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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1897, p. 2

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Your cough, like a dog'u U D Y S IIO.s.... '>,rk, 18 a sign that there is- *ometh1ng forcign around INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NO0V. 1 Which shouldn't bc there. ljrheC hsi-stan Arni,"Il vb. o, Io-g.0 You can quiet the noise, but ~ Ie at p.6:0 PRACJTICAL NOTES. the ange maybe tere ust erse10.Fieally. IIHanceforward," ' the same. -Scott's Emulsion aSine Gai. 6. 17. Bù stroug in the Lord. 'Il of Cod-liver 011 is flot a Literally, "be strengthenied la the U M cough pecifc; itdoes Lo d." Or couage le Go l's service is C uls coughspecfié; t doS IlO notte bemersself-assur 'ance, but For C n h ,nerely allay the symptoms wstrangthesmspar ts m o h mu.stie Colds, Bron.- but it does give such strength aise confirra us with' Élie power of his chtis, SoreI to the body that i s able to might, or IImighty pow er," as in Eph. tliroat, etc. throw off the disease. 11. Put on the whole armor of God. WTO&C. poso~ You know the old prov-. An armer which we cannot buy or erb f -he unceof re-forge for ourselves;' it is furnished erb of "he ounce of pre-~only by God., Compare Psalm-35. 1-3. It is ________________ ventioni"' Don't ileglect not "carlna.,"-that la fleshly, fitted to our physical bedies-but spiritual, 2, soldiars wore shoes or Sandals wilth, our coug4. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ao.1,4 n itflt eedeeysls thîckly studded with nails, givîng youdr ug h. Cor. 10, 4, and fittod tf defaedever& f irmes of footing. They wcre bound1 Yew~~~~ drsj:kesSotsEmllne e4v sI ide of our spiritual natures. 2 Cor- 6.,bY thongs over thc instep ands round1 u ueoe and $- soe se. 7-- The labled haroa wam invulnerable the ank a. Prep aration of the gospel.! axcept le one lied. Thbe Christian Wa "Preparednesa of the Gospel, readiÎ nass intehe Gospel." Tu là,the rvic,.o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN lu every part "eak and susceptible, the Gospel "the feet of the soldier utmay be le avery part so abundant- hude the residenq3e of readicassa, ESTBLSHE ~ly defendad that Satan cannot reacb alcrtness, unbleness."-Wlhedoe. The ESTALISHD 154 tnýge oreye r er, lan"or fetpeace withiný, writes Dr. David Brown, _____ lngu oreycor dr, and orfea, Jforums a 1-eautiful contrast to tbe rag- $1 per annuel Ia advane o therwise $150 braie or stomacýh, or haart. The "ar- ing of the outward confîlat. sau. 26. 3; Subacriptions always payab'le at the ofdo fin fmo fGo"l aldth 'ro Phil. 4. 7. Ipeblicatione Advertising rates unies, by cou lrono"i ale U amro Fact,,lQqents per lins, nonparie frst insert ligt " Riom. 13. 12», for it antagonizea 36 Aboyealal. Not "ou top of, ail," nl i0 cents per lino each subseque ,in but "ie addition te ail," The shiaid. ~oi..o. Lecalsi, 10 cents par lncs. cle the " towers of dlarliness." It inclfldes The shield of the, Roman infantry sol- M. A. JAMEIS, Publisheî of fensive weaapons as weiI as defeasive diar was ovni len form, two and a Laîf ___________________________mail, fior it ilaIImîghty through God te feet broad, and four feet long, made ullng pwnof trnghlds" Aleof Wood or w ickarwork covered wit1h T'~lC11 I!fl'IÇ pulin d.wn f sronlioda. A le iather, and carvedl on -the near 4ostand. Invincible. The wilias., The aide. It was held cOn the, lef t arm by D ~ ~ ~ ~ '.stratagern< wo rulsces ognt&d"it artthseAtvich haa baccseti dcvii. Paul profoundly beiieved In a God, w hich will dcfend the heart il, parsoal . very trial. Ficry darts. Literally, Seamstresses, arnd familles should kiegdom of cvii spirits.i on fire." In anent warfare burning procure the best and simplest 12. We wrestlc net. "0cr wrastlicg missiles were oftan tbrown' upon thc inethod of cutting, viz ; l not," etc. Týàe word le bbc' original foc; sornctiines arrows; bournd around w ith tow, besuicarclt xith pitch, and flrnmum Qu lis that which expresses au individual set aflame; somcetîm.es larger missiles Wu u~ 11 if RAM II oi sïsjJ, hand-to-Land .struggle. Not only la made ou the samc plan. Theahuh It s u tadat adwilsaefulythora a gancral warfare batwee gQod ef thc taxI is not ouly of f laming temp- It i up o dte ad wil sve fllytation, but af temptai ion imipelled f rom' half your fimie, and give vour work and devil; ocd person muet figlit has a distance. 'The flamne of Satan's ar- theelgace f re ch tye w, battIa witb bis owu foe. Flash and rows s,9,reads. Temptation avta on the eac f. rn i tl blood. Iluman focs, it seama sîrange inflammable materil; but tsh el eurves thaï; Paul couid thiua write le tte face of faith takes away fuel fro'n ttc Thssystani reetlved fiî'st-clase Dipi- of Jarusaiem's mots and l-ome'a Par-1 dan. ITh w icked. "'Thew nen.,, omae at- Toronto and Montreal Exposi- saoulions.nSuely il was "lash and Coin lions, 1897. euirs ueyitwsýfehadGd ApiytoW.SPULIN, 78blood," that Lad huncced hlm, stoned .17. Take the helmat of calvatiou len Applyto W SPAUDING 278hlm, iocked hlm ln iccer prisons, fflace of "laite," riaad "reciva," as from Euciid Ave., Toronto, General God, Thc mcaniug jes, "tc heimet Agent, or to Miss J. MARTiN, Bow- throw n hlm ta wiid beasta, andt subjact- wl-Li ch le saivation," protection' for the cd his poor holy ta numberiesa straies taad. Il was usualiy a ca i tof leatter- manville, (at Mr.DWavis', Beecli Ave.) andi paies; but hé saw that back of ail covered atiai, and fureishcd with a 30 - 1 yr. "flaesh and blood focs " atood the real' vison ta deteud tbe face. Ie thc head Our tI îkîug la donc, 'Thc atrokos of f atadcvii. and il was with hlm that falsa doctrine. doubt, despair,/ arc al' the real couflict icuca ha wagadl. Ag-l aimad by Salan's soidiersàatour heada. ainsi prnipalitiea, against pon are. Dr. Rodgesarys, "Tbat Wl ich. anables "Agirit te pincpaltie. aaint tCeChristian te bold an hi,, haad vwith cfidence and ja istc t that lisc Frutti AIda iepîwena." Paul rep"ýatedly alludes SI e aVtd." Sword oftb Spirit.'Thaeouiy le îthe ranks teto whîcb the world of le ena'led. e ihonnaed ond l-mba ge Io .spirit Ah tibad anid goad, is di'tided. ivs oredhy -h Sp;i i ad 1 Som dalrstrytapam ff Compare PlRom.,8. 38, 1 Cor. 15, 24; Col. upion us by the Sinit-i ha wordI of tttloto obtate, a big profit. 2. 15. Certain philasophiziug beachars ,Gel Wa shouci']ollow Christ-, ex-i ýe hat the trade merkt came 1 iania1 in lemptation, Malt. 4. 1 -îl, and1 "'roi Frutti" la on sach e e etrnAaca a. givan 'mcci Satan with Scriplure. pakg.Cve coupons forniatest 'cames te thesa rauka anat ordars. Faut Priu."ayrmaboken ..,ooks an prîtes 'igno>res ail sucli uselcas faudies, but al teohnprso h iA"a .ýý Ïclearly teaahes Ihe elatorata organLza- 1 armor. -Y-abthaw lHenry. -was ________t ie of the antira world of devils for iRatIer, "on evcry occason." A 'i p1ray- the dreadi ci pur-pase of ac,'omplishing er. Frayer of evary kind, pu'îcPSe- FOR Ti SPNTY-SRVEN TERS, the spiritual' ruin af maukied. The tiret, vocal, S%.nt, impromptpi, rituaie- nulra iftbedarinas f tiavcoidtic. Frayer and supplicaio,n. Cee rhu wo-.uers of thesofis ankuesa" word denotes pravar in .gcn3rs; the The"wrl-ruer o ths arnes" atoher. soecial pallIions. Wtho the bcd rewers which contrai this de- thareucýtl Watching for occasions of! praved world. The dcvii ced bis lieu- prayer; giving our minds ta prayar.' tenants are usurpera tof aur LOrd's 'With al rcrseveiranIe, e.Nver vvcary- '1, riglilf ul kiendgom. Spiritual wi lied-' ing. For ail Saluts. Espacialiy for the netýsc luhigli places, 'The apir- Itiludreri of Gad. itua1 hasts of wickedness lunbche - 19. For me. The holcat Christian gions of air." The apoalle is as great- most acutaîy felacis ieueda. That ut-. y1 lmpresad by -hie widkedaess of our Iprance may ba givan tunie me. Hie THEOOKS ESTFRIND spiritual anttagoniste ns ty their pew- i diinot ccclprayer for bis libcrty ST FR NÎD er. The GreekLs la terally 'hcavenly from thc chan n d thc soldien by his LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. places;" tut the davil la "thý prince a ide, but for courage and freedom le o'f the power of tic air," and the the declanation of ttc Goarte1 message. Sthought le that of tic invisible Spirit- Bo1ldly. Note the, different ondar of ual surroundirg of cveny human ha- lords le the Ravised Version. "Boldly" îig. 0cr eriemies infest the very ne- Shoul conneaci with "mIelnawn," gioris where aur spiritual helpers arei not witb "a' ian my mo>ut." Mystcry. La te fourid, for wearena biessee with' Thal truth leý wh'r'h men ueeded le- ail spiritual lilessinga ln haavenly troductiou-revelatiaei. pines. -ore. , 320.Amtaseador. Thougli a prisocer 13. Wierefor inl view of ithe focs,leRam,st an amblt.aador of Chirist. against whom wa, havetate c,,tenrd.'l ad.Ltriy,"encan"cu STslieý "Take up."' «od supplies us In dbions. Ltalt inwrisair"scgud wibi armon; we mrust put lb ou. lu p-db rn etewito igad tic cvii d ay. 'lte day of bard trial mcd ________________ coriflict. Rlavin g donc ail. F4verything TEz DIEITZ which tie crises damanîs. Ta Stand;iîM "To stand firm," 111e ltai Roman sari - Dr W ho stood immavabie aithie gate 1 >[s about as near perfection as 50 years abas burriad hlm wilh the doomed cily'J l cauisod by the kîdneys faîling te of Lmp-akig cn atai te It anA whosa sklalton,was found stil up-' o! Lamp-Menang cao aha n o, [t l righl, seventeece nturies afler. Slaad- Propely filtot out oaitilal Poîsan)ous burs krosnean gîes poerfl, astnessandpensevenance arc as im-' Matter. clear.wtttme lîght, and wttl neitter blow portant as eareancas and courage Ifuae cired, jul acbmng a-ad suf- nor jar ou.We u riving wt ThSeWh maketele stbagtiii.nga feing greatly from a cambinction of it te darkness easily keeps about twO may yai cornc 1e cowardly conclusions; alIments, yen may bc sure yeur kidev hundred leet atead cf your smnarte st ihene la not a more pressing duty tan are loggdad" inactive. Cure your horse. When you want te very best this, "liaving donc ail, to stand." 1 Kidneys and lie hload will tae ocare af Drivicg Lamp te be had, Lsk your 14. Loins girl about,. Tic_ girdi rIus1 dele orIe Deu"bell,- made of icter and covercd ewrlth o. Yu eau oe We Issue a special Catalogue cf ihis S anales of mactai, was an importa ar t Lamp, and, if You ever vrowl rud I of the armor;'ilt kept lie severci planas acawenc in ttc habit ai offerng Iond, te. M.ecotrLles ta thein rcg.l rnustreas. AIadamia de Pýot padour loved n fan, and eneuaecl tae art ai fan-painting. ff EST FOg TABLE USE Ber colle 'h ,-u aoffans ivas anormoca. BEST FOR DAIÎYUSE f Greuze, Watteau aed ottaer reeowncd UEULLDFRQAjV -art ta fa4-pailuting. Il was imostly cx- CANADA SALI ASSOCIATION, CiNroN, er. nOB13S REMEDY CO.. PRPecanTanoS, Onîcacr.0 acutcd ou chidlien skie or veiluni. Dr.t) bbs Pilla For ScleieneB M~ IL Otby 5TOLL &JURY. One Rich, Bright and Cheerful ; the Other Gloomy, Dark and Muddy. Farty-flve samples of colored clati are stown on ttc Diaînand D.ye sampla card, froin wtic eun e opîoducod aven anc huîîdred g.aod, solid colons. Evary dyed utopile full, nici, bnilliant and fat, show ing juet wltat ah ' women af ordinary intelligence cen do with Dia- menti Dye. Tis le pictnne number ane.The coinon imitation dves, cnd camposod of soap g'ree ce a vnincipal in-redietît, show but a dazan on tflteen colora, and s0 iînpeniect ln color tarie anti power that btesmail collectioni lookse gootov, dospanidont cnd eiclly ta any individuai wlith a tasýte for lthe beautilul 'l'his le picture u1uter two,.ô To thaso in daubt we scy, eand your addness ta IWells & Richiardson Go Mouircal, for acoclot card ai Diumand Dves; i ill ii hosent fî'ae. The Diamond D.ves boiug ttc ousiost ta de wlt gix 7eacli the grand recuite ln beautv and bustness ai colon that thc heurt ccct possitiy desire. S0 SWLET 15 LOVE. Full-flowcred suminen lies upon the land. 1 lias your lips, your hair-mud tien yocr iand, Sips intD mine; la, wcî wo undcrsand Tint ilove la aweet. Tic roscleef feuls, tic colon fades, and dieas; The sunlightfades. 'tha a umnen, bird- lice, flicAs; Titane camnea a stade acrosa yQur wist- f ci cyeaS- Jlo've so Sweatl' The flovoera ara deati, the land la blied withraie; 'fie hud af bauty bears tLe fruit of J aie- Cee any note revive tie brolien strain. la love co aunai'? The, wanid la ýoit d doathisla veny- 1 tun ta, you, ced ine my heunt's de- spair Pied peace and rest. Wc know. lhbugh foui or fair, 'fiat love Ls sweet. ~rotraedby the Diseab,, Piles. une Clause of Sloeplessness That Cae t Roaniy overeomo. William Watlt, Saratagla Spriîngs, Ný Y., ayr -" 1, t,le >suitacrîber, being f o. afly rears a nes1dani aif tie town ou ears.toý-a, N.Y., do ýcentif.y liat 1 havo, Oeen foc maxîy yeurs afflcta,ýd wdth the ples.> Foir mentlis Igot ne ragular. sleep, I becamre comîpietely prostrata, tta douoors did 'ne no good. On no- Ulc'ltg an advertioement of Ur. A. TPcask's Mawguctio Olutiment, 1 ai onmce proeucaed a tweniy-five cnt b'tte, anîd Liscd il as d'recled, and ilt as effcoied 1 parfect cure. 1 have cot lang-uagze ta cxPr@las MY feelings ûf gratitude ta tic loictor for'lis invaluable Olntme.nt.1 ,vauld say ta hae suffering with lie ane comrplai.nl, 'Try Ibis rwenady, and You mll net te diaaptpoinied.'" ExPerlenoe wlth Un. Tcank's Mag- atie Ointmet le lthe past flfty yeanS cas demnonstrated tw the mlela pro- fesion, as well aus lacmillons tof ecifer- 5ara frOm .Pilas, liaI it le lie salest mand aost effectuai aune erven affeneil ta the ?Utie, eoniaintng lie apiates ao' poisones e1 WtnYicnhd, pailcs, mcd convcuient ýo hundle, and bitg eold'by drugglstu t 25 cents and 40 cents parhottie, ta s'ltiuthe raholif every scifenëer. Feary frequently two an tirea totties" gave miaý a complete cure tf chronîle L ases tint h'ad flot Ylelded ta ailier tezmadies fer ana. Tiare s acrely k dî1sense more uggnavatteng and iL- ltrate ta ,cure ilian the i rasforet Ff piles, and iltai a tiommon pracica 0 Use Oltments, salves, and simbiai' erePraatkwis 0containing dang'erctus pod. =cs to remrre the trouble. Dr rak's Mag-eto Ollmneel liassur teded etill 9f tioMe tL-effectualre ila Rmnooia-eue effric« wlth ny r@,eia thuihie make-ýa ny 1mistake In givilà' br. Trask's a mentlc Oiutneent ea trial Any druggllt a efuretihUn. Trs' tîtagnet1ie Olelment, aýs it la the best Enown and moast paph.lar reznady foi, piles, mnd if "ou ask tic hae au deuit. eas refer roc ta many people tin you, ricicîtty' wiro have taon ouned Cern. Oeteiy ty IL Francia U. iCahle, 127 Bnry atreet, To, deato, ont enr Eiin r JEHAMPTON. 1;ý;I'( Wanted rraOnly Stove made in Canada wîth Top Drafts. The oe'_,est, chuapeest and best'. The most -econoinical. ever in vented. Made of best American iRussian Iron, ai-d lined 'with Steel. No ash-pan ýA or draw dampet for children to draw ont and set 'ire to building. No ashes n eed removing oniy once in montli or two. -~ Wiil warni a house in five Minutes! Your lu- suranue isles when you use the QUEEN. WilI save 25 to 50 per cent. , - f fuel. Wîll positively s,~ J~.keep a slow burning lire ail iigIit Bewrare of Stoves advertised "Top Draift" but bave draft at the skie. ,Ail of these Imitations are tak,3n froni the "Queen." When buying, be sure and get the genuine Queeu Top Draft Heating Stove with Our nameg on it. Pat. Pcb. lst, 1896. It is a Queen becausie it has no equal. A\GENTS WIMNTF0., 87 Chiurch Street, Toronto. CI, When an animal is al *rough oa and a tiglit hide a 8blood is ont of order. To *economically lie must be ine c Di*ck' SBlood Pu ,0 Is a necessity where the best re e would he obtained. It tonesi lb the atomacli of bots, wormis au Notbing M * 50à *LEEMING, MILES 6& CO_ * &%GENTS, MONTREAL. THE MYSTERLOUS Ae~ASSIN. Iblsîevereil la Tioaie le Save thse tIre ori Miat'al De Saxe. 'Ont nîgh<t, storlly mter bbc celebrat- cd Baille of Fonteoy, its haro, Mur- shai De Saxe, annived'ai a litie village in whici wa an inn with c peculiar reýputation. It waa said tat lu Ibis Inn therecane gia-sis wta stabtef on- stranglcd ai wio atiemptud ta pesa lie ulgit le a certain rooni. 1 Tic conqueror aI Fontenioy was fan f ram beieg suscephtie ta superatiliaus errons ced was neecty la race an uruif oI giasta. Rec dasmaunt..l,.ate lits acp- par, ccd weet up otahttc atal noom, takiug witt iim bis arm3ancd bis body- servent. R is arrangements compictad, lie manatal went la ted, cndsivaS SOOn ln a profound alumber, wti ils sen- tiauescouced in an armetair by lie fire. About anc o'ciocl lu the morn.- ieg the watchct' ty tic fine, w actiug Vo gel soe sleep hlisaîf, approacted bis master ta uawakeu hlm, but ta bis celi he reccivad no neeponse. Tiinkisîg the mersial souttdly aeieapp, te caiied agmie. Stariled atethliacaurtîncafisileme, ttc mani stoal him; _te uarstal did nia ,As Le liltetI bis banda fnom tic forai 1rue dowc, bas c acy one linows bis 'keep an animal good beant. resuits fromi feeding' - u he 'syei4, rids Ra oher arastesthat suck the 11f e blood aivay. ýk Dkck's for Milch Cows. ENTvS A PACKAGE. DICK & OR,O. lu ttc ted, tie frigttened servant 'saw tLet tiiey wera ncd. Tic marshal wàs lying lu a pool of blood 1 Drawirig dowui ttc caver, the soldier gaw a streege ihiug. An enarmous inseol , as i as- tencd ta ttc aida oI De Seaxe, aed uns sccking rit a wound f rom wilch tie blood fiowed f reiy. The mac sic-ecg ta ttc firealaca. grasped the longs, and ran brick ho ttc ted. Seizing the uonster, taec'tst it ia tote fîcuies. wbcnc il wcs in- stcntly canucmed. Rein -va aail, and te manstal 'uas sean oct ai danger; tut ttc greal gatîcrel, w ta tad escaltad firn d, scci for yaars, had baraiy ascapad dyicg af ttc bite ofainiti seiart. Ilc mad bond tLe ghost. A CHANGE 0F 1REARtï. Hoe-i tink 'I shah bhave la preacis a bicycle sermon lo-miorraw advisiîîg ail my paniabloucre to ride n wtecl. Sie-Why. Joseph, it wa aly ibe wcela ugo ibat you decaunced tLe wieel inoat lioroughiy. ilie-Yea; but remember, my dean, tLat wmas wiilc I was iannig te ride. Do't, heitate ta kick wtcn a ameth-spoken sciesmari allers yon ana, tiing citer yout hava distinclly ordccd noicr.Youlenoiwliaiyou wet.lst on gai ting 1V. E IECTRICITY PHOTOGRAPHEDi Lord kri-strong Sacereds lan1>ollng SOM, thig lIeslsRaEve Trled for Vears. Lord Armstrong, of Engiand, bas succeeded in, ac.complishing some- thin.g that scientists have trieci in vain to do for years-that la to photograpli an electric spark. It was done by placing a camera and a powerful lc trie machine in a dark"ened room. There was a plate ie the camera cov- erad with, a light, fine powcier, which, when the spark was discharged, would be driven ahout by the electrie streams and the electricity wouid thus give the luminosity whjch would anable il te be caught le the act of setting the dust in motion. The photograph taken by Lord Arm-. strong, prove that there is really ne such thing as electric fluid. Flectric- ity is a vortex niovament like the smoke-rinigs which the smoker blows from is amouth, That la, alcctriclty movas rounýd and round the circumfer- ecc ýof a ring, being sucked in by oe facee of the ring a-ad shot out by the other. Oe of ýthe photographs taken hy, Lord Armstrong -shows the clectrie current whan two opposite discharg- ing pâies are brought near one an- other.. This shows a marked difference I etween the curreunt at the positive and ne,,gativa poles. TWO PIOTURES. cgh8 and colds, and whooping Temn h sofsa ~ .~ will keep on oougbhiig. until he Ch2anges hîs mind or changes his earthly residence. Singular, isn't it, how many stubborn people persist in gambling, with health as the stake, when they might be effeetuafly oureci of cougli, oold. or lung trouble, by a f ew doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. *histsinilwI be found in feulei Ayer's -"Curebook" with a hu dred others. Free. Addrebss . C. Ayer Co., X.owell, Mass. There are many kinds of Sewing Machines, but where puréhasing a new machine you should by ail means get the very best-This is the kind I seli. Fo Tilrs ad resmkes'use, our Machines have no equïal. Priccs reasonable, ternis made to suit the purehaser. Full guarantee with every machine. Intending purchasers should eall and investigate, or sent postal eard and agent wilI be around. Best machine oil for sale. I3uy no other., Machine parts and repairs suppiied. 1 have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for-sale, a big_ bar- ýgain. New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Green. ý nd best varieties ofTurnip Seed.

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