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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 3

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One reason why Scott's Emu-,,lsion cures weak throats, weak lungs, makes rich blood, and strengthens puny and delicate children is be- cause ail its parts are mixed in so scientifie a maniner that the feeblest digestion a ,!dea1 with it. This experi-. ence has only corne by doing one thing for nearly 2 5 years. This means, purest in- gredents, rnost evenly and delicately rnixed, best adapted for those whose strength has failed or whose digestion would repel an uneven pro- duet. For t e by ail drcgg;ets at euc. acd $x. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN.ý ESTABLISHED 18514 Si sper easte lu advance, otlerwise $151 ousrip t-aia wys pas cloe t h the of'c ract, l10 e h , u arie f in- c-i on, and 5i i ~r i ce each sobsequenu in- îtton. Lac , 0O ee Pr hle. i-A. JAMES, Publishel nI)ýSeaMstresses-, and familles should procure the besf and simplest method of cattig, viz It iS Up f0 date and will save fully haif your time, and give your work the legance of French Style curves. Tihis system received frst-cdass Dipi- ornas af Toronto and Montreal Exposi- tÉons, 1897. Apply f0 W. SPAULDING, 278 Euclid Ave., Toronto, General Agent, or to Miss J. MARTIN, Bow- mianville, (at Mr.Davis', 13eech Ave.) 80-iyr. FIGEt iN AidsIA B ILOU SN ESS SICK HEADACH AND AU. [I VERL19 ~ E AS a laxative, oue pill ects perfièct.e te 'd if a steonger action is desiri-x a ctiarficecffect is protuedc lis f seo plls. Ine oistiinate nc isyhene a piurgatfivei ec ssmy, 'tir pit'Is vi!I he fo'ni suficice. T ce is îî. cn t h--,casar -ftr c1 )c- ii cîllCkeit -À,îi :u d -- i.cue c.i 5~ 5 FOR5 ,i MR.H.IOAR'S LE'ITER. No 22. DEAR LA i îOR-.-Ucforf unaeoy l'ut net a professioîîai malt, nevet theless I have gaiued a few thoughts white wandering around the Golden Land. They may flot ho iline with those cf others, but thoy are mine. Rossianit, B. C.,-is wbat might ho called tCho miners' camp, but the boom that has been ut top- mast dur- ing thte paît eighteeu. mont hi bas lie- corne quiet af present. A largo number cf business meni cf varied branches ru sh. ed in fully expecting te reap a bountifut h5ervest; stores wcre erected iu uhuost every locality, reut was ne object 50 long as the tenant ceuld get possession. Se great was the rush for gold thaf when the cars arrived rnany rnen -were riding ou the steps unahie te get e-ecm inside. If seon became evideut thut a reaction would tahe place, It was like water rushing dowen a ntountaiu's side, if wili suî'ly flot ifs level. More -business eau- net be doue thun fhe requirements need. The towu is tepending altogether on the presperity cf the mines, as there is ne ugricultural land in this leeality ut ail. I hiave visited muny mines since my arrivalinir camp; I have found out that there was a lot of truth in -tue wvarning the Toronto pupers gave Cc the publie regceeeing wild cate i-peculu fions. There wus a large irush cf wbut is calied here 'Tin 1-oru Brokers" with their assistants und would approuch some cf thoso bard-wee-kuîg prospective miners. Sainte: Good day ! Hcw is prospectiug ? Well we have some vee-y good claîîs ? What is the assuY f ound in the test? Fron $20 te $25 per ton What'is youî- peice per clin Some will holit eut for a large price white others de net cure for gold as rnucb as whiskev. A burguin le ntade sith ut smull umnoun, down uacd a provie Chut if te mine tue-ns eut iveil a certaini atocunt is te be paid. A but- capital value is put on te mine $100,000 te $5SelO,ùOO. A certain urnounit cf stock is set aside for te pernoters, or pooling stock; flic balance fer treasury stock ThI is is hroîtn ou the miarket as sale- able stock fer developing purposes Aud reow flic "Tin HIrn Beokers' uand hir assistuants commence te soul this steck ail ci or the' Dominion. A hourd cf directors is uppoinîe for truîcsuctiiîg business. 0f course fhev ceure their own saiary îvbicb commënces ut once bat fhe work cunnoC commence unuil the treasury suies corne cn. Here is where the bus-or gets deceived bY the broicers. Tbey are given tu under- stand thaf iCi cule- a vers' short ime lie- fore dividetîdi wiil be declured. I will net charge tlîer with telling lies. Per- hups tees'do not knew what ehey are tulking about, If they could but sec Che we-ing et the mines and are hou- est mcli. Cbey weuld fulk differenflv. As quicklv us a few theusanit dollars cerne in the werk commences, Soet tintes two or ftee shufts arc sunk te uscertalu depth te the hest seurn. Sorne are 6 te 20 teet deep anit lis a very slow process-hand-drilling. The core is taken out by thce old styleoîindluass. As quiekie as the scîtu i s atistactery, a building is erecteit for the muchiuery. Ail this work is very experusive. Sheuld thti sale ef t cck ho slow on the market, wýorkz will be suspended await- ing more capital. During thîs timethe pirnmoters are net idie. Every plan is devised tof0si Cc large syndicates. Many cf the dlaims that are openeit ap are neyer intenitei ttebliecars led en wifh ifs present prometers, rnerely awaiting a big suie ?st hait who arel itoing business lu mining are cocnpoi-1 ont men te judge cf qualit' v. Hcre is a' mine openeitb « sharks, 'A report is gcvou out that tIhe qualitvy is net sufEci ecct as a guurantee. Te go en with the work wlll cost toc niuch lu transporta- tion, theretore the « wiil wait until a smeltee- is hut îcre. Al fhe time tic presnects are i or> gaod Tite poor buyer is left eut lu the cold unit is ivili ing f0 soit ouf at a ver.- teifing surce. Thus Cie cine i. goblileit up by sharrs. This is only ûrxc or tîve plans eut cf mauy tecat are cure-led on here. boi- sons wio hueo purchaseit stock are otten enquiring aboutitheir mines undt oftinîes rie sucti a mine cau ble feîînd Be curetaI who s ou are buying sîtares frorn, finit cnt fiisfif lie iau ionest tm-an and knows tlierou.-hl.v bis busi- itou. Shunts wili sas-: "Jîrît ioek ut fthc LeRoy mne; ciii> openeit up a short time and stocklioldeî-s are new seling their shares ut $7.50. " Thati h correct. Whiie I was lu Victeria, B. C., there weas a man whe had bouglif 400 shares for 25 cents per situee soîno tilce ugo and bus now seld tbern for $750 per shure. Thut h ver ' exciting. The shark doos nettfeul vou.lîew man- thouscînts of site-es bave been heughit and te ielders neyes- received onte cent anit nover will. I couid write rnany more plans by îvhici the public aroîde- ceived hy thc shu-ki bait wili refrain, 1 bave walked mny miles aroundIvis- itisîg fli mines. Nearly e-e-v piece et lund in and aranuitRes'sant fer miles is "locateit and I uight sately sav liundreits are openeit. Tiiere is not a shadifw of doulit but fliere is millions Trios. HoAR, V_ RoslandB. C., Augaîf 24,1897 No.2M 1Leaeicg Roslant, B. C., Cie Cite- of < ~i-~--Goit, I taie a moeninig wulk cf sës-en T .. 1> ET e- tilst the tewn o f Te-ail, a descent cf (20fotfront Rossiant. This tn i N - 1i1 Ise a mining camp close Cc the Colurn c. lia River. Bore is a s-ors- large imelter 1about as ia e pont :0-c 50>' a - , wire 200 servants are 'emuhoet with f Lanp -'ig ca a,,ai o.it acapcit of200 tons cf ce-e perdus'. Ia kuro tOCndt gis ap a e! 1)going througi fie imeit ce- it is rouÜlis'a a rw-telg co and î/1 r iv, greut shi. TeCrow's Noîf Pusi pne n j an oul. Wi..coutcc! t cvi fficlp,-IRaiiwuy none unter rapit construction f il lhe darkicets esilys' -u t vwo 'when fiisiet nilireose mens' oh hundre e-~t ahe ofcIy .nau (stadles bitierto lu fie way. Mas' min- p ioro Wh'c you wacî tites' -y et o aing camps fiat but ulmoît ceased oper- V\Divicg Lamp tl e h toc, c e,-oun ations on accoue-t cf no te-asportion are1 Wedeater for the - Dols-. now blieming up azain unit mas liard Woleea 'pecial Cal' gi cof tPs tfoiliig peospcting diaimineilinoie-corne Lump, und, if you uvor prout croc- 1 ' info fie market. It is culs-c shortîspace aflef ni.,ht-falt. if l ctt tat oîl Jaiof time liefore British ColIomblu nilil be 'Tes mailteSfnac. gc. i hooket upon as flic bout miuing district R. E ~IE Z ~ ?:1Iofftho woriit unlessitifshouhit so buppen DIZTZ C .9 IC1fiat tic Kîcaitske regîca witcî ifs taie-y 6o -1aigi,. t., 1NCw York, (P like prospects shouit swcno if cîtogeti- 1 ý.But fime witi tell. Loaving the Establclec.5 i 184o. ioisa I go aboari thfe steamer Koo eues' ~ ~ soamig upthe river wif i beaufifi andf stiugng ; mou uat mgnt ; norie Oýy Ticre are som e- mines- here with one scratchiug if achoseetofcontinue tioasanit meu woriing lu tiern but ycu fumors teern, wnehciotten bicot cuithardi>' e-or boe- cntiag about tiem. uiceratc,becoeiung s-or>' sore. SWAYNEî There bas heen antà is now quit e anu OIs'vausos stops fie iteiig -unit lecit(ý- oxitemont in fie miuing ueli e-e in a0 iug, lieuls ueceration, unditnumotnne place, thoe au BRanuti rg. Tic>' %ses romoves the tumors. Aft e1ig- oxpeet cIter a fimo if will liec aeeryC Cssor b>'-mci, for 50 centsD'- oot payiugpiuce.-Youe-oëspeëctfu-1-y',--I Swusi-uo & Suai, Philcitoîphia. Lymuniai Trios. MCCLUNG. t Sons, Whloesaie Agents, Monteou i. -Santa Monica, Cal., Sopt. 13th, 1897.n ~scenery ail aloug its barks unfil Ar-o w-1 CAIIFORNIA LETTEIC. heat is reaciet. ilere I make a changei- j fi-cm steambeut te railway, speetiug ,ý EDIvOR STAvESIsIAN,-As we are ut" t along flic main fine cf the C. P. R., cf' present set tied dowîi lie-e un Cie Pacifie Reveistoke, change eue-s bore, ps Ocean beach 1 fhougbt fiat I woult use ulong ftho Rockies for muns' miles until a littie of my leisuno fiie in writing' -the train cornes f0 a hlatuthfe Glueler you a few lines for yoar witeiv ircu- R Eouie. The station is ult he base cf latet paper, You neoit fot expeeta tthe mountuin cuit wifbin tlîirf v minutes great e-riety cf news froîn me as te-cm twaik. Seas cf ie cover fthc tops cffthe rny trient, Me-. Thos. Houe-, vho is meortuins fer a distance cf manymie travelling se exteniiveiy os-or fie Con- The hcecis cf sarprisiug thiekuesi n tiientuanit bas se uîuuv fine opportunif- r remains îoiid al fhe, year round lndisifor seeing sncb a vaeiety cf sigits. -when seen glisteîîing in the sunsi inis This place is a s-ors' lrettv dits ou flic a sigit nover te bcef torgotten. Spieut- ,ýceusf about eightëeeu m'les frointhfe ting ulecg for many miles threugb ,s-iow dit' cf Loisugeies, 'wif h several -sheds, these are requireit for te safe , theusanit inhabitanti. BeC h the Sauta cf winter fravel, pasiingnîcuntalu utf Foc unit Sonlieru Pacifie Rail-Reaits ,,fer inouinain until the boue-y heaitet e un lunbîe. ifiere are twc eiectric Ï pyramit is cahet flic pianacle c car lices aIse. Il h as a great swhlarf whici tazzles the oies of the bebolter. noe-kl fie-e theusaut feet long unit widc -Ifs beigbt iî more tfhun a tuile unit a haîf eneugît fer fie-e rail roadtfrueki belong- aboie the railwav andt h nainei afCet in-, to the Souteen Pacifie Rail Read. Sir. Douad Smnitli, eueetf ie cliief pro There are a tiamber of very fine resi- -meters cf the C. P. R. Tic next -îs dences bore ant eau lioast et 2 or 3 Rogers' Pass ait. 4275 foot fie pais j li mlionaires, coecf tbem is a vore- fine betweentfw suow clatimeuntalls.Tic- gentleman unit belongi te eue-chue ci, train noss' crosses eueeofthfe lofties, i ihe built themn a beautif ni chue-ch railway bridges ilutliee world, 8,0 foe ost iicg ovei- $10,000 unitpresetet iC te jaliove the eaging wsatersi fiat flow bc- 1fie te-ustees wiîeu filie. Rlis narne neafi. Pussing alorig tirougîr fpie 3Wm. Rinýdge. They haie serne noble llockles tee- uany miles witi a vurefe ricti enen lu this couiîtry aithîouo-lî a cf pleasiug scenere-, until see recclr tegiect many cf theut cure iittie for aîîy- celebrtet Banff -wîth its bahsfie, L ihiug fiat'is good. We have' huit,tiat sprinlgi anit naturai pieusure rec-sis, my sens-ia-law, G. I1. Coche-an unit unit fine hotels s-wiCi peicesraugiugfrom F. A. Pewell, a mîlce cottage with soven $2 te $5 pertayîincludinglbattis suppiiet ree ri ili, iighteei with elocteici y unit fo te-mfe itot sulphur speilig. Thsea 0getsapple- cf watee-. Se you e-e we boteis are kept oen te-oct 2itb Muy f0 oCI arc ug thiogs pretfy cemforfabie. Oct eher 1sf. The curative posver luitue NWý9 as re-iae-ds te country on tic saipisur spring'Zs iielucei uîndrei t f0 J, ý wiîelp Itiicuk the genenai opinion ih' if thaf hocalits' turing tie summewit- tfimes are icupro'ee-ig unit ikely Cc menths, Titere us aise a sunituriacu nuiiprove i-e-y rapidis-, cf Course fie Ile u nit bospitai e-nter thfluie supericten pubicacir attrihute ifte otIenMeKinue>' dency cf De-Beof The beautifal sightl or Dicîgley turîft, the Dernocruts thini seeig cf the Rocciies luinitn aronulit.tha t if ic i f the big ce-eps andt Iigih price Buna excels auything te ho seon while cf protuce cuaset hy Cie short ce-eus iii fiav ellinîg f lrougi this meutîtaneus oI(ther counitries I thii liti oîtinet couetry, ini act iflibarffic iise-iptiei. iouglîfte oget Clie crodtefor the impro e- No Cunîst salit t(l aîl f0stop here tee- a nent, cf coitese vyuaknese- fat lu al day or f seo ut leait. Leuviug Banff arît duntrios tire oaues'oee, seanCte.gis-n a îutiet 20 utiles the gai)ce-'tire outiet tuie gos esnmeeît an>' creditfofr ane- ofth Ci eountulus is cchet. Speedritimipe-ceecueut l inte fries. Tiey ae aleng os'er the wide prairies we sou juifas liait ieîe as witli >ou lu thut cerive ut tiecîdts' Cai.aex, un impotft -av, I suppose flic preect Opposition anC place and fili aîdsomest it>' lie- seiti yen will net se-nt to put asiething >fwee Branudonî unit \aucoiver - If la t'Cie ci-etft he Laurier Goverurment. flic centre ofte get ancleigce c isbt will sav if oui> choc wee-e in nowe G-e-et herds cf herses, cuttle u -nit iheup linuemachbotter tiîg-swnoulit li. I miai e coca alng' tue e-ete atto a don't wunt te su>' uses-Ciiie iiite shape mountet police station anditàaposit'etoetpolifici furfber fiait tii andtChut is the Hudson Buay Conpans.y.Pussingi-,If tic GeverlimenC wouiit sont a botter ouwurd te-cm towu te town for 4838 utiles typ iecf orige-ation agents te the Oit te capital cf the N. W. T. is re-achet ,Conery1 hnitinisecith l imsmiely lRegina. bttr pe Chais Ciey are, busfliee Sept. îoth. T. IboAi 1peesent Gos'ee-îtrnt is ne worse in fiat respect fian fie foi-mer. I couit pick f - o(,t twents' gocit farmsinnslCarke unit One H1oneit Nan. Duelingean who -would maletehfe rugit -- uinitofetmn te sent home f0 get caf Dca,- Editor. Pieuse informn your tue-mers wifhi mens, nihici are the kilnt reaiters,tlcaf if writ ton te cenfidonfiully, of erigrants 'youivuwnt unef îlot paupers. 1 wiîî umail, lu a seuleit leffer, panficu - Fue-mirrg bore is done on a lureoceaie lue-s et a gcîîuinc, honesf, home cure, b>' indeedt Chut is eoeetfCie de-aw- bucis wîicî i1n as percianenti> restoreit to lie-e, flîoy do it ou suci a large seule bealth und itailv iigor, cIter man, unit require se foe- mou te do if. Meni sears of sufferiîg te-cm cee-vous telilits- ese-uiinte- octten te eue hundietfieuns sexua e kes igtlssadw-" unit acres wîth onis' tu',ert totfostyrmen sirunkcu pue-fs. I wus roblietuitc;tor-c-h theae lue-goe-utrs, il beogal swiîîdled liy fie quaci urnfili 1noe-]>' chiefly doncbhohrses asdsit cîaciiee-' i lst faili ýmaukinit bat thunklieuson ue- asot ut go ooeeof Cie î~~~~~~~~~ ý Vweî vgîru ni teo gtems a conthineit eeap-'r anit fiesier unit wl-h te make ttilt ceetain moans e t wei utnfcein n u' cuekucîvuco ail suffeners, I havew)- g'iuig uthflicrate of fer te-acres e thi g o sllandwan nomOnvýbui- unitfront eighit te si'<focn bundeiblis- Chiu tesdiuni wan nomony, beu,,cf grain cf course itopenting on besng a fiern blieiver iu fie unse-rsal '_ brotieriecit et man, 1 Icmdesie-ous cf fie quali't fie drop. The machine ieiping- the unferfunato te regain tfi,,We- hrt-w ore n bealtie unithappiness, I promise y;( turmo,,tî di a-te'oek.Ti perfect sece>,y itteei i-fi ta g iin îles in Chý ieldcin hubugi tilitic>'y Wîr. T. DrOî, Agents' SuppJiie reecis't1rw flce o fs1 O. box 59, St. 'ienri,-Que, o ot-fi-miiaerqîett e- a idgtuern or rancht as tîce>'cali tliem lien-. The bus'haivsfis dene tin fie SUPERSTITION AND) SCIENCE. secte wuy liv niachincîxe, thev et tut Me-a. Specs-Lan:-it akes, Sir, yclu 'ccitibls'a"machine uni thou when liaven't boaglif thaf house have yen f i- tutke if intoe ihe-nbhe-e a nia My> 1 My 1 Wliy ste-, fiee-s a eue-se on, chine seiti fieo long peongi aîîd if doe-o' tira-t bouse. Evee-ybody who lives the cb,,twe herses anuittie>' juif lift up fie dies. 'cuci et bey unit pushi i mecthe cua-n 0or Ste-cngee-I'll son fix fliaf. I'r1a te lie packing' machine. Thes' bute pluumbee-. work se muci bore hat ifie " maie borses doe os'rythiug but I dont hiare Ilow To Cure Ahi Skhn Besociss. tiom us fie weutlîer is ruChier ssarrn, Sinîpis'appis' "Swue-ue'i Oitmonit." somctiîues ut lasf. I ciiis- oiro No internalin*edicine requiroit. Cures couid sec tlýe te-uit lu this counfe->, Cie tetter,eceonru, ifch, alerup)ticus oit tue ciop bas bec wocdertul, This season fate bauds, note, etc.. ieuvicg fie sln- the peucies, upricots, nufs, alînonits cloe-r, swhite nIelthicii Is greut unit ail siuuall fruit ceint hae-dly lic gis-- iealîug ancurcautive poniers are posses- ou aisa>' You coul-J get as muce- peu- oit lis ne other remets'. Aus' oaeu -.-,rug c or grupcs as you cuitduer-sue-i glît for Sn-uyne's Oiutmcurt. L fors te-tn cents, unit us fine c fruit us yen Sons unit Co., neboiesulo Agents, 'Mo,,>t, c(ver saw lu youe- lite, indecit see hait al osier toue- unit fle hantee baskets rot- ting oit the groanit. Tic>' use gottino' ~ teansere-t-nv..cuniurg factorios unit wiil lie abie t~o tue-itaci.Thplc conserafet b>'1,9- to n fie future. Tic>' grew ge-upes tee-ad love; by fthe innocence cf spor-ta oniilarge seule, b pusîcit the lurgoit cf childlio& cait by fie fie-sf acquainl-.vîie.vari thfe otetbo te eeis in Seuth- tance of fthelieue-t with nature, is the e-n Califorula, if centuins two thlicant only te-ne home.-Woite.j acres, undili nas a granit sigiht te sec tho bunches cf gruei trefrn six toe ogi- "F11or Over Frfty Years. ' teen huches long: Hait a cent pcer pounit is tue peice th v e-souau in quantfties ant For ver ift yeas Msý W.NsoYv ý îWe ha ve qaite c numicler cf oit te-entsj SOOarINuxSvuur bias been useit by mil- eut in.titis country>. W0 necre s-rs gluit 1îcîns cf motiers tfe- their chute-en white te cee our oit trient Me- Thes. Houe-,he teetliing. Il diiturb'd et nigit uit carne oufte caor place f0 sce uQ with u'n- irrI Onfe yeur ect b>' a sick chlt cuuf. oflîe- ofie oit Bewunune-uiie trient, ts-rng eut cning urti pain et CurttiicMe-. Harde- Drowee-c -Wc ni-e-e vers- Address of Lieut.-CoeI. Samn. Hughes, M.P., Ou ASiumiug COMuiaud of the 45th Victorïa Regirnent. Headqtîcreera 45-h Battalion, Litàose>'. 4Ci Sep£. l1879. Officie, Nec Cotnîuisseoied, Offino-s tend Menîî offthe 45th Vietgria Beffa1iea : lau iueg cocîtaienit(d-h e 45ti Biemalion, a neigmout in v7hicit ut ifs focrmsation tit>' ears a-go, 1, tien s boy, was enlîst"d, eut iin seici if bac bben my pri-vilega Cc sFerve as pnivate, aergea'it, sergeaut major, lieutenant, captaun aut adjuant, senncor itnîjace-ande nele ss ta es.ete t he 'hat iiuergg ae hoe ee oit 'nst prude eud hi 005e A revisew.cf te past as ?ceeplon- dit are-a>' tof fli e-s aut lueu unitbe-il 1ianL record tir the oit reg,-merx. Ouc tite e-ails ef this battaleos daice its ti- etopîea are fouce the ohm -c cf : - The Isse chief justice cf te -North West Territoriosý, Col. James McLeod, long adjutant ant seior niaja'- et tis corps, one wlto distimguisiet Iticeseif et the turne of tic finît Fenian Rutiî in 1866 ; later scil] in tlie RedtRRuee-e-- behhîon in1870 uhere lie soc-cet as Brigade NI--j r uiter mthe mion Colonel, acte Lori Woloeley, and agaî ii ite stirring fe-rtier ittys as fret in cout mnntfethfat splendid ibody et men, fie Nerth West Mîcunifet Police. Col, McLýeit sas a!e icunet b>' er Majesty with a C.M G. L'eut. -CoI, F. Cubtet, et Boceinan- ville, fie firat commaeed'nuîaffiuer cuit tir twenty-aigh. yees coîol aIfite rogiasieat, wio, lsy hua eoltcenrly bearng, unspireit those under is comnînsandci wb'ci-O eci' dateus fram d-iicgcîiedt serrceca in hcrebLuliou et 1837 eutd 1838 Lin.Ci.Deacon. of etîs tewo,1 cehe from 1868 until 189 4 cees maior ici Cthe regimeut, buot whe, mu addition to hia dîicuouishet 'ce-e-lesithu ie "North West Rabelien cf 1885," came ta tua - corps weaming tic levers for braver>' et Alma, Inkerman, Beicclaveai-et Sehas- ceipol in fie Crimean cece, u ite Inian Muwtna>' nthesChinsse esare. Major W. J. McSfurty, cf Tee-onte,1 aiho cisc diaeireguisiet himsEcf coter Wolseley mu fie R'ýd River nebellion ln 1870. Lieut. Coi John Rugies, mn> brother, rescenfi ' gazutteit tecnt cc mmanding ibis cee-ps to fie command cf the 46ici Due-hem batfalion, aie sBereutiluthe 45ti frein privece te colonel from its crgautzaticn toutil tis yesr. ant uhe tees pnuvilegei totelent the 45tli "Mit- laders" iinoug'îlthe tronches et fie beetieetofBatocito mii 1885, cuit sa quentl>' lot in the og marches be>'ond et eo Saskatchewani. Capt. J. C. G-race, noeftTocrento, stie cisc sereetith lhe megimsetin fie North WNest nebeliion m'-cd cas wi tie corps, ac haler, in Lis baffle ef Batocois Lient. G-eo. E. L-sldlaw, of Victoria Roan, wio we sevenel> 'wsoondet uit!' Banton, Christie eut mas> otiers et1 lictocie. Capt. W. S. Rusesell, nec' cf Berlin, wic reppeediy won hionons fer hie carps ln Canada aud teoMotuenlant witlî flicrifle. Mayor R. Smith, of Ibis town, for mca>' yeers an aile capf cccof fhe 45ti. Dr. McLtughiin, ex-M .P.ý, Bouman ville. surgeon. Col. Kennedy, cf Winnipeg, once0c a -45,,i catumeto. Gao. Mattietes, Eqq , Se-., eft fus town, a former lieutenanît. Major Be-ces-, mol ofie 401h. Major Rowee, cao nOua uinte 46 b,. Capr. Cotting'cam, ttow in Manitoba, Lieu Johanuganote of Pifer- boro, Major Ruflege, ucu of fie 34th tbat- tlion, Whitiy, a fermer: major. Tire laI e Cept. W. Mactonell, et Lindtsay. Major Scott, nov of Tee-colo Co. VcLcan. of Port Hope. The lete Dr. Roait, cf Ectemauville, songe ou. Dr. Beifi, Beumanville, surgeon, The lafe De, Bcyle, Bue omauville,i Dr. Sylvester, note cf Terento j Rev. El Pearson, B.A. Capt. Tuis kell, Lindsay,. Baudmnasien Bounsahi, Bowmeanville. Banduaster ýMeali, cf Bcwmareviile. Capt. eut Paymssfîer Scott, now of Las Angeles, Cal, De-. Bry8on, surgeon. Secgf. Rar-y Keenan, North West NionnteetPolice. Herbert MMunetry, o f Bowmanville, besides scores morse 8ci as Loecomie, Christie, Keiti, Galbraith cf Bowman. ville; Robson, Treleavea, Tucker, Wil - mot cf Clarke; Eugliâh, Lamb, Keele of Omemee; Nagent, ThirkeIl. Mat- theus cf Liadav. Diekson, B3randon, I'V iWAS cUC 1 .i iiî nSIR,--Tcar L17,'VaCr-+ Lc cia . ii'wler's ExtCi ~iid i-i ii î ci-ed ~i, babvcf t --d il, i ioaafteraillatherrmoansfaled,+ ;0 e -'t~gre-et praise. Ilis cxco- 4,lent fr ai!iboweie c.ieart 4, MKS Cei-P-AS. BOIT, Harlow, Ont.'t 4i T'-E EAD IOASTER 4 4' Ceaec E F ihave found geat 4 s-ct ca l i u.eoffr.îawoIrls- ji -i - %fiawbey, and cou- 4, i- i c- 'ale ic ail cases of+ ci- heai id cacir campijt + ' Ë it îtrecommccid+ 7 i Cb ýlo, NB. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CU1h A-LL1Nsrvies aDtseasesFalling Messe ' 0ry Impotenuy, ii.ispleasness, etec see lee' Abuse or otii-ciExcesses usisd i,- cretione, Thcj e'uk-îwasZsIes - restere Basf Vitalt1in nid or-11= =Su fit c man fer etedy, business or marriage. PreVent ieueccity snd ceeseumapti i t 2ein etirae. Thee- use shoars immediate Zaeov- ment and effeets e CUE wiere cil other aSs- hastesspon leaving the genuine Ajax Tablets, Ther lav M. rd t a and awili1cueeYom We geve a pos- tive Weitten gnra ntee to fi escr EII~h ch caesor refnd tihe menset Pey s5JVU 1ce packave; or six Pkges (full treatmenti for 82..B mail, en plina wraseper, spen reeeipt or ries.C fraeAllAX R]EMEDY cO . -; D For sale bi oWmnanville by STOTT & JURY, çvor'dl,3 1 us tô , aae constipation ce 'l1 i eg~a t c- thcmn. iO'w I havc ra trombl1a of tha. eîd moj 're and I attribute The del17î-ý pistol now cey rc very ta tht es iofyoi r,;v-i2- ý OCCplace, oi theyr I alwas ta- 3oaj r in. L Slof Uc-s of bar- t brim Lni sto ouht t XI7-~~e~ii ' ~ at tttre3.out PIS Ls rke o-îet m !t tm. çbullots nt the tm"'get of the live. , OS~uc~ Sstill in txidrnce, nid î eprobab; ,:2 cîuy Sbody Las testc I. tlica vlrte o 1 have the hono- of being the third te comnmand te regiment, being gaz- ëttefi in Joure, 1897, as Lieut. Colonel Duri1 the Feniac'c Raid cf 185C, the thern ucleus cf the present corps ren- dered di8tlcuished sec vie s ont nehfron. tier and prcced thaneiugh Boldiers, Capt. and Adjutant Sylvester, sti'l cf this riueowas cthün a lad in the old flist Lrifleeo n s, ri ),equently No. 1 conip-eoiy, Bowm,îr Pt la the Fenian Raid et J the regi. meut wsunder oltiere. id some cf the memberfs were a itedia ont, though the troubles store ccly of short dura- t tan. lu 1870 aleco the Red River rebellion braka out and ueteAor Col. Wolseley and Ool. MoLeod, cîfficers aru' men cf the old re-giment gave splendid account cf themseivee d uring those tryi ig monthe. Iu 1885 duvng iho "Niorth West Re hol on," theo 45h "Miclanders" were iu tho fore front cf active service; snd whetther i t as a Joug night tmerci; vradiog the rierai; towiog barges; on sient cutptiet bel cra the euemüy by r.îîht; nr amid the dangers aud dia cf battlo or on the toïleome marches in tIhe distant nertb, uhorever duty cal- I 'd, tho. cficona cf the 45th Regituant were "second te noria" in gallant ser- vice anud in derng deede. In rifle shoo ing alec the regirna lias ever taken a Ïeac hng place, aud bas houa hionon d by the rames, Capt. Rusel, Surgeon IMelsuvblin, J. B. Mitchet, Lieut. 97. C. King, Capt. Mi.aJ. Satida, W. Curtis. Turner Bricain, Joa BÈRir, N. S. Young, C. Windsîtt 0W on dhs Grenadiers in Torocoto, C(;1. J Hughes, W. Sanderý sec, J, andi-rson, be-sides thoc3e cf iVictoria couCy led by Lient. William. son, ancd iîcludîng (Jeeit, ilopkins, the the late Staff' Sergt. Robinson, Priv. ae Peaeîick no w cf Brockvîiloe, Finlay [MoDýugail and] J. H1. Brandon, of Fenelon FRUS, Gapi. Sylvester, 1L H. Oliver, Wm. Roc ,gsacu, Se1ert. Brars, au well as the comnianding efficer, 1 koce1 but voici, the sentiment cf officena and men cf this regimene ia ex- pressim4 regret et psrting frorn cor old eomradea iu arme cf the Bowmanville and Cksrtwright companies aow added ùe the 46th with or late colonel;bu in the accessions l0e ht, 451,h frorn fie 461,h let usne lcome aur new ccouîrade as worthy succossors. THIIEE BURNED TO DEATH. > Repetiiseo le Posert, ý4 ines Tragedy at Iminrge C)False. A despafch frein Sturgeon Falls senys- Shortly alter xnjdnight on Mondlay lire broke ouftlIntthe residence cf Mr. Le=z- dre GatIeu en Mjain etreet. Thre fire hia, galned. sucli hoadway before being discov'ered and the flames spread so rapidly thlat fthe parents and five of their eight chidcren barely escaped wif h tiroir lives. and if. was impossible to save three daugliters, aged thirtoon, ton and oeglf, who were aAleep v9p- stairs, and they wers burned to death., The lire originated on the upper figt and is believed to have been cau-ed by a defectivo, flue. The loss is estim- ated ctf 1,000, which is partially cos- ered by insu-rance.

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