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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1897, p. 6

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I - -~ r ~ ýW DNE5DAY, SEPT. 29, 1897. DRt. J. C. MITCHELL, &I MMBER 0F COLLEGE OF PRYSICIA) sud Surgeene, Ontario,tllarener, etc. Office ad Residence. Enniskillen. 74. D BUREKE sIEPSOtN, apecairs, ilt Street, Bew'unr b1lù. soîcîtor for tne Ontri Bak k rftate loneys leenofi et tha Iû wost rates BOUT, YOUN4G, V. S. O FFICE IN< THE WEST DURHAMN "NowseBlock, where himneoif or assistant wil] ho fennd fram S.m. ta 9 pm, Night oeil- t residcncedireccly opposite Drili Shed. Oeils y telegrapli or relephene will recelve nronfp ten tionn17l yr R. PEATE, TaiSo Gentlemen's lothes Made te Order. J..8LBIR IA CO MIB t OFFICE :-Rear of Messrq iggiubotham & Son's Drag Store, (down stairs), LOWMANVILLE C, H lIN ENL. D. 'S- Gradua cf lise Royal Collage Surgeous, Ontario. E OPPOSITE EXPRESS VITALIZEB AIR. et Doutas! OFFICEI New Tail-or Shop Tise radera iguefiuhe hes beon carryling an e thé tailoriag hasiness lu ceouoctic-, relis Maseu'a Dry(lents Store fer a aumberf s-ar liras, oemmeaoad buaseese fer bimseif at i' resida' uce, KiagS ff', U, hero ha le preparso te asako egants' nfi hoys' esta su ail the letesi F t ya aet ieweet prices. Ko" these w se rebe-, te erdar suite, ha relu carry atoull ine of amples mailtisa nereet patteras. Gis-e hlm J. T. A L N Feshienable Taller MONEY TO LODAN. $100,000. A lar-geenm af moea- as beauplacet lumy iitnds bs-Paprivata pegrsan "f,-or nvestmeut, an a&Proved leoans eon.tesm scaits- for a serin cf P V,'T-ENor aeyaer, rivE AsEn naaMspCEes caerltereet wulîlhoestot pyable i aris- Satleeotei' ceilitens fr seas-mont aiiho uirntua. Dateit Oct. at, 91î 40-tf, W ANTED-CNNVÂSLERS.-'Queen -Victoria : Rer lite ad reigih as captur- cd the British Emýxpire. Extraordliary testi- aronsale from the g,-eai men ;senfi for, copy free Marquis of Lorne ecys3, Tic beet popular lîfe ot the Quecu t bave ester secan. 'RHir Aajesty senis a kind letteî ai appreciation- Slling by the thoosanfis ,pises cthusiastie Satisfaction. Canivassers ma'kîn« ftomi ,ýtaý'. 45weekly. Pro- speetos free taagents. Tee ýBlAnLax'GxARiE cs Co., Lîtefi, Toronto. W ANTED.-Farmers' sons or other inclnttions persons et fait edacation te whom f0 a montha woald le an infincement. I canîfi aise engage a feu ladies in their own humes. T. R. Lksecuxr, Tutuntu, Ont. W ANTED-jýMon and women who eauT workhlatd talking andi wrIting six honte dailylfor six days a wcck, andi ulîl e con- tent with ten dollars weekly. Afilîes, NEu IDExc Co., Medical Building, Toronto, Ont. Royal Quarto voînes. No delivering. Como mission paifi weeltly. A canvasper reports bis firet week rnaking over sevcnty dollars profit. TuEcLîSecoT Coîmpany, Toroîito. fiELP WANTED.-ilehable men lu every locality. local or travelling. ta bi- trodoce a acu decovcry and kecp ont show carde tacked Up oU tree feuces andi bridges ibroaphott ficcouniry sud towis ;steadyecm- Pîoyment; coiniiss,ollor salary. tht Pet nîentii anf expenees and!mioocy depasitefi iuiaay bauk uhen sîarteè. Fac paiticulars write Tise:, tvOeLn MEnîCAL ELEI.caeCa., Loodon, Oît. 35- 6 m. A LIKELY STOPXY. Paupers froueEgi,îtlaissleiase4 Sali t t iese mîged Ars sse bbc inerieîse hune. United States Comuissioner-Genoral of Immigratian Paxvderly hec instruot-. ed a special inspecter et Ne-tv York, to investigato the chargeasnmade hy a va- grant erreeted t et Iingliempten, N.Y., and new ln tho ponitontiary et Syra- eme, that 700 Fnglich paupors were ro- cently passed ever the Canadien f ren- tier jute, the United States. lu hie de- claration the vagrant sait that ho was oeeoe 700 paupors teken frein the alms- bouses cf Engiend. end trancperted te Quebeo lu a vessel ospecielly charter- ed hy the British Immigration Score- tary. Prom Queboo the paupers were tek- en te islateit localities aleng the fren- tier where they easily could wevlk acrose thé lino witheut undergeing ox- amination. The immigration officiais say they are pewerless te prevent the outrance ofe auipors whe wailk acrees the Can- adien frentier. Na adtieu cen ho taken against tho JBritish Goeorninont, and the la-ws de net gravide fer deperta- tien. The antherities ,cen de nething heonit makiug a treng recommenda- tien that the farýe ef inspectersajaleg the, frentier ho increaeeit. , o:t cf tliebarber, imapi.y because I knewn. The head af thse f ir a sked, TilE IIGJENT IYIK knew nothinga upilotage. wealthy " Whero is George nareC" "Oh, he maest fer the reason that they kuowit hetter starve to dca.th on a hlected A TALIVIAGIAN ENCOURAGEMENT TO je thtenly place uhere they cen leeru heath then takeoefa rthing frein hie " PEOPLE WHO ARE RIRED. te ha succeseful sillers. Ii le nly un- employer. Woeoho te that employer Weheo- der drililbiset people get te undorsteud untressarily puts a temptatien in e -]pilotage and navigation, and I want yeu beoy's wey. Thor have hoon great os- ~ The Mlbty flied ef Teliers Ian Stores andC te unitoretanit that it takes ne more tablishments lu those citios buildin.g e, Factorses Have a Sermee F roeeldte skill te conduct a vessel eut et the her- marbie palaces, their ownors dying e Then by the Nted Divine -oivs oer andiecresa the se than te stoor a werth milliens end milliens endtrmil- Advice Tia sai e oed For Tir Worids. commercial establishment cier af the liens, relie madoe avat ameunt ef their recks. Yeu steeovory day tht felly et estate out ef the hiecit and muscle andt Bev. Dr. Talae preacheit an Suin- people geing ile a business they knaw narve ef hait peitd ens. Such mon as day frein a double toxt: Acta, xvi., 14. aething about. A man maltes a tertune -reeli, I wiil net mention eny namne, s"Andt a certain reeman namit.Lydia, su oeebusinese, thinke thora isanothor but I antan mon relie have gathereit up Il- occupation more cointertable, gees inte Test etetes et the expouseoef the poople a seller ef purpît iu the city cf Thy- it anti sinks ail. Many et the cemmaer- rehe reere greund under their heel. Iatire, which wershipped Qed, hoard us, ciel establishmnents et Our cities are "Oh," say cuch marchants, "if yeu iten'te.- w rhoe heart the Lord epened." pre- giving their clarks a mercantile aduca- likt it haro, thtn go andt get a hettor vere, xii, 2; "cee thn euce dii-tien as therengis as Yale orilarvarci or place." As ranuch as te, say, " I've get verb, xxi., 9; "eestthona, mn rin ?Tceten ara glvinig scientific aetin- you lu my grip, anti I mean te helit yeu gent lu hie business?. Ho shahl stand ment te tht studente matrjcuiatad. The Yen can't get any ether place." 1, iefoe kinga." reason thare are se many men founder~- O ea atethtee h 10 Tht firet passage intreducos te yo ng inlubusiness from iyaar te oer e Oehen hit cimoceteehote- t ecause their early mercantile educa- day are sympathealo -wîth thoir clerks, Lydi, aChnstin mrcientse.Rertien reas egloctad. Aek tht mon in rehen they pey tho calary, ecting lu. business ie te iteal in purple clethe or high commercial ericles, anti they will thie way: " Thieseslary that I gi vayen ealîke. She le not a giggliug nouent-j tell yeu tisey. thank Ged fer this sa- is net ail My intareet ilu yen. Yen. are ity, but a prectical woman, net vert discipline et thoir oarly clorkship. an immortel man: yeu are an immertel e Yeun a attd te endure the rilder- eoman. J amn intoreted lu yeur pro- ashamed te werk fer lher living. Ail nees march if it le geing toeandi in tht sen t cuityeur ever]asting aval- - tise ethor reemen et Ph'lippi anditThy- vineyards anti ercharda et tho premis- taras. I reent yen te undor- - atire have heeon trgetten, but Geti hec ed landi. stand thet if J amn a littît. higher - matie immortel i un etLvs u e ay Wh h wmnyî nthis store I1 amrsbaside yen enn thtChîstanseosuma Tse tierclerke in aur stores have premotien?" Chrisitian eý,mpathy<," Go beck 40 or ttheshosyn saeanan .E eadaothe .Tiinoe iscemsng wrehon reomon 50 yeare te .Arthur Tappans store lu ulîl boie ar eailpeut fer thieirtoil lunowu-kamasrloaeetenmc biaud anti hoart andt foet ail husy teil- mercantile circes as men are nere palîl neyer questioçneti, his honeety. Every e'- ing en up until hae gains a princely for their teil. Timo le ceming en ereun i hpgtaltaecekci theaeccounufants, anti thea wighers l- e succees. "Seoat thon e inudiligent uceran xiii ho alloeatetado enything te a rom fer dorîrtiorn T'hey sang, &lie cen de wall. It la enly a littleia paete xotd nMn Lu hie business? Ha shah stand ho- uhilo ago whan reemen knew uething tlsjy prmo dithey ehserte O an- foeakinga." eot telogrephy, andi thay ucre kept eut day m teuiug ttiar redre eekethe Great onceuragemantilu t hase te e et e great mauy commercial ,dcroitsrhiethyatatudichrhoth uhora they are now welceme, anti tha grevions day anti rehet the sermons pasage fo mn ad wme wh wil ira wil g e unil hewomn worecre aot. It muet have scundedi~ passges or en eit eemo reie ui tio wiî g on nti tIs reman ehostrauigeýly, tiret voire ef graise eleng the - M ha busy, but ne salace fer tisosa rehe et eue caunter in e stere selles 85,000 streots rer the devateos et Mammon&A A ara waiting for goit luck te sisew Worth et gemme lu a year relu get as weroe couitiug tiseir golden heatie. Yen 1,1ln thon et tise fote thie reiibexv-a higis a selery as tise men relie t the say Arthur Teupan tallait. Yee, hae as cakotet h urlit gaie. it la foîîy tor other cauntar ocf tht semae storo sella untertunate. ikoe a greet meny gootid 85,1000 reorth et geeds. Ail isener ,ta e.btI nastnih o i i anhd nthie iverîdt te ut for Lydia, thse Christian saleareemali! obligations hetore hareftt this world5 enmtbing ta turnupu. It relu turu Do nat gaýt thira etiset yeur le- an-di 1? kn[oe thut lhodidsuntisa peace doren. The lare*oet tirif t la as inox- terets andti iose of yeur omplayer are et the gospel, and thet haie ibetere tise erahle as tIra lareo et ia tides. Fer- euaeitcwi uca iii ha your throee et Qeýd to-day, terever biessefi. tune, tira magician, me1re101er 1ono. iesembarrasement reili ha If that haetaijivo treitynmih I may wave lier eut diesay. Exposa nene efthtie fsrail- tai, ihyu îh i ivani t iat direction until cachles ties et the firin. Tell no stere secrets.- ywr.u oai ixsb ngt anti palaces coma, but sha e ii afttr Do not blab. Robuff thoeePerson euIy ta-f. te t tail sa.-Ae crdh- e rehile lus-rt the saint . xv nd hecame te tinti eut frein cloe reb at tntsanyer ustoptius. Aand-e N wSpigG ai tespeýdrsw reeais nt, anc onght nover te ho kuoren enteido thtsliere au euemy ailtaie etraugth et thatfo Chanes d ai tseepaniosrelivaiss intSstore. De net ha among tisese youug encmy came inte ýIis owan igist atm, frt-,pnssan eir.inen xvbe tabte on ea systarients air Assît Ihave telli yen tIrt every ruts, i oo e Thora are certain styles etfisehav- 'husmthing is sait eai-ttho fortune yen cauquar lese a nuclhaddotil ol we 1er eisib ba ta eafanoas hou r n that empioye thesa, asmuch. as te your oren moral poer. With n e ou 250P ior hic led t usfuless hoorta Say, "î coulti tel Yen comlething 1nipoeoafor ae lever eut thet tisono e u 25 £ cuit permanent succese, anti thare if I1ixold, but 1I xva't." De net ta et Qed ton a fulcruar yen case maya \Výe have the lai are certain stylas ot hahavier rehicis ameng theoese I imagine thay cen ecrth andi ieeven. While tisane are Jleafi ta dut, dichener nditmoral do- buildtismslvos up hy plhtg 00e- ther yaunn, mon pntthcg the, oms et porte an o esi feult. Ireenlit like te tire the ainhi-hody tise deren. Ba net. ashainme tO te u teirirlips, yen steap dorenantiedn o et he a subalteru. idrink iuofet tht eu ntetue et Qed and boucs-ht in the bestn tien cf yeuug peeple. I have ne sym- ýAgain, 1 ceunsel clonks te,)ceas-ch ont yc¶u xii rias, p atnong te ilirai tise patisy rith those rehe reenli propane Iwhat are the unlaretl ni dishâOn5st Motu tains, Tire endente usedtu tthinl WTe carry fuall l yeung tolks fer lita hy whittliug doren demnande et au ostahliihmeat and re thiat(pearl ereetallairein trope, their expectations. That man onreao- siSt thon, lu tha 6009 year-s thet have whacis, tcircbin.g tht, surfacea-t tiesa ea, Clothig Fine or Pasýeot tre bas ýnover hoon n 'riîxcp.- h4ndeueýd into gaansý than trappeti te . eor maan rell hoareartis nathing ta churoi s s dlc sraien' nt e mtha bedton. t have tota til ya te-day er stata reha isgine lite ceeettiarn. agciast Qed, [t le nover niglit te de that stenins of trial have ehereeradi- O ur CGr Tht business et Chistiauity je net te urnsg. dt theiroat men et the inin penisiia panll ism gumAy a yeuu quancis, but ta direct human embi- eiPItO O ihnsy iapitmr" a- them. "Oh," yen Say, "I sheulti lace Atrti etsoe a eucaoiIs reeli Oquippeit with Ch tien. Theoreait le that I utr1ypac hn; eta iseystpae attr ttle ls baur e bs gaine toren,ceps uta oda reerds cf enceuragement te thesovse otisaiset yeur seul. But yen reiluct uttcn thisisufflao tf tirh nll oto ane Oeupiedasecclonke in tisa stores lest yaun place. Christianberaisei tra otete.boa sopsiafvetpodnFui]. Une iii Paýtent 3Medici a a~~~~ireays hiroeo Yen ge ite h sa t ttcutoht ng inarf er hauietmon a 3 pr ourd eut shape anti ianking bouses et teemaiet yanurstore antida: Sm ftt etahe tnglUe osaliejf atimenO, tter pon ceýuntry. They are net au axcoptional recnt ta serve yenu, I wrantte.oblige ahvetknsâotfmftr clase. Thoy baleug toae graat cerupaley yen, lit is tram na teick et induetry Wnslandsgten cuitaNee Yerk eu to On tonpcrit Vienne haveigant deren jute af tans et tiosnsi reie ain ti gnbtirthihigstist tht, grave cimes-aTheisos antiBabylen 'eta o rrasg, assit ilea slu gainat anud Tyre lie isunli,, aLler ttgettr country, amit circumetanoas rehicis my cauncLie,Itileaý incluagaineîtQed, blee iajfgnntdyhavra toiroe IAPTN reil eltiser malta or break tisaru fer anti I iseg yensirc, ta, excuse menP." neaet tir a brning et a wald-an tient day timndcutfor atonnity. iVany et theco iMay finihup cnt sr)eýan, but haie vLu aJIrtir9a fatins etbaaltîng lieuses anti cool deo- anti ho rill hava manre et- stores reili cerne ug tar nspection'. Oh, people hava alraaty achievati e Chnis- miratne toX yen tlren fer the'sale, w-hat au Oeulng eof accoant beekltI tien manlinese eut a Christian rea- subinit te hisevoil tictatiosi, ant i ej àE bsietelrkadth n usancînese reiîcis xvil ha their pessa- tireursinit yen relU nieia, uo neh- St ysd h ieat h o par t an psiten I av sen a oeetsaemng ternpcraryatI1vantagielieo enployet tlsam. Eveny invente portto ny osiion 1 avesee gie, upyou chirater y-ng an.mate eut, 'ail tisa labels ef geede, al thîrtriai. I hva retchai tisen Der Qed, Abat le the asyting yen 'ail grivata Marksetfttha tirin, nor etx- parlitis. Tisera are evile h(ave tei huitaon. Qiva ilp thit, yen'ipLilua. u veryisety can undertent abreat avhich nee o a hunt't daren gbvea iep ovrythiug. That emýployer acelt an.h ant dsaggtieutluie tseuoetia c onug an e hrtlissetf fr int tb'm Ail thse mapa et citios that wreraThe aîdersigîeddesfi anti ongemanruityreli epacrte hle naet s ibue lunrehich lots eresicol addagdotittn ona n frarng try, woepcthange 411'verbr lai5 ilen for tht liberal patronaû, light. malte rogfetor canean su-,Jail geerginge, als v0ieor aygoàs os s muihwh u iginanta, aclitaise autnies, ail adult aise te reininti then lu the tiret glace I ceunseal lers eyco nsay gsor ocatse pnute es-ratieonet lianens reitircepperas anti te renambor tient for tisa Mest vert tli-'y o ce eaomporsepern t er strychnine.,AU mlxing et tiees anti ttarcapit l eh'a choal tramo o t tme ritrproi coliigStyle oetftabiss-Ric. ibre ae.adeseenti sugans eut cottesansetd sruperesthIG E ] rehicis tbey are te ha gratuctoti. t 0f yen aunythiug se insoeont? crof 1cenatsiliomezloneit ettrust tunsfis. Ail crlinles in enal haltes about ight yaers ta get jute If Ias- sre i rehicis dace et persans otIa u alat;lve u tee ena e tisalanot grfossins.t m ee utheisagrecaetfQed emiti thoir Wiret adyoriseandtsa iiesetdticss taeftache an og ptfessitesgeTt o nnoyancaes, 1I aeld say, "Dry geede renît are smokinthlis tiles oflag- tae bu iltyaSt'e db larsk." Ail tho iudignation ut custaom- wrdaeSoig ntels f a a enercisaut. Saine et you relu ha esaabout th isaagis picas comas ounis th in, lc ra g u u oe ALL IN SO cierlts ail yanr listes, but the vat clark. Fer instance, e greet -aven coine s u aevalenehe et iteetnrctieu reili ga mejenity et yelu are euly in e tran- The manufar tories as-o clasoi.'Tise pea- tasereho wrnnged mao rreema"ine- -deliveroti et our store hou sjý.t culteti Qed anti dotiet thre jutigman iatposition. Attan aubil o seapie go ott te battie. Tisa gnicaetfgeets 0Oh,ttreuhagottytnynD lign.' Docamban day the hoati mou ot tise rnuis p. A cuetomer cames into a tat ilbagia a o ou alntn firin relU caîl yen lute the haclt et- store. Qoots bave gene up, "Hav mucis hOnest Christian dont! 1Nu gottiug tica, auit they relu say ta yen: "Nere, le is at wrot ?"" A dollar." "A dol- P oenly, nertnine taa reekiu yen hava done reail by ne, We as-elas-? Outrageons I A dollar 1' Wisy, reioesssntritreey iubutem- geiug te deoreoil by yen. Wa in-Ls ho blam tfon tise tact tiset it bas gat liOnglinIs lis-a tiijeyandva raare ofofricis ted -vep vite yen te hava an intereat lu eurtoteho e dollarf Doois tisaindignation go ihai oveastnd oinon. el hetomsdhreadE cauceru." Yen rell bore otehat edict ont ta tisa manufacturera an tise biske vratin oiin His i n hr ,adF very gnacefuily. Gettiug jutoa astret et oftisaMasrinc esccusa tisai'have clos- 'up tren glory te glory, anuit ram cengwic car te go hosma an oit coinrate iarll et up? Ne. Dae tiseindignation go ha Song, cuti tram thteue ha tisroua, fer wih meatyenasst sy, "Ira matesont tereard thea employer wreis ou~ lt a vhile octhaesgo deun inte tire se% with meet yo and Sa, ', Wht makestiri golit lite a milistoea hnging te --»I-L L yau leok se happy h-nlght?" "Oh,,bis coutry scat ? Ne. 1h comasonteherekhioe alcm ute yen xii eay, "netbi.ng, uethiug j,,clark. IH o gt ng tise irn. Ha lavitit tise tri shsseesslcm gts But lu a tae tyîyes nin rp taxes. Ble put up tise rente, Of course halghets fausotiyst, aeut aster, blasen wu htaig yu. Pitanmutsateclttholding lu bic nigist haut theisa ean Al kintis of Lumber, etror m n ht ihat ityen rn e .te u ere talcinste cl ofke eat gnico lu c sparkling, glitter- always in stock, lu semane tian eteraeor isanlt, yeu relu in tise tact tisat tisey cea the passinon- bug, flaming ceeket. We invite inspection haire a hîgisar pasitionu tisa thet tous sida aof huanr nature. Yeu her ____ c moisc yaun nere ccupy. Se J feai , about lias behinitthe countar-tsero ans nre addrossiug peoplo ebo reluas-a just as meny les betare tisa ceu- INSANE AND INEBRIATES. â bava thiaithaut cu tise hei tietes-. Augustinie speate et emann reis( ex~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l ofl' omac utynr tsnetidversisei t hat ho e oulti ou aerstain it tiis way or that. Nair dnt, utcecainehll tht people rebat eas inri res -re rle ae- '-,o i one ta ha bultes-s impertre, lu u tisait beas.A crereit embiet, etand ukiscesluiereaLSIîîg 1lui4,11 classes consp aynotrs, isppotrs, entîace hla stoppai tho tisaffs-ont cuit sait, "I l i' eC in Stai Sn,-;ane sies. into cos-t reat ents hows iserabas bsa auaiarmug lu religion-outarpns - _et -tt day. iamnn tell uwadis ps-ou y as-1wre 'lwnncytuig'iswca w wulti sint osew antioas-go baes-a I get I âneaugt ontutfyass." Thon t3ises-e as-e certain that anong woeauof ail chaca- i the newest des zý ahi the triais et incampeheut reagos, nat as drnnnese le incs-aeiug repitly. in sucishieso as thece, ren it e man Ont et 442 cases et tisa Daltymnpla homo are aiways WC' gets hait e sales-y for bis eaýrvioas h 101 uts-o uuîversity men31 arrel ougtt ahak i edacateti, 235 ware userrieti, andtihie Thon thara araeiboys rainait by lackofethiersutse re idereers or baobaboseIl compeonsation. lu heu mauy prespencue 228 caees caciabiiity causadth ie tiern- shores it bas beau fer the lest 20 yeesefeu1, iii isealti ceusait tisa dewael lu ay t tehasch thean borete stheel.Saint doavutali et 32 cases, lu 55 par cent, et Pusestani BetforTale ndDai-v rerasaizeit ugen by the p)oliece. The tise cases tise axcees wae treceeble te BOwÇýMÂNvILLE - Unde No adulteration. Neyer cakes. v tjoivaesucece erentpsetispesing haïretiitaty indications. Chilciren Cvy'îr'tie' C sur -4w Gener-e el p- tod tpÎe htwl soîhyr Quali-e ods atleprices thtwillint onhyu narket for SPOT CASH. nos of Sta pie Dry Goods, Ready-made lered Clothiug a specialty. ocery Department horne Groceries and Provisions as cheap as the- sthe Lest, We have special values in TUAS Lunes at popular prices. Suiphur lu quanitiies- ir to thaùk tHie larmers of West Dra re exteuded to us during the past season--, mthat we are sf111 in the mnarket and )repared so pay the P MARKET PRICE FOB, use cor. Kiug and George streetss., or at FoPr Te have ai'seouo haud a large stock, 01 Coarse Sait in B' gs. Rotk SaIt foc cattk- ýresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels iwe are prepared ta seli P uo 0A8110 Wood and DRY OLEAN SCREENED CL antd guarautee satisfaction, C L L t! urniture yout are wanting this Sprhç"ý., mur home, we have in great variety sare so low you caunot afford to be, Sec ;ig'ns in ail kinds of Fui niture. Blcore. YoU ertaker anti Furiure Deeler, Bounnll1's Block,

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