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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 2

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T IVEDNESDAY,, DEC. 1, 1897. ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Possesses the following Distinctive Merits: UELICAUY 0F' LAVOR. BUPERIORITY IN QUALITY. GRATEFUL anld COMFORTING to the NER VOUS or DYSPEPTIC. NIUTRITIVE QUALITIES UNRIVALLED In Quarter-Pound Tins only. 7pepared by JAMFS EPPS & Co., Lirited, 0ooeptheChemiats, London, Euarland. MIL . JC<:EITcEuzlIj pEJ F)ER OF COLLEGE OF PRYSICIÂN as u~osOntario, Coroner,. o. ifice nd I elduc Enniskillln. 74 B'> A lSTiE.t, SOLICITOP., &0, MOPUIS 1>PIOGE up8tair0, King Street. EOWxnan- siis Belle] or for the Ontari Bank x Klvatt Eeneys loaned ai the loweel rates BOIT'. YOUJNG, V. 5, O FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM News Block.,where hiniseif or assistant 1W211 be found from Sa.m. to 9 nib. Night catis 1residence,directly opposte»rill Shed. Caele y eerph or telephone wiliI recelve prompt tenues171.yr R. ]PEATE, Tailor Gentlemen's Clothes Made to Orderi J .M a BRIM'JjlA COM BE DENTIWI'. OFFICE. :-Rear of Messrs. Iliggiubotliam & Son's Drug Stez% (aown stairs), BOWMÂNVILLE DENTJSTR Y crdn f I hoRoyal ole. E0P5IEEXPRE-SS VITALIZED AIR. et Do nAa New Tallor Shop It endie11rsli nod Il o has boon carryfsug on Dssstry Gords Store 'or a eitbrof year8 ascouencet insef or h.el i i tealdenco, King 5t.,nest, ihere lic fa proparaîl te make gpnts' anti boys, nis in ait the laet ut y eat tloweet pnieus, For, tise. vue Wi o t ore iits, ha nl carry a full lise et amplesinal lb. aewest patternas, (ivo bim J. oTý. ALLEN,1Z Fashionable Tailor MONEY TO LOAN. A large suinsof money bas been placet un my hants by a pIvate person 'or luvesmtmnrt, on api-cd Jeans on fartas ecnity fer a trm ei rivE Or TEIN yeais, FsoTs AND'u 5HàIE a'u'I ~ 5ieotwlil ho a-Set payable yearuy. aieecoy conditions for ropaymoni nl ho D. B, SIMPSON. Soiitor. Bovmauville. Dateit Oct, lt, 94. 40-if. LADIES WANTED.-Three ladies àte iitîîoduce a oseliold wock. Splendid returns Se comparent persouse J. GssOWAv, Toronto. H ELP WANTED.-hleliable mon in ever y ioeaity, local ei-trtavellinîg, te lin- tredoce a nets diseov euy anîd keep oui show carde iseket op on trees lances and bridgea tbrenghont the country ant town ; steady amn- plor nient ; comminssions or saîary. $65 per month oct expenses andmioney depostet lu auy bank wben startesâ. For partitclans Write TiiE WoRLn MasaacaL EEeRcIeC., Lon don, Ont. M5 - 6 ns. ANTED:AGENTS- "Queau _W Victorais 5oonîg. J@îght theusaist copies soit. Tbnee thousa id five buisred orderet frein Australia; large Cuatilles goet l South Afriean going like wild relu Canada. Lord Lorne HerMjety'ssoni- lu ansys: "The hast popular ]lie of the Qneen Ie b u%,ave sean- cnt honsands endersthe stale- en te Olft frae e cvasacra ;exluive tar- ntory ; books on lune ; easy ro mae vi <ot- lare 8 y îoî ake tviee ihat. 'ase BR~AD- Lai' GAccarSes Ce., Limnitet, Toronto. A GENTS SELL'KLONDYKE GOLD Fuelds" likue P.wbililhd. Experiectoi osuvssers reapisîgthe icbest harvesi eft lier lires ; et be-niners doing n'onters. Nearly overy body Be1%sribes. Onie youstg feli w etinca farna t 1 2 a manlhi lenakiuag 7. A lady type vrîter t- a weak clears iii A mneebasie wbo bat earnet 150 t, day is eleciîîg cI a day. We vant more agents. Canvassltag eetfit 29.c weth $1. The BRAnas-Ova-GuRsoN Co., Limuet, Toroento. UTANTED. -An axipeieuicet canvas-1 SOT 10 tras et snt appoint agens. Ne eau- vaseisag. Slry ant cx4cttses paît 'The BeAD- IL}'v G Ac R ESONos ., Toronito. I ITANTED.-utustnious mis o! U U aharacter. The LNSeCOr Co. Ter enito.1 ROSEBERY'S CAREER. AercidenFt of ai li itit the cCause of BIS Falluire lm reltical Lite. The earliest fore-cast of the career of the Earl of Rosebery was made by a shrewd Scotchýlman, who heard hlm de- liver a speech at a luncheon after a military review. R1e was a lad of four- taon, but he sepoke so well that this kieen observer declared that the vol- unteers had been istening te oe Sof England's future prime ministers. Twenty years passed and ho was stifl referred to by his friends as a main with a great future in public tif e, al- though he had done little to justify expectation, Hlis first speech in the flouse of Lords, wher. he was twenty- four, was a feeble one; and while ho presided three years afterward ever a Social Science Cengress and subse- queltly was chosen the rector of two Scotch universities. he had made ne marked progress in plitical lil!e. Yet, those who met hlm frequently were impressed with bis force of character and exceptienal ability, and were in the habit of speaking of him as a fu- ture prime minister. He had net heen idie, but had made goed use of bis wealth and leisure. He had traveled much and had theuglit ÎADVER71TI1ED MOST By its Loving Friend GEYLON TIRA. DOCTORS Speclalists inthie ireatmeal of Nerous, lond, Sexual and' PrivateDiseases 17 Tow i h DEROIL :00,00c Curie Y O J U MIIYen are nerveus and Y[ U ITMN despondont; weak aud deblitated; tiredtmerninge; ne ambion lifelese; memer er asly fatiguod; excitable; ores sunken, rdotbord pAmpes on face; dreama antnaight toises; trains t stool; eezing on exciteenet; 1haggard leoking; weak back; boue pain nîlcers; hairloose; srethroat; varicocee wat ef confidence; impe- YI te ncy; lack of energy and àL MA~flhI~Ths important stop in IïIMIlMU lfoshouit nover b tx0k uenu otil yen arae sitively cured if enhave be weaened ,or diseased. Remember 'Lllsefalhe ik10e 81'Emns ions, varicecele, permatorchua aL syphilis endanger happinesse;lu aarrie life. Our New Mthod cruoes thens per t 0on'ce, as voeaurestoro eour ren 'i vitl eerg asdcdeiras. f yU nL; l t Msr, C dice mybu worth a fortunej !N et Method was diecoveret by uns severa yors îigo. lh bolide op andi treni 1 "the nervoos systens; restores le t vtal it>l tthe sexual organe; stops ail drains aw 4,as; iuvigorates ant reteres lestmau-, h.0:It nover fails lu curing the oseaite of Self Abuse, Lofer Excesses, Blond Dis- esases, or the offocts of a Mispent Lie. CURES GUiRANITEEI) on NO PAN What We 7ureat and cure! lfr Ilsslons,VariOae e,Sy phi- Il ,NervusQebilty.Strloture, Gl t mpetericy, Unnaturai tls ýharnzes,LostMaflhood,KId-", i-, vandBladderfllseas-s.Co,-ý 8ýuitatl on Fro e. Beoke (illustrateti) Free. Write ferQue-stion tlank fer-, Hoi--e'rreatmenit. Evrythlog Con- fidential. Plain envelopes. lNothin sont t,.O.D outetimonie nxt nets. O tÏrIOR QUIGX, _Ly. Wrîlc io-1ay f or our Laniful illustrtet Book ou Patents andi tha fLsr-inaîingstory of apour Inventor who mute $250,00.00. Senti us a rough sketch or motiel ef yenr invéntion anti xv wil promply tell yen FRIE if it la lnew anti prehahiy patentable. No humnbua, Honest serice. Specaity Tough cases îrejocted inl other bauds andi fereigu applications. References : Honor- able T. Berthiaume, prep. of "Las Presse,» Honorable 1). A. Rosa, tho ieading nows- Lapers, Banks, Express Companies & clients ia any localty. All Patents socuredt trgg our agenoy are hrought bofore the public hy a spcelai notice in ever 300 newspapers. el ON & MARION, Patent Experts, Temple Buildtug,185 St. James St., Montreul. The oniylirai mof Graslunte Engineera ln th. Dominion transacting patent business excinsively* Mention Ibis paper. DR. WOODtS NORWAV PINE Heals and Soothes the délicate tissues of the Throat and Lungs. __ i ...CURIING... EL AGENTS1 couG-Hs, c LDs, BRoNqCHITS> I [i - ASTHMA, HOARSENESSP SOME N -I oa* THROATt INFLUENZA, and BOTI-I lEN A.ND WotiEN. îî oo a s williiug te work, vo tait ag. e yen empleament PI IN THE CHEST. vtt C,00) PAY as t yeu ce n vrk l i-orpart t1 we, ai itome or traveliag-. The Worla isAglît *4, EASY TO TAKE, and eas.WieOt iiefternis e., te T ME IIA WWKS 1 2ft!R 1 E Y rCOM P A NY, SURE TO CURE. il Oc Xtttt,. Y. ISPli NooyisSafe froïm to Mlswomen haveahorror o! grow "I _____ing R . itcertaiuiy te not the pleas f Mr. Jas. 'Barry, 28 Hunter Street E_, anteast thing te, conterupiate, but ït te Bamilton, Ont., enys "For the pasi flfvo nviaia But that is ne reason why w . yer I have bat Bright'e diseaise of tho13 a01 age shotalinet ho kepi off as long'!w- ___ kiducys in isewerst form. My kidnesys, as Possible. Let that xvern-out expres- ý were lu snob a frightfui condition thet th'ey Sion, 'I amn getîing olti," ho consignet dliscb argot bloot. te the part, andl keep young. Just ho- c,Uffa a !awý gray hairs have matie thetr appearance, do net give up al formes o! active amusement, put on old-fash- loeaticibihien, dress the hair unbaconi- Cý, liry or don ugiy colora. Oit age tees net naed te bc forcet on, rather keep it at bay. lBut we ara hoing ceniinually reminti- edtbtat wa ara no lunger yeurg, you aay. Cartainly aur friandsnotc the gray hairs% anti wrinkles and wish te , spare us, threig~h kindness, ranuch o!f -- the activa work which weolit ward off ~ the wrlnklbos anti put celor in the face. " - The youîng folks take the walks in the freab, bracing air whia their eiders it "I vas unable to work, anti most Of thc hefore the firo lu big arm-chairs. Tboy ., timo couit net sleep. I became so, excited are gati te spiqare the dear olti mother ~.,I and enferet such fearful pains in my back, anti fathar any unnecassary stoeps. The I - that 1 vas unablo te te the least tbiug. 1I -4 vas in theebospital, where 1 was treatet hyo d folks must have extra warmth, easy several physicians, andi 1 aise took mauny chairs, anti mur>t-flot use thair limbe kinde of medicine, but witbont reliefuni ant ieacès as long as they coul d. l I commeuced taking Doans Kitney Pile1, thora any w-ay wIhtch invites theap which I got et Spackman's drug store laot preach ef the eneany botter i It ta al il Jannary. vryw-ilRte aiiow the young ail the ~ Il Since taking tbemn I have been gettinýg amusement tieay ce n ficti, but h la foiiiy botter rapidly. I eau now work witbiont te retire frin iLt antirs5y anti proceoti inconvenionce. They r-storet my atreugth te grew 9 as e things koap oe reutoved the pains from my back, made jmy 'y an lonsocafn ebyot. kitneys beaitby and streng;,se that thoy Thon, teeo, it ie net vantty to eâaiet are able te perforai their work easily &il" eîn lto, vni awmnt entre yaem.aerytruge. ots vnet ao ra air eil, thoroby carryiug off all he poisonous past forty. There araý pretytig secrettous vbich bofore nsed te minglo w id, suîtable for ail agas, anti that littie my bloot, andi hecame diffuset througb my âne,"Fine____________________________fine_______________ II amn enly tee happy te give thîs tasti. te make a 'bark numnber' o! yen, but mony as te the menite of Doan's Kitnery lok anxiety, care anti worry au ay frein n Pilla, se that ethers may be benefitet hy keaP young, keep te the front and t e e a t0 r their use as I have beu" 28,J 6_ __ __ _ H m L H en r i . Guo Laxa-lverb j'I e vexr Nîgnt sos 80 Daýys Cur'os Constipation. Thoroughly Uratofui, deepiy on many subjecis. When ho ohý- taineti bis finsi officiai position bu 1881 MRI. STEPHEN BELISLE as Undor-Secretary o! the Home O!- TELLS HOW HE WAS Ci fiee, ho nient aheat ravbily. In fîve years ho waa Secreiary fer AfteP Otther ilemeti los Faihea te Foreign Affaire, ant ishieinîlmate5Dr. Willtiants' Pink prusMI frient, Mr. Glastone, bat pointedtote leuitsy fman. hlm as Froni the Motreali-Remîtd. GLADLY 'URED. a ce» hlm. made Ulm Mf o! the Liberal party anti bis ewn suc- D no Wlimste1te uko Icsser. Hoe bat alreaty been a leader1 the butter anti cheese tante le doue e! the Imperiai Federation League, andti anti it le there that tlaE,,Motreul colt ho subsequentiy took an active part st1 g n ne -cnpn' ai motb building is ioL'aui. t cm in the organîzatien e! tuie firat Lonl- imer ýtie, n.iben extensive eimfl tien County Ceuncil. Wýhen Mr. C"'(1- are bobug matie, 'the big bleckla atone retiret f rom Public lue the RuIlvetable boahive. Several nioli uo i o! Resebery necarne prime minister. expenting firme bave thir ivarehonses 1 As amano! be utur hohnt ex inluthis building and eue o! thoni is IWin. T'. Ware & Ce. Their beat ae et much enihusiasmn. As a man eft îLe I bouse man is Mr. Stasahen Blisle, w ho present ho bas failedti t mako a repu- aýs his naine ludicates, la a French- tation as a statesman o! the f iret rank.1, Canadian andtini the prima o! life. If Hie enur o! ffic wa shot, ati he eer there nias a graieful man on the f ofo the earib te day that man le i pariy met with a crushing tefeat ilu Stphen Belisie. After euffering in-1 t he general elerUtins o!f195Asto edascrihable agonies for several menthe leader of a çiviteti antidamgd h(eLe new the picture o! hoaltb- anti minority hoe ceeu lest huart anti rotir- feoips that h le lus tinty to tell ail the ed frm pubic lie. wrlt boni b was resioredtoteheaitb ed. rompuble ffe.anti bappinecse. Mr. Boitis expiainet Hie failure te jusiify the hottes e!fis is troubles, neni fortnnately a thing frientis wae net due te any lack o! e!f the past, te a reporter o! the brilliaut gif te. As an orator haite Heralti recently. "My work cahotd wîtheui a rival su Englanti.MrC m' me te ail parts o! the warehoLuse," sait bu. '"and sometimes I went ii>to hennain is a boiter debater, but ie netl the freozinrg roin nitbont my .ceai moefluent as a speaker, anti laýks or cap on anti thon back te the other his melous veice, eut reseurcos e!f-parts ef the niarehouise totewearmer Ihumer. atiosphere. About a year ago 1 ho- On the platform ha is au almosti iteal came very iii witb a complication of speaker, cemhbining xith dignity o! diseases. I w as suf!fertng wlth indiges- hsaring anti earnesineaýs o! manner, a, tien, hiliouenescuti tha resulting Ispangklng îit anti felîcsty o! expros- nervous tisortors sncb as sick heat- sien xxhicb deight an audience,.ceat a !aptt.Ibgnte His career proves ihat it is a miefor- te ne, at leasi for an Engiisb Liblenlai, toring, but I seeniedtt grow worsOi to e borhe a Puer. He bas st l ieuvery day. I slept very lioule, ada House!fLords incu ho xvas t fity nte nent on, 1 wne net able te do eue. If ho coulti bave fought ise way any work, anti even the oxonieon o! te the front in the Commons ho aveulti moving about wxoulti tire me eut. I bat bave tadthtie political training in the( a very peor appetite cuti wbat foot ,management o! party affairs, 1 bb laie titi pot agree -%vith me. I 1aiso wxoniti have fittet htm for ieatersip. cuffereti froni a auvere pain in tbe hack As a man e! the future ho-e a ant i cde, During that tima I bat dat amer interesting himsel! lu mant-,y trieti mauy niediciries but tbey gavce ibings. As prime minis1 or anti bat- me ne relu!f. I ba becoe se weak or'ho lacketdfinito piurpose antice anti my systeni.nias se mun down that mandiug autbenity. Hie publie cre life nias a burd.on te me. 1 wac ad- -bas beau blighiet by the accident 1_! visedtot try Dr. W illiams' Pink Pille, high lirth.1,wbich 1 titi with eatremtely bene- - - - -- -f icial vesuIte. I commancet taking Pot Rost.-M&Ilt somte butter lu a the pille about Christmas tme and ketile, put the basf iu, antid roi oxx-1I unfeeling se geet that 1 uicely on cil site. Cever with hol- thought it my dnty te write the pro- ng xatsr anti cook slow ly for several prietors o! Dr. Williame ,,Pink Pille heurs. Wben dry, take oui the unitan le hmko hwexr ey <andi mako a brewn nsauce with a heap- cnrteflt1tami ow boncu ex tremely- ing tablespoonffil o! fleur antia a i!-gre astefIafo tho inme. theirm't- Lpint o! xvter. Put the boa! bu anti cee ie a tece u e attk tan inuts. nly six boxes xvben my condition O! beýalth w as a paa lice to wh at it ------ Jbt 1-eau for soeanionths proviens. %è* Mn. Boasile s quiet ueaseuming man e nti evitentiy neýt given te oer on- ~~~~ hLOTAtusiasm, but there was ne miatakinig AM S AIRAC~LE2 bis eanestuese nihen recounting hie si experiences te the reporter. Ho nl - 'i ~ Ottawa, Seýpt, 9tb, 1896 . <always a fLans ielievea in Dr. Wil- To he hreoli e MliieCe u iame-' Pink Pille. Linîted, (tew g. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille cure by go- GEN-,TLEMEN,- I hartly linow ý ng te the root of the tîsease. They h oni best te express my apprecia - reer nt uttiu the blooti, anti 1 tien -o! your xalnable sheumnatie -l sireugihen the ncrves, thus taiviflg ,~reawati, Phaeuoline. Yv soni t> isease faom the eysiem. Avot imia- >( Cordon, wko is 9 'ears old, bas tielns by insistiig that every box yen ~ bena ufenn ros nfamati-1 g puachase is encloseï, in a nirappea ~ rhumctsm fr te pat tw g.boarîng-the full tante mar.D.el rheunatiin fr th pas two liams' Pink Pis for Pale People. 41 yeaura; nias se bad t t imes that F lie h at te bucarniet about ou a Smatirese; waus tiendeti by-twe HT AEHl AE. -ciy tictora apparuntiy without Scbool Teacher, seveely-You are th i lghiest benoîit; spent 10tinys ' bal! an heur late ibis morning. a , aCaletonia Spvings, Came home Little -Bey, niho nias koptinl the day. w.t n on manket imprevemenit before-Yes'm. it as laie yeste'dlay, took tbrea botiles o! a llomeo- ~ when I gel home. Spathie remet y non being extan- siveiy ativertiseti, nhich tii net J ,ak-'Howre yen getting on, Mike?' b iiehlm lu the loast. I was e Mike-"Doiug a roarnt atie, matey." bgnigte give up all hope ot' ji Jack-'What'e tho lay ?" Mike--\Woll .~~~~~~~~~ larcvrnbnb hne ~ Irepauseni a lion lu a xiit beasi meniond te cse o afri , show-" -4 anioateme ae e fiad i ese operplexîng te bu toit that a nib atouly tvsedme e iveg.marrieti man bas heen relese fron >à Pbranoliuea atrial. b is sufferinge ai iast-yoeu eaunver SIdit se, wlth the resuit that i ~iwehrtt le the man bimeel! w, ho nihen my boy bat taken onlv bal! hmLasdietior lbis nilfe. a bottie hoe was able te gel on te o _______________ j b t bicycle anti ride like any ether s orgoe o ~bey arounti the block. s orgoe o itceraeinly f cal that I cannot I say tee much lu praise o! your I meticine, anti shall do al I eari te I make knonin ils value te others Yours very sincerely, (Signeti) REUBEN CLARKE. kor Table and Dairy, Purest and Best New Spring. Goods at prices that will astonish you for Cheapness and Quality. Ail Wool Tweed Suit to order $8.00, great value. See oui- $2.50 Pants to order. We have the largest and most attractive stock of Im- ported and Domestic Woolens ever shown in the County, bought in the best market for SPOT CASH. We carry fulli unes of Staple Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothi ng. Fine ordered Clothinig a specialty. Our Grocery Department Is well equipped wîth Choice Groceries and Provisions as eheap as the eheapest and as good as the best. We have special values in TEAS, Full lne in Patent Medieînes at popular. prices. Suiphur in quantities ai 3c. par pounti, H AMPTÔN. East ndprai The undersigned d esire to th ank the tarmers of West Durham for the liberai patronage extended to us during the past season, also to remind them that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay th e HIGHEST MARKET PRICIB ALI KINOS OF R GA ED deliverrtd at our storehousie cor. king and Gerg treetss., or at [' Darlington. We have also on hand au large stock, NEW AND _*JFRESHP" of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini BaPgs.ý Rock Salt tfor ca ttl and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels.. which sve are prepared to, sell All kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SOCREENED)M&1, Wiways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. TO GET RID OF STAINS. may ha used allowing 3 ounces of the Hare is a list which housekeepers crystal te oeapint et water. Wat theý sbould paste up where'it would bhana- etain with the solution, place over a dy whan the query cornes, advises a kettle of bot water ln the steam- or anin tesunshinc.- The instant> the staýin exchange: '"Oh, dear, xxbat le it that cieparrs well; wet th estn takas eut mnildow stains or peach with amonaVocutacthoad stains? lve readit soumawhere but 1 eainn.Then rincetoogi cant rememnber te save my lue !" For again. :f bs w11Ioi mua> tu>-esaxo th fres te an cofee tais ue bil-linien, wbich is apite o >în.jurcd býy fras te ani cffoestans se ou-tha oxalic acid. Javela water iLýeeXCel- iug water. Place the linon stained over lent fer almost any white gooA. I-t a large hbowl and peur through ît îoiî- eau ha matto at home or houghit at a ny druggist's. ing water f roma the teakettlee held at a.bigbt to insure force. Old toa and O ce! Les stains wxhich have becoine "set," DeiEditor.-Plcase isformn your r idsr2, Uat îl wrte oconSdentiily, 1 wil niani, iii a se3' ot shoulti he soaked in celd wator first, ter, partienlars or a gc.auine, hone ,blecure, ity isialeli1Iwas permaiueiàtly restored t10clatiiî",nt then biig.mny vigor, asuer ycars cf suf-ring îi r ,vou For peaib stains a weak soluition of debiltty, sexitai xeakness n it 1lu os a À it chioride e! lime, cembîned i yth infln- 'ibriuken parts, 1Iwas ruIbe'anld Bswludied 3ieit iae patience. Long soaking te an es- 1 1a o el Joosadsrn,., sental.ta rake ibis certalain ens of cure kuown to ail st Gssaiiaiy b r.ov y rers. I have nothlrg to sell and wavnt Don -tR 1-_ Gras sain ma haramvet bybut heun afirrm heieeriuithe universal bmotait1t creani tariar antd wator. of man, ain desirous of ialping te utortu-'to For corh, angor apreoad ttha article 1 egsluîherhfflth and happin-EsIp50miTht For scor~, ~angtR sereey. Addreswithstamtp,W).T M1!1t Ln the sunahina. For nddc, on sa j plis ..Bx50 ~ Te juica and aunsbina, or if obstinate dis- 1 solve on,, tablospeofu n of cibioride o!f - lima in four quarts bf eld water andi Tt1JMRE[ND)EER'S WARM COAT. soak the article, entil midew disap- Th knoteride ssemp- pears. Rinse very tboreughly te avoid Teai !îeride S5 mo' any chemical action upion thelnen.dvinuse ho cdes ia thyenadith-i For wiua atains sprinkie well ith ef l suchoa dean ieth teradditio sait, moiston wih boiling wator and0 a tblankot of heaemanArcm- thon pour holling wator ihreugh un- ticr the intensesi ioso nAc ti the stain disappears. For hlood. owinter's night. staius. usa coki w ator first, thon soap ýri E PRCIOUS INNOCENT. and water. Blot xator sets the stain. Fer checlate siains use colti waier 1e- D)o yen think there la really any first. then hiling water f romithe tea- danger in kissing? kettla. Sbe-Wait tllii1 go te the stairre eiii Fruit stains wlll usually yiaid te listen te find outiehehr pia. boiling water; but if net, oxalio acid asleep or net. Mali, m

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