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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1897, p. 3

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TEDAILY WITNESSI LIE NORTHERN MESSENGER, ESCAJIDol on THE PEILE E DOCTOR Z5 zo >B A UÏQE COMBINE TO PROVIDE FAMIBS WITH THE BEST PUBLICATIONS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. N'8ver b'er: iva3 uch an offor m'%do to the ceadora of the S81T A T E S M A N. The publighdrs of the 'DkfY WlL~3'alid the -NOMJli9RN M2,38ENi1ER' looking to larger influence through iuc~' s i coaaiînheve mido uî an otfeî whiîch wis s0 gouero)us that we jumped at il immediately on baalf o7'oui's riss This offer \was initere3tinc to ne foc 1he sanie reason that it interested theni, and to opv' reaiaî's it wili be interesbing as the gro-itast bargain ever offered by any club of publications. TFjTE WITNESS. We neel not give lengbhy descriptions of any of the publications named above. The ' WITNESS' ~yhaùy luuo\ws an 1 re spebs. Avoraginig ncarly foîîrbe pages a day, and rutining up te nearly twice timt, nuýn1br on Saturday, il embnainis a wonderf ni budget of intecosting reading malter. Among the niighty newspaper', of the Dominion, net one has suoh staunch tru. friends as the 1 Witness.' Those thab i,41w il best love iL meet In many parts of this country the feeling is, e Whal is home wilhout the, WIT- N -S." is a paper that ne parent noed he@silate bu hand over to hie family. and it is a paper who.se îîujiOs statasînen esteoni and value. Why? Because it has a conscience, and il dae. speek% out what it Lhîlsand what is ini tbe public intereet. It voices the people, not a polilical party. Independenti of pryand the dicî.aîion of groat monopoliee, unapproachable hy bribes of any kind, iL can truly ho called an indepe ndent papor, whese aim, political, moral, and social, is to serve the public.- Some other claims to ýiindepen lente wontd require that the definition of the word ho " Free to go the way the wind biows.» 1Maýýny people who, whilo, they may net agro. with theo« WIINESS' on soine subjecîs, still take il and respecat il, approciating weil-infocnied. slraightforward opinîion. As te ils celiable news columus, it has beceme a eaying. "I1 saw it in the "'TNESS,' and I believe it." But te 'WI NES S,' theugh of 'noce earnosb character than its contemporaries, has epeciel dopart- iiients for womankind and the home for the boys and for the children. Departinents for the farmer, c iited Vy 1,le ding aqihorities in thoir respective sphoces, as for instance, the Voterinary Deparîmont, which ià coýiîducte1 by Dr M",Eiohraa, -D.V.S., F.R.C.V.8- D-,aa of the Voterinary Faeelty of MoGilil University, and Chidf Ilîîspetor- of Stock for Canada. This deparbament alone is worth the whole yoar's subscription to the fariner, as h3 elauask of Di'.M alan through'the 'WITNýESS,' any question ho will concerning hi. herses, catie, sheep or ewîuo. Thle1' WIYN ESS' storles, 100, are a bright feature uf the paper, and are meet caret nlly ectd Tl E NOÊ-RTMERN MES9SENGER-, The 'Norîihern Messeuger,' New York and Montroal, is an illnstrated paper, which ie alse xvell known to Caiî îdiaas. Éls recetît rapid inerease in ciroulation ie a guaranten in itseaf that the paper fille a place ne ober public îÂlon, does. Fonty thoasand copies are circulated each week throughout the length and breadth of Can)ada. it je a twolve page illusoc,îted -weekly paper, with two pages in large types for the litile folks, and ie doaigi ed te pcev de iliterestiug reading for th4- family on S'dy Thero are always severil coies in each nunnber. Yeung and old looki for it oagecly. Many of -b.hesoapr that corne froni the States are niacroxvly Am-enicua, and evea aahuost anti-Briîish. Thore is, utof aLrse, uothing of'~X. sort in thea 'Noî'lheru Meeseuger,' ae il le edited lu Montreal by Canadians. TF-jE PEOPLE'S HORSE CAT'i Lh. SH-EEP, SWINE DOCTOR. Tie Poople's Hlorse, Cat tie, Sheep and Swine Doctor, a volume of 334 pages, contains in four part, lear and concise descriptions of diseases of the Ilorse, 'Cattie, Sheep and Swinie, with the*exact doses of medicine for each. Rach disease ie- firet described, thon follow the symptoms by which it May be recog- nized and lastly is given .the proper reinadies. ltit j printed in clear, good type on fine paper, and is handsomely bound in cloth, with ink side stamp and gold back, and is a book which eve'ry person ought to pose~who ha& anything to do with the care of animais. "TF-lE LOCý"AL PAPER". The (Local Paper) comass las%, but flot least. Things that happon to oar neighbor ill ever seema to b. more intere sting than t.hings that happen ab a distance from us. Thea local paper everyone miust read bocause aesryone does read it who dlaims to ho anybody. And -Tho Local Paper,' if we Say it who shouldn't, is one of the brghtst town publications we know. ft would improve too if its circulation was larger, for that would mnean more revenue, and more money to invest on 'I Local Paper" improvements. So it le to every readrs interest 10 promote the " Local Paper's' circulation, and the- best way to do it is bo tell your neig hbor of this wonderful club, We expot that mnost of our regular subscribers will avail thenuselvee of this offer, and that many new ones will be added to the lists. As the publishors of the «WITNESS' wouid net guaranitee t0 hold thcir share in this offer open after a certain date, those interosted should immediately avail themsolves of i t. The price, $3 00, with tho accompanying coupon filled out, may be forwarded direct to JOHN DOUGALL & SON, Montreal, or to Please find the sumn of Threè Dollars herewith for which send Tlhe Daily Witness to .., ........ . ..... .... The Northern Messenger to ..... ........................ R Týhe People's Horse, Cattie, Sheep and Swine Doctor to.,,.,, . .... The .T.TE...N.................... ..s..... Y ~Subscribe rs namne .....,...........0........ AXnd address .. *...... ...........e . .e...4.. e a F C) frI . .... ..- - '....... ...... Literary, Notes. Rudyard Kipling'e tirat Just-So story which wili appear in. the Chiristmas number of St. Nicbolaa, je illustrateci by Oliver Herford. It ie the tiret ef a series of ieantastie stories about ani- iThe president ofthtle Royal Acadeiny. Sir EwardJ. Poynter, Le tlie suliject ofan elaborately illustrated article by omoMonkliouse in the Christmas Scibner's. Tbe artist lias selected. for reproduction in this article a num.ber ofl Lie unpuhllihed sketclies. The Adventures of Francois, the ne- novel hy Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, authe" Of Hu1gli Wynne, Free Quaker, xvi lie- gin in ie January Century. IL lea storY OithLe Frencli Revolution, ite liero a foundling and adventurer. The tale is (1ne1 of adventure tbrougbout, but al of it portrayed witli Dr. Mitchell's. keen claracterization and wit. 1. Tlie firet edition et the Cliristmnas nuimber et 1McClures Magazine will be aL epecial Christmas cover, deeîgned liy 1Cliarles L. Hinton. and will contaifl pitre y F. S. Churci. Cliarles Dana, G-ion, Ernet G. eixotto, Corwin knlov;n artiste, as weli as reproductions -01 sone fanions paintînge appropriate toý Lie season. Rudyard Kipling, An- thtony Hope, Charles A. Dana, Robert -Barr, Fila Higginson, Blise Ferry, W. T. Stead, and the dietinguisheui Asian explorer, Dr. Sven Hedin, will lie am- onig the contrihutore to tie number. A COMPANION FOR. ALL AGES. A genteman who used te read Tlio Youtli's Companion whlen a boy, and reads it witb the sanie intereet now that loie j a middle-aged man, was asked the other day if lie had not ont-' g rown Tlie Companion. I don't believe, said lie, that I can ever outgrow it. I fiiid in it not oniy the uery, liopeful spirit et youth, but the wissdom and I experience of age. I like it just as nv ucli as wlien I was a boy, thoug1i perliaps la a different way. But I know that it ie the saine Youtli's Com-' panion with wiich I grew.up, for my boys and girls like it as wall as ever I dîid. IL is a good -paper to grow up wîtbi.. The Youtli'e Companion xiii contain tlehe ett fauglit of the hest th'inkers of America and Europe dur- ing 1898. It will print serial and short sonies ot absorbing intereet, and true tales of adventure, The varions de- partinents of the paper will bo a cur- rent record of the best work tiat îs being done in the world. Present readers of The Companion wlio renew their subsciptiens. and ail new euh-' scribers, wiil receive f ree a heantif ni illustratet calendar, printed in twelve colore, and embossed in goid. It je the -ic-heet and costlieet caienclar ever sent te, ,onipanion aubseribers. New sub- ecrbeewill re cive Tie-Companioni e ry week frein i iime the eubscrip-' tîeýn is received ntil Janhlary. 1898, axdtien for a fu year bo JanuaIy,' 89.An illustratod prospectus of The Comllpanion for 1898, may lie lad iy addressing. Ferry Mason & Comipany, 205 Col)umbus Ave., Boston, Mass. The o.pening article in the Pecember Atliantic je by Paul-Leicester Ford, an- tlior of The Hon. Peter Stirling 'and The Stevy of an Untold Love, and w -ýho ow ccupies a prominent position amn,,ig American stery writers. Ho discusses tlie American Historical No- vol iaving been himiseif for many years a painistaking student of our bis- tory, as xveli as a etory writer, and Le especially equipped for treating tbis snbject. Ho makens an interesting statement of the portions of Ameni- cau history that our noveliets have euccesstully illusirated' and intimates to vbat extent eur history lende ibseif té sucb treatment. A remarkable pa- per tram the pen of Henry G. Chap-. nian le entWed Belated Feudalisin in America. It je an inquîry into the na- ture of American institutions and an estimate of liow far they differ frein those of ail preceding social and poli- ticai organîzations. T his paper, taken w-th the second instamment ot The CoI(ning Literary Revival by J. S. TI Tunison, wio makes a guesei as te what _f- telasting x of ur U e 5v,,to. an1fd w-bat the scope efthtle next great p(oet's werk wil h, torm an interest- ing estimate of tlie past and the fu- tueof Americani letters. Colonel T. WX. Iigginson, soveral cliapters et w bo:)se reminiscences bave already' ap- peared in the Atlantic, contributes the iret ot anether series te tlie VI eern- ber issue, this one telling et Literary Londen Twenty ýYears Ago. It le Written in lie author's liappiest vein and is full of buman eympatliy and quiet humnor. Twe short stories %p- pear in, thie issue. Loti ot w -hi,'h are of unusual quality. Frem a ilattress Grave by 1, Zangwill je a pathetio strhalt fic'tien and hlait at ofiieh deth of pool Heine. Tlie ther hy CX49T COPY OP WRAPPFTB. s FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE 0F EVLIRY asatorla Io put up i l eu-ste. boeltîs oly. Il la net sold lu bulk. Dea't shlow nyoe te esle yen anythilug else ou the pIea er promis. tliel It lu iijust as geed" sud"diin susweî' svery p'- poe."0 Air Seo that yen get O-A-8-T-O-B- -A. of qze!, bo0ots and Soes. llaving seicured the services of W. JENNING-S, as salesman, wohv begun sclling ont i~te baace(f our Summer Stock 01 ý $hoe tn mike o- ?ýDUr Importations. This is a great opportnity to seor-e goods at your o-wn prices. As the stock must be reduced we shall offer at once- $3000 worth of these goods at sacrifice prices. Ail outstanding accounts must be settled in full by Aug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books must -be squared Up. BOWMANVELLFI. BEA vER -BLocK, Now is the time to look around and see if your f ur garment is in proper order and style. If not, M. Mayer, the Furrier, is the man who can do your work properly, cheap and guaranteed. AWOMAN COBBLEIL.lbore as there. Se I "aine We 1land- fer i?1 sud bave a pair nmade te or- et These, erniriestig sbry 1h. 'The Iatest styles in il ou inluNew York li 4, 1868, labeof et r nfor $1.25; now look v lat lboy have scene etfwb:ch is laid in Sicily. aw y 3Mca El,,izabe-th GUI is the woman an evoniug, abmit 8S <lýock. te pay for them and cee bew they awy on hand. eobbLer of New York cIty. Her litUeo "Wlien 1. jurer came ovor, 1 made ear eut. Wiy, 1 knew a womau sbep lelu I heseinent et 23 Northb uppers, firet by baad mlter liv na- xvhe ionglit a pain et shees for lierasintLedtr-" w'sBrgyorfr J Mer teo.ltue hrsnr cd hine. 1 eaxrned tram 10 le $20) a itie .gir'l the ether day at 49 cents, Young aprnt dtr" hBigyu useary b Moere in bliat way;sthonrwhauurrorama auni tâî tirettlimne the child were te pursue a litorary career." Edilr- oui hy tols and bammering away on a home at nigit, 1 ofbe-i mou 1e a pair eut she geti Ibeni wel ind the soles "ell, yaonng manh, puroue iL.anf you pair et mon's sioes, that she spokeetot o shees. Those w r. the days whon droppad off. They 's re pure paper. ovrcthep k ide l u o bier work,.yen gel $1.50 ton mandiug andt hIlt- Shoeaikers didn't play sncb bricks as me uex." "'I was born aud raisod in North-'bra You en ea, 1madie a lot et ex- ta um a. Hwl orwiagtigo? tr.money in t he eveninge. In Eng-ý "Sbe'e impreviug slewly. She is net e.mpteu, Eugland, and bogan te make lind I novai mî,daoea in C wen-AL ST0 TREES. vieil eneugh le attend te ber beuseold Practical Furrier. shoe whn 1ýva sixyeas od. v- Y-on, sillngsa wek, nd hen1 1duties yel. but yesterday she w-as ont sioes wen wassixyeas ol. E- t-on shilins axxoe, ad xb 1n Inl New Seti Wales, Victoria and shopping."___ erybedy -nado cime il, North- mark Caty 1lthoc ht e1 wadLr -- Tho ai rwsaseis fgmt ampon d clidon oga et an .detha I bonbt w sodrngre-Tasa na gowsa eeris eheuLre, oclor, t tomrate patienl.-"You FAHEjR ampte andchilren bgan t anwagas et trt-c-lassnmon with brades, which, Sic F. von Muelier says, pro-, have ceslight t bnci e aer; your bonunaSHSOFFN sarliy ae te sew on svraps. I hegen sncb as carpauters. In 1878, ton years bably represents "thie tall et ofaIlibas a lhirk ceaI," Patient, excitedly, mest as tier chlîdren, lut as 1 bed eatt'e'r i came ever, machinery for mak- trees et the g1olié." The lottiesl spoci-. --. Oh, dorIen-do bell me, dector, hoxv Dirk-"Tiere's roti like philose- î,n'ý ahees was se mach i mproved that mz fti r ytmàue oesi às-phy le ceuseli Deein mistertune," taste fer the werk t loarnaed soonar. there was no damaud for peO , l e mne hs r.ytniaue ewr tf.1 \iTk0-"Yesprevided et course, it's When I was 13 I made a Pair et i ake uppers. se Ilinng out My sigel h eglte 7 ot.Apotasni il e"Yug mn ysemane thor man's misterlune." ohoes fer my moblier. Tiey tîtted well, i is a, repairer. My sliep was on Mut- Ires, meaeured in Victoria, w as 420 foot (dauýgiter telle me yon kissod lier lest Sbe--Ob, James, liow grand the aea sud ie wre tani er mre tan berry street and 1 iad .Iust as muci long, and 1h. distance frein the reets niglit.ý Per'iival Toell-"Well, ~ic Hx iodru tId elk i asIcol o , eglrprire fer, et the loest branci, was 295 foot. AI cie xanls te go iragging about it roar efthLe oean." IHe-"So do 1. ysac,- But," hors Mrs. GLUI sheok honr,,nopairng and haIt celing new je $1, that point the trnnk vas four foot in lbat's bher privilege."1 Elizabeth. Please keep quiet." head and igied, "vie usèdleather lu but everybody wanue nie te do il; diameter, and 360 feet frein lb. butt "Hqungry Iliggins 1" said the kind Howola1nxn irtrady thoîse days- Ail shoes bad good, solid, cheaPer. Tbey -want te beat nie dewn, lie diameber was, ctliitires feet. The lady. "0f course that il etoleur real 1 ey "Ma I ail no Ed ietb e - honatbaLe sle a biehotei.te 60 conte. I always tel theni Ibat ,wood oethIis Ire. e hlard and oet oood naine ?" "Nom.," answered J1r. Hig-, I on't 500 y; mly paentthouglit- boes gvaat e atnte h.btyeret that price my mabeials canuol ha qnality. il grows quickiy, and yîeids gns;"it's via migit ho called a emPby Emily was quile good ouough." Whougaedstis akto pnde b inrgeed uer will iny work lest. I bale ja great quanbiby et volatile oi f reiomtti.A lawyer rerently vvent mlv the a.nd tie makere ll Ck rie i e do t hecance J bave ne pride in Iils leaves, wbich ara very abundant. surf te bath., and enceuntered a linge evey siboi t le mkîn. slveny jb.SWEET. shark. Tlieir eyes met for an instant, "About tlie lime I was growu a "Thon, tee, the choeseyenxvoar ueshvhakbuse ndsariot are net hait as good as Ihey used le Oh, eweel, inded, tbe signe Ibat bell we lesakhule n wmet tniend ef mine wbo bad corne over te ba. Th.y bave sueli ugîy chapes. Thoso The anîumn's tairîy bore , 1Nervouspaseenger, on steaanship this, country, te work roburned home eues with poiuled tees are horrible. 1Fer sirnp drops froinitlapjacke brexvn c-2YIII j h rur, aground-"Wliat on carti en a vit and begged me te reine The idea et any orl. wanbing a shee nwastasuwapa.~1 ETFRTBEUE is tie malter wiîi tuis slipb". Cap- bac wfti ier I îdnL md, . faI as hae to lche et IboI - ~GEST FOR TABLE USE tin, eorrowflly-"Tliat's met ilti" teeabtteiwiir tsyarbnrt.ea-1Tbe. ae weîhigsjuthewoîse 1 ~Spegs-"Was il net disgraceful, lie t! cme Se ~xsie sd eidI xpnsve.Wb, n y dy ldyimreiarentt-IinN'he inrohe dte-ay n1" hSnggs"Isoud ink ilr asked lber Ut I ceuld make a living ly se geed, tlbey are very inuolimore! iupon which tiare lias novar beaen y CANDA SLQrAOCIA T/ON, CLINTON, ONT._ w-ay inxvbcbSiggs Isnould i cini Doond lmêW.Lbxice as good a living ould buy a beautitul pair ot aimese kissng. wae . Wly. lie woke us ail up." Oi$IdirenCyfo lats and Gents' Furnishings efore the rush commences. Ilis last application.-Housekeeper -' Here is a telegrain., Your npe is dead." Property owner, with a growl,-" Humph ! Now, 1 guess. lie 3wants money to bury himself w ith," Rev. Dr. Saintly-"What a diligent littie man you are with your studios 1" Willy-"«Yes, sir; Jamn trying to leara to read, se that I can utbena mmes o~f the horses that win." Ail ini the family-Well, the widow sued the editor for lible." -Get any.. thing 1" "One theueand ponds. But she didn't have lb long." "Why?" "The editer married ber." "We hear musIc ever at your boeuse ail tlie turne, Jenkins." -Yes; our cook lias been taking lessons in physi- cal culture, and sie won't ivash a dish twitheut somehody playing on the piano." Motlier-"You should conseIýt to ]et lier marry him. Tliey bav e twe- hearts that beat as one." Fatlier-"Yes, 'md 5two minds witbout a single ti Dugit, 1 shall enter no objection atal W*ic - ~a s'ütrIaP 4jAvýetabIepreparationlbrAs-, shniiating theTod andReg uta- 'lness and Rest.contalns neitther Opî(ýuuMorphînnk nor lIftwal, (NOT NÀRCOTIC. tion, Sour Stomach,DiarrJýôea. iicsa and Loss OF SLEEn 7au siinl.Signature 99

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