Whenou cnsiertht te regniar price o eleaek ly alone is $4 a yEýar, you can readily see what a splendid offer it is we are making. Leslie's Weekly is the oldest and best established of the grbat ilustrated New York journals. It is the most popular and mast enterprîsing _;-itsillustrations -are of the highest erder-andare superh- ly printed. There is no important event happening, oither athme or abroad, but that a Leslie representative isaon liand to-- chroniele-.witli -peu -andpnel Remit $3 to this office and you will receive both papers for one year . THE STATESMAN, ---BwlalÎ14Ot Th ,f Tc ac 4natue, Z; eà9., Z es7 g~îr - itïis wlth m Iuch pleasure thiat [ testf- Chase 120> cCpie8 Of the- Annnlal Repart fy tq the value of your wonderful Paine's the Ontario Educational Association. Celery Compound. I was a great sufi- On motion of Messrs Davidalon and erer 'from severe attacks of neuralgia Lee, $1.00 was granted ta the Janitor in the left ovary. At times the attaek for services during session. as 50 acute that I -thought I would Moved-i hy- Dr.--Tilley, -secondedibe- lose my reason. Mr. W-0-d, that- We -discontinue -the "Sevral octos tratedmeand- I-practie of ede eegtat he was a patient in St. Joseph's Hlospital, Provincial A-oaod arif llamfiltôpn. Iohta ined no relieëf from Co-nvention then adjourned. medical treatment, The doctors said unless I had the ovary taken away 1 ~ TI G could uot be cured. E ITSi "Instead of snbmitting to the opera- tion I nsed Paine's. Celery Compound, and I am thankful your valulable medi: Mye. Piper, who resides in Cornish'a block,~ cdue cured Inie J feel like aý new wom- King street east, having secured a Knitting iaere of the latest Mahe, is p: piýrred ta an, andi 1 would like ail sufferers to do ail ksnds (-J Knitt ng on reagonable terme. know jnst what -this great meidicine has Ail sizes, ribbed and plain, also stockings dloue for me." and socks refooted. A cali solicited. A meeting of the Patrons of the Hampton Oheese Factory will be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on SÂTURI)AY, IJECEMBER Ilth, 1897, AT 2 O'CLOOR, P. M. for the purpose of receing the report and closlng up thb e past season s business, P. L. TILTS, Sncretary. Hampton, Nov. 26th, 1897. TheAnnal eneral Meeting Of the ha'e holders of the HAMPTON IITTEIu AN D OHEESE Mainufaetnrin)gCompany 0>f Darlino- ton, Llmited, will ho heliln the TOW-- HIALÎ, HAMPTON,on SATU.RDAY, DECIIER jlli, 1897, AT 3O'CLOCK,il.m , for the purpose of electing a Board o (f leor to serve for the ensuhng year and Éi e ta1 ae of such uther business as ma rpel!orne before the meeting. F h LLSSueretary, Dat"d at lrp' N.eh17