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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1897, p. 1

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TERMS :-S1.50 PxR Â1Num. OUYR TOWN AND COONTY FIRST THE WORLD APTERWARDS. .AJMEdtoanPrpit. NPcw SER.IES. BOWMANVILLE,- ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,'NOVEMJ3ER 24, 1897. VOLumE XLIIL. No. 48. e.,.,, ...,.e.ee~e eee,~,*,-~ ILAU1EItS SÂTEMNT.NEW ER& CociI * 2~jTHERE WILL BE No DisCRimiNATioN Miss ANNIE FRAsER 0F BOWMANVILLE, iv eAGAINST ENGLAND. ExrouNDs THE NEw SYSTEM-NATURAL j Priemer Laurier said of is Washing FonORTEAUALM . "I toriavaltgevfalu.isi fo An enthusiastic crowd of ladies attend- Hood'âB&ro par la' Washingtonto discuss with President Mc ed the opening lecture of the Toronto Mai11 ln modicinemess. the power to inley and his Ministers, in addition to branch of the New Era Cooking School o cue. oods8auaprllapoaene ~ theseaingquetion, uuany international of Worcester, Mass., Wednesday after- andunqulid oraiv pweand ther.-qetos which have given risc to noon at room 26, Arcade, Yonge St. A fotI hstu m.t trouble oir irritation between the United tempting array of artistically prepp'red for i h. ru mef. heu 70U buy States and Canada, Promient among dishes were on exhibition. 17ie lecture Nood', Sarmsaparilla, and take ft according these were the alien labor law, fisheries by Miss Annie Fraser, teacher of do- to directions, to purify your blood, Or on the great lakes, INorth Atlantic fish- mestic science and instructor of the cure any of the many blood diseasea, 7011 eries and United States tariff, -as it school. was instructingo and interesting. (1arecniorally certain tc, rective benelt. pcal affects Cnda interests. h said that in the sclool was taught a SThe' poe.r ta cure la thora. You are n591 'It is plain to us that the sealino' new method and that natural foods trylng au experiment. It wIll mako youoe question cannot be settled by itself. ft make natural men and womeu, strong, biood pure, rich and nourishing, and Qhue can only bie considered in connection healthy and vigorous. It was the pur- 1drivq out the germa of dimeame, trengtheu with irritatingand important questions, pose of the school to teach what foods the nervez and bulld up the wholesystem. "You may say emphatically that are most nionrishing and the different * , O9v er c o at(:"s ..e0__ __ __ there le no intention whatever in nego- articles of diet that should be combined ____________________y____________________________________________ so that no one part of the body should __________________________________________________________ titi an rcipct or feana whi aVed whiucanother was being __________________________inferewith Ùana ' s ta exsigBiihpreferential trff ,Ti vrfd t a eesr l o ur hv varitvandaboe al t mae pr CO C ,1JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN are now showing a1H' ) a 1 ,tn als trcieb aig pey big stock of New O.ver th recpoats ablitisiofese toiefittetheelectrelle ftlo by b a a bi stck f Ne Ovrcots n sies o ft te smllet i- Fon coal, lumber and fish. hay, potatoes, demonstratioa in cooking of the follow- boy o thebiggst ma andar p ces egsuisevandodotheir smlirarticles ing menu: Uhicken pie,wth white sauce; boy or thàbiggest an0andlatprices tosuit.everbody's M as& namin hope that our informai negotia- Welsh rarebit, banana friters and pocket. We believe these to be the finest lot of Coats we DoDo frg anor fions will be followed by more formai lemon jill q Te auience wsh'hly have ever sown and we confueuuiy recommend Luem uo H 01Mr. 6p.Adr ne.lgratifiedit thei)3W re,:nd dém~on- ANOTHER OLD RESIIDENT GONE. stain pekîg'of ýoth in terms of We are aiso showing a big stock of New Tweeds and- Richard Walter Horn, died on Satur- and many others un0tle to gain admitý. The Globe (Toronto) is making a day night last atter an attack of typhoid tance. This new sehool teaches asound Nse w eil ktn wi st e a esty ead t m adera in r stroiig and deserv ibd, for Circula- fever followed by inflammation of the practical theory'and deserves the pat- '~ce l te owlsan ohe cmpictins Mr. rouage of ail intelligent thinkingpeop]le. prie o paer nd heintroduction of Horn was a native of Devonshire, Eng- Miss Annie Fraser is the eldegt tyes mdeit land, where hoe was born nearly sixty daughfer of Rey, R. DouglIas Fraser, M. 'g possible b publish te paper af a le8s years aoo At the age of fifteen or A., of this town.Mssi'aehste 'E 1 ~ .cost, the price has been reduced from sixteen L came f0 this country, with honor ot holding the lirst Governument j r ~ ~ L ~ ~$6 per annum to si per annum for the his.parents and seftled in Oshawa from certiticate for pro ficiency in the culiînary. il l ' ea i-y morning edition, and the second which town hie came f0 Durham thirfy art,hcr certificate being No. 1, issuced by lidercl UthIn edition ~~has be dsoniue.Thisoe years ao.Since thsen t h heEuat';n eatmn fOntario. *A big assortment of ail kinds both for Ladies and of ever person a daily paper that is resided here, engaged mostly ln black- a considérable time and now stands at .~genera l recognizcd as the laig.mithing at wtiich lie was very success- the head of the class of lecturers ln Can- Gentlemen, also Children's in ail sizes. paperli Canada. As ther., is to c noMIThsi the first break in the fam- ada. We say profession, because we reducin h ieo h a n ily circle, fthe deceased leaving a wife belleve before many years if will be so LADIES' COATS.-We have already done a big trade e-very department, ineluding th(ý ýatur- and seven children, ail grown up, f0, recoo'nized.* Wc conmsider that f here n Ldie' ad Msse Cotsut e ae silisho inga fneday illustrated édition, kcpt up t0 its rnouril the loss of a kind husband and shouldb schools for instruction in cook- in Ldie' ad Msse Cotsut w ar stll howng fie d present higli standard, and considering indulgent parent. .Ali his childreu erv in cvery town and large village in of ewan pefet ittngCots n ilthe enormous expense that if goes to in wîth the exception of Thomas, who is cornection with the schools. Cooking Grocers' due buisa orit A fnea oseueswhch otaken n f od oas cash. ndthusadso DUBHAX DISTRICT DYIISION. ducfed fthe services. The deceascd *vmwihyreetdaî evs'ias Thre LivinAgeo foi'1r 8- another C a k Jolilstoil & Cryderm an. 0 ýhe re-uarfa iss:soi ofoîDurfhaui frieui(s w.o sympatir: clnand4i0dica cd: sîcoived hefli ecasmcm- -- compicte» represouffaive of foreign. bes f ubai isrctDiiso a- f eoms urpcaur eey ca f ioughitsexprinoSed by ifs greatest- piirv o ýt ons o! empeanefe ur ader of th rc urignprexoet.I i odyaf ih e Record ars ipuoIisliean d she lee rcr !Mr.MrinBr icin !aimath al ht 8 ustnfa pres t th Grnd iviionourdesre rig CeekButer anBowau-andtruy vluabIci l-panlther-o ado thaf tistrsoedthe ahat w e ie,_ ath i xibtosa eh sa tpres e n, eb ra in s Y ONb ~reres of urha District Division - bcnkespiakliere pvrizes r Whulcil;s a~s epesed tge a e ist lIN ontnuedas licoffiiaiorgn offhcflicleaingcouny fimswitf tucr c meicn ofalmstel Mothaty S upplemnt, Y U u -01 Order. 2nd Resolved, Thaf wc the and roll butter, etc. Since Mrs. Burk . a treign liferature. urgeNVIL E. on l rendo!ftempérance tfl ni ae enunu s e veyhand radctisd is ditoni manag BOWMANVILLE. need of ~~~~immdat attention to fhe work aylayi Canada ,so far as our know- ee hrceie t dtra aae "T~~ il... o! aousingtire public mmnd upon tire le goe Xtends. b 85se o 6frt ment,lias been wîdened, ifs size increas- T.O Lue question o! Prohibition. If is now finie pr1zes and a Gold iModal ; and la 1896 cd ans pic ersedennj d fit in to circulate liferature, and empioy ail siro covered flic saine record bofli vears randyealsaue ouly f0 oie add10is Extracts, etc. Quaiity I f ~heo eans of infomming tire people o!tire including fhe largest Canadian lÊxîi- vigoradvle otoewoî en NewRaiin, Crrnts-Pels E trats et.enLltybenefits f0 be derived f0 tire country by bitions. Tis ycar Mrs.Burk tried soIije aofre i fe r tms thme wh c nl the measure and tiroir duty as good new faims and Ias, beaten bof h former not the test of cheap-ness., Good goods give satisfaction. * citizens at this criais. Iu al elections years, faking a vemy bigli osition, in- otier-wise be obtained xcept by a largo =f emiperance people must sec that only c]udiiîg a diplim d 7i rst rizes uta.Intelligentuf dr who went tu We buy the best we can procure and take pride in the '-"bl c those candidates are elected 'who May The exhibitions af which she won succes as .m ndmnywilfn i nau be elied upon f0, advaîice temperan ce tins year are : Western Faim, London, able. The Living Âge is publied quit9fteabv od.Pies lw quaiycnde d We will not attempt to in- imeasures wirenever they are lntroduced. Ont., 2 firsts, G oid Medal1, 1 second and ekyadtepi snwbu860 quality of theabsuit'your. intesligence byonsquotedW1,cannuf hope 10 got legislation froin 3 Bds, dipomal; Eastern New York at yoar. To al new subscribers for 1898 pItyou iteligeceby uothose who are not in sympafhy wi h the Watertown, N. Y., 8 firsts and diploma are off cred troc fhe elghf numbors o.f Stockt compiete with everything in the Grocery Ue. ingyou sucli and such articles cause and truc, temperance electors can- for boaf display o! diary butter;- Wesft ' 1rfiih i erHut at rom25 to30 beow islno cnscienciously casft hirirballot for Durliami,Bowmanvilîe, 1 ifrs; Clarko ocmied wslu t ire prosp etus.rt at fron 25%to 30 belo costa candidate who is opposed f0 our pria- Faim open f0 Dominion of Canada,Orono, dsrbdi h rsets L-1 I 1 hL of manufacture. For yoU ip les. Timo aiud place of next meeting 4firsts; West Nuthumberland,Cobourg, makl0 - it-ni a nd Dumt r aes n a d-'- ewf te quates fr incraCeyonTea backan mied th poldmedibasti c anyYHum-IBRA1CLF.ir Nurt Yom6f Nwmrkî,3 lrts.- ' orha -chi ploma, ce.faiuly a disintoo!cllFaIlivn aoo T oq e ,'i m n a s ee yLbrli lc to u hp a m cm- free froin pain. over goooo have festi-! Ladies'Coats, Our popular ber. Any person wlio desimes f0 become MoS"DIAY, Nov. 29,-Mm. W. A. Tom, fied ta ifs virtues. Druggisfs wio offer i * Unes. anda member wili nicease givohis naime Sln, wiîî offor for sale a mare and substitutes are uutmsîtworthy. Hnbo F i Id Ia ' <) iS.f-ay rEiunvosTre.ef 2 yeam old colt, sevoral inilehcir ,mrs wfouramvince:t, of wsfein w g I.. ~~Ladies'an Misses' C'oat- meieting wili be held lu Town Hall, WgosBuieCfesSegsC.Mich., care Birgiand's Camp. Box ÎÏ), writes:. Yo a s v o e ys en our ings. Hampton. on Nov. 29tir, wlien arrange- &c. Sale ati1 o'clock. Seoc bills. L. "Whmen 1first beganto take your'Fayorjte Pres. Ladie' -----~ A. W. ToLp, auctioneer. % o w eaknsndharto, uble. A t m I es jyey.h e s plndd ale o clothing, ail sizes. 1in , l different sub-divsions. Let tlieie WEDNE5DAY, Dec, 1.-Mm. A. Moore, lot Icouid hardly endure he ain l ms b1sgood 'funout ; tetp o i- 7,c8, Damlingtou, (Rowan Farmi) Iowdown, anddhal: sueepfianain.etween myi Gentlemen,-Dun't make any mistale cussion wiil be Duty o! tire XVoter, f0 b will selI about 15 acres standingliredir in the mnoraing uai niElit. At times thereI W ~~~~~~~we have tire besf value lu Undemweam in led by Mr. F. -J Üroat, Hampt on, and wood timber lu acre lots, T1iIilals 'was avery shparpepatin around mv heari. Weng I th akt . .Wryo Enkle.Th x pi, 89 oçer, alwou1p.in ldtoo ve hre'a adl ahu ja Wait until you have se them before order- tcxakt ..Wmyo ntkle.Tr x pi,19,tçcr aef1p arh heart. My head ached and was con- sen . cutive are mquested fa meet ut 7 p. in. Sec bille, il mas'. credif. L. A. W.'nualiy sore te the touch. 1 took ten houtles of Ored.. . o ru iI O1IIOyfamnsact business befome flic generai 'l'OLE, auctioneer. the'Favoite Prescription' aïd nue týott1e'of the ing lsew ere.'Golden Medical Discovery.' r, eau most truly ingoin elsewhere. ZGmocers' due buis orhos. Buffer, andsEa rsu___________________in____lire ZGrocelot 19. conls2rButmeruanougnort i wsmoi-like a yen g'l thanà a mnoth er ofa taken as cash.lo19co.2 arint,' otoffiy'hpanaleeokwhtou Mapie Grovo, will sei 5kacres oad! S illh d ail ai! me i an I o.,hayn M DW L IM & S N tstanding Cedar in j acre lots. Until Ahaaiei ypo ! osiain S.W .Mason&ApriMalle899, iven tu emove il. Sale Dr'. Iierce's Pteasant Pellets cure constipa Fiirnture Dealer and Underta)ier. , ve "01p.m. cehi's L.A. W. Tory i, rptyadpmaet. Theyed. Undorttplîlln 1uIways rewo ro pt UIa ~poual attetOUKQD da «l ught. Que doerr Ea5t 91 Standard Banký et ~*auiio ncer. rUgissse them~~

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