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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1897, p. 2

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UIk Roadache and roltave fll the troubles 1061. leit teblstee f hesys ehsnba. *Ilin F&ln luhe Stde, &e. Vehile theirmosi mrsbl.o mncese bas been shown ln ouicg 1.Adacb6 yet ÂARvaa's imLîrî iLvaiPn muJi .l"i n eon"tipa-teon, uing sedrentingtuis a..oYi0tngCemlr% ,wh ]iy ai10 csrrqet ail tileordeft et the stomacis. M~ e iye viandI rogulate th bwela, UV IlCY enly e red ~h" itey vonîd halmeui priceleh. tg *ou go qrtnately thijr god.e -oe eten boe,~~~n4 ibo.o once trY theus wll lind ou etlu no uanY w&Ysthai if b.u or go mauy lvec that here tu wbur ré make aur great boutl. ur Pills cure Il vlste ethers de not. CÂawrma's LrraALrvu Pius are very .mal md4vry cary tetake. One or tac plamake* a doe.. Ihe are trictly vegetabe and do ioi ppeor purge, but bytheir geatieactiona ~ Il ab nos th In vlals at 25 cents; = 4 I 9.1 hve abre, or sent by ma&. OUIl KIlICIlI 0., Nov Te&i ONTARIO BANIK contnmestot do n General Beisking Business towrnanville Agency., DEPOSITS ecelve(lInt Savings lBenk liepar imeut and on ,,. Itereeîallowed aleurrent rates No Il ceof withdrawa noesary. Al deposits yatle on dernand EXCHANGE SB; ligt ld sold and Drattatasued upen Euroe Unt.dï 8tateosand Canada, also Gold, Sllver and Unîted tates Green baeksboaa:ht and field frarnty m nade ai currçut rates upon ali art f rrt Brittaln, the United Otatee aud the Do min ton 0OlCanada. Telegraph Transfers Made for large or smali surne on ail parti of Canada. TIiIA le espectaily advantigeoUs 8to pci'ooes living in Manîloba or the NorthwI,. It akes the funds available at once ab the place of Payaient, Other parttenlars cali et the book. 9. L. PORTT, UEO. MOGli"' Pression of tflese la-terres by the Bni- tisJi naval authorities, and as the de- rnd ans vigorou8.y La -led îy the Paris governintthie Pr tisb 'aarships bav-e arrieul out the agreemnt iy de- stroyiuag as f ar as possibDe the illicit etablishrnnts. Very uaturally> the inoignation cf the Newfoundiandera lis heen raisad te( fever heat by this a-ýtien, andi as the faotories are gen- erally mers teruporary sheds, hbey The Canadian St-a-tesman XVtDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 20, 1897. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Tise leisg-stan ding dispute over the fthtgprivileges eujoyed hy France <su the west and uorth coasts cf New- feuudland lins again beceme acute. Uncter the treaty of ultrécht in 1713, poegsession of New'foundiaund xas cou- firmei te Great Brtain, but the rlght te catch f tsI and dry tbem ou the island was retained hy France, sud the hreahy ef Versailesseveuty , ears Inter, dedi.niteiy asslgeed to bler the fLiýhîcnies on the northband west shores. At flhat enrly date the eunly inustry carried ou in that quarter ans ccd- fishiug, but withie the last dec.ade the canuîug ef lobstere hbave proved se profitable- tInt the rcsideut fizhern'en have engaged largely lu it, an exain- pie quickly followedl by the Frenuoh. The Newfouudiaed geverument, how- ever, couteuded tlat the Frencbhlied ne right ho this fisery, and iusished that Great BrtaIn sbould dernand their withbdrawal, ahle the Frenchi fell Lack upon the, eclai-aticu of the trcahy of Versailles that British sulijects gs.lould net 'inhsrrupt te auy mauner the fishiuxg ef the French ou that cea h." Iie resuit was au agreement hetw son the London and Paris gev- ermonts ho subimit the question te erbitration. pouding whiob a imodus vi- veudi 'sas sigued proWhitiing the erec- tion cf sny more lebster canutng f ac- horles, Bave with the cousent ofthIe commnrunsers of the British and Freunch fleets iu these waters. But the indig- nation excihed lu Newfoundlaud hy this agreement aas se intense that if lias reinaiued ineperahive util thes prs -euh year, abus mcanhirne semauy ilLcit fa-tories have heesu neablishe.1 by thp, Niewfoundlanders as tho hhreateu the French witb the ie~s ot the busi- u-ses. Aoordingly tihe Frech dur- inug theý- pash season dernded the sup- Christ was wonderfu.l in the magnetl- heu of Ris person. After the hatthe of Aatieta.m, ,whsn a general rode aleng the lines,aI tbongh the sodiers were tylau <lune -xb,iL.shed, they rose with great c- th,usiasrn, and huzzaed. As Napo:eo,,n returued frorn lis Gsptlvity bis first shep on the wharf shook ail the kieng- doms, anad twc hundred and f ifhy t 1~- a-ind men jined his standard. t REV, D)R. TALMAGE'S NEW AND UNIQUE VIEW 0F CHRIST. The Mngugetiem or t[ae ivine lien Ehri59 Jeizi-The Fopuler Pletures of' christ and 1 Uew Tlsey Erred-VictorY Over ilie Grave. Christ la 1lookeid.ah-f rom. an unusual stausipoinh hy Dr. Talmae in bis un-f day nlerning sermon. Ris text va- llsaiah, ix., 6, "RHis nane shal heocal - ed wonderful" The prophet lived in a dark time. For 5cme hhree thlousaad yea rs the-ý WvOrld lad been getting werse. King- 'doms had arisen and perished. tâs the captain cf a vessel ln dlstrsss sees re- lief 0omiag across the water, so the prOPbet, amid the shermy thumes la 'whbich he lived, put the teleaBeO f PrOPhecy te lis eyo and, saw 75 iears abcead en Jesus advanciiig hO thbe rescue. 1)want4cshow that wbou Ïraiah cailed Christ the WDadorfal he spoke wiseiy. larMost 4otfsffl there la a pîcture of1 Christ. Soinetimes ih represents Hlm with face effeminate; sometimes wi4îth a face despotic. IL have s aWest('s, grand sketch cf the rejection of Christ; 1 have seen the face of Cbris-t as cut On an eulerald, said te o oy ccMmm5nd of Tiberius Caesar, ausil yet I am con- vincsd that I shan neyer knca bc' JeBsusleoked, unhil, on that swetSali- bath merning, 1 shail wash the last abeep frein my eyes in the cool river of heaven. I halo up this book cf divine PhohoOgraPhs. aud I look at Lu.k6's sketch, and I say, with Isalab. "WOu' derfacl."1 1 think that you are ail intereshed lu the shory of Christ. You feel that 11e is the only one who can help you. You have enbounded admiration for thie commander who helped lita paesss- gers ashore, whie ho hîmsîf perisli- cd, but have you ne admiration for Rri whso rescued our seuls, Rirasolf falling hacli into the waters from alich He liad saved us? A triuirnphant proacession. Ele ia seated bitter, but thé br chs ngrafted were --not in a. chariot, but on-an -ass, and]-eet, and se 41it1ho nations _pluek the- yet the people takre off their coats and fruit and live forever. throw them in the way. Oh, what a Again, Christ was wonderfsl in Ris time Jesus maýde among the children,, vie tories. amonüg the, beggars, among the fisher- Firat, over the forces of nature, men, amcong the philosophers 1 You The ffea te a crystal sepuichre. Lt may boast of self-control, but if you swallowed the Central America, had sean lm you - would have put tir Preàident and the Spanish your arma around Ris neck and said, Àrmada as easiiy as any fly tbat ý'Thou art altogether lovely." ever féoatied on -it. The inland lake.s Jesus was wonderful in the opposites are fully as terrible in their wrath. and seeming antagonisms in hi&-nature. Ga'ilee when a îeu e1 in a storiis over- loti want things logical and consistent, whelming and yet that sea crouched in and you Bay, "llow could Christ be God His presen(7e and icked Ris feet. H1e and man at the same time ?" John knew ail the waves and wi -nds \Vhen says Christ was the Creator. Hoekoe they came WVIen He "1Ail things were made by Hlm. and f rowned they fled. The heeL of Ris without Him was not anything made." foot made no indentation on thý sol- Matthew says that he Wasomnipresent. idifeid water. Medial sienc3 has "'."ýhere two or three are met togel ber wrought great chîangez; in rlieumatic in my namne, there arn 1 in the rnidst limhs and diseased uleood, but when of them." Christ declares Fils own the muscles are entirely withered no eternity. "I arn Alpha MLnd Cracga." humari power can re tors them, and How can he be a lion, under dis foot wlieas a limb is on'e dead. it is dead, rLut crushing kingdoms, and yet a lamb, bers is a paralytic, bis han i f e- icËking the hand that siays Hlm ? At lems. Christ says to him, 'Stretch f crth what point do the throne and 'the mang- LIly hand and lie stretches ht forth. er touch? If Christ was God,' why fiee In the eye infirmacy how many dis- into Egypt I Why not stand Ris eases of that delicate organ bave teen ground ' 'Why, instead of bsaring the cured. But Jesus says to one, horn cross, not lift up Ris right hand and bind, "Be opei- and the light of hea cru-lh Ris assassins? Why stand and yen rushes through gates that have be spat upon V Why sleep on the neyer tefere been opened. The frost mountain, vwhen Ile ownad the palaces Or an axe rnay kili a tree, but Jesus of eternityf W,,hy catch f ish for His smites oe dead wtth a word. breakfast upon the beach in the chili Chemistry can do many wonderful rnorning, when ail the pomegranates thiugs, but what chernst at a wed- are Ris, and ail. the vineyards Ris. and ding when the refreshrnent gave out a *il the cattle Ris, and ail the ç,art- could change a pail of water ite a r 1ges Ris ? Wby waik when wearY anit caýk of wine? 1--s feet stone-bruised,. when H1e might What burnarx voice could command a have taken the splendors of the suni-s"ýh0jl of f ish? Yet here is a Yoice that stfr is equipage aud moved with mnarshals the scaly trihes until in the horsesl and chariots of f ire ? Why pla-e where they badl let down the net. beg a drink from the wayside when sud pulled it up wtth no fish in it they Out of the crystal chalices of eternity let ithcdown again sud the disciphis lay He pred the Euphrates, the MississiP- hold and begin te pull, when by reson Pi, Pn.dr the Amazon, and dippiflg Ris Of thie multitude cfftsh the net break. baud in the fountains of heaven7 and Nature is Rlis ser.ant. The flowers, sbeking that hand over the worldfr om 1He twistci th.em into his sermons; the the ttps cf Ris fingers, dripping the winds they were Ris lullat'y whenH1e great lakes and the oceans? f WhY lot slept iu the boat; the rain it hung the Roman reginent put Hlm te death gJitteriuýg on the îhick Liliage cf the when H1e mîght have ridden dewn the parables; the Star of Bethleham, it sky, fellowed by ail the cavalry of heav- sang a Christmnas carol over Ris hirth; en, mouuted on white herses cf eternai the rocks they heat a dirge at Ris victory ? death. Youi cannot understand. Who caua? Behold Ris victory over the grave! Yen try te confound me. 1 arn con- Th~e hinges of the farnily vanit hecome it Wasd uneaorchabl e 1e aulwent very -ru ty 1I ecaus' they are neyer Open- fouaudd eore yl en spek. Palim e d except to take ansither in. llhere ing up from, argument te argument, isa knob on the outside of the sepul- ndfmantichesis te antithesis, aud chre, but noue on the iuqide.. Rere fro glryte glory. and theli sauk cornes the Conqueror o& Death. 11e down fom exhaustien as he saw far enters that realr ndm say s. Daugh- above him other hetghts cf divinity nu ter of Jarins. sit Up," aud sIlo sat up. Scaled. and exclainmed "that in aIl leo Lazarus, 'Corne f orth," and ho tiiings H1e iight have the pre-em n aMe oitIl To the widow's son. H1e 21garin. Christ was wnnderful iu Rle goos home witbhhs mether. hen Jesus teaching. The people baid heen used hO snatlie I np the keys of ]Deatb and formalities and tecbuicalities. Christ hung theur ho his gircLje and cried un- upset all their notions as te fuw preach- tP ail t1he graveyards uf the earth Ing Oughhte be dons. There was this lheard htrn««"Oh, deatb. Iai h e thy pecul arity about his preaching-the pee- pfaguaî oh, grave, 1 will he ihy do- pie knew what Ife meant. Ris illustra- etruction!" tiens were taken froma the hen calling But Cbris.t's victorias have ou'y Just ler chickens together I, frolfo begun. This world is Ris sud 11e mnst caud'ea from fishingtakfrn a hard have it. What la the matter in this credîhor colarinig a debtor. 110- feu 0 country? Why ailt these financial Prlpits ef this day wonld have allowed troublies? There never wtll be perman- Hlm etranes. *He would have been ent prosperity in this man, until Christ nnl eue'stoProf. M usy. n AD etreet. 'raonte. Ont., ansWertâ WI t S ~d ,cul adiy t oi aux' diseur. ~ostatedby the Disease So-Callea Incurable Diseases YieId Io His Remedies. HONEST PEOPLE TESTIFY Thoe xpece of Those Who Rave Boss <.lreci Proves Tliat the MOu Obstinate Forma sof Rheumatism,! Catrr, ysppsa. Ktney Oom. Mir %unlo4sd Nervou os ..Are ProMpt y and por- Blanontl r Curq'd ly -ME nyo'a nomn. dIes-AsYour Dru g1s for Mâs- i on s Guide te Healt#l.. eect âa98- ont Remedy and Cul-e Yoursolf. Mr. John .uItrr-e,4 1-Y 52 Euelldaens Toronto. Cana, ys " rseraysr 1 was ?reubled' with *a revere form of kidney dligease aud for th ast year with rheumatlisrnaise. After trjîge anumberof- cilher thingeanad not heu, euetd 4 was luduesd te take M2 yo aRheum.aîlet aud Eidney Cures. One bottîs of the :fermer and two botties cf thp latter reme- dies entlrely cnrsd me and 1 amrn neaua welI as ever. 1 ean heartly recommcnd the Munycu Remedies aud arn doina aw dally te rny relatives and>frieuds.'t ---ealuic - - ý11 o.ls are4 npve tu eue to thees heurs ud ilicureýs i Fte te tiayo. Price 25e.8 Munyon'5a[tyspepsla cure posltlv(Iiy cures a&l $Gtof intdîseation andI atomacli trouble,< isce 2Me. munyon's ColtI Cnrs prgenti e UMOn1 la dt breaks up a codln tae few bourg. Ptige 260. Munyons Cough cure stops coua i tghi Cuý%eas. elinys soreesas and peedily beaIo th. longs. Pile 25c. mueyon's Klclney Cure .SPeedtlY cureS paind In the bacS, loins or grOins, s8n4al iorWs ,0 kidney diseage. Pries 25e:- Me1nven's Nerve Cure stops nervousnesa sen4 t,îîidas np the system. Pries 250. ,mllnyonls Hadaclue Cur-e $tepe Ifeadaché là thresaminutes, l'île 25c. Munyn's Plie Olntetint olvely CeIres sI foe -ma of pilies. Prise 25e. Mnnyon's BleetI Cur-e sratltCats ailt MPUrittt5 Menyu'5tewse Iemed5eore A bOdD te ai1 mlinyef'a atarrb ilemedlesneyer tai. Thi Catarrlî Cure-price 25e.-erad!O~t5t te disesse frem the systein andI the CaterluItablets-pried 25.-c)ene e ail Ibe p arts. Munyon,$,Astima s emedies rsee nlatbîie4 mInutes u cure pel*maaeutlY. Pries p.- Munycu's Vitalser, ai great tonte andI re eterer -ef vital. strengtb te wook people. 81. A aeasaune for aeh de.SlO5Atail dretè 1 il 1 1 1 1-L -V COLLECTIONS 7- .-r T -1 --l -4 - --J'

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