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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1897, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY, O0TQBEÜ; 20, 1897, ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCQA Possesses the followîng Distinctive Merits: DELIGAGY OF'F'LAVOR. SUPÊRIORITY IN I UALITY. ORATEFIJL and GOMFORTING âo the NER VOUS or DYSPEPTI. NURITIVE QLALITIES UNRIVALLED. In Quarter-Pound Tins only. prepared by JAMESi EPPS 4 Co., Limited, IOM06oathicChemists, London, England. 41--6m., (Co'ndensed from the News.) NEWTONV ILLE. Mrs. Thompson, sr., on old and bigbly respacted resident, died Oct. 2 Rev. Newton Hil, Belleville, was reent e uest at Mrs. Jos, Jacob's. Mr. W. ethick was married on Wednesday week to Miss Bebee. Mr John Reid in'- tends return ing to the farm, and is now ploughing. Mr'. and Mrs. Lewis Trns- cott, Port Hopeý,were guests of Mr. S. R& Joues, recenltly. -Hood's Pis are tee only pis to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy, yet efficient. KENDALL. Mthodit bch anniversary,Nov,. 7I Miss Nellie Stark, Bethanv, visited friends on thse 6th lhue. Rev. J. A. c- Keen, B. A., of Orono, will adressa mneeting of the Kendall branc Bible Is caused by Urie Acîd and other !i- purities lingering lu the,ý bloodt which have not been filtered out by the kid- neya through the urine. TheI seat of tise troubles is flot in the skin or muscl es Its sick kiclne Ys. Electricit.y, liniments or plasters wihI flot reach tthis case. But the disease cari be I was very mucli afflicted with rbeu- matism and kept my bed for nearly six weeks. I tried neaniy every remedy recommended to mue, but withiout relief until your advtrtisement that yon gave away sample boxes'of Dr. -Hobbs' Spar- agus Kidneys was bronglit to mv notice 1 got a sample box and it helped me Sinca that urne I have taken four [nul boxes and am entirelv ctned. 1 cennot say-Itoo much in recommendation of your pîlîs as a sure remedy for rhenma- tic troubles. F. W. DUNHAM, 1805 Fifth St., Bay City, Midli. AN UNDERGROUIND CtITY. In -Galica& iu Austriakn Podand, tliore is a ramarlabie underground city,- wliieb bas a population of over 1,000 men, wonien and ciâdren, ecorea of wliom have siever seen the Iight ofE day. It [s 1known as thie City of the Salt Mies andi ta situated several hundred feet beloyw th.e earth's surface. It bas iLs town hail, theater and assenibly rooma as weil as a beautiLul cliurch, de- corated witli statues, all b*ig f ash- ioDned from the pure crystallized rock sait. It bas weil giaded streets and spacLous squares lighted with alectrice- ity. Thae are numerous instances in this underground city wbere flot a sin- gi ejudividual in three or four succes- sive gsnerations lias aver seen the sun or lias any idea of bow people liïve in thra liglit of day. A REAL POLL TAX. Boulevard loungers [n Paris wore amused the other, day, w ban ten men, correctly garbed ail exactly alike., walk- ed into a cafe. and gravely ordered drinkis, for, as tbe.y reimoved their bats, eacb man had paintiad'on bis bal I bead one latter of a word. advertising a new drarnatic, sensation, Thpy were ar-, Cigarettes II11 lA I~NU.. ~ CMPNY ad ev M<Dnilv or RpeInthI Mr. HlwIh. rthat Miss-Muni',1 0OC hi I 4 a Y 3- 4m eý ening, both preaching excellent ser - hOrYII en lupon so0 frequently, in nmms. The cburch was n-3#tly, decorat. quiÏte wealthy in ber own rigbt. à Monday a splendid supper was ser. Mr. ' PLunison-lSo 1 bear. ]Prse amrdg 0- ceý Mr. towAyinrnmbrances? Paris ta a~~mirIa~~ a 500 pound au- vedafter whicbh a program of speece r usn ee-arod bo adian negress who is 'on exhibition and ingiug ollow ed. ther. Chlldreli Cry for r soia

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