rum1,pi Reîd, Sunnday. ia onngsval - Miss Mande Edwards bas returned from visit- Mr. and Mrs. S. Barker andi Mamie have be en ing in Oilla. visitiuig friends in Toronto. Miss MabeiBrundeil, Port Hope, is gnest of Dr. Marvin preached a splendid sermon Sun- Mrs, H. R Jones. day afternoon on the Apostolii churcb. Two The Board_ ofDirectors of the Metbodist candidates were received Into full membersbip In these RY , g-a 1.e combkneç ail the improvements knovwniit,- modern Range construction. The Countess of Oxford Base side bars,s<înare box top bugea e E. J. DAVIS, 1 Oshawa gear, square box, topbnyeai Provincial Secretary, new: 1 cheap hack aronnd, nearly new. 1Bran - 4-wTrno ford cart:; 1 One horse plo uBn gie5 ail iMc- Laughlin make Apply to JouN ERCY, Bow- DOARS FOR SERVICE-The im- manvilie 41- > proved Yorkshire "Oak Lodge Emigrant", asoneuf Mr. J. E. Brethonr'5 fanions stock hogs and sire of a nomber of bis prize pigs; he OAR FOR SERVICE.-The regis- is of immense length and depili. Sire' Hoywell B tercd Berkshire btoar 0. A.-C. (415.92) -d Emigrani" imp. Aiso a Berkshre"Prlnce Lee" SI-vM, il! uÏ; aL aa si n dOUU -*î*e**ý< tr.J rip- fi vol! Yerk Rh ire for sle ee a curative îuurcanut- a vaue remedy moï 1Y, T WF ýy7 that thousands of people wouldn't bie Heads that ache can be made briglit without for a day-a soothing healer for clear and free from pain by using ail inflarnmatory aches or pains in your BIJRDocx BLOOD BrTus,the truc natu I body--a sure cure for frost bites, rheu- rai cure for headache from whatever rnatisrn, Piles or any kinds of ache. It cause arisino' "Headache and pain in is worth thousands of dollars lu its the back afleieted me for a Iong time; effects, but seils for 25 and 40 cents a but now I arn free fromn them, thanks .1-MM,0_-X- -1 '= n o'C botilend- checks taken as cash. JOHIN91HILLYA] BowmANviLLE. The Palace Shoe I -1-- 1~~- I. ~ - - - - ----------- m r4l