J h ~ taes anobstacles to its advacornent. ment of this sacred musiê, and the first TheC LdI4UdIian-tts.a i ,dra-w the irt arumentforth e tat It bas heen inapressad into the! importance of sacred music froui the evc fstn Ianfrfo e tact that God commanded it Through leigta ui uh lvy ob \VEDNESDAY, I)EC. 14 1897, PulHeteleustoadenshOfS 1 religions. Refined art has other in psalms and hymange and spir- I pl ptively hr uicbsb itual songs; through David Hfieapnd lce wee uscha he ecularized, and lawfully so. The ou, 9 ne oGd i 1 ig drawing room, the concert, by PiRI8I~~ IIE LOR dos o th eath. An thre rethle gratification of pure taste and tbe bundedsof oherpasagesI mghtproduction of harmless amusement and nameprovng tat itis a muc a m improvement of talent, have-be-ý A CNSDERTIN 0 T4E UsC mns duty to sing as it is bis du ty ýorne great forces in the ad-vancement QUESTION IN CHURCHES. 'toraycommndsdi thýink there areiofour civilization, Music bas as muc h thnthere are to pray. God not only ihtolu nSreygiPs Keadahe an reli,. ai lb.troubai *5~ l'ama". ?avo~ <,cgresalenal than thesuman ut fo thn aSttolJralin S. Inu's. I the ging1 .< " o s.abillous staSeof Lthé,e"ise, uch sa 11ev. D«Tlam ae C19eaIMRLasks frtehmnvoie, btfr db3ýom of nature we have the glad fifinge nease.Drowslness. Dîctrensaaftsr Mngg Importance 01 aered i slse instruments of music. He ask<s for o h ida ela h ogmtr oe j_ jlte Sda, &o. Wletheir ipoast ftewn swl steln ee jmakal.uco ba bsa he1 n ourleS andi goe et aise obstacles te tg Ad- the cymbai and the harp -and thelpsalm of the thunder, but while al vaemn.,trumpet i And I suppose thatin the1 thie le so, every observer has noticed day otthechuchthehar, th eu e that this art, wbich God intended for 11ev. Dr. Talma"e preached oni Sin- the trurqpet and ail the instrumlents, the improvement of the car, and the ~,n'iu iveaday morning from the text Il. Chiran- of music that have gîven their chief. c, anthhedsdtehrtba 'Igiualby'ro A1ualePui ontiatrn. fxre ies, v., 13; It came even to pass as aid to, the theatre and, bacchana L 1Il often ben mresed antothe ervicea als c'rec a iso or cfmestosC thhrmptrond sner e b rought hy their masters anr. l 1a 1iof error. Tartini, thenmusical comnposer, s d tie ow, at e, to m akte an sner ta e down at the feet of Christ athe 'bn, dreamecioeenight that satan snatch- t. l . ) fr.r n r gul te a u n n e d u th c h rc h s tr u m p o n ed fro m h i e h a n d a n in s tru m e n t a n d _5 Ë,.ou c beard in praising and thanking the bier way from suffering into -,-jry. played upon it something verv sweetli Lord." "riey h od" Bas lm adream that bas often been tulfilled The temple was dons. It was the wthyrvoc.PaseHm ihinth A tbywuibea'eotpele g iet vrychru f ilmaniicnc adstringed instrumente and with or- ordy h oc u h instru- âý c rfi ýlee@ta heu ver chous f al mgnifcene ad 1ment that eught have heen devoted toe s rf hi .igCom-e gans. ICrs 4 it teythl goodnsoes ose t su pemp. Spiendor crowded againet spien- I draw another argument fori the capid.tote red om se c in.c a ere,éa those who oeo .try them wirll fin&iprac o edeociefo h elîtttepillevaluable 50 man waysthel dor. t was the diamond neckiace of imprtaivnesof th exerie. fro heapie o the bt rpeobs e of n Sm swilI net Ibe - lle , o wthu to the earth. From the buge pillare mrssvnsso h eecce o nth ear obsctacbs neTen an inor- know something of what secular dnt ero rtcs.Tevs a rat&Il us ie:te o.]j:te rhboncumae~dthg teihocucru te ofte~opl1ae snitiha r evi croc ned with leaves and f owerg and'bymns, and while they have liveýd in jorît fpel igigi hrhnv rows and snuffers made outi of pure peace a great while, these two old e al nbd let erte geld evrytingwas s cmpite s people, and we have ne right te di-sn.Eryoyiwatgorone golvorceethemnBorn ass eobaveteeas body else to do hie duty. If w eal sang VhUe-cersdenot wousd e drove teaaseLn'rest Lrvm ur.pilaitlur eril mdtige ,vahofcuhm- Cad.ery qaey tTez ake. On. waree nuis yen had alighted on the mountains. artiste ln u euday, we eught net to ie ed eut. God aske you te do as well as 0*ý.oge. Thy are strictly vegotab o and do The day for dedication came. Tradi- tempted eut of the sphere et£Ch is- yorn nt ep rnIfyg thewl r i ilot gri1p or purge, but by thslp gentle action tHa will tn or-u eekiico- I o" ell Who use thons. In vlîait28conte; tion says that ther e cresui secrated sounids. It is absurd for a gsve any deficiency of the ear and imn- Iur 81Ï!, Sld eyerywhr, or sient hy MII and around about the temple millouaire tu steal. perfection ef the veice. Angels wil Qk,,lI goflI0., 1Fw Tosi s netluhi o hudls or lc ~~,, ~~~, ~on that day two hundredti os Many of you are illustrations of wvhatin luiifynsudloeorpac liII3flII JA~Itrumets fery tousad hrps1 a acrti sng an d. Treug It inuthe musical scle or corne lu at the malmeRssver tuptfrytosn ap,1asce ogcnd.Tr hto close a bar behind. Thero are three ___________________________ forty thousanti timbreis andi two hun- w ere hrougbt into the kingdom et Je- sehools et singing, I arn tolti-thýe Ger- drd--o-a---iges.Se that ai] sus Chriet. You stood eut againet the man echool, the Italian sehool and the ON'AR O B .N demd moustrasionsu ssldr g and the argument oet1the pul- French echool ef singir.g. Now, I wouid ON A I , A I orotn eemnorting ar sedorwitb Chrutswhen lu the sweet words et Ilice te add a fourtb e.uhool, and that ru'tsnuesoôdo a General BnigBsns!ta sti ra on Topflady, tWesleo Jh e wtosn o is the sobool ef Christ. The, veice ef a bowmanviiîe Agency. Bnsgiuîeta.A h~getsut surged up to your seul. thon yeu surrendera cotie broken beart, atog it may aîth rcosso et the tem- ,asnet be able te stand hurnan critic- IDEPOSITSardteprcestne thrir. an armed castle that couid net lhe ta- isrn, makes better music te Gods ear Oceve ý« Syla aBan Dparmoit ndonpie, it muet have seernet ikete i arkn by a host lit ts its windew tea lis- than the meet artistie performance an leterest allawed atourrent rates, NoOf life dashing agaînst the amthyst e tn e a harpestil hntehat swnig o al lfofwthdrawalnecosiary. Ml deposits of the wal et heavan. The seund arese There was a Scotch seidier dylugln ou thse beaste, on the cattle, on the labe ndrnndandi Goti, as if ta show that He was Ne rleans, auni a Scotch minhister dragons te praise Hlmi, and we eught whic Hiecarne tn te give hlm the consolations net te be hehindth ie cattle andth te EXCHANGE pieased with the music wietHi o the gospel. Tha man turnati ever dragons. Eunghtand soldanadDrattasosued npon urop cid Untl esîan i Canada, alsoa nid, Sîîverand ojire make lu ail ages, drop- on bis pillow andi said, "Don't talk te Anothar obstacle lu the advancernent UntedSta.es Green baokE!bonzht and @nd pad lute the midst oft the temple me about religion." Theu the minis- of thie art bas been the erroneous ne- COLLECTIONS[ a cioud et gîory se evorpewering ter began te sing a tamiiar hymu tien that tbis part efthte service couiti Preipty mdea o ou ,11 1 tat he ffiiatng riets ereob-that was composed by Davidi Dicien- Ps c,,ductedi by daiegations. Churches Pr'mtî measunient; rates op 201 pr tatteofctigpes eroh son, [eginning with the words: have said, "Oh, w'hat au easy time we UJ Great Frittal tise'United lState, an 110 liged te stop in thse mîdtote s er- Ohb, mother, dear Jerusalem, sa ae Temnar'iid he T ILvices. %Vhen shahl I cerne te thea? preachiug and the choir wiii do the elegnOfaphad a nsesThr mbas mc discussion as He sang it.to the tune et DunticE., and Ilsingiug, andl wa wili bave uothing te denforiarge osmail suadoanparof ta as he began te sing thse dying sefildier do" Andi you knoýv> as wail as 1. that' lare o emilsum onattpa to.t where music was hemn. 1 th5tnk turueo ver on his piliers and sAdt eteeaeaget uttd tcuce yeron ivîng in Maniloba or the Northwesb, that at thse beginning, "when tise mern- .tise minister, "Where dil you learu ail tbrough this land whera the îpe- ti toc a b u tassn oete n i the that?" "W hy" repiieti the minister; peatlt ig h hi laceo ai pa ent. "m mothtrrsaugnt me that" "Sedtiti okle oua dpeetin.Te to o therparticulars Cali at the bank. 1 sous et God sbeuted for ;oy," tPe earth m oh tuh i bt"wri ocby dlgainofurr K. L. FOIITT UEO. McGILL, jer h co h iu~o hc mine" saiti the dying solder, andth six or tan persons, andi the audience Accouiiantt Manager. te aug hetsodTe clbratentPe cat- tu rnaiati thnet bis beart was up- 1aresclient, ln euch a church in Sy- the nges stod o ceebrte te cea himsreit ntehrist.aud tiera ho yielded i racusa, an" oîleider jersisted inlusiu- B WM N ILE IYCEwa. thse birthplace ofsong. The Isleto rst. Oh, b as an hav ingand so the choir appointed a cern- i OIA YIL IYL tr ta lte tngtaeoniy rssil su! uhrssroshaemteet oad asic the eiderifh wlih Gd'sfinerspia th mulu e wiil orgotten but bis Jutigmeut W CIidnetstop. bu hnow that lu -N -se rnany hays et celestiaiî pearl On Hymu sings on through thse agers and mauy chuchatis hi r xet General'sfi REPAlaIRh, msicOfP.llkeep on singing until the biset ,t dail turhes hcihlr are te get Geneal EPA R S OP.the epheres, Inanimate nature la full of the archangei's trumpet shah hbring omasslofthse people an~ xed te e XAI~I~4IIl'LJ Gode trige ani ingd.instru- aotta eydywihtebm , silent, anti if you utter your veice yen Oftodcelebratesd ingdI l s.i to Godtita ynare itreig nta hrhte PradlcajtIaisîîeîTooî1~Ikeg mente. Silence itseit-perfect silence 1wouîd take these songs ., avte ntreig utia hrhte Machînîst, Tol Makei;ý d, i tise four, with orjera glassesi Loc~ndGumih,-les only a musical reet in God's great as messages from heaven, fe'r ~s as danglîng at their si'le, sinrging "Rock anthem ot wership. Wind among the cetii a h id ruhofoit f Ages Ciatt for Me," wlth the came leaves, insect hummlng lu thse sumnmer Flujais y the rok Cbrith 1e1teuî'spirit that the night betore on the stage c luger harmonies God sent tiying ta 1tbay teeh their part lu the -"Grande Speelal ManIlnery for handling- Bicycle R, air, the rush et hiibow' upon tie beach, 1yeur seul with tise breatioetIlita. OpenI Duchesse," or ",Don Giovani." pairl:ng in ail its branches, anti al Fine Machin. the ocean far eut seundings Its ever- your ilouthesud tahe it, O bungry My Christian f riand, bavè we a rsght ery. lastîng peaims, the hebolink on the Elijai!t 1 1have aise neticed tme porser or ý,sa- tS elagate te etisers the dissibargaet CYCLISTS.-Have ynnr wheeis put lu triai edge et the foreet, th&e quail wistliig, creid seng te soothe perturbatian oyau this tiuty whiob Gerl demande et us? thoreAghly practieal mae}ilnist. ut) from tise grass, are music. Wbiie may have came in hore witb al*gea Suppose tisat four woedlthrushes pro- Bloyeles, Lawn ssawers, Sewing machines, visiting Biaokwell's islanti 1 heard, meny werriments and auxieties,3 yet 1 posa te do ail the singing.soe bright acks, Typowriters, Rifles, Cutiery, Leeks, coming frorn a window ofet telnti haps lu thse singîng of the tfirst day wisen the woods are ringing witb Elecrie eli, DetolantiSurhcalInsrumetshymu yen lest them ail. You bave birdl voices. It is decideti that four BafetrLee, Dcu ealand rialst rumentailasylum, a vemy awoèt song. It was Lreat-inl ieBbeaiSu nibwwoodthrushes shah dOo al,the siugiug kindo, suug by one who Lad, lest bier raason, ho was Sadi anti angry, anti howtie u iefoetLaaietrvlcshp 94ARKET BUILDING, aniIhvcont eivétt even boy Davidi came in antiplayeti tise vil I silaut How eauty ineuslie towr tise derangeti ant i dsordereti elements spirit eut et hlm. A. Spaulis kingloh ie lle ru eahly hefin e sBt shaw -as nmelancisoiy. The windows: were f longhwist youldkae tis orettifor- Iowmanville et nature weuid maire music taoOur ail cioseti. Ho sat in tise damknese hCrs wudcm nt htfr ear if e only hati aoutaness eneugis Netbing couîti bring hlm forth until nti oku>a ' oht imui I.. o o 1< I-I e re ~te listait. I suppose that even tise Francc came anti discourseti music h lieatiHIludwv HePn L o o k - H E3. r e oulin ntistatae discordantfo three or tour tiays te hlm. On tbo anti cay. "Let avarytbing that bath an arpulsive mahe bammony lu God'c tourtis day ho looed ei) anti weptand i batb, praise the Lord,."' andi, heep- - I ux.Youknowtha yo ma cam reaicti, ntitPewinows eretbrwn ng time with the stroke et innumer- Befre uyig o putin upanyear Yo knw tat ou ay omeah]la wings, there would ho 5000 bird Befor buyng o puting p an se te n orchestra that tise open, anti that whicis ail tise plenders icseaignttsearoy "Fene see the Gem Wire Fence, 'sounds ar re painful susteati et plea- net tise court ceuiti net do tisemusier the cheapest and nostdurablefenee curable, andtbinthu that we stand of ceng accemplisheti. If yen hbave i Suppostise bagtin tmucl on heînake. armrscaeaslysenear1 devastatsng starm and auxtoe-anti warriments, try this performars ware tireti et ieaven. Sup- on thrigisteu., whimîwindnewe caulot heaveniy cisarm upun tisem. Do enet 1pose that four choice spiritessouiti try build it. Farmers should see thse. hear that which makes te God'cs ar sit down ou tise bank et tisa bymu, lte do tisa singing efthtie upper temple. febnce 'at Thos. Paseoe's near Eldad andthie ear efthtie spirite ahove us a. Put piumge lu, tisat tise devil etf caÎ8e Husis, naw; tismonas anti dominions anti qoir R. fi. Callacott's, 5th Con. j08. music as complote as it is tremuti- rnayPsho rought out of vau. principalities! Davidi; ho stili; thougis 1 DUS. Lt aise areuses te action. ro you lou w-are tisa "sweat singer et Israei;" Wlght's, Darlington, and at 1 propose te speak about sacreti net know that a singiug churchis seai- 1Paul, keep quiet; tisaugis you bavelcorne 4 P TE~ UR OC 'S music, tiret showing you its Import- ways a triumphant cisurcis? If a con- I te that crewu et rejoicing. Richard PE E IRuCIaco anti thon stating cerne of ts rgto eciettrn ieae-Baxter heep stili, theugi tisis is tise ________________agent__forDurham__cises or partialîy client, it is tiese i-i "Sainte' Evemiasting Rast." Four spir- Bow anv lîe ag nt or urh m.lence et death. If when tie ym n ile its neow do al tisa siging. but how MAD M A ANgiven eut yen hear tise faint hum etr'long would beaven ba quiet? How long? ,M XAE LESASITM ANIUEa y to Take bore anti thorea afatiser andti moete Hllis t"wemud cr tse lariet DIsmaci xVhile tise vast rnaority are si- Maisde thfemr!" untir ts aitar. 4LL.Noro's isCa,- us M-lent, tisat minister et Christ :cho l Baiets Lr " 'ud sigts g eyAbuse o th ie xcsumu etc con presît' neeodete bave a very strong martyrs from among tise tismenes: by bu orother OF lices.,ansid u- 1a y o 0%pe at u he"Thanks ha unto Goti. who givetis us itoLe it a ity l in,1d or oo.un 9constitution if hoetines net9 Suaoortuyb"iness or marrnage. r otrspcla a od îî.Sml echilIs. Ho neetis net enly tisa graceofe ievceyJ ma utttee a Rehen onu ityadotsmpm,.. sizAe, tatueela Ho' Ple mlli tdeemeti spirits veutd dry; myriatis et 'a su ;ntie. hi .shws iediaonsompIo Bzetstl seffiient, t]loreugh , Âoesman Çodh ut nerves iie xvlaleborse. ~vsecmo ots sreyat V'ltad effect aCU E iwhere a aai sO e l-- eo g h owdssorge pail te ir dtoices! thie 14,000 brcaing oth nte eue an- t pounhaving tise geasibue AjuxTl' t.iTh.enuh e1 7 -e l teirdtif X Tt 'o"'d1";hthetisay0c0amation. iStop rth louti nsenglng 9lî@s Uarlttneausec s:cr es iecrett tp hn.Te autba e eti in- o xuur i as weians that > z j aCexcusas us. ,ise n an easy pers we pills, Iu obstinate cases, wheie 'a pur antcntnhiaceochcspal record ne ether remedy can cannot do tisis duty Paît se weii as gative je necessary, three pillrwille g ifice bas erne owf rah 'at showv. Von 'waste time andi wien uprigst ce tisrew eur ,rshoe foud sffiien. hes pis laveno witi tisa devotions et other g-cern- money when yeutake anytbing Poyiti.LaousogPlhen4 funlesufint. ee j av n ( acclamation et victery. Yen baveaa .tons-tunas ne more wern oac't lan te purify tise blooti except rigbt te sing. Do ne ',uirrenrtier vo'r unplesantaftereffc'iswen our greatgrandfathers c!Îrmbeti One pli! taken ench night during so ier rmties'P e 5 glery? Boar ,)Id seuls, le %-tis 'v ised h .R . -ue asne thirty &tys will -cure constipation. te singi Andtinsutnosa days thereM11- ri ----- "- P .P.R Ps eue asne rates eue cent s-en a numPer PRt'Cg 20 CENTS OR 5 FOR $1.00. certan tune as iedt lit crtaie 0f Its . esteru ")r inc'P lnos. ChUldren Orv for PIteharr. CastaAa. GRAND WDRK FRMi ANT People in Every Walk of Ltaf Acknowledge Uls Success. WO,'RDS PROM THUB I-IART WeII-known' Citizens Testify To 8reat Benof Ils Recolved. FROM BROAD. HOMCEOPATHY Get Munyon's Guide te Healsh cuti Cure Yotsrsolves with a 2.5-Cent noem- edy- Positive and Permanent Cures for Catarrh, Ilhumnatbsm, Dyspepsia, Liver and i Kdney Troubles and Ail Speciai Blooti and Norvous Diseuse,. Mr, William Darmen, 767 Gerrardc street est, Tes-acto, Canada, sys : "For soven years 1 was a great sufferer frons blattier trouble. 1 wss treateti hy pisysiciens eud lses! ail kinds of patent mecilcines eud locai treaiments but witbout acy ermanoul melleÏ Adised by s risud,1 *I decisied te glve Mun- 1yon's llladder Cure a trial. Prom tise VerY flrst T1saçierlenceti great relief, and Afier eslsxg lois iban ans 25c. hottie I have bsec Conspleteiy cured. As I iacket Confi- dence lu Muyon's itedies tise resmît te mse baibseau simpir wendemfnl. Mneyon's ltisenmalc Cure esoldom is o b e' ,,eVe inone ta titre. heurs ses! sures le a iew ie Prise 25e. Muenyon's tDyspepsiea Cure positIvety cures ail tomme nf Inîdigestion ami s tomsusittroubles., 1'rice 250. Munyon's Colt Cure provint, pacuoucla seç breaks op a colt lua afew boums. Pries, 25e. Mlunyoe*s Ce,,gh Ctire stops coogits, nigisl su sets, îiiays soreess andspiedîli'biais lthe longs. Prise 25c. MeunyonaKldney Cote .Opeeiiily euOnS pelai Ie lthe hock, loins. dr rolIns, andi Rit forlas ,ff klidny diseuse, .FrIse 2St': Mlo3on's Nerte Cors stops nervousness ced i blits up tis ystem. Fries 25. Me1mon'a Headicse cote Stops bh'iati Idsl, titres minutes. Frics 25e. Monyonne File Mutient ptssltively ceires RI foinsg of piles. Frise 25e. Msoyon's Blond Cure ii'ates IIi mpiritlls of the biset. Price 25c. Meoyons e scale Ilemedles are a bode 10 ai1 ws'nien- Mueyee's Catsrrh flemedies nirer fi. 'Iho Cstamnlî Cure-pile 25c.-eradicatee titi diseuse. tram tise sYstin. and lthe Catorrit Tablels-srîcO £5o.-eiîusse and heul lthe parts, Munyon's Asthme Ilemetiles nreleIntitres minutes and cure pei'maetty. Prise h. Munyones Vltalizer, a great Iole aend me etorer -of vitl ti.sreegti t»teweak:people, $1. A aiseetuatscre fer eacs diseuse., At ail dmag: Fls mosIv 5cnsavaeoilaletere la Prof. Munyoil, il Alberti Street. Tort'o. ont, answirtawttbî f 105 IttitI RUBBERS &OVERsIioE RIGHT UP TO DATE În style, quality, fit and popularity are the wel known goods of ýTHE CANADIAN RBE O ...O6F MONTREAL ..,. Standard Neyer Lowered." ALL DEALERS KEEP -11IEM. BOulAX ONLY$15 By speclal arrngement relsho pubhlîbers we as-e enabiait fa't-e n-scnAsm CULIttIST, the beedlng agrieltura eei etoIt filiddle State, jeclub wittîh stpt at atm exceedittgly iew figute. TlieAMTus5liGN AoxmcufLTTuxs-sv e rmarkable tor thse va- sia'tand inbtturait of ts contents, and le un. do,, b cedty lte best and ti actaetbapaper of !teg~id ITk:RM FTtRSok, ar ing, Ra-tîcemi urery, itaske tGas-dan- iug.ý anti other topice, writtems by prastical aidsescessini faýrmers, srsppîemaîteti Wltll Illiueeratiosbiy abîseartIsts, comibIstetoe as it invaltable te those wise"tas-m iteroi alivitîg."1 TheiLacest Markets anti Colmnierclal A ri- c u l t u r e a r a f ea t e s u s i n w r e l i e s T E G I t î ,- T(jRuler s unîxcellud. THE FAMILY FEATUREýýz, ls: a etast li, to>'Wtm'k, LTise Oued Cook, Puzzle Conteste, Library, Coýrnesiisud Foing Folks' Page, combine te' maku titijs Depar- ment et as muoli value antdi bte-est as mit et thse Spacial Fambly Papes YEAR BOOK Ail sending tIsait subscript iý nsimaae ty, untiereus- clubbing offer, as-e saetei paîtp aid, wbtis the AMEICxAOSS ( ":IcULPtIi- IST Feas-Book anti Almana ero r 198 ,Tts gruat boeok et 650 pages is A Cyclopedia of Progress and Events of the W îd A Guide lu Markets, Mar- keting and Pruces, It ia Treass-ry eoSaf siarevîito darlte, for Fat'm or Reote, arnd Office or i'cey Retes-ence Wes-k on Every Subject Pranc te Agriculture, Iertusts-y, Commerce anti Mar- kate; Public Affaire, Ecenioies anti Pelitîca; Hl.euld Etismation, Religion anti Soety. St le aise au Almanne et Calendes-s, lise 'W'atlier, Astronomicai Data, Rinti tes- Each Mositi, Dates, etc. [UFA SAMPLE COPY g-el turist, mgzn orwlemaileci to yon by aticrasing tIsa AlUIERICAN AGRIetU-bo- TURIST,JNew VYs-k. Our SPECIAL Ofr OFFICE OF~ RR. DICKEY, Cierk 5th Division Court. Agent for beSt Insurance Companies. Forest, Ont., Oct. 12, 1897. THP, SLOAN MEDICINE Co., DEAR SIRs :About two years, ago I suffered from an attack of bilious diarrhoea which became chronic andi threatened my existence. I used several kinds of patent medicines and was trea ed by my faaily physician but was'flot cured until J1ised your Sloan's Indian 17onie. It helped me at once and I continued to improve and 110W enjoy perfect health. I can heartily recom- mend it to ail troubled as 1 was, or in aeed of a general invigorating medicine, R. R DICKEY, J. P. For sale at ail dealers or address tise Comspany at ilamilton. Price $1.00 per bottie; 6 botties for $5.00. *Are out again this season in e * and in ail the new Shoe Shapes, * up to date, but with the same old * like iron' quality that has always * acterized them, because they are * estly made of pure Rubber. D E SURE YOU CET CHANBYS THIS right igwear Schar- 9hon- YEAR Awà ab"m Amr& àm-mkmý Am, &wj,,mý