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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 1

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Ât TERMS :-$1.50 PxR ÂNNum. NEw SERrzs. Aai OUR TOWN ANtI COUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. tutes BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1897. M. A. JAMES, Editor andi Proprietor. VOLUME XLII L No. 40. eeylon Tea.. in these days of Package Teas one sometimes'hesitates as to the particular brand to use, &If you decide on Kincora Oeylon you wil make no mistake. It is the latest and greatest success in th.e art of Tea Blending, combining Purity, Strength and Flavor. Put up in or- iginal Lead Packages of -1 lb alnd 1 lb each, in black and black and green mixed and sold at 25c, 40c. and 50c per pound. Cali at Youn & Co., and gct a package and you will be convinced of its superior excellence and. deliejous fiavor. We are special selling agents for BQwmanville of these fine Teas. .Our Grocery and Crockery stock is coin' '.te. We ask you to f avor us with a trial orcler. Prodi Je taken. Bowmanville. YOTJNG & c0sy The Grocers. After Von Secure your Furniture at Mv. D. WILLIAMS& SON'S YQur best and cheapest place to do so is at their ware- - rooms.0 Wife will be pleased with what you buy from us; our goods and prices suit ail classes. la Do WILLIAIS d& SON. DOWMANVILLr.- FnParniturelDeyaler and Untertaker. OgUndertaking a]wayp reçoives promPÉ aný personal attention daty or'night. 3.W. MONj& SO'3 New Dry Goods' Store. When we decided ta open a Dry Goods Store lu Bowmanville, we were confident that the ventura wvou1d be a success, knowing that n-e passessad the confidence ai the trading publie, and that aur many years experience would be fully ap- preciated. But the immense volume af trade that lias >b eau our portion since aur apeuiug, September lst,' has flot only pleased but literally surprised ourselves, yet we feel that n-e are desarving ai the success that is attendiug aur efforts to give ta the public FIRST-CLASS DRY GOCýDSAT HONEST PRICES. Al who have visited our store, are United lu thaîr expressions of plecas- ed surprise ut the values n-e are offering. We kuaw' that aur method of daiug business will be fulIy ap- preciatad. We will not carry au immense stock of any ana lina of gaods, but the variety will be found aqual toanay hanse in the trade, and as n-e assort aur stock almost daily, aur customers n-i always flud somnething new an aur shelves and counters. Wc have no aid goods and do. not intend having any in the future. As under aur mathod it is ntteily impossible for goads ta accumulate in aur store. *rocers' due bill or Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. Pao king Casas for sale. S. W. Mason& Son. Ist door East of Standard Bank, 3ow-- Manville. JUDGEýFS-Ueavy Draught and Generat PupsColin Smiith, G ea Henry, Win Stauley-,; Carniage and Roadsters, C Hl Brereton, Gea Cown, G R Race. Býroadff mare foal by bier side-Hugli .yaar aI(d geiding or filly, Jna MeManus, Cii,-pm an Bras. One year aid gelding or tlllY, Hugli G reenlees, Wm Andrews. Suýý iii, cott, 1-iugb Greenlees, H Mill- sun Chaipmnan Bra-s. Geuenai purpose br¶dmare ombalbebr sida, Chapman Bi, sa iid:3, 1G G;ray 2. Twa year aid gedîgor filiy, _R Martin, G G;rav, J M'\J nus. wOua ear aid gelding or ,11,uit1, fJa i Renny. Caria-ge brood » fdo al y ber sdaA MNaPbip BiololThs Con-vani, Toa ad titi k~ Tlailyn hlpBgiw NVroCooeyA J S ouch Suckîug colt, Ph1lip Bigel;ow,W & J Bron-n,A McNeal. asstrbrood mare foal bv hier sida, O A Gamsby, John Osbarne, lVhos Brawn Tnvo yean aid geidiug ar fitty, O A Gamn- sbRMoon, 'hos Somerville. Oue yerotd gelding or fil, IR Bran-n & Sonis, Chas Walter, Wm'Martin. Suck- ing! calt, Atdin Parkar, Win Waddall, ThsCon-an. Horses in harness, Span heavY draught, T A Best, Chapmnan Br, GeaCal well S p an genenai pur- pose, T W iUndern-ood, Win Cra.go, W Lanigstaff & Sous. Span Uoadstar, 15,ý haind s and under, Win & J Davidsou, W J Coulter. Span carniage horses over l;5ý hauds, Geo Cooper, F Mc'iliroy. Sin gle roadster, 151 bands anîd under, W & J Davidson, A J Soucb, Jas Mor- ran-. Sinigle carniage aver 15à hand, Peterl Staiker, Thos Cowan, Roddie C,-ldwavll, Handsomast single turnaut, (spneial) W J Davidsan, Port Hope, Jas iMorrow, Bon-manvitte, Alian Williams, Bawmp-anville. Saddle Horse, FMcElroy, E W Loscombe, Robert Cown. Lady rider (special) Miss Jessia Waddafl. Speciai hy F Bennett, Single horse, T Con-au. Drawing contest, double team, Gea Cain-elI. WS Colter's Speials,- Zyco sucking colt, M J Brawn. 3 year aI o!]Zyco colt, Wmn Clemence. 2 vear (Io, Wm Clameuce. 1 year do, 'T C SPEEDING IN THE RING. OPEN RACE, 1 enik Gea Curtis Lindsay. ý2 Lady Alexander, L ýennett, P Hope. 3 Muush.31an-, Van Waodruff, Whitby. 'i Jackson,,Frank Bennett, N ewcastle. 15 Zyceo, Win Coulter, Pouitypool. RUNNING RACE. i -Jessie JD Cea Davidsou, Orono. 12 M1iiinie élarke, C J Hughson, Orano. 8Tomn Foster, G Stevans, Bon-manvilte. GREEN RACE. i HappyEllis, Talbert Eveus,Yelverton. 2 Forest Maid, G Il Linton, Onono, ("Grace Stainton,E Loscombe,Ban-'vila. 4 Odfllo-,Jas Holmes, Cartwright. P5 Little Vic, Wmn Coutter, Pontypoal. 6Money Musk, W Walker, Port Hope. ÇITTLE, J UDGES-E E Cooper, F T Guy, Jas Leask. Du,,rham 12 year aId bull, W C Black- htunm, Allun Bras, i yaar aid bull, M Rabbins, John S Robertson, Colwili Bras. Bull Calf, Sainuel Aluin, 1, 2 ; Tho-s Smala,3. Con- in miik or af SanlAluniý'. 2,..8year aidHifer, W Hi Jewell, S§amuel Aluni, W C Btack- h)uri, 2 year aid Reier, W C Black- buiru, S Attin, 2, S. 1 year aid Houfer, Sumellln, ,23.Calf,WH Jen-aIl, S Allin, R Bran-n & Sons. Holstein Bu4ll, Gea Henderson, T M Gibson. Conl milk or ealf, W S Gamsby, 1- W,ý Renn-ick. 2 yean ad Haifer, Harb DenicJ J Gibson. 1 year aid Heuf- an, J) J Gibsan. T M Gibson. Caîf. T M Gbso, 1 2.Jersey Bull, C J Tho ru- toni. Cown umilk'or caîf, T Smervitie, T Ml Gibson. 2 year aid Helfe, iirb.- ZBcuick Jo Polar. 1year aid Hait- Thai t Haeking Couglh oaa bcequlekI, y enured by Uagyard's rectoral Balsam, rie2be. er, Joe Pollard. Caîf, C J Thornton,1 Thos Somervilte. Grade Cow in mîlki or caîf, W C Blackburn, W H Gibson, Allun Bros. 2 year old Heifer, Colwil Bras, T W Underwood, Jas Brown, 1 y ear old -Heifer, S Allun, T W Under- woad 2 and 3. Caff, J W Ciemence, Chapman Bras. Herd Durham cattla, S Allun 1 and 2. Spacial-2 year aid Steer, G Herrington, Ezra Hall, 2 and 3. Jui)Es-Rabei-t Hannah, Bethany, J W Martyn, Canton, Teasdel Whitfid BIackstock. Leicester Aged Ram, S Allun, W C Blacekburn, Staiker Bras. Shearl ing' Ram, Allin Bras, 1 and 2. Ram Lambh, Allin Bras, W C Blackburn, 2 and 3. Aged Ewe, Allun Bras, W C Blackburn. Allin Bras. Shearling, Allun Bras, L and 8, W C Blackburn 2. Ewe Lamb, W C Blackburn, 1, 2,3. Cotswold Aged Eam, Levi Skinner. SiearlTh Rain, Levi Skinner, R H Callacatt Rami Lamb, Allun Bras, Levi Skinner, 2,3. Aged Ewe, Levi Skinner, 1, 2, Alin Bras. Shearlin-g, R ilCallacott. 1,2, 8. Ewe Lamb, Gea Grey, 1. 2, Levi Skin- uer, Southdown Aged Ramn, L M Cour- tice. Shearling Ram, L M Courtice, 1, 2 Rami Lamb, L M Courtice. 1 and 2. Aged Ewe, L M Courtice, 1, 2. Shear- lingi , M Courtice, 1, 2, 8. Ewe Lamb, L MI Courtice, 1, 2. Shropshiredowns- Ag-ed Ramn, Levi Skinner, S Allin. Shearling Ram, Levi Skinner, A E Meadaws '2 8 Ram Lamb, A E Mcad- ows, 1, 2, Levi Skinner. .Ewe, E A Meadows, 1, 2, Levi Skinner.,Sheariings A E Meadpws, Levi Skinnier, 2,8, Ewe Lambs, A E Maadows. 1, 2, Levi 5kim. ieir. SWINE. 3JuDGE-Johu Martyn, JameF. Brown. Berkshire Boar, Jas A Russell, T J Cole. Boar, 1 ycur old and under. Jas A Russell; Sow, 1 year aid aid under, Colwilt Bras. Boar, under 5 mnîtls1 and ovai' 3 J L Powers, i and 2. Sow-. under 6 months and aver 5, Jas A Russell Wm Uglow. Brood sow lu pig, J A Russell, T J Cale. Paland Boar, Wmi Pattarson, Wmn Clemence. Son-, i ear aid and under, Wm Pattarson. Boar under 6 montlis and over 3,' Wm Clem- ence,. Wm Patterson. Sow under 6 months and aver 8, WMnCiemence, 1, 2. Broad Sow , Wmn Clemence 1, 2. Any large breed, boar, J L Powers, J Ugla-.i Boar 1 year aId and under, W Ugl,-ow- DJ 'ib'àon. Saw, i year aild and undev' J A Russell. Any largo breed, boar, undar 6 montus and over 3, J A Russeti. Wm Patterson. Son- nuder 6 monttis and over 3, J A Russell, D J IGibsoný Broad Sow, T W Underwoad, fi) J GlU- Son. POULTRY. Gae wsNak-es & Dligi& 2 CikNok.e? & Diting 1 & 12. Polauld Chiks WR nihti ad 2 . Gix'ni Spaugled 1I]amburg,ý E Birchi1 and 2 Chicks, E Bircli 1. Golden Pancilled Hanîburg, E Bîrch, Silver Span led Hamburg, E Birch-, W knight. Silýver Pencilled Hamhurg, E Birch. Blauk Hamburg, W R Kuight, E Birch ;' Chicks, W R Knight, E Birch. White Leghorns, Allun Bron iland 2 ; Chicks, Allin Bras, O Scott. Braown Leghorns, O Scott 1 and 2; Chicks, W R Kigiht, Scott. Rose-comb Bran-n Leghors A Tamblyn 1 and 2; Chicks, A Tamb- lyu. Brabma, light, E Birch, Nokes & Dilling; Chicks, Nokes & Dilliug, E Birch. Brahma, dark, EBirchliand 2; Chicks, E Birch 1 aîîd 2. Spauîsh Fan-t, Thos Little, O Scott ; Chleks, J F Osborne i and 2. Plymouth Rocks, Allin Bras i and 2 ; Chickis, Allin Bras, E Birch. Plymouth Rocks, white, Atlu Bras, D Stevens ; Chicks, Gea Beer, D Stevens. Wyandatts, laced, Nokes & Dilling, A Tamnblyn; Chicks, Nokes & Dilliug. Wyandotts, whbite, R Mdllalen, J F Osbrne; Chicks, R MeHolen 1 and 2. White crested black Polands, E Birch; Chicks, E Birch i and 2. Black Minorca, W R Knight, Nokes & Dilling; Chicks, Nokes & Dilling, W R Knîgb<t. WhitB Minorca Ctîicks, J F Osbarne 1 and 2. White Cochins, Nokes & Dllling, J F Osbornîe; Chicks, J F Osborne, Ried Caps, Ed. Hastings, A 'ramblyn; Chicks, J F Osborne. Langshanýs, J F Osborne, E Birch; Chicks, E Birch 1 and 2. Dorkins, W R Knight, E Birch; Chicks, W R Knight. Game Bantams, Nokes & Dillug an 2;Cbicks, Nokes & Dil- ling iland 2. Buif Cochin Chiqks, W R Kuigh t Partridge Cochin, Nokes & Diliing, W R Knight ; Chicks, W R Knight, Nokes & Ditling. Turkeys, T J Cale, A Tamblyn. White Bremen G case, E Birch, J F Osborne. Geese, W R Knight, T J Cale. Ducks, Rauen, Aluin Bras, Nokes & Dillingý. Ducks, Aylesbury, J F Osborne, E Birch. Dueks, Pekin, E Birch 1 & 2. Pigeons, Nokas & Dilliugi and 2. Canary, best singer, Mrs A A Gamsby, George Beer. Audalusians, Nokes & Diling ; Chicks, Nokes & Dilliug 1 and 2. Special bh'y Mr. Jas. McConnachie-L arge Hon Eggs, Wm tlnderwood. FLan-EnRs AN» PLANTS. j Vebena, WS Ga .-~ A A Rolfe. Pliantsnothýerthangrown )in bouses, W S Gamsby. Greenhouse plants, W S Gamshy. Cut Flowers, W S Gamsby, Mrs Geo Poliard, Table Bouquet, W Gamsby, Mrs Pollard. Hand bouquet, E Morris, W S Gamnsby. Floral Design, Mrs A A Gamsby A 'V'amblyn. Special, Palm, Mrs C G .krmstong. Special by S Cuttle, Collection of Pansies, W H Tonkin, Mrs A A 11011e. DAIIIY PRODUCE. Cheese,, factory made, Jas T Morris- an. lOtbs. Table Butter, Mrs Marvin Burk, Samuel Allun. Crock or tub butter, 251bs, Mrs M l3urk, Win Crago, Croclc or tub butter, 50lhs, Mrs M Burk. Prescrved fruit, Mrs C G Armstrong-, Mrs W L Cobbledick. Piled Veýe-, tables, W S Gamsby, Mrs A A Gamsby. .Ielly. Ettie Davey, Mrs A A Gamisby. Tlome-made bread, Thos Little, Mrs Gao Pollard. Buns, liome-made, Mrs Pollard, rs A A Gamsby. Hloney in comnb, Ge . Beer, O Scott. IHoney'ex- trceOScott, Geo Beer. Special by L BIIcIenneItt, 101h, roil or print Butter, Mrs M Bnrk, GRAINS AND SLEDS. Spring wheat,- red or white fife, A Tamrblyn, Win Cooper ( Fait wheat, Wm Coone 'v. Two rowed Barley, Jas Leask. Six rowed BarleY, T Cowan. Black-eved Peas, John Buckley. Smali Peas, tjavîd Stevens, Thomas Somer- ville. Oats, white, A A Rolfe, Oats, black, Thomas Somerville. Corn ln car,» vellow struniF, Farncomb Bros, H C Bawen. Corn it ear, white struug, Farncomh Br'os. Timothy Seed, Jas L.eask, W J Langmaid. Beans, A Sliarpe. Specials hy Joe Ilenry & Sons, Long Manojle David Stevens. Ensil-, age Cèorn, Y'oh n MeManus. Crompton's Early Flint Corn, 0. Scott, D) Stevens. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURE. Gents shirt and collar, Mrs H Hooper. Qui t, woolen, Mrs W L CobbledIck, Geo Beer. Quilt, cotton, Roddie Cold- well, Gertie Davey. Quitlo cabin, Mrs Travelle, J ames Wýadeîil. Quilt, drawn, Thos Little. Machine quilting, Mrs A A Gainsby. Fancy quiltixig, Jas Waddell, Johh S Robertson. Plain quilting, Roddie Caldwell, Mrs A A Gamsby. VEGEITAI3LES. Late Potatoes, John, Davey, Farn. comb Bros. Variety af Potatoe,,, Faru- comb Bros. Turnips, John Davey, Angus Stalker. Carrots, table, W S Gainsby, John Daveyv. Beets, table, Faracomnb Bros, John Miller. White (abhage, W S Gamsbv, WI i[ Gibson. Red Cabba-e, W S Gamrnsbv, Farncomb Bras. Red OÔnions. H C Bo'eîî, Marvin' liurk. White Onions, Noah Selbv, 1 &2. Onions, Potato, Jas Waddell, W J Langmaid. Celery, W S Gamsby, Marvin Burk. Parsnips, tableý, Faru- combBosilSape;: lweW Shr .Largo Squash, W C Black- burn, O Scott. Varietv gardonve- tables WS Gamsby. Field Carrots, W S Gamshy, Yarncomb Bras. Mangle Xurtzels', W H Gibsan, Farncomb Bros. Citrons, Robt Morton, jr, W C Blackburn. ffidishes, W S Gamsby, Farnconb Bras, Musk-melons, Thos Smala, W C Blackburn. Water-melons, WS Gamsby, Garnet Hall. Peppers, W S Gamsby. Sun flowers, Win Un- derwood, James Brown. Specials- Hubbard Squash, W J Langmaid, W C Biackburn. Summer squash, J L Rowe. Sweet Corn, W J Langmnaid. Flax, W J Langmaîd. Ripe Cucumbers, J L Rowe. FINE ARTS. Amateur oit pai ing-Copy, Land scRpe, Mary ECiolville,Mrs A Tourjee. Co Marine, Ethel Morris, Mary E Colvitie. Copy, AnimaIs, Kate CalvitIe, Lillie Morris. Copy, Flowers, Ethel Morris Lithoe Morris. Copy, Fruit Mrs M Burke, Mairy E Colvil le. Portrait, Ethel Morris. Cýol, af Paintings, Mrs T W Underwood. Painting- on velvet or Satin, Lillie Morris, Mrs Marvin Burke. Fancy Jars, Ethel Morris, Mrs Geo Pollard. Painting on china, Lillie Morris, Ethel Morris. Amateur water colors.-CopY, Lanclscape, Farncomb Bras, Mary E Colville, Copy, Marine, Mary E Colville, Farncomb Bros. Original, Flowers, Farncomb Bras. Animais or birdî, Farncomb Bras, M E CalvilIe. Portrait, Farncamb Bros, Collection af Water Colors, Farncomb Bras. Amateur drawngs.-Crayon drawing, copy, figure, Farncomb Bras, M E Coiville. Pencil drawing, capy, landscape, Kate Calvitie, Alice Shaw. Pencil drawing, capy, figure, Farn. camb Bras, Kate Coiville. Sepia or Monochrome, Iandscape, Mary E Cal- vitie. Pon and Ink Sketch, Alice Shaw. Special -.Udechanical Drawing, H H Odeil. (Coie ,intted on Editorial Page.)

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