonder. f ai transforming powens of Diamoa4î Dyes ; the resuits they give will che8r thine heart. Neyer allow any interested or u dealer bo recommend for thy use soM infenior or imitation make of dye. I thon wilt lîearken to his words, he ivili rejoice at thy simpiicity of eharacter and will delight himself over thy wraîhl and bitter disappointmeut., If thon wouldst avoid handlfing poisoflous ingredients, use only thbc Diamond Dyes for* thy home dy Ii r work ; bhey arc the only harmiless UiiM pure dyes. Wheh times are bard and monvy scarce, thine heart often craveý7s for naw and sbylish colors aud garmients. 13y the use of the magie, Dîamond Dyes L hy wishes can ho fully reaiized, becautse Diamond Dyes recreate old dresses and make them te look like now. If thou wouldst have a smniing face, a happy heant and an easy -mmd, cdo th-v coloring at ail sensons of the y ear with the Dianud Dyes; tneynoe cause worry or grief to those -wllo inake tisc of them. I .1 il 1-.m W-.qw w wýý-Y ý ili 1 ; Tl . 1 1 ý - . 1 - - - ý ý y ý -- -; -ý- 1 .1 -- È% É«-W d-% % -ýw -e-r -ý 'm -L rr j- -L -L ýt